social media for social good: how nonprofits can use social media marketing tools to accomplish...

Post on 10-May-2015






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Are you thinking about entering the world of social media for your nonprofit but not sure where to start? Do you wonder how it can make a difference to your organization? Or have you started out in the world of blogs, Twitter and Facebook but you’re not sure which tools and approaches are right for you? Are you concerned about time management and how much it will all cost? When it comes to communication strategies, many nonprofits tend to stay in familiar, one-way marketing terrain – static websites, direct mail appeals, and print newsletters. However, the explosive growth of social media marketing tools offers an interactive way for nonprofits to build community and raise funds and awareness like never before. Whether you already use social media in your nonprofit’s development plan or you’re new to the game, this presentation is for you. We will cover 10 highly successful social media habits of nonprofits, the “rules of the road” in social media for nonprofits and answer the big question – why do it at all?


Social Media for Social Good: How Nonprofits Can Use

Social Media Marketing Tools to Accomplish Their Missions

April 11, 2013SAYMedia Salem

J Campbell Social

“Social Media” – What is it?Any online technology or practice that people

use to share (content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media).

REAL interactions in REAL time.

“Social Media” – Is it a fad?No. The platforms may change

(anyone remember Friendster and Myspace?) – but the concept is not going to change.

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other on a personal and professional level.

Social media has completely changed our expectations of brands, companies and nonprofits.

2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study98% have a Facebook page with an

average community size of over 8k fans.  Average Facebook and Twitter communities

grew by 30% and 81% in 2012, respectively.  Average value of a Facebook Like is $214.81

(over 12 months following acquisition). 

2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study73% of noprofits allocate half of a full time

employee to managing social networking activities. 

43% budget $0 for their social networking activities. 

The top 3 factors for success in social media we found to be: StrategyPrioritizationDedicated staff 

Why Is This Important for Nonprofits?Extension of donor relations – research,

stewardship, cultivation, connection.Public awareness! “We do such great work

but no one has ever heard of us!”Transparency – not operating in a silo.Public accountability.

Why Is This Important for Nonprofits?It makes us dig deep into the

“Why would anyone care?” question.We know why we do it.We know why you should

give us money, volunteer, attend our event, care!

But can we convey the WHY?Can we make people care?Can we cut through the

clutter and the noise?

Important Notes Before You Begin

Technology is constantly in flux and you will need to be adaptable.

The work is never “done”. You need to find a balance.

There is no customer service (there are forums, blogs, Help centers).

Tools are free (like a puppy is free). Need to invest time in

training and/or in staff. Some tools cost a little.

Adapted from Social Media for Social Good by Heather Mansfield

Important Notes Before You Begin

Fear is counterproductive!

Connecting with your constituents is never a waste of time.

Don’t compare yourself! There is no silver

bullet, magic strategy – there are best practices, tips and tricks, but there is no absolute solution. (So, it’s like everything.)

Adapted from Social Media for Social Good by Heather Mansfield

Get OrganizedGet buy-in from Executive Staff and Board.Define your goals and objectives.

Raise money?Secure new volunteers?Increase website traffic?Build online brand?Foster social good?Create social change?

Write down 3-4 goals for your social media campaign (can tie with overall marketing goals).

Get OrganizedCreate a Social Media Measurement

spreadsheetAs of the start of your campaign, how

many: Likes, Followers, Blog readers, Email

subscribers Google Analytics

Receive Google Alerts and New York Times alerts for your nonprofit specifically and your industry/cause

Get OrganizedSign up and secure all URLs – be consistent.

Save usernames and passwords in a spreadsheet.

Get a square version of your logo for avatars.

Get OrganizedCheck out Social Media Dashboards &

Scheduling ToolsHootSuite, TweetDeck, Buffer

Remember, it is always most effective to login and monitor each site individually.

Follow/Like organizations with similar missions and programs.

Follow/Like other local organizations (no politicians!!)

Get OrganizedStart a simple Editorial Calendar. tool for planning, scheduling and managing

publication of content across channels Blog posts Twitter Facebook YouTube Podcasts Email Newsletters Direct mail campaigns Press releases Events

Get OrganizedMeasure results slowly.

Facebook – Instant Post InsightsTwitter – ReTweets, mentionsWebsite analytics

and trafficBlog trafficEmail newsletter


See what works. Do more of that.

FAQ: Confidentiality Concerns“Client and staff identities need to be protected

or lives are at risk.”Clients will be less likely to seek our services if

they think there is a danger of their identity being revealed.”

“We may be the target of hostile PR campaigns (women’s rights and gay rights organizations).”

FAQ: Confidentiality Concerns“Best way to protect confidentiality is to think

about humans as much, if not more, than the technology.”Jayne Cravens, TechSoup Community Forum Manager

Ensure that every employee and volunteer knows:What info should be confidential and WHY.What do breaches look like – online and offline.Consequences.Must be addressed and discussed frequently – part of

the culture! Develop a policy (Google “Employee Social Media

Policy”)More info at:

FAQ: Confidentiality ConcernsWhat should ever be

shared in writing?What should not?

Email Organization’s

network/intranet Website Blog Own individual Facebook,

LinkedIn, Twitter accountsNeed clear, concise, explicit

policies with examples. Think HR

handbook/protocols. More info at:

Facebook 101The place where people go to

connect/reconnect with friends and family. People come to Facebook to make personal

connections and to have fun. Strategy – Help supporters feel more

connected to your organization; show them who you are as individuals; help them connect to each other.

Share “behind the scenes” photos and videos, ask questions, share compelling statistics and success stories.

Easy, light, fun. Include media with all posts – links, photos, videos.

Twitter 101A space where people share the content that

excites them, in short 140 character bursts. The link reigns supreme! Strategy – Don’t get too personal; share the

best content you can find; drive traffic to your website; get people to “ReTweet” your content; follow people who have lots of followers and ask them to spread your message.

ReTweet, Thank – create good Twitter karma.Statistics, quotes, links. Be creative!

LinkedIn 101A professional network where people go to

build networks and connect to resources.Strategy – Unlike Facebook, people actually

want to talk about work and work issues on LinkedIn. Longer, wordier responses, more professional tone.

Look for potential employees and volunteers, share professional networking events, Board opportunities, join Groups and ask questions and start discussions.

Very good for donor prospect research, recruiting volunteers and staff members; also promoting thought leadership on an issue.

Pinterest 101“Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing

things you love” – People use it to make wish lists, plan trips, organize events, start collections, interior decorating, plan projects

Pinterest is aspirational, not of-the-moment. It is also transactional, not relational like

Facebook, Twitter. What we pin reflects what we covet, what

moves us, what we desire, who we want to be.Pinterest works more like a Vision Board,

rather than an off-the-cuff, in-the-moment statement of what we are eating or where we are hanging out.

What will I post/tweet about?• Industry blogs,

newsletters, websites

• Google Alerts & New York Times alerts

• Competitors• Success Stories• Inspirational

quotes• Reached a goal• Want input on

an issue

• Events, anniversaries, celebrations, birthdays

• Email newsletter• Tie current

events to your cause/issue

• Read everything and follow everyone!

• Figure out what’s working for other nonprofits and adapt it!

OK – But How Do I Raise Money??

Facebook Ladder of Engagement – John Haydon

More info at:

OK – But How Do I Raise Money??

“Facebook is not Amazon and Pinterest is not eBay.” – John Haydon

Article: Why Can’t I Raise Any Money With Social Media

Think about how you use social media channels:

Connect with friends and familyDiscover interesting stuffSharing things that you likeOrganizing with people who have common goalsPeople hardly ever “use social media with the

goal of buying something or donating to a nonprofit”.

More info at:

Take AwaysDon’t compare.Don’t get discouraged.Get training.Get professional help. Do it in bite-size pieces. Do what’s manageable. Have realistic expectations.Less is always more. Quality over quantity.Go off-topic. Have fun!

Julia’s Social Media Philosophy

Social media is a TOOL – it is not a silver bullet.

In other words, you still need a compelling cause and good message.

Integrate it with an overall marketing campaign, just as you would other tools (direct mail, newsletter, website, ads).

Julia’s Social Media Philosophy

Not all social media channels are right for your nonprofit.

Pick and choose. Do a few well than many poorly.

QUALITY over QUANTITY – one quality Facebook post per day (or every few days) is worth more than 100 posts that get you unliked or unfollowed.

To learn

Questions, comments, feedback?

Email: julia@jcsocialmarketing.comWebsite: www.jcsocialmarketing.comCell: 978-578-1328Twitter: @JuliaCSocialFacebook:

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