softly rippling music – sentimental by kenny g click to change slides

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Softly Rippling

Music – Sentimental by Kenny G Click To

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In The Autumn of our lives when things seem to surround, if we

listen very closely we can hear a

wondrous sound.

The voice of our Creator speaking

in our heart, calling us to

listen setting us apart.

In the Autumn of our lives there is a soft rippling in

our mind.

Fruitful seeds have been sown as the Lord God claims us for His


Drawing us to His side to prepare us as His Bride.

In the Autumn of our lives, softly rippling in our

mind is the Truth of all we have known and of

what we have been


Bringing quietness in the

night is the radiance of the

Lord knowing in His heart we

were with Him from

the start.

He brings stillness to our

soul and His Love to us is known

for it has always been shown.

In the Autumn of our lives perhaps we see clutter all around and confusion and pain is


In fear we wonder what’s in store and in our hearts we feel so


But in Repentance and Rest we will have God’s


Our lives are not ended, there is so

much more when we open up the Door, only

then we will understand as

Heavenly Hope comes shining through setting

us free for all we are meant to be.

In the Autumn of our lives softly

rippling are the memories we often

want to hide, causing us to fear that perhaps the

Lord doesn't hear.

Yet in our Heavenly Fathers Love He wants to draw us

near to take away our fear.

He always understands and holds us Lovingly

by the hand.

So as we sit and ponder on what may have been, we need to remember we are part of His wondrous plan and nothing

will be wasted if in our hearts for Him we Stand.

For the Lord’s Way, Truth, and Life are softly rippling throughout the Land and

everything in Him is known and is contained within

His Awesome Hands.

In the Autumn of our lives

softly rippling in

our heart we can have

assurance that from the Lords Love we are never apart.

Nor do we need to fear that we

walk alone, having no one to care, for He holds us by the hand and in Him everything we share, because in His heart we

are always there.

In the Autumn of our lives we can

know without doubt that waiting

before us is a wondrous

Heavenly Home which Joyously we are able to call our

very own.

Provided by our Father who longs to draw us near, so in His Love we

never have to fear.

In the Autumn of our lives the

ripples spread far and wide when in our

hearts the Bright Morning Star


So we open up the Door in

Repentance and Trust, letting

Him come in for He has forgiven and cleansed us

from all sin.

And then we never have to fear, for He is always near.

2 Peter 1 :19 & Revelation 22:16

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