social pres riley hayes 031309

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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march 13, 2009

social media/Riley Hayes

social media/origins

we use this term to describe a lot of things. perhaps too many.

photo credit: D'Arcy Norman

social media/what is it?

essentially, “social media” describes an ever-changing set of online communication

channels, venues, and tools.

social media/what is it?

that is ok.

only a fraction of these things are relevant to any given person or organization.

you will never see or use them all.

social media/why is it important?

social media is important because it is communal.

photo credit: Seattle Municipal Archives

social media/why is it important?

it is important and useful because it helps people publish content

share things meet other people

carry on conversations

the currency of social media is conversation and content.

social media/the commune rules

like any community-based activity, successfully using social media requires active

participation, sharing, and mutual needs.

deception is fatal and greed is not cool.

social media/what does it look like?

social networks (facebook) online communities (yelp)

virtual worlds (Second Life) blogs (boingboing)

microblogging and messaging (twitter) photo sharing (flickr)

video sharing (YouTube) wikis (Wikipedia)

example 1/Learnmore

example 2/3M PSD

Example 3/New Tactics

example 4/AXE

my role/a thoughtful approach

in today’s online marketplace, as in the physical one, influence is neither purchased nor sold –

it is earned through the relationships you build,

the company you keep, and the conversations you inspire.

the right plan can help companies to participate and experience digital influence through

social media.

phase 1/awareness + insight

take a broad look at the activities occurring in numerous venues (blogs, online

communities, etc.), locate the relevant conversations and participants, and analyze them with your business objectives in mind.

learn about what is happening.

phase 2/smart planning

create a pragmatic, integrated road map for your social media effort, which outlines

business objectives critical roles

timelines expectations

measurable outcomes pitfalls (legal department?)

phase 3/participate, fully

join or create the conversations that further your objectives, and those of your customers. this also

includes market testing, whereby you ask the community to provide feedback about what you’re


it must be a dedicated effort that reflects your DNA.

phase 4/integration

the success of your social media initiative depends on other efforts to deepen and

strengthen offline relationships.

connect your digital efforts to other activities.

this ensures synergy and efficiency.

to begin/experiment internally

start a twitter account join facebook

share your work on flickr (Creative Commons!) use slideshare

start blogging create a company wiki

brainstorm with clients. call me. seriously.

further reading/the innovators Joseph Jaffe Chris Brogan

thank you/mark holterhaus

mobile: 763 229 2995 twitter: mholterhaus skype: mholterhaus

email: blog: HOUSEKEPT

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