social studies chapter 9 review. what is v-j day? a. a person that plays videos b. jenny’s...

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Social Studies Chapter 9 Review

What is V-J Day?A. A person that plays videosB. Jenny’s Valentine’s DayC. The day we ended fighting in Japan.D. The day we bombed Japan.

C. The day we ended fighting in Japan.

Why did dictators rise to power after the Great Depression?A. They promised a “New Deal.”B. They promised to solve people’s problems.C. They promised to help Jewish people.D. They promised to be fair to all people.

B. They promised to solve people’s problems.

How did Navajo Indians send messages in the Pacific?A. They used the Navajo language.B. They used carrier pigeons.C. They used horses.D. They used the telegraph.

A. They used the Navajo language.

Who became the dictator of Germany in 1933?A. Joseph StalinB. Adolf HitlerC. Franklin D. RooseveltD. Winston Churchill

B. Adolf Hitler

Which countries were the Axis Powers?A. France, Italy, and JapanB. Germany, Italy, and JapanC. U.S.A., England, and FranceD. Germany, Sweden, and Japan

B. Germany, Italy, and Japan

Which of these was rationed during W.W.II?A. old tiresB. booksC. newsreelsD. gasoline

D. gasoline

Why did the U.S. enter W.W.II?A. The Archduke was assassinated.B. The Russians bombed New York.C. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.D. We entered to spread communism.

C. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

Why did we have to mobilize after the attack on Pearl Harbor?A. We had built up a huge military.B. Our army was not ready for a war.C. Scientists couldn’t make better airplanes.D. We had too many soldiers.

B. Our army was not ready for a war.

Who committed the crime known as the Holocaust?A. JapanB. GermanyC. ItalyD. U.S.A.

B. Germany

Members of NATO wanted:A. to stop Russia from making countries communistsB. to stop the spread of capitalismC. to stop plagiarismD. to keep dictators in power

A. to stop Russia from making countries communists

How many U.S. soldiers joined to fight in the war?A. thousandsB. millionsC. hundredsD. billions

B. millions

We dropped an atomic bomb on:A. Pearl HarborB. Berlin, GermanyC. Brussels, BelgiumD. Hiroshima, Japan

D. Hiroshima, Japan

Who fought in the Cold War?A. U.S.A. and CanadaB. U.S.A. and GermanyC. U.S.A. and RussiaD. U.S.A. and Italy

C. U.S.A. and Russia

Which group was forced to move to internment camps in America?A. Spanish AmericansB. African AmericansC. Japanese AmericansD. Irish Americans

C. Japanese Americans

Why was the United Nations formed?A. to stop communismB. to try to keep peace in the worldC. to help the VietnameseD. to protect the U.S.A. from Cuba

B. to try to keep peace in the world

Who helped the North Koreans in the Korean War?A. U.S.A.B. the Soviet Union and JapanC. the Soviet Union and ChinaD. the Soviet Union and U.S.A.

C. the Soviet Union and China

Who won the Korean war?A. U.S.A.B. North KoreaC. South KoreaD. neither side

D. neither side

What started the Cuban Missile Crisis?A. We learned that the Soviets were putting missiles in Cuba.B. The Cubans learned we were putting missiles in Florida.C. The Soviets learned that we were putting missiles in Sweden.D. We killed more Russians during the Cold War.

A. We learned that the Soviets were putting missiles in Cuba.

In a market economy, most decisions are made by: A. the government in charge B. a super-computerC. people and businessesD. kings and queens

C. people and businesses

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