soal rangkuman bahasa inggris sma

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Naskah bonus tambahan Soal Rangkuman bahasa Inggris SMA. Dari penulis buku "Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris SMA"


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Bonus soal langsung dari penulis

Soal written expression:

1. A: Why do you think mobile phone is not

a luxury anymore?

B: Well, it is because the price is

affordable and we can buy it in many

shops. Moreover, more people need

to communicate anywhere and


What are they talking about?

a. The price

b. Communication

c. Luxury thing

d. Mobile phone

e. The people

2. A: Nisa, could you come over to my

house tomorrow night?

B: Sure, I’d love to. What kind of event

will you have?

A: I’m going to have a birthday party.

See you, then.

What are they talking about?

a. My house

b. Tomorrow

c. Party invitation

d. A friend’s birthday

e. A special event

3. A: So, how much are these all?

B: Fifty eight thousand rupiah. Is there

anything else you’d like to buy?

A: No, thanks.

Where does the dialog probably take


a. At school

b. At the shop

c. At home

d. At library

e. At hospital

4. A: Where do you live, Denny?

B: I live on Kemayu street, near the post


A: Oh, I see. There’s also a train station


B: Yes, that’s right.

Where does Denny live?

a. On Kemayu street

b. In the city

c. At the post office

d. At the train station

e. At school

5. A: I heard your sister got an accident last


B: Yes, she fell down from her bike and

grazed her knee.

A: Ouch, I’m sorry to hear that.

B: ….

What is the best response for the

conversation above?

a. She is at home.

b. Thank you.

c. She wanted to go to school.

d. Sorry, I can’t.

e. Oh, really?

6. A: Which bag do you like better, the red

one or the green one?

B: I like the red one. What about you,

which one do you like better?

A: ….

What is the best response for the

conversation above?

a. The green one, I think.

b. I don’t have any bag.

c. Do you need a bag?

d. I have a yellow bag.

e. Thank you very much.

Bonus Ekstra Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris – SMA (Bonus Buku Lipat) P a g e | 2

7. A: Dad, can I go to the cinema with my

friends tonight?

B: Alright, but you have to go home

before ten.

A: …

What is the best response for the

conversation above?

a. I don’t like the movie.

b. I will go with my friends.

c. I will, Dad. Thanks.

d. I don’t know about that.

e. I can go with my friends.

8. A: Last week I went to Bali. I stayed at

my friend’s house in Kuta. The house

has a big garden with colorful flowers

and a small pool.

B: Wow, that’s nice. The house owner

must be rich.

A: Yes. He has four cars too.

Which property is not mentioned by

speaker A?






9. A: Who’s this?

B: Oh, she’s my best friend at school,

Alicia. She’s wearing her glass and

she has straight long hair.

Which picture is described in the




Ajak teman & saudara gabung Page 3




10. A: What does your uncle do?

B: He’s a math teacher. He teaches in

junior high school.

Which picture is described in the







11. A: How was your vacation to Lombok,


B: It was terrible. The weather was bad

and the hotel service was poor.

A: Sorry to hear that.

What does speaker B express?

a. Sympathy

b. Pleasure

c. Dissatisfaction

d. Gratitude

e. Uncertainty

12. A: Hi, Jack. How are you today?

B: I am great, Nick! Thanks for your help

last night. You are very helpful.

Bonus Ekstra Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris – SMA (Bonus Buku Lipat) P a g e | 4

A: Never mind.

What does speaker B express?

a. Sympathy

b. Pleasure

c. Dissatisfaction

d. Gratitude

e. Uncertainty

Kumpulan soal ini adalah bonus langsung dari

penulis buku berikut:

Monolog for questions number 13-16:

Tigers are members of the cat family.

Lions, leopards, cheetahs, and house cats are

also members of the cat family. Tigers are the

largest cats, and the only cats with stripes. They

live in large forests in southern and southeastern

Asia. A tiger’s short fur is usually colored dark

orange with black stripes. The stripes make a

tiger stand out if you see them in the open. In

the forests where tigers live, however, the

stripes make them almost invisible.

Like house cats, tigers have soft pads on

the bottoms of their paws. These pads allow

tigers to move silently through the forest. Tigers

have long, sharp claws at the ends of their feet.

They pull the claws in until they need them.

When needed, the claws pop out like knives.

Tigers eat the largest animals they can

catch. They hunt wild boars, deer, wild cows,

young elephants, and young rhinos. Tigers also

kill farmers’ cows and goats. Tigers prefer to

avoid people. Sometimes they attack and kill

people, but only if they can’t find other food.

Tigers hunt alone. They usually hunt at

night. Tigers will travel 6 to 20 miles (10 to 30

kilometers) in one night while searching for prey.

Tigers sneak up on their prey. They use the

trees and grass to hide. A tiger slowly and

silently sneaks until its prey is about 30 feet

(about 10 meters) away. The tiger then lunges,

lightning-fast, and grabs the animal in its paws

and wrestles it to the ground. It sinks its teeth

into the animal’s neck to kill it.

Tigers are disappearing in the wild.

There are less than 7,000 tigers still alive.

People pose the biggest threat to tigers. People

destroy the tiger’s forest home. People have

taken away tigers’ food. People also hunt tigers

for sport and sell their skins and bones. Most

countries have passed laws against hunting

tigers, but poachers continue to kill them.

Adapted from Microsoft Encarta ® 2009.

13. What does the text tell about?

a. Tigers

b. Cats

c. Wild cows

d. Cows and goats

e. Young rhinos

14. How many tigers are there in the world


a. 6

b. 20

c. 30

d. 7000

e. 700

15. When do the tigers usually look for their


a. In the morning

b. In the afternoon

c. In the evening

d. every weekend

e. every other day

16. What do people take from tigers?

a. The meat

b. The skin

c. The blood

d. The paws

e. The claws

Ajak teman & saudara gabung Page 5

Monolog for questions number 17-23:

Zebras are a kind of horse. They walk,

jog, run, and gallop just as horses do. Zebras

live only in Africa. There are three species of

zebras: Grévy’s zebra, the mountain zebra, and

the plains zebra (also known as Burchell’s


Each kind of zebra has its own pattern of

stripes. No two zebras have exactly the same

stripes. Zebras like to hang out together in

groups. When zebras are feeding together, the

stripes can confuse an attacking animal. The

stripes make it hard for a lion or hyena to pick

out one zebra in the crowd. The stripes also

break up the zebra’s outline and make zebras

hard to see at a distance.

Zebras are usually smaller than horses.

The mountain zebra is the smallest zebra.

These zebras are about 4 feet (about 1.2

meters) high at the shoulders. Plains zebras are

slightly larger. Grévy’s zebra is the largest

zebra. It stands about 5 feet (about 1.5 meters)

high at the shoulder. Zebras have manes that

stick straight up from their necks. A zebra’s tail

is shorter than a horse’s tail.

Zebras can hear very well. They turn

their ears and big eyes toward the source of any

sound. They are always on the lookout for

danger. How zebras hold their ears helps to

show what mood they are in. A zebra that flicks

its ears back and forth is upset.

Like other members of the horse family,

zebras are grazing animals. They feed on

coarse grass. Zebras have chisel-shaped teeth

at the front of the mouth to bite off the grass and

large molars (back teeth) for grinding up food.

Zebras spend over half their time eating. In a

single day, a herd of zebras may wander more

than 12 miles (20 kilometers) in search of food.

Zebras form small family units. A zebra

female, or mare, is pregnant for about 12

months. She usually gives birth to one foal at a

time. The newborn foal feeds on its mother’s

milk for up to a year.

The main natural enemies of zebras are

lions, hyenas, and other wild animals. However,

people are a greater threat to zebras. People

hunt zebras. They hunted a kind of zebra called

the quagga until the animal died out.

Today, Grévy’s zebra and the mountain zebra

are endangered. People still hunt them for meat

and hides. People turn the lands where zebras

live into farms and ranches. This leaves fewer

places for zebras to live.

Adapted from: Microsoft Encarta ® 2009.

17. What does the text tell about?

a. Mountain zebra

b. Enemies of zebra

c. Zebra’s habitat

d. Zebra’s food

e. Zebra in brief

18. Which statement is correct?

a. Mountain zebra is bigger than horse.

b. Grévy’s zebras are bigger than

mountain zebra.

c. Plains zebras are bigger than

Grévy’s zebra.

d. Grévy’s zebras are smaller than

Plain zebra.

e. Mountain zebras are bigger than

Grévy’s zebra.

19. The word ‘it’ in paragraph 3 refers to ….

a. Mountain zebra

b. Grévy’s zebras

c. Plains zebras

d. All zebras

e. Horses

20. Every day, zebra can walk up to … km

to find their food.

a. 4

b. 12

c. 1,5

d. 1,2

e. 20

21. What does zebra eat?

a. People

b. Grass

c. Lions

d. Horses

e. Wild animals

22. How many types of zebra are mentioned

in the text?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

Bonus Ekstra Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris – SMA (Bonus Buku Lipat) P a g e | 6

e. 6

23. What is the main idea of the last


a. People hunt zebra.

b. Grévy’s zebra

c. Mountain zebra

d. Zebra’s habitat

e. Enemies of zebra

Monolog for questions number 24-29:

Homemade apple juice is a delicious

treat. You can even make enough to last for a

whole year. This apple juice recipe will taste

much better, and be more natural than the store-

bought kind. Here's how to make homemade

apple juice.

First, prepare some apples, cinnamon

(optional), sugar (if needed), large pot with lid,

ladle, colander or sieve, and filter (cheesecloth,

jelly bag, or coffee filters). Don’t forget to

prepare canning jars, jar grabber, and canner.

Select the apples. Don't use just any

apples for your apple juice recipes. If you

choose apples that are naturally sweet, you

won't need to add much sugar. Never use just

one variety of apples for your juice-choose a

mixture of apples. Make sure that your apples

are fully ripe.

Next, wash the apples, core them and

chop them. Do not peel them. Then wash the

jars or boil them for 10 minutes to sterilize them

before making apple juice.

After that, fill a large pot with water up to

4 inches deep. Then, add the apples. Cover the

pot, and turn the stovetop on high. Once the

water is boiling well, turn down to medium-high,

and continue to cook until the apples are soft all

the way through.

Now, filter the apples to remove pulp,

skins, seeds, and stems. You can run it through

a sieve or colander, or refrigerate for a day and

then pour out the liquid, leaving the sediment in

the bottom to discard. For filtered apple juice,

line your colander or sieve with cheesecloth,

coffee filters, or a jelly bag, and let the fresh

juice drip through it slowly. Heat it on low until

you've collected enough juice to fill the jars. Add

cinnamon to taste. Taste the juice now and add

a little sugar if needed.

Now, carefully scoop the juice into your

canning jars, filling them to within a quarter inch

of the top lip, and tighten the lid. To can the

juice, place in the canner, covering with at least

an inch of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes to

seal the jars.

Finally, lift them out, and let them cool

overnight without touching them. Check that

they are sealed by pressing in the center of the

lid. Unsealed jars should be refrigerated and

used quickly.

Modified from:


24. What is the text about?

a. How to cook apple

b. How to core apple

c. How to make apple juice

d. How to make apple jam

e. How to plant apple

25. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. The preparation

b. The final result

c. The people who need apple

d. How to cook apple

e. Some apples and sugar

26. Who will likely read this kind of text?

a. A teacher

b. A mother

c. A baby

d. An actor

e. Apple seller

27. What does the word ‘sealed’ (last

paragraph) mean?

a. preserved

b. cooked

c. removed

d. boiled

e. added

28. Which item is not used in the text?

a. Canning jar

b. Filter

c. Large pot

d. Apple vinegar

e. Cinnamon

29. The word ‘them’ in paragraph 4 refers to


a. Jar

Ajak teman & saudara gabung Page 7

b. Large pot

c. Sugar

d. Cinnamon

e. Apple

Monolog for questions number 30-32:

How to keep a conversation going

It can be difficult to keep a conversation

going. Even if you understand what the other

person is saying, you can feel "blocked" or

"frozen" when it's your turn to speak. The words

or phrases you need don't often come quickly

enough to mind. But there are other ways to

help keep the conversation along. The "secret"

is that you don't actually need many words to do

this! Here are some ways to make you sound

like a fluent, confident speaker of English

without saying very much.

You don't need to say much. Often just

one word is needed to show you are interested

and listening. Try "Really?" (with a rising

intonation), "Right" or "Sure". You could even

show you are listening with a non-word such as

"Mmm" or “Uh-huh".

Otherwise, use a short phrase to show

your feelings. For example, "How awful", "Oh

no!", "You're joking", "What a pity" etc. You can

response the statement "My neighbour had a car

accident yesterday," with "Oh, no!"

Then, you can use an auxiliary verb to

make a short question which will encourage the

other speaker to keep talking. So, when your

partner says "We tried out the new Chinese

restaurant last night," you can say "Did you?" or

when he says "I'm going to Barbados next week

on holiday," you can answer "Are you? Lucky


Finally, try to repeat what the other

person said. Do this especially if the other

person has said something surprising. For

example, when someone says "He won Rp 2

million on the quiz," you can say "Rp 2 million!”

repeating what she said.

Modified from: http://www.english-at-


30. How many ways are presented to keep

conversation going in the text?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. 6

31. Which one is a non-word reply?

a. Really

b. Mmm

c. How awful.

d. Did you?

e. Oh, no!

32. What does the word ‘interested’ (second

paragraph) mean?

a. concerned

b. remembered

c. made

d. surprised

e. tried

Monolog for questions number 33-36:


benchmark of English teaching and teacher

training in Indonesia, is currently looking for

highly-qualified talents to fill the following

position to support the growth of the schools

in Jakarta and Bandung.



Ideal candidates must possess the following:

• Bachelor’s degree from any disciplines;

preferably in marketing

• Minimum 1 year of experience as

Marketing Staff preferably from

education industries

• Demonstrate strong communication

skills, creative, proactive and dynamic

• Result/target oriented and are able to

work both independently and in a team

Anyone wishing to apply for the position should

submit a letter of application and an up-to-date

CV to no later

than August 7, 2010. Only qualified candidates

will be notified for a test and interview.

33. When should the applicant send

application letter at most?

a. Before August 8

b. Exacly on August 8

Bonus Ekstra Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris – SMA (Bonus Buku Lipat) P a g e | 8

c. After August 8

d. Every weekend on August

e. 7 days before August 31

34. What should be included with the

application letter?

a. A biography

b. Bill of health

c. Diploma

d. Copy of the add

e. Name card

35. These are the criteria for the job,


a. Communicative and innovative

b. Has 1 year experience in marketing

c. Able to work in a team

d. Has a bachelor degree

e. Is fluent in English

36. The word ‘submit’ has the same

meaning with ….

a. send

b. receive

c. reply

d. make

e. read

Monolog for questions number 37-40:

"Those who don't learn from history are

condemned to repeat it" and "A great nation is

one which fully appreciates its heroes." say

popular English aphorism and national adage.

Then, proposing an important person who has

taken a role in our nation history is important. I

think Gesang should be a national hero.

Who have never heard Bengawan Solo

song? I doubt it if there is. This keroncong song

has been a part of national voices. Gesang is a

senior composer whose songs gained fame all

the way to Japan. He has received a number of

awards in art and everyone will admit that his art

talent was dedicated to this nation.

Government has declared the other

great composers, WR. Suratman and Ismail

Marzuki, as national heroes. Gesang might not

be compared to others, but in my opinion,

Gesang is as great as them. All of them are

maestros. Due to his keroncong music maestro,

Gesang has taken a role in building our national


It is obvious that government should

name Gesang National Hero. We should not

delay and wait for, in case, our neighbor

countries or other international communities to

recognize him and grant an award for what he


Modified from:

37. The text tells about ….

a. Keroncong music

b. WR. Supratman

c. Bengawan Solo

d. Indonesian composers

e. Gesang

38. The word ‘his’ in paragraph 3 refers to


a. Gesang

b. WR. Supratman

c. Ismail Marzuki

d. Composer

e. Indonesia

39. The word ‘fame’ (paragraph 2) has the

same meaning with ….

a. composer

b. government

c. identity

d. reputation

e. national song

40. How many composers are mentioned in

the text?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. 6

Monolog for questions number 41-44:

Monkeys are animals called primates.

They have two legs and two long arms with

hands that can grasp things. Monkeys have ears

on each side of their heads and two eyes that

face forward. Most monkeys also have tails.

Their larger primate relatives, the apes, do not

have tails.

Like other primates, monkeys are among

the smartest animals. Biologists think that

monkeys can remember where different fruit

trees are. They can even remember when the

Ajak teman & saudara gabung Page 9

fruit gets ripe. Monkeys also communicate with

one another. They make signs with parts of their

bodies. They call out to one another.

Monkeys are very social. Males,

females, and baby monkeys live together in

groups. Some species of monkeys live in small

family groups. Other species live in larger

groups called troops. There might be more than

100 monkeys in a troop.

Female monkeys usually give birth to

only one baby at a time. The baby stays with its

mother while it feeds on her milk. In many

species, the females stay with their mother’s

family group for life. Males often leave their

mother’s family group when they grow up.

What a monkey eats depends on the

size of its group. Some species, such as howler

monkeys, feed mainly on leaves.

Other monkeys eat a mixture of food. They eat

leaves, flowers, bird eggs, and small animals.

Modified from: Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009

41. The text tells about ….

a. Monkeys’ food

b. Primates

c. Smart animal

d. Report on monkey

e. The apes

42. The word ‘it’ in paragraph 4 refers to ….

a. Female monkey

b. Baby monkey

c. Monkey’s food

d. Monkey’s milk

e. All monkeys

43. How can monkeys communicate with

one another?

a. They give gestures

b. They use phone to call others

c. They give birth

d. They remember the trees

e. They eat some food

44. These are monkeys’ food, except ….

a. Small animals

b. Birds eggs

c. Tree leaves

d. Flowers

e. Fruit trees

Monolog for questions number 45-50:

Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan

Land. There lived a happy family. They were a

father in form of dog, his name is Tumang, a

mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and

a child which was called Sangkuriang.

One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son

to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After

hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate

and worried because he hunted no deer. Then

he thought to shot his own dog. Then he took

the dog liver and carried home.

Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it

was not deer lever but Tumang's, his own dog.

So, She was very angry and hit Sangkuriang's

head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded

and scar then cast away from their home.

Years went by. Sangkuriang had

traveled many places and finally arrived at a

village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in

love with her. When they were discussing their

wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound

in Sangkuriang's head. It matched to her son's

wound who had left severall years earlier. Soon

she realized that she felt in love with her own


She couldn't marry him but how to say it.

Then, she found the way. She needed a lake

and a boat for celebrating their wedding day.

Sangkuriang had to make them in one night. He

built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and

the boat was almost complete, Dayang Sumbi

had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern

horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock

crowed for a new day.

Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was

very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and

became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu


Taken from:

45. Where did Sangkuriang meet his mother

after he had gone away?

a. In other city

b. In the market

c. In the forest

d. In Sangkuriang house

e. In a village

46. Why did Dayang Sumbi want to stop

Sangkuriang to marry her?

Bonus Ekstra Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris – SMA (Bonus Buku Lipat) P a g e | 10

a. Because she loved him.

b. Because Sangkuriang made a lake.

c. Because she is Sangkuriang’s


d. Because she lit up the eastern


e. Because he has a wound.

47. The word ‘she’ in paragraph 4 refers to


a. Dayang Sumbi

b. Sangkuriang

c. Umang

d. Tangkuban Perahu

e. Village people

48. Who should we contact if we need to ask


a. A pregnant woman

b. Healthy food seller

c. A doctor


e. 1-800-376-2229

49. The following are provided by institution,


a. Healthy food

b. Breastfeeding support

c. A doctor

d. Health support

e. Nutrition information

50. The following is NOT the requirement to

be supported by institution.

a. Has 1-4 year old child

b. Lives in North Carolina

c. Has medical risk factor

d. Meets income guideline

e. Has a private doctor

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