slide 1 acs foundation software update version 1.80

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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slide 1

ACS Foundation Software Update

ACS Foundation Software Update

Version 1.80

slide 2

ACS Foundation Software Update


New Up-dated GUI

Easier card administration

Selectable colour scheme

Selectable fonts

Loop-scan functionality

Layout memory

Improved TCP/IP support

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ACS Foundation Software Update

Deleting cards

– Select with Windows standard method.

– Press “Delete” or use the right mouse button to bring up the menu.

– The cards are deleted and removed automatically from the controllers.

slide 4

ACS Foundation Software Update

Editing cards

– Select with Windows standard method.

– Use the right mouse button to bring up the menu.

– Select “edit selected cards”

– The highlighted areas can be changed. After clicking “OK” the edited cards will be downloaded to the controllers.

slide 5

ACS Foundation Software Update

New menu items, Properties...

Display settingsDisplay settings

This gives the opportunity to change the layout of windows within the program.

•Titles and Gridlines•Colours•User Properties

Preview window

slide 6

ACS Foundation Software Update

New menu items, Styles...


This gives the opportunity to change the styles within the windows.

•Column Header•Row Header•Standard

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ACS Foundation Software Update

Styles, Font...

–This follows windows standard.

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ACS Foundation Software Update

Styles, Colour...

–This follows windows standard.

Select fore/background colour

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ACS Foundation Software Update

Styles, Borders...

–This follows windows standard.

Select border style and colour.

slide 10

ACS Foundation Software Update

Styles, Align...

–This follows windows standard.

This sets the alignment of the texts

Horizontal and Vertical

slide 11

ACS Foundation Software Update

Styles, Format...

–This follows windows standard.

This sets the formats

slide 12

ACS Foundation Software Update

Styles, Control...

–This follows windows standard.

This sets the Control

slide 13

ACS Foundation Software Update

Loop Analyser

1. From the System dropdown menu select the “Loop Analyser”

2. Select Com-port or TCP/IP connection

3. If TCP/IP connection is made:1. Type “Host name”

2. Set “Port number”

slide 14

ACS Foundation Software Update

Loop Analyser

1. For adding the “detected readers to the loop

1. Analysing the loop

2. Pulse Unlock1. To open door that are detected on the


slide 15

ACS Foundation Software Update

Corrections made…

Bug fixes included in this release:Bug fixes included in this release:  

- Anti pass back corrections- Anti pass back corrections

- Set card-pin bug - - Set card-pin bug - correctedcorrected

- Delete object option available for non master users but not working - - Delete object option available for non master users but not working - correctedcorrected

- Only master users have delete rights and delete option is grayed for other users- Only master users have delete rights and delete option is grayed for other users

- User with no rights for change inputs, output and alarm zones can still see the enabled- User with no rights for change inputs, output and alarm zones can still see the enabled

ok button - ok button - correctedcorrected

- Event handler everything could be deleted - - Event handler everything could be deleted - correctedcorrected

- Search-Log dialog, enabled boxes problem - - Search-Log dialog, enabled boxes problem - correctedcorrected

- Creating inputs, output or alarm zones: choosing cancel button the object is created - - Creating inputs, output or alarm zones: choosing cancel button the object is created - correctedcorrected

- Choosing empty script hang up application - - Choosing empty script hang up application - correctedcorrected

- Analog inputs settings removed- Analog inputs settings removed

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