six experts reveal insights on remote team management

Post on 15-Aug-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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6 Experts Reveal Insights On Remote Team ManagementBy

Hugo Messer

• Timothy Loginov, co-founder of and employed at AnyChart.Com.

• Keith Brink, CEO of Twassistant, an international recruiting and management firm.

• Jon Jones, the Content Curator for the Unreal Engine Marketplace at Epic Games.

• Mark Tuchscherer, the President of GeeksChicago is our next expert.

• Sean Si , the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker and Qeryz.

• Taylor Murray, project manager for a contact call center, CallTools

In this post, I have gathered advice from six experts on managing remote teams. I have written 6 Books about the topic. I always believe I need to learn from other experts, I asked all these experts on what they see as the 3 pitfalls in offshoring & their advice on preventing them. Our first expert is Timothy Loginov, co-founder of and employed at AnyChart.Com. Timothy has managed remote teams in small/mid-sized high-tech companies for about 10 years.

There were only two of us when we started AnyChart in 2002 and our first “office” was located in a corner of the room in a studio apartment, so the only communication obstacle was the need to get from a chair to a sofa. Nowadays our team of 20 people spans 7 locations, 5 cities, 2 continents and 4 time zones; the biggest time difference is 15 hours. Changes didn’t happen instantly and as we’ve been growing, we adapted more and more remote management techniques and technologies, and we also suffered all imaginable problems of remote teams: missed meetings, miscommunication, mismanagement of resources and motivational issues.

6 significant things I’ve learned through the years1) Do not allow anyone to miss a meeting; Punish, motivate, look for a suitable time, reschedule, stop the car and get on a phone – solutions may be different, but once a meeting is set – it must happen because meetings can’t be substituted by emails, tickets and comments. Missed meetings demotivate people and create an atmosphere where everything “can be done later”, which results in general performance and productivity downfalls.

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