small steps campaign hampshire federation of women's institutes

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Small Steps Campaign

Hampshire Federation of Women's Institutes

Who am I?• Susie Phillips, climate action coordinator• Winchester Action on Climate Change• Tackling climate change by getting people to use

less energy in their lives• More efficient and better insulated homes = less

energy used• People save money!

But first…Heads or Tails• Everybody stands up. • Two energy saving measures will appear on the screen. • To vote for the one that you think saves the most energy,

either put your hands on your head or on your tail. • You probably have to guess!• The solution is revealed• Wrong answers sit down and right answers play the next


Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Reduce your non-

recyclable rubbish by a quarter (by reusing bags, reducing packaging etc.)

Tails• Replace one bath with a

shower per week per person?

Question 1

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Reduce your non-

recyclable rubbish by a quarter (by reusing bags, reducing packaging etc.)


Tails• Replace one bath with a

shower per week per person


Question 1

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Do one load of laundry

at 30oC each week

Tails• Switch to washing up by

hand once a week, instead of using the dishwasher

Question 2

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Do one load of laundry

at 30oC each week


Tails• Switch to washing up by

hand instead of using the dishwasher once a week


Question 2

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Set your heating to

come on one hour later

Tails• Turn your room

thermostat to 18oC

Question 3

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Set your heating to

come on one hour later


Tails• Turn your room

thermostat to 18oC


Question 3

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Reduce your shower

time from 6 minutes to 4 minutes

Tails• Buy an A+++ energy

rated washing machine

Question 4

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Reduce your shower

time from 6 minutes to 4 minutes


Tails• Buy an A+++ energy

rated washing machine


Question 4

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Having a vegetarian day

once a week

Tails• Seal all the draughts in

the house

Question 5

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Having a vegetarian day

once a week


Tails• Seal all the draughts in

the house


Question 5

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Insulating your loft

Tails• Insulating your cavity


Question 6

Which saves the most energy over a year?Heads• Insulating your loft


Tails• Insulating your cavity



Question 6

Climate change – the last taboo?• Is it the most unacceptable topic to bring up at a

dinner party?

The Women’s Institute and Climate Change • Resolutions and actions – past and present

SOS for high street – lowers transport emissionsRecipes for British produce – reducing food milesClosing the door –shops reducing energy usage Eating seasonally – reducing food milesCountry of origin Labelling (COOL) – reducing food milesLobbying government for change in energy policiesSupporting Earth Hour

Can one person make a difference?• Should I recycle this yoghurt pot?• Should I drive to the supermarket to recycle glass?• Should I replace my old boiler?

• Its just me – will it matter?

Small Steps Competition• Starting in April 2014 until December• Everyone in the federation to reduce by 1 tonne of

CO2 (1000kg)

8000 tonnes by Christmas

1600 cars off the road

2800 tonnes of landfill

How does it work?• At your monthly meetings and through the

magazine• Each month – three actions to choose from:• Bronze 20kg CO2 saved over a year• Silver 50kg CO2 saved over a year• Gold 100kg CO2 saved over a year

• At the next meeting the secretary will record who did which challenges (honour system)• WI house will publish a scoreboard to show which

WI is saving the most CO2

A few details and the one rule• You can do more than one action a month• You or your secretary do not need to do any

calculations – just tell us what action(s) each person took.• Alternative actions are available on the Hampshire


• This is a change for life – try it for the month but it is over the year that it will make a difference

Prizes and Bonuses!• The last actions will be published for the December

meeting• Results and prizes at next March meeting 2015• There will be prizes for the top three WIs who lose

the most over the year• Watch out for ways to boost your WI points during

the year

Will it make a difference?• Yes!• WI as community leaders• People make a difference when they work together

Thank you and Good luck• More details in this month’s posting• Come and speak to me or my colleague at the stand

in the foyer at lunch• Come and claim your heads and tails prizes

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