software license compliance with dell kace

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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Hi my name is Dave and I work with Dell. Hope this helps you get going.





Software License Compliance with Dell-KACE

This is to help with managing Software License Compliance with Dell-KACE. Software Licensing compliance is a very important aspect of your operations. If you lose track of your installed software titles and their specific licensing terms and time periods can lead to lots of problems. As listed here.

Luckily there is an easy way to manage all of this with the Dell-KACE solution. With our software you can automatically see your inventory of software. It will help you keep the control you need over your environment without exposing you to unnecessary risks or extensive man hours with other programs trying to figure out who has what, etc.

Now let us have a look at how to get this set up. After installing the program a detailed software and hardware inventory check is done and is done every 15 minutes thereafter. In this screen you will see a complete list of the computers in your network and you can scroll up and down to find the one you are looking for or you can use the search function to more easily locate the machine.

You can very easily click on the computer and see a detailed list of that machines particular set up. This screen will show you hardware info and installed software.

Also, we provide a comprehensive view of all of your software titles here along with the number of machines each particular software item. Just like with the Computers tab from slide 3 you can also search for specific programs without having to scroll through the entire list.

In this example we searched for every program that has the word “Photoshop” in it.

Another outstanding feature we provide you is the ability to group your machines together to tell you which systems have what kind of software. Here you can see we are grouping them by “Software Titles” and we are searching for all machines with the software titled “Limewire”. Obviously you don’t want to have that program in your system with the security threat that it is so we can label it in the “Choose label”. More on that in slide 12.

Now with this software label created we are able to push out software to this specific label. In this case we are going to push out an uninstaller for Limewire. You can do this to remove and update software for each label. To bring up other software programs on a group of computers simply type in the program you wish to search and click “Test Smart Label” and those machines will appear below.

The ability to track and manage software licensing information from a central location is fundamental. Dell-KACE makes this possible in the Asset tab at the top. In that window you can very easily create a new asset. In this screen you can input the title of the software, when it was purchased, and the expiration date and other important licensing details.

For measuring the use of the software our program has a Metering feature that allows you to track a particular software program over a 12-month rolling period. This will let you track individual software titles according to the processes that they perform.

After the metering has begun we can track the number of times the program was started, how many minutes it was in use, and the last date it was accessed. This is going to help you see who really needs, or doesn’t need a specific piece of software and who actually really uses it.

Once you find software you want to add or remove we can use the Distribution function to perform that task. Under the Manage Installations tab we can do automated software installations or removals. When clicking on the Choose Action drop-down-menu we can easily select the task we’d like to perform.

With a simple single page interface that requires no 3rd part software we can go ahead and do whatever needs to be done for the specific software and machine or labels we’d like to make changes too. You can also automate it so that if anyone does add Limewire, or a program like it, again the system will automatically deploy an uninstaller to that machine.

The last item we will cover is the reporting. Here reports can be easily and quickly created for whatever you need and create it in a variety of different formats. These reports can also be scheduled so that you receive the ones you need automatically at your desired time. Hope you enjoyed this slide and that it helped you get started!

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