so what’s new at asttbc? · 2020-03-24 · certification / registration –may delegate authority...

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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A S T T B C . O R G

So What’s New at ASTTBC?

Charles Joyner, AScT, Registrar

Applied Science Technologists and Technicians British Columbia

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The evolut ion of profess ional re l iance

• Nov. 2018 – Professional Governance Act (PGA) Protection of the public interest is paramount

• July 2019 – Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) established

• July 2020 – bylaws of 5 regulators* to be submitted to the OSPG

• Nov. 2020 – Existing acts to be repealedPGA to be fully implemented


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PGA – Speci f ic Changes

• Regulators are not industry associations or advocates of the profession

• Regulators are subject to audit by OSPG

• Composition of governing councils is consistent (7 registrants + 4 lay + Past President = 12)

• Five statutory committees

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Changes in the p ipe l ine

1. Credentials committee to set standards of education, training and work experience for certification / registration – may delegate authority

2. Audit and practice review committee established to audit registrant conduct, competence and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

3. Investigations committee established to investigate complaints

4. Discipline committee established to adjudicate complaints

5. Nominating committee for Council elections

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Changes at ASTTBC Directory of registrants accessible to the

public includes registration category

such as ROWP and current status: • Trainee

• Practising

• Retired

• Cancelled

• Resigned

• Suspended

• Deceased

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• Directory of registrants includes present and former registrants (10 years)

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C h a n g e s : R O W P F i n d e r

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C h a n g e s : R O W P F i n d e r

• Professional profiles are member managed

• ASTTBC does not enter or manage your contact information (phone, e-mail, website)

1. Go to

2. Enter your member number OW0 _ _ _ and a user password. 3. Click on “professional profile” tab at the top right of the dashboard landing page

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C h a n g e s : R O W P F i n d e r

• Practising ROWPs are encouraged to enter their contact information (phone, e-mail, website)

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Changes – Member (Registrant) portal at

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Ente r ing your C PD ac t i v i t y

Activity: Attending South Island meeting and maintenance workshop

Category: Informal or self-directed learning

Activity hours: 8

CPD hours = 4

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• Select CPD activity category

• Enter completion date

• Enter number of activity hours

• Enter a brief description of the activity

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Changes a t AST TBC

• Practice Assessment Reviews (PAR) policy, procedures and standards enhanced

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Thank you

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