social psychology journal

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ID: 0314660

Submission date: NOVEMBER 20, 2013

Social Psychology Journal

October 1, 2013

Today I started my very first psychology class in my life. I never learn or attend any psychology

class before. For me I felt very excited and curious about what actually psychology is. First, we

have a clear briefing about the module structure and rules before we started the class. Then we

had been given a paper together with some question to answer it. If I not mistaken, the questions

are about what you think and feel about yourself, what you think others think and feel about you.

For both question is hard to me because I never answer those question before so I took quite long

time to answer the first question and then I pass my second question to my classmate which sit

beside me to help me to answer it. After submitted the paper, lecturer begin the introduction of

psychology. After the introduction I felt that it’s an interesting subject because I can learn how to

analyze and expand the behavior those around me and study the human behavior. I think

psychology is an amazing subject it is a combination of science and art. One thing I love the

most about psychology is it able to analyze and explain the behavior of human by using a

scientific method. I can’t wait to find out more about psychology.

October 8, 2013

Today our lecture is about self-concept. An activity started before the lecture, we asked to form a

group of 5-6 people and each person need to answer 4 questions start from the sentence “I

am......” to define ourselves. At first those questions makes me confuse and I don’t really know

what to fill into the sentences, so I started to think about is it just write down those simple answer

like name, gender or something more deeply like personality, characteristic, and etc. Finally I

fill up the five questions with ‘I am Teo Chong Yih’ because I think name is important to me and

it’s given by my parents without it I don’t know who I am. For the second and third one I fill up

‘I am strong and I am week’. At some point I felt strong but some point I felt week and it

depends on different field, situation, and way. For ford answer I write ‘I am myself’ because I

can’t think who else can be me except myself, I am not superman, I am not my brother, I am not

my father, I am who I am.

According what I learnt from Miss Pang, every person is the center of him/herself and always we

tend to wonder about ourselves, we always think of ourselves first than others. The second which

I have learnt is predicting feeling. Besides, I also learnt what self-serving bias is. Throughout this

lesion I have learnt more about myself.

November 11, 2013

In today class, Miss Pang gave a talk on “Visual”. Visual is a pertaining to seeing or sight. To

see something we need light. Light is a part of electromagnetic spectrum, the continuum of all

the frequencies of radiated energy such as Gamma rays, X-rays, Ultraviolet, visible light, infra

rays, radio, and TV transmission. Besides, I also learnt the structure of eye. Even though I have

learnt that in my secondary school but I forgot most of them, so that remind me of those pass

memory about the eye. Other than that, I also learnt the common disorders of vision. The most

interesting part of the lesion today is the effect of color. Miss Pang explains about the effect of

color in psychology term. I have learnt different color have different effect in term of

psychology, for example blue is more productive, red can get attention and focus, and others.

That was funny and interesting because we always affected by those colors which surrounding

us. Before the end of the class we had been show what is the visual system, there are reversible

figure, ambiguous formula, inattention blindness, assembling forms, subjective contours, gestalt

principle, formulating perception hypothesis, perceiving depth or distance, linear perspective,

texture gradient, interposition, relative size, light and shadow, perception constancies in vision.

We also have been though about the visual illusions. That was amazing when seeing those visual

illusions which will makes me confuse and get to know how my brain integrates when seeing

whose picture.

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