v pi wmmm...

Post on 07-Nov-2020






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: ' ¦ . ¦ • ESTABM8HX»—1847. ^i/ ';- ;. 1:]:1

; ! j i

lafgeot Cirtmlatioii in Jtoajth' bdaa.^

• fia- All Cheques ana P. 0. Orders, iuiae payable

' rii* NEWS circulates' exte^rely i ambkgst th«i wSLtai traders and' nobilifrJ ; gentry.iTanningI 3" V ? Waterford, B&eW,-Tipjierary,: "ft, Bouth >f Ireland goneriUly

The jNjsws

i Wattaineda circulation noVor equalledby *»r PW*! bffl ta watorford, : .i";«*gw»«»*rf-: Le fenrnali n thia important cityi with .which thefe-is; S dally 08-amwiiwtioh-fromionM. ,; !- : V X\ Particular attention commercial and agrion^

! ^rSntereMlveatortho'NEWS respectrtle fflSJer Agonto .in the United *P&$J&."yment requisite from parties not known at the.bffloe.

mmg|R> . - . ' :Yi.\l ¦Tv.tlrrl

f A B O H .i l : 189S<«otn -bamminitbtH

W AT E Bf PO B. D:[ tUtf Ii< > 27 1) O HPLTMOUTH ;<un> BOtrrHAMPTONi BtiWBkTEtl: . (OTSSBI)^ »ro BODIH. or OHBOLAHDJ > ;

C08K, DDBJilN,, BELFAST vi»D;|C}IiASGOW',, | > J :

•*9sflpi*lin ' -*•' .'Screwf "fitwnnsai BAXliYCOTi' — I IttWlAlYl I ' 'TOS,1 ' iOllOOW' O U M B B f i *«HBBlft»KDDraroMB, • siorairr, LHIBH-TEAUVLL, KATHLDSii I BALTEESi tSKBBKrVOBE,PLADpA,,BOBTLAHD, TOWABi>,(ir« il*»oao* *>,«ail!a*nriSer,>e»tt»r;pennltting[(niileta tr«TenlfiT)y unforeseendwun)*tAiioe*)J -jrith . liberty to to* Vessels/ and to tofil "5»V Pott bir Petti to! any order, W or oqVol Ui» otortbtnaryooTirse, to Bedefa land DiscBam Cargo* or for any/ itherpurpose • ,!.- '[¦¦. P !-::> '"i'll : j.:' :¦ koi l I - '' ¦; - . - "r\^

- - { 'MaBNi»: - i>wm*\.<l ., - ' . - : hul l !¦-ETOTT MONDAT, Direct, i .. I.-,; •¦ . .: .|.;4. j . .,, .- . « a,mEteryWZDireaDAT. Direct L: /. . '.'<'. . :''•'£ rtta•- ¦' • • • ¦• H-1oiisaow JO wittero so ; ' , '¦ L. jfi rery MOKDAT.Dlwot „. '¦ ... ' • ! L. ¦¦ ' .j. aipim.-- ¦: . : : ' : . -J '••-! : ! . Baa. to GreaSx* .8^0j>ai.-

^IB™«W EkflE^iJfi:

^"^raW^ffioH 5* ';:Vli 5:£:

. . . . . . : iriixBtOAB :io -1 mjruti l . • ¦,¦ j \ ' ¦ETerySATTODA'T.-. S... f .- jJiT : t;i..-j . 1 pflu¦ . " ¦ ' ¦-, I . Bnwifl, vr '¦ .WitTmoju). • ; ¦ IErerr TUESDAY (rtoDabQn.)^ £ rerf SATPftDAXiDUoqt)

- V ! t wit»roiM> -*6 >rtaur."j' ' - ' ' I 1ETcr»SATUBDlAT(tfa BeU»*t) ~ i. '. . i- I P-Q.

•• -«.... ' • DOBUJUO WlTIMO ID, DtUCT— ¦ I : j| ,';fitDKEHDAKB, 4th Hitoh, 8LpmTiah,tj m ; 19th, 7p J .

; ¦- ; - - : -vrc* ¦[ ] . t an$ J28tht 511m. '¦ ¦: * ¦ " I c ! "¦WiTmro&n TO Coix-rPrpi/ CHU&aDAT,(pLs>. . . j s •

' Cost !xo i«An>>OM>|Oir«ot>> - . '¦- .1 vFBIDita tii lMirih/erya i Uth, 8 pm i au^6pmi

LL ' - : f«nd ffithj S pin. ¦., i J. ¦ . ]nitxuro u> TO Iiosboa ,(8t Esthariae DooMT - i' ''

Ererjr MONDAY, Ma Elymoati i eiiry BATITEDAY. • • . r ! ¦¦ -jvl* Southampton). : i|. '< . -:\ . • ¦ ¦(•- ' LossoitlSli. Kiithhxliis Docfcl. ToWin&ross t - .Jlkiapoit I St. Kiti'"^"" " r;, 1 »""M»»

I • .¦¦¦.THUBBDAYB, ' 6th' Waroh, uoon i 13U>, t p m I 20ti,

noon j ond pth, 4om. ¦ ¦¦¦ • . 1 .So traniUpiosnt Kr this rooto. 0rdt>r«,{or ooll«6tion ur

delireviot Qoodi will be attended I o bj L«Ticgtos jprothen,63, Old Bailer, E.Cij GreatlHermitiKe.Streit, (Wapplnf, B.,and AroherAreet, Sooth Lunbvth, S.W. --g—j . . . " T1' ' ! " . ' . *WITZBTDU> TO PlIHODTH, dtlBOti ' | IMONDAY, 3rd lUsrohr * .p m, OfHi, 4 pnl j :17th,' 3 p m;¦ £4th, !4pm: imd3(«t, 1 pot ! ' !i T

¦ ' ' '. PLiKODtB 10 WitlBICBD, dlrtcfri- . 'iaATUM>AYS,^ll«t jMarch. 1 pju (. «tbi , 6j pm t ll(h,¦ . I ' noon'/'22nd,Sp'm i- and29tb,ldoon. '. t : ; '¦. • ¦' ; vW>T«KrbaD to SooTOAMPWaft ' . .' ' i .

....:Ejor/8AinBDAY (dWqt), at*|p in.. ;. • -1 OOOTHAMrTOS 10 WliTXUOaO. <_ '

. I . .;. ETorj^BtDAY—TJA,|P THOIAH.¦ '. ¦ ' i ¦ ¦I -Wii»»to«i) Tol-Sawaiwil ! !ETBT7 SATimDAY.fia BonthompUn J. [ ... I p,m.

, I N » T»BATI» Hi witxBiosii -. ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ;I^titpv *PTTRRnAT-l»ia I^ltulcml) Por« CIIM rtMV. I • '- '

These Effianuen, {haya ; excellent aooommodattoa torP»Mn pTlitf : Q;E ¦

J f ; ; J¦ Y

~ ¦ : : J : ¦ --] ¦¦::-< ¦- ¦ r.?.:r:] :-ittUal:2:Betezni Deck¦Wsfcrford to.QUsgoW and BeUart .17 . . 6d^. J^5«. fo.: ¦ • • ¦ „

"•"cork* - !¦'.•..'¦¦¦ ! •¦ vJ. - |-M :| ? '- Ite

; ««.

• „ I>lfE»uti.4Sjatlimpton,20».li :»M. 10i• '.; . / ^donj^y iTur .mei. , ..: . ' iu. . ::- ^; i p»felM;. !«..],: is,¦

: 'Vrom'SSS^-V^m ]jv i- ?; ^S ; "¦ Chndienabd+e S aoaderiajr inol JHaU Sare.-' -Betnrn Xicket< aTailable for two monthi- ioe traBiferabta,(7 NoTH.-Tbi Clyda Hhipping I Company Initoi QotjdJ

shipped br the»e line* of Bteunen U at Id vac fecit. toTcadei*haring yorij siretanent*,, and! 5»> P81. Caati.tqjooeuiOBalShipper*. Value* to ba declared, »t time otyhfampnt. yortn*andaU lnformatlbn to Be hudat thei6fflos».'; ] T'V. ' ' • | i

For Bate* of I Freight; &o., appW! to Him : J.WAMBOA Co., Plrmonth ; THOKJLB M'QASaiT. Lohdda kad. South.wenexn.Aauwaj \j omvvijt x**gn;ra>ni inin gp, Artoax ocxen,Wert, and at lbs IA * 8. WJBallwajr Beoelrin*, Hooifi*'throoVhont London i < Oljde BWiplDi .Co;; 7 Albert 8a.uaraBeUan i CljdeI Snipping Co.; Koohnter : BtuldJngi, U8'Xeadenhall Street, London. E.& j ; CUde 81 irttnff Co B*"-1w»7 Offloe*. Kevharen | 21, Culton >Iaoe;c lugow » Coitom'House BaUdUig^rOreenook i Dock. BoaoV UiMcloi; To*.*Qn*7, SouthiunDtonj: Bi, Eden Qn*/, Ih bUnj Purict*dniT Cork. I ¦ l- ^ ' ' ¦: ' i ' ' ' ¦ * i '¦'¦ OLTDE BHippnia.coMJPAjr r, ¦ • .:¦ ' i;

: . I i - Ouit«ni. HouMiynayr"W iteifordi: ¦'¦ ISpecial fornui of BUI* of Lidinj requUed br the Olrde

Solppin* Compnnr, to be had of i the AirenuJ, > . [TeJegraphlo AddreB*-"Ctmaw*,*' Wu»i»o»o. ' : , '

AoBiirs IOB 3Ar.Bj OF TBS SJBWB, AOT FOB ¦; . : . ADVKatlBBHXHTB t ' ¦'' .. ' .' . ri'J. ' i ¦ '¦

WATEBFOED—Mr. W. KstLT, Gladetone HtrMt. , 'Misa POWSE; Barronofcrand Street. |; . '; .;,

; Mr. T. P, EQAN, QJW. . ,c .,, . : : ! .. , . ; . ;r!-! Mrs OniiiTT. John Street. .¦ . . ; ; • ¦¦ / !¦

*• .SS; jSSwiaH. 0'OouneU--2tre<>J.:'! ; ^Z : i! ;¦Mr. BAT, UO. Qoav. , : [ . : | ; : : r - 1- , ij_

: Mrs. DAYIB, BaUjbrinken. '.; .. . . I . ; : i ¦ ;, . ¦;

i. | Mr. D. CAKTT, T.C, JohnitoM.; L . : ;,. ; | ;


. -k , . :• ¦; .: Street. ¦

, - •¦ . : . ;V . : l ;-- . :. ! ; : ¦ ! .i

. _ — _ _ .A ^^ ^^ - « tf 4 V__ ft *^^H - . ' ¦ . 1 » - i '.k. . :• ¦:.:Street. ¦

, - . ; . ;v . :. ,.,,; . ii : . i ^;.LiaaOaEriJira- MJSADB. . . :..i; : .!l, ;. , : : ; i

1£iUOTH0MA8-Mr. MoamssT.' • '. j , : . '; :PASSAGE EAST—Jiiss Lova. . . . .; .TALLOW—T. Clancy. , ¦'¦• i : - - : . ¦ , . - '¦- ' ¦

CLOOGA—Ure. EBDD . ; ¦: , 0 -¦;,, r ;

TlPPEaAEX—P. 0 CONKILI.,. Churoa Street. . ¦8TRADBAL1.Y-J. FORAN. • ¦. >" • • ;' \ v .. : : . - - -. ;NEW EO83—Mr. T; Dinncen, Qnay Street •KILKENNT-Mi. WOODCOCK, iProp.netpr .Bailwiiy

TVATEEFOBTBAJLWA^ STATlON^MeMrt:¦ ' EABON & SONB, Book Stand. ¦." .! . _ . d- " :LONDON-CuAEKi , SON , 4 BULTT, ! 85,- ; Oraoo-

¦ B PJ -W HTTB &SOH,'33, FleetiSt*n6't. , |. |BHBU. BY-& Co., 5, LeadenhaUStreet,B-C. !

T.imT.rN—Measra. OBAS. EASOW ,|* SOU. Abbey-rt^

:; ¦ " ¦ A\1 IRI - > S* F ^ 5jYSL:r * * 1 1 : : ,

; , >Vom Liverpool, via Ignf ondtrry . ^ -'

PEBDTIAV iFor Halifoi & Portl&ndl M*r- ,SPOL^Et .::.:::For Halifax A PortlaM ..i-Jto-MPAEIBIAH ..:.: -For Hriifax 4 PorUand, Mar. 27CiECiaaiAi».....:...For Halilax AForUand. .......APMO

; BATS8 O"» 00«AH PA88A(JB f ¦• - I ' • .. ,;. I Cabin, 10 to 18 Guinofti ; Intermediate, £8 6». i j

: Steerage at Lowest Bates.:;; ¦ I - ¦ ¦ ,Thronah Tieketa at Special Bates to Chicago, Bt fanl

iSnTwtonilKW,- (Manitoba), .North.We,t_Tem-tory, Briti«h Cokrabia, »nd to all pajnta 10 tjhe WestornBtatefl ftnd C&ntw3ft» '• ' ' • ¦ '¦ ~ " '• ¦ ' ~ \ ' < '. '¦ i *

¦ ,iThi« Uoe provides the oheapest»t.oonTonlent

route to a/parte of Canada and the Western State. °JAm«r1<^ Pa.«Bnffer8 for the New England, 8totis andBoTton and Ken. Tort wiU land at . Porttand,! ; ,

i PAMPHLETS.—Profeswr ¦Fream's. New. Beport andall the latoat Maps and Pamphlet* free. :; . ¦ .} . ¦ J

: jgjJF Weitern :bonnd paesengexB acoompanle t>ja,SptoialCondnctor. ; ¦ ¦

• ' ; ! ¦ ' , • • i, ;_,.Begnlar Sailings,1 Glasgow and Liverpool to *lonte

Viaeo and Buenos Ayres, all the year, roondv. . A j ±. .ffor Further information apply to Aj.UAM^BOiiB*B84 Co., l&i-^ame. Btreet,, Urerpool, •"a'BO.JB'pjUStWBtj 'Londonderry •, J AMBS 4-;AL»X.^AlUUi. 7P.Great Clyde Strebt, Glasgow, and 5, Eyre Bqnare..Gatway ; J SCOTT"*; Co., . Qaeonstown ; Me«J«-MTJBPHT ft. WABD, 2, Barronstrand: Street , Water,ford [• THOMAS Pr/EOBtii, 6, B«non»«andj Htoeet ,¦Waterfbrd ; or WiLUAM J OHBS-TBOI, 31, jADenBtreoV Caypoqnln. : . ]

¦ • ¦ - . ; ¦ ¦ • '¦ j 1~. . '. U^erpboVMaroh, 3. 18D0. ! ; I /: ! ! e8tf)

JV JK : ! AUSTFiXtlAf^i

Tbo Only Hail tine at £14 14a. 04^OttOM LONDON. »o MELBOTJKNK ,; ADE-.jj, tAIDE, ,StDNEY, BOBART or j ; ,

! : ¦

. ¦ ixAtraciESTdN. | • ! ¦ ¦ . 1 :.;BBISBAN E. : ..!i ¦ i : •¦• ' ^16 IBs M ;NEW ZEALAND. . ... *I6 16o 0d_. - .

. Excellent Accommodi*ion and liberal j DietFixed Bailing dat«« every 28 days, - -C . : . \ l . .

For Passace*. applj direct to the Official Affenti,¦ : THOMAS 000KE & ;t<OJl . i43, DAMB STRBBT,: DUBLIN. ;

eaitin? Lists ' of *U Line, to aU |P.ait8 of tba•World free on application, or br poa . . . i

: Money Exobangea. *nd DtsfU , ;i«8ned aHowert: rales. - : : : j " ;' - • ! • ' : l : } > *» "• J\\ - : . - i AMEJ AIOAV ' LINii. I '¦ J, . 'i 1 . -: ; _ UNITED^ ' STATES ! MAILj r_j^ &

| ¦ ;

STEAMEE8, | ; .: j '1

i ^^^^kaLivrtrpooltoPaiiladoJpaia .

i ; '' :Cailin(r at Qneeriatowa 'Thnrtdays. • j ¦' 'watS.. mll-poweiea Iron Bteamahip*. !

ted States ! Flag. Ao««nmoda«on <OT|aU olawe* ofPaasengewequal t6 any: EntopeMi »«««P<;

L ; • • pMSengen and goods are Janded $'&^W%*™:lhe T\1iSf of the; Pennsylraiua; a wad CooP SwHoh ha« the Bhortesf andrflort direWtouto to alloUceain tSiB-Westeni States. - . ' ._ ! . / ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

\ ¦. ¦


; ^KlEia te!00.. . ;, i T i :i ; ! ^^Wand22 Water<tre«tlI LiTerpopl5 , ;

! ¦¦¦¦' ¦ . ' ¦"• • ' LOCAL AOKSTB1 |. , 1 1 _ ' . ( : 1 .

: ; fiASVET &l BON> Little George's-Str t,i ' ;

¦ ¦ . : : Waterford $ : ¦. i". ¦ • |- . . ' " . i

I : ^UAU TIMPSON, Ag^^xford; ^'"iENGLAND 'AiirsOOTO wiLES.' AsrJTM

,8 ico by ffi l WESTBBN ^AILWATn an^Traiiw


SteamboaU*, MJLTOKI>HA«»° in connection, with the, WAMBfOiw


i LlBMOBJB LtHBB.' i ; ..- ; . . . i ' i

_ ! I I ' 1 ' '

: plwrtoot BontO *?* .ft 'f8d ¦ i*63'

¦ ¦ :: r— -IV\ - .' 'BWH -*'*"" T™ I , . .

SJJBg -. | Bfur WB Sj iAT.

WM^t Tnw' from Jlarybowagli, aoii : J?;§ofca?TTratafwm U»raoi>,iA»irp«a ^

T^mo? -iwaatluB ¦ and dtottautanoea. pp

1,'QXUI Wharf on am«g^^Si-Kew»Mllford to

tl» 3.» or 10.0 T i P?»- ! :!^ f t tti' i W»f

: :: JIMAUM (aTa bWj* y.^%HRffiffi W«

! ,\ , Jhrtto'Morwa^BT .Wlij Ji . SRC

iip&fSlwppwilp MMi i

i C7atorf<ird j SWoniflliip Company I '':; ' ¦ ¦ ¦

I (LHHTEI)/. ' i - ' rj '- i . IIHTEITDED OSDEE O81 SACLUfa--»IABOH,. lBBOl

'I ¦ • • ¦ ¦ i •¦; BXfi*«OEBf» i- '¦- - !- -: -t ¦¦ ¦ ¦ I -D^B0DTdkKJ^fA^».f' j 'v >Ti fxrOTiiQKC-lTlw'Watarfck

_ . ii ,J~—-Igvl ]JjSI Steamship Company(Jimitdd)"5Cl 3llKV IreoelT* Goods and LlTle Btoofclor1. Ship.

<f*T gs8M v-»mentl on tha' conditions' mentioned; u¦ -ii. i i n - "',i 'iii.ii vi .ii.«»anmiig Llste, 4c, to: be: had:* at ttiVir¦ ¦'¦ "W A T E 8 F O B


A N I > ' B B I f l T O L'.' ; fnoit w«ik»oi) xo Baisroi. »»oxi BEISTOI, TO WAMuroafc:'Tue*W,' M»c 4 -. U noon SotttBdaj. Mar; 1 ja/nitjhtVridayr .. 7 .i. 3 al'noou Hfednesday;,- , .« ... no tailingTneK&T, „ II .;. * afnoou dituwU), „. J ... 7 al noouTue»4«T, M»c 4 i. U noon Mtanuaj, JB«; I ...u in. nitjntVridayr .. 7, .i. 3 afnoou vyedne»d«y;,- , .« ... no tailingTnesdir, „ II .;. * «J"no»u AiturdA}. „ _B ... 7 al noouFriday, ', lS .:. 'i ofnooi. edne•d«y;, 13 ;.. 9 ni^htTuesday, „ 18 ... U noon iltordar. •¦ U ... no tailtofFrUar, M 21; ... a af'nooi iVcdnesaay „ 19 „. « aCnoonXuesday, „ 23 ... i afnoou Aiturday, . ¦„ 2i ... 7 «fiioohFridai, L r 2S ._ 4 rrnooi ¦Veutraday,, - a) ... 9 ul<bi '

cr On early Uornlng Boikxhf i; Cabin* o£ th* (teaser* willte open to roodite, PatseagetB arriTittg.brf th»A'i»ht BjulTrains. 'i ' - ¦ ¦ t '

¦' ; " : ' " ' . . j. '|¦ rxzxa—CallnJ Single, lie. i do. 8togle—Ckttdren fand Berr

Tunts ti»Tellijig:WU> FamiUo*) 10*-» do B«tnra .(*nii*ble (orTwo monUis, retern (*>» <»td ^Wpoolj, SJ* jD5cl, iGgle, 7»; MTdo ChUdren, *r. ' ; ; • : T.

~ ,O<od* roceiTed and dUohargod at Cumperlind Boda.

Bristol. ' . ' ' I ; ; : . ' : ' ' . . I :, W A T E B P O E D A N D L i y E E P O O L j

'fso« wirtatoaD i' . . ! jaon nnarooLt :Uonday Mir 3 ... 4- aTnoot. IIODday, |Mtir;3 , 8 nightWediiedday,,, *i... 4'aTnOon Wednesday;,, 6 .-lu morn :ftidayT „ 7 ... * aTnoon Frijliy, , , „ 7 ...11 morfl :Monday, „ l'J — ¦* ol'oooo Monday, . , t ; 10 .¦> 12 noonWednesday,.. 12 .- * aTnoon Wednesday, „ 12 ... 1 al'n((onFridv. t, HI..-.U noon IVifiaj. • „ H .-8 afnoonUonday, .„ 17 ... 1 aTnoop Monday, , [ ¦ / , 17 ... 7 al'naonWednesday,,, 18 .;. 4 ; aTnOon We*M>*day;,, 18 ... » nltf>tFriday. : ' „ 21^

„. 4 aPnoon JWtoy, ; |, i, U- . 11 morn

Monday, „ 24 .;. 4 aj'nooo Monday, ! i, „ 2* ...}3 noooiWedcesday,, 23 ... 4j aCnoon Wednesday, „ 26 ... 1 al'noonFriday ' ' „ 2f» ... 41 aTnooo irliaj, ' • ' ,; 28 ... S aTnoonMonday, „ 81 ... 4- aPnoon Monday. : = \;, 31 .„ 7 aTnopn

tXXO—Cabini Siollff, Us. ; Idir. tlnglo—Children (sadSerrant* traveling with famlueil 10s i ' dd B«tnm (ar*U-able lor Two ninths, optional return. from or to BrlaWlJ,2M. i D«)k, single, 7»«dYdo, slngUi( Chlldrm, 4s. |

floods receiTed and ,dWi*x**d]*t 4lar»noe Dock. LlTerppolGoods Booked Jihroaih bom sll principal Station* !oa

London and North Western i .London and South Western].•tr.nntipftff , «yJfflnTn and Llneolnshlre, end'Midland Bail*ways to Waterfdrd. jThrongb B»Jdujs also with Limeriek,TijperarT, Thrules, Enoi*, Taam, {Jort, Batbkeale, Llstowel,Hswcastle and Cralee, fto. \ : ' . ' * ¦ > I

Goods Bookedlthroo«h bom all Stations on mraierford andCentral Ireland SailwayvWaterfdrdl Dnnnmn,aad.LlsmereBaUway, asdwiter(oxdandLlnianekBail»aT. i

Parcels booked thnoRh at loW E*te* to all principal Eta-UOLS on Londoa and North WesMrn Bajlway.


WATESFaBJD'; AHD P2WP0KI JMojc;) iFXOK Witimromo.. I f i i Fspn H«wro«T,

A* CarKO Offers. . , l l M Al Cargo OSers,

. . .'.-p I A* Carc« loOer*. . . . < i. :w"i.iJE ia'ro*B S \ i ix> «.8ir-B0sa .

Tsox N«w Boss-DaOy, Sunday* exoeptod, at 9-u aju. !Faps WAiMJtoarr-Dsiljr, ??a?WLe SPJ?1J' *>**?.-»• !

W A I B B F O^D 'A N D iD U T r C A S N O S . !.FBO» DracurJKW-Dany, SanOays exoepjed, at &M ajnJ ; ¦Fao* W*iD«Sno> D»ily, Bannays exo Ud, at 8-J4 pjniHot»-Ths Waurford SESMMWP f Paay. tlmlted,lnspr«

all Qoods SMppSfby the** Lines erf Bteamersat Ss. 4d. peiCent, to Traders: baring Yearly lAfreemsnU, and 6s. paCent. toOocasicffaiah|piienJ fslDeii.tobsdeolar« at timso)Ship'iJJatr ioimi a'aU Xn&rm»Uo»¦>. bo had at heofflr 1*! ' ¦ '¦ ' " J * 't . ¦ 'i '' ' I

Berths second and efory inwncatton fiTen by AgesfaratWAOTfoiio-Waterford .Bteaiitlp Co, (UinUed;, i Hfead

°LwwwL WaUrford Stcainshrji Company (Lnalloij.'ao,Water4t»est,a4dClar*no*Doak; > .. - . . - . . , .'D'

Bustoj^Wate rdBtesnsUpJCompiiay (Llmitod), C3,^Kwj2ou -\ unbrd8t«am»hl5^Company's OSos. ;

Dn*o»»oa—WaterfoidBl«ani*hip Company's OSos, :

LiBXaicx—Lower Bhannos {Steamship Company's1

O0oe,Uoost KennotQoay ¦ '- : . I • i • ¦ ' - i : > ¦ I

Kiuw*«—Lower Shannon Steamship 'Company's Oflo*Cappaynay. i ' . ' . • ' ' I '. ¦ i . 1 .

. : . . . - : av 'stA V- .ijtxna 1. : •• ' [ :;

Boval Maii , 8UavM[ ' to 'Nev York.\INMAN THB JMTEaNkTIO AIi 8TBAk-


Ii FBOM LivEBPOOL|inh«T; WEDNESDAY.FBOK QUEENSTOWNl»y«BT,IgUB8pAY.| ¦Moderate SaloorijaadBeoinJ Cabln Fawt. 'Sieeraga

Fare as low iTbyany ©the* First 014M LLtoj. - -jThrVogh BooUdts to any part of tba STATES oi

CANADA, MwUSg MaSSol aw* Korth and 8o>th¦W|gSSfcW^ V*-Oi; i22, WaW^i

WAT*B»OEn....;.H*-Tey A; Son, 12, Little Georgs'i Bt:¦ ¦ ¦! ! , •,¦: ¦ ; iWell«4$olpbanj», Qnay.- ¦ i ;' ' ' , ......Ward Brc*..' 2, B»*ron*traod-streckjAiiioE-o* Boi^PO^giwn,» Br%.ptree».•-

1 . ' ...... James MoGrath, V aln-ot . , ,.Ctowisi. .;i.,...Parriok Nopint, 7» )fc 76 Maln-St. ;DBMOARTAW ... ..i John CoMuU, Th* fj»»««; . . iOACTCXJOIJT; .i.,,;W.J:on»i TgJ& SP *0**'- . ,IMHTIOOB .. ......B. Bade?, Woodstc ok Arms Hotel.GBAIOO*....'. ...iJota Mui rty.jHrtjw., ;Niw £0ML..r.-.WiB/ Mn i«ptffli Bi 4fl>-flt. . ,

•tHOHAVrbw M.W*.Vrm4n. 01iiwWlt • M

Wixto«P..rU- .WUIUnvTt4paon. H>Maii>istref|bi;

STOHE ::AW),; . jt^J tOKlaf"i !; " iHCHjABL^STEEfiT^WATEBFOBD. 1,: .•i.n . . O'jifBBFFB A lSCMS ' otg- retpectftuJr.iJsv-* toiSfti tb* attendop of tbatMopI* of Wat«Vford and tb* snmmnding dlsUtoU to^M Urf» atotk ©IHiAD-Toa », TOMM, andriploirD*)«irra eea i •«-'sat stol* aid: bsat natarlal prooora,ble. ianlndWf ajlmBtoek'ifln^rlao^ttliiiC^otifa. •! 1 j! v' ¦'¦ ¦&. O*JC•* BOM are prepare 1 to jibsV fcto fcontr. iotaffar •»•»? <1 •briptlon of 8Uh ••odllbttble' !rTon| fcir[oLn«toriea, i. so. CaisiBTnrlPii o«* prtparsdand •*.!» ')'tB» "*bsl»l Krt»WB»e preal* • tait eaa sx»o»t«*By

ikSts^TapPB tJw. wo t;»i«r^>t«rl»w, . -lyi


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¦ : ' : ' ?- K y- hAk : i' UM ™ 'iZ *&: Jv.?v\ VoJi-'irf i;i-TOi#HB PUJ0E8T. ANI> .BEBT. • '• - '

' I ¦ i " ¦ .. rh-: :. . ".".; ¦' ':.¦ ".A ¦ ! i tii ¦:¦• ¦¦;-^;fvA^-^Bllm^f!' ' fiTOfrtsi? itiv ism ; I ; I^moiiacle, Seltzer Wateiv.ilMfetiP | Grinffer Beeri? feJ

aMti|ifictiiEJji: Great-7M Ha Psiooa I I : l¦/ ' d: - i ; i :^ . v "; .-4—;- : ¦:' z \ : i : \ - [ - i i

• r l^pwiir I uD0WN:IJ DOWN I i l l ':¦ - ; ¦;] : '

- t fMi t.. ;; il.; .M .ii ;u '> .0i.\ :• ¦ ' :/ ; ; :

JAM—New- jSeasoiTB; Pqfe-=21I>. Pot; 6d. '; ' ; :

BISCUIT5 —Mixed! or .Ginge* Snapar ScL per : botkri?Yt>.rra _hi»jt! *n.L . «jtf.*_ I*.J itr.aA- ¦ * i* * - ¦M *» X*AJA w—iui*iun», luiuie, HUU iuguv- j . >t8UGAE-jld: oa]2ijt$rJb. ' .LpA^SUpAB' CBat) 2id


lb. " ; j . i ; .'|

OtT XSAfti arb Ckmafjio, iPnro CJ Ccad

; Aid .wejgtoei foiraotbing. nlth.6ach pbandki. '¦' 1- r. JEjrfesent worthirom W*.-:w 8d. - . ... p

. ; Witb caqh' qo&rter-poand a present With from¦•! ;] •;; : ¦ -- ! - l .to ad. ; . - , -¦

; • • • - - ; j -' ¦

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. -' ¦—•/¦. i.

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LOiJDOW / NO NEWCASTLE TEA GOMPAHy¦ .¦; ; ii 4, B EOA^rSTEET,' . . .; . . ! ' . ' .- '. cjeJl


,[ , . - ¦ ¦ j ¦ '¦¦ ¦ |-,. -';|;v?f!?EBFpBDv;^ ; Iiod ' .*'.! HIG -kTBEET, KILKENNY.; j

CARRICK-ON-SUIR , -Isp Spared to supply,: In cort- 8nection with his IfortrrtongeHy , ';

and Crdrter&r-BOairiess, 7j XVBR)T DBsaniPTios or- ' ¦'¦ "¦ i

FU JERAL REQUISITES,On reasonaWe terms, and! at Prices ;

to ineet jail cl&ascs, • - .. . i

Qr^ 'O;aiid ^Coffin ^Wreatha, Gravunarks and Crosses in Wood,'

Iron,- asd- Stone. :.-.-: :

S i;

ClOFjF.IN.S . ; - . ' ?!


| In a 1 £dzes| from the plainest Iea| , *¦&Elp to the most massiv FroncK j j»FolUhed.V|alnut, Kahogany, and "|Oak,' can ' be: sutplied at an nourt inotik _J

¦¦: ' ' I; ?; CLO'ljH & ?ELVET:COVPED COEFDiS. 'u

k Thes i Cofflni; are made of ;the Finest ":* ; Materials byj first-class trorkmen, and

^I r are strongly Treconnnende4: for'elegance ''{I ¦ and alrtightnhsj..- ' .;> ; , ¦ .'. . ; .

i All ¦ he Tarlons - articles for a Funeral 'kept In stockj] and, with a large stock of , ¦«

[' finlab Ml and .prepared tna.teriau, all * ,[ times i enabled to execote- orders for '-U¦ Fane -als in the most respectable manner. ',!. iDpm-. .pmB®. ! :'C )ffia maters supplied with all , ' ^: : ' materials at Makers Prices at I ' ".

! THOMAS Fi. mACKEY'S *\8eea& Implement Warehouse, 1!: - ;c^^cg-QN-STm t


r s

; CQMPEESSED.!¦ ¥EAST ,: • '


And coDSpqaetitly TWICE as BTEONO as 'Oi.dlnary Yeasts, i

Wbiub are largely ' mixed with BTABCU.. I I " c

COMPLAINTS are nometlmes made nf Y«j«treacbingjttyj Baker " OUT OF CONDITION/'

Thfce are oenerally due to tha Interventionofi BUBiAQENTS, WHO KEEP IT TOOLQNtf b;fore sending out, and may bo • '. ¦ENTI!BE&Y OBVIATED BY OBDEBING

• I DIBECT FBOM THE 1MPOBTEB,wtjo JiasjFBESHl ABBIYALS erery day. !¦ Free Baking Sample*, and full ptrtlcalare onapplication] to I ' '


.! .., \». CITY QUAY, DUBLIN. |Sole!Agent for Ireland (the counties of Antrim

.; ', , J and Down excepted.) ; ¦

,^fioYernpt Jps;'¦• KlvJBok EAt&'STRAW;6ARNS:

' f OH THE p Oli lNS 8EA30H tho\i\d \>» ta]QmZ•nplltdfjrlaa thepfRcial routine will neeeus>llyeauso d l£tf« Complete plans and full Informa-tion glv nFend ijhe official epeolfloations and

. forms prepared, free of .expense 0 oustomers, by

L KENNJIH & S0H8, ; ;Iron work?: FlshamWe Street)

' I . ' . ¦ tpBXdrlOfiT,:-- . - .i Wh iri specimen struoturw of approve?

. : . i ; . design can bs seen. :

i WliiLIA I JONE8 & CO., ilHutovet* «ad Mwdd Wftrohottoi,

:¦' • ¦. !: ¦;• 120, <JXJ|4ty> WATEBFOBDi . ¦ . '

|| <] '

" '[wi 'LiLJAJtt ;rfOK:i5 '8; i;-C b'.; ! ;|I ! ' lnTit* Ii tending PnrcWer*: of ' ' ¦ ! '. * :

PTANOB OBTBsTlHABMOmUMB. AMEBIOAH 1il ORfl AH8< AJID OTBBB MUfllOAl ! |'.. i - '¦- ¦ ! mOTBTOMEHTB, ,, : ; M :

¦ ,' H . :To aspect th'elr fitnek, whieh ha* been seleoted fron

are MM « «««5 «*^;JHA iQdik jrifii a)T«w WITH EAOB iRRnirirttitui0 Id Pianoforte* bjan |n Mobaog* 1 also Benib' ei

PlK ked,St iTOd,4c. r •• . • • ? ¦- ¦ • ¦ • ¦'¦ :

¦ ¦. : : : - I - ¦


Fo3i BalU 1 if |< LIS1* B*"»' JS^BertQaiU*o«1/ *, «».«, »».«.•• «1»»,«.l?i «(W*«n ;«Ji »Ji felt wtth <*d«i the Goods ar4 or


pT^Wp lESStTJ SsP^ 'j Mwrl: '* •

'- ¦V .!rr.. Ff.-S3:]-a£W4'-W.-Wr-rf;..\.';Tf*i


[ ¦ .'icv;:¦,:!- ' :l:;-' oEl8li| GuaranttcA Aaaly oia . fu . , _ £J#~ "~~ :

• ¦¦ ; ' : -'O '.:'apasa .; -: i'-iiS» bi 'i) ii-aB') • ' ' ; is^ J -O^ i i '

; :: UneqnaUrf for.'aJl,Croiw^KI-P|qf I i ¦ L->-—^T^iW"ll V rT J -

i ¦ . r\^ ':^ i Jf i!

:rT^'-i , \ ] ¦ ¦ ! ' pos Son to B go.) ..

'¦; ¦ : ' j i ijTr Tv:'!;'/ '¦'"".- !

¦¦'• ¦ ' f" '. : ¦ Hao -a,marked.effec't upo OrgtSu . . . .

***y ¦ ' ¦ ' :; ;!; '.' ~ 'T ' ' 1 ' :. .

:' *"' ,V:' ; : i Boots, Wbeat/Oatii, BaHey, an oTda !' ' Writ« W. '/!« .?• ! 1 i i '« i: /' 't 8»4 Pota«()ei6t6 8 6wt p^aere b<aDg a^

;dieHita|r;< »Wnte for TestimonWs An.lyi.ii Book Ord«. early/demand!being SboTe wpsli lilt

, . gAm^ortilj ib., .WAgpawbaygJ.XOHEOIT; D. . ; ;' . ;i

!lfd iin-'v rj . - ¦ ¦• • ¦ •,• ; : . o ' . r

^¦' ftllHB .ii u I -ARE , TrNDOUBTia)I.)r ' -$?[$ BEST ;TALtJE IN/'nfHR MABKET.

1 ; THE;- yM5E; yoiRE :roiKERmGr it-.W PI^^B

I . :; . ' " fPW ;" CANNOT . Bl SURPASSED; ;' J i ; , t tj ' " «-

^ bsrpi-fiLifl- ; $s HOFSH." ; i! , , 1 . . . j I 88, r«9, bb & 91, QUAY, jWATORFQJRD.

Ssvt'-Kffllsi- .^ i ¦< "i f : JK& wSSf iB A f / P af?»i 3^

'r ;;_ ;, Thesi Eemddieo i|idy© etood the teat of i i^~ :_: .: FIFT^ Y t A R ^I ' V E k P E R I E*l 6 E ^ i i j:. 1 And cro pronotwicod the Best Medicine for Fcmlly ncci i: '

[ V: [ ¦ : - : i - i ': \ . ; \f i S h & \pKILLS .C|- - j , -I ; M ;Pnrify tlia Blood, correct all aiooidero of tho LITBB, SrouAdn, Knairocrd] . ;^ |ffnrt<<> nnd n»>'i!nT»fa»M* iniall qn nfiumf i iTmi^nnfai fftmnlfb of oil ngrji ;

^¦¦i7 ' . ; - ¦ ; |T H Ei 0XNTM/ELN 5P ¦

j ;

- L. : l 'Is tho only reliable remody fdr BjirLais,! Mu^UrxBD e^OzsWoiT&t^;£CJ BiioaOmnij, ' Soon THUOATB, OotjaHo, QOISOI GOTO, HnzmiAzistiii

QL&npvKAB BxrBVUBQa, pid>fcat oil 8sm DiBawa it fcao no c^r J. ;7 j , 1• - ! ¦ > ¦ ¦ ! • ¦ :¦ . • i - ¦ I I - • -jt'1 '"' 1' ' . H :1 ¦-- ; I — • • . \ ' . \IMxitotocl(mlyat78,ni!!W<)IICai) 6TRBET, lute 538, OiiJrdCt.,LOin)0Ur

' . ' : eoioet AJxMBpraiHavdiip6fa 'n<ROU3HouT Tria Worn** ; . ' i

k * AMeo Orttij, c4 tbaabor* ftidiW, dully Bstw tl» lwm*eJn&t , febyl .j j LfeksSdJ '1 ' ; ' l '* " ' ' j ' " ~ :":!¦"', A__ '"" __ ¦_' in .. iZ'l * '1 ' ?'-; • '- I 'j /f c ^l

>j»My >iii. |,.i| |g iM j. .... ¦ ] i , , , «"j 1 1"

|B M | 1 M ¦

| Z ;.i j ; ) 1 ¦ ! ! "¦' ¦¦! ' I' i ^^ ^ » T***t-

:, ; » . ; . . , ' : j : ¦ 1 t

l " " • ~

j j ' 1

t The Irish Oyclitt aaya i—V No ,JI»ker. £tB bettor Material or pnte la more carefulWortitnanohip." : . - ' , ; , , |; ; ": „ : ;

¦. :.• / ! ¦ <- \ . " - I - I j , ' i

THB| BEST Alb STRONGESTJ HA0HINES FOR ilRISH ROADS. ' ,:- ¦ tilutiraled lAit$ f tie \ Good Agents Wardti. '¦ i j ' ' ! (ofiJ y)

•• i S- • :, : - ' i ! i L.—:— ;¦

•¦ ¦

: i ; . . . i . ' '

j- DIRECT FROM FACTORY. ' ! | i |nV ^yoaJ t» r r-??f!ii4 y


COTOH J 0' ttt Maker** Prlert, in Worstod. Saxony, or

Ohenot, WBITB FOR PATTEBS8. AH onr own Jlanhfaetflrt! Aojr lefireth cat. Splendid i 8eloctloaTailor* mpplied with bnnohes of Paftom*. i i ! . ' ; : ; i T :

IKfnni ***!<»' o»n Wool made it& oth. ; Hcary Tweeds, U. U. per yard i Light Tweeds, ls.'Sd.WUUL.' P*r yard 1 Blankeh, j Bog*; Wbwys, Flannbl, 4o. CarrUgo of Wool paid, and, Patterns' y vr*. aentrpee.; ,v. - . , . | . .. ;; ¦ . -. . ,;: ~ : \\ ' | : ! • , : j ¦ j :

-IMTOBTA^T NOTB.—All WpoU feat to be made into Heavy Tweeds, Blankets, Crnmbololhs, Ac1, 4o , artBade' from tno-p)/yarns. ThU'maMa the Cloth Oner and wear moeh longer thaa uhei itUtlone la theordinary way. ¦ Cloth will be roturnhd within one month from receipt of Wool.. . _ ! ; ;:

A- COItJtJH0tTH,j ElannfiioturoJr, Eliaoa vmi; G laoaiolo, Dcotloaa.Beapeslaple Ascot* ,Wao.t«d: a wery^District not_set npreaented for^ tEe ColieotioA of "Wool

! • ... :|- . .¦ : . . . . - : .}. :— , . | : : - , and.flaloa of onr Mannfaotnroi. . ¦ . • " i : \. . . , : . ? > -

¦ ¦'¦' • ¦ :

|:.:^ j -rl^f S C J^^

xl\<&^' M:y ; '¦'¦ ¦¦ '

Il ii)I#-$p ::BO.Ii:Ii : TOJ8;A<p ^C'O-.' ¦¦. : .. : •' :IS .THB: BEfef. - : ¦ ;SOLiD EVERYWhTkRE: .! i1: » ;!..' . , ' ! ' ¦- ¦¦ ¦•

¦ -^ l

' 1 ¦¦! ; ¦:- ¦¦ > > - r- y '.'• ' •'' "

i l ¦ ' 1 .. '" , , ¦: ¦ ¦ - : ¦ ¦! ' . ! ¦

¦ j PACTOBT-AND OPFICBB— "¦ ; j . ', . ! - ] ' v'"

i ¦ • . . :

. i ri;9|v;:- 12(J;r !4f"';' l'21,


1-A N p I S . -ST!R iE;E TV ^¦

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I; ¦'¦ : ' !M rHphio -iddt«t»- ''f ^OBjf i6cO. DUBLlf r || ,'

I * ': " |: :

(di7.' I 1. - -! i i . . . . ¦ - 1 1 * * . I • - i t \ I * . * ¦* '- i ¦ i , ! 1 - I - * i .

^WATERLO Oi^^'OIL CAKES. 11A $iiilte4t$- f kipfcp- fll 9twk.i BT delirery isguanatelJ oi2i WATEB'O (B0UND L1K8EED OAKE8—Oaaranteed over 67 t»«r-B«i't !'

1 ¦¦. . f! ! l:-;" ; '- i ^ ! 1 "'i ;- -":i^:- '; ¦? p

! ¦' ¦¦

Ti !I '¦

: ' ¦ '. MMittHwtT«»4 bj ti«;Wa^irloo MUlt Co., United; mTLL.V : : ; .' ; V . : j :¦ , ;A<MNT6--<SK0.8«S ; Vf UtM i «j 8058.;!WATEBFOBp, ' j ; 3'J¦Ms9i MssAaMsst4s tsV*>|na>M«aas«sssssBMs^

li '?V _ ' ¦ \

¦]tt;i|m.,!;: m'];4a[p[j PSS^NS. ;;mi ; iTABLB^taai»; . ^;1- ,Uv.'j. | ^ ; i / : ¦u|:..i qy^M:,l

^Dp i|


Alir!Bl>. : j ' | ' f'Mn S- V"

:!;;¦;:- i^> M:-i ¦ .!] J. r -W g Hjff'fc. : - 1 . : 1 i O*» MOOllg .4 HAJ> rtHCl. . i-HE I,r.ji . - . ¦l ..K:!' ?!j -|;.!jr.: - v ;-,!j]l,!> K.'^^TT^.; j ' . ""'i ' , -f- . i . . . . ; J ; h ; , . \\.<^' ' •?rt -;M!i;sidp^^» -|¥

; i«Mi>s; i- ; ;: ;; : ^

pffitt ?¦ iife iblfSip* #?|: *W"\ PP* iiif:|-i«|i»;itepst- #4 ::> M; : hi M' v rI'te

rj|9, 1849*1] ;•-


15, md 18, ICHeiUworUi treet, Iimeno*. ; ¦ «»18 -

A!HM|ar^sfafe ''w|i . • ¦ -;THIS i pld Hotel fii reslly;Comfortable, »na; Prites very

^Moderate. -Famous- for good,

pore Whiskey, and all other Drink*. ¦! ' ,- ; vi Mf MBft KBlJiY,. pKomwoi i.

6gT Close lo Bailitay Station. '

; ¦ i lu r2M^Hr %• ri- t^ ' iTBINITT STBJBEtr D U B tfil ".

MfgfiifKSHiY pictfolly'IWrtal- er- Kt-;«>Ds aid , ynends that the bas rtt&tly[ lafcer already Well-E»t«bllsbedjBestiuvan.t-ftiai^ofc#vllr»fdft8a Oysler Bar; Ji. - J . X UJII rCarllDgfcrd and Bed iBank Oystera. i

First Class Hotel aciomniedatlcn. ' ' > vTerma' ejiceedtngly aode+mte. , , >- ¦ / I :' jroxsA norsii TBISITX BTKBBT. ~ >

> U * •.-'': ! I . '» ;fW88-XE!X |.fif<»rfetrepa,/;*' - arfnrf n4« allth« Baaki, WbbUftleUfoset.UUTelegraph 0<Beea. j | / il m2.Um]

iWvate Bo*ldtotttt;jp& r7ttm!,:!'7t '-'*Ctt-' r ' • ? - ¦¦ - *¦ • » - f c - ¦ J . "n ; ?i r-v- -¦ "j.^i .. J

;v '¦ ' •; - -f A GiftNDOWBB HANStoN/'' i -' ¦ i:

W, 15. iTUml 1», ZA&RINQXOB B0AD, 8.W.,¦ r?, ; f i f iC' wipHDOW; ~ i s ' 'r\ ( ¦¦ . •-. 'One minute from Sonth Eehsingtoft Station i iah

rotmites! to Wattadpatos-'i- eighteen 'minntesfo theCity—Man*i«uJIon»«.8tafapn ; qear ¥r*)u, GarlenaAlbert Hall, and Museoms. . i

T70B Efeailles wishing to aroid expense of HonseJ? | keeping, YUitonrto-^oiTg^or-Qontiegien deelriugtheiwrantage of a Clnb, oombined with the privaoyand comfort of Home, at a moderate Cost. I¦ IjbodueUpn- r>ef «*9Ssqnired. ri' .'- ai8-tf :

&E&ED2arriAE... cuva wJA patvATB - HOTELJHarrinRton [Boad; : South ErasmKionT'S.W. T! THE ASGEtSOTJlI.

T&8 Wee, C^mfgl leJMa'opnTeniefillT"Blcated: HOTELr luu-reoentl/.t>een-thoroaghiyJpainted

and xenorated by the.pre«ont Proprietor, Mr. HBALY.For Gentlemen aoaifamilies oominf to DnWin on

TegaJitinsinew, it will be f oona most ponTaniest; beingaitnated next to.the Four Co mis j and Tor WeddingPartlea andjVi&itor* to-Dublin, theacootamodaiionissecond to none in the Kingdom. ' " ' ;"Prirate Sitting' and Diplag Booms, Coffee-roqmrfbr'radios, 3ed.rooma: from Is. OoU'to 2i. each. Smokin?and Billiard1 Booms.. • ! -1 '-! •, ¦; : ! :. : . "•

John Jameson- and baas' Sereii yeais' old plait jGnionesa'i | Stont ! - Bass's ' Ala. : WlnesV. Brandte«,:Champagnes, Lionenres, io. ¦ , , . ' . ] '

, .;. BICHABD HEALT, Proprietor... ;.. al8.1y".'¦. , yiotoria.' Hotel;'. Kilkenny., ' : |;

JOHN JOQiEi'Y.from tbeBammiin Hotel,

• Dublini beiis to announce that bo ba4 cpeDcditheabore'; old-established House. It baa fnasigem stnotiingb KpDoraUpQ and complete Befornlsbtbc bythe Well-known firm ' of . Millar and Beatty, ' Dpblln.

For the ijonTenience of Commeieiiil GentifmtniltaeProprietor has made:8pecUl Anan«emcats; aDd Irdstsby strict attention lo and. personal snperruibn ot . thtoomforts of Visitors to merit A of continuation of 'thePatronage SO. long extended to this HoteL. j !

The Hotel'BnswiU meet all Trains.' . . . Ir .tf: ¦ ¦¦ ; ; ¦ j Zsxponal jBtttel' ¦ ¦'. -' ¦'. - -i

Vl^WEB' 8ACkyniIiE.8.TBiBET, DTJBL1 3jl'


(Oppotitsths General PotVOfflee and Telegraph Oltoe); ! .;, , ; ;The molt central in the City " '" ¦ ; ; ;

/^QMPLbTELY remodelled and To-funiial»'ea,NL/ jUagni2oent I«die*'.Coffee.Boom, Dining-Boom,imoking-Hoom, flilliard-rooml1 Charges modnrat*. . -

! CHABLES-IiAWfcEB, Proprietor, i j(8.tD U1P ini CO2S&SJ&XAX SOttBlVj

i - ' ttii QUAr,.WATSSFOBD. i ;

:: ,". M I 0 H AEIi. KI B W A INI.'

HAVINO tmrohaaeti th? Interest in the abore

HOTEL, beg» toannonace that tbia Estab-liabtoent ChiaXD on 8ATDEDAT. FEB. 16, 18791

11. E. trnste, by strict Ottdntioa to:those vbopatronise THJ SHIP, ASS CoioaxcLki, B.<y tiirioeubrita «oa inoanoe of their patronage '• • ¦ t ¦ :

Quay. WBterford,Tab. Ii 1885. ¦ \ { tta.ttShe C7icilos7 Soteli and Bestaitt&nt'

. .; ./0.1. and 8, WICKtOW-StBBET,I I |(Graflontfnet>i DDBL1H. ,. --'" - ¦

MOST ; Cipn'rslly Sltnstea. i-Ccmfof'talilfl and' Moderate, Dinners rrsdr sll day ,H i ' . • j EICHABJ> CBBIEN. P oprletor.'/ \ Eho Bnrlliagtoa JlcatATirftat,

27, fir.5 A BBvf^TB rrr-D'x/Biir, ;,OytUr and \8htlUFuh,. ivncJmn, Dinntr and Supply

| Bccm$, 0mm0H-LAMli. !': (next-door td^Hibernian.- Barik). -

X UNOHEOIIS ana Dinnero, Boupl Fisb, En.JL* trees, and Joints, Ac., Sapper*, Fish and Meat,Gamo always ready. ; . j '

The BILLAED H00M is elegantly appointed, iC&j; LUNCHEON?: at i tbo ele|abUj-fltt«d V{.h

BoflU," coriiUtr of OysWri,- tbbkters, .Crabs, andSaroury ,Flsh, and a rariety ol Meat and.!oM>«r Sand,wlohas. !' Wines; and 8plrlU J of ;the' fln«st '<jn*Jity,Jamoson'eSfTsn Years' Old Malt. Kartell's Bnuidy,14 years bldj lAlesand 8toat from the best Breweries,and in perfeot oosditton. Finest Bed Bank BarrenOystors, ;:O»er 1,000.Boies o( LTery oldClgars in Stock,pftrolia*edby th» i»t« Mr, Corless. A trialjotjpiUd.

THOMAS JT. COBX£S . PjwrBtsxo , (n28

P E O V I U C I A t 2OVSI , !i ! D UB L I N . - ¦

; . ; . ;{. . .Ntnrly pppo titi 'tkt- Fvar Covrti, and! elos* fo th

< QnaC £eK()Ttm aha rT irpi. and ; Jfi<n<i8<i¦ •'- '. v • ;. . , ; : &..W. &eUf Bii+f «mUi>).~ '.:

I i :\ : .¦' ij i . I ¦ .. I ¦

TM8 JBOFBX, wce^UsiteffcdflMs rttr'eaUy Im-lari(«d; and thoroughly renoTattd, Lbe sanitiry'

arragemenl* being;conitrooted on the most ap-proved pHoofples. ¦-» :'¦[' '• ¦ . •— '" ¦ 1- ! ; 'J. t

Tbe «irict«st'*IUntioD paid to Tlaitors. Hot and'Cold Botiff. Night PoHer in attendsnof, ;Oharfrea:•moderiU'T

' - , • • •' ,• ¦. ¦ • ¦ ' ¦. OBJii" ¦ •

¦;¦ ¦

.;¦' !¦

'if. ' K- BERGINi ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦' ¦¦ "

POHLHftHN & CO/SUpright Iron Grand PIAHOS

'ttmj j t i tw Wf lUftfr I MMtiflolasM ;

• i^ lHysM; ^• «WW<talMs**Ma*7xrsr|tl DIHIIIIW Iiwsca-rtBsjiswssissjsftw^^ flMIII jI rssBsssVa s\ 4sttf^Ssss>s» - t ¦ ' i I I * W»B!»»^T^ M-ii.

S^ E i nnoiuiyi1: »M^eMUIlsm<a|SbMWBf' |l|in||l|.JII^¦ •ititMtiifssssi'TgplTO^SyjW^Hyi;,.

i- 3 YEARS SYoTEsl


' ! '. "r'i "' fft'tti bMif*""**UmilM 'j wasriom : -v 'PAVB'S Soap !¦ i i M i ¦¦¦

-i -I—;•¦)- ' ' £d«i iitUa is inl(U.I • ¦ i ' , ! *

¦ ;- ,' ¦ •

¦ ¦

^A^Sj Soafe^'! ¦¦; •; . •

DAYIS'S :iSoap: i j h ' :-. -, ; '

• i J Win not iojore your •kin.

l f j&4:; : - r " • ¦: =

¦' J

' -••'' L* ?! GWes gre»t aatiaiaction. '

.1 'As^for.1 8 IQujgeVit, and takeiio otlwh j rfr !! iQ :{ 'if \ \ : '¦ ¦

V"S W^ffilnm ?IlsWWBw.::-L-;

-ttuuuwwy Ano-i3ran«Bs>jBi ty;*rati

^lll iMoore! Wanfenia Nace, pORK.

enrno TTII m MI% laJrar • trpn-sll—T-li , ^Ti i I I "fc Wffc«)


TBE OBEATiBtOOB PVBmiB A1TD BXSTOaMtiTOE CLBXKSINQ *ntf. CLEABING »>• BLU«DI! 7Trom?Jl;linpBritis,i. H oannoVbe-tooiithly r»-eomm«fiwd:-'" -\ ¦7- iu 7'! ) ')

Jf oi Scrofula, SasTTft Xcwaa, SUn aod Blood Sissassa**£fy m #7W r.Baft, /tif a «r» «V»f f^ f11""1. - '- . «Curs*.piir»tesi ' ;'" '" .T;'' 2.KJi ~


'tt*- j"3(IcsI• : *Cor*m aUaoUMtd; oi<Par{f*s'oa ti* Tao*.'. ' Cirrsa1 Setirty. U* ' I ! <>: r . " •.

¦ -, t * *• *» i r",: Cvw 'Dlae*, Fi - jr ! ' ' " '

. '. Cartf OWiA SimSaSrif1^^: Wi^¦ a«arsHMn 'tWia asn«yU**(sb«r.

As this ltd rt«t» U tlM^ttp^yUtafantftWrraiUJ fa*bom anjihi» isjonons'w tpWaasfMUeatoiwisUtiitlon oeitber sex, t£«.Propri«t«r*<=«6Dat s«ti»«rt t#«JJs It»trtUc

-^^•"TH - ; 'ia' 'fe"-^^ ^T^^r 'I feel intT boonavoM1 ' ' * 1 °*^*flwtl

of Clarke's Blood iflBor* WBe." t haw had MDMnc overTWO yean oi B *n*r*- *aisa«i'> '. i nns aoiaaasv sp* PSRsMdual ald X eoald w*slbl»acro««r* tDVsax vssssaa wen*un «ut, awl wlUj* ssd fc^arV-Tjrsar eojopattsl ttreom* tatothe wottkhems* )u*tf tafwite* rl s iir^MilbtsB iaher* 18 tnont&a,tadiriyUgs iiaisaHffsiswsat b*gsato- thiiik'lbegr '—t-TIHttTtniTl Ititfw.. < B ..r*"1 irf¦• Clarke'* B od Mto^ .ssJ riSrfSpJTtfia whatcould CTIST rtha -BBsans, f >«lfl \rf jtVfc T ilttis*mftt jdeprliemyaslf &Tm \is6ss*ttiiiaa-a( lanHs I ratssilsTersd std]&*irs.'-11 eosUss0*AH*^as»tasiBtoodrlUitsnIer. coTKrr, Jarn on tbe i aii* b»fcJbB>F»6i spa stealt?« siM'oCWfVcrowK s uSf titlUStoeiatsteoats*Urg*." tb»i^T««w«yJpss«Jays<pfl«*«fcatitttw werethree sotw wHab. 1 l*i»s»t ^wtwiAtraJLlafoowrAlIat*•bOBt ,Ts* tlw of a shlintt«-.-'Tli«ft »»,itii<T> >rlsi»s nitbs ward- tfart ¦ l{«a ltt,'anA«i»»pr»i s stiMOiIli j m r *jl«g*-wb*a 1 tiff>¦>«« ttuwinnri ¦ ¦*l¥jni1j3isissrstht**ot»h«ins4H asliwii. Tim y«yfM2?lB*Tust Ioaanot pMcWanotStr bottSi m-m *iihXSUtO;sssd B» aaautt tnsstUal l«t>o^fk«a«s«*««*IU,utf^¦W*^

s^ «ts»Fit>|.{,.>iir>ii xaia

" ¦ • ] ' T^^ SS'ftiWasiSai e> iobqmf -JTirn; lUiiijTfaiiTrsiuTaiainissiinirTiin.

I writk tolrt yUb«i[bW)iM^ eitVsinM*ittatb« U>(U» of Htxtcrs >iw*iri«i*, *H«S» wou<ts an BOWeemplsMr «esJed|iipi!it .irin t* otrtMtaar * btaf sw dayaaad ntjto wor*i wMchjif alr** |ms>isadVss«. 1 aaroioM M rs*ld« «t ail «bt«rfc'Mirtt£tt£7tt. <MsMb*u»; u^ w^^ia^s^ASwSiSU^SrSwfon*Mictnr*is- •JHfr ~*tA**i*.:4rrrtwy fo«*UwktaL'ssrtsat l ¦ I ¦ ¦

' ' i I

• '««r?f. i«%q -a e^^ jljpiiaiifcfwfcgold 1st batBsji tt tfaisUdasieKiiJbjis/aapQanf^ nOT-jwowSui jmnui[rf«»wa*Ki ta«



kV ei.Vl&io i J4(il

;":i«4sv«tAI» time*Vibe>*"i »^d to^rtilkt«(K

UlttA <W4

Medals thsn ' a PAhA >$&*** wadttclMo Tis*.8d.,:^,il«v i*. W, ,'«?* KAL«r Odd MedalKID BEViyiSB ffrt£p>M*-r<it.i| Boottt.k.f*,SiddJeri, Chtnllrtr.'liid^OiK HAYK9, 118.

JQpAT.,W^T^Kr - -| ^yp>fOtiy.^iftan.s)

¦ Tie OT1 r .,Ota»jTAJ;-;»A»X

~"' ' CQByOBATION, ElklTKD, :

AoMowsrtfiij»,aM»Oi j » Vtr-Jtsti,oooWis* tojfJJw«OT u x^^JWWtTSHBtXaW.

FranoisoeV Bfaaisiaijy J8 s^apbrK. «ydaeyAl«BData*a,Tabreea, Tehettsl Tidi' qatMl^^UAhaViH:: 4tka Bclk eMksslsMMntTJjsjM^KtMdtdtos^Haf -*gff »>H s>sW4j Bs*M s% ffsVUPM) Ifftiw uftst fsMsMsl

^ ^ P^ ^ T ^ J T S* ^ ^ ^ T IB>^BBB^ B BB1 ¦ ^B BS SPvSV p SBl 'A^ H * P^ T BT S'*B'flB8'SJ lB1S^

¦• ¦AtwiB< aa»»e«*isT«a33in5 !*.wtns» 'At^ o:or7»ea«' Mt4e« .*T*u -lkj l!£

InUrm at ailu ow c P»r » »» 3w5Stt!.



> i





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E'lawa T;


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;|ElisieiTv fHo1?|ebr^entlemetf jaj i ©xitir:;r.liaees^aM::SiJLk I; r. i and ii^iites'lai.;- ¦ •

¦' ¦ - .¦ ;| roiis and

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:;;' ¦; ; : ; ¦ ¦¦;• ¦ ¦; f .h. - : ; j - | J & GO.t : - - j ^np ., \ .

SALESM1 - ' . ! j! i CITY OF WAlEBFOjiD.: '. !! <

'' . I ¦

¦ ¦¦ —— : |

¦ I ' 1

¦ : : i


i Imwrtadt Auction of Valuable Corm,1 , ! Seed,; or; Butter Stores, \ \Situate elbue to tne (Jnsy. and in the best business

j I ¦ ¦ !

¦ !° ' part of the City; i : I . 'mo BE SOLD ' BY AUCTION, oh FRIDAY,W Slit HAKCH. 1890, ,at;12 o'Clockj «t ourft«Tnn/ *rrr«J Tin MAMW W^TmaTOBD, THE IN-

! TBBBSTV lHE 3 FOLLOWING) LOTS, TJE ,;. i LOT 1-4-HO* Btow ia Condott L«Be with Eicelyappointed' offices, Urge flagged ground ; floor ; ASSot. .11 wntilatSl lofta, hblst lander, held

l«J«, «t tha non>lD»l »niinal:rent oI *IS. i : |^Lwr a. -8tsre in Condoit Lane, held onder leasefor W *<*». *»« " March. fl86jl. at the lowannmT Sent of J 24 Oa Od. This Store containslarge fiajfged groaDd floor, with 3 ,vetj good. JJO;CO,Hoist 104 Q«uf i Soof Good. I i :. | • . ! • , ¦! - v• LOT 8 -L»r« Store Ih'Ooffeff Boose Lsoe, with

;Oate EntWee from the Quay ; Held nnder lease¦te WiSSriWmi i26th Mirbb 17M. at tbe.low'Bent of ifcl&i « P .«¦¦ ¦• J \be S*0.'8,;8 T«f?[iBpaeiooiji iroond floor flagged ;;hag 6 LoftBDlth!HMrt sid! Gear, and Capital EoaM !.! raSi rfare

.U w/ll worthy the attention ofMerehmBt* tequiring first class Grain> Seed , orBatter Stores. The late owner spared no expenseia f i i t i n g'them up. ' They dre!aU In good


¦Damedkte Boeeesion of each lot wUl be given, and'nat b« inipected Irr IntetdiDj parcbasera any daypri« to S leTby applying to tb^ AnotlpneerB. Eachlot wfll beaoli •abject to a teseTTf rbia. ¦¦ '¦ j

For- farther partioalars and conditions;of cale

'' JOHH TWEEDY, Etq. SoUdtor.J [?~? 6, College-8>reet, pabUnjor to

: THOMAS TVALSfl & BON,] i octlpnefrs. &e'' . Thb MalL Waterfotd, February Mtb,18flO.

!:; '•: . i XlLMEAiiBN, WATJEBi"bBI)r

i. VbluoMe Too Simpli ?arm, >Contalnb«812a.2r. Up. Statute Acres, held under;- " Y«* Instilment o^

ilOlils Sd.

Imo BE SOLD BY AUCTIpS, 6n 8ATUED4Y.JL JEnd J MAECBC, 1890, at One o'Clock, at our

' BateWm»i"be MaU, WaterfoM, by! direction! of;£S5bWeiBagst/ lnabW !i HOLDINGS kno«nr: as. ?IGBOE | &

DABUGLE, eontaintng Z12» 2r. :UP| iStatntei Acres oflWme Land, on y rbie 1 arejsreo u, «,«-llbrtabfe Swelling, Csw-Houses, " 'K fnj.

- Arrearj o!: annnlUes wiU U paid; tojlst April

-. 1 laid U nearly all to graas,inMticonTenieEtlydtnate. beiny withiri one oile of ( Ki UneadenJgrtOfflc* and:Bahway: 8tation> an^eevei.milea ottheCity of WaUrford. There is a new follins «uj?t»7cf _epring:iwater on, tbe Premiae*. j j | '

i R>r fnrthe* particolara spply tB 1 1 ;: M«. CATHEBINE 6>MMrN8;

.1 , who will sboirltbe Lands; or to: THOMAS WALSH 4 SON] AacUoneere, *«•

' The Mall. Waterford. March 6, 1880. j j . |" ¦¦

. pj :COUMT KILKENNYt ¦ :; . ;

Wo'iIloat lJcsiralilo Orach Ponrs¦ .. : • • |! i ¦ i ' Bin -Sale : I - i !

TO BEi 8OLD, by direcUois of iMriPATBJCK'¦ H«*«««B«T. !flI8 IHTiBES^



EINOVELLB FABM.—ContalnsWi Ir9p JfrimeParture: and Tillage Land,, on wbloh iaencted amost coofortable Two-Stoiied Dwelling House,with 1 extensile Ont fflces, held under a JudicialBwrt iifWftk Orti-pir aiinumJ : : I : .' ¦ f •

BOOHBBTOWS ; FABM. -Omtai&s 67a 2r lip

nf Prtne Grasloff Laod, held Idider; lease fer an iun-SpirMl ttm Of «• Yrt", at SM OsJ Od. per ansom.oth tliaw Farm* are air in Grass and near y

adioiflwch 'other, and areC aJtuatedon the MainEnadi 6 MlW« f»<»» tDe Citf ol Waterford io4 7HUe» Urn Jfew Bo". »>»• bo »nded! by the rirerSjJrow .» wbbh Market 8te men ply daily ; be-tPeenbotb towB*.- - :- ; : i j ¦ M .• V. [ •

: °* n*^TH0MAS WALSH & SOH. ! ¦'• ; ! > i i ' ' ' : Auctioneers knd Land Agenti,The ma.,Wat«tford,.Febroary 20tb, 1890. j .. .

!a0Lia^AHONB, COUHTY , KILKENNY,i i QBarter of * Mife fro» Glsom6r», and Midway

: ;

, ¦ - , j

¦ ¦ ¦" : ¦ ietwoen Wateiford anT»«wP<w, •' 1 ;

! :

, . . :¦:;Pam>i |;*r j imj ^a t n , |Fo|; : S«lo.i • ' : ' ' :' X-': ' ji BBEEW b'aTreoelrea ilnsiroottowi Jrom

"::«l ij iw; sH«.t,t «o sBLT.uBY-AtrcrrioK «¦>

! ia He? farm, . wHeh conUlns: 67hIrl«b.Air**,r ' 'DwdSSHottae ft'Ont-Oflcei, 5i«ld iftder the Eari

. ¦ ;«Si 5^ >W ,wBen^ofHe84asOd¦ ¦ ¦—. '}' ' ' ±tf f tftmm- ", ¦'.' , f ''- '. *- • ' ¦"' v ' . ' ; ; . .' ; . I ' . , . '' j

• ' ¦

• ¦• '¦ • •¦¦¦

!'i ^8al«arJflneiB'Clocb ? : • '' ¦,¦• ' ¦ ¦' i '"¦" : : '

•: ¦ '; i . -^- SIu^ m-w -i^ iiby:^;4110110!11 1; ' ¦ i ¦•- ••v ^rP*«iifiJ ^f-B«lfc: ;-i.i;. ':' !:• !¦•

¦;¦-¦' i ' ^u- ' . -; : : '; - . i >/#fqrtb«r partlitilariapply to; , i - r , , . , - :

! • '•!: 'iS'vi'i-|i:;1 :'- [' :j ¦ '%' '

+'¦ '¦'. ¦' ¦ ''jl-J.-BBJHtKjAn tio; ter; | ; :

j 'i P lv:^-j irt<hrn:rgiiM j . - r -; ¦*-* H i-n i iiixkwittiUL; *vm(n*::«y;i BOHSEHQLP

i ¦ T 4'Ii^Wl»MW onTinw«(rJl«*MABCH, MW,

¦ !.¦ lt;/- ;4r!r;-ff ;:? - :fl.;yr---v.!v . 'j',- . /;r,- .:1:.-7.:.*Vali«fr.;:; : ; - ! ;; i

ifflfc iiiiailfTTW-'i'iitV/ - »'-=!; ¦ ¦

^rain!nv-r-;.t i; -r ^

iM.: - i

HIS¦- ' ¦ ' ¦

: : ¦ • ¦ ! ¦¦ ' i

: I' ¦ •

¦ ••'

. • ! . i :

|Jm|r^lias ;£pidtit^iigi ij JB^bnSojanc&eScMefe,a CMldk'P^**<•

• i- . - j t ¦ j - :¦ • . .: 1 . ! ¦ ¦ ¦

iPi Yi Ci WY&* A^ i

r. IF. HEAQHEa Testimonial Fond-: • l i

¦ - .¦

. . -^=4 J - ¦ ! • ¦ • ; •¦ -

i' JUJOITIOHAI. BUBSCBIPTIOira BECBITED." . . \ . ' ¦ • ! ' - " £ e. d.

n ie National !4 Litcraiy Clul , Water^lord (per J.|Hajden,KFq., t on.!8«-) |! ... 1 0 0

I ¦». J. A. Aiidereon,iO:SJ^.., FetbarJ .(Co. Tipperary) , j ... L.. I ... 10 0

V m. Morrissey, Ksq., Cjirrice-onrSair ;.. 10 0Irs. Atine Brncien, Templeaiore : ... 10 0li mee O'Carroll, Elq., Carrici-on-aulr... 10 0&. ff w NationalUta 0/ jBallyneale (Oarrlck-I on-Suir), perTboniM-F. Walsb, Esq.... 11 6P ir Mrs. C. Healy, Carrick-on-8uir ... 10 0L-jMise

1 J. Meehsn ; „ ' ' ... 2 10 0

'. iEIHe Codoey. „ ... 1 10 0W n. Dug^ani Esq., T.O., Carr/ctbeg ... 1 0 0Kt ri M. Sheeban, P.P. .„ ... ... 10 0W 3. Casack, Draog^n, per Thomaa : <

r.iv.WaMK ¦ - . : ..J ¦:¦¦. - ... \ <... ¦ ',... 110 o

iJiyurence Foley, Ballylooby (Cahir) ' ... 6 0! : ' I : ¦ " DTSBMn, 13th ! Uarcb, 1890.;i :t Bzia Mi WiMH,—Enol.nqd jott will 11 id tnbtcrip-

tdo i (£1 10B) for f ha H caxnet Tcitlaoutal. apt) would to Go JUu I \l ooald prpre, as I desire, toy ioep reipect lor tiebn 19 and noble-he&rtod Hatgberi who through good andill Hid through «rer/ oid«al rtood Wchfallr to, the fronttov ftrda ngudlog for poor' deu >ld: Jrel«!iia her Jtut andind jpendent position amongst the world's satlous. Hopingf i i will, oa St Patrick's Day, ha e a!tooc«s9fal ending tojot r noble undertaking.—I tin, sUcotelr yoim,

¦ i j • . • I ¦ . ] • • ' WLUJAK J CCBICK. ¦T lOmts P Waub. I; 87, Kiin-strert.CanrfckKra olr. . .


| Soroe Breeding j ia Ircload, 1880,: • : DUNSABVAN 80 3-DISTBICT.

WOROVqHBREp StalHon " Zanzibar" will. j serve 601 selected Farmers' Mnrea, at a fee of2a 6d, Including the Grooii'M fee. ! :i 8bow of|Marea will be held at Cappoqnin onTUBDAT, Mareli 29tb; at n llch Prizes amountingaSO win beloffered;:-*-' •Lnspectlonsl for the pnrp >se of '. selecting Far-ira' Mares for nomipptions, will ba : beld by tbecal Committee at theifollowiog places i—USMOBEjon Monday, M ircb 24th'. . .DUNGABV AN on Tuesday, March 25tb.Farmers desiring notnjiiiatmas should attend witbsir Mares at tbese places. . !:For farther particalara apply, : to tbe Honctetary, Col. HOLROTP, Colnneruffb i YoaijhoL :I T order of Iho Conacdl of tb{> Eoji i Dublin Soolitj.lit. I I E. J. ilOSB.Ketfib ittr. l

ATERI JOIJD; DAi py FACTOR ^.HOICE ! BUTTER!. J .j . I . ' ¦ ' ; . Is..3d par 2b.

' . ¦ ' . ""IT ¦

i' ' : - (J3); OM's &roo^iy,


j - ¦ n OSI C B . j : '. ; . ;

TESSBS. - HABVEY l & ; 8W, FinancialJL Agents, Gl^DBTONE-STBtCT. ! WATDIIPOED,ive MONEY ; OH DEPOSIT injeucs of not

is' than JB10, at Tbreelpeij cent, per Annum, re-yable (practically) on demand.* I 1 • f!6.ij

I !¦ i . ¦ I ' GENUINE ¦

i | •


! . . JtkiBH AMEEICAK jDENTAL SUEQEONSj ) !¦ • • ¦ ¦ ! • • ' 1 - ' ! - AT | i /

^j ' ;- i

3, TUtl riAlVj^ATEaFQED. i

npUE Inhabitants of! Waterford' ; deeming theUL : anperiirity | of AMEfelCAN'©ENTIBTBYibqfe , all other| aystem> to be tbe best, tbe IrfsbA merican Dental Surgeons, cf 4, Harriagton-stI nblin, bave now opened by request at. 8, THBI Uix, WATWt»o«n), where rhejr Intend to eslabljshi Branch wbere Geuoiq« Atrtrlcan Dentistry willbe phcticedM by tbetn in America. K8ets suppliedtioa 21«; Blu lalToot^ <rob 2| M, wblcttbeygitea! written gaaraniea to be perfect Loth for .peaking,ttiM<lcationl!eto.i> !ao,Ufe-Ukd are they iq (rtpearaneo|hat they dett deiection xrpni ereo the keenestflbtiirer. JEilliOgs iwllh wbiu! {uiaae!, GoldAmalgam, *tc ftom 2»Wl E«ractlona from la 6d|P«Jnleu Extiacjiojs with Gfs or j Cocaine: from» .6d|| Gold Fillings a SpWui The ¦ IrUhAmeiioajn*Dental 8nrgeons|' b«Ung;«ne of the firstprms to esiabltab toe latwtl Ataeitcan, and mjjetdcientifio rodje of imerting Artitte?AI Teeth knowniu|' Crown' Bar ind Bndde work;)which enablesjjee.'Ji: to be interMCP iraou^ VUii or Palate atwoderate o argea., TptJ have alapl teemed theUerrfcrS' of Mr. B. P«o*«», K.D.S.E, late Of Dr.BJUTDALL, G.-aot t, Hew York, ao3 tbe Americanp i Ultti Atk>dat'on, Dote*, wbo will attend with aCoJ'eajne, it 8. [THE MALL, oil - Tbnrsdayi,V.rda », aDd 8atM4jKfrow i3B.J. j ¦!' t>Mj ( ttdadtace at:it, EsrringtotHst, jBtblln.If « ¦ • > - ¦: 1 :. - I. :.'. .., • ,| ¦ ) |

! .' .' | - i - :

}V: ' f - >K«.i riu;;MtViB-d'B. ; i M l

l \£!Bt U. k Qp $&$.'$*&MB r;, : ! \:ii

'' BEBESF6BO-8TB£ET, WXrEBFOBDi-;;¦. . .: . .• ¦

: .. ; ! .- j . :;».-r, ;(T ' ..: . | |

fli/f B. MUBCH baa attended tbe Practice of tbe-iUL |ate < BJ W. Faamui*. !Surg*<?n DentUt, fortbe last lbr**jears'witli aaUsfactiofl, and, therefore, U oonfl ent pf MndWupport'and | [|li-Lb«io-*.iB6»-c«si--Ue Gieat TlteJifleld Streetbtfw, <% B<jaa.; j - ;. . ' ¦• ,• '.':|.;v ;'


J'- - '-V- r- 'M¦ vnii.iL VV yi'.'j'l i i ! [^rppeyy j

aM ^ Spu Bwre,

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if ; -v:: !R-1 I5fK;- , ; 4>infAyE

' ' OPBlTEDi tb i' •,'boTBJEsUMisBmentIJ*- :«rt'tb itCaitjerplliFi. M t Dtdd 3t»6 fol G»i>o|ia^»,j» l«a]8ppt !

s; ¦;:;j , ¦ [• \- '/A . \ y .

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l);,- ':.' :• -.-i-, Loi owr* JoHjeeJuM.. ".LLL-U (~- >• /'I

t-rf ¦5TU i 1. i /f dTCiTj.{ATM; -iKELLYfS C»£»BBATBP BONE COM-T,» ¦ SOUND, .for 41 firops. which.bas-glTMWh-:bai»eif«aTriaQsfaoUca-ft>r the Jail 80 yeanlAynpw-beihadrat?, - i . T *- "- i ''-^ / , - ! i :T. -'. - LTjri- 8T0*it44i iJC HN'a' LAMB, 4adi* - 1

J : ' :4k JAIL-8TBEHT, ;WA«LMO)M)t.-,-~;. ?IV^VTi irriCowiPrioe1 i f XT per ToVNeirqasli¦fir Fi rmers who ban not previously nted this

Mannre » oti)dJfln(i it to their, adtantiage tb giro ita' lTriaV-a i 'lt! la /tdtjoh- B lchSr lit-'»eftUlalnp Pro-,perties thin imported Manure at a greatly higherprice.: ¦ j - .; . ; :

¦ , , i . . : . _ ;

.; ne GenUe^anjwHting lately jalA :•- ¦ 1 'I::.:.' " 8b "far "your Manatajhaa beaten all comers, at

II priced , aide, by aide in tbe'same field on Oats,•Wley and Potatoes. This morning I saw Barley>i**sed ,-wltbr jo qi Manure on the wsret part of a

flfld ebof ioff ear, while on the other parts thestraw: U Ihot1 within a fo«t of the eame heightthoughTjlantedoaj the saW day." .' - • j. K» o«!»peaia;ror!it8eir.--

Best Qaality Saberpotphate may also be -had atajvery-XbVfride;

;' , „. .. . *1S

¦ * ' \ ''aa n -ai '-SAT/II B Y , | ,:-r .= - ;r.i. :-i» SBtm&BOS; DBNTI8T,

j i (Miijy : JYBABS\:WXW MB. CLITTOIED)TCTAVING. removed I hlR Practice from ' 134¦JOL QUlY.may be ' consulted on all branchesot hiii PxofeBsion daily at als Ee4l4enco,¦ '•,; ! ' ¦ ; "¦¦ '¦ . : -a . , THE 1 MALL J

^n n D i " P I S E otu I CEJ W a\J i . . jEajTABLBHEn inO.! i ¦ i Snm inBured in 1888,

J : !. £327.500,0fla- ..Por:-fnrtber -informatioo apply to the followingAgents i— ' j¦ WATBUTOBD ! ... iMessrB. ISAAC THOBHTOK

! '. . I . ' . : : - ' : : : ' 'i ¦ h SON. : ¦ '

i" . ; ... ?Mr J. J. PBKLT.¦ : Dnngarvoa- ; ... 'Mr J W SDAW.

i Cappoqnin | ... :Mr.BBNWKiK DEANK .CRrriok«on«Snir ; ... i~ Mr DAVID K COMUINS.

~ . To TJO £st or Sold,¦nHE: DWELLINO-HOOSE, OUT-OPPICE8A. acd that pt tbe Toonland.of.Ballin-rolier containing : 71A". 6B. 17P. Statute Measureleld in fee Simple, and sitnate about a mile fromhe City of Waterford, on the Kilkenny aide of the

jrirer. ¦ j ' |

¦ •For furlhar pirticolare apply to • .

j : PEIE8E KELLY. Solicitor.j • • ' ' ¦ '¦- ' : Cathidral Square, Waterfotd.| , March 7tb, 1890. , ; ¦ . ' (m8Jlt.)

THE Houses Nos. 1 and 2 LCMBAIID -ETEEKTWaterford.' For particulars apply to :

1 ' ! PEIESE KELLY. Catliedral Square,m8.3t . ' ¦; : . Waterford. ; j ;

• ' • • : . :To : De;'liDt. ' y ' \[¦H7^UENl8HEI>or UNFURNISHED the euslccsd-a- and nlcely: Bituated Dwelling House, No, 3,Gurtceh Tetrou; Green's Lane, Tramore, withStable *nd Coocb Honsa (if required.) ' Tbe Housecontains Drawing and Dining Boom, Four BedBoomaVKitcben and BeryanU' Apartments, : W.C.,(tc Tbore : iB a; plentiful supply of good water opthe premises. ' Apply to ¦ • j : (m8.4t)

¦' ; ¦ j MB. DANIEL OABIGAN, 1, Gar-1 :teen .Tetrroe, Tramore ; or ¦ • !

P, KENT, Solicitor, 12, The Mall,: ; : Waterford. . i

MAKE Two ;Certalo Words from aboro loiters. »end Solution , (with P. O. Is. to . I

; W. HOWARD, 6 Clifton Boad, |.. . , : . . - ! • EXETEB, ;

who will nrp«»nfc i.1 for p orretit fiolutioa. Clone:

au-icarly ouppucnTaxi uoard ci u<i(idlana oi tae uauaa union

will, nt their Mfeeting Ofl MONDAY, 17 ihUAE0H,- 1890,i|receltle and consider tenders lorBapp ljiag ,tbe (Worthous9 with the usaal HALl '-YEABIiT 8UJ?PLlE|i of Profiiioun, J (Inotudlnj rSimples of Toil &t 2> per lb), Necesoarirr, «ndClotulne, ; from 25ta JIAOCH , 1890. to the Z9taSeptember, 1891; . | . , :

,Tender forms and Handbills on which arc printedparticulars can bo bad on app lication. ; ',; ; ¦ ¦ ¦ [ V JOIiN F. BHiiLLY, Cleik of Unioo.

3rd March, 1890. " i ' u-8.2r

PO8ALS>1I1 befewlred b; meuptoEle» co'Clock, a.m.,oa ,Ii'KlOAy, the21itMAHCH ,, from competent persoas for the Executioni satisfaction of tnn Diipeoiary Cdinmittee. WALSH) of the following BEPAIES to the

To takb the precent coating of Planter cfl the Fiontand Gables i to> take , out the Joints j point themwith :Kood ; Cement, and then lay oa a (bio coat cfCement ; to render the Eoof with good Mortar,aod renew the P,utty lo^ on tbe ioride nalJo «3 us .tomake them fit for papering. |. : i . :¦ Bjr Older, . *

' '' I LAUKENCE BAKBY. Clerk of UoionJBoard Boom, 101b Marob, 1800. It

CB A M E S ' S PEE8ENTATION ALBUM ,' ; containing1 0 PinCEQ 07 IITJOIO,

I i ; 8ENT FREETo any nddrcc3! on appllcitloa to Ctuura & Co.Wekmoreland Street, .Dublin. 122 6;

! - - , ¦ HB. j W. I'D. C O L E ,, . . ! . ; 126, QUAY.

j Boot Maier to the Lord Lieutenant, ¦¦


BOOTS sad SHOES, under First-Cost, until tbewhole Stock is Bold. We need not say tbe Publicia e'ure of Good Talae. n23

|" Small" jPropaid AdvcrticomoatoI - ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' '


.1 . . "I - : ; ¦ ' ¦

i ¦jTwenty-fonr Words ... ... ._ , Cd.

For Each Eitfht Words after ... „ 8dl" Au'otions" pbarged double. ;

I C323" Four loeertiops (oonsecutlre) gireo for thePrice of Three. 1 [ , , ' - . ' . :

COBN8; &oJ-eu>bltterlng Life and underminingHealth—See Professor MAC t Consultation

li'ree.' Local Testiifooy i—" A genuine Cbiro-podtst.andan honest one." Address: 81, PxBaxtL-BTBIST, WATIBFOBD., xtf

I —! :—:—rj-:— ¦—— ; ¦' . '*"jA QENT8—Wanted Intelligent meb of good

JCJ|L address. Bare opportunity for earning money.eouiethtng newinquirtd by nil. W. N. BACOK 4Co.. 127 8tiand. Loodon. . ml6.4t,

mo BE , LET, a COMMODIOUS CONCERI¦\M" in ode oi thu greaust' tfioroagbfarea j iiWaterford, .suitable ; fo; any exlemire bosioeuFor full pkrtjcalars, apply to Tui titwt OfficeWaiflrfdrt: " ~ T~ V T- .- V '¦: " "¦¦".- • ' !«.<

JL OF IRELAND would do well to consult tbejCaljfomlan Wine Company, and have some of .theirsamples before {flaring tbeir orders, elsewhere. Ad-flre*»-61. Middle Abbey-street, Dablio. (f8 26t)

CJCOTCH TW^KPH DIBECT—L«te*t Noreltie*O fa -Snitlpgs 1«od Trouserings, Worsted,'Coariogl, Ladies Tweeds; 4c.: 8tock Embraces alltbe best roikes.j Patterns and Goods Carriage Paid.Great 8a*lu(t f fleotW by puiruhasing direct f(joinK«B, ft .Qo? eebles,|BcoUand. . ; mliCt

CmOPTO BE LfeT.—To be LeTTtbi CirnrKJ modlous Preoriscsin Peter Street, adjoiningMessrs. ClarVs Tobacco • Warehouse. -; Apply| toSTkuratrAJi BBprstM. The Mill. Wattrford. ip l..A.aElU!l£(PflrobvlpgXWjnted. itbgc»l


XX. oeotlon amongst f«rn ert . 10 Sell prgaaloMaanir*, atvit9 'pn to i, and o! eap-Foeding BtoflVallhigh goarai teed aoal/au. Liberal com minion to en«r-«Tt)o .as t.-Appty»HAKit.OKt *, Qo.r WsndVwo.Hb,i&ii*J±:i,x j- :. '', i V K r-%.i .l;i: , ;. '>- 'mulTCTOB ' 8JALE,p-Ligbt Four-passenger CoveredJC •.--JJrtr, Polo Tul, Pony CrovdVo, Foaj^wbetlI)og<&rt.llHiirierfJotSrder. i/ pply' to TBO.AIW*t«B, AboHotj«ers,Th4 Mall , Waterford.; Olf*]mVTOLtB¦ ¦¦f hf el 'nhA . Pf . < Waterford,] baid,JL ;J»mtljr bouna fir t)ee' 8bl/Un«, .eatt be ib.'talnjd friWB^WiriV ?OOM

* Co> Pbotograpbew'l4;MAitl.W«4e«0Jd, or, th» Loeai, BookMllerl |' ifti$T<*W^ -|8i]iiK-A': .w ''WBV B!ii ]CMatttoo, by ttk tni tkiJun ia the KiaRddsj. to

Illsg § w^wsmiI^MiMliSiiii


syHzs^ ^ i jj aii j jSLMMMMfSaaMMaw

wwm (;w>m4Mti*Wt$*pm4>Qf & th j -li B iifflWiiBK^mJ'UBS-B |

. iln|l ithlti-jbalf-MHe O* 6JrtlcWv.|..; .]..

JMPIKG JOMPETITIOrf it 12 80 o1|CloSk.pJni,<Sit Hbr Uei^oWe-bawl ftrpoirrJpiKllBtoheWall4-l*t Horse, £6 i %oi. Ml j ; ; , ,>- fi'1RlB |T BAOE atJS p'Cjock, p.m., iJEaaimit ri BAO». or A i- 19a (open)-l-Abou

A. Piny BA » of £4, W», for Pob|es not ewieedingHi band*, 8 in., ¦withpensltles: and allowances—

: Abontilt Mile, prer Hurtles.] j\i : : j': .-f V ' !:¦ aH!Bp llACE-aV8^p;p.m., - ' IA PDNT"BACB of M 19i., for ponies not exceeding

14, hard.,!3 In., with penalties1 and allowancet—; AboukiiMUes oTer Hurdles. ) i '¦ '¦ ! .

! FOURTH EACE at 4-20 p.m^ |A Cpssoutios BAOB of &Z, ton Beaten Horses

; ; and Ponies at the Me«tlng-!-About li Miles,i over Bardies. . . - : ¦

j : : : : - . ¦

E|TTBANC)I Fn 6*. for each Bice.• 6®T ; Entrance to Cloie 911 THUB8DAY,riAPBni;i890. • ¦ ; .'

: For fartb.Br ptrtlopUt», see pb3ters,' i "' Or apply to ' ' '" ! I! !..- . . ¦ JAMES J . HURLEY

^ Hon Socgj . . : - W. P. , O'KEEFF^ i j

Hon> "



. '.¦¦ !. * ••» a.n* B . .

THE SOCIETY of ST VINCENT DE PAUL,: DUNGAKVAN. thankfully; acknowledgMi the

receipt: of l£30. Bequest of the ^ Ute Mr. THOKLMDZJB , Dunearvan, per tbe! Be*- FATH»B CAS*T,


JL I reconstruction of tlie Bacon unnnir,* actory,Samroer Hill. Waterford, for FBASCIS E. BABSIF,EEIJ , of 69. Tooley Street, Loridon, S.E., are re-gulated, to kend in thtlr names to tbe Architect, Mr,KoBinfr WALKEB, P.8.A., 17, i South Mall, Cork,with wboin s»Ud proposils. on |a prescribed fora,ar» to be lddifed at or before 12 tfoon on MONDAY,tfad 24'h JUABCH , 1890, endnVped on the outside," Tender for Paoking House, Waterford."

The: Drawings and Speeinjationa may be ex-amiDed , njrtd full particalara I obtained at theABgumscys Offices oa ^ and after ISth'MARC H,1890. '> . ¦] ¦ •¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ I : :

MB.I .M. 1 3. 6, Eldpn Terrace, Water-ford,' tbe Manager; will »bbw tb^ Premises.

Thejlowest or any Tender will not necesoinljbeaecflpk . ' ; ; ; j ¦ - ' m1

; : j : . \ WatcT[or<i,\ , uo*tBLAOK. OATS—Sapplj •mill, dsmiail slo<If ATIVE fraEAT—N<m« ott)ring.; ;FOEEIQN ¦ WHB4.T-N0 oinnse. IlUEE-balL . . : . ' ' ,IXOUB-Bnll. " - . ¦ i i

' ; F B I C E 8 0 P RB E N T . :; tuiSH.- old. I Mow- I

i r , gSUiio. : . : S> u > . «o ; : o : o i p

'B^ -: ^0 , 0 0 00 0 0 ^ 0

PLODB. portaol[,pfZ801b. - : ' -. '• ' , 0 0 0 0i . zj fg?«!-: :g : .iS i j S . % \

VtiSfiSfc \ • • • l ' : t * 0 0 ; £ °

57HBAT, tor Burrol ot 2gOU>«. ; , ». a. ». di — i Axtmi - . ¦» LO Oi 00 0! — " Oillll nrt Im 'n « . AO Oi 0 0; -• Esboitpool. - : | - .01 U J O i U

—; Uariaoope . . J • . 1» o' S> U: -: Bod Winter . ',. ¦ i • - O i v 0) 0

inuiAN coan. . . - .. :< . -oo o OJ «i q s . SSff-^ffrr 1-. # • » $1 = •= SSSS*- : - .1: * ! : iS*-1

*¦ ¦-! i- A-aeAaa. \. I . - . - " « ¦ * •«

riOrjB, American,vor Larrcl.01 ilSOlbs. •" f. V, 'I. —i lrtiacli, Mr a»ok, or«S01b». • - £! „ "" ?UTDIAH UEAL. SmerUaL poriui \ .', . 00 U ou 0

i - | ' . i _ • ¦/ Hooia iLuialaitart,i«i) ,3 6 .. .I ¦ ! t tuck, or &wn». f * ° IS i9

I (Oujrr«c{«J (/lit day /or!the \7tttrfo rd Heat).'" \' \ ' ' ¦ PB.0ri3ION8 j:o.-m<. I * do " • ¦ ¦


— 0) 0 C O O! kxn ' do — ¦ <- i 00 O ]/ (ii HJUM, ter ton — i- ¦— iX>3 0 0 w 0j LASB lotandlor1*) — : . . — O» ..O W o

; !' BUTCUEBS' ME IT.But, par lb. — ' — 0>. (d. to Oa. aAlortuj J per lb. — ' . •— u 0 u 91Li«», ptr qr. ' — I - 7 0 8 ,fl

!VKAt , v4'lu. — — V B 1 u[ I'oax, yir lb. — — 0 « 0 8; : ! XO VTL ABD EGQa.!Caic«»« , per pair - j I — ¦ ¦ U. f l i t * la}OoctTojtMig por p,ir — : :¦ — , 6 0 10 0Hoa L)O( . — — 8 6 oo 0Uootujfos p«rp»ir - j f- ' * » 3 ' 0a«m, !¦ So. - : r : l ° » w¦ tcoa. jwr 120 . . — ! _ : . e i 6 8

[Duo* £js» . — ;¦ :¦ 1_ ¦ ¦ 7 « 8 4

I Ku»l, yst pair ¦ — ! ¦ J—

¦ a » 4 0, i !: ¦ ¦ COAtS"' . 0

! Coal».pir ton - ¦ r- £3 0 00 0! DoU*eroJ,perdo. — . : r- S3 « 00 u| _ . | . f , POTATOK3. . . .; ; I BREAD, iWnmr, pti ill*. — — CJ. 61. •« . OdUOO««HCLU, p«r do — . — 0 0 BJd 0, I t f ia i t ;

I NKWT0C3DUID CodBibJ r« »ti — ISJ . 0-1. to lSi OdlloawiT HtKajias, KoaucI, per barrol IS 0 OJ 0

I lio. «JpUt Labrador — I— 13 0 UO , 0! 8Al»oi/p«rlb. — . I — ¦ I 8 09 0O.siisi."per do. — ' — 1 3 00 0Bois.vardo. ' — ' : i_ I « w 0Toa»OTJii«r do — • '¦— 1 u 00 0

• ! . TIMBEB:i liss JPi»i »cr ton, — — 70s Oil to ¥>* o! riuxow;Puaparao - — 05 « : 00 0) &»TM, b«r lOuO — ; — B5 ¦ Cu 0I UTKI, {>« do. . — . < — ID 0 ; uo id

¦ j Watoxfori Butter ikarbot. | ;

llumbtr oJFirj rint wtisheA at t\t Pvil ic Butt n- J/aJlriI /or 17«fc «ndtna #Wr{ov tW» doy^; Pr»e«i.

BalnMay, - 23 TT" so» 04. ' HSi. MUoadaj, — 0 — OM.. Od- t« (Hi. OJ

iTcnOar,' — 0 i- »¦». fld. to IO I . Od; W«dnMd»/ — 9 — 10">. M, to 1U4. 04Thar*l»T. — V> — JO*. 'Od. io 110a. Od

l rirtay. i — ' : 0 — UkTM.'. w OU. Od ,! Frt*h batUr p« o«t_, oo 8»tttrJ»r, 127* to 13SJ | *«

IboiwUj.1 lli» p« owt. . : . . : : : . . j ! .H .orrirto»Corr».j><mdlnj-VfeekI>itTMI .__ 63 jfnco P«rO«e....-.-...-. 11S» :¦; . ; ; . . ! ¦

j : JPoddar and Or««n Crops. ,'HATj p«!r ton (Mw) -: . ¦: |

-- ! . -4 w. 04 *• «•• ¦ ¦GTSAW, wbsataa — 1- « J 4» ? : .

Do.. o»Un, , — ;— | I SO 0 5S 0

MAMaou>.,p«rr do. - " - ! j "J* ¦ •' J ) J .ClX«OT», p« do. ^ — ¦ : -.- [ i « . • « •

i Worthy of notice i H«»rneJ 4 Co's new Milli neryand MAntlei for the snrlnir season. : '

: | To The Waterf ord Newtr-Tku Eoentng,


Baroq XfoWsa died | suddenly at Tralee attwo o'clock this (Friday) morning. He ripenedthe Assfzes there yesterday, ar>3 then deliveredtL remaHtable address from . tlio bench, «*•cribipg Ifhe present pencefn? couditiou of Ire-Ifuid to Mr. Balfour's firm ihte. !

; . ¦ ; |j

¦ ' ¦¦ ' : ' ' " •


!. ¦

DISUNION ' AMONO j THE UNIONISTS.In tie'-division ujxm !faederalr Hatnley's

AniendtiieQt last night, 26 Gonservativos anduine i Liberal. Unionists .|woted against thegovernment. Eight ;Liberal .Unionists andtWo GladstonianB eupDortW Ministrv. :

DENTAI. HJttruurro»t>,i*UJJiI K.jrMiB „ Beddent Bar.

*lOO,OJ»,O«) 'TJNCXAlMBt-ArW«i«t ail psjfMooth ghl oonUlnlortt# lim •!<*3U0Q0p ^£Z£.rtiiSi lot tbiuis*owgiSr 2sd *~«1 3> ;i*KWOrld thoU^Srf.iMs. bo, k-JH ,. InrtrWlbm .i.t Z

r<MBsJVsy»v«tt,^ v*i.«M iiEif?Tn '


i fV« ¦' ¦"


vs ¦!¦¦

• ¦¦. ¦¦¦lioitj ^

: j p«a); |oy««): f v»P*|t)y (*»;

T0U1......45835 0. 10 14MI /P C» WTTfmSSSS^AW o l 'b !•»

¦•¦ i Uj iw

• 'inaToW sr*ri»«?d!i«at-iaas« «>» «%15ffifand Umarlok laflww .Qvf lf V a* afabafc Ul isaU^} *a | L. - ;uf: | l :i::u- ' j . ¦ [ |' ¦ ¦ _ \j ^

!.: ":. .'T :f'- rr ^fifTfi.r 'I 'i^^' |jMaroh 7Jh;*i N« l.;

)Thb«as8ti, the wife of MaAirthor, loar, of ai.aonJ..,: ,. . -. - . -¦: i ; . t . : |. : ¦ { ' ¦

On th» 7th tot j attnnaore, Mrs J j»r«b»ov*juoof Mr P PiHaarah.a. Deeply moarnedi bf » •orr^wioifamUy, ana *Uw« :rini»ber ol Wends. BLI.P. j ' j., Oa tie! 10 tasfeTit hfs;-raddeaoa I!e»o-atree<,.vKt'Eostabs Harris, aped SO.' '• > ¦ ' . '¦ . J\ \ i>vl, ¦ i

On th« 8;h Maroh, atJ .ohn.s H«l« A«qfJ »• We^awtfaof Hi JodnD Va»ls- Mooh refrMWA »I ?> j.

Maraa IA at hU wldenoe, C«rriok-<)n-Snif, of oon-(fistion ofjth« lnnK PaWol O'SolUfan,1 father ot MrJ 7 Heads O alUrari; »olr. ;' TD« dejoe^Tsd was (orna»rlj fort* T.»T» CUtk of Petty |S«Hlbni« for O«' On I Wedneidayj mocoinc, »fM the . rellgtoojobieqolealwer* oeUbnted, the inUnn* iti took ptaoainthe cemetery of tho Fraboiaean ChonbJ Cirrlckbetf,th^» fnoor»V b«inilargely, attended.' . j: i * ' ; " I .

James M'Qtath,. sgAj Uojr'ears «oa pio « mnnths,yonngett child of Johd M'Orath, I«in>srd-«^rett • :

DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANQE-TKHI DAT. i .j '. . . | . KAIIiWATB. ; ' . I! ' ' ' ! ' ¦ .

Great Sobthern A Western -. • . : ... ! 116.Midland Great We*torn- ... ¦ _. ' .:. ~ \ 10*Great Northern E«ilway ... L : ... ; «9iDublin, Wloklow and Wexford .1. ' ... : 45

1 • ' • • ' " j BASKS. •• I • ; . . i : •National Bank ... .' _. ! • _ ¦ ¦ 20fProvlntial Bank ' ... ... ... I.. :| ... < ! 241Bank of Ireland ; , '... ... i.. : . ... I 806JMonetflr and Lelnster Bunk ... ',.. :; • ' .,. I 4J

BABVET A SON, Stockbrokers; Wataifordj

". B« JUST,. : AWD »«Aft »OT." ! . : '


fPOST EDITKJTX7o Continue to Break tho iaw I

In the House ! of Commons 6n FriJay nighr P. J. Power, M.P.,.drew pablifl attention Ie sistenxofbotcottine. which' the ffOTernmea

lartning oi pnmio money toat toer am entitieato is careinlly Ifept from them; They «rerobbed both of their liberty and of thdr rights.Theaaeations I ' ! . ' ' ! !

were me nonces o; icqairy wnicn tne X A X M I OOftrn-ment Board of Ire aod recently held,' with referenceto the proposed scheme for snpplyioir water to thetown of Dunjjari an, only inserted In two Coostr-TatiTe paper*—ri ;, the Waterford ' Standard andtbo Waterford Vh ¦onieU, wbieh batre no circulationIn tbe neighbour iood of DoogarmB;; whether tbeLocal QoTtrntoent Board wan aware wberi adver-tising this Inquiry that Dot more kban sis copiesof the) papers; they selected are stfd per week inDnogurtan j ct a he explain ; why theso adrertliiv;meots were n< t.inserted In . tie; Watirftnd tf 'wtand JUumtfT Erp rtn ;and will the iiocdl Gorern-ment Uoird in tbe future take care that advertise'rseots relatlnc ;to mutters of local iuDortance araInserted in the Nationalist newspapers which cir-cnlate most wiltIj id the county of Waterford.

The CHUT SrosTTABT said the notice referredto wai interU d in tbu new»paperi named for thereason! that they! circulated Io tbe district concer-ned. The Local Gonernment ¦ Board were notaware of the immber of copies of . those: paperssold weekly. Tbe insertion was withheld from tbapapers mentioned in the third paragraph tccanse.they both continued to violate the ^aw (Upght*r).Care wis atwiysf tskaa tb&t tbe aatioe * thoald bainserted in tbla papers circulating most largely idtbe diatridts tatereatcd proTidibjr toy socb paper!did not break tljie Uw. : : : ¦ ; * ™

Mr £ HAEEiacrros said—I wbb to ask the rightboo gentleman! whether he stated In this boose two!ycara ago thai rto suob practice ooold be adopttcwith regard to iny Iriab newspaper, and also on thiQaes ion of tlie consistency of the Oovernmantwhether it is not tbe fact that any newspapewhioh is continually " rlolalloif the Uw" ia gettioi

The Caiir, BtparriBT—I wUl hate that seen t(at onije (Inugnter). : ; . ' ; :What the Chief Secretary meant by hii las

answer we bird a very foggy conception. Imay be fairly siijl to bo invel>ped in misc. Th<assertion, ho4ei>er, that the Oonsemtire newspapers referred I to oiroalute la th-« distriot olDangarvan, is ono of the asaol mlsstafcemennwhich! he indfilgea in. Mr Power gure s- reryliberal estimate:when bo icid that icime dtcopies of the taper* are sold per I week in 3)un*gamin. Neither is Bold by the agents there,and, at least of 'one of them; it loan safely b<saH a copy wksinerer eren faen in the townThis method of exclnrire dealing is,' it *pp«araMr Balforir's opinion of fair-play.' Because wJ" break the Lin" the publij arw to U knad<suffer with n«f This is the Caitle [estli ute 61wbat government ow<* to a country.' I \ ':

The Waterf ord Standard of Yf edntt ' ay, baichallenge ; the iObief SeoreMty i o» h> dldJWrong as usual. We! nerei: njentioin ed; tbdmatter to Mr Power, although, we na, idmiinow, it was an oVerjright on: onr port n< t toddso. In calling, attention to the »ubi «t, MiPower, did a great aerfieev becapse he plainlyshewed the government w«« shirking an Btideneduty In not jreMag tor tbe" poipV tl ie l bestpossible Talae for their money. 'Hr. n th«Btandhra is not qble to Wnt,' f t i i zty of M?Power's statement si to the wortbl«SK;si of in-i«erting advertisements in papers wbijb h iris notbetween then a circulation of air copies weekly!in the distriofc affected, i Wo seek ap pa ronaiwfrom the !Tory (Jo»ernment. Whffwe < eiand"aright: AM the paper adnitt- dry fsithe largest cireolaUon in WWifoitf/v i ctai(Stoat toepooples monsy umisappropHaU 1 wbe^pnbuo'. advertisement* are> inserted- fn otb3"sterford, ionmsls snd not in 'onis. if ti uB«.«rauBii wisn io supjuy sisoft*! oit^iooHrelief to their friends theyib6o|d not off. rUsttexenwr the elsri-trap cry that h is teeamSwe have broken the Uwl'V That wiTba^no desire; to; deny. . When' a! pfckbotketget armratbfs t imprisonment be fc lrW atthe end ot j tha, term. It. appear, itlia iwirdsjN.twnal newkpaper-editor, aj «rjre ofTticket*oWeaw. aystem fs jnstitnted, janS Wr Uttkinnder trappe a DubKn Os

wbrjfcaa.wadTert5sem>ent]t9 pnblUh ii Mt lo^ Sit. Tbis v, anqtfa«r »*vple of tb#fgiSa:Sd>

¦ i ' ! • i ™ i : -. ¦ "

; . I . : ' ! • ¦¦*—- •¦! ' . r"i

-;; C«ri«k ¦jOateii-BAWwir . I !¦; " .; _ ' . . ' ;- - - .ir : : !¦- >'";f - \ ' - - ^ ( i - > • p;

M»»- W i ' : ;T1'*l 'l'*«t»ii*»)':'1;:-'! - '" i !' :

a- #^ ,pffi¦ mi. T '. Jl •W0PW,K, ' f -J jJ , f t



jl f f l m' 'mnp K 'ff :'. 'D'»IA» Brs^-WDlj T«

Hs N«Hr>itait•SSf»rs-<» %• :fM»:

rtfwMMsTs ra

wbtts i**^ »g)Mtr *ff S |fS ylraJHaj^?b«n»llfai fa be 'dtfrrwt,'Ji*>%«<n iMtt t i h r t n

AjS^WM^m$^itoo |iromot«r» f«»t diwoftioo ? "la UM btend ocMhfuw, so; extssdsdt aod wb«ra it ta soofbt u> pit,soeh *n anoTBioM irssp«i»»lbiltty, apcWthe osasparnwhy Is .UlitlatVpUa*, WHy AnrdtfteQa sta/ciaw;h»w not 1>sen':s«»;tio( tW ?aiWw>Toprts»*Uttibo&a, «ad :Wen Bisplaysd for tU sdinettba ofilnqBlrtn? publlof! In toy Opinion' fo hif^'doo* •nndtr: th» drenmstanofs would ob»'Jk»rfr ofltsUpnthat proirUtj whWh an1 (zpsetsatly UorporsU body

,ore»ua ahotda aasicM. \f bw: *fc«fta»»i In*, peeall

nboold radar it to t!» be»rt»o/ Mb!&? <HrwWin£r«ct o*a*i«Ters of Wrtford t Tnemin ist priai

\in linni oTrailwayrortHaf lut*tfKtttyj«t' Cork Ii tha parpoM'of shipplofajad tnurtWpjMaf ;ta«olaidi

and paatf qf«rs. Tho« rail ways ««lplo» innnmbmlband*, sopportlnf ;r«ri aasy; Umilk*.- Tot »rmDway provoses to eolbot tasV trsAp frpm all tinlinesT(ih«reby dltp!aciaf si'Urj* s5si3*ntcf lab«and spetdlrijf dlrwit aarosi eoBntrM»|ike Tilla|sFtaHlSlisUTT m*J uwywwi" ¦«> •»* •*<•^¦a»n»i»; sasa« r*1TJ UO Tlwrit for the nurchaat «ndf UM tr»*sfl«ir; bat wUl tindireot tax-pajer of Wexford. *boh«T« Ukn tcadjels op; (or. this pro<*ot.: SBOW/BI» ! whsr* thbensfit tomes in1. Aoothtr Mssstsg (f) tnUr(«4 mby the pramoUrs of tWs iMMttrw iS i(>that it ibuild op Wnfcrd." It wooldm- BtfUjr 4iaito xira arm a shadow of r«a*on fo^lbbiatsisBattt.•skanyoftoosaioMTsatad ti «r»*,s> alojli-JojUiwhere a. town situate within sfat 4rHtninlb(< |torminas of a thrbojh line (wham tWlarmaa* is aa port of' jdepartorf): ha» b«o«i8tMrfry. tte astsfssdoh raflway. Oa th* aootrwy; tbf tM«l« baa amalways bosn a dimisisbed popolatt a. with anrtanraatire real esUta. I Rrsnt Ua* i%!tt« oovrss of aBoaalara mi«ht beooma » towa of UAxirianos | sonuso that the fraod-chmrsn of' thef tr issut fssm*would declars thsmnlrea a* twuiaf from ^Wsxtoaesr Bos^are," bat that Is'¦ mTfirtji da«btrsi itaatags, and one whioh can soareely enaawWttsslOwBSrs of kouse property in tfcU town, i B«ttbs«lblasting (!) so far as I ean diseovsr; it' thl»-Tas»inhabitants! of a- laiy« portion of tfc* ojoAtjr will

¦¦mthis felicity of abowttf their gen* rodty :tb poo* Briieapitalisti >f baadiaf ortr to them tite inw>j aiSesum of 1(812,150 p»r aaaora—6 p!*c«nten JtilJITo look «t the; fln»rfoua wp«et ia 4«Ull-JrhlrtT-t«Biles ' of tbis railway will: ran tbrouih lfc»'§o«Tbe oesrpayeri are asltsH to' finrtatM 5 per east£Mi ,m\obiOidit. Wo» all Has sWyto topnded witHn tii« limits of tnkr: lilhgi, ft wosmoant to nearly £5.430pit Tdk." Bttt wbo prstrthai the rc4d-be4 and :baildiiij»pa9j«ot»dwffl oos»lsain. Bat, say th» promoUrs,"-Htr: toadTwSlsaooeuf nlj and yon wiUoolyJi»T«fo pay ttto gutten far &n j t *t t . Ware a«i prolfoton only rsssa,blysur»of thU toeyVooId doVip ft* a gtanarhvswrattb«idea.of payiof thisiperWtoajfaf f)

< the (jMitlou. I wnl nwralf apppoias thatMrooiM rnU«*t»d wiO bars*' to pas: this awosyU teta yj»ars. At th»»nd of tbat pnUi they willspaid to tb» proHtors tb« snmi«^O SS If f . 1money, if !r«-iiiYeste4 •• r«oriW4^M:toa »mm«]bentan, win har* earned for rto oniet*. sson ISBffloUnt to make no ths balaaee «l tMUaiMOO ¦wbioh tbe ipnnatf t» asked, sojfl*t( tt* loss topqanty.wiU> in faet> amooBtt>.thHlatfartttsv Twe see tbift Id ' flftMn yrars to*: (Iroieetora will 1trotlitQ back their crigital oqtlaf. iad will -stfll <the propuiy wnl«h tba p*of>W of!iW«tf*fd Jball 1paid fori «nd wonelsek, may.naT»;tq ksepospa;foriodtflaitely. Now.air.LkaowU»tll»Jr«WBritoo mafch n»oa yoar ipaos alnadfi iytt <1M«S tspther featara «bont the taetioa p«ria»5. in this snWhich needs comment. . Why is lit that the proneof this seb»o», and tbs newspspMM wUea bask tlaf«mpt to Introduce pohttea into a aaUeet of of Itilal financial imporiaaoe f . Whysboald KrTlnqb* pointer] out as a " CooserfaiHre ruipoUUos,"MrCoireT Ss baTing to aaa hiafes. iiGTiTaotiin print; : mr he«d a»id, *ach klon uponoharaoters of tha (eatlsmsn sfl«s(<d kpea tL*^side ; and yet nobodyisapposes that they are woefor nothiag-. Thanry faot taatAiauay SMsabattho Home Bokputy, both ¦—' —» "nrlliiiathave bees employed by FngUsh eafttaliatc totavlthrir projtet, only some to.shew thai thsr! AMmore upon th« personal. popalaritj oi thaic pfitoan theforaeor Uwlr argnm«nt«4i ¦ Tha ttsjaltiMOO<D« y«t for tha lion to lia dowaiwithTw IsTbankUf you la anUdpattoo, MrOSdttor, for tksgfavor yos will do tba eanse ot tratkbf lmVistfsaf,letter.--Toars faithfully, : iir 'T ' T 17.™]i i i . .;- - u_ . -Uri; : c, 4.jTp THB EDITOE OF THB WJtTB$FQ&D'Xt

! ¦' ! ¦ : Bamtown, Woford, MawtBU l*

i ; 8re-For : Heat an aake get ta* nasae of erer* tPjTsr

^little and big,' U the foor bfjoeies <?&

"Mford, and s«sd Ua or her • papyef yoar «¦Flood tba eonnty with it, for I tbe' W«*facd>«~s to b»w sold the peorfej i «rsotke1f^P«»ia »ewap»per,.. .that haa so lorjf snd mT{: («uZht fQrjqttice and. freedom, ibeais DoTto h*•sleep. C*non Poyle. wbo strsjok sn - suurstiWows in bis youtbfor tbe raokvSttSbauStetaihas te the past six ««» anas wrwe paav au or «l<bkyasrsbees;saonaad adsfelopiDga tea aney to raise stilk«i(»ai~

Tl*>(la tbe ajonty ngardiag" hlsf Is ka' ffnw as 7e&scribe It' a mixture or naxst, ' Uanscd isslsaaand :pa*»s*-Hto. totttogib jKlU'SR.o|«Q ery literary MlnotknwJsVsdaa• fl«ii*d for a h .winjU., or«tSsW*i«dea«&sagacity.' The Healy .Hutfceu. ;.«*»»».HOesfc.¦¦ I•vsry ooa ot tham with two.aWMt tatbaitbow.IPu stM to.btlp' ihe. sasMlatinr;lBM(r fc^«d tb. « wito3raj !ra^JsJl.. .What netwin do oresado whsa keeeeteihonest : and eosWeat aaa ^ sftj Dr;GSB2£'Otrrigbyra*, a proadaaat akMbCiocitlMetToSttotao Bult Club, fader wWehJ'Wekloejl (srkmSSrjaapSof Porth and Barer iure aos ,aa^Moo«?aesJiof uxlri daagvr, nor do.the* neMsa tkakJf Igiaraatee is saddled on tktta ibeitHsisSsJaiwSeiW«si-1ait»wUigraw»..^Th*.iai! MSFtt'ikMwaJBr, .,,04 jh, ija»»ele.lsbHi ako lMJl1 aaoesje to thwart the laaij Csd-agkuMsfiiThs UMQ of Wexfatd an aafc-islSi 1s>S5»ai3h£t»en£s^«3 i

Mi?j»«[»iwv.'W'»c j«f4tii-:S S!*« bare jreceireoVfroea. tfae i Ittr ibi 'rasJi :re«t; railway •. irkod isffiSfk*. ,1deroted mnehjapaim t«. UM>^Mft fem'ttrt*#-

wboee lW^raUr 4p £ bfWdBtfSiv-aS

ilwirrrt i rra7r»d»astU

iis S

a . .





CTER^oMtnT ¦> - ,


SillBl l

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. - |.| j ¦*«^g JJ#ii|-; I - ' this

- . ! • : ; . : ;:: ^:,i :lH'' i;yf : :- . :i! .' MyWn Galtjwiit f-! Mrawn Gsttkee 1 ¦: . . ' \i Not statelier billion t»rtbtl«ntb », i ;| Sublime ia Btormi io snnshio« brij *V |I Batbed in streams of purest light i : '; ' ¦ Bajdiant gleams of every hoe, ri; ' ¦} ]! ¦;•>¦ v ¦¦ :i ' Pnrple and gold; soft green'and pia«i - ¦; ; I .; ¦ Ferovar in my dreams theorise/ I jf '¦- ¦¦: ¦ : > '¦ ¦

•j ; : Like glimpses of lost par^h*8.| j jj_ £ ; - ; ; ' .^-;| ; f My|own Gftlt^si! where'erTi^Mi p' ' . --:V. ~j; - j Thejr give me earlier .wtdeofcelh^Mft,- ' i : Ij '¦ Th*s»r graceful ourvea »a But* «I j ink, i :! j i : OrBhadowy waves burst onaiylift it: :

¦ :• • )j j ; Long, long, before th« little towfl ¦- :. -.-; .j; ! O'er whiob they 'daily smile' or f tn i it - ' • ' ! •

Tha breezi that playa o'stohoek and-tress, f!i . Seems like a dear old fHroiV.eJuwafc,1;- ; . : [ ;1 My'own Galteas > ; to the fwjP JE: r;j :f |' Wuas wisniniy inhering JUOM * «J*BI» ¦ y , : -j A dark-haired, grey-eyed ohOdj f ]B»;-; ! / : • ?.; ! ; :; ^¦

Just bndding forth from'tafanort1| |f:j i ; - ;-" i '¦. ." •;!¦. ¦ ;.' ¦! ~ Wbo gatefl oa the moant«to'» o^e«kV;.; . : jj -\ ' j! Her hinds close ,clasped upon .her breast \j [ \ '.j Thaaty to h«r ls H?avcq>'» doo^,;i ;; : ^ .I And GpdV great throne grey Oaltynibn|... i .'.¦/I My own GtUtesa j I from Ui«m I drew; 1 . . ; ;i 'I 1 E&h high pure thought which In! tns grew ; i; ! Fek like a prayer at my mother]«kH«« , '. ¦ { ¦ ¦¦':U WM tbe eight of my! glorious hilla't* me;; i¦ I . Noi earthly feeliijg, ba4e or low| ![!;¦[: -: '¦/ . \ •;i i Baimu'tJt 'n**w!l;tBI una ifcuos'giaw ; .-¦ ¦ •. ;i : tmiig « o\«:them^e]j;r.:;:: ; ; :i ' ff uaw vuiuwuu 5U|UU(WIIUUQU ***/• •**•*; * ! ¦ ' j : ; . ¦

? p Th© shadowB faljjtbtf night is '-iiglj lj 1' i " i y1; • ' j ' ¦i ' : ' Okl gnat, dear;£iotd,';be(ore'l:dl8i:jj .- .;; - . : ¦' ! ¦ ; /i - Whiea my sonl goes forth on iU loaejy qoeii ' .V Oni the hills 1 lore thkt my last Jwk^rert,t : ¦

Peacefjil «pd «»lai m:iy I ;b«.ther«i|;](.r- '" r ¦ ;'). '- My hands «loa» clasped iq TolcaleM irsyer, . ¦' And with {the oldjofaud Ioveao4 fiutfi i ' '¦•¦¦- : !i Close my prefteyes and wVloome!de»ihv ' ';:; ! . \

; • '• • : ; '.\\- ' > ' i:El4.BrJP'IiiiB*. --U lSie Otlteea st^a rerf b«t»aUfaL pU*pWW» «*»«• of

Wk near!. the to ii ofTippentrr.i TiieT ^ > woMWfulbtan to the iand*»pe ot «r«r> tide of the tow*,and jrtMtchilnt»t rreit ae.igtb octireeD ttia dbaatlss 6f \1fgpmpf tsi&laaL each!peak ot a different shape, towering,uraoenu, tut*

;riB f ~


: I ;' '

!»' "

i' ¦ ¦ ¦¦

\ r "t ;

' ; - - ; ¦ ' ' ¦'

i i ; ¦ ¦ ¦' Shall we 'an'dte? i l - ' ^f i "¦""; ¦ ::i ^: ;i :i , ,i We shaUdie aiL ] | - • -

¦¦¦ ! ' ••¦

.! . ¦ : Au aie ahaUire?;: j- ) t \ . / • ¦ . " • ¦ . ¦• ! ' ;;¦ : ; . ;

: " Die.«u we «h»it- ;¦;. !¦ ; " :|: } j.;¦.; ¦¦.• ; .

¦;. ; .

¦; h; .¦¦ Qa abore eoxiously. read* either bockwurdi[or forward*.Jf w«-re*d fr«n the last word l»okw»«U to :tko flat,' w*•Shin the sua* retult fta io reading ai» it «tand»—W<U«r«;

i i ¦

; ¦ : - • iuy i JSr -Wl;^ I - -" • ¦ ' - - ;i ' ¦ , '¦

I ¦ :

: : »;

• I'

!-¦¦: ¦! : : ! .¦ ¦.- ¦ : . - '¦

!; ' : j A liUieolder*»«ry dvi; '; i . ¦ !¦:; !. ^ : .\ ' - - [ ¦ ¦: : A Uttle neirer to tlia e!oM;'' v * :- • - , ' i: ! ' Veam to tb»ea&inght the,bxj. \ : \

i Saxn%i6 laag.Teson.ry .: \\d ; | - ; ; • i ' ;

: ! Knter tU« time tfhen o'eroafjfMad. '' ¦ ; • i - 'i 8balt aprtiig thio bloesom «n<J fra**.

¦ i

! ! Andfri«M» wUl tanrmar i>,'H« i» dead," [ ;;; f Ai by out tomb they jaw.;-i I; jj ' : . : . .: ;¦ ¦ :; ' Hdiier the time when we ahall ealt : . ! | ',: i AD unchoir by themjwtfeskoieij : !- : . ind'see, arid feel, and know atlaK*." ; ' ! ¦ ¦ j ' .

; ;' whfltwcoaldnotl*foj».: , i i ; \ \ .¦ i -

' |: I ' ¦ • : ' :l ' ' - M l • ' •

' ¦ ¦' ¦¦ ' ¦

; I Ah I how the year* go- rolling oa I jj : How «bort the *tep to maoko jd1

* prims, .!: How toon the «oU of life iffOttl' \\ '- : !' :¦ : ; • Xoto th« ' r«nlt« of ttee^.-;¦);•{,• j ." ; ¦ ¦• ;

\ i!: Tnano : Petty \ B9»inoxim0tw x. \ '¦; j j

¦ | r , : i I" ; '

¦ »•—L_ • m;ii '4v : :\ : ; v

I i (Before Mr C >D->tive fieger* »na 'BfmptabltM ' . ; : : - Bodkin.r: ; . ! l ; h]. :;:- : ;J/j A 8PBCIAL Ooxm reiok—Mary ;if<s|Kiy» W*ter-i f»ni, summoned Mioael Bysin for Ifff] »d; amodnt! fas for rent of a^bbu4a at tbefDooemiwfWftlk, :.;; :¦.! ! Mr McKay e»ld bis wilt boagiit •pix lil p roptrij; at the Doneraile Wklk, «nd ibi'iBeWl the: refat.j Kjsp, who wMone ottb« t«uoU> Iritj ibe hoiudia: * rerj dilapidated stfte,owing the iwaowt claimed.| i'Byan asked time to pay. For «alet>i b.9 lef t ibef UC. U 1U WU IUIUIUUIH UVPU* WWW:**¦ irt^*^**.** •••-— .

I teUnnd hi*chUdren woald bekill*L; 1 f« th« jbeaab! *onld appoint «, Special ComnlssioB tw Mp«t ibeI jlace. he woald settle on the Bpot'if tiipj «aid it! Tu fit for habitation. Let Mt McKj l repair jtb»! iense aod he would go back and: become a cegolati iwing tenant. ! ; ; ¦ ' ¦

- . -HJh > v'l •:-. ^' ;! i i . Mi Eogew heldltbey bad no power o appoint! the commiBSionen baked for. ' A decree for amount1 Wold be given. • ! - . ; ;¦} ; - ; i j .[j l '

^r J 'H - ':! - i Karel rr wABi Airo .Tww 'i^ jMWT- i - i - f - - ¦! I ThM Ktely. Loogbdnbeen, wa»«ttniffli(ned byJiri X{UBe8 Hally for poor r»t« and arrfcartJ When the! Mmmoni eetter called ba found KirifM n bed auk.- Mr. licdkm : if i be i« not well yooj oogl t not td be|i"d od hlm.. i;Mr Hallrs^iifiKlartl iWIW^ri***1i worabia, Mr Bodkin j How Imochld iy a want foej »«vioe.r

r Quinlan : Thttm uhMlogn j ilt if 'outage! tfce bonEdiri.oflth^dWrlct i.liTlWdk to <:«-lH*ve baT6 DO right to bear it here ab|ill| Qolnlan «

: i« iMMn riaiiffJiter»J!-;; :r:, !v l - . f F ¦i 'J 'i i -T' M : •:'.. i A decree for atnoaot cUlmed an4 otdinary c^kta1ifeS^Uloi-W^OatUl were also eammoned for tat*i i* id aanjart.I3ie firat-named owed j© 4» 101 ui ti* flMt J*84. Deer«4i wprA itxn«di


' '-f I!. >¦ ¦;¦!• J j;ii ; vi:^ .r'r -j'-i. "-.:


! = .¦. ' ; \Ut W A 8argeBtl8ainB)oned fla^W ,;;1ftiat tot

: jTJHoniLwellJ 'Mi ttaiiWiiil; ^ *! !!*-j N J*8atgent~Iknow tbirtiJ;'»^^Bi5rt*lg:i i i'pwe,, i>t Pembrokeitown,!toi,wbpm3 : i| »p:i-i»Ml waj for tb«' irat«;-!rll »^V|l2 «fl:A. !! " : PtrfectWgbt to.doj, •aH - :thta:^*M< I ¦fAh|i^i I! \m and to go io tf m toi #$#!*$ ' ii gSi*3fe-

ii;;i$h -.Hteigiii i:¦ «&ii«nt»,- <br^wifc;::pf »#to|# I WgW ft

: «*1. and to a«e* tk*dj*«at>OMjf 1 MW»W

ill mm

i- T : %; fc:,; -rPf ¦* ! *:?.'*:.'ft3" -fl li '. ¦— -hi t • ;"i¦ - "T:* - i : / ¦¦ ¦¦ • . ; ; . ¦'

oWiJjotiBiyaiBdr^ JE i**re reoofeil thela expo toWe a&i^|of tb|e*e4. : ;r .MoQoy a«i4 hia Inatraotiou :w«re;t

I he hlgheet petialtyi Toere were other[ »U«:- na « llf v ¦ ¦|r-. - i : '- \¦<$} ¦¦ ;U'

[r Bodkin iald';Jtb.a r iwonld heari tKett

Uonjia exi»oaedtojiie M|l<>u|of ;tbje*e4. : :!. :U ;!'- MV .MoQoy a«i4 hia InatrootJona were to applyfor the blgbeat petialtyi Toere were other caaee ora ainU«;-iia . flf v

¦$:,¦ < : ^^H': ! - *^^ • > .

jH rrBodkin aakTi-the; r Iwodld heuj Qiett beforeddoninjrj - -.v .i :.v:

¦¦&¦] '-k. i

¦- ¦' \ ' v

\: - si; •• ; ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!¦ ;

- ;lf cbael Kephan, ,Tli tnVaa Ke^hatl, and D mielO'B n'en were oba ged ti der iimilar clrcnnii tai toes,and fcftw aproe d|eliber*tfon the enth dec Idc 1 toflae each of ttiea< ciiaed fit 1» and, obrts. . < i ¦• I . ' :

]Y w i Power,¦•¦li thjjr 1 oj tbe defenaianta'lof tbat

nam e In the etfa'r casea Was annimenea for jrtiitov-in> y load of etpn>8 fron <)ff tbo Stwnd Eoad. :

P wer eatd it jiraa aj fact that!h^ jhadijremovedBom ? «tonea, tut not'al ad, aa that wbnld have bieenimp&iaiWe. •/ .; • - ; i i •:

; ' : \ : - : - \ i , [ r: i . - t "iftr Bodkin pro^healet that in onftejquenee •! the

stkt t of that road; not a|: stranger would j ion e toT<a nore next eaiinaer. - i , ' . 1 '. " ,.jv: - > ; ry '• '- ':.

P >wer waa fined lOi and 10* coite, or *,nj |ef liilt,H ( aya'JmpriiontoentJ . » • j.\ ; j

¦'• '.1.- | : . ' i ¦;.;_ •¦ \ :.' .f rmu. ¦",- eoESi< IA^H" ¦ BiforaBBBi j - : .

[\ ¦. .%

:k yonng man narped'Tlic* Brasil Waa aajmm >nedby 1 Ir Mlohael Keefey ?• * !«a"ylDg a gan <*Uh< at alfiwi ia«l- ! • ¦

¦• . ¦:¦' : ¦ '¦¦''.

" • •'• ! • ¦ -

¦¦ : • .

¦ ¦ ] ¦: i ¦

: - ; i ¦ ¦ i' . :!Mr 8 C AllioghjSaj ep >eared for the dcft-nce, and ;

lai* d la preliminary fe ejection, oa jbpbali; of itbelega I profetsion, to Mr jj LOjdren VitoghaD, who -wasin 1 act; appearing as' pSroseootor. ; He said »hepn< tlce of BllowlDg tbic sej: wb» bad no lekal righttill tyrfere in ca»«B woe on the increese, : i , ! ': . . ; ;

Mr Vkoghan imiste l j that be bad alright to Ipro* ecute, aod quoted n aeotion of the Actiin sop- jport of bia conteotioH, »bioh tbe| Bench Tield wasip rt

'pf f i ¦

¦' ¦'': -'


:;i [:;

;;; !| ¦ ] ] ' ¦ ' ' '

: '\ ¦ 7[ '


I r i :. r

', ¦ '

. ¦ '¦

Conatable Moinfow. d ijpioaed that on the pOtbJan iarj at 3all/garro|i le and a brother bojnBtahlesaw Bome one at a diet » , apparently prow ingaboi t after gamei •. Tbe;' fere quickly on tbe%leit,and aft«r,a hnri 6J«quiaition| rcaoltedjto; pop« TMJJ uu aja aac^ v ¦• ***•

area «,«««»• . » «a»wuw* w^v **, *»*¦¦•

The r reward wa« not jloug delayed.} The |un»U8;pec^nr (porfiaoaai atr^dalon towArdt

the bog artd

ini their dlreetlon at tbVJaaiae t moi , H* pan aed,asfd (taking np a little terrier dog, threw it from himinto] the water/ and a-birtt! got up,! and—r—

jto AUingbam *8kedJ-|Dia tbe dfg iy (langhi er>.iWitneea indignantly ¦aid of oooras not. i He for-

got I to ««y whether okj riot a ahot waa fired/ butptMrnrnptiTely be !meantjto conf•y1 this bit|of n sw»,aa next be told'tbe; cbnrt tbe fowler took a khotpo'nlh 'from Els pocket and cemnteooud toisbake itnear hia ear. ' ';; j '"V ' h ih i : : • ¦! , :,- 'j | - 'i i

Mr Allingbam-f-Tou ace aure It wns ootjaiLropont ipt fj fluk be as: having (laogbtor) t ' ' j ]

Witness aaid bt> waa. ! In about baltan' honr tbeman passad some forty Vurdi frotri where they i rer^

-fsfI tktabaab, and itbey fth^n aaw it waa the'de 'eo-<Wnr. i Hi> had «». ainul^harrelled sun in bla b ihd.Witne&e jumped up andlajiked him for his lieenao,bat he aaid nothing andjde^amped. ; i:

! '. i . ;In aaawer tbiMrj illidin*n>, witneaaaaid hedi Igo

to BrazU'a father'* hdu and ask for '• Mike." Tbedefendant nama waslnot •• Mikk" but alihonghbe knew \xi» appearance] Well, be did not know hiaWt &.

' - < ¦¦ ¦ ¦ j

1 -¦¦• ¦ { • ¦" ' • : - | ¦¦ : • ' ¦ ' i I •

' : i ¦

Conatable Patnok Boynkne ahi(j> btd behind thefence; aud saw all the ]other d««cribed. i Thc ac-cord *fL B the nmii who'bid the gun—be waa.son-fidebt otit.;- i - '' : % :' -| j ;:f,"- ¦ ! j :; i #H h J \

¦Mr AllipghaiB aaid it Was all ajcose of misti ken

ideititr. The t*o BraliSi were . Very mapb a ike,fljrf ;tae;polio©. bad m» 4BJ'mj«ukfL' I : \ \ - i " . ; ; :iMriok Brwtil4apoae4 Jji) Morrdw comingj to the

booaeaid aakinjcLffli- hu» aon, Mike. ' Witbeaa aaid" What'anpP rQ btjt W XI yoa{ tvdnld not knowMilie amonipt tbie men] otttaide."l MorrowIW n'ttbejplnok toiUke'; the tot!up. He had op gnu i*»

' tt.i lkAnaWaf.'alT. ' i ¦• . : ',! ¦• i ' ¦. , . ! • : ' i !

¦ :

X hn Oultiaanei a neighbouring; farmer,; dep >sedthaiUbe police came to Ufa hon«« to examine thegun}iWeh wa» ft Idoable .barrelled one. Thlpy aidthay met young BMEU with a gad, and ha pwL; nolioeakaiVV - i - ' i s [ ' ¦ ¦, '¦ ' \ ' - ¦ ": \ : i- i ! ::

|HoIia«lBraili, who q« ialnly bora a! afrong;wi«mTblaWto hi« ibrother, dap >aed that it waa ho,who WMat Sa|ly»»ririB ihat d»;i:jHth the rnri. ; , \ < ] K¦mp 'Bodkla aaidl althjo igh they tad graire! do ibtaito -teitw«i^

tadW 'the «f ie. j . .. , ; j ¦ . • ,

TWilllaffl"Calfeyldaa aootwd of btiiig drnnkin eharge

naaitiur th7Ti B»o©««l*)mettIng radicaUy w jonaWiSiWilliaa' aa;4e *n i *d a*-the road engme, and.gob J 6t erlotia*ithath i |waa fab y, P/uftUftiOr HeKht him to tto barp t

nd *& J? "5 ?'*7«:whdTbaTing wa»liM>dt& ! engine; ai id there Was )nly;

a nut of water ia tbe I oiler, and, the : whole t ting:%m&*%**Z i ik bihatf aii honr. f Tbcr«-:cuMdwaiflJedlJCOpV*^ 1 «>»t«,»n4<heoourtroie . : ,

:-[ I 'iM '- .ii^^^^^^ -M ¦ '¦¦ - ;V ! > !¦ ¦;• ; ' M - - j ;. i ; :. . .j v iw .¦:;¦—i . . ¦

. ¦ ¦. < \ \-y : - : - j; :;[•;. ; 1

¦¦. y W.m*-#*•*» «h«» otalr - i | !

' ¦ ¦•¦ •

-_-:Alaoi preatoV-A.- Kel»H John fitrangnJan HJOr» i fob¥«»t M

*fe C. Ornff. ild. J obn

Maiminz, H. Denny, iULEyan, Aid. E.Pow« ,' • ¦¦! 'f U ^ ''.'K9/tmK«f . i *B»j '»A«?S«T' ¦' * ' •:- iv f r^^mm^ ^ w-jmm Itemed

¦¦¦ipm .f O if i m : ?WMgR--: car man, bad7Z »2*iX» ivvmnUn l iolfor theloH Of hift b< rae;

ffi&^*r^e P^W that^

Uab IfttMi *hed to Ujim, boil jf L *r« * » » ooUeutio t toa bf»,a Jd b iobiJuied tba lit U them [bey

SWifJa rHp5jigb«t8d «b,f«i i-ior^^ £ te twJUt d^

J PSS Ifeto ni»*. .Jf * I faliJW aif NfiSf **IK--^: :ii ;^L,; : L^. : : ;•-"¦llMli'ana-ateeiaTOOt a. tnwww *» <""«I.F»»»»«


, ia'^ WW .I, ':.<

¦.¦¦ 1- -I

¦ ;¦'.. ( T R

aiatano* or a apMuauy-pacKe i j ry,, aaa tne onetuaof the Crpwb abowec .' moat < 'rnujsite Taifee! and con-aideratioa ,jor his; I Irdihip'ii fejeling jin? pjWtfdini?him with: a Jnry packed att4 r.|cbe B]oat approt«4methods :o|: i:tKe;.:];great;: 'toaate j; in': ; :tfie; ' --: art«nder|. white'. i ¦ ¦eye*;: .-they .L perf.ormed.i-:[Fir»ti"wii bav« a Wp«cially$fepare If p*ne), oa j khiiih theCathollonamee-were f«w aid far betweeii.: Next,w^tb bnelexpeptlon, irery C»ib< Ho calledjiira* con-temptnoneU ofdpr^tjo " « :ut dijaide,M aqdii in theirtwkl for tb*; Tindicatlon > f the Jaw, the ' iCrown

bad be£a excused, on; varibi if tronn|l , from wrriceori the joryJ It Is not BorprdriigVfrpmthe kfndlyintcrMt Ukkn injMr- M'Nijttj byitie prOtMntota,that he baa !r«tnrned to, tbe ji w|ka; of Jhe ,bat >nerswithout a Btain ba bl« 'chart it sr«ifb« t the ineritB oftbe casoare!entirelyibeside t lel queartoa. i ItMa»tbe pecoliarly gratifying to 'f ?<ejtbe>f' i; «*i *!>•>although he has been obliged t^foraakeiheaceneaofhia Uboufa at itbt Seall.Af < la^L hU ma»Ue haifallen on ;wortby ahonldetWj and that ibe ayBtemwhich he has done sa oauoh jt > develop and perfectis in no danker of betnir all »w edito irow obsolete.

i : OUpping tlio I i*)okrent», .¦¦¦ • ¦ . } . • !'. ' " . " ¦ - ; ; * ¦

1 | ' • : . I


,|. - | - • !¦ ; dpKMWBiiiri J ' I . '/- ' : !¦: - ! ¦ :• • . •¦

' ¦ . ; (J. H. Eixiy.iCftalnnan).Decisions in oases in t>.ejQouuties of Waterford

And Kilkenny, deolared at Kalkenny on Saturday,the 8tn . March, 1890 i— I j '" .:-!- j i . ; : ' .

•: '¦

!.! ¦

| r Philip WaU«i andiord. ; ¦ ; : i : ¦¦ ¦

I .i ' : V i \OlctBtix t. Judicial B *nt.• \ ¦ Tenant. , - 1 ¦¦ ¦/ - "¦¦ \ :] •

$ u. 4. > - : . I ' . '£ '*.&..

Johanna, Margaret, - " - : ! ! !" • : . • ¦ ¦and MAry Maokey .., [21 0 0 ... 18 10 0

M , , ! '¦ -. Same laudlurd ' "¦' ¦-; - . ; . : . ; ¦' .

¦- • i : . Same ;. " ' ... : ¦ ¦ ...; |8( V 4. ; ' - ... 23 0 0

] i Henry A Koogh, li ndlord. ' i ;• ¦ ¦ ¦ ' j . I ' '

¦¦ ¦ ¦- • : ''! ; ." • f Adjonhjad. to' ¦ ]

' '¦ ¦ ¦ '.'¦¦ ¦¦

. -. '¦¦ ¦¦ - I t ' : 'i 'i n e x t 8nfa-jCom<Eiohard Kedgh' »! '.. „. 146 5 0< miationifor aa-¦ :: ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ - , :: . : ">i, : ¦ : ' / : j j - , i ; j certainmcnt¦



¦ ¦¦ • • ¦ - ' : j i

¦ ¦¦ "¦¦{.

¦ of area ;

¦.: .


'¦ iTKnmu H n.i>rAv liuiAloril. : : ' ¦': ' Thomas B Gifrey landlord. :PatriokDnngan ... ... 17 10 0, ... M O O¦ '• . . 'Sams laidlpri; ' ; , : : 'Jokn St Legor ... ...U17 K>| 0 .iJ 1* 0, 0

' ' •¦ . . 8am,e laWdk rd. , ¦• ¦ .E'lcn Gonway ";;. v ..; U4 9 0 ... S3 i 0 0

: : Thomas JW Ahil^rsi mi landlord, iMWttare* Vicknra :i. 'l - - \ :JUB 1 1 ... S4 « 0

1 HuoriatU Moore «nd Horala* Tarpio, landlerds.John Mannery ; ... - '¦. ¦ -... ;' I 4 .6 0. ... 8 8 0

i f ¦ Kjmn lartnli trd.' ! : i i ! : .Jamea Daroey i ... ... IS 0 0 ;.. ; 2 0 0

; ! Hi* Honor Thomu Wroy, landlord ¦ ! '.James Cum^rford ..; ¦¦ ... 30 4 IP j .., 82 0 .0¦ i Major H A H B yee, landlord.: HThomali Botler : ; ¦ ,;. ', ... 33) 3 2 ... 22 0 % 0. '¦• i Marqais of Ormano>, landlord. : ..John Rowley i. ... 14 0 0 .i 12 0 0

• i . i ' ¦ • • ' • . Samo laiidloid. . . . j ;: '¦] ¦ rPatrick'Moore ... , . . '8J 0 0 J. 6 5 0

i ¦! ! ¦ ¦ ¦ Same landlord. , • • : ¦ ¦ . .

Patrie'i Crowley ,.. :. , ... , 8ll 0 0 \ ...' 24 0 0' ; ¦ Same lat dlord. i i ; * : . ; •Patrick Dngj xn ...' ' ... 82 17 0 v ..; 26 0 0:: - •: ] • - . ,

¦ Samo landlord. ; ¦ ; " j ; ' :Waliar OrowleT ..J I ... 18? 0 0 ... 60 0' 0

: i . Same landlord. : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦John Walsh : ... ¦ ... ?8 0 0 „. i 0 0 0

^i ; ! j . .¦ ¦

Same landlord. . : . - . ; : i :Matthew Harney ... ..Hid 15 0 : ..; 5 15 0

. ' : :: -': ' . . 8ftme landlord. ] ' • > '. ,Edraond. Meehan ... , , . . ; 117:13 6 ! ... 0 10 0

1 Michael Joseph Barry, landlord; (Edmbna, Me«hkn ;:;r ... |1» 8 0 : ^1 4 10 0'¦. -

¦ ¦ 'r HartBa Bowers, 'landlady. | :: iDaniel Butler , ;.. i. .. „ f6T: 11 8 .1 42 0 0' Peter Vfalah.i landlord: i i :Philip 'W-iMr. .1. ... 'Sa iO 0i i. 40 0 0

: ! Anthony John Cliffe, landlord. , : ,Miohael Farrell .U ... \l? 16 91 ..: 16 0 0

¦ : ¦ ¦. ; : •

;• • • •

¦ ' 'Uame laridibrd. ^ '

' ¦¦; i . ' ¦ ¦ ¦: : ¦

S*ma ... ¦ ',.. . .168 Q 0 i ... 66 0 . 0: . £»rl Bt HessborougQ, landlord. :

Miohael Doyle ;.. ; .... ;41 14 0 ..i 31 0 0;

¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; ' ' Same landl ord. , . : I ¦ : ¦ : ' ;

William White ... i ... 101 3 o! ;.; . 75 0 0; - i - ' Same Unai ird. : : ' : : . '.John Malona ! ..: ; .., I S ! 0 0 ... 2ft 0 0

' ¦ ' . ¦¦ - ] ¦ . ' ! tixmo land) >rd. , I ' ..¦ •. . ' : . ¦ ¦'

DanielDorney l - '... \ ,.i |{i U 0 ^ ... 7 0 0' ¦

;: . ¦ ; ¦ .: ¦ - . i Same ladd l >rii. ' ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ '¦ ':¦ '

;¦ ¦ -.

Bridget Carroll ::. ¦ .'..- i4f 17 A " *.. 32 10 0,: i ; 8ainB landlord. ! , , :' '' . Sam©!...!" . -i... I : ... \& 9 6 ;.¦ 23; 0 0r John Fitzpatrick, landlord. 1 i 1 ;

Eiehard Farrell: ... \r... | *: 16 0 i.. 28; 0 0i '' Sir William Ztlundda, landlord. \

Thomas Brophy! ... I ... i 14 12 2 U 12 0 0Thomas Brophy! ... : ... 1' - J? a •- " 0 0* ' roatheriae Aylwart, landlady. \\:ThomaiFarreU; <•¦ ••• !¦» 0 0 i.. » 0 0

1 ¦ "-. i - . -¦¦¦', ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

Bame landl idy. • ¦ .; ; : H I ' . ' •Patrick Danaody ... ... \A S 0 0 ... S6 0 0! •

¦¦ , ; . i - . ' ¦ ¦:¦ Barn* lattdlkdy. ¦ ,:• ;• ¦ •

¦ < . \ \ :' . . . ;

I " ; .' ' '- . '!.„ ¦¦ : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ; ¦ I f : ! : f AdJonrned to

VVUlJam Folli* ... .. >8 0 0- mlaalou for aa-: . '. i v ¦ ' • : - . '¦¦¦ \ 1 1 : u eeftaiamsnt '\'' - V '

¦ ••!¦¦ ¦¦

. ; !¦'. ::

¦ • i - ¦ ¦ ! ¦ r

. : iL '<nXL '.r

( A Orefno. wife of J GrMnk, and Mrs J Homoria¦ : ¦:. ' -- • ;' Martin, Widowj landladies.: '! i -. . 1 1 j ¦¦¦ ' >

•Jamai-»WfraU-;: j .;;• :; ;; J.. \M - 4 M- - - . ' ¦ .Ji - t i t (>¦ ¦ • • • • . • ¦ ¦¦i- 1 ¦ "• ] :¦ ', Same landladiea. u ; ' . i l l . ; •..

,WUUa» Mile .... . ;- ., ¦ „. \\4, 0 0 ..; i |3l ! 0 0¦; : Hon Mrs De«n Uama '; landlady. 11 i! "John Walah . '. ... ; ... j ! B3 8 8 .'. 88 0 0¦ ¦L : ^:-

• ¦•• ' ¦¦ • ; ¦ " Same landlady: -.: , ' !' ' : ! i | : ¦ ' :• ;!¦ • ; )pa«e : ../ ; ¦".

•-¦• •'

¦¦» V i : l»- -0,

0¦ -¦' ¦ ; •;•• 2^10 0

;i Dmynee Smyth aad M(S Q 8myth, landlords.l ! i ; :; '^' - ' ;; : " •¦ ' :l :i ; ! IJ T AdJonrned for

datherins Keeffs ;.• ... M 0 (K asoartaiament: I - : ¦ :'o,. ' / ; Mra AaneJBelwl landla ;^* .i ¦ :• 'Thonus Beidy ~TT .. 164 0 Ty .U 123! 0 0i - .7- :-[: ; .7 . : - :- : , Same kpd^d/.; ; I - . ; ; ! : ' \Patdok Foley, ¦;: i.>-h »7f fO: V • . '^r. ;4!15 O

: J— : ; - - V . -.r : - : r abae.JandM y.:i- (¦! ( ;¦' 'i! -j ; r -• ¦¦ ¦ •¦: •

¦»Bl . DMtf r'.i- .a4 !-. m-0?r«,!T''4i: «!*: 0. ¦¦ • . ; i .!THi- .oonr»iiT ;jt»A* 'anJi>tt»AT*lr.- :-i ^ ' .MArfarHvYicktrt.,t«nan«rS1ho ( Wi5An>r»on>UndloSr-Th* to ao>Wo l W* eaw U

161* fc 807t the, O.Terpm t %aloa too eiia,:of v.whbh>; S 'CaVi'i i *aTJ*M lF5nf :ili»|:;«fn» 'date* Jud Jw>#, W%i fri> jiTitht:toriwsiv 'laikaisrd,.Mr JoS OirrolL for «y« CT froaTtU Wthmrchffi sis if



i <-s?- V:| .v:s : . '. ¦ • ¦¦!¦

¦- ' . .^:M i-f I?/ i\ i\&\


Mlehael Marray, ¦tenant ; ; aame landlord—Old .n ,'

Mtehajil Neill. t«^n>/ sam. ludloxd-Otd rent, J Z 8 3 -,. jodlmal r ntf Xfilf, ; OoDfirmed. - - ! ', ' ;¦ ' : ' j j •

Thomas Njsjrjlle, teosat" ¦-.;¦ laame : landlord—Old rent.i:.-'isMlQi. Uv.fifyi f i .xnlt,..IBU »s 44*» pew rsati,;

Thema* Heftl. tenant ij aaik'a landlord—Old reot, JUSlS Sd»Jn iciajTent,!je?2 10* » new rent, je»-i ! I i¦Mary Cbnti6t», lenailt j J H Bnrke; labdlordf-Oldrent, XlSlCa'sjfcdioial rei t. £lh Confirmed; : ;

John Nairenti, tenant t i aaras -;landlord—Old rent, £ii: iadi(riai rint;rie8 io4 Oopfirm«d. i . : iAndrew KUty. tenan»r; JQhn Goerin, landlord—Old:

natl£S 18i «d. Diimlmd by tte 8nb-Comml«slon-;'«•«. r Duimlw confirmed. ". : -. • ¦ ¦; .. ' . ; ''- : ' i [ ' .WoHa«J!V«aIe, iwoant t Sir B F Keane, landlord—

This Wka a dlsim .under the Land Aot of 1870, thei tenranu oUim beinf 'allowed by .the Sab-CVimmissibnera.'The Chief Commfsaiovera now rererssd the decision ofthe 8ab-C<j>mraU»lonera. - : - ¦ , : ' . i ;' ~. \ j

JohaNngeot, tenant j tame landlord—Old rent, £14t* 9d. ¦ The Sfib-Commiisioaera held that the land wapa town park, afid dismissed [the tenant* applioation tohate a fair iti>t fixed/ Tb| Ckief CommUslocers nowcdafirttied; the witmiasaL . ; } ., ¦ ¦; '¦ : ¦ ':\ :

•¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ : IWaterford 1 Union.—WBDIHWDAT. • ,. i :¦¦¦ '¦:

¦ ; ! •' ' '

¦ ¦"•¦ '

m —¦


• : i !

1 Mr B MoBBieiBt, T 0, D V C, in tbe chair, j :

AltolpreBent—Aid r Redmond. Aid Clampett, ACadogtinrr C, P Kennyi T C, W G Fiahcr, T C, BPbelan. TO, N Bibrdan. Tbomsa Beidy, E For.ristal.M Qoojb, Ttiomai Walsh, W .White, tTrloh H If -Phnlati I TWK K T?«nn T Pi f *n**mmm *Rogers, J P F G BCoooafield, J P. Mr Mackey,Clerk, iad Mr B«idy^ MaaVer, attended. . ' i:1. - ' - - I THB :LAE0IIBia'8 PLOTS. ' ' . ; ¦ !

. The . Clerk ' aafd that they were at present plot;ting tb^ labourers' cottages sites, and it frequentlyhappened that after a labo ireir was nominated by !a^oardjan BEd "accepted, ;hat it waa foand tb*tthere r^fere; other applioants more entitled, orcliimed) to be ^morej entitled, than the person towkonoijAey had given, it* aid it would be desirablein all! catea to make- euquirieR. Mr Hearse badeent in nominations for fiv(t» plot a. I i ;Me Oado an raised the question whether MrHearne bad:tbe sanction of tbe farmers , on whoseland the cottages we{e to be built. ' . : | [

The (?lerk siid Mr iBIearne was not in the BoardEootn. od becoaia net explaio. ' J |Mr Cadogan. aaid j be should hare some voice inthe appointment of sJ labourer in hU farm. , j

The;/.Clerk safd that | p rimo f a e i t that wasreasonable and justj bat tbe law 'said olherwlse.Toe-Iajw} made the labourer as independent of thefarmer in tbe farmer |was of tbe labourer. ' !

Mr jCJadogan uuggested- i postponement for thepurpose; of asctrtaiiing If in each case the consentof tbe, fHruier had been obttioed, and the nominaj•tions were: pobtponed;accordingly. ' ; ' : ;

' ; i .. -j . KILK OHTBJLOTS. ; ' ; ;The follo»i:ig tender* for saw milk ware accepted siJftefeotis: Holly. Kilborr/ !' ... 8) galloos per daj1,

Han Pbelan. Oranatowa ! ... 3) „ „ „.Miobael fh«lan, BaUrgnnser :. ... 16 : „ „ ,,|Mlohael j£Tnan, do : ... M ., ,. .•;John Ptolin, ' do | . ... 81 < „ ,, „:Darid tijons, TTilliajDttswn ! ... MS \ ., ,. ..James Hennewf. KJll Bt UOTOBO*

V) ., „ ..;SkimJ «ailk~Mr" William Walsh, Ballfnaneeahagb:

at 8|d Mr gallon. \ . . • i • ¦ : - . < " ¦ |The Clerk said tha prioa of milk loorcased Jd per

gallon fince last year, and j there waa no inoiease inthe aldni iailk. r I . ¦ • j . • . !

J > i: : , MIDICAL IN8TBPMKHT8. ' ' 'Dr Connolly wrote, rialiin? attention to the necessity

tr\w A m a f rx t itvuf I*!A tMa(MiiMA*fa ¦ iMlhatiiM Afy%.

It wai ordered that they shonld be proeartd. ::! | j TISITINO GUARDJAVB BBPOBT. 'Mr Jqbn Byaa reported that be had Tisit«i tbe WerthouM

ondjever Hospital pa the 11th Much, and found bothbouts T cry «lran and brderlj, aod tha Inantei of bothinjtitntlonir-were well cued for. H« notiosd Mrtioabrlythat tM breid, beet, aadj milk Were exoepUottallyjgood. In»WUn*!»ht> new infirm wards fa« was derLfbted to aeetb* 'yatlentiithtT* so happy 'and ccmfortabla; and.4he woald•ngfestjbUnds for'tbe window*, uthe groat light asd Btmhad an lijjarioai effect op' their e/eaight. Tbere j*as alto asmall UUad: window in itbe front of tbv hospital* whichwoald t* tetter closed, us in Its -present state It U o; J'-p-UonablaV- - : ' " i ¦; ¦ : ( • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ''

An order was madt> that tho blinds should be pro-vided, and th« wmdoira attends to by tba Master. :' ¦ . '- J i ; '. ; AW ABilSTAMT KUBSB.r , '¦ :

Dr \yhltty came before the board and made an ap-plioatiq^ to hay* an aaaUtapt UUMO appointed jn thefever hospiUL There; wrasja' -very grott dinloalty to

tients, |for more care shonld be taken I with one thanbalf-arOjOzen oases of any other desoription. l '

Mr lGadogan Bopported the oppliwtion. and pointedoat whaJt the doctor had nmarked regarding the diffi-culty in attending to fever patients. ' ' :

The tChairman also1 maintained (hat an assistantnurae Was necessary, j ' ¦¦ ' , ' , ¦ ;

Mr Cadogan moved, and Mr Fisher seconded, thatan assistant, jnnrse bej. appointed, at a salary of £12,with ratioss.' : | ' ¦. '¦¦\ ', . ' *: . ' -, Mr Bloomfteld opposed the application, and movsdtkat a temporary aatwtantb* appointed. ;: ; ¦¦ '•

Aid tolampett, In #econdiag the amendmsnv, saidthat in j the ' state of the house'; it was SMntionedthatrthbra 37 eases in the fever Jtospiul, andnowithsre waa not half that number, and that waa amisleadingdocrameat. ! \ i / ' > '

Dr Whitty said there were' 87 eases la the hospital,bui elxfcto of thsm were fever patients. It waa moreAiffleolt io attend to them than forty other patients.

^Aid Ki dmond tbonsbt a Dermanent nura« woald not'be neossaary. Be looked all It; fron:; a ratepayer apoint; of view, and saw no neeweity, for pUning anextra obi rge on the people. • ¦• •: : " ;¦ M. j !.: ¦; ¦ • ,jMriBliomSeld saw BJ neoiwity'.-fpr .Adiafnf to ihaUalreairiargs staff of oftloenu ; : '¦ - . - i ' •' £ ¦ '", i

The JM«ndm«nt Was but} aid th>re voUd— -;: ' ¦ ¦ ¦ {FtrHMessra Oengh B Ij Phelaa. White. Irish.

ClampelkBedmond, BJoomatild-rT ¦¦¦¦' / ; .< . iJff«ii -M.«ra kiordao, Bd , PorrUtal, PUH«.

CadoffsiJJohij Bj,an. Bofftrs f i fkmiaiK wnj 'fO ;

-Tb« Chairman wssttiao alSjittti 'dtalaretbf awUmcarrkdl/ihsa AJd CJ*mpstt eallsdforapoll. , j

MrKsher protrstad that ( was irregular whsni anamsndment bad been lost to take apoUon the aabsfcaa^•llw


¦¦'; ; ¦ i ¦. ¦¦:|. ¦ •

¦¦ ! .^> ¦ !i'^^!^4i:!¦¦':

¦¦ : ¦1-Tlw CWrk asid tho (oUruIai s had a rfgW toljvite. ]TheijAUn faa thenpotai I tba votlbg was : j

jAr HimldordaAfB«ldj, Ilaher.FbrrUU 1 Ksaay,

dit^^adjer n ;;.;/ ,:> ¦i^- M¦¦- -IS ¦:vji /r';a*^::>*tsJioi 'f »AT. -r : ij i-f>; ?!?. Oa m awtion ot Ald'oiiiim »tti »#oo«d*4by AW Brt^mondi.ilwaa !de«idedi»fdr« » *faiea4!dinn : ' A»5

onidoor rSi-r. 17« | doT 'lfW , oo dortw¦pKSMffl mmmm

EiBi iiB

mmsmmm¦• '

i ' . :;

. :" ¦

-¦ "¦¦ ' '. ' -: . -;¦¦ - I

¦¦¦ I: .-: : iv ' ¦'•i^r; L-U;- ' J. ¦¦!¦¦

^^SSSHiffllii,''• for *o BetiBoei; pasr; -aDdjipfei anfted-''i'lnil from' aa'.¦ .kwe'rln t to a,dharge of d nkAiMeM aw*disordf>VJi, eondne t; for -.&.!¦. offence||dop witod. :',e«|lih#i|iiW'- - pecen !>•>. ¦: :A ;r«f«re»cej)i to the ico«r» r*ord»iir«-• ; vions t > tbuj date: «il| efplalofhb nofl-wppewt«We

" and th» eattse. .of h eiijfof^/^« /ro« fhtf1 >eme 11 hk| «W»*jV \M iToWday . •»s' notl W

; court , < ithen bat'8«r«reaiit WWt««ad tbej aervicejI proved «nd '¦ stated ittat; bn 27 tw -Year's Ev« la pee: flung 1 iim«>lf Into tbe disal rtUon of ifae fes ivej!: season rand i imhibed |jtmm^d«ratei libations of:. liquors ' lew bwv ly tb«a - *»bri«ia Wand,'•: nectar. I The cbnetqu i>t jdlaturbance :of \bW'] fquilib iuoii loegot iBujbrlttlioMand, as h usual ioi.' 4ucbr .> tontingenck*,) d)«rreu<wVwas; jforgot xrnj;' jamra kept pp. a continoal bowl frjm ntatto ten'.: In the nlirbt. and at a r ispecNUe diataibcei on In-i

gained k tirade or vitopec ittoi? at jtbaTpoljte. Tb«Sergeait read a lootf list of convictions for whichfines v trying fr >m l« 6dto 8s had been idaposedJMr Lynch atked if (here wMt t »D B M tber^ on4a* oft those oeeaslona.! Hej tiwugbt these fln«aaltoget ser tfco amall; for aaoh !a rasckl. TheSergeant said Mr DunsterviHe bad ; been there. !Lynch aaid Bathing j but) read j Mr Da'nsterviH ;«njobject lesson in criminal punlsbment (by givfnjfPower F a mobth with hard | labour. '¦' ''Whattirade d oes hefolbw" hi axk^d, f is be a cobberbra black-linker, ori whi t P" | " He'ra tabour«r,"said thi i Sergeant, " that! never works." j , It seemsto me " said, the S M," t's simply encouraging a¦coundrat to treat him like j that, fioisg hlni aiabilling and i one and sixpence, ;and things likethat, tt's rather aatontihlng an EMi woulaVtknow b stter-^fl.month wi h hard labor, i \ ¦ • ¦¦ ', , .: \!

"WO»D», : vro n«, < WOM>«." • ! :-: jMargjaret Donne ia a lady] with !" a 4irtf of a

tongue when! ahe baa a d irop. in,'* and on Mendayweek a >e Indulged her p |<wlivitita for invective atthe expense ,of the f4ir fams/and blushes; of' l>«rneighbour; Catty O|iffor L The M bonny Kate"rpsent«l Margaret's <spte letio •corrilitias aid>ab-atantial ed ber determinat ion to have ;none of it) bythe rude apptlcatioii of a stool to her jdefim^rVbead. She of the tongi «¦ retorted wlth ssi muchVtole^c*/.and succeeded in inflieUag i.entj onCatherine's -temple. I The ; latter; at onoe soughttjtergea t White and pot red forth the story of herwroniji Into his sympathe lib bosom. He applied asticking vpiaBter, and endeavoured forthfr to fatal;the vie :ims wounds by taking outa susamona.: ;AasihM-ha/ 1 never been'iip before ilr Lyn'ob!fln«d her :&3 Both defendant and cdtnplaloant, j who nadejettlcd their differences vfritootit joined in uttering;ipprttcaltioDSpn the b

^elmi|t«i bead of tbe;8ergeant,

and paid tbe floe by fqua 1 contribution. ! i |j J : HK'LI. DOJDBU TUX T1SI8. * ¦ I \ :I Tber<ji wi-re six other c ues of drunkenness, and

4h«n the wbele baud been disposed of it be lt lljsaid :

I say, you peopl *, the whole book la taken

up with rastfs of druiiktrnneas, I'll double! thwflbfaliext ccsrt jdayif itinues on- tbe increaae^—it's dUgjrtieeful in a Villagi like this to hafe nine orten eaads of druokenneis. ! ¦ : .. : ' ! • • •

1 . Waterford > Liuwtio : Asyliun. , jThe BIGHT BXT t)t. DAI prtslded. ;

j Also pre eat :--Ald Mabony, City High Sheriff ;B«v DriEvaos, t B NeweU. ! ; ii |

iTISinifO QdviENOB'S BBPOBT, ¦ : : ¦ •"- " ¦ • : •¦ ; fi i j V ¦

. i Maro* Ht, 1890.Aa' vl» ting gofsrnor I bave thU : Oar Icon* «V«r the

entir* Init ltatlou and farm. I' found eVarj tains in ezceUtstorder. %be varloa* diriaions were ileaa aad <tSe plci«Btss«emed uell eared and mad* qjo oom liint i.- I found onlyone nule • patient under restrid- 1 ana. two oonftood to> 1*4.On tb« l emals *ide tbr « 1» bed. "The at(cndasUi«ef>edattsntin : aait ' iVerr jcl aan io psrsou. • " | • aiw, «rniil

Ttfoken ; taoca In the windows whiuh aUoald b» at'once,rtpaiied.* Tb* ' home toimetij oeeuvied t hyj tb«' IindSteward U now vtoant, 'and stioald bjs u'illjod either aa a'rMdime* for one of tbe offlcsxs or . in- s oie othflr wkr.P.irt of it Ui used to stor » oora and U cbnimatoulTidtftito-l pritb rasa. Toe Uritt'U ia ex client j ordai; kndrjflaots nnoh credit dn: the Land Stewart. I>r»s aeoom.plmi.dla mr roil ad* b'Drs Conoollyand ToUa aettosi fortie Bealdoat Moli«l Stiperlntwdent.' Prrrfanonsofgoodqtullt;. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i '

! • f ' - : ¦ ¦ ] :¦¦¦ i ¦ ¦;; r. ¦¦

; : . ; : ! ;P. OAIUSOW Hrvraxu „¦ ' ¦ ' ; MSDtCAI. f BIFiJBT.! -^i ': ' '- - : '¦] i - ' ,Dr Io )ln rrpirtod as kma tnoi far! I>r Atktsar4ha>

tie lieu tii " iK tho patitnU: 'for 'tbe ¦'• last month WascwJ , 'aui the eyltUiuic of i: i|Ia«nxvha4oi»ipp«iMd.! ISadmladoiu took p'aos flaring tlit Month and ooo bad beendlsobargtd.ona had died. an< one Tiad rscovared, 89 badaumiano is toos paos anmi tuwmauui manoovmaimcadlsouargid.ona had died, ai one TJS4 rscovared, KB W ;been redered la the rsirisur of i«Uenta-tue UrgestFoorjxsord-iad wbioh b* bad U utoed was 34 more tb« theyhad in UM Institation jhls time 13 months. DrConnbUyrMo£nMkd«dwitbBi»t«0 <UaibargclortlM 3!paU nlawhoa*names wdtUd bs sqbmltt*! to them in tb« di«ehar«a book. -

i - i . : ¦ ] T.JJT.ToaiM, per B. M. 8. ^¦. i - . . '.. . ' . i anwiTHi.; '

; ' .-'

. ¦ ¦

. ' .¦ ' "s. '\ ¦ ' ''• '.

On tie motion of j Aid jU»bony, Becond d byiDrEvans, |a resolution of sywlpatby-with the family ofI r ;G<-Q>g* H-ttchell, dede«»«l, nnd t .placing ;»n;r scord |h«! esteem tit wbioh be was held by thegovernors of the Asylom ns adopted, j

¦ !

t •: I V;, ; A -Ttfl|»: O* |TB4*W. j ! i . " i ¦¦j An o!ddr«M waa adopted, on the taolkk of Mr£| B Newell seconded »V Dr Brans, r^graulug tberetlrerajmt of Dt Nbtttot Irbm tb« lnspecMnbip eFAsylumL and thaakMig biai for th« oomberUsa•errlcei Drtforoed k» olmj wbikl itfbie ppsjtioa.! •¦

[ ¦ ' ] ¦ [ ¦ - ;

• ¦ [; . -•Mdj opiw, ;,' .: ¦ . -: h ¦;[¦ . ;

In Ai flum lasr board dar» 889 l admittdsfacc.elki if m r^d|Biace, 11W$J***l * **SfM¦«f8Y-i « ifrespon lng period, 8«3 , Jofc^rgtabUitj ©IgtWnU 17 - i -County of W ateriotd, «8:» X!iti :«fWaterf rd.loojj total 868J ; r i . ;.. ; :it I; I - ' . ; ;1 ; : ;

iil iiiw



f mmmlOHBiMEW OHjPK>P*•iiS';iifiii':: ^H«Hrjt-!o>a %! .| AJfKBIcisf, ,A[| MjDi#tt;*iw '<is tb»H at KsWsaiatV ton S3

: / > W9I3riV& JBeit redv : 't.'.4 Qcrttfili&i SSSS MS; m iSfitaSHS

Blagwt m*. C«Bo#r,'8pstf»/,-, io ls, B AvSM

1 i KHMOAlt !» 1 i T-i-JftBJ 1; i ,t: :-|l TO? -KWid;; i r atii .¦ -lilii IK• • it- vOW'ISlt^ falling- rA»fdy :'foc-K

oBtaoAKi EAimo* or un

ofJWe>Bo«epa ajO «M(BJB\ TO* .afiqu . aooaaodf OTJUM) «4'whxMlte* tfwi :M*

' i HBEIOAN H UB KI S8 rORBB.1 v .. 4Esstti ton**aatoet:a»*t;l Urj ft*S*i(• «Wi*e»i £"##$

th*_ b«jr W» «n« dMsyTl -,'iSm3 da• b-'Ssfeai sSi41gbjte j dmarenia Itjtowlfal It o&'ltt ii • tsMrvi ptfsfcKSfotaU <wbd vWito natelus 1- **SI( TI UU ki AI (eswt t3^|H^J*Jtnrfi atWdeal Of hsir i W$«* adriSS B$H *£&¦¦>Mz *t, And yM|si« ¦ars.aaite toiUMnoii: t94.;iRp -: :': -1 r- V4:i:? ftSl-foU J^MOk a M JPbiTi^Sast;;« ,4 j l¦ . ¦ ¦ WBOUHAIUI A«MM.«HKi lagJAWp, j [• A - ;,-^;y

ngiiinnn iki'iil -i>M. rbi i oTnfTTTT _k- . . -I ¦ -, , , L -%-r->rj;: «l« ii III-. BE KHB * Co; DregS a N«w-Eo «. ¦ ";, ¦ ¦ = t \y ^M

¦ Aor aJl^ml^a^wKitolSaij-y '" " '¦ ' *~; 4 1

wmSmm#111111 356 Od ijg BM-.6, od nc

^ ^H"¦'•¦ • • j ! ; •"¦ [¦'!-j j/i;-.i HJJijjy1 HH j Bffliffl|JPWiiHBSglW!I!8B!!JM'|I|| IMI Wsssm

^1- , • M - : :; i ¦ •;'!::¦ IM^^MISM¦ -: {!¦«¦ wr->-.v^lKiifM



j - . {¦ ; i j - : | ; h i . ¦[¦ . !

Oa Tuesday, the 4owuon of the Fannlnjr's In"etitote jhtldijntit tuoal mdalily (wtftinfj,j ,8foh.>p!JjAS prtfJdlB i'-AiiO I:-'' ' ::- ' <:.riht ;-,i- . - V ^ ! . : + ; ;;", .The .«Jb«r*preceptmet& if*!3je;Kr.ayor iof 'WateY-'fcra;»BT Bob«rt"Pow«r.-PB,-BsUjnettl8 5 S«T P V.JPljirt,| A<ta-i BarcP I J . BhikbW Adm s I B»» VTDowlejl, Admi; Bey,Henry-,Wne, ,MAi BeT »l. W;Day, airB J iP«nl,i J8«rt,7.VIi.j:/<Ja«rgo W«|pole;Edwwd.- Jacob.-'I'wBclB:Jacob, J.rJi Pbelan; Johngtranguiao,.Captain ja ii ; COMW, J.jP: jr-Joseph;etwngla i,. JP: L, J f ; SamoVl Strtngman; Benry;a»H!»ea<?P,t JMDM I Budo",, & G BldgVay, <h Afa-brooe, MiO, Aid CU»pett,-AJd X.A.ETani JP j DriW; M»S«j, aP..- J LfeftJ. N: • White,- JP ^t- .JiMaMr.'Joha;Wil«n*JP itJos«pr*ilAipbaw,,W ft D ;Qoff ,JP :.B.W P«iK>«e, Henry. Denny, Jpaepb Tobin;J B-.Dobt>yiv JP. j J. E Graves. JB ; Michael Pcw«fr;Tbomu Bowe, Dr G I Mackeky, JP > Wm -Gallwey;•JP »; George E White. 1 Henry Bell ,, Aid Mabony,-Witt W^te/JH-Eeynett, Michael Case/, A-Nelson.

• 1 ¦ ¦ '. -. I THB tUTOR'a 1DJOU8NJD-MOTION. . : j . j. jTheMayory in proposing tljat tho resolution, : ac-cepting .-ithe Sptlgg i btqaeat be - resclsdtd,; saidbo.wa<t sorry for ba»itg put the.bOMd to, the troubleof postponing tbe motion froui the list: day, buroniCR rto>lloe»8 he).could iotj possibly attend; Hethought it waa bis duty to make a few remarks on

.tbe poiitioa they would put jtbemselves by accept-"ing tbjs bequest $ and also tp point oat to the non-Catholic 'members of tho board, the position j the;wooldlplaca ibemselvea io. j He simply desired todraw kMnntioB to what he. 'considered iwas doe.tothe great bulk of the people of tbe city, aid indolDgJ eor would famish snlezample which, if 'foUlo«re<i| vfoold get them bat of the whole idifEauHy.Tbe non-continuance of bie reselution on the noticepaperjwas certainly cootrAty to custom. In not 1(firing (t Me Walpole, be wai sure, acted In a botMf lda raann«r, and be was perfectly Satisfied that thatC-mtl^mon intended nothing, bat at all events bla;notion should bare beea continued on the paper. ;

¦Mr I Walpole—I, considered once tbe: notice :ofimoiloa >as ient out' that ltjwos.the property jof the'board, aid Wai in fact taken but of toy handr.

- Tbe Mayor laid it should ]bave been -eontiannedon the notice paper till it was disposed of. ; | |

Chqiimtn— Yon do not think it necessary to dwsll:¦on'that?.

'¦,;!¦ . .

¦, ": , ¦ ¦" . 1 . 7( . .- ¦, . : . , ¦ '. i . ' 'j

i The Mayor replied in tbe [negative, j He leferrtdto a' cotieme sanctioned by tbe Gomnjiasioaert ofCharit*bl9 Dooatioaa and | Bequests, which, gave!eight: Catholic:and-four non-Catbolla raembera on¦ the Comaritjtee. - '. . ', , ! . , ; . :, : | . I .': ' ''!

, Chairman—I object to pe .term Boa-Catholic!Say Protestant. ; A Maboininedaq is a 'obn-Catbolicj

Mayor—--Very wtll i j fda'f. Protestant gentletnenlTbs aritbpritieiij thought, that :«aa 4: fairly con-

. Btituted , coedqeti, affairs in | that city;Lootj irom that.oODStitutjjj n to the 'committee 6f

1 thi^ jastitatioa ; and p ^e bo* 'matters «ro reversed]iT, h«re;:are ifflght : P^otepbjnt, and' ;four Catbollegentlemen on it.- I think a board litce this ;shoaldhare a atronffer Catholic representation j Sappoae

. .raaUers were ) reversed. ! ~(t the iostitntion were. established 1 by ;f^ i Protestant acd were1 supported

mainly byl Proteitajit' money, instead of beingotbenrlse, would it be fait that a great Catholicmajority.; should 'rolo: | it. : Ho ;badj greatlespect for : i the | preSBnt Committee, but

; etUi |folt that they: could not be , proper judges oftbe jarants .of ' the 'great-majority of his Catholic

I feilotr'-jcitizens."j No \ Cath'olic .could, be; admitted:_ ipto -that. ipBtltatinn if thp Protestant Keqtlemendid not . oUh. ; jThua they , had a jpower j which

: they; -were not en titled to. , ! After the Jelbctiops that; .day !the .initltatlbn would be practically fnil. If. any people.froia Tramore. jrere admitted, it. would> only j be .by dfi placing eome of the poor of "Water-l otd.,'. .By accepting thejSprigg beqbestjon tbe¦liDea laid down they wer^ doing groat injury tothe- tVaterford poor. Mr Ambrose, In Ukiog purt

: lo tbiadlfcoMlen luet dpyi Was of tbe1 rolej of the iDBtituKoo. Ue.was actually iiaid by

.tbi) -. [baud. . .for , work" done] in eonnectipni-with tbis: keqa'e t, and . yet both vdted andi Spoke Jon thesubject. ¦ That certainly »as not fair, nor was it A

I good ' example, and should: not be tolerated (bear ,bear!/)-'In cpncloaion, he lirged tbatj the sjjstem of

[ oat-door patients adoptijd by the . Holy! Ghost. Hoipitai should be.enforoed in tbe manageueotofib^'iSprigg; 'beq'aetit.. Hq bad asked1 no |one to

jsi cond tbe . Buggesllon,. i^at belier'tdi It if weri]Mop!ted, the , intention of Capt Spring wpuld be

/caiTieil. oaC, and none 'of the poor cf Waterford[tronldisufferl .' ' ' ' . ,"} . . ". , ¦ \ j"" j ' • . j !

; ¦ Tber Chairman, askfa if there naajanyjone to'j.Beooadf the resolution, and receiving no jansgebj anabanced fbflt it.feU_to th^^roundJ - ~f'"' I i: . :JiBjfee=»?f«yW8lrj 1 an? peifectly gatisfledy, |1•: • •;The•foUbiribjt 'ware thenlappointed' to take cbarifecf the bequest—The High SheriffJ W GJ D Goff l

¦' "AldlEyatJ, Dr 8cott/A Nelson and P Power. 1 >

n CpirrMCTs—The following were udceptedn—Beef¦'.oridiDbttorl at 6d pe)r lb--ifr Thomas'Phelan. 1 1

: Brisd (white) at 4d per! 41b loaf-f Mr J J Breeoi

appbiated, the Governors proceeded to tbe .eleotioo oT3jEanand4womea. There-were H candidate* Tho

;. follo»lng were elected;— I ; ' ; '! ¦ ! . |;-. ¦'JltB—Thomas Biyley, 63 yesrs old, shdematefj1 nagl9» nrbpoted by Eev Heriry Line, 33 VoUi) Thomas'Cdnsfell] 66 years, porter and sailor, .married, proposed'b* M*,Edw«rd Jacob,37 votes ; and Matthew Inrphy;

71 Vcar«, ropemaker, marrleH. propoiod by Mr Williard

. , SHriLtKt«xiL X16T— J6hn 'Eavacagh, CD ynars.married, commercial clerk, proposed; by 'Mr J ' JPjielaa. •

¦¦¦, ¦ ; ; ', . J - ! I ? ! 1}' ^OjfiH—Mary Power, 70 years, seryant , married!P/opoied by 'JJr B, G1 Bid^way, U votes 1 Oathoririe;Cf uAtn, 63. yean old, marriod, b>«b»nd) in thi

' ioM ttiUoni proposed bjr Mr George Walpole, 33 votes |Annoi 3Uje«, 74 yean, single, propoaed by Me Jcsaph1Eirfn^rotn, 5 votes j Anne Staffordi 63 yeareL'ma rAedJ proposed by Aid Clampett, 27 votes. I j j. .-•gMPtiii^BTXL ; IieT—llary Gajtoo, 69 yam1,rtriw.'bonnet-maker, single, proponed! by Mr John;

' HahciK-., The'board then ad oorwd. , ! '¦ X$$;*vj *±=± } . ;

¦ -. :

• ;,¦

• !' Sublet nre surprised at the valno ire are! offering

In Drew Materials.—Bob atsjn; Ledlle, Ferguson& «(>i iit<r-wai«-tn>ra:--T'•""-¦ ' I l >i

A "C7atorfbrd lion jAiaons tbo Axobo. i ,

[ k'Waterford man write USJBS follows i-pWhilitstattooed at Assloqtfora short time I was invitedODD evening to an Arabs' Concert or| Pankiaea, asthe Arabs call it, and as I bad only arrived in thecountry, a few. days before I -decided tp go. ,pteta ted with a /riend of mine aborjtidaikj for thed&Bce« «pd. alter a: long wi ilk we' reached toe dand«In^ ibouaa or but.: On ei terinir we ere ,re«iveqby*thp Sbelk: Of tbe villafiej a fine old .m^n wlttnwbitd beard. His dresa cansUted of a green turbao,loot white.^bwn.. n4 r ed. leather : shops. Afte#shaking hands about half a dozen times acd askingolter oar- health full/ 20 < imes, be conducted us toa eeal oext fii» owb ,..wli ire we wonld ha»o a goodTia'w of the performance. The 8beik iwas erideatiymrith remected'br 'alt tie Arabs who formed th^addtonce.' :Coffee was then brought [to u» In verysmall oup«. 06 sugar or tnjlt, and very strong. Oatc!courtesy We bad to drink.- The; next thlng wi*» pipe (bubble bubble) I think Itbey are called.Vig tried wappeftr comfortable! fitting croisj-Jsjgtd smoking nod drinking our coffee] like theArabs. Wei were Informed tbat aj band iad beenBpctlally engaged, for the evening, l and f hat thetnuilo woold, be of 8, TEry choice description, abtb'ey knaw tho English did not appreciate (he Arab«i« .T."- :- ;v '¦ •

¦¦ ; I - : :¦ f l " - U-.- i i. - r •• • .¦

¦ • . •':

•¦ : van ¦.¦ ixmwsot < ¦ I '¦ f \ :

*i3 icompbsed of- all sorts and conditions of menfrom- tbo KordogsrJ blatk to tbe street Arab ]oflotret1 Bffypt. :: X can't tai what tbe tidies Vere lli6a»T they always . keep the face covered in pnbltc.TbebaDd arrivet i it consUU of a black carrying a« .11 «___ -_ . AI * ».u«k. m. :-A^^<4» I . \JL» .I.U A

; iclarionrt, auirold, Arab Iwitb a p»lr oflsymbaU;;.¦ Tber squatted do*nip fjont of usjand commended

• -i) playing, jnch plsyiny I sever- beaid before. Ea'ph.; ^urtaberof-.tb1

* biod eeemed to bave: blsjown idea¦_ :!'iol:tone»n3 time, TbelBhelk iotormed as tbatjitJ I \- itaii^opsJdetfdtbe best band in Asiiont,; and that! l-ttjfclelectloti Jh»y wtre playlOg w&sfrom a Torktab-i: rmrtht W»ib»a to Say i^be mnsic [was ebarmjetg.1. ' -. MUt pUylnj for ttboatj a. quartet of an tour theyj V wtmdoally/slowed dxurojand I was in »he hopes;-l .-tn*y would, stop, but :nii-on» by;one they tooV B1 ¦'-¦AUpg- drink .'from s>.«t{Aa; J»r ajad staffed with!: r»<*wed vigor.;.I think they would b»re keptlbn¦ *ifi>f:*o.bonrib8d I not e*pr»«ed 6 wlsfc to bearA Jti»*»iBglBg.and then tl e :Sb«lk gs,ve tbe.oiderto-ivStop-the moslc;; rAn , irab giil then l appeartfi'; idewfedio rery gajudy mit pi rtd and igreeoibd- :,!oo' r«n»noed shrieking <ut an.Arab soiig to tUe¦;¦.*; ' «tfart that "£i?v w*« >n orajwitb t^me yenog wuct;:.-(pTdb*blya swe>fyed.d>okey beyJL and; that-ibe

rtd noi t«tn bint for yeW.j be; wai to r»port bla)-'

c i ill B«w«lT Hit** »!>• i>oM sbUt •omewbe .M «it«r1 tft'^*** **y* tb« xeoai uler tfensed tamo mscfly

fr ,ri«ws mi*.7jni*:> Wt.t&tgrf tb*i Bblekj to eictlsa;3 ! tSf iumthdivuriog brMoe*s-«Iws)bM*[*** «f.M'.•i :viw|iy tooflbto»P<»rtlDB •% ««nt>!»eareb of sope?^

'l' t*W» ;«tai'(t»Wtag -tb it •«-would gire Arabs - tSS ttH »!«id« berth 1 n fntimtl:j We found oat¦• ¦'i U>»»»drcii b»d»rrivfd that day! frorol Cairo arid!-i f U>»Ht w»a,»pl«odid affair (tbe 1 Arab's|»er,Ionpj

i 'i i ,U-.8d*«Jthe drcti».«• wen'i Tie («otjw«»aboii(i' 'i.C9i|a>df rih>)>di • band ¦Uying oojaiplafformoat-,;. -i<4i,«o»l«»oui«tbiBg aur lh«!aan>e style aa we\-Sjr l\3.Ai*i,htiti *r,V*jh l ; oar money, J pUsiret 6»L.. { »!¦••."#4r»|»bowO' vat tnUj >M *,rioif was. »«ry\'r KjwiUiatd ib ire ;¦«* N< dy inoogb room tot, nor*

' 1 ill* l^wW^W*poor,-liinej mi»«jf«^k Arab

boui]?-ilt. LiZEi*»rt«gl^bi«>ea4-l»/»«<«a«d i«»a *tl»%MmJw$p'*»***l <**M Jlf¥>*»! hispobi.ffl^Twji A^fwW0'^ {t*: *•<*• "l;1

^^ • wHfi*M jBtftlw^H"»' if* w^i* *<* *4?,gTTWKtwPT11 " T** 4<(f<wi#wr««w>« < *««

^ B^ w u '9'1* wj 22^ '?^f *j

iirMfeiliWkits pblht*eipiakes."£4i! ittin ioasp/we shouldwb fought7 intot the :T

p'/t wishing ?ate Wbid to mora homewards.1' worjder,[we.w«re cptBCk' ext dayfBs Ve' hia Uste^VallisbrtB-of Aribi rinks at the performances' . I intend to 'go andB >e the nate^ -B:dirltog'IJertjshes',V.6f . Cairp somebyysnqrrty.'anS wiil'Uryjjnd'-gJyB'/pu ao account,ot tbei'r ''dotegs.'! hs 'toiri ita;'always ¦go \ to etaffleifaf'atja ¦'•* bettef ;tliiir'arc iibled in'most of tb(jgpl5,«io6.)M asbelngreally w >_rth sSeingi: Iiwlleyetfiiire;ttr^ ','Iiancing DWvlslies,": and l.will abio.try4|ia!s o sbrneiof'thelr'dolttge. : r' ' j . ['. ' '"\.'. ' i . '!j i - ' ;''- -

:: " r-:

<' ¦ :" "'


' ' '; ' ' ¦ ¦'• •

' : - f i ¦•;

IJThe Sale Of our 'fa'ojons skttingi, CoaUfigs, andTrouserings; haa lncreWd e rormofaely thin season'.High class Tailoring ion'the Premises. : SplendidValur/.—BoBerttbd; : iedliej': "Fe'rg'ueon & ¦ CpiEtd., -WaterfbrcL1 '"¦ |'; '¦¦ t ! - ;< ""- ' > •• !' ¦ -; ' ' 11 '

ii ^' -iroj i^ 'M^- :ip4B2B., > ' ;/;/ 1 ?:!] ¦•

' :-

':U. . :: H .*¦¦! ;¦ "¦;. ; -I: - . . . - ,¦ i M

•I ¦- . : .¦ - r 'f ( Vrt>m oilr.CerrUponSenl).. ' , . . - ¦ :¦;. "^' I note that the better ftotory b this townJi«'4onsidered: one of ffao aefltest and best got ipjr4s1abli8hmMit8 of 4he kind- in Ireland; andlf.itnow tliat at is doW^ »ery .well. It ia situate in'a ^retV" copvenieiitjlockH .7 in : the . town', -the ,'rilace beirig-sorupulQuslrclean tmd propmiy'Ventilated'.:' It 1 ia |th<« p»6perty of a.\Jj umvAttiabilitj: Oompany!' c'omiosed of !towri*people,'itiiMni ' and others, . TBe terris (of the Com.pany' are,|l' onders^Jand,|.to pay 5 per;cent.—

!tihiob it . id doing well—rflmaindorj to go to theibenefit. of [the , farmers. IMv SA MDKL BDEKS,jdahir, ia the bigblyiiespected, and pdinBtakiigJphBirmah of the Company. :- , - ; : : .:: . ' ¦ .

I 'SMCUL BJTBB .'IAWSQ iTweed !(Fire Paeteras)at is,4Hiper yara}'well|;*ortb-2»«3, Kilmao-thoinas'Twleeds at less'thau]Mill Prides. Eobertson,Ledlie, Ferguson & Cb j 'Lip;. Wateiford.

St., Patrick's Day,' - "I ¦ ¦"

' ¦ ' 1 - f |(f\ I . . ¦> ¦' " ' . '

j LADY I WILDE: I 'OSWTHB ' FESTIVAL.l" Paradoxical as tbe^kpriissiori may seem at firstplgbt, tha Irish are 'the!most . conservative of^European peoples. TbVfact may be accounted foriby tbe insular position of bur country, and for tblsTeason those maonert and1 (Custotos,,which amongstother rations have sunk :ltlt0 oblivion' before tho'acientifio advances i

of the age, are preservediamongst par peasantry , to a degree wbioh can[scarcely be realized! Yet. the obsertanco of thoseiusages has its redeeming' feature. A religiousfeoliDg upcontamlnsted by tbe tainted breath ofagnosticism and free-thought permeates tho Irishmature, acd at tid holtim of tall their Dimple

^ superstitions, their mytb'a and incantations, the'idea of God and Eternal I life will be found. Be-'lig ion underlies the whole fabric ¦ Tbe same;applies to] their National faith , and. nothing morei clearly demonstrates tbe strong connection between'Beligion kind Nationality than the fact toat a{Church holyday Is observed as the

¦ ¦ " - , ¦ - U1.T10NAL |»E8TrTAt.

In 1 their Tnaintenance of I the National f l u d&f -rSt Patrick 's Day—as 1 in lall else the conservativeelement «f the Irish character is evidenced.(Through ;centuries Of fo^tnne good and ill, in thetime of oar glory find might, in tbe days of penalstrife, thefestlval of Ireland's Apostolic Baint »aacelebrated, and in our days the National Feast ontbo 17th I of Maroh-i-is carried out with, all the"pomp and circumstance" that appeitain to it.On' Dert ;Monday tbe day Will again Oo npon ns,and on the occasion of the 17th March, 1890, thefestival will be caritedibut, with olUhe ritualwhich custom has made law, by twenty mtUtons' ofIruhmenitho world over. [ in Lady Wilde's volumeon " Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland"there ' is a very entertaining account of tbe originof, Sf Patrick's D4y. - Shjei begins by saying thatthe SaiDt held almost remarkable and eminentplace in the early ages oif bum inlty, and demon-strated bis culture, learninif, and extraordinarywisdom, power, and [mental force by his rnpid unddecisive orerthrotr of puganisai, and of thn strong

i ' |DBO!D PRIESTHOOD IN XBKLA.ND,by tbe daring meaeurn which be' adopted for theestablishment of ^Christianity. ", When Patrickarrived in Ireland :with bis little band of faithfulfollowers] it is told of him that he 'saw a denoering of dbmo&s round, the island, 'extending a day'sjourney, from it on erery side. These obstructionists ,bbweverj.ha subdned without much difflculty i but,of all the ddotrinea heinreacbed to |.he meh of Erin,the Irish found tbetJeauvenus io+irrteB~na8 tbeJiacdeat,- kndth» nation in this respect seems un-changed! to this day; St Bridget, afterwards tbegreat Abbess of Kildare.'.was bla firet convert, andw'orxed with him allthrougb his ' apostoUte ; hence

~theie twp names were consecrated to the use of allthe children born since in Ireland, acd bave become

' the expj-esaion of Iwh patlonsllty." Before con-tinuing we must «preBS ]tbe opinion that forgivablenature is an unfailing characteristic of tbe Irish,and ne teg most Courtcobsly to contradict the aboveassertloo,- for Huifory proves that, it was tbe anti-thesis of tbat qua.lity which Lady Wilde Imputesthat lost the Irish'cause after many a hard fongbtfight. ' But to resume.' The aatboieas charaoterieesthe opening of Pitriokts mission.' as 'grand, anddescribes the incident of] the

: ! . i Bk±t »1BB .which brought 86 > Patrick to the court of Tara.Here the conversien of the Queen was wroug ht , andit was lat 'this time that Patrlok composed tbemagnifii|(ent bymri wbiilh caused J8ecnnall. one ofbis discfplee, to describe him :a» " tbe flime of asplendid sun, a stream of wUdom with splendour, 'end he calls tbe poem " a diadem of princes, chantedmusic, a! noble solace for men." It waa also on thisoccasion1 tbat thejBalnt taugbt jtbe ptople theroysterji of tbe Trinity by menus of the shamrock.St Patrick gave not only rrllgiin, but culture toIreland] be establiiled sobools, add bad Latlo andGreek taught to tbe people. His mode of conver-sion was full of tact . Ibe did not oVeithiow th»Druidic , rites but converted them to Christianusages. ! Patrick also 'confirmed; the Breton law*.Tbe : Saint . was ; cruel and remorseless against sin,aDd diove bis oharlot over bis glstef Lupait *bohad • broken her vowi , 'and gave herself to a lover.

1 Tbe conversion ' of Ethna aud. Fedalina, thedaughters of the: Kine of Meatb, Is aUo related,and"the seven WqnestS of the Baint 'are named,nmpngst wbic-h ixe tbos>, that no Outlakdcr shouldrule In Ireland :' that be should judge (be Irish ontbe last day. and tbat every Thurcday and Saturdaytwelve tools of the Irian people} shouldil>e releasedfrom hell. In tbd concluding - paragraph It is nlsomentioned tbac Sc Patrick made it a \,o\at to askthe angel, wbo i*ri» sent to inquire bis wishes, tbat' vo »xtti tnovio WIL on THK 17TH MAECH.

Two: l^genda o|f |St Patrick are! also given in

oneof whlc-h be prepbeoies the berth of 8t Columba.while the second) ii told of the saint's mating with themiiKiciaJa by th« well, which gave rLia ta lbs expression" The onrse of St P, ntriok on the man of the well be oayour head over more." Tho meeting? of tho taint with(he matfioUu'* mpther OB,' Croogb-Patriok followed, andwhen the saint slew tbs witch and her blooJ havingfallen into the water. It waa changed 'to t»i , thalake I was called Ijongu | Deary, or the "|B«d Lake.''Lady Wilde's book is attractive la other respcots, andthose who would |! be acquainted : tho manners andouatomp of the fbrqfathsis of our raoe, and tho originof tba maoy enrioas ssafes which still prevail amonn

intotMtlna Uit^book (London, Ward and Pownej/. I -

WeEEHKKB1 j BHiETa !—80 well known—l i dand Is: lid—No such -value to be had elsewhere. —Bobertsoo, Ledliej Fergneon & Co, Ltd.^ Waterford: .

¦ I

" | , : '- . j;-! UH>. I ¦ '¦ l '

: Iiyaohi Iiuxupyj and ' Landlordism-1{ Bemovable Lynch, pf Dungarvnn, created quitea sensatlonln Kiluiacthbnias, 06 Tuesday, when hestalked into the courts with his wonted peacockstrut, 'and «sked in co'mbandiag tones why a- firebad nit been lijrbted in the chamber of law. MrLongaD, C P.S, said that was qnita: an unknownluxuryj In Ellmacthbmfis, and- Lynch remarked Itwai dincrracp th»t th« Government shoald Dav for anre wqeaone waj uever: "KD'«J- ueinmi uira iyrtbe coprt-kbeper.1; William Moore, the oontt bailiff,aud champion so'mmotjs server of the iputh, turnedup In response to tbe call, and admitted- hfa lden-

" noipiog, ' repuea tpu ~- oum. - >»n»i 1 ri&pculated Lynch, f Well," said Moow, i" I'm perl. •yearlyj salary, be. iLord Watherford.",f " Are ypupaid to light aJJre V! asked the Bemor^ble. " No,"replle^ Moore. r- Mr Ldngan said : in Stiadbally thelandlord pnt a1 fire In tbe court once a month , aedIn Dongarvan, en bis application to the GrandJury, j tho conrtikeepir was paid for lighting tbefire, i" Ten pounds is nn awfal price to pay' fortbil old (bsntyjof a ror>," remarked F^H. " Aw—wny-taw—ypu could get a f*rm of twenty acres ;oflaud for tbat.'f:. 'Mcvre. asld if bis bonor liked he.wooldj write« agent about the flre. Lynchsaid ha didn't 'a re about; binj nor the agent. ; MrLnngaasaid the' natter could be brought under theconild.-'ratlpn of the Grand Jury, to which,j who) soemi to have a dne and |nit appreofa-tion of ibelpractical prouUveUesi of County.GrandJqries replied, «onsldecatloa b« Mowed, ft there'snotblBK done," ,and Ion; ROlog on to! the Benoh

and, jevidently la bun dudgeon, nnng nts capratber forcibly onto the desk befor* fiim, while hehe exfclalmed f li't a monitrous renti" Mr Longantatd Ha'd writitd the 0 nod Jury aborjt the matter,and Lyoob told bfm t say in tbe Utter ,fa« wai veryabfryV Qoodjolf Hard Latorl;.: - ;[i' . :' !;: .,

-ilradJM. apefk rtn hig hly of oar Eariy SpringDress, Mat«labv~R< betUorj, Lcdllri Fergnson 4< im^w«;t fi»rd. • • ¦ - ¦ -;' ' j ^:x :.!;"\- T¦ ¦ j TB > GBKitfin B iottor 6H B»JSTS. 1)UOO-Tsnd by'.*JtT9bowii.l>i i# 'talKBlyi' tDdlan CW«f . andttWiriat'ttan'tft1 h» 't bp«r Ml»sis»)pp.i;y»lley. One'' :i A

', iT>i »«in i Ma pf.',Jtww 'Jr<«i«v.'«»j¦ 1 = 1 ' li\ v ' • JB fu K'Sffo lf ' fnirantasd tp^nr* tail" ¦'

\',Uj ' (') \ '¦*** J»rity -f if J ^Ii!bf"fa»n'jg1 ***


' . : ¦ i ' i l l

; .PatrSokrstree lteso^' : ni^^ejond.wlosd ,de-irionolaUona ..of. Kats, JJoffriUil ira, (^artnaaday \yniSp-and thi shop wiedowiofthe neiahboBrboodboreatatt-'ltni;tsaUmony!ta!tb«l«ilsnesa'k>f>)leiialmu.iEstBe>bVd<disasMed. y ltti tV p'WW^^c-frArtr/ods in Uishjr's:

mnntA pijhss,bwrt-oioirtlatioauWiwnbo agents, andlaadlorrla renenUyv ttMrBlattorr^^na Mr.JohnjBj»4estimat«3 th« dBtr«k)fb«r riotous Aoadaot at fourteen

. 6*j i K tn- apr;' aW'brwr 'life'niirett. <: The' Bsxt d«-iWqnen'.'jj Uiaa pfrltht »bo W y*ea-b»ving o«maU Po"qnj(hrc>pS faif «p herpwn ao^pnDtal' ,day onFriday.i lOonstiiblef Mahony met her earls: in .the morn-mngJ J aDd.uvattitbei she bow a woond or two. '- HeholpW to blnrltHeni p and^ent h^r

homev During the.dayi'hoire fSr.'Magila tqrnad op 'again,'and with a-ro-rnsired.Tittdb'e bi«ln>t ' of a daoootloa- of vitrlOUO BDtrit,.Wd«fe»3mxter in .BarrackrstMet.'i.Kta pbUoamen .

I turnededp.: This Vaa.all the brave-iwoman.wanted.8h«*ro)it for tha fifa of them, and In a f ew momuotsth* iti' wias frill of flylrig atoms of pblloomea ahapor.tktt« of Magjle's frame.", Ur Byan inflicted |»'in.qn'tljV and Magal said'tt waa.wprthUVshe'd take:two.months' worth whoa, she bad " pat it up." j Daring the.hsiringof tb»»boTe: ohargm, Apty Qalnn had ut in

"¦h r 'bla*«Id theaobk " like -patlenoo onamonument-Conitabla Paroellsaid that AoW .;had :been"ri«Ulng ia.tTssber's aroh qd ffriday riighVipnthiviaghadadiaa--oreement with ('.'imtne :,hoitess." the; twp adjourned-to th^lane to flghtj itout. : Btows begat words—womennghtttaadiffettriliphta from men—and shrlekiag, thetwo came out into : Patrick-street, wher* tboymadonight1 hideous »{th'lhrirbowls.; Sergeant Connolly saidthat iM a- i - mm tvL. Jtnaf w.nlnfh' MrtHtfkMiWM lh tilabAAtlpLshe hud beaa thtre/or all maaqor'of oflsnoesj' and was?n inoorrigible chkracteri »p«noiag;.t*n rnoauis oat ofwelre in gaoU: I Mr Slattery expreased bis /ear that the

dofendant would come to o bad enii,' whioh nobojy,even ' Anty herself^ seemed to doubt, and *cr(reantConnolly remarked; that' her . sister .had! aled.: fromdrink. . Anty oonsidorud t iia quite njioalted }or,' andsaid tbat snddeo deaths were visitation^ of Pfovidodcowith which they had nothing to say. . Mt SlaWry

: asked her to turn kiver a new leaf, and to givo her pn•pportnnity of Jolog so jseoUiJced her to fourteen days'imprisonment J J the fourth ; deteBdant ,.waW JohannaConnors, who, baa had a diithigroi'shed oareer, ' and horoonviotions dqrlnf a period of twelw IWTS averaged atnloe; per annum. ; She had also imprecated.her neigh-boars too l6ndly kpd too well , 90«hp got a fortaigtit.

; : QA ?XIC W SX B . ':.. :, 1; • • ;! | - ¦ {

' •—c-——f —: ¦ • ¦ ;. ¦ ¦¦

, During, tie post few weeks In' .Tarloua publicprints,' symBstbeitio with tbo Q.A.A., attention: has;been devoted to tbe question of a possible reduction"of- the numbtr! of players on tha("fleldv -, In. theKugby eamg fifteen is tbe number^ at, Associationfootball , wbith somewhat closely rvsembUs Gaelio,elevep playfl'r compose a team. There can be noqueiitipn about it, that a much greater exhibitionof skill can :be shown by a email team than'by alarjje one. Jfortj*-two players at one time oh tbe fieldare entlrxlj 'too jmany. . Even ' nitb the most.'dis''clplined tbey 'are always in one another's way,'andthfr.opp6.rtob{ties'' for a man ¦ ambitions' to dis-tinguish hiriJeeU aif so few that the interest is notso sustainedjeven amongst tho players BB could'beidesired. : I dm of opinion if the county committeecan see "tb'elr, jray to decide on fifteen aa tbe fullteam, they [will do1 much to end rough displayswhich- are very Often Indulged ia by those whohave not to sufficientl y exert themselves in tbe gameproper. Beude'ij it would be much' easier for smallclubg to get 'together A representative team; . !

A writer . In : a Dublin Contemporary asks aretho world-famed Kllmacow footballers, and theJlooncoin htirlers deadand buried. ¦' ¦ They are aliveahd kicking, ' but tbe heart wof fairly knockedout of thear by the treatment qhich they got acouple of years;ago by the Central Council. Per-haps under happier auspices they may again be in-duced to take] the field.

The match between tbe Fermoy and Bally duffteams was played on last Sunday) at Fermoy. Alarge numVer iof i spectators witnessed the play.Father Crero|ns, C C; president, Waterford CountyCommittee, ' oilh a very largo numbor of friends.accompanied!tbo Bal lyduff team.- .The weutberwas favourable!—not being windy or vet, acd athoroughly trcellent day's sport was uofortunatelymarred by fiome unruly conduct on, the part of un-official on-lp9ker8, wbo interfered so that FatherCremins was ! obl iged to call off bis men after theyhad gained two points at against nil on the part ofFermoy. Some rough play was. carried on, buttho finished Ibtyle of kicking of John Clancy andCaptain Lyons and others of the BalljdufI teamwas marked, >fben the call tojwtira was gifea^ had taSUJ 52i minutes. ;

ENOEHOTJS PDECHASE8 OP HATa AHD CAPS I—Gents' Hard (Felt Hats at 71d. ' Good Qualfry. IsBd and Is 111 jExtra Quality, 23 lid and 3s lid:Mens' Canadians, Is 6d und 2t. Boy B* Cavours, 10}d.Gents' Caps^ 7ii, and Boy's Cape, SJd each.—Eoberteon, i Ladlle, Fergusoa & Co., Ltd.,Waterford. 1 ' i


Our readers.will remember the thrilling chapter" Becalladjto life" which begina Dickens' <f Talaof Two Cities." Coseo occur io- *', different fieldwhich in interest and surprise almost, equal tbat oftbe Bistlle prisoner, what tbe E'euret of life isand how it ; can bo reached and affected by anyagent within jtbe present knowledge of man is tbemost exciting j problem to be solved by the bumanintellect. Leaving out of the account tbe instancesbelobgiog to what io called the age of miracles, wemay take jit for granted that there 1B no well-aut-henticated! ca e of a person actually dead beingrestored td life. But tnere am cases stopping justeshort of this point , which tnay inspire uur wonderonly In a less I degree. We olto tbe follo/rinJ fajlas our illustration :— ¦ <

Several : yeuts ago, a woman—Mrs WilliamCiocker, of , South Furmiogtob, Nova Scotia—began to fail ; in bealtb. Her symptoms puzzledher friends I aid herself. SSe bad a good deal ofheadache, a bad Caste in tbe mouth, and cold banddand, feet, j Her skin took on 'a' kind of yellow oreoppery appearance, aud sbe grew dull, sleepy, andindifferent to'tbings tbst bad always before inter-ested her/ When walking she would occasionallybe otservsjd 'tcistagger and catch hold of tba near-est supported : keep from falling Sbe was ofreneicki and ,vomited without apparent cause j thebowels were 'costiva nod irrt-gutar. There wasmacu heartburn and palpitation, and frequentrisiag of e{ hot aod offensive gas into tbe throat andmouth. In the autumn of 1884 sbe broke downcompletely. ; She complained . of a sharp, cuttingpaia aiound 'the heart; and drew her breath wltadifficulty, J Tnera was also a pain 00 the right sile,and great diltreeo and weakness low down in tbesmall ot the back. . i

The lady was placed under tbe care ot tbo beatlocal pbyslcUc, wbo examined her carefully, andsaid her case [was likely to prove a bard one to dealwith, and |gave ber but SUJHU encouragement." All we jean do," he remarked, " to to try whatrflmediei «e nave, and hope foe the best." But bisutmost efforts for three months produced no fav-ourable results. Her appetite was altogether gone^and how: ishei lived, was a wonder. Sae bad nowbecome GO ; nervous and excitable tbat sbe wasafraid of thej least 00I10, as a cnild is after tbufiring of 'a tJQn- i Even tbe Bound of common con-versation ' nearly sent her crasy. 8be bad been

gene, ana jsce looxea 11 «e ioe;niere gnost oi tneDobly-devuloped woman onoe the envy of so many,8eelng that :no; benefit came of tbe treatment shevras receiving, another physician was employed whopnt .all bis skill into tbe'ease for four months 1and in aU \if tat iimt $h» •»«' tltpt once, ttctptundtr 'lthi injiuencs ofof i«m. [ Her coudition Wassuch that! fbe fervently desired'to die, and berrelatives agreed it was the only rollef she bad thesUgbteit, reason to-hopa for. ' Ones In a ' while,however, jthei'progress of her disease abated for abrief space, ;aod doting "these periods the failingwoman was' able to read for : a few minutes at atime. Itjwas oaone of these ocoisiont that shetook up a ; newspaper, and while gUnoing wearilyjit its colntass per eye fell opon an article descri-b|DK a isedtsine called Mother Seigel'e: CurativeSyrup. Without any especial confidence in theStatements! tberln m«de, she : neverthelessjeent toSt Jobn'sjatd .bought » botlle, prejreving what»bo had done a Secret from the physioUn. . ;Ontaking a! dose or two of Ube preparation she wasastonlsbedi «bd delighted,: to rind', it had an lin-piediate effect. Ip > («» dayssuVcoJldsleep with-out tbe opium, and 'felt fur tbe first time formonths a I natural cravinjr for food. What sbe ate

distress, | j j .. . ; - - : ' . '


. ! ; . ' ¦ . '

. : . . . : .: Filled -with new hope and confidence iho nor

a>owed wbat' shs bad dune, dlsohargM the pbysi-ci«D, sent to! Halifax for six bottles wore, abd asedit steadily through the entlnj , winter of 188*-5.8h'e imprc ve^l rapidly and In'» few weeks, to quoteher own) itordi V t f it i ai though I had feme backto b/*, iJtrt ' barinf • lain Jtr '¦. months in . p» op*»jrotn." ' IB/, tbe time ipnog opened sfie wwavleto do sll|bir wpri. Sr e Is dow slxtj-three yearsoldj enjpyi life, and bat every prospect of attainingan-ad^arxedjsge. ; In a recent letter Mrs Crockertells bcrjl ibiir with an «ntiintiasm almost too. waraifori cold iVpv, and anyt she' owes ber restoration

power . 6l|tU8 meaiune sae luw aeBcribed in tbenewspaper, j

1 . ¦: i; : - .' '¦ . -! ¦• ¦ '. •. : ¦ • ¦ .' ; ' '. ."

¦ - i

- Bpecia^ 1 value IB uoiton uoecx onirts at. lOd, UIs 8fd, add Is 6d|: Kxtnioidioary Value at Is lidi, '8d» aiia »f, 8d.rrBo6t sop;; L«dUe. Ferguton iOo. L»d- VWaUrfprd^ :. - ;¦¦.: • ¦ , : ( , ¦. •: .' ¦ '. :¦ :, .. . •- ,;.¦ ¦

> EPPs'te CXlOoAi—«Ri.TWrJt AMD. OoKfpft-TMO.—"|By»thoiopih. rWwledg'e of tbu natural lawswhloh foy.ri tb« ojwrMWrtfof djztailon and ontrltlonaid by aJ rWdlmlieaUooof (.bsf fln* prop«ttlt« «fwall-^atoStjedipoeoiMr Bpps bat prodded on# break:fast JaWf*#lth:ar|iHoaU»;fU*dored:b«v»raM itUebwt,j i :'ii«^ 0 iNi # ;» v£f16otf*st ,Wnf.-, 'it:U6>tb«JadfctrtW*. ^J



qyirtM^ii^^TpHB Board: of• Guardians of ' tbe:aboV«-nai»ed:"JL ';' jUnion :wllU ion SiTPBDAir, 22ud iBsUnt,',Bioeiye Terideri firpm peripns i»illiog ,tb "PP'r,the;dudermdntloned ' 'I ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' . 1 ¦ ¦ - ¦... |' . . -: . '.; i i ; ' ,f- 0OOfiS OB AR1ICLE8; , : K : ¦ '¦ .]For !$it itorAtba,' from a»d »fter the Sqtlf Mkroh,jm 'i -r ":::':. ¦:[ '. r \r , : ; ,

¦¦/ ,¦ ¦ '; , . ; . ,

: ' : ; , :, '. 1 TV ' .PBoyisiOHS. i&o.. .. '. . , - . . . , 1 '': ' . . Flonr—Sn perflne,iier^801bs. , : r ; . , . ..-V . . : Wbeatjtoeal.jdo. ¦. '. '' ,> 2801bs. / . , . . •; Indian, Me&I, per ton, best quality. . . . .; ; ' •' J Oatmeal. : do'.' do. ... ¦ ' , '„ ¦

I Oatmeal , : ; do. ao. ... . ; , ', , ;; , ' . Bloe.per lbi r . ; : .:. . ' ¦ ' - - ' y 1 w' .L '[

¦ '¦' Prime Beef,'per lb.. free pt bane j.for PntoeI ' ' " I Pieces/viz ! 8boulder»,. and Rounds|. ¦' ¦ '. / without iar j Awo. .for Coarse Pieces,!' :' : : :. vlz :—NeokeJ Legs, Houghs and Ox-heads.| . Prime Mutton, per? lb. , I . , , . , : ,. , !I- '- '! .'Butter, beat Itlflbj per lb. : . . . . . . . .i . ; .Coffee^per lb. . ¦' .. . ¦ : ¦ - . , • ¦

\j t '. ( Arrowroot, per lb. . . . : ; '! ", Fine Sugar, per cwt. . '. . ... .! Wblskey. best Ir(sb, per gallon (Dletiller to; , ' bo mentioned In tender). ¦! ' . . . 'Hennetsy't .Single Star Brandy, per do*. ,• ' I . • Wine;—Port—per^pz.V . , 1 .¦- .,, ,;;;.-, ; , -. | \,'

. ' '.^ .... —Sherry— ,, '

. . . ] , ¦ . -, :r 1 " f

'¦ ¦ ! "'

. .. ¦ '"' .'„

", —Claret— ,i . . 1 ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ : . - -. • ' . : ¦ ¦ '

••• Gin.'De KuvDeH.1 per.doz. . • ¦ . . 'tioaa Water, per aoz. . . ¦ - ¦ . .Guinoeis' guaranteed X X Porter, peLemonade, o'er ddz. '. .

, ! V ,Whole Blabk Pepper, per lb. , ; -' . Fresh Ejfjf's, per doz. . : . i:r. '

'' .j )¦ Moiilr) Candles,per . lb. . . ' ;. ; . I ,; : 1

: . '. Dlpt .CandlfB, per lb. . . ' n •Waahing Soda, per owe. . , ; . •

¦ . Brown Soap, best cronn, per cnt

.:; .

I White Soap, per "cirt. . rBall Blue , per lb. • , ';, . . .Starbb, per ont., ' , , *;. < . .Tobacco, per lb. . . ¦ ¦ .

'¦ ":, Linseed Jieal, per Btone.To ba delivered in good order and condition a

be Workhouse, free of carriage, ip Buch qnantitie

"jrecc. All goxia musf- . oe tuijxareajWiiiu uub »ujr4td from tbe iumates. . . . :- . "' . ¦: '• ' •j Sealed TenderB, proberly .endoned, ln:wh ich aretoie inserted tbe nauieY andj ad4r4"e8 °' **" Boi 'jvent persons willing to join in a bond for the duejful fltment. 'of a r Contr»flt .' lodged in the[Tender' box at the Entrance Hall 'of tho Work-[bouse, before 12.o'Clock, noon, on.the above-namedday. Samples :to accompany each Tender wbsrepraciicable. Forms of ' Tender can be obtainedjatthe . Board Boom. Tho Guardians do not bindtbeiiiBelves to accept tho lowest or any Tender. AHTenders to be. ia Btrlct confurmity with ' thia Ad-Tertieemeot. : ! ' . 1 , . i

Cg? Bonds mustba signed by the Contractorsand their 8uretlea w»fhin Fourteen dayi front date

.cy uraer.i 11 P. A. POPE, Ole

err Boss. 3rd March. 1890.


. Sappliso \7antod.Fiu i i ! Gaordiaui of tbe above Union will , at theirJL Mcotir iR ta, ba held oa TUESDAY, 1st day of

APBIL, 1890, receivo Proposals for supplying thoWorkbunae with ths following Artiolts, to be delivered ,(Carriago Free) 1—

¦ ¦ ,:: I FOB SIX MONTHS. ' |

Best Beef, in Hind and Foro Quartors as may boordered, Neoks, LspS, Hoaghs; Legs, and Suet to baeioludod, ijiegs off. For« Quarter at ShjaHer. and offHind Quarter above Hongh joint ; Best Mutton , inHind Quarters, without Snot at por lb. ; Bent BoefHeads and Honghs; heads not leas than 20 lbs each,and Houghs not loss! than IS lbs. at each ; Eggs(fresh) at por doaon ; Batter, do., at per lb.

! FOB TWBLVK MOITrHS.New . Milk, at per Imperial Gallon ; (Tenders for

either part or the ontir* supply) ; Salt (in Squares orLump, per cwt ; Bice (Best Wbitc), per oot ; Cocoashell; per owt ;iWbol<| Peppor, por lb ; Arrow Boot,per lb ; Port Wine , per doz ; Sherry Wine, por doi ;KeUy's Altar Wine, per doz ; One Barrel Whiakey-not less than A years old , to fan delivered ftorn-Qhoon'iBonded Store, per gallon ; Braady-{Hennessy '«») poidozon ; 8oda Wato.rK pur 'dozen ; Gin (Belt Holland]per dozon jiJassf Ale and Gainaoss's XX Porter, at perrjozen ~oT quarter Ca>kj ; Tea, unbroken, at por lb. tbho supplied in Chests or hall ChoaU ; Soft ¦ Sucar, po'tlb j Dipt Csndlaa, par lb ; Pure Wax and ParaffifaCandles per lb. One Contraotor—Snap (Tallow Qrown),per cwt ; Staroh, per stone ; Washing Soda, per cwt;Ball Bins , per lb ; Blaok. Lead, por lb. Ono Contrao-tor—Blaokiog, per box ; Bath Brio'k , per doz. SbdcBrushes, por set (3) ; j Wiro Brashes (Boca Brooms),per dozou t Stair Brushes, per down ; SweepingBrashes and Handles,! pur dozea ; Sorubbing brushes,por dozen ; Lime Brashes, par dozen ; Paint Brashesia aizes ; Black Lead Brashes, per dozen ; Mop Headsat each ; Tin pints, pet dozen ; Tin Qaarts, por dozonTin Plattors, por doioa ; Iron Spoom, por gross |Combs, large and email, ,per dozon j Colors In variety(Dry), per lb ; OiU—Uaw, Boiled, Colza, Sweat, ant

oladed), at per ' barrel ; Varnith (Copal), per' gallon jLime, per barrel ; Whiting, per atone ; Window Gloat(16 OOEOCS) per >ouar« foot i Tobacco and. SnoS, pellb; London Portland I Ctmenl, por task ( GalranisedIron Diabes, caob ; Galf anisod Iron Bnokala, caolj ;Coooa Fibre and Hemp Door 1I»U, each, ; D<>lphChambers—plain, peri dozen ; Fire Irons and Iron Fen-

doien 1 Shoes for Mon', Women , and Children in sizes ;Twilled Shettinj;, 2; jdi wide, at per yard: ;Blankets, x . 2yda 1}; not less than 7Jb» , por pair ;White and brown Cotton Qoilta, at. raah ; Urn's Hatsand Boy*' Cape, attach ; flain Twilled Ticken, 2vdi ,wide, at per yard ; I Shirting- Oalio'o, ] yard wide ,at por yard)j Lining Culioo, do, ' at per yard ;Lining Shoetuig, 2 yds wijo, at per yard ; BleachedCalloue, 1 itbti wide , at par yard ; Shroadlag BUyBrown, at per yard ; Grey Flannel , 1 yard wide,at por yard 1 Winsey, do, at por yard 1 Co'tonCheck, wide breadth , at per yard ) Llneii per dozon ; D»rfc Tweed Uriib), at per yard ; DirlcFrieze , do, at per yard 1 Dark Cordoroy, i yard wide ,at per yard ; i'laonel i Whito and Blue, at per yanl iWoolleu Shawls 1 yarjd square, ateioh ; Dark WoollenTarn, at per lb 1 Colored Cotton Handkerohiefi , at

rtadtb, perjiicca ) Uooka! and Kyen (ttroog); Bone Stndj and Shirt EJattons (atroog) do jPiasi in sizes, do 1 Setviog Nxedles, do;

2otu>a Spools, per dozsa ;: OoDlns', la sizts, ateqaired, Ittasd 2<jd sizes, 11 inohes aeop,

(Torsoouse, inurmar/ ana ui»[wn»a»ie«. ienoori arealso invited for intoning the ^dtcitisemrnu

of theUnion for twelve montha ; onl y opo Contraotor will beappointed. Str'eopinu Workhouso and Fever HospitalCnimnoys for twelve: mouths 1 Keeping ia repair forTwelve iloutho Worlbonse and Fever HospiUt Looksnod Clocks. : ' : ; ;

Sealed Tenders, accompanied by Samples, trill boreceived by ma up to Twelve o'Uooli, on tho above-mentioned day. Contractors most nimo two SolvontSarotiea wilUog to join ia a buud for thi doe porlor-maoce of Comrnct . Bonds must be perreotod withinton days, if not Caatract . will bo canoelltd. TboGaardUas will not b'» aocoanUble for Sample*.

I Uy Order.: WILUAM HUNT, Clerk of Union.

Clerk's Ofuoa, March, 1890. ml5.2t

BICK BJULWAYllorqn , rmro, 1890. ;

THE Ordinary G^ooda Truins or Special Trainawill carryilivo stock from the undermentioned

.' ¦¦

¦ ¦ ¦• ; ' ¦ - Falra - . ¦ : :

WatQiford , for Abbeyleix Pig Market, Monday.17th March. 1

¦ : . ¦ ,Tralee Pig Uaricet, Monday, 17 IDirdhill, for Borriaokaoo Pig Markot, Mondav, 17 iAbb»yr«ale, Cor PiStleiskad Fair, Monday, 17 !¦ Gort Pig Matket, Monday, 17Limerick Junction^ for Kilmallock Fair, MondayJl7

F*tt»rd Pi« Market, Monday, 17 ' . . ¦ "'/ Fetbard Cattle Fair, Monday, 17. : ! 'Iimerlok Pig1 Market, Tuesday, 18 .. . i fLimeriok Jnnotion, for Monntmelllok Pig Market,

. , :Toesday, .18 ¦' - ; •' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦> ¦ ¦ ¦

. |- . . .

Athenry, for ;Woodford Fair, Tuesday, 18 j JAthonry, for Athlone Piff Market, Taetdayi 18 iLimoriok Jnuotion. for Tallamrotf Pig Market, TBCJ-

, -day, 18 . 1 . : ( ' . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ j

; Pallas, for Cappawhlte Fair. Wednesday. 10 . 'limerick Jduoiion, for Borris-la'Oiaorr Fair, Thnrs-Athenry;.foriGalway F*lr, FridAy, al i ¦ ¦!Athanry, foriWeipbtt F<lr, Friday, SI ¦'; • < ¦ '.Tralee.for Cabiroiveea Falf,8atardayj 22 : :¦ BlrdbiU, for ! Birr fig Market , Saturday, 22 'Fethard Fair—Oni Tuesday, ISch March, • 8pK

Train, with bnysu, will leate Wateford at 4*0 a.m IF«thard. ; ¦ • ¦. .


' . . .' ; ¦' ' ¦ - ¦ ¦

The above It taken 'rotn tbe pnblisaecl list of fabnt the Compajiy do sot goarantee lu) oorrootnesi. :

!•• ¦ • ¦ ! ' " . ! JOHN KOBEBT8; Trafflo Manager' Traffic Macagtr> Office, Limerick, February, 16


THE'Dlreoton fcf tbe abor* Coiupony are pre-.¦ ¦ •• " M 'l -> ' .. ; : ¦ ¦

,;.;: . I : ! ]! pared to!recelv»!TENDEB3 for tbe Purcbue

, . 1,600 Tons IBON BAlL;8r . ; ; ,.' Particulars and Forms of Tender can be bad irom

tbo undersigned, who will receive Tenders, piopt-rlyeodorfed as i «ucb| up to noon ori MONDAY,21th MABCH, 1890.' r ! I ! ,

The Directors do not bind tberoselres to acceptthe WghMt or aryi Tender.-By Order, I : ' i i :;

i i 1 JOHN J, MURPHY; 8e«r«Ury,f ,Head OfBdw, W^trrford TiVinldus, ' ;' , [¦; : i ..¦ ? . letu fretirw...isflo: - •

¦. ':- , . . ]

: \\:

finUE rwoMaes, i o'COlrNSLt-'aTBE^T,; UtJL : aeaupied by ¦ Mr.i 'Pwa* MAOEBT, eWtojfr'ber or •eparafely. ( Suitable fot any boiin' ipply to- '!.., '!-" ' -•" . " ''¦ '[ '-. '.. ', '. ." '"• . '¦ I - '"

ii !-". ' 'r'l¦ pT^ *H.H. BEaOJEB, CatberlM Street j £-» ¦,;; ; K jTHOMAft ;WAX|8H> 8Qyr Th» Mal]


BiVmiiBD, skow JM>«

'jfiliXl IBAff 'QW?* wbtVtMU&ll' iflaJM Ui V^MM

tiuStSttaSSln Mutul. fe'?j^ wSSi7i?Hyi!**liMsSiS

-ill- ¦ JL ¦

' ; - '-X : i i «*:: i a.'! -u L- i-ir&iiv-'' ' I ' ¦ ¦ '' i ;; ' ¦ ' • '" ; ' L:i ' > > ' 'j ' :'%' %^

l lffi SERa *. vldaa^Rvfl'^15'r^ " • '' :- - v: :' '-^P ^ ^'j4lii?

' .WET* WsVlirJiiiitlo: Treatment. ; ¦

j" . .'' : i6 t 'vB*m *i '&B ':»)( i!i *r, WJ.1 ¦ : ' :v i

iA .pAXN.Ain)' W^'A3 66:'if';,rajt?.iACK, ¦; -

Eheumailsm ! i.IT8r»ousExJuins«9n, UretCpoiplaiat

ga»": M gfii^^ma^b'1Gout , Pulmonary Affeo- 1 [FemalaDUorders.Kidn«yDisease, -Hons.Oongh.. ,, <JenaaUand Lo.»IEr-Ueriv. '¦ ¦. Golds, ta., . ; | I DeWWar, .PanaSsls i Neoralgia, ' ¦¦ . ': "'functional Dil^

ConsOpatiorii . .Biliousness, : ¦ .! . i . "- ¦ i ¦ !J 1;, ',bntTETTSN^e WOBLD FAMEDTATEOT CTJBAii : VV THE MAONETIO APPLUNOES, 'madaTSall parts ol the body; . . ! . i . ! i! , i T^dUBANDa CUBED BTf THEM,; .. .

Jpieiatttiuf-Trossos, :CorseJjs, Combs, Braslies, &o

62T Spoeisi«'i)488 Pamphiet !Iliastrated,;eontaln

[enfral Information; gratis o« post frt»» ^AJl tuflWihopia get Hand read It. r ¦ -' ,' r^; ,; ' .'. !

: - : \UiAo) FJ lW !GP 'OUR ' .VEflMafbOTiifli"' ' • "

(fSENEBAL DEBILITr. i I - ' ¦¦ ¦ .¦¦¦!¦ ; , ¦ ¦[ ¦¦¦ - - - - ij iBb yebrunT/ '8?0!, ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦ : ¦ . r fc...Iih«T« a«xih 'BlMann ln>formittd >ou: .tlat l »»

aorlfed gT»at boWaP from' root B*lt aedThrwlt ¦ Prot»ctoiwhlbh lluir<two'rB tor tateral montha. &r beiftaUio «Tary»»/ th»t I can, recpmn]or.aycrar •PPl""**'w*Ui eooflaeoM.. , ' . j . | (Mrs.)E.Hi«r»T.-

KtloagteJ Ovoct, Co. 'Wloxlow.ath Janusvr, 189*. ¦ :

Eorm 70a tbftt tbo Knee CAP wblab I got?l«telr taixJ th« palo pnt of' aj kneo,ed tor minT yoara-i . '¦ '.

¦¦¦ ¦ '• 1 . . j Mlcauu. Qou>z>.

TIFPNESS OP THE JOINTSBathlLn. DaUjcattle, CV. Astrio.

all coin aoS atlOnoss of the Joint* rmtbeen rtmoTed. Ietiwxilf reooiunen* jonr treaunant w any latterer. I mayadd tSit I wasadvlaeito tryyoar tmtment bj a H4r>hotoM mo shb had been $»U« evniot a most urere uuck olhsomatUTAla both hands and feet. , ¦

c Qiat

HARAISSIKG, COUGH , ET|J.¦¦¦¦ a. ClarlDdaPark, W, Klnntown, Co. Dnblln.Deeembei SClb, 1883.

', I have grc>t pleasure In »Utipg that 1 derived tho CT«3tcjtbeoeat from one ol yoor Mtgnetlo AppUancca, At tbiUna 1 got it 1 was suHertng from 0 «e»ere oold and moatharwilng oongh. In two or threedoja alter I oomraeocodto [wear choappUincs my oongh tsiuihed, and I folt sonnch better in eTerr w%i'tbttl thin* it onlr fxli to-othereaBerera U? make knonn what Icohdder' tha wondextolafBcaoy of »onr Magi.oUc AM.llanc»

r i '


CJHEDMATISM IN HIP I AHU JJ^U-. 1Oil £> DentUo Street, Dublin, 1st Horemberi lf SO,Hating JoifoTOl from a severe attack ot rbeamatUm1 tai8 bip nn4 leg for »ome tjitio, ahdi rooeiring verj littleineSt from medical treatment, I docidod to try yocxagoeUo. Appliances, wbiob 1 may ray hare effected •raplotectroT 1 • ¦ •• Junta Toil*, Orocq. tt*.

PAIN SEN BACK. ' : ! ' '¦ " : ' '

I MABOIU(UIII.TO!I, 7th 0cro»2», ISO. .I lave great pleasure In suiting that I have derited th*teat««t bcaeSt from the MO ot yottr Magnetfo Belt, pnr-u«od la Mofember, 1888. J. hate constantly »ora it anda state I am perteetlj oi«d aid trea from Ibo pain u


JL ! | t ¦ - iI . Ballvdogaa, Ballniagazrick, Gilford, Co. Down,I • ; ¦ ¦ MarohJ lB, 188D. :

,Tlo ilngaetlo Appliances . obtained from you Ia Jal/bit hate , completely cornd my |wlfo. 'When my witapat-them :6a she wan iavtttdod acd coofiiiod to bed, butin a veryi short time she was abta to got np and do herordinary hooaehold duties. I cannot speak itrong enoughol the wonderful coratlte ffleet; of jour: ApplUnaj, andI -will couider It a prirUegd to recommend yoor AppBineeiaa a 'euro' for ^hftnnatUm. Wlad in Btomaoh, and GeneralProntraUoo. ! I Epwiac ai'llnma.

TTLCliEAEED SOEE THROAT. "¦QJ i 28 High Street, Lurgin, Co. Armagh,i i . Uth May, It83. ' ' i'Earing lean! ot the eSacy rf ronr Appliances, I w«

Induced id Norember laab to tryaiTiroat Protector for mrlittle daughter, aged ui&e yptrs, Wbloh sho hox wornerersince. Her general bealth rli<l gone down ia coase^aeoca otbeta? troubled wlta her ' tbroat. "bftt alaod wearing joariippiUncoabe ha* been roitoied, aadia .Danas atroa^uiiiu wellu«>er sbo-wte. - -¦ ¦- | (ilra) A. iS. .WaiTS.

' Our i Agent for Waterford rnd District ia, ! Mr. HEKJ1T , IlIXL, Drought,

I ! . TH . VCAT. '

i SUFi'iKKliilB from jue: l» . luupinre; artrecommended to wear Wet:on'g Itagnetio Trnsa,highly recommended for Its j Curitivo and healingproperties. Tbonaanda orelvjearinff oar Tro.c2jtand recommending theo. ' ' ' : _ _

j . . (& PEICESJ J23 ' ¦

; Lottors requesting advico roccito onr best attentioI Corxsoltations Free. Illnstrated Pamphlets gratii

Invcniort, Patentee *, and Manufa cture!



j . ! ' . WHY ' KQT ¦

.; ; ,1 Enooarago \7ator£brd ! Ilanofaotaro ?;hjlHE 1 WATEEFOBt) BOOT MANUPACT0B -JL ING COMPANY (Opposite TB« GBIVIM QBAH C) jgasrnntea that all tbeir Gouds ofTered forSale are made at their Factory, by :; j . " WATEEFOED HANDS. '.' For Cheapness and Durability their Boots cancompare favourably with the Shoddy Stuff importedliom England, and extensively uold in this. City. ,i 1 NOTB -A DDIUD :— .

31 K; EI IT o s:

invaiiea tor 11

rtainty of|Wor

he 1 only YEAS T used jia British Baki Section. Paris Exhibition.

¦ j 85, Brook-street, ITolborn BareI I LONDON.

cel and Instructions for BAKERS fro

v»rt 1 crvrynw «.«•*.»•

Fresh arrivals from France every morning.


£EJ RREADALBAKB mQHLANDWHISKT. soppliftd by 'this Firtn. Is of !tht

it Qoality, being Mellow and Matured. Tbiand la ' Largely . inoreaalnB in ' anrr Market

ford 1 ; JOHB W. POWlB, Wine ' andi 8rJriMerchant, 18, 8U Mary Strfet, . Dapttarvan,1 asiTHOIUS . H. CDBT18, Groosrland Spirit Msrohanl

bSVMOHZA.' : !Local 'A *lherUie *\Df COM I U V.

VTHiMABT, Mob*»-8tMW. I BODKM0KBCOTTv Auctioneer. : PDBLIO BaXScT)BTAUCTION, Dally, at S>B% Bplandid (aollllli, 7otBapld ,pispoaanfli«i W*i ***** . Bvf oil **DU I «Un»lt» oonn«otjpa If ScotUnd, tta,laMa!ak|Innntnt tX ola«a of Oo»tom«rs ¦ rbb »Uta4 was* flaUsdaily stanuiUt hsrcbjr fal] narkat TaJoiTl SaPosfsd immwilaUly aOsr^MiFSale. ;0bos%n«»1i

Btfmnos-BaTal Basic" W ', Beotland, (GajOonMiBranohf) T«l»jrapb4 dV| Vl^Tiy|s/ffls*p»y

ADVIOB TO M.0THM8J +-Ajfe yotjl'bTrobm iayott-re it br » ilok «hi)d swferink wiih ta«rWol•nttlni toethf [Go1 at*J"x •¦ *'¦> lebs<&t aaoTgS abottle >f-Mrs: Wi*ttoWi 1 iov^UMt 'BnvrJ } *will r«: lsv« th* .pott* snff n s» itaiwdlaWj.-if, kp«rf«oty harafl»«rin4 pl*Siaat io l ife^ft p>*dnort i ' naMBtl. irait. itofi tar «U« till QM «bJUfrotn> to.aua'tM UMI»«1« «A#nk •^M.hfibiu mix rtoa." irl»'s«oUi*a; t *«pdf »!«ftMM) fl>ifuras;i tfj^'all'twJa.'iraBl h • w Hd[ Mfdclitf&i

1 ^ 3i

: : ; : : : i : . i:pti .. i» f f l i- v --|i- vr -'M- ¦¦¦

¦¦"¦ :•¦. :

n. - .¦¦/ :¦¦: - ' ¦ : : H : :k&id M^f

J;|a -

A JSPECIALIT ^ FOR IRl^Suits made in our oim f actory.^ 'Prices^teof orate

Boys' OvercpMs, Boot?, Cips; Shirts; tc. i :

IP ¦ ^ T I RlKi !; ito- flrN^lr a : i V l; VDil^ CX , Ovl\OSome nrai*) the wine ot tbo Prtnehm*a"» - r i o i ] . . . t ; Eatlveiitarato iaUklQudantHibsMa'sdztik

Wtb iU color of rabv r*a; ' ;. , • I ' ' SlKmtdtMOkofirofoTelrn**1*. |J v" " ' -Ora driaghtdlrino from tlie'OimMn Ehlne,— | < . 1 J:: And » W»t < Ud aharJ4 b« oalj tOe^kd -

And of both there ia mnoh lo b« said JJ - ' < ' I •] • ; To stick to his Hoj» ;»»4 Jfalf. , . ¦ "

;. . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦pPHEi-EE^^ ::

1 . Prom an 'Aiialyslfl .of our Sprir tiyPi'pf or.SW cwn''¦ Edinburglii ' the^ constitntente^ ' 4r6:| proved/i identical with , the' celebrated water of. Burtoh-on-Tieat. * Thia accpnnts for ;the snecesa oi ur INDIA PALE AliE.

¦' '—¦""———— ' -— ' ' ' . . . -. . . - . , 1 ¦ ;

A, D E M A N D . H A V I N G Al i l S E> F,^B GpO. p . SOpH. ' D'


¦ ! : j ' . : , , THE 3lM MAE0H, A8 THE' j ¦

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I .'

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. CANKOT,iB BEEWED. LATEB.v c: ¦ : 1 Ii.'.S. . • '. : ¦ ¦

1 ; O-Odllcm Caska, for HoiiselceQpers. Xg>J , 'ad.' ,; ; ; ;


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:CJkNTRELiLji ; i -" ' ' " : ¦

i <5OCHRANE'S1 ! . .; 7T- ' i- ,'. \i : .-j - - ' i nj i ut i ij : : , , :- - .. 11. ;. :.-

! ! 'TWENTY-TWO GQLpj iND Yff lR iWiM 'WMM:


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f i l B QSD Onil iHy i' • ¦ ' ' Mada ONlTe'bj ,;: •111 ISO OUUHa I ' " [ CANTRELL 4 COCHRANE ,

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^QADIfV S KIP^ ' : ThtDritkf o r .iU OnliaiABitmr-tiu .¦¦• ¦ ' :? n »y])2*LfJi%'iIl CANTRE LL drkocmnE,lONTSPJRE ^^S^FOBBIGN AND COLONIAL OBDEK^ ARE SPECIALLY fBEPARED TO


'¦ ¦ ' THE VARiptfS CLOIATES. ! . /. [

Purveyors to Her Hajerty'i Hotues^ of Patifamnrt v i^' - . . ' ' '

-?- .JUULt5 l..> l 1M -*r= —¦ MJJ_i

. . " . : , ; . . — ! . ' • "" • iB -A It 'M ' V : -Q2BI270 A83IZS9 1890.

. IT^TOTrCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN.' tbat Tenders : i : : ' .- "—'" j' ' :XN will be i*<jc*pt«! f o t the following Works at ' : , :' ! ' ' ' 'the ensning Assizes, if preienttd foc 'by the Grand WATERFORD MANUFACTURE.Jury :— i I , I ' ¦ ¦

: ¦ ¦ : ' : • • ; ' : / : • : . . : ¦ : ,No. 1—Disorr br fFiLccuiaHx.—To mat* tSyuda of a ; ¦ ', • • ¦ • ; . ¦ ¦¦• • ¦ ¦¦ - - i ' "

Pared Chiuoer ona pnt dowa 2 OraU» on-t»« »oad from ; . . . . i . . . ' " ' • ... ¦ , , , . . . .Waterford to New U«i», between ths Chapel »t Ferry bonk ! ' ' ' : : • ' . - ' I - - * —aDdth» Mllepo»tti««aedootto azoeed £IOs Od. I . ' :¦ • '• - •¦ ¦ . ' <¦¦] ' - :' '3-Si«« Dii»«f-To kee» In repilruntil »«*l 1<lU*», •. T> *¦> X3TtS9 13 'I'l V>g428 perches of th« I'ost K01I from WaUrtord to Carried, •*-* V-f XX JBi JM. JL I JU B^between the Old Railway ' Station and tbe County Boondaat : '¦'¦ : i ' . ¦ I . 'Ofannairh DrH«i ionnUna of N«wr»th| i«iiaed; not to: T>TTDT> nr s i f r i ¦ J irn iti/»» ¦ ' 'D J TJ I TeipeM^SaOd. .. : • ' '' | PUBE MALT, AND\ M itPy JS.&JIBL3.—81m BIIOI.T.—Ta kwp la repair, aati] next Asrite*, : ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ - ;' • ¦- ' • ¦: - ¦ "¦¦ - [ " J - •- . - ¦¦

331 perches ot th« roid from Waterford to Ballinlaw, ; i - 1 ! ¦

, - . • • ¦ ¦ I . 1 ', < ¦

: .between th« BorpBfh Boonds and tha Boandsof tha Connt.T , PBODUOES THE ONLTI : • i ¦ • -,KUkenoy, towakod of Hewjark, passed, not tq exceed *»v«uv« *i*. .v«»«*| . .. 1 . . ,**7» d. ¦ : I : : I ; '

i ¦ *" ¦• '¦

L' ': * *¦' ' ' ' ; "*¦

r^^lX^^r^WtSoW&P ey B^LlABjLEWAF..;maoaw, between tbeiFalry Bash iad Streets ot Balljinaeaw, - ' -' ... :townlaod of Leperstowa asd Oraiira* 1 poiaed, sot to exoaad , .. „ ' , _, ., • L • ¦.'*¦} i< »,U per pereb<->r first rear-£5l.and 7dv«r jwrolipw aanum AlwaM Sweti, WhoUtOvte.AnS N u if i H i mt ,for rem«lnln#tCTm-«£29IS« fi ¦ r ¦ ™ . . ' > .- . -. '-. r. . . : . , ' » i ¦.. , r

»«.^-O>KI BMoxr.-_io s*«p in repair ror oiielyear.n i : : . .- : , ¦ . ; • - • ¦ ¦ , i -perches of tbfl iotl Iron Baflymaeaw to n»ojBoi«jbetw»eo . , w«/—v»» " ' ' " 'the Croaa ol Kroeiantadden and Portal Ir Cov«, townlandof : ' •¦»lC» |Iij-:) -i , :;:

^U &*.? $gXS2rS2£* ' 1, BkroQB-ffraOTt: • • ! ' ¦¦ ¦¦¦

h»-5 rt&

Ui, r fcr e, r i^™ - * **JApOB>- .,-


Tfirs. 252 p4rohe«Qf th* road from Anr^ra toCarrfc? : ' • ¦ :¦ ' : ' ;~i-»' i . - i j . ! ,1.; .¦. :'betweei; the CaatM 0( DnnoUl and TkomMi FitlMnild'* : ' i i ' P^IK.U loin ' ' . ' •conlnoi at the *«peusary( towaland ol BShlU assid ¦ ¦ < ; *«*«''«*«* lBWi ' y ¦°0' 2? ««<K>a is bar perch for the urrt jtn ^eia lSeM "¦ ~ » .' ' '• ' .

¦ "'' ' ' ¦" !'!" •«—^— ~ana «d per pfrch ger aonam fornrnaldiiic tern—HU?&. ' ¦ ¦ ': :', ¦ ¦ ¦¦: ¦ ¦¦ ' ., - ! • ¦ . :• , ,No 4—auni Riaoirr-To InalM 82 (retotafallai aadM ' A ¦ aa ¦ .*at ¦¦ a ' mmim ' m^"feet of a dnln on I the mad from Traiaor. io*A3aato»B, CIIUOPEt* WIIUPb«t-«>, th.. Cr<*irf.B »llrd«« and «U,;S? V«l|llV«CK WefllllCsKoS-Sms BOoin-To bulla aboat la lineal yiidaof a , , •'. ; ¦ '" '¦ 'OfMBalilJril. •'•Vst-i .""; ''• '

£3tS ^«.«a^fei ^-^b^^i^^,N<T«-6iits Si«a«l-To claar onltie«ntaa»o« 'to Lad» ' '," . ' ' * ' ! '• :'" "'M ¦ ¦ '¦" '• '

road frora Ti»i4!« t« l.teetown,betwiw tti atrVSetJ '~'1 ~^±. ¦ faf

y,,' ~ l:g: "¦- ' ¦''¦ '-Newton flooaeWilie entranoe to the QUU BooML aad ! QBOOEBS AHD ! WOTS 'XKBCBZAXTJo rerelr a onlrtrtootbe roadbj tberrrjwta aaTtoctok ' • ¦ , - 'tnea&e»m t p uv H .-hottoioteiilt. ' : T-.lT7. :~ : - ;¦ 1 - .¦' ' ¦¦-

drain oa tb*road,rmm Carrlsk to XiHsaotboiair bKm Ml ' " | • ". ¦MrW*8M*?lXTl r~ , . .-¦

.1ffiteS te^S f i BEWLEY * DRAPPorUawj hetweef Fidaown Brian and iStflsU I CkasBTJ -L , ' • , '• '.' W«B5»%- ~>M : - • - "

Ko at-aura a *on~I D trunk road wmr and tmll4rii.»rf : 1' - ¦ •¦ - i'l>'L" " '¦ iltJ •¦'' ' -W'

Ho^WHSirtBiiosT-TorepairIU P»vbioiBoasBHd««i ¦! '"' ; ' i ^ tSftr»r *:fa*S& : ^

™2 1$&&%S£z m*** C 2S«^ A") kma. of HaraSS mm mm

l iill i 'fe; fa ISUBa»rteb,,uffiL|ke(w««{t«t tf^|*' !K i ls^ ^iS^ReK


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