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Framework This document begins with an overview of the SGD Framework. It continues with a presentation of its activity categories and their inherent activities. Finally, it provides survey questions inquiring about your opinion about and adherence to the SGD Framework.

4.1 Framework OverviewThe Self-Governance Developer Framework (The SGD Framework) provides generic activities that can be selectively chosen by software developers while implementing and unit (developer) testing their software code. Its goal is to support developers in their daily work by assisting them in self-managing, monitoring and controlling their own assignments. The framework’s target group is software developers whose main task is to code, compile, unit test and integrate and test together their own code units before delivering them for integration and system testing.

The SGD Framework is structured into two parts. As shown in Figure A, these are (1) SGD Process Model and (2) My SGD Process. The SGD Process Model consists of (1) SGD Process Activity Categories, (2) SGD Process Activities, and (3) SGD Process Guidelines. The My SGD Process, on the other hand, includes activity spaces encompassing the activities that have been selected and/or conducted for realizing particular implementation endeavors. Activity spaces may consist of zero to many activities. The description of the SGD Framework that is provided in this document excludes SGD Process Guidelines. It only focuses on (1) SGD Process Categories and (2) SGD Process Activities.

4.2 The Process Model PartThe SGD Process Model consists of three main SGD process parts. These are (1) Pre-Work (2) Work, and (3) Post-Work. The model’s activities cover a wide spectrum of activities that are relevant for conducting implementation and unit (developer) testing work. In actual development endeavors, however, not all of them need be conducted. In some contexts and/or programming environments, only their subsets may be relevant. For this reason, the SGD Process Model includes the SGD Guidelines providing suggestions for what activities to use, when and why.

Figure A. Structure of the Self-Governance Developer Framework

Figure B. The Self-Governance Developer Framework

The SGD activities are grouped into nine categories that are distributed across the three above-listed SGD process parts. In the model, they are put in the part and category in which they are contextually relevant. They are also listed in the order that may correspond to a logical workflow. This may make the model be understood as traditional and heavyweight. However, the SGD Framework does not impose any specific order of activities.

The activities may be conducted in any order and they may be included in any process phase. Developers are free to use them in the order that best suits their requirements, needs, formality levels, development approaches, contexts and specific working and/or technological environments as long as their choice contributes to product and process quality.

4.2.1  Pre-Work Activities

Preliminary ActivitiesThe Preliminary Activities are mainly to be conducted before starting implementation and unit (developer) testing work. These activities should be carried out before the actual implementation and unit (developer) testing works begins because they provide developers with the resources needed to perform high quality work. Here, the concerns are making sure that methodologies, technologies, standards, ways of working, commitments are understood and in place. The SGD Framework strongly recommends that developers consider them before launching their individual development endeavors. Their non-performance may imply various risks that may jeopardize their work and results.

After having created their individual plans, developers evaluate them (see PL-11 in Table 1), identify risks related to the plans (see PL-12 in Table 1) and plan for managing the identified risks (see PL-13 in Table 1). In this way, their plans will achieve the right balance of scope,

approaches, resources and risks that will allow them to achieve their implementation and unit (developer) testing goals in the best possible way.

4.2.2  The Work Activities

Preparatory ActivitiesBefore coding, developers should make the low-level designs of the code they are going to write or, in cases when someone else is responsible for making low-level designs, they should review them. They should also make impact analysis of the designs. The SGD Framework recommends

that developers prepare or review several design solutions, analyze the impact of the solutions and select the most appropriate one for the work at hand (see P-1 and P-2 in Table 2). This will aid them in creating the best possible solutions for the user requirements and the given premises.

Table 3. Post-Work Activities

4.3  My Process Part

My SGD Process consists of three essential activity spaces to be filled in with the activities from the SGD Process Model (see Figure A).. However, not all of the SDG process model activities may be necessary to conduct in all development contexts. In specific contexts, only their subsets may be relevant. For this reason, the SGD Framework only provides empty activity spaces that are to be filled in by the developers with the activities which they have selected and/or conducted. The selected activities are the reflection of developer’s workflows that have been conducted or are going to be conducted.

The SurveyThe purpose of this survey is to identify all types of activities to be included in a developer process model. By providing answers to its questions, you will help to improve the SDG Framework. The survey questionnaire is divided into three main sections: Background, Framework Understanding and Implementation and Unit Testing. Please follow the instructions for each part when answering their respective questions.

Section A: Background SectionThis part inquires about the respondents, their backgrounds and contact information. The purpose is to check that the respondents are appropriate representatives of the developer population. If you feel any question is personal then feel free to leave it blank. Please enter your answer in the Answer cell. You may also make comments in the Comment cell, if you feel it is necessary. None of the questions are mandatory to answer...

Question Answer Comment What is your current position?How many months have you held this position at your current employer? How many months have you held this position in other companies?If you are a developer: Are you currently conducting traditional, agile or both types of software development?If you are a tester, project manager, or other role: Is your company currently conducting traditional, agile or both types of software development?If you have to follow given development models/methods, please enter the name of the model/method.If you are a developer: Are you currently responsible for conducting implementation, unit testing or both? If you are a tester: What testing level(s) are you responsible for?Please enter your e-mail address.

Section B: Framework UnderstandingThis section checks whether you have understood the basics of the SGD Framework. These questions must be answered with either YES or NO. If you do not provide answers to the questions in this subsection, then your answers in Section C will not be considered at all.

Statement Question Answer YES/NO

The SDG Framework consists of sets of activities that may look as if they were distributed across various phases (categories). However, we strongly remind that the framework does not impose any order of the activities within the process. It only shows what activities are relevant for your work.

Have you understood that the framework only lists types of activities that you MAY use in your development work in the order that suits you? It does not show any order that you must follow!

The SDG Framework does not place any of the activities within any process phase. It only categories them into logically related categories of activities.

Have you understood that the framework categories do not correspond to any predefined development phases?

The SDG Framework activities may be conducted whenever they are needed, depending on the context at hand. For instance, the activity PL-13: Plan for managing any identified risks, can be conducted throughout the whole process.

Have you understood that the activities in the framework’s categories may be conducted whenever in an executed process, that is, in any of your implementation steps?

When developing the SDG Framework, we tried to be exhaustive and identify all types of activities that are relevant for development process. However, not all the framework’s activities need to be used in all development contexts and some of the activities may be

Have you understood that the framework’s activities may be used from zero to many times in an executed development process?

used more than once. For instance, the activity PR-6: Sign your personal Service Level Agreement is not practiced within every company whereas C-1: Write/rewrite your code may be conducted many times. Many of the SDG Framework activities may be implemented by the tool you are using. If so, then the activity should be ticked off as being used and, of course commented, on.

Have you understood that the activities that are managed by the tool are automatically carried out?

Section C: Implementation and Testing Activities This section lists all the activities in the SDG Framework. Its structure follows the SDG Framework’s structure. For each category, you will be asked two groups of questions: Group 1 dealing with the questions on individual activity levels and Group 2 dealing with questions on activity category level.

For each question in Group 1, do the following: Always provide an answer by entering an answer (value) in the relevant column. The

value that you should enter is (1) A for Agile development, (2) T for traditional development, (3) A&T for Agile and traditional development or (4) X. If none of the predefined values agree with your viewpoint, then, provide at least a comment explaining why you have not ticked any of the predefined alternatives.

Only one value per activity is to be provided in any of the columns provided. Your comments are very valuable to us. It is strongly recommended that at least the

answers in columns 3-6 get commented. However, you are welcome to provide comments to all your answers.

For each question in Group 2, do the following: Please provide your view of its constituent activities and suggest improvements. If you,

for some reason, do not have any suggestions, then write that you do not have any suggestions or comments for each of the category questions.

Preliminary Activities: Group 1 (Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I

use itI do not understand

I use it but I do it in another

I use It sometimes

No, I do not use it

It is needed although I do


Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

Expected answer: X


Expected answer:X

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T  for Agile & Traditional

Expected answer: X

not use it

Expected answer: X

PR- 1: Review and agree on the overall or part of the project plan. (This may be either one-off or continuous activity!)PR-2: Revise and ensure that the technology to be used is tested and understood.PR-3: Revise and understand any appropriate internal (organizational) and external standard(s).PR-4: Learn/relearn the organizational implementati

on and unit (developer) testing way of working.PR-5: Review and revise your personal implementation and unit (developer) testing way of working.R-6: Sign your personal Service Level Agreement (Work Contract)

Preliminary Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Preliminary Activity Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the Preliminary Activity Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Preliminary Activity Category?

Planning Activities: Group 1 (Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I

use it

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional


No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


Agile & Traditional

for Agile & Traditional

PL-1: Review the requirement(s) for the unit(s) to be developed.PL-2: Prepare and/or review the design specification(s) for the unit(s) to be developed.PL-3: Resolve unclear questions and uncertainties.PL-4: Determine and document your implementation and unit (developer) testing goals. PL-5: Determine your implementation and unit (developer) testing strategy.PL-6: Determine appropriate implementation and testing practices. PL-7: Identify standards to be used for meeting your goals.PL-8: Set your own personal deadlines to be met during your implementation and unit (developer) testing work.PL-9: Estimate effort and resources required for carrying out your work.PL-10: Schedule your work.

PL-11: Review your implementation and unit (developer) testing plan to ensure that it is realistic and achievable.PL-12: Identify risks related to your plan. PL-13: Plan for managing any identified risks.

Planning Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Planning Activity Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the Planning Activity Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Planning Activity Category?

Preparatory Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I

use it

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


P-1: Prepare and/or review

your low-level design(s) of the code to be written or changed.P-2: Prepare an impact analysis of your low-level design(s).P-3: Determine the types of unit (developer) test cases and their order.P-4: Create and/or revise your unit (developer) test case base.P-5: Revise the existing unit (developer) regression test base, if relevant. P-6: Create or modify stubs and drivers, if required. P-7: Prepare your unit (developer) testing

environment and check whether it is appropriate for you work.

Preparatory Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Preparatory Activity Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the  Preparatory Activity Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the  Preparatory Activity Category?

Coding Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I

use it

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


C-1: Write/rewrite your code.C-2: Compile/ recompile your code

as required.C-3: Make notes on your compilation errors, if necessary.C-4: Make notes on your defects

Coding Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Coding Activities Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the Coding Activities Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Coding Activities Category?

Unit Testing Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I use it

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


T-1: Check whether the unit (developer) test case base meets

the given requirements and design.T-2: Check whether the unit (developer) regression test base meets the given requirements and design. T-3: Remedy requirements problems in your unit (developer) regression and/or test cases base, if any.T-4: Perform dynamic testing by executing code.T-5: Perform static (human) testing by reviewing your code.T-6: Record/write down test results.

Unit Testing Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Unit Testing Activities Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the Unit Testing Activities Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Unit Testing Activities Category?

Evaluative Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I use it

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


E-1: Analyze your unit (developer) testing results. E-2: Depending on the unit (developer) testing results, determine your next step(s).

Evaluative Activities: Group 2Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Evaluative Activities Category?

Is there any activity that is redundant in theEvaluative Activities Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Evaluative Activities Category?

Debugging Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I use


Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


D-1: Identify the source of (an) error(s). D-2: Determine solution(s) for eliminating the sources of error(s).

Debugging Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Debugging Activity Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in theDebugging Activity Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Debugging Activity


Self-Assessment Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I use


Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


A-1: Assess your own development work.A-2: Identify causes of your mistakes.A-3: Identify improvement areas in your own way of working.

Self-Assessment Activities: Group 2

Question Activity CommentIs there any activity that is missing in the Self-Assessment Activity Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the Self-Assessment Activity Category?

Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Self-Assessment Activity Category?

Delivery and Sign-Off Activities: Group 1(Values to enter A, T, A&T or X.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Activities Yes, I

use it

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

I do not understand

Expected answer: X

I use it but I do it in another way

Expected answer:X

I use It sometimes

Expected answer: A for Agile

T for Traditional

A&T for Agile & Traditional

No, I do not use it

Expected answer: X

It is needed although I do not use it

Expected answer: X


S-1: Check that your code fulfills the commitment(s) stated in the Service Level Agreement.S-2 Deliver your code.S-3: Delivery and Sign-Off your personal Service Level Agreement.

Delivery and Sign-Off Activities: Group 2

Question Activity Comment

Is there any activity that is missing in the Delivery & Sign-Off Activity Category?Is there any activity that is redundant in the Delivery & Sign-Off Activity Category?Is there any activity that should be re-worded in the Delivery & Sign-Off Activity Category?

Section D: Your opinion about the SGD Framework.  This section collects your opinion about the SDG Framework. Your feedback is valuable for improving its overall structure.

Question AnswerIs the SGD Framework valuable for conducting your work? Please answer Yes or NoIn what way is it or is it NOT valuable?What are your suggestions for improving the SGD Framework?

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