smart data slides: data science and business analysis - a look at best practices for roles, skills,...

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Data Science and Business Analysis: A Look at Best Practices for Roles, Skills, and ProcessesBob. E. Hayes,

Bob E. Hayes, PhDChief Research Officer



Twitter: @bobehayes

• Author of three books on customer experience management and analytics

• PhD in industrial-organizational psychology• #1 blogger overall on CustomerThink

(• #1 blogger on the topic of customer analytics

(• Top expert in Big Data and Data Science




What is Data Science?

Data science is way of extracting insights from data using the powers of computer science and statistics applied to data from a specific field of study

Involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of data to extract empirically-based insights that augment and enhance human decisions and algorithms


Data Science Study

Invited data professionals via:• AnalyticsWeek Newsletter• Blog post• Social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+)

600+ completed surveys• Self-assessment rating of proficiency of 25 skills across five skill areas:• Business, Technology, Programming, Math & Modeling, Statistics• 9 additional questions• Overall satisfaction with outcome of analytics projects


Data Science Skills AssessedArea Skills*


1. Product design and development2. Project management3. Business development4. Budgeting5. Governance & Compliance (e.g., security)


6. Managing unstructured data (e.g., noSQL)7. Managing structured data (e.g., SQL, JSON, XML)8. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and text mining9. Machine Learning (e.g., decision trees, neural nets, Support Vector Machine, clustering)

10. Big and Distributed Data (e.g., Hadoop, Map/Reduce, Spark)

Math & Modeling

11. Optimization (e.g., linear, integer, convex, global)12. Math (e.g., linear algebra, real analysis, calculus)13. Graphical Models (e.g., social networks)14. Algorithms (e.g., computational complexity, Computer Science theory) and Simulations (e.g., discrete, agent-based, continuous)15. Bayesian Statistics (e.g., Markov Chain Monte Carlo)


16. Systems Administration (e.g., UNIX) and Design17. Database Administration (MySQL, NOSQL)18. Cloud Management19. Back-End Programming (e.g., JAVA/Rails/Objective C)20. Front-End Programming (e.g., JavaScript, HTML, CSS)


21. Data Management (e.g., recoding, de-duplicating, Integrating disparate data sources, Web scraping)22. Data Mining (e.g. R, Python, SPSS, SAS) and Visualization (e.g., graphics, mapping, web-based data visualization) tools23. Statistics and statistical modeling (e.g., general linear model, ANOVA, MANOVA, Spatio-temporal, Geographical Information System (GIS))24. Science/Scientific Method (e.g., experimental design, research design)25. Communication (e.g., sharing results, writing/publishing, presentations, blogging)

* List of skills adapted from Analyzing the Analyzers by Harlan D. Harris, Sean Patrick Murphy and Marck Vaisman


Proficiency Ratings*


ScaleValue Description

Don't know 0 You possess no knowledge

Fundamental Awareness 20 You have a common knowledge or an understanding of basic techniques and concepts.

Novice 40 You have the level of experience gained in a classroom and/or experimental scenarios or as a trainee on-the-job. You are expected to need help when performing this skill.

Intermediate 60You are able to successfully complete tasks in this competency as requested. Help from an expert may be required from time to time, but you can usually perform the skill independently.

Advanced 80You can perform the actions associated with this skill without assistance. You are certainly recognized within your immediate organization as "a person to ask" when difficult questions arise regarding this skill.

Expert 100 You are known as an expert in this area. You can provide guidance, troubleshoot and answer questions related to this area of expertise and the field where the skill is used.

* Rating scale is based on a proficiency rating scale used by NIH. Respondent instructions: You will be asked about your proficiency for a variety of skills. Please use the following scale when indicating your level of proficiency for each skill.




Proficiency varies across skills

Top 10 Data Science Skills1. Communication

2. Managing structured data

3. Data mining and visualization tools

4. Science / Scientific method

5. Math

6. Project management

7. Data management

8. Statistics and statistical modeling

9. Product design and development

10. Business development


Job Roles in Data Science

*Researcher (e.g., researcher, scientist, statistician); Business Management (e.g., leader, business person, entrepreneur); Creative (e.g., jack of all trades, artist, hacker); Developer (e.g., developer, engineer)


Proficiency in 25 skills varies by job role

• Different types of data scientists possess different skills

• Biz Management – strong in business skills

• Developer – strong in technology/programming skills

• Researcher – strong in math/ statistics skills

• Creatives – average in all skills


Structure of Data Science Skills

* Factor analysis is based on proficiency ratings of 621 data professionals. Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha for each of the three Skills areas (based on items that loaded on the respective factors) were: .87 (Business); .92 (Tech / Prog); .92 (Math / Stats)

Factor Analysis of Data Skills• Data reduction technique• Examines the statistical relationships (e.g.,

correlations) among a large set of variables and tries to explain these correlations using a smaller number of variables (factors)

• Elements (or factor loadings) of the factor pattern matrix represent the strength of relationship between the variables and each of the underlying factors

• Tells us two things:1. number of underlying factors that

describe the initial set of variables2. which variables are best represented by

each factor


Structure of Data Science Skills

* Factor analysis is based on proficiency ratings of 621 data professionals. Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha for each of the three Skills areas (based on items that loaded on the respective factors) were: .87 (Business); .92 (Tech / Prog); .92 (Math / Stats)

Plot the factor loadings for the 25 data skills into a 3-dimensional space

Three Distinct Skill Sets• Business• Technology / Programming• Math / Statistics


The Structure of Data Science Skills


Proficiency in general skill areas varies by job role


Business Skills: Proficiency varies by job role

*Researcher (e.g., researcher, scientist, statistician) n = 133; Business Management (e.g., leader, business person, entrepreneur) n = 86; Creative (e.g., jack of all trades, artist, hacker) n = 30; Developer (e.g., developer, engineer) n = 54


Technology and Math/Statistics Skills: Proficiency varies by job role

*Researcher (e.g., researcher, scientist, statistician) n = 133; Business Management (e.g., leader, business person, entrepreneur) n = 86; Creative (e.g., jack of all trades, artist, hacker) n = 30; Developer (e.g., developer, engineer) n = 54


Top Data Science Skills by Job Role


Satisfaction with Work Outcome

*Researcher (e.g., researcher, scientist, statistician); Business Management (e.g., leader, business person, entrepreneur); Creative (e.g., jack of all trades, artist, hacker); Developer (e.g., developer, engineer)


In Search of the Data Scientist Unicorn


Data Science as a Team SportImpact of Business Expert


Data Science as a Team SportImpact of Technology / Programming Expert


Data Science as a Team SportImpact of Math & Modeling / Statistics Expert


Getting Insight from Data: The Scientific Method

1. Formulate Questions

2. Generate hypothesis/


3. Gather / Generate data

4. Analyze data / Test


5. Take action / Communicate


• Start with a problem statement.

• What are your hunches / hypotheses?

• Be sure your hypotheses are testable.

• You can use experimental or observational approach to analyzing data.

• Integrate your data silos to ask bigger questions; connect the dots and get a 360 degree view of your customers.

• Employ Predictive analytics / Inferential statistics to test hypotheses

• Employ machine learning to quickly surface insights

• Implement your findings

• Use Prescriptive analytics to guide course of action


Scientific Method and Data Science Skills


What skills are linked to project success?


Importance of Data Science Skills by Job Role


Education and Data Science Skills


Lack of Gender Diversity


Lack of Gender Diversity – Other Science Roles


Job Roles in Data Science by Gender


Highest Level of Education Attained


Gender Comparison of Proficiency across Skills


Advice for Data Scientists

• Be specific when talking about “data scientists”

• There are different types – defined by what they do and the skills they possess

• Work with other data professionals who have complementary skills. Teamwork is key to successful data science projects.

• Learn to use data mining and visualization tools

• R, Python, SPSS, SAS, graphics, mapping, web-based data visualization

• Be an advocate for women in the field of data science

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