social media 101

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Introduction to social media - presented to the English Language Partners national conference on 22 May 2010.


Social media 101

with Emma McCleary from Ideas Shop

Why have you chosen this workshop?

My aims and outcomes

• You’ll know what to do before starting a social media

campaign or project

• To give you a broad overview of some of the most

popular social media tools

• To ensure you understand what each tool does

• You’ll leave with a social media plan

• My presentation will be made available

• Contact details for when you get stuck

Social media is about being social and about having a conversation

Social media:

• Always happens online

• Is usually free

• Requires maintenance

• Needs a username and password for each application

What scares you most about social



Your social media plan is your guide to success

Developing your social media plan: a guide to success

The aim of your project.

Tools for success: SMART(Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely)

Three-four key messages about your project

Target audiences – who are they? Ages? Location? Ethnicity?

Who else can help you with your project?

Developing your social media plan: a guide to success

What are your restrictions?

Are there risks? How will you overcome these?

Who will maintain my social media campaign

How much time will I need each week for maintenance? Over what period?

Realistically, do I have time for this?

Lets go over our plans...

You should never choose your social media tools until you’ve worked out what you’re doing.

Here’s some options:

We’ll learn about:

• Social networking

• Blogging

• Micro blogging

• Video sharing

• Photo sharing

• Wikis

• Social bookmarking

Social networking

• Is based on friendship

• Based on creating networks with other people

• Everyone uses their real name so it’s honest

• People set up their own personal profiles

• You can also set up events and

pages for your organisation

• A business networking focus• Create groups and have your workmates join them• Helps your organisation’s Google rankings• Not visual •11.9 million active users worldwide

Social networking

• Rumoured to be closing down• Superseded by Facebook

Social networking

• Create ‘fan pages’ for your interest group• Post short news stories to keep people interested• Post photos• Talk direct to people interested in your organisation• More than 400 million active users worldwide• Can update once a week

Blogging • Is based on storytelling

• Blogs need to be updated consistently – whether each day,

once a week or once a fortnight…

• Blog posts can include images and video

• Blogs should include links to other sites

• Blog posts only need to be about 300 words

• Can have more than one author

Worksheet - storytelling


•Short updates of 140 characters or less

• People generally use usernames – not their real


• Best updated several times a day

• Great for lots of short updates or for promoting

key messages widely

• It’s not just all about you though…Worksheet – using twitter

Video sharing

• Don’t rely on the media to tell your stories

• Theme your own channel – a branded video channel

that’s all yours

• Video your communities to showcase your work

• Video short news stories and post them

• Use Twitter and your newsletters to promote your


• Can lock-off comments to control what’s being said

Video sharing

Photo sharing

• Show your stories through


• Create an archive online

• I recommend

• Free and paid options

• Remember to check with

people before putting their

photo online


Social bookmarking

Slide sharing

Think about your social media plan:what tool will you use?

Social media is about being social and about having a conversation

Worksheet – managing risk

Managing risk

• Create a ‘worst case scenario’ plan

before you start

• Let your manager and

workmates know what’s

going on

• Be timely

• Think about tone before answering any


• Delete comments only as a last resort

Prove you’re doing well


• Know why you’re using social media and what you want achieve • Plan for the worst so you can act quickly

• Have a conversation – listen as well as talk

• Engage your community – create new content

• Know what’s going on - monitor your social media

• Know how to report stats to your managers and board

Talk to Emma McCleary:

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