sofia offshore wind farm · 1.1 introduction 1.1.1 sofia offshore wind farm (“sowf”) was...

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Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm

Project Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan:

Fisheries Liaison Plan (FLP), including Co-Existence

Date: December 2019 Document No: 003238460 Rev: 02

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Project: Sofia Offshore Wind Farm

Sub-Project or Package: Consents

Document Title or Description: Fisheries Liaison Plan, including Co-Existence Document Number: 003238460

The document Author shall complete this Cover Sheet and may give guidance below on any actions required by the recipient(s). The document Checker and Approver must not be the same person. The Document Author and Approver must not be the same person. The Approver must not be less senior than the Author.

This document and any information therein are confidential property of Innogy Renewables UK and without infringement neither the whole nor any extract may be disclosed, loaned, copied or used for manufacturing, provision of services or other purposes whatsoever without prior written consent of Innogy Renewables UK, and no liability is accepted for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever from the use of the document. Innogy Renewables UK retains the right to alter the document at any time unless a written statement to the contrary has been appended.

Rev No: Date: Status/Reason for Issue: Author: Checked by: Approved by:

01 07/10/2019 For MMO Approval under dML


Signe Nielsen, Harriet Thomas, PMSL and MEP

Signe Nielsen and Harriet Thomas

Kim Gauld-Clark

02 13/12/2019 For MMO Approval under dML

Conditions Harriet Thomas Gill Lock Signe Nielsen

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964


1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 FLP Review ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Co-Existence Plan ............................................................................................................. 6

2 Legislative Context and the draft Fisheries Liaison Plan ............................................. 8

2.1 Deemed Marine Licence Conditions .................................................................................. 8

2.2 Draft Fisheries Liaison Plan ............................................................................................... 9

3 Project Description ........................................................................................................ 10

3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 10

3.2 Ownership of generation and transmission assets ........................................................... 11

4 Fisheries Liaison Plan Objectives ................................................................................ 13

4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 13

4.2 Fisheries Liaison Plan Objectives .................................................................................... 13

5 SOWF Fisheries Liaison ................................................................................................ 14

5.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 Fisheries Stakeholder Database ...................................................................................... 14

5.3 Fisheries Liaison Officer .................................................................................................. 14

5.4 Commercial Fisheries Compensation Strategy Specialist ................................................ 17

5.5 Fishing Industry Representatives ..................................................................................... 18

5.6 Fishing Liaison Representatives ...................................................................................... 19

5.7 Commercial Fishing Industry ........................................................................................... 20

5.8 Liaison through the use of Guard Vessels ....................................................................... 21

6 Fisheries Liaison Plan Guidance, Liaison and Information Distribution ................... 22

6.1 Consultation .................................................................................................................... 22

6.2 Guidance ......................................................................................................................... 22

6.3 Distribution of information and liaison channels ............................................................... 22

6.4 Commercial Fisheries Working Group (FWG) .................................................................. 23

6.5 International Fisheries Communication ............................................................................ 23

6.6 Liaison, notice and information distribution scheduling .................................................... 24

7 Compensation Strategy ................................................................................................ 25

7.1 Compensation Strategy ................................................................................................... 25

7.2 Compensation During Pre-construction and Construction ................................................ 25

8 Co-existence Plan .......................................................................................................... 28

8.1 Co-existence Plan ........................................................................................................... 28

8.2 Pre-construction Activities ............................................................................................... 28

8.3 Construction and Operation Activities .............................................................................. 28

8.4 Decommissioning ............................................................................................................ 29

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

8.5 Co-existence Plan Development ...................................................................................... 29

9 References ..................................................................................................................... 29

Table of Tables

Table 1 dML Conditions discharged, in Full or Part, through the provision of the Fisheries Liaison Plan and

Coexistence Plan (as varied in 2019) ................................................................................................................... 5

Table 2 Pre and Post Construction Plans and Documents : Relevant Deemed Marine Licence Conditions – DCO

Schedule 9: Marine Licence 2: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Generation – Work Nos. 1B and 2T: Part 2

(Variation No. 2, 2019) (Variation No. 2, 2019) .................................................................................................. 8

Table 3 DCO Schedule 11: Marine Licence 4: Project B (SOWF) Offshore transmission – Work Nos. 2B, 3T and

2T: Part 2 (Variation No. 2, 2019) ....................................................................................................................... 8

Table 4 Asset ownership of the Wind Farm Operator and Offshore Transmission Owner. .............................. 12

Table 5 Liaison and Relevant Information Distribution Scheduling ................................................................... 24

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Sofia Offshore Wind Farm (“SOWF”) was developed and consented by the Forewind Limited Consortium and was previously known as Dogger Bank Teesside B (“Teesside B”). The Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Order 2015 (“the DCO”) was granted on 4 August 2015 and came into force on the 26th August 2015. The DCO was amended in 20191. The Forewind Limited consortium disbanded and since August 2017, Innogy Renewables UK Limited (“innogy”) has held 100% ownership of SOWF under a new subsidiary, Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited (“SOWFL”).

1.1.2 This document has been drafted to address the requirements of the DCO deemed Marine Licences (dMLs) (as varied in 2019), insofar as is relevant to a Fisheries Liaison Plan (FLP). The document also sets out the principles of the Co-existence Plan (CoEP) which will be prepared prior to the commencement of construction.

1.1.3 Table 1 sets out which Deemed Marine Licence (dML) Conditions (as varied in 2019), this document discharges (in Full or Part) which is discussed further below.

Table 1 dML Conditions discharged, in Full or Part, through the provision of the Fisheries Liaison Plan, including Co-Existence (as varied in 2019)

DCO Schedule 9: Marine Licence 2: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Generation - Work Nos. 1B and 2T: Part 2 Conditions (Variation No. 2, 2019)

dML Condition In Full or Part discharge

Pre-Construction Plans and Documents: 16(d)(v) Project environmental management and monitoring plan: Fisheries Liaison Plan


Pre-Construction Plans and Documents: 16(d)(v) Project environmental management and monitoring plan: Co-Existence Plan


DCO Schedule 11: Marine Licence 4: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Transmission – Work Nos. 2B, 3T and 2T: Part 2 Conditions (Variation No. 2, 2019)

dML Condition In Full or Part discharge

Pre-Construction Plans and Documents: 14(d)(v) Project environmental management and monitoring plan: Fisheries Liaison Plan


Pre-Construction Plans and Documents: 14(d)(v) Project environmental management and monitoring plan: Co-Existence Plan


1.1.4 This document forms part of a suite of documents that will be produced under the requirements set out within Conditions 16 and 14 of Schedules 9 (Deemed Marine Licence (dML) 2: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Generation – Work Nos. 1B and 2T) and 11 (Marine Licence 4: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Transmission – Works Nos. 2B, 3B and 2T) respectively (as varied in 2019), which require Pre Construction Plans and Documents to be submitted and approved by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and, where relevant in consultation with statutory and non-statutory advisors.



Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

1.1.5 This document has been drafted to address the requirements of the DCO dMLs, insofar as is relevant to the preparation of the FLP component of the Project Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan Programme for SOWF under Conditions 16(d)(v) and 14(d)(v) of dML Schedules 9 and 11 (as varied in 2019) respectively. As noted above, the principles of the Co-Existence Plan required prior to the commencement of construction are also set out within this document.

1.1.6 The sections of this document, and their contents are briefly described below:

• Section 2 presents the relevant dML Conditions for the production of a FLP and a Co-existence Plan and the draft proposals that were set out within the Deadline VII Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Fisheries Liaison Plan (Forewind, 2014).

• Section 3 outlines the consented SOWF;

• Section 4 outlines the objectives of the fisheries liaison;

• Section 5 details the fisheries liaison responsibilities;

• Section 6 presents the guidance behind the liaison approach and the means by which SOWF will consult, prepare and distribute information;

• Section 7 provides a summary of the approach SOWF will take in relation to compensation;

• Section 8 summarises the content of the Co-Existence Plan (CoEP) to account for the interaction between SOWF activities/infrastructure and fishing activity and its development during construction and operation.

1.1.7 Under the dMLs, this document must be submitted to the MMO for approval, at least 4 months prior to the intended commencement of offshore construction except where otherwise stated or unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO. SOWFL is submitting this document prior to the commencement of the site investigations, which will be undertaken under a Marine Licence Exemption Notification (submitted October 2019). The main site investigations are currently planned for 2020.

1.2 FLP Review

1.2.1 The FLP will be reviewed at regular intervals during the lifetime of SOWF. It is anticipated that a review will be undertaken in operation when details of the OFTO are known. It is then expected that the FLP will be reviewed at three yearly intervals during operation to ensure the FLP remains fit for purpose. There will be a further review of the FLP prior to decommissioning. The MMO will be consulted on any material amendments to the FLP as required under dML Condition 33, Schedule 9 (Variation No. 2, 2019) and dML Condition 31, Schedule 11 (Variation No. 2, 2019).

1.3 Co-Existence Plan

1.3.1 The Co-Existence Plan (CoEP) will be based on the principles set out within this FLP (Section 8) and will set out how the project will be constructed and operated taking account of the fisheries industry. The CoEP will be developed once the final construction plan is known and submitted to the MMO for approval prior to the commencement of offshore construction. The CoEP will take into consideration future consultation with fishing sector stakeholders. Furthermore, for co-existence to remain prevalent throughout the project, continued liaison with SOWF nominated

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

representatives and their Contractors as set out within the FLP will be undertaken to allow the concerns of the fishing industry to be addressed in a timely manner.

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

2 Legislative Context and the draft Fisheries Liaison Plan

2.1 Deemed Marine Licence Conditions

2.1.1 Table 2 sets out the detail of Conditions 16(d)(iv) and (v) of dML Schedule 9 (Offshore Generation) (Variation No. 2, 2019) relevant to the FLP, including co-existence.

Table 2 Pre and Post Construction Plans and Documents : Relevant Deemed Marine Licence Conditions – DCO Schedule 9: Marine Licence 2: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Generation – Work Nos. 1B and 2T: Part 2 (Variation No. 2, 2019)

DCO Schedule 9: Marine Licence 2: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Generation – Work Nos. 1B and 2T: Part 2 Conditions (Variation No. 2, 2019)

Pre-Construction Plans and Documents: Project environmental management and monitoring plan 16(d) a project environmental management and monitoring plan that details minimum environmental management requirements expected of all contractors and subcontractors with regards to marine pollution contingency, waste management and disposal, chemical risk assessment and relevant fisheries liaison matters, including details of—; (iv) the fisheries liaison officer, being a person appointed by the undertaker and charged with communication and liaison with the fishing industry as appropriate through the lifetime of the authorised scheme, to be notified to the marine officer for the MMO’s Northern Marine Area and the MMO Marine Licensing Team. Evidence of liaison must be collated so that signatures of attendance at meetings, agenda and minutes of meetings with the fishing industry can be provided to the MMO if requested; and (v) a fisheries liaison plan in accordance with the draft fisheries liaison plan, including information on liaison with the fishing industry (including by the fisheries liaison officer referred to in sub-paragraph (iv)) and a co-existence plan that details how the project will be constructed and operated taking account of the fisheries industry;

2.1.2 Table 3 sets out the Conditions 14(d)(iv) and (v) of dML Schedule 11 (Offshore Transmission)

(Variation No. 2, 2019) relating to the FLP, including co-existence.

Table 3 DCO Schedule 11: Marine Licence 4: Project B (SOWF) Offshore transmission – Work Nos. 2B, 3T and 2T: Part 2 (Variation No. 2, 2019)

DCO Schedule 11: Marine Licence 4: Project B (SOWF) Offshore Transmission – Work Nos. 2B, 3T and 2T: Part 2 Conditions (Variation No. 2, 2019)

Pre-Construction Plans and Documents: Project environmental management and monitoring plan 14(d) a project environmental management and monitoring plan that details minimum environmental management requirements expected of all contractors and subcontractors with regards to marine pollution contingency, waste management and disposal, chemical risk assessment and relevant fisheries liaison matters, including details of—; (iv) the fisheries liaison officer, being a person appointed by the undertaker and charged with communication and liaison with the fishing industry as appropriate through the lifetime of the authorised scheme, to be notified to the marine officer for the MMO’s Northern Marine Area and the MMO Marine Licensing Team. Evidence of liaison must be collated so that signatures of attendance at meetings, agenda and minutes of meetings with the fishing industry can be provided to the MMO if requested; and (v) a fisheries liaison plan in accordance with the draft fisheries liaison plan, including information on liaison with the fishing industry (including by the fisheries liaison officer referred to in sub-paragraph (iv)) and a co-existence plan that details how the project will be constructed and operated taking account of the fisheries industry;

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

2.2 Draft Fisheries Liaison Plan

2.2.1 A draft FLP including an Outline Co-existence Strategy was produced by Forewind in 2014 as part of the consent application documents for the Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farms. As required by Conditions 16(d)(v) and 14(d)(v) of dML Schedules 9 and 11 (as varied in 2019) respectively (see Tables 2 and 3) this FLP which is relevant only for SOWF, has been produced in accordance with the draft FLP (Forewind, 2014).

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

3 Project Description

3.1 Overview

3.1.1 The SOWF site is located approximately 165 km offshore on the shallow central area of the North Sea known as the Dogger Bank with the export cable landfall in an area between Redcar and Marske-by-the-Sea (Figure 1). Water depths in the array area are between 21 m and 37 m and water depths along the export cable corridor are up to 82 m.

Figure 1 Sofia Offshore Wind Farm.

3.1.2 SOWF has consent for a generating capacity of up to 1.4 gigawatts (“GW”) and an agreed grid connection capacity of up to 1.2 GW into an existing National Grid substation at Teesside. The footprint of the layout area is approximately 593 km². Offshore, the DCO (as amended in March 2019) allows for:

• Offshore wind turbine generating station with a gross electrical output capacity of up to 1.4 gigawatts;

• Up to 200 wind turbines and supporting tower structures;

• Wind turbine foundations and associated support and access structures;

• One offshore converter platform, and associated foundations;

• Up to four offshore collector platforms, and associated foundations*;

• Up to two offshore accommodation or helicopter platform(s) for operations and maintenance activities, and associated foundations*;

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

• Subsea inter-array cables between the wind turbines; between wind turbines and offshore collector platforms; between wind turbines and offshore converter platform; linking to meteorological stations and accommodation platforms**;

• Subsea inter-platform cables: between offshore collector platforms; between offshore collector platforms and the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) offshore converter platform**.

• Offshore export cable systems, carrying power from the offshore HVDC converter platform to the landfall(s);

• Crossing structures at the points where project cables cross existing subsea cables and pipelines or other Dogger Bank project cables;

• Up to five offshore meteorological monitoring stations. This is in addition to the two meteorological stations which were subject to an earlier and separate consent application and installed in 2013;

• Protection against scour and subsea foundation damage;

• Seabed preparation measures;

• Cable protection measures; and

• Up to ten vessel mooring buoys.

* Since the project was consented, the detailed design has been ongoing and the project currently comprises one HVDC offshore converter platform (OCP). There will be no offshore collector platforms, offshore accommodation or helicopter platforms, and no meteorological masts. ** The wind turbine generators will connect to each other and then directly, via the HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) subsea array cables, to the HVDC offshore converter platform.

3.1.3 Onshore the DCO allows for up to six export cables to connect the offshore cables to the onshore cables and the associated onshore infrastructure required to transport the power for connection to the existing National Grid substation at Lackenby (Teesside).

3.2 Ownership of generation and transmission assets

3.2.1 SOWFL will design, procure, construct and commission the offshore generation system and the transmission system. Following commissioning, SOWFL (the Wind Farm Operator (“WFO”)) will transfer the transmission assets to a licensed Offshore Transmission Owner (“OFTO”). SOWFL will retain ownership of the offshore generation system.

3.2.2 The offshore boundary of ownership between SOWFL and the OFTO occurs at the high-voltage and low-voltage interface within the OCP between the generation system and the transmission system and is known as the Grid Entry Point (“GEP”). The foundations of the OCP will be in the ownership of the OFTO.

3.2.3 Table 4 and Figure 2 shows the breakdown in asset ownership and boundary locations between the generation system and the transmission system.

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Table 4 Asset ownership of the Wind Farm Operator and Offshore Transmission Owner.

Non OFTO (Generation) OFTO (Transmission)

• up to 200 wind turbines and supporting tower structures

• wind turbine foundations and associated support and access structures

• subsea inter-array cables (950 km maximum)

• array cable protection measures (where necessary)

• the 66 kV switchgear, SCADA systems and the control and protection panels located at the Offshore Converter Platform (OCP)

• 400 kV bay at the existing National Grid Lackenby substation

• 400 kV HVAC cables linking the onshore converter station (OCS) to the National Grid substation

• One OCS

• 320 kV HVDC onshore and offshore export cables linking the OCS to the OCP (~230 km offshore, ~7 km onshore), export cable protection measures where necessary.

• One OCP, comprising of the HVDC converter system, converter transformers, 66 kV AC and HVDC switchgear, auxiliary cooling system, diesel generators, control systems, battery DC (Direct Current) and UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) systems.

• OCP foundations and protection against scour and subsea foundation damage (where necessary)

Figure 2 Diagram showing the Grid Entry Point between the Wind Farm Operator and Offshore Transmission Owner systems on the offshore converter platform.

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

4 Fisheries Liaison Plan Objectives

4.1 Overview

4.1.1 This section outlines the objectives of the FLP and the approach to the implementation of the Plan for SOWF. It sets out the approach SOWFL will take to liaise and consult with the relevant fisheries stakeholders in association with the pre-construction and construction of SOWF (including the offshore array, inter-array cables, offshore HVDC export cable corridor and landfall site between Redcar and Marske-by-the-Sea). It also covers the operational phase of SOWF and provides the approach that will be taken to liaise and consult with the relevant fisheries stakeholders in association with the operation of SOWF generation and transmission assets. As noted in Section 1, it is anticipated that there will be reviews of the SOWF FLP in operation when the details of the OFTO are known, at three yearly intervals during operation and then prior to decommissioning. Consultation with the MMO will be undertaken for material changes to the FLP.

4.2 Fisheries Liaison Plan Objectives

4.2.1 The objectives of the FLP have been designed to meet the dML requirements for the FLP as set out in Section 2. The production of a SOWF-specific FLP to support the pre-construction offshore surveys and the construction and operational phases of the SOWF are required to discharge Condition 16(d)(v) of Schedule 9 Offshore Generation dML (Variation No. 2, 2019) and Condition 14(d)(v) of Schedule 11 Offshore Transmission dML (Variation No. 2, 2019).

4.2.2 The FLP covers the pre-construction, construction and operational phases of SOWF and is intended to provide clarity to stakeholders from the fishing industry on the approach to liaison for SOWF. As noted above any material amendments to the FLP will be submitted to the MMO for approval to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

4.2.3 As required by the dMLs, this FLP has been developed in accordance with the Draft FLP (Forewind, 2014) (See Section 2), the principles set out in the Best Practice Guidance for Offshore Renewables Developments, Fisheries Liaison with offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW Guidance) (January 2014) and in recent consultation with the relevant fishing stakeholders.

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

5 SOWF Fisheries Liaison

5.1 Overview

5.1.1 To support the project throughout its key phases, it is important that experienced consultants are employed to undertake the roles of Fisheries Liaison Officers (FLO) and Commercial Fisheries Compensation Strategy Specialist (CFCSS). Furthermore, Fishing Industry Representatives (FIR) and Fisheries Liaison Representatives (FLR) as utilised in various stages of the pre-application work for the Dogger Bank Teesside A & B projects, may also be appointed throughout each phase of the project. The various SOWF fisheries liaison roles are described below in further detail. In addition, details about the expected responsibilities of the fishing industry are also set out. By setting out the key principles for ongoing liaison, co-existence during construction and operation which will be set out within the CoEP, will be facilitated.

5.2 Fisheries Stakeholder Database

5.2.1 A Fisheries Stakeholder Database has been established for SOWF. It is the responsibility of all key personnel and contractors associated with the SOWF project to frequently liaise with one another and collectively share project information and fisheries data to ensure that the FLO is able to maintain a robust and up to date database, and to ensure that dialogue with the relevant fisheries stakeholders continues throughout the pre-construction, construction and operational phases of the SOWF.

5.3 Fisheries Liaison Officer

Previous Teesside A and B Fisheries Liaison

5.3.1 Precision Marine Survey Limited (PMSL) were jointly appointed as the Fisheries Liaison Coordinator for the Dogger Bank Teesside A & B projects, during the pre-application stages by Forewind. During the pre-application stages of the Dogger Bank Teesside A & B, there was engagement with the following key fisheries stakeholders:

• Unrepresented and independent fishermen; • Fisheries associations / fishing representative organisations:

o UK - National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation (NFFO); o Scotland - Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and Scottish White Fish Producers

Association (SWFPA); o The Netherlands - VisNed; o Denmark - Danish Fishermen’s Association (DFA); o Norway - Norwegian Fishermen’s Association NFA); o Sweden - Swedish Fishermen’s Federation (SFA); o Belgium - Rederscentrale; o Germany - German Fishermen’s Association (GFA); o France - The Committees for Maritime Fisheries and Fish Farming (CNPMEM) o Hartlepool Fishermen’s Society Ltd (HFS); o Redcar and Teesbay Fishermen’s Association (RTBFA); and o Whitby Fishermen’s Society (WFS).

• Regional and national authorities:

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

o North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NEIFCA); o Marine Management Organisation (MMO); and o Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS);

Notification and contact details of the FLO for SOWF

5.3.2 As required under Condition 16(d)(iv) of Schedule 9 (Variation No. 2, 2019) and Condition 14(d)(iv) of Schedule 11 (Variation No. 2, 2019), SOWFL notified the marine officer for the MMO’s Northern Marine Area and the MMO Marine Licencing Team of the appointment of PMSL as their FLO for SOWF. The appointed FLO may however change over the duration of the SOWF, and if so MMO will be notified if and when this occurs. Copies of the notifications and contact details of the FLO are included in Appendix A. PMSL have assisted in the preparation of this FLP and will carry out the responsibilities of the FLO as set out below. From time to time the contact details provided in Appendix A may be updated outside of the planned review cycle. Where contact details are updated these will be communicated to stakeholders as appropriate and included on the SOWF website. Updates to contact details will not be submitted to the MMO for approval.

Responsibilities of the FLO

5.3.3 The appointed FLO will resume consultation with those relevant fisheries stakeholders as detailed above and will consult any new stakeholders that are identified. SOWF has already engaged with local fisheries stakeholders through a series of meetings held in December 2018 and November 2019. The objective of the 2018 meetings was to provide an update to the fishing industry on the progress of the project and to introduce the SOWF team, the FLO and the CFCSS. The purpose of the November 2019 meetings with the potters in Whitby, Redcar and Hartlepool was to liaise with them regarding the upcoming surveys on the offshore export cable corridor in 2020.

5.3.4 The FLO will continue to support SOWF key project staff in respect to fisheries-related matters during the pre-construction, construction, operational and decommissioning phases. The FLO will where appropriate work according to the FLOWW Guidance (2014) (or updated versions) or other relevant industry guidance available at the time.

5.3.5 The FLO is required to assist SOWFL to discharge Condition 16(d) of Schedule 9 (Variation No. 2, 2019) and Condition 14(d) of Schedule 11 (Variation No. 2, 2019).

5.3.6 The primary responsibilities of the FLO are:

• To be available as the project’s first point of contact for fishermen; • Obtain and transmit to SOWF nominated representatives all relevant fishermen’s

queries/concerns in respect of the various activities associated with the project; • To maintain the fisheries stakeholder database, throughout the life of the project, which

contains the following details of fishing vessel operation within the area of the project: o The vessel’s name, registration and base port; o Skipper & crew details; o Vessel radio call sign; o Vessel / skipper mobile phone number; o Vessel / skipper postal address; o Vessel / skipper email address;

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

o Method(s) of fishing and any static gear surface marker details; o Target species; o Fishing grounds relevant to the project; o Fishing periods and operating practices; and o Skipper concerns.

• When necessary, organise and minute consultation meetings with key fisheries stakeholders, including all necessary Fisheries Working Group (FWG) meetings;

o The frequency and timings of meeting should be appropriate to the level of activity at the time.

• Recommend and advise SOWF staff regarding the appointment of UK and international FIR that may be considered necessary for the successful development of the project;

• Coordinate the activities and responsibilities of the projects FIRs; • To liaise with the relevant FIRs or other stakeholders on the cable burial assessment and cable

specification and installation plan noting the preference of the fishing industry for cables to be buried to sufficient depth or cable protection to be over-trawlable wherever feasible in order to allow fishing to continue;

• To advise SOWF staff on the location of predominant fishing patterns in the area and so reduce or minimise the potential for cable locations to cross fishing tows where reasonably possible;

• To communicate post installation cable monitoring survey information relating to potential seabed hazards to fishing interests;

• To communicate cable remedial works relating to potential seabed hazards to fishing interests; • To communicate dropped objects that may be a potential seabed hazard to fishing interests in

accordance with the SOWFL Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Dropped Object Procedure; • To liaise with SOWF staff in relation to any monitoring of exposed assets/cables and

communication to the fishing industry; • Recommend and advise SOWF staff regarding the appointment of FLRs that may be required

on survey vessels, including the consideration of using jointly rolled FLR / Marine Mammal Observer personnel;

• To inform SOWF nominated representatives within a timely manner, of any vessels entering (fishing or transiting) the export cable or array area during construction or operation as reported by the fishing industry;

• To inform SOWF nominated representatives within a timely manner of any reports from the fishing industry of lost or snagged gear within the wind farm array area or the export cable corridor during construction or operation;

• To assess the requirement for guard and scout vessels and organise their services when required;

• Monitor fishing activities within the offshore wind farm site and export cable corridor, including the implementation of monthly fishing activity assessments within the inshore (<12nm) of the export cable corridor when necessary;

• To maintain regular liaison with relevant fishermen’s associations in all relevant countries, independent fishermen, individual skippers and vessel owners, the North Eastern Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority (NEIFCA) and District MMO officers;

• To prepare and distribute with appropriate timing, the required information and notices, including notice to mariners (NtMs) of all project related activities which could potentially interact with fisheries stakeholders. This will include:

o A description of the works to be undertaken; o The co-ordinates of any partially installed and fully installed infrastructure;

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o The schedule of works; o Details of the vessels involved in the works including the vessels contact details; o Installation vessels transit routes; o The locations and timings of safety exclusion zones to be imposed around installation

or maintenance activities; o H & S standards and COLREGS2 obligations; o Environmental standards; o Contractor obligations; and o Conflict avoidance response procedures.

• Instruct contractors as to the fishing activities and provide details of vessel and gear types which could be present in their areas of work, any relevant fishermen’s sensitivities and channels and contact details for communicating with fishing vessels at sea;

• Promote methods of work that minimise disturbance to both fishing and to SOWF’s offshore activities;

• Advise the fishing industry of the implementation of any safety zones; • To continue effective consultation and liaison with the aim of assisting fishermen wherever

possible to safely resume (after the completion of temporary works activities) and maintain their fishing activities within the SOWF site and along the export cable corridor.

• Provide necessary information resulting from the completion of post installation surveys (e.g. cable post installation surveys).

• Assess the implications of construction and operation of other offshore wind farms or developments in close proximity to SOWF; and

• Engage and negotiate with key UK and other relevant national and international organisations, such as the North Sea Advisory Council (NSAC).

5.4 Commercial Fisheries Compensation Strategy Specialist

5.4.1 MacAlister Elliott & Partners Ltd (MEP) have been appointed by SOWFL to the role of Commercial Fisheries Compensation Strategy Specialist (CFCSS), to provide and implement the Compensation Strategy for SOWF (see Section 7). The appointed CFCSS may however change over the duration of the SOWF, and if so MMO will be notified if and when this occurs. MEP have assisted in the preparation of this FLP and will carry out the responsibilities of the CFCSS as set out below. Contact details of the CFCSS are provided in Appendix A. From time to time the contact details provided in Appendix A may be updated outside of the planned review cycle. Where contact details are updated these will be communicated to stakeholders as appropriate and included on the SOWF website. Updates to contact details will not be submitted to the MMO for approval.

Responsibilities of CFCSS

5.4.2 The primary responsibilities of the CFCSS are:

• To undertake a technical assessment of the potential economic impacts to fishermen as a result of

project activities. Those should include:

o Detailed assessment of individual vessel activities and static fisheries along the export cable


2 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972

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o Assessment of impacts to incomes; and

o Collation of information from publically available sources to inform negotiation.

• To establish an approach for the Compensation Strategy that is in line with what is set out in the

draft FLP (Forewind, 2014) and to any relevant guidance available at the time such as the FLOWW

Guidance (2014) which provides guidelines for mitigation and co-existence.

• Develop and implement a robust and comprehensive Compensation Strategy that has assessed

potential impacts to fisheries stakeholders as a result of SOWF pre-construction and construction


• Collate evidence of monthly and annual landings figures from claimant fishermen to be assessed

during fisheries compensation discussions;

• Assess the implications of construction and operation of other offshore wind farms or developments

in close proximity to the SOWF;

• To discuss the views and any concerns reported by the fishing industry with respect to brokering

commercial agreements for disruption payments regarding the SOWF project;

• Ensure the fisheries stakeholder database remains up-to-date during commercial agreement

discussions by liaising directly with the FLO;

• Attain any appropriate commercial or disruption agreements for both the array and export cable

corridor; and

• To communicate the approach for affected parties to claim for damages to fishing gear.

5.5 Fishing Industry Representatives

5.5.1 Fishing Industry Representatives (FIRs) may be appointed as a point of contact within the fishing industry, with their activities and responsibilities coordinated by the FLO. FIRs will be appointed based on their level of experience within their fisheries sector such that they can represent the views of all fishing sectors within his or her remit. The FIRs must have the backing and support of the regional fisheries sector to enable a trusting relationship to be established but should also be able and willing to disseminate information from SOWF staff to the fishing community on a timely and all-inclusive basis. The FIR may be sourced through a number of avenues, including national federations, regional and local fishermen’s societies and or groups, or may be an individual who has worked extensively within the industry.

5.5.2 Contact details of the FIR will be communicated to stakeholders as appropriate and included on the SOWF website.

Responsibilities of FIR

5.5.3 The primary responsibilities of the FIR are:

• To be the local conduit for liaison with local fisheries stakeholders;

• To assist the FLO at a local level in undertaking the tasks listed above;

• To feed back to the FLO any fishermen’s concerns communicated to the FIR; and

• To assist in the distribution of notices and relevant project information to fisheries stakeholders and

to check recipients receipt of such notices.

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5.6 Fishing Liaison Representatives

5.6.1 Fisheries Liaison Representatives (FLRs) will be present on-board pre-construction and construction vessels engaged by the project as appropriate and necessary. Based on the nature and location of the project in relation to fishing activities, it is anticipated that they will be required on survey or construction vessels in the nearshore area where static gear is located. The FLR will be responsible for liaising with fishing vessels encountered on site and within the wider adjacent waters. When FLRs are not on board pre-construction and construction vessels, a specific Contractor point of contact will be identified and tasked with liaison with the FLO as required for the implementation of the FLP.

Responsibilities of the FLR

5.6.2 Example primary responsibilities of the FLR are set out below. However, these responsibilities will be reviewed on a case by case basis where an FLR is deployed.

• To liaise with the fishing industry and the FLO whilst on board pre-construction and construction

vessels i.e. to be the key point of contact providing up to date information on project activities;

• To maintain a sound working relationship between the operational vessel and the fishing industry;

• To maintain daily contact with, and keep records of, fishing vessels observed to be within the vicinity

of the work areas of survey and construction vessels;

• Deal with fishing and offshore personnel in a manner which shows respect for individuals and the

need for confidentiality;

• To keep the masters and watch officers of pre-construction and construction vessels informed of

fishing vessels in the vicinity of their vessels working area and the gears and modes of operation of

such vessels;

• To keep fishing vessels advised of the pre-construction and construction vessels locations,

operations, schedules, safety zones and H&S factors;

• To assist and advise vessels officers with the objective of minimising hindrance to fishing vessels,

avoiding any conflicts and ensuring the required H&S practice;

• To monitor the presence of any static fishing gears liaising directly with the vessel master of how to

transit and / or work (if deemed acceptable to do so) around such gears;

• If able to do so, liaise with the fishing owner for a speedy removal of any static fishing gear that may

impact operations. If this is unachievable, immediate liaison with the FLO should be undertaken who

can investigate and undertake the appropriate procedures for static gear removal;

• Liaise directly with any guard vessel employed to support pre-construction and construction

operations (if available and or necessary); and

• Acquire contact details (sat phone, mobile numbers, fishing vessel owner details) for future

consultation purposes.

• Regularly broadcast SOWF vessel locations, operations, schedules, safety zones and health and

safety requirements on relevant VHF and FM frequencies during offshore activities.

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• Maintain daily contact with fishing vessels observed to be within the vicinity of the work areas of

survey and maintenance vessels and providing sufficient notice to enable the relocation of any static

fishing gears present within the project vessels defined safety areas, including those under COLREGS

and in accordance with the Safety Zones established under section 95(2) of the Energy Act 2005 and

advisory safety zones communicated through NtMs.

• Keep vessel masters and watch officers informed of fishing vessels in the vicinity of their vessel

working areas and the gears and modes of operation of such vessels.

• Provide daily reports to SOWF nominated representatives through the FLO which record all observed

fishing vessels, fishing gear and any incidents regarding gear / vessel interaction within the wind farm

array area, including note of any vessel not cooperating with or not adhering to FLO/vessel master

instructions or advice.

• Report as soon as practicable any conflicts between SOWF vessels and fisheries activities to the FLO.

• Assist and advise SOWF contracted vessel officers with the objective of minimising hindrance to

fishing and operations and maintenance vessels while ensuring compliance with health and safety

requirements and COLREGS.

5.7 Commercial Fishing Industry

5.7.1 Commercial fishermen active on the SOWF export cable or array area will during pre-construction survey activities, construction and operation phases of SOWF be expected to comply with the standards set out below.

• Contact the FLO or nominated SOWF representative, before entering the export cable or array area

during construction or operation (transiting or fishing). The FLO will inform the nominated SOWF

representative on a timely basis.

• Contact the FLO or nominated SOWF representative directly, if gear is lost or snagged within the

wind farm array area or the export cable corridor. The FLO will inform the nominated SOWF

representative on a timely basis.

• Not to deliberately deploy gear that may damage SOWF assets (foundations/cables) or prevent

access to foundations. The safe distances of fishing gear deployment from SOWF Infrastructures and

any vessels carrying out construction or operation and maintenance (O&M) will be developed in the

CoEP (see Section 8).

• Observe the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972

(COLREGS), including the correct display of lights and appropriate sound signals.

• Comply with requests made in NtM issued for SOWF.

• Avoid locating fishing gear in areas where surveys or other O&M activities are due to take place and

avoid purposeful obstruction of SOWF vessels and infrastructure.

• Liaise with the SOWF nominated representatives, FLO and/or FIR in an open and transparent


• Nominate representative(s) to speak on behalf of local fishermen at FWG meetings.

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• Communicate and provide accurate information on fishing activity undertaken and gear used to the

FLO on request in order to substantiate the level of impact from SOWF activities on commercial

fishing in a given area (see Section 7 Compensation Strategy).

• Take heed of information relayed through the relevant radio channel from wind farm vessels.

• Raise any issues through representatives at FWG meetings, or the FLO/FIR where relevant.

• Participate in constructive discussion through FWG meetings in order to address conflicts.

o Note: marking of deployed gear will comply with the relevant NEIFCA byelaw i.e. XXII Permit

to Fish For Lobster, Crab, Velvet Crab and Whelk (Section 3.6) and UK Secondary Fisheries

Legislation (SI 2006 – No 1549) . Any gear deployed in the array area will be communicated

to the SOWF nominated representative through the FLO. An overview of relevant guidance

on deployment of fishing gear will be set out within the CoEP (Section 8)

o Information on procedures for recovering snagged fishing gear and making claims for lost or

damaged equipment will also be provided within the CoEP (Section 8)

• Inform the FLO if they have any concerns about their details being kept on the Fisheries Stakeholder

Database being maintained by the FLO.

5.8 Liaison through the use of Guard Vessels

5.8.1 There may be on occasions, a requirement to employ guard vessels, to support pre-construction surveys and construction activities and to protect any pre-construction and/or construction vessels that are operational at SOWF.

5.8.2 The responsibilities of guard vessels when employed to support pre-construction and construction operations include:

• To implement the guarding of the survey / construction vessels, whilst working within the SOWF

development envelope;

• To record a latitudinal and longitudinal position each time a static fishing gear marker is

encountered, along with identifying features (colour and nature of marker, vessel name or number);

• To record a latitudinal and longitudinal position each time a fishing vessel is recorded, along with

identifying features (colour and nature of vessel, vessel name or number) and type of fishing

vessel/nature of activity (trawling, potting, lining and or dredging etc.);

• To fully liaise with every fishing vessel that the guard vessel may encounter if deemed a hindrance to

project operations, making them aware of operations being undertaken within the wider region;

• To continually monitor fishing activity by means of reconnaissance surveys during periods in which

guard activities are not required; and

• To prevent any fishing vessel and or other commercial vessel from entering an excluded area, that

may pose a risk to the SOWF project vessels or to the vessel itself.

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6 Fisheries Liaison Plan Guidance, Liaison and Information Distribution

6.1 Consultation

6.1.1 The extensive consultation undertaken with key fisheries stakeholders during the Dogger Bank Teesside A & B pre-application stages will be continued throughout all phases of SOWF.

6.1.2 SOWFL will meet with fisheries stakeholders prior to site investigations commencing, including regional, national and international fisheries stakeholders, as well as identifying all independent fishermen operational along the SOWF export cable and array area.

6.1.3 Effective and meaningful consultation is an integral part of construction and operation activities and the appointed FLO, FLR and CFCSS will ensure that communication with stakeholders from the fishing industry is maintained throughout the lifetime of the SOWF project.

6.1.4 The Fisheries Stakeholder Database will be maintained by the FLO throughout the project. As required under dML Conditions (Table 2 and 3), evidence of liaison will be collated so that signatures of attendance at meetings, agendas and minutes of meetings with the fishing industry can be provided to the MMO if requested.

6.2 Guidance

6.2.1 The FLP has been developed and will be implemented based on the following guidance and experience gained through consultation with relevant organisations as set out below:

• Best Practice Guidance for Offshore Renewables Developments, Fisheries Liaison with offshore Wind

and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW) (January 2014);

• Code of Practice on Interaction With Static Gear Fisheries, United Kingdom Offshore Operators

Association (UKOOA) (May 2006);

• The European Subsea Cable Association. (2016). Guideline 01 - Fishing Liaison;

• A series of liaison meetings undertaken with national fishermen’s federations and regional


• Direct liaison undertaken to date with individual fishermen, vessel owners and landing agents; and

• Consultation with the North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NEIFCA) and the


6.3 Distribution of information and liaison channels

6.3.1 Notices to Mariners (NtMs) and other relevant Information for fishermen (including survey and construction schedules, notification of any major maintenance activity, notices and activity specific information) will be distributed by the FLO via a variety of channels as appropriate, which may include:

• Information updates on the SOWF website;

• Individual fishermen on the Fisheries Stakeholder Database;

• FWG meetings;

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• Local fishermen’s associations;

• Regional fishermen’s associations;

• National (UK) fishermen’s associations;

• International fishermen nominated representatives;

• European fishermen’s associations;

• Fishing Industry Representatives;

• Fisheries Liaison Representatives (when offshore activities are due to commence or during their


• Kingfisher updates;

• Local harbour masters;

• North Eastern IFCA;

• MMO District Fisheries office; and Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

6.4 Commercial Fisheries Working Group (FWG)

6.4.1 A commercial Fisheries Working Group (FWG) will provide a point of contact for representatives of commercial fishermen and to promote engagement and understanding of each other’s activities. The FWG will act as a forum for open and meaningful discussion for the mutual benefit of the local fishing industry and SOWF. The FWG will be a key forum for the commercial fishing industry to raise observations and concerns in relation to interaction with SOWF activities.

6.4.2 The FWG is to comprise one representative from each commercial fishing representative organisation that has a commercial fishing interest within the area of the development. In addition, the MMO, North Eastern Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NIFCA) and regional National Fisheries Federation Organisation (NFFO) will be invited to send a representative to FWG meetings. If a nominated representative is unable to attend a replacement may attend in place. The representative must inform the FLO at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting if a replacement representative is to attend.

6.4.3 If requested by the FLO and agreed by SOWFL the FWG may nominate an FIR to speak on behalf of the local fishing industry.

6.4.4 Meetings will be held once a year during the pre-construction and construction phases of SOWF. Additional meetings can be held during operation if required following discussions with the FWG at the end of the construction phase.

6.5 International Fisheries Communication

6.5.1 SOWFL and the FLO will be holding preliminary meetings in 2019 with the fishing industry within France, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden. Arrangements for ongoing liaison with nominated representatives within each country will then be confirmed. The FLO will act as the principal communication contact for SOWF between the nominated representative and SOWF.

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6.6 Liaison, notice and information distribution scheduling

6.6.1 To ensure that key fisheries stakeholders, the wider fishing industry, local and national fisheries authorities and representative organisations are provided with important project information, a schedule for the distribution of NtM’s and other relevant information will be provided in prior to the commencement of key project operations. Providing relevant project information in a timely manner, will enable fisheries stakeholders to plan their daily and upcoming fishing activities to the best of their ability and allow fishing authorities to undertake any relevant duties and / or implement monitoring activities, if deemed necessary.

6.6.2 The dMLs set specific requirements in terms of reporting prior to the commencement of specific project activities. Details of the notifications are included in Appendix B.

6.6.3 Key details relating to the liaison, notice and information distribution schedule can be found in Table 5.

Table 5 Anticipated Information Distribution Scheduling

Type of Information Timescale Information distribution

Fisheries Liaison Plan Submission to the MMO prior to the commencement of site investigations Reviews expected in operation, at three yearly intervals during operation and prior to decommissioning.

MMO FLO liaison FWG meetings

Relevant SOWFL, OFTO, FLO, FIR, FLR, CFCSS contacts

To be updated as required FLO liaison SOWF website

Summary of Construction Method Statements for Site Clearance, Horizontal Directional Drill at Landfall, Wind Turbine Foundations and Offshore Converter Platform

Reasonable timescale prior to the commencement of specific construction activities

FLO liaison FWG meetings

Summary of Cable Specification and Installation Plan for Export and Array Cables

Reasonable timescale prior to the commencement of construction activities

FLO liaison FWG meetings

Surveys Notification of commencement of surveys to all fisheries stakeholders not less than 14 days prior to survey mobilisation (see also Appendix B)

FLO liaison FWG meetings

Relevant post construction survey output (e.g. cable post installation surveys)

Reasonable timescale post completion of surveys

FLO liaison FWG meetings

O&M activities Reasonable timescale prior to the commencement of O&M activities

FLO liaison FWG meetings

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7 Compensation Strategy

7.1 Compensation Strategy

7.1.1 It is the intention to facilitate co-existence wherever possible during all phases of the project, including the implementation of various mitigation strategies developed in consultation with the fishing industry to minimise the overall impacts of the project between the fishing industry and SOWF.

7.1.2 Where co-existence is not possible with the nearshore potters during the pre-construction surveys and export cable installation, a Compensation Strategy for disruption payments will be implemented. This will likely relate to private commercial disruption agreements with the local fishing industry (inshore) being sought to restrict access to specific sections of the export cable corridor for particular durations of the pre-construction and construction periods. Where there is a well-established record of static gear fisheries operations which cannot be relocated, compensation will be considered by SOWF. Compensation will not be offered to mobile fisheries operations.

7.1.3 An overview of the Compensation Strategy for pre-construction and construction is given below.

7.1.4 There is no intention to exclude fisheries from the wind farm array during the O&M phase of SOWF3 and therefore no compensation will be paid. SOWF staff will continue to liaise with the fishing industry throughout the lifetime of the wind farm. From time to time it may be necessary to exclude fishermen from certain areas during maintenance activities but it is expected that this will be over small extents of the SOWF generation and transmission areas at any one time and therefore, will not cause significant disruption to fishermen.

7.1.5 The processes and procedures involved during the decommissioning phase of the SOWF development site are currently unknown, however, SOWF staff will follow the appropriate guidance and legislation at the time of decommissioning.

7.2 Compensation During Pre-construction and Construction

7.2.1 The compensation strategy during the pre-construction and construction phase will follow the process set out within the Deadline VII Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Fisheries Liaison Plan (Forewind, 2014).

7.2.2 During the pre-construction and construction phases, it is expected that disruption to fishing will be on a short term, temporary basis. Prior to construction and following completion of the final design phase, the appointed CFCSS will review the impact on an individual basis for affected vessels. An extensive assessment of current fishing activity both along the export cable corridor and throughout the offshore site and adjacent waters has been undertaken.

3 Except for safety zones around SOWF infrastructure where required, such as around turbines or platforms. Further details will be

provided within the CoEP.

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7.2.3 It is acknowledged that the static gear fishery (potting) along the SOWF export cable corridor is likely to be the most significantly impacted fleet segments during the pre-construction and construction phases as a result of potential short-term loss of fishing grounds and disruption to fishing activity as well as the seabed. The Compensation Strategy will focus on these commercial fishing segments. Although it is possible that other commercial fishing interests are also likely to be affected, it is anticipated that these impacts will be on a much smaller scale and co-existence will be maintained.

7.2.4 Ongoing work for the CFCSS will involve liaising directly with fishing groups or individuals to establish an evidence-based approach to agree further mitigation or compensation to the nearshore potters to offset loss of income where co-existence is not possible.

7.2.5 There is no accepted standard methodology for quantifying loss or disturbance to commercial fishing activity which may occur from offshore pre-construction or construction activities. Development of the Compensation Strategy will take into account the FLOWW Guidance (2014) which provides guidelines for mitigation and co-existence. This guidance states “Commercial compensation should only be used as a last resort when there are significant residual impacts that cannot otherwise be mitigated. Compensation should only be paid on the basis of factually accurate and justifiable claims. There is therefore an obligation upon affected fishermen to provide evidence (such as three years’ worth of catch records and VMS/plotter data) to corroborate any such claims”.

7.2.6 Following an evidence-based approach, compensation payments may be required to commercial fishermen on the nearshore cable corridor for loss of earnings and access to profitable fishing grounds, as a result of displacement from a works area during site investigations, pre-construction and construction activities. The process for establishing and accepting compensation or cooperation agreements as they are frequently referred to will be set out to the nearshore potting industry. Processes will be based on local knowledge of the nearshore commercial fishery. The CFCSS will be experienced in negotiations to ensure that agreements are made in a prompt manner, and that the financial remunerations genuinely reflect losses endured by fishing interests.

7.2.7 The process for identifying the legitimate recipients and values to be paid in commercial compensation will be based upon verifiable evidence, with the scale of payments being related to dependence, impact or loss. Each fishing vessel making a claim must provide information of evidence to quantify disruption to their fishing activities. Information to inform this process was provided to the fishing industry at the meetings with UK-based nearshore potters in December 2018. Further information will be provided prior to the commencement of the site investigations.

7.2.8 An extensive assessment of current fishing activity both along the export cable corridor and throughout the offshore site and adjacent waters has been undertaken. Ongoing work for the CFCSS will involve liaising directly with fishing groups or individuals to establish an evidence-based approach to agree further mitigation or, where appropriate, compensation to offset loss of income.

7.2.9 Relevant information required to support a case for compensation payments are detailed below. These should include, but not be limited to:

• Evidence of the relevant vessel fishing license;

• Copy of a valid vessel MCA certificate;

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Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

• Provision of monthly landings data from across all three years of accounts provided and which

provide evidence of Monthly Shellfish Activity Returns (MSARs);

• Evidence of auditable accounts for three full years, including annual turnover and profit;

• Copy of the vessels certificate of British Registry for each vessel for which claim is being made;

• Sales notes required by SOWF for their required duration period;

• Provision of vessel plotter screenshots and logbook records, and agreement for a member of the

SOWF contracted team to inspect these data on board the claimant vessel;

• Written agreement to allow a trustworthy third party e.g. NEIFCA and MMO provide independent

evidence to support commercial fishing evidence;

• Numbers of fleets of static fishing gear that are traditionally deployed within the SOWF turbine

array and export cable corridor areas;

• Assessment of fishing patterns and records, including accounts for the appropriate pre-construction

and construction periods which will be suitable for compensation agreement discussions;

• Written agreement for SOWF nominated representatives to obtain vessel specific data and

information in written, electronic or verbal form from the MMO and the NEIFCA;

• MMO fisheries statistics;

• Written agreement for vessels to be inspected by representatives of SOWF and take copy of the on-

board GPS plotter;

• Verification from MMO district fisheries officers and NEIFCA officers that claimants have a

legitimate history of regularly deploying fishing gears along the export cable corridor and within the

offshore turbine array; and

• All static fishing gears located within export cable works area and adjacent waters should be clearly

marked with the vessels Port, Letters & Numbers (PLN) in line with relevant NEIFCA Byelaws and

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 404/20114.

7.2.10 In the event that static fishing gear (e.g. parlour pots, rope, anchors surface marker buoys (SMB’s) etc.) are lost as a direct consequence of interaction with the project or construction vessels employed on the SOWF project, SOWF will provide reimbursement, where it can be proved that the loss was as a direct result of activities undertaken by SOWF or their Contractors. Compensation payments will be made solely to cover the costs of replacing gear on a like for like basis. Evidence of replacement gear costs will be required before any compensation payments are made.

7.2.11 Where fishing gear claims cannot be resolved, the MMO or other third party may be utilised to resolve the claim. Compensation payments should be based solely as a result of gear loss.

4 Official Journal of the European Union. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 404/2011. Article 11(2).

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8 Co-existence Plan

8.1 Co-existence Plan

8.1.1 As far as feasible, SOWFL will ensure the continuation of fishing activities during the pre-construction and construction phases or implement mitigation measures (e.g. the use of fishing vessels as guard vessels) to reduce disruption to the fishing industry. All parties should work towards co-existence. Compensation will should only be offered in to those nearshore static gear fishermen who are displaced with limited opportunity to fish elsewhere given the high volume of pots in the vicinity of the cable corridor (See Section 7).

8.2 Pre-construction Activities

8.2.1 With the exception of nearshore static gear fishermen, it is considered that any impact to commercial fishing activity will be minimal. Where appropriate and necessary during pre-construction activities, SOWFL will locate fisheries liaison representatives (FLR’s) aboard vessels. These FLR’s will provide the link between SOWFL, their site investigation Contractors, the FLO and the fishing industry. Where a FLR is not on board a vessel, appropriate communication channels between SOWF Contractors, SOWFL, the FLO and the fishing industry (including the Fishing Industry Representatives (FIRs) where appropriate) will be established as set out within thein Section 5. Information will also be provided through the FWG meetings as set out in Section 6.

8.2.2 Notices to Mariners (NtM’s) will be issued at least 10 days prior to the commencement of any offshore operations detailing relevant information including the area of operation, vessel identity, nature of the works and contact details for;

• any FLR’s aboard survey vessels;

• the FLO,

• SOWFL Contractor; and

• SOWFL Survey Managers, or their nominated representative.

8.2.3 In the event that the inshore static gear fishermen are requested to relocate fishing gear, then mitigation measures including compensation, will be investigated.

8.3 Construction and Operation Activities

8.3.1 As laid out within the Deadline VII Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Fisheries Liaison Plan (Forewind, 2014) and within the dMLs, the CoEP will be drafted once the final construction plan has been developed, in consultation with the relevant statutory bodies and fisheries stakeholders.

8.3.2 There are no intentions to restrict fishing activity within the wind farm areas during operation with restrictions being limited to safety zones around fixed turbines and platforms or during operational maintenance, where appropriate. If required, an application for safety zones will be made at a suitable time.

8.3.3 SOWFL regards coexistence as the continuation of both industries of the SOWF site and the associated export cable corridor. An approach of avoiding and reducing impacts to the fishing industry is regarded as the most appropriate way forward to co-existence. SOWFL have a

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

commitment to continuing consultation and liaison with the aim of assisting fishermen wherever possible to safely resume their fishing activities within the operational array area and along the export cable corridor.

8.3.4 The CoEP will complement the SOWF FLP and will include, but not be limited to:

• Measures to minimise as far as is practicably feasible potential impacts on fisheries – any mitigation measures will be developed and agreed in consultation with the fishing industry;

• Maintaining a FLO as the main point of contact for SOWF throughout the project, as well as engaging a FIR as appropriate;

• Promotion of productive coexistence through the provision of construction and cable laying plans to fisheries stakeholders (including the use of cable protection measures where required) and the sharing of results from the cable post installation surveys.;

• Consideration of the use of guard vessels outside of safety zones (where required) based on risk assessments;

• Code of conduct for guard vessels;

• Code of conduct for SOWF vessels undertaking project related activities;

• Reference to the SOWF procedures for emergency response procedures, conflict avoidance, incident management and reporting procedures which will be set out within the Emergency Response and Co-operation Plan (prepared with due regard to the dML Conditions 18 and 16 of Schedules 9 and 11 (as varied in April 2019) and other relevant SOWF procedures;

• Fishing gear interaction response procedures; and

• Loss or damage to fishing gear reporting procedures.

8.4 Decommissioning

8.4.1 The details in respect to the removal of assets for decommissioning are as yet unclear and will be set out within the Decommissioning Plan produced prior to any removal of assets. It is anticipated that the same principals and rules observed during the construction phase will be applied to the removal of assets where relevant.

8.5 Co-existence Plan Development

8.5.1 As noted in Section 1, the CoEP will be developed for construction and operation once the final construction plan is known and submitted to the MMO for approval prior to the commencement of offshore construction. The CoEP will take into consideration future consultation with fishing sector stakeholders. Furthermore, for co-existence to remain prevalent throughout the project, continued liaison with SOWF nominated representatives or their Contractors as set out within the FLP will be undertaken to allow the concerns of the fishing industry to be addressed in a timely manner.

9 References

The Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm OrderFLOWW, 2014. Best Practice Guidance for

Offshore Renewable Developments: Recommendations for Fisheries Liaison. Fishing Liaison with Offshore

Wind and Wet Renewables Group.

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Forewind, 2014. Dogger Bank Teesside A & B Fisheries Liaison Plan. Document Reference: F-EXL-DVII-016


Forewind, 2014. Dogger Bank Teesside A & B Environmental Statement: Chapter 11 Commercial Fisheries

S.I. No. 1549 of 2006. Sea Fishing (Marking and Identification of Passive Fishing Gear and Beam Trawls)

(England) Order 2006.

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Appendix A

Notification of FLO

Contact Details of FLO and CFCSS

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

FAO: Ms Ellie Noble Marine Management Organisation Lancaster House Hampshire Court Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7YH United Kingdom

Date: 30 April 2019 Our reference: 003087475-01 Contact: Harriet Thomas Phone: +44 (0) 7827 982935 E-mail:

30 April 2019 SOFIA OFFSHORE WIND FARM: NOTIFICATION OF FISHERIES LIAISON OFFICER Dear Ms Ellie Noble, The Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Order, Schedule 9, Part 2 Conditions, Pre-Construction Plans and Documentation, 16, Project Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan, (d) and Schedule 11, Part 2 Conditions, Pre-Construction Plans and Documentation, 14, Project Environmen-tal Management and Monitoring Plan, (d) requires: “(iv) the fisheries liaison officer, being a person appointed by the undertaker and charged with communi-cation and liaison with the fishing industry as appropriate through the lifetime of the authorised scheme, to be notified to the marine officer for the MMO’s Northern Marine Area and the MMO Marine Licencing Team. Evidence of liaison must be collated so that signatures of attendance at meetings, agenda and minutes of meetings with the fishing industry can be provided to the MMO if requested;” Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited are notifying the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) of the ap-pointment of Precision Marine Survey Limited (PMSL) to provide Fisheries Liaison Officer services for the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm. Company details for PMSL and the lead contact are provided below: Nigel Proctor BSc. (Hons) MIBiol CBiol Managing Director Precision Marine Survey Limited Church Farm, Main Road, Thorngumbald, East Yorkshire United Kingdom HU12 9NE Tel: 01964 624423

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

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Fax: 01964 623352 Mobile: 07702 730891 E-mail: Web: We would be grateful if you could contact details of the marine officer for the MMO’s Northern Marine Area so that we can forward this notification to the appropriate person. If you have any queries in relation to the above, please contact me. Yours sincerely,

Harriet Thomas Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Contact Details:

Fisheries Liaison Officer (FLO):

Nigel Proctor BSc. (Hons) MIBiol CBiol Managing Director Precision Marine Survey Limited Church Farm, Main Road, Thorngumbald, East Yorkshire United Kingdom HU12 9NE Tel: 01964 624423 Fax: 01964 623352 Mobile: 07702 730891 E-mail: mail to: Web:

Commercial Fisheries Compensation Strategy Specialist (CFCSS)

Alex Senechal Fisheries Consultant MacAlister Elliott & Partners Ltd 56 High Street, Lymington Hampshire, SO41 9AH Tel: +44 1590 679016 Fax: +44 1590 671573 E: W: Skype: alex.senechal

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way· Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB

Registered Office · Windmill Hill Business Park · Whitehill Way · Swindon · Wiltshire · SN5 6PB Registered in England and Wales no. 07791964

Appendix B

SOWF Notifications and Reporting

Summary of Management Plans

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