slide show magazine anaylis

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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MASTHEAD :Vogue's masthead follows the codes and conventions of a magazine by being at the top front of the magazine. The masthead being the biggset font on the cover, attracts attention to the name of the magazine. What gives vogue its well known famous cover reconizition is the boldness of the word ‘vouge’ and the size. This attracts 13 plus females.

GRAPHICS:A fresh, clean fashion feel is given to the magazine through its graphics. For example the classic font that vogue uses for all their issues. People know that the magazine in front of by seeing the classic font and normally a picture of a beauitful woman on the front cover.

MODE OF ADDRESS :Vogue uses quite formal and professional language thought out their world wide known magazine. This is suited to target 15-30 year old woman mainly, who are most likely to relate to this sort of language. The magazine is presented in a friendly manner.

BARCODE:VOUGE follows the codes and convections of the magazine by positioning a barcode in the right bottom corner to alert people of the price and date of issue.

COVER IMAGE:This mis-en-scene of the cover is effective for the magazine because it fits in with the beauty, fashion feel of everything. In addition to this the clean background suggests ellegane and maturity letting the magazine give off a good image.



MASTHEAD:BAZAAR’s masthead follows the codes and conventions of being a magazine by having the name of the magazine at the top centre of the front page. The masthead of course being the biggest font on the page attracts peoples attention first to the name. What gives bazaar its well known famous cover reconizition is the boldness of the word ‘BAZAAR’ and the size. This attracts 14 plus females

MODE OF ADDRESS:BAZAAR uses formal and intellectual language and also a bit of fashion gossip which slang will be used. This is suited to target the auidence of 14 to 35 year old females all over the world.

BARCODE:Bazaar follows the code and conventions of the magazine by positioning a barcode and thr right left hand side bottom of the magazine.

GRAPHICS:Bazaar magazine gives of a professional feel and knowledge about the fashion world and industry by the graphic work of the magazine issues. For example the classic font ‘ BAZAAR’ is in is easily recognisable by the eyes of people interested and in fashion as bazaar is a popular magazine.

COVER IMAGE:The image of the front of bazaar magazine is well recognised and had a clean fresh feel to it. It reflects fashion by using pictures of beautiful woman on front of all and most of their issues, and it carry's on without the magazine.

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