
Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Convert your websites to Social Applications

Opensocial – the present

Hell a lot of Javascript Yet another API to learn Debugging Caja, makeRequest, Flash URLs

What about the “REST” Still to be released – MySpace, Orkut Shinding ?

AJAX ? Security ?

The problem

I have a website

I need to make it social.

The problem

I have a website User management (registration, login etc) User interacts with the site Some user data visible to users

I need to make it social Should the user really register with me ? Can I know the friends easily ? Can I have better distribution of my content ? Can all this be secure ?

Enter Snapp

Give Snapp some URLs from your website Simple changes to existing backend (PHP/JSP/..) Some changes to user management

NO changes to existing technology stack NO extra javascript coding required (AJAX incl.) NO change in debugging style

So how does this work ?

Social Network

iFrame by Orkut

Website in iFrame

Additional pages required

Give us URLs for various views XML/JSON opensocial data POSTED to URL

Viewer and owner data FOF data Signed data available. Ignore if too complex

PHP and JAVA Classes for data to help parsing

Profile / Canvas (and others) URLs If user exists, log in, else register him Provide a RSS feed to publish user activities

Extending using this framework Inter frame communication library Exposes Opensocial API in your iFrame Uses Myspace REST API for validation Orkut validation uses cookies Open source…contributors welcome

Wanna try Snapp ?

Weekend project Still in private alpha Sneak-O-Scope made using SNAPP We are open to helping websites use SNAPP

to become opensocial applications

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