sociology unit 3

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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Man and society(Elements of society)



Man and society(Elements of society)

The Origin of Society

1. Devine Original Theory

2. Divine Right Theory

3. The Force Theory

4. Patriarchal and Matriarchal Theory


4. Patriarchal and Matriarchal Theory

5. Social Contract Theory

6. Evolutionary Theory

7. The Organic Theory and Group Mind Theory



1. Tribal Society


1. Common Territory

2. Sense of Unity

3. Common Language

4. Endogamous

5. Blood Relationship

6. Political Organizations6. Political Organizations

7. Importance of Religion

8. Common Name

Differ from Caste

1. Territorial Group

2. Evolution of Community

3. Political Organization


2. Agrarian Society


1. Occupational Structure

2. Forms of Land Ownership in Agrarian Society

3. Village Community System

4. Minimal Division of labour4. Minimal Division of labour

5. Role of Family

6. Sense of Unity

7. Informal Social Control

8. Simplicity and Uniformity


3. Industrial Society


1. Emergence of Modern Family

2. Economic Institution

3. Occupational Sub-cultures

4. Segmental Roles4. Segmental Roles

5. Impersonality of Relationship

6. Status of Contract

7. Social Mobility

8. Position of Women

9. Deviance and Anomie

Values and Norms

According to Morris Massey values are formed during three significant periods:

1. Imprint period from birth to 7 years.

2. Modelling period from 8 –13 years.

3. Socialization period from 13 –21 years.

Personal Values provide an internal reference for what is good, beneficial,

important, useful, beautiful, desirable, constructive, etc. Values generate behaviour

and help solve common human problems for survival by comparative rankings of

value, the results of which provide answers to questions of why people do what theyvalue, the results of which provide answers to questions of why people do what they

do and in what order they choose to do them.

Over time the public expression of personal values, that groups of people

find important in their day-to-day lives, lay the foundations of law, custom and

tradition. Personal Values in this way exist in relation to cultural values, either in

agreement with or divergent from prevailing norms.

A culture is a social system that shares a set of common values, in which such

values permit social expectations and collective understandings of the good,

beautiful, constructive, etc. Without normative personal values, there would be no

cultural reference against which to measure the virtue of individual values and so

culture identity would disintegrate.

• Social norms are described by sociologists as being laws that govern society’s

behaviours. (Formal Vs. Informal)


Types of Norms

• A 'Descriptive Norm' refers to people's perceptions of what is commonly done in

specific situations.

• An Injunctive Norm refers to people's perceptions of what is commonly approved or

disapproved of within a particular culture.

• Prescriptive norms are unwritten rules that are understood and followed by society;

state what we should do. Everyone does these every day without thinking aboutstate what we should do. Everyone does these every day without thinking about

them. Example: locking the doors of your home or car at night.

• Proscriptive norms are unwritten rules that are known by society that one shouldn't

do, or follow. These norms can vary from culture to culture. Example: arriving late to

appointments or meetings.

• 'Subjective Norm' is determined by beliefs about the extent to which important

others want them to perform a behaviour. Social influences are conceptualized in

terms of the pressure that people perceive from important others to perform, or not

to perform, a behaviour.

Meaning of Social Norms

1. Norms are standards of group behaviour.

2. Norms incorporate value judgments

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3. Norms are related to factual world

Importance of Social Norms

1. A norm-less society is an impossibility.

2. Norms give cohesion to society.

3. Norms influence individual’s attitudes

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