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Social Studies 7


Name: ___________________

7- ______

Chapter 6: Becoming Canada p. 122-145

Important Terms

- Personal Identity - Discrimination

- Superficial Characteristics - Bribery

- Liberators - Immigrants

- United Empire Loyalists (Loyalists) - Quarantine Station

- Traitors - Responsible Government

- Refugees - Legislative Assembly

- Chateau Clique - Family Compact

- Reformers - Secret Ballot

- Polling Stations


Fill in the blanks while reading your textbook. Also, for bolded terms, provide a


A Complex Identity

Personal Identity: _______________________________________________


Superficial Characteristics: ________________________________________


An Emerging Identity

- Between 1763 and 1850, hundreds of thousands of _______________

immigrants came to Canada

Rebellion in the Thirteen Colonies

- In ______ , a rebellion exploded in Britain’s Thirteen Colonies

- Canada was then flooded with _________ - speaking newcomers that

changed the face of British North America forever

Social Studies 7


Growing Restless

- Britain’s Thirteen colonies south of the St. Lawrence River were


- However, the colonies could only ____________ with the home country,


- They also paid _______ ________ on British imports

- They wanted more ___________ over their own affairs

- In _______, Britain passed the Quebec Act which gave the Ohio Valley to

Quebec, and not the Thirteen Colonies. This made the colonists of the

colonies _________

- The war of independence started in _______. The American rebels hoped

the ____________ would join their revolt. They then marched into


Invaders or Liberators

Liberators: ____________________________________________________


Look at the ‘Case Study’ box on p. 125 and answer the 4 questions in the box. Make

sure you explain your answer with a WHY statement.

1. _________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________



3. _________________________________________________________



4. _________________________________________________________



Social Studies 7


- The invasion of Quebec _____________, however, in ______ Britain finally

recognized the _________ __________ of ___________ after many

years of fighting

Question: What do you think North America would look like today if Quebec had

joined the rebellion?




Citizen’s Loyal to the King

- Not all people in the Thirteen Colonies ____________ the rebellion

United Empire Loyalists: __________________________________________


- List two reasons why the United Empire Loyalists did not support the war

o ____________________________________________________

o ____________________________________________________

Traitors: ______________________________________________________


Refugees: _____________________________________________________


Loyalists Head to Nova Scotia

Discrimination: __________________________________________________


- For many Black Loyalists, they received ______ land than other Loyalists


- Despite many challenges, Black Loyalists built a rich ___________ in Nova


New Colonies

- Some Loyalists were not happy in Nova Scotia and endured _________ and

hardship during the war

- In ______ Britain divided Nova Scotia into ______ parts

Social Studies 7


- The _____________ portion became _____ ______________

- ______ __________ Island became a separate colony as well

- Ile Saint-Jean was renamed ________ __________ Island

Loyalists Come to Quebec

- Many Loyalists did ____ want to __________ in Quebec

o Quebec was mainly French and Roman Catholic

- The governor of Quebec, Sir ___________ ______________ agreed to

give newcomers land to the West

Case Study: Land, Identity, and the First Nations p. 129

Read the blue ‘Case Study’ box and answer the following questions.

1. Do you think the Mohawk were treated fairly by the British? Explain why or

why not.

2. How do you think the Mohawk way of life changed after they lost so much of

their land? Explain.

3. Do you think the Mohawk people felt like they were a part the new country

that was developing? Explain why or why not.

Social Studies 7


Building a Bilingual Country

- Most Loyalists who came to Quebec spoke _________

- In Quebec, the ______________ formed the majority

- The Loyalists wanted to keep their ___________ heritage but to do that,

they needed their own ___________ and government

- In _______, Britain agreed to split Quebec in two with the

________________ Act

- The Western part of Quebec became ___________ Canada and the old

colony of Quebec became ___________ Canada

- The citizens of Quebec kept all of their _________ they had gained from

the Quebec Act in _______, including French ________ law

- This strategy allowed the French and English to co-exist.

- This was the beginning of Canada as a bi-lingual country!

Social Studies 7


Conflict Renewed: The War of 1812 p. 131

Video: PBS Video ‘The War of 1812’ (Time: 1:53:13)

Answer the following questions based on the video on the War of 1812.

1. How do you think the development of Canada and the United States was

changed as a result of the War of 1812?




______________sovereignty ____________________________


2. Describe the role of the First Nations peoples in the War or 1812? Was it an

important role? For which side did they fight?






3. How did the War of 1812 contribute to the British identity in Canada?






Social Studies 7


The Great Migration

- After the war, Britain wanted to develop more _colonies (or farms)__

- The British planned to move people from ________, _________, and

_________ to its North American colonies

- Between _____ and _____ more than 800 000 __immigrates__ came to

Halifax, Saint John, and _________ _______

- This mass movement of people was called The ________ ___________

List 5 reasons why people wanted to leave Britain and move to North America:

1. ____________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________

Coming to the Colonies

- Conditions for immigrants coming to Canada were very ______

- Many died en route and so the ships that carried them became known as

“______ _______”

- Some immigrants stopped in the _Maritime colonies

- Others went up the St. _Lawrence river and on to __________ Canada

The Terrible Year

- About 30 000 immigrants came from Britain each year and about _____ of

them were from Ireland

- In ______, there were _________ people that came from Ireland alone

- Many Irish people came because there was no ________ - this was known as

the Irish Potato Famine

- Many people died due to a typhoid epidemic aboard the ships to Canada

Quarantine Station: ___________________________________________


Social Studies 7


A Very British colony

- Many people from Britain now began to fill up the colonies in North America

- Industries sprang up such as _________ and _________

- These industries served the local _____________

- The newcomers brought their _________ culture with them – they followed

British customs and __________, played British __________ and spoke


Question: How do you think Canada would be different if the French had of won

the war of 1812 in Europe? Explain.






Using Figure 6.20, describe the change in population of 3 British colonies in North

America from 1806 – 1851 (use actual numbers)

a. _________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________

Case Study: The Underground Railroad

Read the blue ‘Case Study’ box and make your own notes on the Underground


Somebody Wanted But So

Social Studies 7


Divided Society

- During this time, the population of Canada boomed

- This brought many different kinds of people into Canada

- Sometimes, _________ boiled over into armed rebellion

Government in the Colonies

- In ______, the Constitutional ______ gave the British colonies a new form

of ______________

- Each colony had its own __________ and ____________ assembly

Look at Figure 6.22 on p. 139 and answer the following questions.

1. What do you notice about the language that was spoken by most of the

government officials? ________________________________________

2. What do you notice about the actual power that voters of Canada had in

electing their own government? _________________________________

3. What do you think would be the problem with a Governor that was appointed

in Britain and not Canada? _____________________________________


Legislative Assembly: ____________________________________________


Chateau Clique: _________________________________________________


Family Compact: ________________________________________________


Reformers: ____________________________________________________


- Many elected officials only passed laws that favoured _____________

- Many colonists thought this was __________

- Certain people called __________ started demanding change, but nothing

was done

Social Studies 7


Rebellion in Lower Canada

- In the _____’s people in both Upper and Lower Canada were upset with the


- Many different groups had a different perspective on the issues.

In the table below, describe each perspective and then describe one consequence

resulting from that certain perspective of the group.

Group Perspective Consequence








Social Studies 7


- Louis-Joseph ___________ led a group of radicals called the __________

- In _____ they presented the ________-____ Resolutions to the Assembly

o Ninety-Two Resolutions: _________________________________


- The group then won _____% of the votes in the election

- However, in _____ the British government rejected all of the demands

- Papineau then travelled through the colonies urging Canadiens to take up


- Fighting broke out in ___________ ______ at Saint-Denis

- The Patriotes were victorious in this battle but were defeated at _______-

___________ and at Saint-Eustache

- Papineau then fled to the _________ __________

Rebellion in Upper Canada

- There was unrest in Upper Canada as well

- A Scottish immigrant named __________ ______ _____________led the


- In ______, he and his group issued the __________ _________ on


o Seventh Report on Grievances: ____________________________


- These reformers took up arms and attempted to __________ the


- In 1837, ______________ led a group of 700 rebels towards Toronto

- However, British troops once again ___________ the rebels and Mackenzie

had to flee to the __________ ___________

The Impact of the Rebellions

- The rebellions made a lasting impact in the colonies

- The ___________ colonists felt dreadfully ____________

- Many people agreed with the goals of the ____________

- Britain had to recognize that __________ was necessary

Social Studies 7


The Road to Responsible Government

- A common complain about the government in the colonies was that the

___________ did not have to follow the will of the people

o Explain why - __________________________________________

- The British government had to respond and Canada finally achieved

______________ _________________

o Responsible Government: ________________________________


Lord Durham’s Report

- In ______ the British government sent Lord __________ to Canada

o He was a wealthy British ________ and ____________

- He was sent to find answers about the _____________ of the rebellions

- He spent five months in Canada and then returned to Britain to explain his


- Two main recommendations were:

o 1. ___________________________________________________

o 2. __________________________________________________

The Union of the Canada’s

- One of the main problems in Lower Canada was the trouble between the

_____________ and the ___________ colonists

- Durham was _____________ - meaning, he took one side based on his past

and the influences in his life

- He said the Canadiens were “___________________________________


- He failed to recognize that the Canadiens had a distinct national

_________ tied to their _____________ and ____________

- He failed to credit the Canadiens for their many _____________ to Canada

- Durham wanted to get rid of the __________ language in Quebec

- He would do this by ____________ the two colonies

- A ___________ society would gradually absorb the Canadiens

Social Studies 7


- In ______, the Act of ________ created a single colony with two provinces

of :

o Lower Canada became __________ ______

o Upper Canada became __________ ______

- The only official language in the colony was __________

- This made the ___________ very unhappy

Achieving Responsible Government

- In this type of government, representatives would be __________ by the


- The Governor would then _________ the wishes of the Assembly

- At first, the ________ opposed the idea

- However, in _____ the Reformers won a huge election victory

- The governor, Lord ______ chose two _________ to lead the new

government. They were:

o ________________________________

o ________________________________

- In ______ Elgin passed the ___________ ________ Bill which was

proposed by the new reformers in the government

- This was the final step to responsible government!

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