sleeping like an ape gorillas, chimps, gibbons sleep on their side without a pillow –keeps joints...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Sleeping Like an ApeSleeping Like an Ape• Gorillas, chimps,

gibbons sleep on their side without a pillow– Keeps joints

flexible– Protects private

parts– Conserves heat– Maintains

alertness– Keeps bugs out of


• Natural diffusion of Ca++ into muscle after death triggers sliding of filaments

• No ATP present (You’re dead!) so cross bridges cannot detach from actin

Anabolic Steroids• Lipids derived from cholesterol (similar to

male hormone testosterone)

Is it worth it?• Little evidence that strength or endurance

improve with moderate doses• Negative side effects: liver cancer, kidney

damage, increased heart disease, stunted growth, aggressive behavior, mood swings

• Females: sterility, facial hair, deepening of voice, atrophy of breasts and uterus, menstrual irregularities

• Males: atrophy of testes, diminished sperm production, baldness

• Lacking nerves that carry impulses from brain to face– 6th and 7th cranial

nerve don’t develop– Appears to be

genetic• Can be corrected

somewhat by surgery

• Group of common nonarticular rheumatic disorders

• 15 times more common in women

• Pain that results from gentle pressure at specific “tender spots”

• Effects fibrous connective tissue components of muscles, tendons, and ligaments

• Caused or aggravated by stress, trauma, exposure to dampness or cold, poor sleep, rheumatic condition

• Gentle aerobic fitness program beneficial

• Relieved with heat, massage, and rest

• Frequent sites: lumbar region (lumbago), neck, chest, thighs (charley-horse)

• Weakness of skeletal muscles

• Abnormal neuromuscular junction- partially blocks contraction

• Autoimmune- antibodies directed against Ach receptors

• More common in females

• Muscles weaken and may eventually cease to function

• Inherited muscle-destroying diseases characterized by degeneration of individual muscle fibers (usually voluntary)

• Group of motor disorders

• Result in muscle incoordination and loss of muscle control

• Caused by damage to motor areas of brain as fetus or child

• Slowly lose normal use of feet/legs and hands/arms as nerves to the extremities degenerate

• Muscles in extremities become weakened because of the loss of stimulation by the affected nerves

• Genetic- autosomal dominant

• Muscles contract but Muscles contract but have decreasing power have decreasing power to relax (become weak to relax (become weak and waste away)and waste away)

• Can cause mental Can cause mental deficiency, hair loss and deficiency, hair loss and cataracts cataracts

• Gene on chromosome Gene on chromosome 19 (protein kinase of 19 (protein kinase of skeletal muscle)skeletal muscle)

• Symptoms more severe Symptoms more severe with each generationwith each generation

• Spasm- sudden, involuntary contraction of single muscle in large group

• Cramp- painful spasmodic contraction

• Tremor- rhythmic, involuntary, purposeless contraction of opposing muscle groups

• Fasciculation- brief twitch visible under skin

• Fibrillation- brief twitch not visible under skin

• Tic- spasmodic twitching made involuntarily by voluntary muscles

• Injection of Clostridium botulinum into facial muscles

• Prevents release of acetylcholine

• Paralyzes muscles• If ingested causes

botulism (fatal if not treated promptly)

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