
Post on 02-Jun-2015






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  • 1. LOGO GOES HERESnore No MoreYou Deserve a Goodnights Sleep.

2. What is SnoreNoMore? Our dentists have studied sleep apnea extensively overthe past few months, and we want to treat yourobstructive sleep. Approximately 15% of Canadians suffer from SleepApnea SnoreNoMore is a campaign to help those that sufferfrom obstructive sleep disorders, giving them the goodnight sleep they deserve. Our solutions are simple, fast and a better option thanwhat is on the market 3. What is Sleep Apnea? While snoring may only produce nighttime noises, itbecomes more serious when breathing is stopped for10 seconds at a time to 30 seconds or more, leadingfor gasps of air or chokes. This is called obstructivesleep apnea, which restricts oxygen to the brain. 4. Causes of Sleep ApneaDuring sleep, the upper airway muscles relax and the airway narrows.This becomes more evident in people with the following: Enlarged soft palate Enlarged tonsils Small or backwardly set lower jaw Large tongue Increased fat tissue in the neck (associated with increased body mass) Increasing age 5. Who is at Risk? Women whose necks are larger than 15-inches, andmen whose necks are larger than17-inches Those with increased body mass (BMI) People over 40 years of age Smokers Those who have a family history of chronic respiratorydisorders Loud snorers that often wake themselves up from theirown snoring and choking 6. Symptoms Difficulty concentrating or learning Anxiety or depression Daytime fatigue Cardiovascular Disease Memory Loss Increased blood pressure Reduced Sex Drive Irritability 7. Effects of Sleep Apnea onyour healthUntreated Sleep Apnea can cause, and aggravate: Hypertension (blood pressure) Heart disease Triglycerides and cholesterol Type 2 diabetes Gastroesophageal reflux Asthma Alzheimers Disease 8. Why Get Treated?Apnea disrupts sleep patterns and prevents you from having a deep,refreshing sleep. Beyond affecting your basic need for sleep, apneashave detrimental effects on normal nighttime hormone secretion,which regulates several important bodily functions. This hormonalimbalance can cause massive increases in blood pressure and evendeteriorate cardiac health. Sleep apnea can also lead to: Cardiovascular disease Accidents while driving and at work Poor physical and intellectual performance Daytime sleepiness Weight gain 9. How is Sleep Apnea Cured?For years Sleep Doctors have prescribed unconventional treatmentslike those in this video: 10. No one wants to sleep with a mask on their face at night!!And with our treatment, our dentist will make sure that you never have to! 11. How can we help you? Our dentists are trained to identify the severity of yoursleep apnea, and to help you treat it fast and easy, nougly masks!! Take our SnoreNoMore Epworth Sleep Questionnairewhich will assess your sleep and tell you about yourapnea.You deserve a good nights sleep, so let us relieveyou of your sleep apnea.

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