sixth sunday in ordinary time february 16, 2020

Post on 01-Aug-2022






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U.S. Air Force: Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Simpson Master Sergeant Scott Moller Tech. Sgt. Francisco J. Velasquez Master Sgt. Jeremy Salaver

U.S. Army: Chief Warren Officer Carlos J. Perez II Private Angelique J. Rosado Master Sergeant Jill Agront Sgt. Hisnard Cadet, Jr. Staff Sgt. Misael Exantus PFC Zaymery Villalobos Special Force Kareem Inniss Spc. Richard Aquilar Captain Gavin Campbell McMahon LTC Douglas Boltuc Sgt. Andrew Gandolfo PFC Francisco Fuentes Melinium PFC Stefan Saindoux PFC Luc-Ambert Saindoux, Jr. PFC Betty Piquion Sgt. Henry Pazmino

U.S. Marines: 1st Battalion Carlos Fuentes CPL Daniel C. Monroe RCT Eric Joel Vazquez Sergeant W. Jason Ferris L. Cpl. Alfonso Rodriquez Oswaldo Pazmino

U.S. Navy: Airman Herbert J. Alvarado JE-4/CS3 Jesus Ron Lt. Joseph A. Baugh Lt. John R. Esposito AG2/Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael McGee Gordy Garcia

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Voice Mail Only: Must Leave a Message

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Elissa Hanson ....................................................... Ext.350 Choir Director & Organist

Ms. Lisette Joachim.............................................. Ext 351 Ministry of Consolation

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Deacon Hernst Bellevue, Director of Religious Education ..................................Ext. 311 RCIA

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 16, 2020

“No one does he command to act unjustly, to none does he give license to sin.”


Lectio Divina

A Prayerful Reading of Sacred Scripture

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Matthew 5:17-37 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the king-dom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (5:17-20). The whole law and the prophets, Jesus says in Matthew 22:40, “depend on” —i.e., find their purpose in—the love of God and neighbor. Jesus fulfills this because in him the God who is love became our neighbor. “When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption” (Gal 4:4-5). As God and man, Christ’s self-offering on the cross was the perfect act of love: rendering justice to God and redemption to humanity, and opening the way to eternal life. The least commandments: Jesus is concerned with the smallest letter, not our of nit-picky perfectionism, but for our own good. Rather than deliver lowered expectations—”Just be a decent person, generally speaking, and don’t do anything really bad” - the Lord reveals to us what we would otherwise think impossible: to be wholly sanctified, to share in divine perfection. There are no areas of our life that remain isolated from God, or that we accept as being unre-deemable or unable to be healed. Where do we find such comprehensive sanctification? The Church, the obedient Bride of Christ and Mother who teaches mankind. Through her we enter the Kingdom of heav-en. “You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be lia-ble to judgment. But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raja,’ will be answerable to the Sanhedrin; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ will be liable to fiery Gehenna. Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be recon-ciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court with him. Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge, and the judge will hand you over to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. Amen, I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny” (5:21-26). Christian righteousness is more than a polite agreement not to cause physical harm; it is a share in God’s radical purity and love. “I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jer 31:33). Righteousness from union with Christ surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, for it is a “righteousness from God, depending on faith to know him and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by being conformed to his death” (Phil 3:9-10). Christ’s grace restores order and harmony: between ourselves and God; between our reason, our passions, and our body; between ourselves and others. Is all anger sinful, then? Anger may be an appropriate emotional response to an evil situation, but it must not lead to cruelty, rudeness, detraction, or vindictiveness. Anything against you: Christ quickly turns the tables and speaks not to the aggrieved, but to those who have offended others, urging us to be quick to make amends. Are we? And


Lectio Divina Cont’d

A Prayerful Reading of Sacred Scripture

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Matthew 5:17-37 especially when we need God’s mercy, let us settle quickly while on the way: “In an acceptable time I heard you, and on the day of salvation I helped you. Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2). “You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehanna. And if your right had causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna. “It was also said, Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you, who-ever divorces his wife—unless the marriage is unlawful—causes her to commit adultery, and who-ever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (5:27-32). Lust reduces a person to an object of use; love considers another’s true good and personhood. Tear it out; cut it off. How should we understand these words? Not as counseling literal self-harm, but as show-ing the incomparable worth of holiness: “I even consider everything as a lost because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ” (Phil 3:8). How do we attain such profound love and in-terior strength? By praying, “A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit” (Ps 51:12). The fidelity of husband and wife, as Saint Paul says, “is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church” (Eph 5:32). “Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors, Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow. But I say to you, do not swear at all; not by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth, for it is his footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one” (5:33-37). Do not swear at all: This is not to condemn sincere promises or religious vows; rather, our Lord corrects the illusion that we stand in authority over the universe, heaven itself, or even our own lives. Jesus asks for simplicity of soul and confident submission to his wisdom and providence. Let your yes mean yes: “For the Christian, his own presence, demeanor, and word ought to be their own warrant…. Christ would have his followers ‘lay their own persons on the line’… The very foundation of Christian martyr-dom is to give witness with our body, our words, and our life to the redemptive truths that our Lord has wrought in us” (E. Leiva-Merikakis). This does not necessarily mean to die a martyr’s death, but to live for Christ above all else. “Or do I make plans according to human considerations, so that with me it is ‘yes, yes’ and ‘no, no’? As God is faithful, our word to you is not ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ For the Son of God, Jesus Christ...was not ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ but ‘yes’ has been in him. For however many are the promises of God, their Yes is in him” (2 Cor 1:17-20).


2-16-2020 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 17, 2020

Monday February 17– Presidents’ Day (Office Closed) 8:30 AM ...... Guy Deslandes

Tuesday ........ February 18 8:30 AM ...... Joseph Laurice

Wednesday February 19 8:30 AM ...... In Thanksgiving for Ariana Jean

Thursday February 20 8:30 AM ...... Dorothy Maurer

Friday February 21 8:30 AM ...... Edith Lucchi

Saturday February 22 5:00 PM ....... Parishioners of St. Martha

Sunday February 23 7:30 AM ...... George E. Leonard, Jr.

9:00 AM ...... Jose Pedro Castellanos & Martha Carranza

11:00 AM .... Morel Vilsaint

12:30 PM ..... In Thanksgiving for Felisha Bruno

SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 23, 2020

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13

1 Corinthians 3:16-23 Matthew 5:38-48

The Bread and Wine for the Week of

February 16, 2020 to February 22, 2020

are offered in Memory of

James Feeney, Jr.

Requested by Rose & James Feeney & Family



Website Sponsorships Available!

In the weeks ahead, our parish representative from Solutio, Inc., will be setting up the advertising for our website for the year.

Please consider participating in this effort since the revenue from the ads is what makes the website possible at no cost to the parish.

It’s a great way to get your name in front of the families in the parish. Advertisements may be purchased for a busi-ness, family memorial, or you can sponsor an ad supporting Catholic Charities, Knights of Columbus, Vocations, etc.

Please give these ideas some thought. We need and appreciate your help! If you are interested or just curious as to prices and want more information, please contact 516.271.4098 or


Scripture Readings February 17 - February 22

Monday, February 17 James 1:1 -11

Psalm 119 Mark 8 :11 -13

Tuesday, February 18 James 1:12 -18

Psalm 94 Mark 8 :14 -21

Wednesday, February 19 James 1:19 -27

Psalm 15 Mark 8 :22 -26

Thursday, February 20 James 2:1 -9

Psa lm 34 Mark 8 :27 -33

Friday, February 21 James 2:14 -24, 26

Psalm 112 Mark 8 :34 -9:1

Saturday , February 22 1 Peter 5 :1 -4

Psalm 23 Matthew 16:13 -19

A vocation to the priesthood... is countercultural. First of all, it is a response to the love of God in one’s life. Further, is a life of self-sacrifice that is aimed to restore and recover a love of God in the world. The signs in a man that indicate a possible vocation to the priesthood include the fol-lowing:

Love of God – You want to know and love and serve God wholeheartedly.

Love of neighbor – You desire to bring God’s love and grace to the world for the salvation of souls.

Attracted to the priesthood – Over time you de-velop an interior attraction to the priesthood. There is a certain sense of joy and peace when you contemplate yourself living as a priest.

A willingness to serve the Lord as His priest – The willingness to be a priest is already an ex-cellent sign that the Lord wants you to be a priest.

A generous heart and a willingness to sacrifice.

Human Requirements – You are physically, in-tellectually, and psychologically capable of liv-ing the priestly life.

If you are interested in the priesthood or would like more information , please contact Fr. Rony at (516) 481-2550, Ext. 302

Vocation Prayer Merciful Father, you sent your Son into the world to free us from the power of sin and evil. Grant that, through the in-tercession of the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Mercy, many young men will respond to your call to give of themselves in imitation of Christ the Redeemer. Fill them with the light of your Holy Spirit that they may renounce the power of the world, proclaim truth and freedom, and bring consola-tion and relief to oppressed Christians. Bless our family of Mercy with numerous holy priests and brothers who will offer our world the testimony of your faith and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN


Parish History, Kathleen Lyons 1950s - The Parish Grows! The 1950s - A decade of growth both for the Uniondale community and the new parish of St. Martha. As more of the vacant property in the community was developed, the attendance at Mass and partici-pation in parish activities grew exponentially. What was a relatively small number of long time resi-dents petitioning the Diocese of Brooklyn, in the late 1940s, to establish a Roman Catholic Parish in Uniondale, grew to a Church Capital Campaign committee of 150 by 1952. Once the church was fin-ished, Fr. Byrne and his founding parish trustees, William N. Robertson and Lloyd Brown turned their attention to providing a Catholic Education to the children of the parish. In May 1955, another Capi-tal Campaign was established and construction on the school on Hempstead Blvd. began. By Septem-ber, 1957 the building welcomed its first students. The project as originally conceived by Fr. Byrne included obtaining the parcels of land, designing a school building that would contain 14 classrooms and 2 Kindergarten rooms. But the campaign also included plans for an addition to the school that in-cluded the General Purpose Room, now Sacred Heart Commons, and 6 new classrooms. By 1959 the building was complete! Sr. Agnes Joseph, CSJ. served as the first principal of St. Martha's Parish School. That second Capital Campaign also included raising sufficient funds to build a convent which would house 25 nuns of the order of St. Joseph who would staff the school. Fund raising efforts were numer-ous: a yearly fair on the grounds, the first held on the Uniondale Ave. site.; a Booster Club that held a monthly raffle; Bingo and "Las Vegas Nites"; as well as events such as communion breakfasts, Rosary Society card parties, etc. By 1959, as the parish celebrated its 10th anniversary, plans for the construction of convent were well underway, the complex included a renovated and enlarged rectory, a new Church and the recently opened school. The congregation had grown from some 500 members to over 4500. Attendance at the Sunday Morning Masses soon overflowed the church building. Masses were said almost hourly in both the Church and the lower hall and eventually a third 10:30am Mass was scheduled in the school. Even then the crowd spilled into the parking lot. The rectory housed the three priests assigned to the parish, Fr. Byrne, Fr. O'Brien and Fr. Flynn, and the Rev. Bernard J. McGrath who taught at the Pius X Preparatory Seminary which was built on the property that once housed the Labor Lyceum. The Rev. Vincent Powell, CYO Director in the Brooklyn Diocese, and the Vincentian priests from St. John's University help to cover the many Masses being celebrated each weekend. As 1960 arrived, Fr. Byrne and the congregation had firmly established a flourishing parish in the Lat-in tradition which was anticipated to serve the community in that format for years to come. The changes to be instituted in the church by Vatican II were not and could not have been anticipated.


Historia de la parroquia, Kathleen Lyons

1950 - ¡La parroquia crece!

La década de 1950: Una década de crecimiento tanto para la comunidad de Uniondale como para la nueva parroquia de Santa Martha. A medida que se desarrollaron más propiedades vacantes en la co-munidad, la asistencia a misa y la participación en las actividades de la parroquia crecieron exponen-cialmente. Lo que fue un número relativamente pequeño de residentes que solicitaron a la Diócesis de Brooklyn, a fines de la década de 1940, que estableciera una Parroquia Católica Romana en Un-iondale, se convirtió en un comité de la Campaña Capital de la Iglesia de 150 en 1952. Una vez que la iglesia terminó, el P. Byrne y sus miembros fundadores de la parroquia, William N. Robertson y Lloyd Brown volvieron su atención a proporcionar una educación católica a los niños de la parroquia. En Mayo de 1955, se estableció otra Campaña Capital y se empezo la construccion de la escuela en Hempstead Blvd. En Septiembre de 1957, el edificio dio la bienvenida a sus primeros estudiantes. El proyecto tal como fue concebido originalmente por el P. Byrne incluyó la obtención de las parcelas de tierra, el diseño de un edificio escolar que contendría 14 aulas y 2 aulas de jardín de infantes. Pero la campaña también incluyó planes para una adición a la escuela que incluía la Sala de Propósito Gen-eral, ahora Sacred Heart Commons, y 6 aulas nuevas. ¡Para 1959 el edificio estaba completo! Hna. Agnes Joseph, CSJ. sirvió como el primer director de la Escuela Parroquial de Santa Martha.

Esa segunda Campaña Capital también incluyó la recaudación de fondos suficientes para construir un convento que albergaría a 25 monjas de la orden de San José, que se encargarían del personal de la escuela. Los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos fueron numerosos: una feria anual en el terreno, la primera celebrada en la Avenida Uniondale. un Booster Club que realizó un sorteo mensual; Bingo y "Las Vegas Nites"; así como eventos como desayunos de comunión, fiestas de la Sociedad del Ro-sario, etc.

En 1959, cuando la parroquia celebró su décimo aniversario, los planes para la construcción del con-vento estaban en marcha, el complejo incluía una rectoría renovada y ampliada, una nueva Iglesia y La escuela recientemente abierta. La congregación había crecido de unos 500 miembros a más de 4500. La asistencia a las misas del Domingo por la mañana pronto desbordó el edificio de la iglesia. Se celebraron misas casi cada hora tanto en la Iglesia como en el salón inferior y, finalmente, se pro-gramó una tercera misa a las 10:30 am en la escuela. Incluso entonces la multitud se derramó en el es-tacionamiento. La rectoría albergaba a los tres sacerdotes asignados a la parroquia, el P. Byrne, p. O'Brien y el P. Flynn y el reverendo Bernard J. McGrath, que enseñó en el Seminario Preparatorio Pío X que se construyó en la propiedad que una vez albergó el Liceo Laboral. El reverendo Vincent Pow-ell, director de CYO en la diócesis de Brooklyn, y los sacerdotes vicencianos de la Universidad de St. John ayudan a cubrir las muchas misas que se celebran cada fin de semana.

Cuando llegó 1960, el P. Byrne y la congregación habían establecido firmemente una floreciente par-roquia en la tradición latina que se esperaba que sirviera a la comunidad en ese formato en los años venideros. Los cambios que el Vaticano II instituirá en la iglesia no fueron ni pudieron haber sido an-ticipados.


L’Histoire de la Paroisse, Kathleen Lyons Les années 50 – La Paroisse grandit! Les années 50.-.Une décennie de développement tant pour la communauté de Uniondale que pour la nouvelle paroisse de Ste. Marthe. Au fur et à mesure qu’on développait la vacante propriété de la communauté, la présence à la Messe et la participation aux activités paroissiales grandissaient expo-nentiellement. Ce qui était relativement un petit nombre d’anciens résidents demandant au Diocèse de Brooklyn, pendant les années 1940, d’établir une Paroisse Catholique Romaine à Uniondale, devint en 1952 150 membres du Comité de Campagne Capitale d’une église. L’église une fois construite, le père Byrne et les administrateurs de sa paroisse, William N. Robertson et Lloyd Brown pensaient à offrir une Education Catholique aux enfants de la paroisse. En Mai 1955, une autre Campagne Capi-tale fut établie et la construction de l’école sur Hempstead Blvd. commença. En Septembre 1957 le bâtiment reçut ses premiers étudiants. Le projet originalement conçu par le père Byrne était d’obtenir les morceaux de terre, bâtir une école qui contiendrait 14 salles de classe et 2 salles de jardin d’en-fants. Mais la campagne incluait aussi des plans pour l’addition d’une Salle d’Utilisation Générale, actuellement appelée “Sacred Heart Commons”, et 6 nouvelles salles de classe. Vers 1959 le bâtiment était fini! Sœur. Agnès Joseph, CSJ. Servit come première directrice de l’Ecole Paroissiale de Ste. Marthe. Cette deuxième Campagne Capitale incluait aussi la levée de suffisamment de fonds pour bâtir un couvent pouvant loger 25 sœurs de l’ordre de St. Joseph qui constitueraient le staff de l’école. Les efforts de levée de fonds étaient nombreux: une foire annuelle sur le terrain, la première tenue sur l’emplacement de Uniondale Ave; un “Booster Club” qui organisait une rafle mensuelle; Bingo et “Las Vegas Nites”, aussi bien que des activités telles que “communion breakfasts, Rosary Society card parties”, etc. En 1959, pendant que la paroisse célébrait son 10ème anniversaire, les plans pour la construction du couvent étaient en exécution; le complexe comprenait un presbytère rénové et élargi, une nouvelle église et une école récemment ouverte. La congrégation a augmenté d’environ 500 membres à plus de 4,500. La présence aux Messes du Dimanche matin débordait le bâtiment de l’église. Des Messes étaient célébrées presqu’a chaque heure dans l’église et le sous-sol et éventuellement une troisième Messe à 10:30 était célébrée dans l’école. Malgré tout la foule déversait dans le parc de stationne-ment. Le presbytère logeait les trois prêtres assignés à la paroisse, le père Byrne, le père O'Brien et le père Flynn, et le Rev. Bernard J. McGrath qui enseignait au Séminaire Préparatoire Pius X construit sur la propriété ou se trouvait le “Labor Lyceum”. Le Rev. Vincent Powell, Directeur du CYO dans le Diocèse de Brooklyn et les prêtres Vincentiens de «St. John’s University» aidaient à couvrir les Messes célébrées en fin de semaine. A l’arrivée de 1960, le père Fr. Byrne et la congrégation avaient fermement établi une paroisse floris-sante dans la tradition latine qu’on anticipait devait server la communauté dans ce format pour des an-nées à venir. Les changements institués dans l’église par Vatican II n’étaient pas et ne pouvaient pas être anticipés.


Cada lunes, de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM; miércoles, de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM y 7:00 PM a 9:00 PM, el Padre César R. Bejarano, OFM se encuentra disponible en el Centro Parroquial para confesiones y dirección es-piritual. LA EUCARISTÍA SE OFRECE : En Acción de Gra-cias por los Miembros del Cursillo de Cristiandad. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN: Los miércoles, a las 7:00 PM en el gimnasio. ULTREYA: Cada domingo, a las 11:00 AM en la Ca-pilla. JUVENTUD SIN FRONTERAS: Los jueves, a las 7:30 PM en el Salón Betania. CORO HISPANO: Ensayos los viernes a las 8:00 PM en la Iglesia. MINISTERIO DE LA ACOGIDA: Ministros que ex-tienden la bienvenida y entregan las hojas de cantos a los feligreses que llegan a la Iglesia.. MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CATÓLICO: Para in-formarse, llamen a Eddie y Arely Cantos, Tel. (917)-40202810 – Líderes Diocesano del Movimien-to Familiar en Nassau. CENÁCULO DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Cada mar-tes, a las 7:00 PM en la Capilla. MISA DE LA NINÉZ Y MISA JUVENIL: Cada pri-mer domingo del mes. LOS NIÑOS: Cada domingo los niños reciben la bendi-ción y procesan al Salón Betania para celebrar la Litur-gia de la Palabra y regresan para el momento del Oferto-rio. SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL: Cada primer y segundo domingo del mes, inmediatamente des-pués de la Misa,en Bethany Hall, cuarto detrás del esce-nario. Si necesita ayuda, llamar al (516) 633-9411, de lunes a sábado de 9:00 am a 6:00 pm. JÓVENES-ADULTOS: Cada miércoles, de 7:00 a 9:00 PM en Salón Betania. LECTIO DIVINA: Se reúne cada lunes de 7:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Capilla. CLASES DE FORMACIÓN: Los cuartos sábados del mes, de 2:30 PM a 6:00 PM en Salón Betánia.. UNA HORA CON EL SANTÍSIMO: Cada domingo de 6:00 AM a 7:00 AM en Santa Marta.

MESSE DOMINICALE La Communauté se réunit tous les dimanches à 12h 30 pour célébrer la messe. Venez participer à notre célébration dominicale avec votre famille et vos ami(e)s. La messe du dimanche 16 février est offerte pour Anne Marie & Lovinski Isidore.

GROUPE DE PRIÈRE Le Groupe de Prière se réunit à la chapelle chaque mercredi à partir de 7h 30 du soir. Une fois par mois, le groupe célèbre la messe et tous les troisièmes mercredis, un moment est réservé pour l’adoration du Saint Sacrement. Pour plus d’information, appe-lez Marlène Jean-Baptiste au (516) 538-6585.

ADORATION Le St Sacrement sera exposé le lundi et le vendredi de 9 h du matin à 3 h de l’après-midi à la chapelle. Il nous faut une présence à tout moment durant le temps d’exposition.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH Le bureau de diversité multiculturelle du diocèse de Rockville Centre en conjonction avec le Vicariat de Brooklyn pour les Affaires des Noirs Catholiques vous invite à la messe annuelle d’action de grâces dans le cadre du Mois de l’Histoire des Noirs (Black History Month). Cette messe aura lieu le dimanche 16 fevrier à 4h de l’après-midi au centre Immaculée Conception de Douglaston. Addresse : 7200 Douglaston Pkwy, Douglaston, NY 11362

MINISTÈRE SOCIAL Besoins pour cette semaine : Riz, tuna, pois secs ou en marmite, Lait Parmalat. Les bureaux sont ouverts le lundi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi de 10h à 2h de l’après-midi et le mercredi, de 7h à 9h du soir. Aide disponible en Anglais, Fran-çais, Créole ou en Espagnol. Contactez-les au (516) 292-1603 ou (516) 481-2550, Ext. 320

HEURES DE BUREAU - PÈRE EDEN JEAN-BAPTISTE Le Rév. Père Eden Jean-Baptiste est disponible à son bureau le jeudi et le vendredi de 9h à midi pour con-

sultations, confessions et autres besoins spirituels.


5:00PM - Lector: School Mass

Altar Server: David LeBlanc

Eucharistic Ministers: Yolande Augustin, Karen Hart, Phyllis Droessler

Ushers: Rosemarie Laguerre, Jennifer King, Mario Cadavid

7:30AM - Lector: Kathleen Lyons

Altar Server: Eziafa Odiaka, Chuks Odiaka, Thierry Robergeau

Eucharistic Ministers: Maria Gonzalez, Dolores Spagnoli, Virginia Costello

Ushers: Jim Capriotti, Carmen Charles, Genevieve Charles, Alex Apresa, Jorge Ricky Flores Sal Monge

11:00AM - Lector: Theresa Sanders Davis

Altar Servers: Julissa Abrahams, Jeffrey & Gentiva

Eucharistic Minister: Karleine Graham, Gloria Maffettone, Hannah Nelson, Theresa Sanders Davis

Ushers: Bennett Paul, Agnes Duclairon, Wilner Nestor, Frantz Denis, Sandra Joya

If thou love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, thou shall serve Him well.

This is NOT a substitute for your schedule! Please refer to the schedule

you received from the head of your ministry! If you are unable to serve, do not call the office!

Find a replacement or contact your ministry head!

(visit click on Ministry Schedules)

Thank you for your generosity to St. Martha’s Parish!

February 9, 2020

5:00 PM Mass ......................................................................... $932.00 7:30 AM Mass ...................................................................... $1,766.00 9:00 AM Mass ...................................................................... $3,250.00 11:00 AM Mass .................................................................... $1,823.00 12:30 PM Mass .................................................................... $1,886.00 Poor Box.................................................................................... $61.00 Children’s Mass ..................................................................... $152.00 Military Services Collection............................................... $2,311.00

(Does not reflect donations made by Faith Direct)

How does this work? The people at Faith Direct have made it very simple and will handle the entire process for our parish:

1. You may complete an enrollment form and simply return the form to Faith Direct headquarters, along with a cancelled check if you have selected checking debit or complete credit card infor-mation.

2. You may visit and use our specif-

ic parish code NY333 for secure online enrollment.

There is no cost to you as a parishioner to enroll. If you wish more information or an enrollment form please call the Bookkeeper at 481-2550 EXT 304.


Bulletin Reflection Stewardship involves more than just the gift we bring to the altar. Today’s readings say clearly that it is fidelity to God’s law that makes our of-fering acceptable.

Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Prayer The First Reading today tells us that we have a simple choice: to follow God or not. Sometimes, however, we may not know what God is asking of us or we may be tempted to chose to disobey God. This week, ask the Lord in prayer to show you the way.


Mass Book is open:

through March 31, 2020

The Bread and Wine Calendar... is now open until the end of February

he list of names that will appear under this column will reflect ONLY those who are CRITICALLY ILL. The

individual or family member must contact the Parish Cen-ter in order to be placed on the Sick List. Please note the new email address the Parish Center at (“PRAY FOR THE SICK” MUST APPEAR IN YOUR EMAIL’S SUBJECT LINE); or come by the Parish Center with your request in writing, no later than Monday. This list will be updated on a monthly basis.

Omnipotent and Eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy pitying mercy, that, with their bodily health restored, they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary D’Abreu Barbara MacMelville

Claude Myrthil Sally Boyer

Eddie Gonzalez Ellen Mertens

Paul Massey Lorraine Hardy

Helen Proniewych .................................................. +January 17, 2020

Anne Apuzzo ......................................................... +January 17, 2020

Jeanne Valme ........................................................ +January 26, 2020

Agnes Declairon .................................................... +January 28, 2020

Lissette Quintanilla ................................................. +February 2, 2020

For everything you need to know in faith formation,


Memorialize a loved one with a leaf on

our parish’s Tree of Life, located in

the Church Lobby. If you would like more information about this lovely memorial, please contact

the Parish Office at (516) 481-2550 Ext 301

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my medical fund thus far. I found out my initial campaign (not run by me) has been shut down for an unknown reason. The first campaign helped cover my household bills from missed work, as well as smaller hospital bills. This new campaign is set up in hopes of paying back some of the $90k+ I owe as of now. (This is only one of the two surgeries I have had so far.) It is very possible I will have to claim bankruptcy if I can-not make a good dent. That is a very frightening thought as a single parent. For those of you who either have donated already, or cannot afford to, please do not feel obligated. I ask for prayers for myself and for my family. It has been a very rough couple of months. The new link is You can also leave donations at the Parish Center. Every little bit helps, and has helped. God bless and thank you so much. St. Martha’s has been incredible with your generosity.

~Elissa Hanson, Music Director

Dear Lord, As my life declines and my energies decrease, more than ever hold me by Your Power, that I may not offend You, but daily increase in Your Love. Give me strength to work in Your Service till the last day of my life. Help me to ever have an increasing dread of venial sin, or whatever would cause the slightest withdrawal of Your Love; all day long, and at night keep me close to Your Heart; and should I die, ere the morning breaks, may I go rejoicing in that vision of Your entrancing beauty, never to be separated from You. Amen.


Social Ministry/Outreach Office Hours

Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10:00AM—2:00PM (516) 292-1603 or (516) 481-2550, Ext. 322


FOOD STAMPS First Mondays of the month!

11:00 AM—2:00 PM

Catholic Charities WIC 1000 N. Village Avenue

Rockville Centre, NY 11571 (516) 705-3645

F I D E L I S C A R E HEALTH INSURANCE Is in Social Ministry every Wednesday from 10AM–12 PM

An Immigration Consultant...

will be available at the Parish Social Ministry the second

Wednesday of each month. The next date will be on:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 10:00AM - 1:00PM

FREE FOOD FOR THOSE IN NEED: For further information and income guidelines please call:

631-491-4166 in Suffolk or 516-623-4568 in Nassau

BABY ITEMS NEEDED: Diapers, diaper wipes, strollers and car seats that meet current standards.

ITEMS NEEDED: individual boxed milk (i.e., Parma-lat); toilet tissue, paper towels, personal care items, gift certifi-cates.


Great Need: Canned Vegetables, Jelly & Peanut Butter!

Where: Gathering Area (or bring directly to Outreach during their hours of operation)

Some additional items needed: dry milk, peanut butter, jelly, rice, pinto beans, dry or canned beans and canned meat/fish.

Give us our daily bread

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