slides david cooperrider pre-conference #2012waic

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Slides by David Cooperrider during the pre-conference of the 2012WAIC.More information:


Appreciative Inquiry &

Foundations in Positive Change Theory

David Cooperrider at WAIC 2012 Weatherhead School of Management Case Western Reserve University David.Cooperrider@Case.Edu

A Special Time in Our Field: Re-thinking Human Organization and Change

Birth of Ai Theory !  Treasure hunt for a world full of meaning !  “Mere measurement effect”? !  Call for generative theory

Positive Revolution in Research !  Three pillars of positive psychology !  Positive PERMA !  Transformational Positivity

�Whole System��Excellence—agility, speed, innovation, confident execution; the question of SCALE. Not top down? Not bottom up?

Foundations in Appreciative Inquiry Concepts, Cases and Stories, Tools for Application

What is Appreciative Inquiry—�AI�?

How does it unlock the power of INNOVATION inspired by strengths? Social construction?

Where might an AI

approach multiply value in work and business—

and in your life?

�It's not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." ---Charles Darwin

Social Contructionism

•  Assumption of impermanence •  No �laws�…social realities not fixed •  Terms not derived from �what is there� •  No such thing as �immaculate perception�… all

knowing is saturated in values, conventions, theories, time and place

•  Modes of explanation: are derived in relationship •  Words create worlds, they are not mirrors •  All social action open to multiple meanings •  Theory is language & the double hermenuetic •  Alterations in linguistic practice are powerful

Peter Drucker…an interview I did with him on �The Next Society�

�The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths…making a system�s weaknesses irrelevant�.

Could it Be… Leading Change Might Be All About Strengths?

•  Why would strength connected to strength…create change?

!  Its often been said that strengths perform, but how about the idea that…. strengths do more than perform, they transform?

!  What would it mean to create an entire change theory around strengths?

Our Ai work with the US Navy Admiral Clark, CNO

Did you notice the young sailor�s energy?

An estimated $300 billion is lost in the US

economy due to disengaged employees?

Opening Inquiry Questions for Reflection

1.  A �highpoint moment� in organizational life?

a.  Share the story: the most memorable parts of the initiative, including challenges and innovations.

b.  Reflect on: �root causes of success�

c.  You…what were you're 3 best qualities, or experienced strengths?

2. When do people feel most passionate? Signature strengths?

A. Your observations and experiences of _______ When do people feel most passionate and connected at ____?

Can you share an example: �a hot team�; great innovation; high engagement and performance?

B. Your Organization�s Signature Strengths (continuity question): assuming ________ will change in the future, what are those best qualities–signature strengths, and managerial assets, etc --that you would want to keep or build upon, even as _______ moves into a new and changing future?

!  An example of those strengths in action?

3. Images of the Future (Your Organization in 2020)

! We wake up…it is 2020…what do you see that is new, different, changed, better?

! I will be most proud of ________ in 2020 when…?

Opening Interview (Ai conversation in pairs)

!  A-->B (15 min) !  B-->A (15 min)

!  Spirit of discovery— strengths, aspirations, opportunities, results

!  Take brief notes !  At the end.. summary & thanks

!  Return @

Positive images—research positive health, cultures!Positive perception—pygmalian research!Positive words—inner dialogue research!Positive emotions—hope, inspiration, joy!Positive stories—narrative, language of life!Positive energy—high quality connections!Positive leadership and learning—strength-based

inquiry and engagement—FEEDFORWARD!!See !Cooperrider�s article: Positive Image, Positive Action!

Many Disciplines

Science of the Human Strengths

Positivity Changes How Your Mind Works Positivity Builds Resources Positivity Has An Undoing Effect Positivity Builds Resilience & Longer Life Positivity Obeys A Tipping Point: 3:1 or Better Positivity Is a Means to Better Ends Positivity Can Be Cultivated

Fredrickson (1998). Review of General Psychology, 2, 300-319. Fredrickson (2001). American Psychologist, 56, 218-226. Fredrickson (2003). American Scientist, 91, 330-335.

Losada�s New Research on High Performing Business Teams

HIGH PERFORMING + 6:1 ratio of positive–

(strength-based and opportunity) focused dialogue to negative (deficiency focus) dialogue.

+2:1 ratio of inquiry (learning

focused questions) versus advocacy (closed positions) type conversation.

LOW PERFOMING 1:3 ratio: one positive

statement in the team for every three deficiency focused statements.

1:20 ratio: one inquiry (open-

learning type questions) for every twenty remarks based on advocacy.

Quick conversation…

!  What areas--placebo, pygmalion, positive health studies, the inner dialogue, �what good are positive emotions�, rise and fall of cultures, positive energy, affirmative capability (bowling studies etc)—are most interesting to you?

!  Other research? An experience from your workplace and your life?

The Strength of Strength-Based Leadership is

Obvious? The Positive Psychology Research Revolution

But Does it Translate to Life? The 20/80 Data Set

Deficit Theory of Change—It�s Pervasive

"  Identify problem "  Conduct root cause

analysis "  Brainstorm

and analyze possibilities "  Action plans/Treatment

Most schools, companies, families and organizations function on an unwritten rule…

" �Let�s fix what�s wrong and let the strengths take care of themselves�

--Gallop Poll

" The 80% Focus on Weaknesses: AACF—Which Would You Spend Most Time On?

Metaphor: Organizations are problems-to-be-solved

Unintended consequences of chronic deficit discourse:!

"  Fragmentation!"  Sisyphus syndrome—

exhaustion—no new vision !

"  �The experts must know�: increases in hierarchy!

"  Spirals in deficit language!

"  Isolation—hard relationships!

"  Closed door meetings/fear!

"  What is your “ROA?”!

How many of those meetings were convened to �solve the problem of…� ?

Think about your last 6 meetings:

Can you guess the �best seller� management book-- of all time?

"  Appreciate)�What�s)Best?�)

"  Imagine)�What�s)Next?�)

"  Design)�How)Might)We?�)

"  Create)�What)Will)We?�))))


"  Iden=fy)problem)�What�s)Wrong?�)

"  Conduct)root)cause)analysis)

"  Brainstorm)solu=ons)

"  Develop)treatment)C)ac=on)plans)to)�solve�))


(problemCanaly=c)�solving�)) (strengthCmagnifying)�crea=ng�))





Moving From Strength to Strength What Would We Call It?

What about the kind of change that is not just about moving from a -2 back to a �0�?

What about the kind of change that moves from a +2 to a + 20?


Hunter Douglas Case

Hunter-Douglas Long Term Outcomes

• Yields surge to 98.5%--$10-12 million revenue • Turnover hovers at ≤15% down from 42% • $25MM in cost savings during AI work • Multiple-year winner of the STAR award • Top �10� Places to Work

Appreciative Inquiry is a Shift

�No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.��������������������������������������������������������������� - --Albert Einstein

�The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but seeing with new eyes.�

--Marcel Proust

Ap-pre�ci-ate, v.,

1. Valuing … –  The act of recognizing the best in people and

the world around us; –  Affirming past and present strengths,

successes, and potentials; –  To perceive those things that give life

(health, vitality, and excellence) to living systems.

2. To increase in value, e.g. the economy has appreciated in value. –  Synonyms: valuing, prizing, esteeming,

and honoring.

In-quire� (kwir), v.,

1. The act of exploration and discovery. 2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new

potentials and possibilities. –  Synonyms: discovery, search, study

and systematic exploration.

What Would You Call It? (All These Things Taken Together)

•  Achievements •  Strategic opportunities •  Technical assets •  Innovations •  Elevated Thoughts •  Best Practices •  Positive Emotions •  Financial Assets •  Tacit Wisdom •  Brand Value

•  Core Competency •  Visions of Opportunity •  Vital traditions •  Positive macro-trends •  Blue Ocean Markets •  Natural Capital •  Strengths of the

Business ecosystem e.g. value chain -- suppliers, partners, customers

The Positive Core

The AI 4-D Model of Positive Change

Discovery �What gives life?�

The best of what is. Appreciating

Dream �What might be?�

Envisioning Results/Impact

Design �What should be –

the ideal?� Co-constructing

Destiny �How to empower,

learn, and improvise?� Sustaining

Affirmative Topic

Form Groups 2+2+2 + 2=8…return _____

Introduce your partners vis-à-vis your interviews—share highlights….

Everyone listen for patterns/insights in three


1.  High Point Stories : And Analysis Root Causes of Success?

2.  Continuity themes : Things Best, To Keep , Signature Strengths

3.  Images of the Future: Key Visions 2020

1. HIGH POINTS Patterns & Themes

_____________ (Be ready to share at least one best story from group—plus themes)




Now create a Time Magazine Headline about the new human organization—what’s the big news cover story?

Exciting Application Arenas Appreciative Inquiry & Strength-based OD

♦ �AI� Summit and Mini-Summits ♦ Strategic Services

♦ Hot Teams and Collaborative DESIGN •  Technology Co-creation

♦ Sustainable Enterprise & Going Green ♦ �AI� Knowledge Alliances �Ovationet�

♦ Appreciative Metrics ♦ Project Management Tools

♦ Executive Coaching and High Engagement Org. ♦ Mergers & Alliances

♦  Internal and External Branding ♦ Strengths Based Leadership Training

Step One at Center of �4-D� Model:

�Topic Choice�

!  Organizations move in the direction of what they study.

!  Questions we ask determine what we find. . .

!  Topic choice is fateful

Most �AI� Type Organizational Studies Have 3-5 Topics

!  Principle of Simultaneity

!  Art of Framing and Re-framing

�seeing the mighty oak in the acorn� --Tojo Thachenkery

Best Way to Build High Engagement and Enthusiasm?

!  Do an organization survey of low morale?

!  Magnify and learn from moments of highest engagement & commitment?

Do we really ??? want to do one more study of…

!  Low morale

!  High turnover

!  Excessive baggage loss

!  Lack of follow-through and execution

!  Customer complaints

!  resistance; what are the things getting in the way

!  Or…a �high commitment sense of ownership�

!  Or….�magnetic work environment�

!  Or… �outstanding arrival experiences�

!  Or…�instinctive execution�

!  Or…�revolutionary customer responsiveness�

!  Or… moments of �unstoppable confidence�

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