social engagement and catalyst for conversation

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    Visit a given area, nd out about areaby speaking to locals. Decide chosentopic, develop ideas, nd a solution.Return to the area with post and seehow locals react. Then, re ect experi -ence.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    When visiting Whitchurch I noticed a crossroad that had no pedes -trian crossing on it, with a vast amount of traf c I found it dif cult tocross. I spoke to a local person who said the crossing was danger -ous, especially to children who had to cross to school.

    I spoke to a few other locals and asking how they felt about thecrossroad. One shopkeeper said that he had lived in the area all hislife. He told me that there was once a protest in the 70s to have apedestrian crossing, but it was unsuccessful and no crossing wasever introduced.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    Watchvideos of crossroad
  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    When I returned I decided to create a poster based on the crossroadsas it was the most interesting topic I found about the area. I also thoughtit would be the most effective in creating a catalyst for conversation be -cause the locals I showed real concern and strongly felt a crossing wasneeded.

    The design process started with basic drawings and experimenting with

    text. I wanted the design to be minimal in design, but have a handmadelook to it. I decided to do this because I was inspired by campaign ban -ners and signs which are mostly handmade. The painted lettering wastraced from Futura typeface. The colour choice was in uenced fromzebra crossings.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    To further support my work I cre -ated yers and a blog on bothFacebook and Tumblr .

    By creating social media blogsI wanted to see if my audiencewould react. Also using QR codesit has made it easier to accessthese blogs.
  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    Watchvideo of performance
  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    Watch video of performance

    When returning to the crossroadI decided to place my yers ina suitable place for people totake one. I then created a perfor -mance piece which involved mewalking around the crossroadstwo times, the rst time showingthe front of my poster and thesecond time the back of the post -er. I had quite an audience with busytraf c and parents picking uptheir children from school. It was

    an interesting experience and Iquite enjoyed doing it.
  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


    Lookng back at the project asa whole my opinion on it haschanged vastly. I didnt havemuch apprehension when giv -en the project, but I felt I havegrown into it.

    When visiting the area I wasworrying about speaking topeople and trying to nd outabout something I never knewor had ever any interest in. Myopinion changed once I left, Ifelt educated and more con -dent by talking to people.

    The poster was designed tovisually speak how many of thelocals felt about the crossroad, I

    wanted it to be the voice of thecommunity. I think the designwas successful in doing this.The handmade originality andchoice of text made the postervisually achieve this. After returning to the area Iwanted to try recreate the cam -paign from the 70s by walkingaround the crossroad. I enjoyed

    doing this and I think I had apositive reaction from people,

    unfortunately no one spoke to me.I went back to see the shopkeeperwho gave me lots of information onthe crossroad, but he wasnt there.

    For the yers, well, I left them thereto see if anyone would take one andcheck out my blogs.

    When I returned home I was pleas -antly surprised to see two peopleliked my facebook page. I thinkthe reaction from them though thatmaybe my work is an actual cam -paign rather than a piece of design. Itwould be amazing if my work wouldbe the start some sort of actual cam -paign. Overall I am pleased with what Ihave achieved in this project, butthere are a couple of things I couldhave done to improve it. I could havespoken to more people and see howthey felt to get more feedback on mypiece. Another is the shopkeeper didtell me of a man who worked in thecouncil during the time of the cam -paign. It would have been fantastic

    to talk to him. However I didnt knowthe area to nd where he lived.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


  • 8/12/2019 Social Engagement and Catalyst for Conversation


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