skripsi - teaching speaking by using communicative approach

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(Correlational Study at The Fifth Grade Students of

Primary Student SDN 2 Pamoyanan)


Submitted into English Education Programme

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree









(Correlational Study at The Fifth Grade Students of

Primary Student SDN 2 Pamoyanan)



Supervisor I


Supervisor II


Approved by:

Chief of

STKIP - Subang


Head of

English Education Study Programme


To my parent who taught me to be more patient

“Being Careful In Judging An Opinion

Is A Sign Of Wisdom”



Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, by the grace of Allah SWT who has given

his most generous motivation to the writer to complete this paper entitled

“Teaching Speaking By Using Communicative Approach to the fifth grade

students of primary student SD Negeri 2 Pamoyanan.”

In his study, the writer has tried to focus on using the communicative

approach, to help students easy to choose the dialy English expression correctly.

The aims of writing this paper are: firstly, to fulfill one of the requirements for the

Sarjana Pendidikan examination; secondly, to offer some of the possible teaching

techniques of teaching speaking.

The writer is aware of her weakness that paper is far from perfect,

therefore, she would greatly appreciate all comment, criticism and meaningful and

helpful suggestion.

Finally the writer hopes that her writing will be useful particularly to the

writer helpself and generally to the readers who are interested in this field of


Purwakarta, March 2009

The Writer



Alhamdulillah, I have succedded in finishing this study, which has been

greatly improved by comments, corrections, guidance and ideas of many peoples.

It is hard to even begin to acknowledge personally all those who have had an

impact on my life and study during the making of this paper. In this occasion, the

writer would like to express her sincerest thanks to the following person:

1. Her beloved father, mother and brother sister for their prayer, support

and encouragement to her to finish her study.

2. _______________________. Her supervisor who has given the writer

his valuable guidance, advice and help during the process of writing

this paper.

3. _______________________. Her supervisor who has given the writer

his valuable guidance, advice and help during the process of writing

this paper.

4. _______________________. Dean of STKIP – Subang.

5. Head of the English Departement of STKIP – Subang.

6. _______________________. Headmaster of SDN 2 Pamoyanan, for

allowing her to do the research there.

7. The fifth grade students of SDN 2 Pamoyanan.

8. My best friend, for attention and support.

All in all, her greatest and deepst debt is to Allah SWT, whose guidance

has enabled her to complete her study.

May Allah SWT bless you all. Amin yaa robbal „alamin.

Purwakarta, March 2009

The Writer



The title of the research is “Teaching Speaking by Using Communicative


The aims of the research is to know whether listening to the English

movies can improve students‟ listening skill. The study is oriented towards: 1)To

identify the students‟ problem s in speaking English, and 2)To discover whether

teaching speaking by using communicative approach is effective to overcome the

students‟ problems in speaking.

In order to achieve the aim of research, the writer used Correlational

method. Correlational design are not really considered model experiments because

they do not account for extraneous variable which may have influenced the

results. In this study, the writer took the students of SD Negeri 2 Pamoyanan as

population. The samples would be the fifth grade students. There was one classes

and the writer took twenty students randomly from them as the sample by lottere.

The data needed was taken from a test. The test is used to identify the

students‟ achievement. The test is objective test. In the term multiple-choice items

consist of 10 items. After observing the data, that is the score of pre-test and post

test. The writer calculating the mark of t-value and at least gives the interpretation

of the calculation.

Data : The scores of pre-test and post test.

Analysing Data : The writer count the value of t, the formula used was:

M1 – M2

t = Sd12 Sd2


N1 N2

The writer used two groups as the sample, each group consists of 20 and

17 students, and the degree of freedom (df) is 19 and 16 for each group. Since the

two groups were chosen as representative subjects. The total df {(Ne-1)+Nc-1)} is

35. The t-observation is 1.966. This t-observation greater than t-critical (1.966>

1.684). Consequently, it is quite safe to reject the null hypothesis. It means that

the two groups have different scores on the post-test, and the difference is

statistically significant. So, this fact support the claim that students who were

taught speaking by using Communicative approach get better scores than those

were taught conventionally. The experimental teaching program can improve the

students‟ speaking skill effectively (24.37%) from that what they got in the pre-

test, while control group can improve the students‟ speaking skill more than the

experimental group (154.56%).

The conclusion of this research is using communicative approach

contributes the improvement of students‟ speaking skill, makes English lesson

live, make change from the of teacher and text book, helps the students feedback

has been very positive and they are enjoying the benefit of communicative

approach, so speaking practice becomes more effective. The writer would like

propose her suggestion that teachers should try to use communicative approach in

speaking lesson, because using communicative approach is one type of speaking

experience that is interesting.

(Burns, 1995:140) +



PREFACE ........................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................... 1

1.2 REASON FOR CHOOSING TOPIC ............................ 4

1.3 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY .................................. 4

1.4 RESEARCH PROBLEM .............................................. 4

1.5 HYPOTHESIS .............................................................. 5

1.6 AIM OF THE STUDY .................................................. 5



1.9 ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER ............................ 6

1.10 CLARIFICATION OF TERMS .................................... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FOUNDATION ...................................... 9

2.1 DEFINITION OF TEACHING ..................................... 9

2.2 SPEAKING SKILL ....................................................... 10

2.3 COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH .............................. 11

2.4 CURRICULUM ............................................................ 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 16

3.1 KIND OF RESEARCH ................................................. 16


3.2 SUBJECT OF RESEARCH .......................................... 16

3.3 DATA COLLECTING INSTRUMENT ....................... 17

3.4 DATA PROCESSING .................................................. 17

3.5 RESEARCH PROCEDURE ......................................... 20

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .......................................... 21

4.1 STUDENTS SCORE OF TRYOUT ............................. 21

4.1.1 Reliability Analisys .............................................. 21

4.1.2 Validity Analisys ................................................. 22

4.2 STUDENTS‟ SCORE OF PRE-TEST .......................... 22

4.3 STUDENTS‟ SCORE OF POST-TEST ....................... 23

4.4 STUDENTS‟ SCORE IMPROVEMENT ..................... 24

4.5 DISCUSSION ............................................................... 25

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................ 29

5.1 SUMMARY .................................................................. 29


AND HYPOTESIS ........................................................ 32


LANGUAGE TEACHER ............................................. 33


RESEARCHER ............................................................. 33








Everybody has learned their language since they were children, especially

their mother tongue. The process occurs naturally and properly with a view to

communicate in society environment.

Communication is a part of human‟s daily activities. Through

communication by using language, we can share our ideas and thought with other

people. In that way, a smooth interaction between people can take place.

In line with the more sophisticated world, we are demanded to be able to

communicate not only by using our mother tongue but also by using a foreign

language, especially English which is obviously more difficult to do since we

have a limitation of knowledge about foreign language. On the other hand as an

international language, English is used to communicate information, chiefly in

science and technology.

Moreover, English is also very important for us, especially in the world of

education and working world we should use English to communicate with other

people, although we have limitation of knowledge about foreign language.

English has been the first foreign language taught formally in Indonesia

for years. With regard to the new curriculum, students of primary beginning from

the fourth class have an opportunity to learn English at school. Thus, English

becomes a compulsory subject, taught to the students from primary school to


university. School as formal institution not only has a role to expand academic

ability, but also other ability such as social skill and emotion.

English teaching learning process at school must be able to give

experience for students to have a chance to win a competitive competition. As we

all know that mostly Indonesian students have some difficulties to improve their

skills in English nevertheles as the demand of this competitive era, we have to be

able to speak, listen to, write, and to read English.

Speaking, as one of the linguistic skills, is often perceived to be a task that

comes naturally to an individual. Culture plays a very significant role in

determining how a language is spoken. In School Base Curriculum 2006, there are

some competention standards and basic competentions which have to be reached

by students in learning English.

In the competention standards of the fifth grade of elementary school, for

speaking skill, the students must be able to “Mengungkapkan instruksi dan

informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah”.

The basic competention is “Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan

secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan

sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberi petunjuk”.

The main material for descriptive text is Giving Order. Here, students

must be able to give orders to a person or some persons who is or are near with

them, such as their friends, their teachers, or the other ones. Of course, they have

to use right expressions there.


The indicators of the learning process of these competention standards and

basic competency that the students are supposed to be able to:

1. show how to do something,

2. give orders, and

3. give instructions to do something.

In learning English sometimes the students are bored with certain teaching

atmosphere. There are various approaches and methods used for teaching

language skills: one of them is Communicative Approach.

Communicative Approach assumes that students are able to acquire

written or oral language when they are motivated and are not nervous.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) also known as Communicative

Language Teaching (CLT) or the “communicative approach” is an approach to the

teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the

means and the ultimate goal of learning a language.

This approach aims to enable student to read and appreciate foreign

language. The “communicative method to the teaching of foreign languages”

emphasizes learning a language through genuine communication. Learning a new

language is easier and more enjoyable when it is truly meaningful.

The communicative approach is a flexible method rather than a rigorously

defined set of teaching practices. It can best be defined with a list of general


The writer hopes by using this approach in teaching speaking can improve

students‟ capability in their speaking skills.



Teaching speaking is not easy, moreover if the students do not use English

in their daily as well. The students will not have a courage to speak without

enough knowledge and bravery. Besides, there are many aspects that discourage

the students to speak.

In this case the writer hopes, that the students can improve their ability to

master English, especially in speaking skill. The appropriate method in teaching

speaking to the students is really important especially for the fifth grade students

in SDN 2 Pamoyanan whose speaking skill still belong to the pre elementary

level. So that, writer takes “TEACHING SPEAKING BY USING

COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH (Correlational Study on The Fifth Grade

Students of SDN 2 Pamoyanan)” as the title of this paper.


The writer has limited the paper to the teaching speaking by using

Communicative Approach to the Fifth Grade Students of SDN 2 Pamoyanan.


The problems that the writer would like to observe in his study are:

1. What are the students‟ problems in speaking English?

2. Is teaching speaking by using communicative approach effective to

overcome the students‟ problems in speaking?



Assumption or basic of opinion is the heart of thinking that correlations

acceptance by investigator, in this research the writer‟s assumptions are as


1. The students have some problems in speaking English

2. Teaching speaking by using communicative approach will be effective to

overcome the students‟ problems in speaking


Based on the formulation of problems above, the writer investigated this

study to meet the following purposes:

1. To identify the students‟ problems in speaking English.

2. To discover whether teaching speaking by using communicative approach

is effective to overcome the students‟ problems in speaking.


The samples of the research are twenty students which are choosen

randomly from thirty seven students at the fifth grade of primary students SD

Negeri 2 Pamoyanan in academic year 2008/2009.

This is appropriate with Suharsimi Arikunto‟s opinion (1996 : 190), that is

“just for estimating so if the subject less than a hundred or more, much better we

take it all so the research make up population. Furthermore, if there are many

subjects, then the sample will be taken between 10-15% or 20-25% or more.”



Methodology is absolutely needed in any research in order to find the

result of the research as accuretely, effectively and effeciently as possible. It will

guide us in the investigation, because it deals with the ways we conduct the


“Metode merupakan cara utama yang dipergunakan untuk mencapai suatu

tujuan dan dipergunakan setelah penyelidik mempertimbangkan kewajarannya

ditinjau dari tujuan penyelidikan serta dari situasi penyelidikan”.

The writer conducted an observation at SDN 2 Pamoyanan and he chooses

descriptive method as it is commonly used to investigate problems that occur at

present time.

The procedure of the research are:

1. developing the research instrument

2. selecting the sample from the population

3. giving pre-test to the students

4. giving post-test to the students

5. calculating and analysing the test scores

6. Finding and discussing the result of the research.

7. Making the conclusion of the research.


The primary contents of the paper are as follows:

Chapter I is introduction.


The writer has tried to introduce the problem as clearly as possible. It

consists of: Background of the problem, Reason for choosing topic, Limitation of

the study, Research problem, Hypotesis, Aim of the study, Population and

samples of research, Method and procedure of the research, Organization of the

paper, and Clarification of terms.

Chapter II is theoretical foundation.

In this part the writer has tried to review some related literatures and

theories proposed by some experts to support the research.

Chapter III is research methodology.

This chapter deals with Kind of research, Subject of research, Data

collecting instrument, and Data processing.

Chapter IV is data analysis.

This chapter deals with data analysis and interpretation.

Chapter V is conclusion and sugestion.

In this chapter the writer gives the conclusion and sugestion of the



To avoid misunderstanding and to make the discussions run appropriately,

there are several terms that need to clarify. Those are:

1. Teaching: To show somebody how to do something how so that they will

be able to do it themselves (A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s



2. Speaking: The language or Jargon or a particular group, organization or

subject (A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary).

3. Communicative: Read and willing to talk and give information (A S

Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary).





Here are some definitions of teaching. Those are:

1. Teaching is one of the means by which education is often achieved (if it is)

and education is a common purpose of teaching. (Carr: 1996)

2. Teaching is telling, knowledge is fact, and learning is recall. (Christensen:


3. Teaching is supporting adults with little English and little formal education

in their efforts to understand and use English in its many forms, in a

variety of contexts … (Wrigley and Guth: 1992)

4. A teacher is defined as a person whose proffesional activity involves the

transmission of knowledges, attitudes, and skills that are stipulated in a

formal curriculum to students enrolled in an educational programme.

(CERI: 2000)

5. A highly qualified teacher is defined as one who holds a bachelor‟s degree,

has full state certification and has demonstrated subject area competence

in each subject taught. (Sanders: 2004)



Speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the other skills, is

more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing


It is thinking of what one wishes to say, choosing the right words from our

vocabulary, putting the words in the proper grammatical framework,

communicating the feelings we have, and so on. speaking is producing

movements: movements of the rib cage, the vocal cords, and the mouth. (Smith,

Anne, 2009)

There are three kinds of speaking situations in which we find ourselves:

a. Interactive, include face-to-face conversations and telephone calls, in

which we are alternately speaking and speaking, and in which we have

a chance to ask for clarification, repetition, or slower speech from our

conversation partner.

b. Partially interactive, such as when giving a speech to a live audience,

where the convention is that the audience does not interrupt the speech.

The speaker nevertheless can see the audience and judge from the

expressions on their faces and body language whether or not he or she

is being understood.

c. Non-interactive, such as when recording a speech for a radio



Some of the micro-skills involved in speaking. The speaker has to:

a. pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly enough so that

people can distinguish them. This includes making tonal distinctions.

b. use stress and rhythmic patterns, and intonation patterns of the

language clearly enough so that people can understand what is said.

c. use the correct forms of words. this may mean, for example, changes in

the tense, case, or gender.

d. put words together in correct word order.

e. use vocabulary appropriately.

f. use the register or language variety that is appropriate to the situation

and the relationship to the conversation partner.

g. make clear to the listener the main sentence constituents, such as

subject, verb, object, by whatever means the language uses.

h. make the main ideas stand out from supporting ideas or information.

i. make the discourse hang together so that people can follow what you

are saying.


The writer tries to teach speaking by using Communicative Approach. It

aims to enable student to read and appreciate foreign language. The

“communicative method to the teaching of foreign languages” also known as

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or the “communicative approach”


emphasizes learning a language through genuine communication. Learning a new

language is easier and more enjoyable when it is truly meaningful.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching

of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means

and the ultimate goal of learning a language.

The communicative approach is a flexible method rather than a rigorously

defined set of teaching practices. It can best be defined with a list of general

principles. In Communicative Language Teaching expert Nunan (1991), lists

these five basic characteristics:

1. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target


2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.

3. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language

but also on the learning process itself.

4. An enhancement of the learner‟s own personal experiences as important

contributing elements to classroom learning.

5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities

outside the classroom.

There are some important cases in using Communicative Method:

1. Focuses on language as a medium of communication.

2. Communication embraces a whole spectrum of functions.

3. New syllabuses based on communicative method offered some

communicative ability from early stage.


4. Classroom activities maximise opportunities for learners to use target

language in a communicative way for meaningful activities.

5. Use of target language as normal medium for classroom management and

instruction - reflects naturalistic language acquisition.

6. Communicative approach is much more pupil-orientated, because dictated

by pupils' needs and interests.

7. Accent is on functional/usable language.

8. Classroom should provide opportunities for rehearsal of real-life situations

and provide opportunity for real communication.

9. More emphasis on active modes of learning, including pairwork and

group-work, often not exploited enough by teachers fearful of noisy class.

10. Primacy of oral work.

11. Errors are a natural part of learning language.

12. Communicative approach is not just limited to oral skills.

13. Grammar can still be taught, but less systematically.

14. Language analysis and grammar explanation may help some learners, but

extensive experience of target language helps everyone.

15. Communicative approach seeks to personalise and localise language and

adapt it to interests of pupils.

16. Use of idiomatic/everyday language.

17. Make use of topical items with which pupils are already familiar in their

own language.

18. Avoid age-old texts.


19. Language need not be laboriously monotonous and 'medium' orientated.

can be structured but also spontaneous and incidental.

20. Spontaneous and improvised practice helps to make minds more flexible

and inspire confidence in coping with unforeseen, unanticipated situations.

21. Communicative approach seeks to use authentic resources.

22. Important not to be restricted to textbook.

23. Use of visual stimuli.

The writer also may choose to try some of the techniques of the

Communicative Method from the review that follows:

1. Role Play

2. Interviews

3. Information Gap

4. Games

5. Language Exchanges

6. Surveys

7. Pair Work

8. Learning by teaching

The writer focuses to use games technique in this research. Most students

like games in their class.

However, not all courses that utilize the Communicative Language

approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses will have the

students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using non-

communicative drills, for instance.



Curriculum is defined as the study areas and their time commitments,

which can be prescribed at a school, local, or national level. Very often

curriculum is seen a list subject – matters to be taught by the teacher and to be

learned by the student within certain period of time (a semester of a year).

“Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai

tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman

penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan

tertentu.” (UU RI No. 20/2003 pasal 1 ayat 9)

The fact is not only the subject matter will be discussed during the course

that must be planned but first of all, the behavior one expect the students to show

after the completion of the course. Therefore, in the end the teacher must have a

set of ideas.

Syllabus is a description of contents of a course of instruction and the

order in which they are to be taught (Jack C.: 1992:368).

Language-teaching syllabus may be based on:

1. Grammatical items and vocabulary.

2. The language needed for different types of situations.

3. The meanings and communicative functions which the learner needs to

express in the target language.




This chapter deals with research method, subject of research, data

collecting instrument and research procedure.


In order to achieve the aim of the research, the writer used Correlational

method. The writer choose Correlational method because he wanted to find out

wether there any correlation between teaching speaking by using communicative

approach or without using communicative approach.

“The correlation is a way to measure how associated or related two

variables are. The researcher looks at things that already exist and determines if

and in what way those things are related to each other. The purpose of doing

correlations is to allow us to make a prediction about one variable based on what

we know about another variable.”. (Lanthier: 2002)


In this study, the writer took the students of SD Negeri 2 Pamoyanan as

population. The samples would be the fifth grade students. There were one class

and the writer took twenty students randomly from them as the sample by lottere.

It is related as Suahrsimi Arikunto (1999:120) that the sample was taken

25% of population or more.



The data needed was taken from a test. The test is used to identify the

students‟ achievement. The test is objective tests in the term of mutiple choice

items consist of ten items.


The writer gave the students pre-test to find out their skill of speaking

without teaching and learning activities.

Post-test was given to the students to find out their ability of speaking after

teaching and learning activities.

Here are the pe-test and post test instrument which was given to the


Choose the most suitable instruction for the pictures!


a. Open the door, please! c. Open the window, please!

b. Turn on the TV, please! d. Turn on the lamp, please!


a. Close the window, please! c. Close the door, please!

b. Turn off the lamp, please! d. Turn off the TV, please!


a. Stand up! c. Sit down!

b. Lay down! d. Wake up!


a. Wake up! c. Stand up!

b. Sit down! d. Lay down!



a. Go straight! c. Go left!

b. Go back! d. Go right!


a. Go right! c. Go straight!

b. Go left! d. Go back!


a. Read the book, please! c. Put them into your bag!

b. Use the pen, please! d. Use your ruler!


a. Use your ruler! c. Put them into your bag!

b. Use the pen, please! d. Read the book, please!


a. Get me a glass of milk! c. Get me a cup of coffee!

b. Get me a bowl of noodle! d. Get me a plate of rice!


a. Get me a glass of milk! c. Get me a bowl of noodle!

b. Get me a cup of coffee! d. Get me a plate of rice!

The data gathered from the experiment was analyzed using the t-test. The

steps of the data analysis process are as follows:

Find out the mean (M) of each group. According to Burns (1995:33) that

for the most common measure of central tendency in educational research is the

arithmatic mean, the mean (M) is simply the sum of all the scores (∑X) devided

by the number of scores (n), or:




M = (Burns, 1995:33)


M is the means of the sample

∑X is the total amount of all the individual observation

n is the samples

Find out standard deviation (Sd) of each group. According to Burns

(1995:39) that standard deviation reflects the amount of spread that the scores

exhibit around some central tendency measure, usually the mean. The standard

deviation is device from the variance.

The formula for obtaining the standard deviation is:


Sd = N

N – 1


Sd is standard deviation

∑X2 is the sum of the squared raw scores

(∑X)2 is the sum of the raw scores squared

N is number of the students

According to Burns (1995:140) that as with the standard error of the mean,

a critical ratio is formed to find the deviation in standard error unit teams of the

difference between the means. This ratio is called the ratio. In this research the

writer took the formula as follows:

M1 – M2

t = Sd12 Sd2


N1 N2

∑X2 -

(Burns, 1995:39)

(Burns, 1995:140) +



M1 is mean of experimental group

M2 is mean of control group

Sd1 is standard deviation of experimental group

Sd2 is standard deviation of control group

N1 is number of students of experimental group

N2 is number of students of control group


The prosedures of the research are:

1. Developing the research instrument

2. Selecting the sample from the population

3. Giving pre test

4. Treatment

- Pre-speaking

- While speaking

- Post-speaking

5. Giving post test

6. Calculating and analysing the test scores

7. The result of the test




This chapter displays the analysis and interpretations of the data which has

been collected through direct observation in the experimental activities, and a

discussion of the findings.

Those analysis and interpretations relate to:

1) students‟ scores of try out ; 2) students‟ scores of pre-test; 3) students‟ scores of

post-test; 4) students‟ scores of improvement.


In order to measure the reliability and validity of the test instrument, the

instrument was tried out to another class before enrolling the program and pretest.

The class consisted of 17 students.

4.1.1 Reliability Analysis

The result of the calculation of the test instrument reliability is as


Subject Judge 1 Judge 2 ∑ X

2 ∑ Y

2 ∑ XY

∑ N ∑ X ∑ Y

17 88 43 45 127 141

The data above were computed through the Pearson‟s Product

Moment fomula to get the correlation coefficient, and the figure 0.943 was

obtained. Then this result calculated by using Spearman-Brown formula to

find its coefficient reliability. The coefficient reliability (r11) is 0.971.


The t-table value for 17 with error standard 5% according to Product

Moment R Value Table is 0.482. So t-count is higher than t-table. However, it

can be summarized that the reliability of the test is reliable enough.

4.1.2. Validity Analysis

Since the test was designed to measure students‟ achievement, content

validity analysis was chosen.

Before constructing the test, the particular test had been made based

on the KTSP English curriculum for Elementary School.

According to the result of the try out, this instrument is reasonable to

be used in measuring students‟ speaking skill.


Students‟ Speaking level at the beginning of the research is one of possible

intervening variables. It is very crucial as a starting point to ensure that the

experimental group and the control group have an equal level in speaking. The

result of pre-test data analysis can be seen in table below.

Students‟ Score of Pre-test

N M S S(Xe-Xc) Df






(t-value) Group E 20 5.950 1.099

Group C 17 2.588 2.717 0.703 35 0.05 1.684 4.782

The table shows that there is a difference in means (M) or standard

deviation (S). The t-test, however, describes that the two groups are similar in the

terms of subject‟s knowledge background. Moreover, t-obs of pretest is more than

t-critical (4.782<1.684). It means that the null hypothesis of no different is


rejected. Therefore, it indicates that both groups have no similarity in speaking



The post-test was carried out to both groups at the end of the program to

find out whether there are any differences between the experimental group and the

control groups‟ achievement. Table below presents the results of post-test.

Students‟ Score of Post-test

N M S S(Xe-Xc) Df






(t-value) Group E 20 7.4 1.188

Group C 17 6.588 2.029 0.552 35 0.05 1.684 1.966

This table indicates that the standard error of difference between means is

low Hence, the t-value can be determined.

The writer used two groups as the sample, each group consists of 20 and

17 students, and the degree of freedom (df) is 19 and 16 for each group. Since the

two groups were chosen as representative subjects. The total df {(Ne-1)+(Nc-1)}

is 35. The t-observation is 1.966. This t-observation greater than t-critical (1.966>

1.684). Consequently, it is quite safe to reject the null hypothesis. It means that

the two groups have different scores on the post-test, and the difference is

statistically significant. So, this fact support the claim that students who were

taught speaking by using communicative approach get better scores than those

were taught conventionally.



To gain students‟ scores improvement, the students scores of post-test

were subtracted into the students‟ score of pretest. The result of computation is as


Group E Group C

Pre-test mean 5.95 2.588

Post-test mean 7.4 6.588

Improvement mean 1.45 4

Total improvement (%) 24.37 154.56

The table above shows that the experimental group improvement is lower

than the control group. It indicates that teaching speaking by using communicative

approach is unable to improve the students‟ speaking skill.

The experimental teaching program can improve the students‟ speaking

skill effectively (24.37%) from that what they got in the pre-test, while control

group can improve the students‟ speaking skill more than the experimental group


Students‟ Score Improvement

Improvement %

Group E 1.45 24.37

Group C 4 154.56

Differences 2.55 130.19

For the data above, it presents that the total mean difference of students‟

speaking skill of the experimental group and the control group is 2.55. This table


shows that the differences between the experimental group and the control group

is 130.19%.

It can be concluded that the experimental teaching makes the students‟

speaking skill is not better than the control group. It means that it doesn‟t support

the hypothesis of this research, that teaching speaking by using communicative

approach facilitates the students to improve their speaking skill.


The experimental and the control groups, at the beginning of the research,

had similar background, and this was considered as a potential intervening


The experimental and the control groups were analyzed differently. The

experimental group was observed directly by the writer to know their progress in

the program. The students‟ score of post-test and pre-test were compared to gain

the students‟ achievement on the speaking skill. The calculation of improvement

shows that the experimental group is lower than the control group. It means that

the experimental group couldn‟t improve their speaking skill better than the

control group.

After carrying out the program and calculating the result of test, the result

of the investigation answer the research question stated in chapter I. The

conclusions are as follow:

1. The use of communicative approach as media can increase students‟

understanding of English.


2. Communicative approach can improve the students‟ mastery of

English vocabularies.

3. Using Communicative approach in improving students‟ speaking skill

is not significant.

As was mentioned before that communicative approach is one of the

English teaching approach where it is the most effective in use. Because by using

communicative approach we can know and understand about the message from

the text directly. Picture can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items.

English is a language that is hard to learn. To find out that problem the

writer interviewed students, there are some problem that students faced in learning


1. In speaking

2. In treasury of vocabulary

3. In the meaning of English word

Some factors that make some words more difficult than others are:

Pronunciation “the word that is difficult to pronounce are more difficult to learn”.

Spelling “spelling mismatches are likely to be the cause of errors, either of

pronunciation or spelling, and can contribute to a word‟s difficult”. Meaning

“when two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely confuse them.

Unfamiliar concepts many make a word difficult to learn”.

In introducing vocabulary on the names of animal, that familiarize students

with vocabularies related to animals. Moreover, students expected to be able to


memorize and pronounce and write each vocabulary correctly, and try to perform

a word to the picture that seen by the teacher.

Teaching speaking by using communicative approach, especially for

children can be the one way to help them in learning process. Young children,

especially those up to age of nine or ten, learn differently from older children in

the following ways:

a. They response the meaning even if they do not understand individual


b. They often learn indirectly rather than directly-that is-they take-in

information from all side, learning from everything around them rather

then only focusing on the precise topic they are being thought.

c. They generally display an enthusiasm for learning and a curiosity about

the world around them.

d. They learn to talk about themselves, and response well to learning that

uses themselves and their own lives as main topics in the classroom.

e. They have a limited attention, unless activities are extremely engaging,

they can easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or so.

In the light of these activities, it can be concluded that good teacher at this

level used to provide a rich diet of learning experiences which encourage their

students to get information from a variety of sources. They need to work with

their students individually and in group developing relationship. They need to

arrange of activities for a given period, and the flexible enough to move on to the

next exercise when they see their students getting bored.


In fact, learning is human activity which is least needs manipulation by

other. Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of

unhampered participation in a meaningful setting.

Based on the findings, especially in learning at secondary it is a big

challenge, because in their ages, they still difficult to understand the meaning of

English words. There needs teacher‟s patiently in learning process, teacher must

translating word by word until could be understood by students. Moreover, when

they face compound word, when they need to produce language try to find the

right word to fit the intended meaning is frustating when the teacher‟s stored of

words is limited, and when words get confused with each other.




This chapter presents 1) the summary of the research, 2) answer to

research questions and hypothesis, 3) implication and suggestion, and 4)

recommendation for further research.


As we all know, communication is a part of human‟s daily activities.

Through communication by using language, we can share our ideas and througt

with other people. In that way, a smooth interaction between people can take


As the foreign language in our country, English is widely taught for the

first time at elementary school. The teaching at the level aims to give knowledge

of the basic English to students and it will be developed when they are in the

junior and senior high school.

Teaching speaking is one of the duties that has to be conducted by teachers

of English to improve the students‟ speaking ability in English. It is also necessary

to mention that speaking is one of the items on some language tests is reasonable

enough to be taught beside the enjoyable activities a learner may indulge in the

target language demand that the learner exercise this skill.


Rost (1991:4) says, successful speaking involves an integration of these

component skills. In this some, speaking is a coordination of the component skills,

not the individual skills themselves. This integration of the component skills, not

the individual skills themselves. This integration of these perception skills,

analysis skills and synthesis skills is what we will call a person‟s speaking ability.

Successful speaking requires making effective „real time‟ decisions about

these questions. In this sense, speaking is primarily a thinking process-thingking

about meaning as they speak. The way in which the speaker makes these decisions

is what we will call a speaking strategy.

Teaching method is something designed to give help in teaching

principally, in teaching and learning process, the important component in the

Instructional Design or Lesson planning. We believe that these will be helpful for

both the teachers and students in the teaching and learning process to achieve the

instructional objectives.

Methods are thing that help. Teaching methods is something designed to

do in teaching. The techniques used in teaching speaking by using communicative

approach are expressions discrimination test.

In order to achieve the aim of research, the writer used Correlational

method. Correlational design is not really considered model experiments because

they do not account for extraneous variable which may have influenced the

results. In this study, the writer took the students of SDN 2 Pamoyanan as

population. The samples would be the fifth grade students. There was one class

and the writer took twenty students randomly from them as the sample by lottere.


The data needed was taken from a test. The test is used to identify the

students‟ achievement. The test is objective test. In the term multiple-choice items

consist of 10 items. After observing the data, that is the score of pre-test and post

test. The writer calculating the mark of t-value and at least gives the interpretation

of the calculation.

The writer used two groups as the sample, each group consists of 20 and

17 students, and the degree of freedom (df) is 19 and 16 for each group. Since the

two groups were chosen as representative subjects. The total df {(Ne-1)+Nc-1)} is

35. The t-observation is 1.966. This t-observation greater than t-critical (1.966>

1.684). Consequently, it is quite safe to reject the null hypothesis. It means that

the two groups have different scores on the post-test, and the difference is

statistically significant. So, this fact support the claim that students who were

taught speaking by using Communicative approach get better scores than those

were taught conventionally.

The experimental teaching program can improve the students‟ speaking

skill effectively (24.37%) from that what they got in the pre-test, while control

group can improve the students‟ speaking skill more than the experimental group


The conclusion of this research is teaching by communicative approach

contributes the improvement of students‟ speaking skill, makes English lesson

live, make change from the of teacher and text book, helps the students feedback

has been very positive and they are enjoying the benefit of communicative

approach, so speaking practice becomes more effective. The writer would like


propose her suggestion that teachers should try to use communicative approach in

speaking lesson, because watching communicative approach is one type of

speaking experience that is interesting.


After carrying out the program and calculating the result of test, the result

of the investigation answer the research question as follow:

1. The use of communicative approach as media can increase students‟

understanding of English.

2. Communicative approach can improve the students‟ mastery of

English vocabularies.

3. Using Communicative approach in improving students‟ speaking skill

is not significant.

Relating to Hatch and Fahradi in research and statistic design for applied

liguistics, hypotesis is a tentative statement about the outcome of research.

Based on the problem stated the writer puts forward the hypothesis is

watching Communicative approach can improve the students‟ speaking skill.

And after carrying out the program and calculating the result of test, the

writer gets that the hypotesis is accepted.



From the finding, the writer would like propose her suggestion as follows:

1. Teachers should try to use communicative approach in speaking

lesson, because using communicative approach is one types of

speaking experience that is interesting.

2. Nowadays, the use of approaches in the teaching of language such as

communicative approach is likely to increase not diminish. So, the

writer thinks now is the time for teachers and students to learn using


3. Teachers also should be smart and creative in using communicative

approach in the classroom because successful language learning

depends on the teacher‟s technique to use the communicative

approach, since the teacher is the fundamental classroom aid to

language learning.


Honesty, there are still many questions come to the writer‟s mind which

may valuable to be answered among other are as follow:

1. Will the same result be obtained by replication this research at other

school or other grade?

2. Will the method appropriate to be used at the higher level?

3. Are there any advantages that can be found out by using this method?

4. Will the instrument still be suitable used at higher level?


Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1997. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.

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Harmer, Jeremy, (2002), The Practise of English Language Teaching, Harlow:


Hatch, Evelyn and Hossein Farhady, (1982), Research Design and Statistic

Bowley; ROWLEY, LONDON, TOKYO: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.

Hayes, David. Native Speaker Rule of Speaking and Foreign Language Learning.

Jean Brewster and Gail Allis, (2003), The Primary English Teacher’s Guide,

Harlow: Penguin English

Majid, Zainal Abdul Loga Mahesa Baskara. 1995. Rules of Speaking. Malaysia:

Pelanduk Publications.

Richards, Jack C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. New

York: Cambridge University Press.

Tillit, Bruce and Mary N. Bruder. 1993. Speaking Naturally. New York:

Cambridge University Press.

Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa (1988),

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia; Jakarta: Depdikbud: Balai Pustaka.

Yanto, Elih S., (2008), Dasar-Dasar Metodologi Penelitian Pengajaran Bahasa

Inggris, Subang: STKIP Subang.

Yarhamnia, Erly. 2002. Educational Uses of On-line Chat. Unpublished Sarjana

paper. Bandung: UPI.


Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

(Penelitian Skripsi)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : V / 2

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit

Tema : My School

Aspek/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

1. Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks


2. Kompetensi Dasar Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan

tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan

memberi petunjuk.

3. Indikator

Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap dengan tindak tutur:

Memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu

Memberi aba-aba

Memberi petunjuk

4. Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

Menyampaikan dan mencontohkan sifat-sifat manusia/benda: I am tall ... ,


Memberikan aba-aba yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan sehari-hari:

Clean up the classroom, please! …etc.

Menyampaikan petunjuk tentang keadaan seseorang/sesuatu: One of my

pen is blue, ...etc.

5. Materi Pembelajaran

My School

I am tall

Clean up our classroom!

One of ...

6. Metode/teknik

Communicative Approach

7. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (2 x 10 menit)

Percakapan pembuka

Memeriksa kehadiran siswa

Prolog dan membahas tujuan pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti (2 x 60 menit)

Membahas kosakata dan struktur terkait dengan materi

Menghapal kosakata terkait

Latihan mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan terkait

Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog

Simulasi penggunaan ungkapan terkait

Kegiatan Penutup (2 x 10 menit)

Menyimpulkan materi


8. Sumber Belajar

Buku teks yang relevan

Bahan rekaman

9. Penilaian

Teknik : Lisan

Bentuk : Dialog dua arah

Instrument :

Choose the most suitable instruction for the pictures!


b. Open the door, please! c. Open the window, please!

b. Turn on the TV, please! d. Turn on the lamp, please!


c. Close the window, please! c. Close the door, please!

d. Turn off the lamp, please! d. Turn off the TV, please!


b. Stand up! c. Sit down!

b. Lay down! d. Wake up!


b. Wake up! c. Stand up!

b. Sit down! d. Lay down!


b. Go straight! c. Go left!

b. Go back! d. Go right!


a. Go right! c. Go straight!

b. Go left! d. Go back!


c. Read the book, please! c. Put them into your bag!

d. Use the pen, please! d. Use your ruler!


c. Use your ruler! c. Put them into your bag!

d. Use the pen, please! d. Read the book, please!


c. Get me a glass of milk! c. Get me a cup of coffee!

d. Get me a bowl of noodle! d. Get me a plate of rice!


c. Get me a glass of milk! c. Get me a bowl of noodle!

d. Get me a cup of coffee! d. Get me a plate of rice!


1 - d 6 - b

2 - c 7 - d

3 - a 8 - b

4 - b 9 - b

5 - a 10- a


Kepala SD Negeri 2 Pamoyanan

Endang Zaenal Aripin, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 1963 1214 10 1001

Purwakarta, Maret 2009


Fahmi Nurhakim

NIM: 0518210058

Validity Analisys

Num Students' Name Items Number (x) Score


Items Number (x2) y2

Items Number (xy)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Adi Saputra 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 25 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 0 0

2 Atu 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 25 5 5 0 5 5 0 0 5 0 0

3 Cucu Khotimah 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 7 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 49 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 7 7

4 Dewi 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 49 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 7

5 Didah Nurhasanah 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 16 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 4

6 Eni 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 16 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 0

7 Hilman 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 16 0 4 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 0

8 Iis 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 25 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 5

9 Ipah A. 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 25 5 5 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 0

10 Ipah B. 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 36 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 6 6

11 Linda 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 25 5 5 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0

12 Mamad 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 4 4

13 Nopi 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 25 5 0 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 5

14 Rini Irnia 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 25 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 5 0 0

15 Tia 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 36 0 6 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 6

16 Ujang Suryana 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 25 5 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 5 0

17 Wiwi 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 36 0 6 6 6 0 6 0 6 0 6

Jumlah 9 9 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 88 9 9 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 470 46 50 48 48 43 49 42 45 49 50

rXY = N. XY-( X).( Y)

N X2-( X)

2.N Y

2-( Y)


r-count = rXY n-2



Number N ∑x ∑y ∑xy ∑x2 ∑y2 N∑xy N∑x2 N∑y2 ∑x∑y (∑x)2 (∑y)2




(N∑y2-(∑y)2) (N∑x2-(∑x)2)

(N∑y2-(∑y)2) rxy

1 17 9 88 46 9 470 782 153 7990 792 81 7744 10 17712 133,086 0,075

2 17 9 88 50 9 470 850 153 7990 792 81 7744 58 17712 133,086 0,436

3 17 9 88 48 9 470 816 153 7990 792 81 7744 24 17712 133,086 0,180

4 17 9 88 48 9 470 816 153 7990 792 81 7744 24 17712 133,086 0,180

5 17 8 88 43 8 470 731 136 7990 704 64 7744 27 17712 133,086 0,203

6 17 9 88 49 9 470 833 153 7990 792 81 7744 41 17712 133,086 0,308

7 17 8 88 42 8 470 714 136 7990 704 64 7744 10 17712 133,086 0,075

8 17 9 88 45 9 470 765 153 7990 792 81 7744 -27 17712 133,086 0,203

9 17 9 88 49 9 470 833 153 7990 792 81 7744 41 17712 133,086 0,308

10 17 9 88 50 9 470 850 153 7990 792 81 7744 58 17712 133,086 0,436

Number N N-2 N-2 r r2 1-r2 1-r2 r-count r-table Validity

1 17 15 3,873 0,075 0,006 0,994 0,997 0,292 0,482 Invalid

2 17 15 3,873 0,436 0,190 0,810 0,900 1,875 0,482 Valid

3 17 15 3,873 0,180 0,033 0,967 0,984 0,710 0,482 Valid

4 17 15 3,873 0,180 0,033 0,967 0,984 0,710 0,482 Valid

5 17 15 3,873 0,203 0,041 0,959 0,979 0,802 0,482 Valid

6 17 15 3,873 0,308 0,095 0,905 0,951 1,254 0,482 Valid

7 17 15 3,873 0,075 0,006 0,994 0,997 0,292 0,482 Invalid

8 17 15 3,873 0,203 0,041 0,959 0,979 0,802 0,482 Invalid

9 17 15 3,873 0,308 0,095 0,905 0,951 1,254 0,482 Valid

10 17 15 3,873 0,436 0,190 0,810 0,900 1,875 0,482 Valid

Reliability Analisys


m Students' Name

Items Score X Y X

2 Y



Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Adi Saputra 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 3 2 9 4 6

2 Atu 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 2 3 4 9 6

3 Cucu Khotimah 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 7 4 3 16 9 12

4 Dewi 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 7 2 5 4 25 10

5 Didah Nurhasanah 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 3 1 9 1 3

6 Eni 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 2 4 4 4

7 Hilman 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 1 3 1 9 3

8 Iis 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 5 4 1 16 1 4

9 Ipah A. 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 4 9 6

10 Ipah B. 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 3 3 9 9 9

11 Linda 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 4 1 16 1 4

12 Mamad 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 9 3

13 Nopi 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 3 2 9 4 6

14 Rini Irnia 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 2 3 4 9 6

15 Tia 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 6 4 2 16 4 8

16 Ujang Suryana 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 5 2 3 4 9 6

17 Wiwi 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6 1 5 1 25 5


9 9 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 88 43 45 127 141

rXY = N. XY-( X).( Y)

N X2-( X)

2.N Y

2-( Y)


= 17.141-88.43



= 2397-3784


= 1387


= 1387


= 1387


= 0.943

t-count = 2rXY


= 1.886


= 0.971

tcount > ttable

0.971 > 0,514 So tcount is reliable

Mean of Pre-Test of Experimental Group



= 119


= 5.95

Standard Deviation of Pre-Test of Experimental Group


Sd1 = N

N – 1


= 20

20 – 1


= 20


= 731 – 708.05


= 22.95


= 1.208

= 1.099

M1 =

∑X2 -

731 -

731 -

Mean of Post-Test of Experimental Group



= 148


= 7.4

Standard Deviation of Post-Test of Experimental Group


Sd1 = N

N – 1


= 20

20 – 1


= 20


= 1122 – 1095.2


= 26.8


= 1.411

= 1.188

M1 =

∑Y2 -

1122 -

1122 -

Mean of Pre-Test of Control Group



= 44


= 2.588

Standard Deviation of Pre-Test of Control Group


Sd2 = N

N – 1


= 17

17 – 1


= 17


= 232 – 113.882


= 118.118


= 7.382

= 2.717

M 2=

∑X2 -

232 -

232 -

Mean of Post-Test of Control Group



= 112


= 6.588

Standard Deviation of Post-Test of Control Group


Sd1 = N

N – 1


= 17

17 – 1


= 17


= 672 – 737.882


= 65.882


= 4.118

= 2.029

M1 =

∑Y2 -

672 -

672 -

t Value of Pre-Test

M1 – M2

t = Sd12 Sd2


N1 N2

5.950 – 2.588

= 1.0992 2.717


20 17


= 1.208 7.382

20 17


= 0.060 + 0.434


= 0.494


= 0.703

= 4.782

t Value of Post-Test

M1 – M2

t = Sd12 Sd2


N1 N2

7.400 – 6.588

= 1.1882 2.029


20 17


= 1.411 4.117

20 17


= 0.071 + 0.242








= 0.171


= 0.413

= 1.966

Data Gathered from The Experiment

Experimental Group

M of pre-test 5.95

M of post-test 7.4

Sd of pre-test 1.099

Sd of post-test 1.188

Control Group

M of pre-test 2.588

M of post-test 6.588

Sd of pre-test 2.717

Sd of post-test 2.029

Calculate the t

t of pre-test 4.782

t of post-test 1.966

Degree of freedom (df)

= (N1 + N2) – 2

= (20 + 17) – 2

= 37 – 2

= 35

P = 0.05

tt = 1.684

Pre-test to = 0.431

Post-test to = 5.894

tt = 1.684

Standard Error


S(Xe-Xc) = Se 2 + Sc

2 = 1.099

2 + 2.717


Ne Nc 20 17

= 0.060 + 0.434 = 0.703


S(Xe-Xc) = Se 2 + Sc

2 = 1.118

2 + 2.029


Ne Nc 20 17

= 0.063 + 0.242 = 0.552



Place, Date of Birth : Purwakarta, February 24th


Gender : Male

Religion : Islam

Address : Kp. Krajan RT. 02/01 Desa Cibogohilir

Kecamatan Plered Kabupaten Purwakarta 41162

West Java

Father‟s Name : U. Sobana

Mother‟s Name : Yayah Juariah

Profession : Teacher of Elementary School

(SD Negeri 2 Pamoyanan - Plered)

Graduation : 1. SDN Cibogohilir I in 1997

2. SLTPN 2 Darangdan in 2000

3. SMU Al-Muthohhar in 2003

4. Continued to English Education Study Program of

STKIP – Subang




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