site selection for dams & reservoirs (original)

Post on 23-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    Site Selection forDams and Reservoirs

    Dr. P. Sarathbabu


  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)



    Barrier that stores water at two levels.

    The primary purpose of dam is to store

    water whenever available in plenty foruse durin scarcity.

    Built across rivers

    !"cess water is released to river anduseful water is transferred thro canals

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    Dams are constructed for water storae forcommunity and industrial use# irriation# flood

    control# hydro electric power# river canali$ation.

    Dams depends on environmental conditionsparticularly the eoloy of the site.

    Safety is the first consideration and than cost as that

    the failure of a dam results in sevior loss of life andproperty.

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    %omponents of Dam

    Body of Dam &oundation

    Top road

    'ates and liftin devices

    Spill way or Sluice



    (ain river course

    Stillin Basin

    Drainae allery

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    %omponents ) &orces in Dams



    &oundation Soil

    Dam Body


    Upstream Down Stream

    Drainae 'allery

    Spill *ay


    Sluice ateStillin Basin

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    Down Stream



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    Main River Course

    Riht ban+ %anal


    ,eft Ban+ %anal



    Plan of Dam

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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    Preliminary -nvestiations for Dam site

    This investiations are made to ascertain itsimportant merits or demerits. This +ind ofinvestiation is necessary# so that detailedinvestiations which are much more e"pensive#e"tensive and laborious should be made only if the

    site is approved. The important informationcollected at this stae is as follows.

    . ,itholoy

    /. Structure0. Physioraphy 1Toporaphy2

    3. 'round *ater %onditions

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    Site selection criteria for the dams and reservoirs

    Basin on the analysis of dam problems# failures and ha$ards

    it may be concluded that the dam sites to satisfy the followinre4uirements.

    . The roc+ should be sound and resistant to the e"pectedstatic and dynamic forces includin earth4ua+es.

    /. The valley slope should be stable when the reservoir isfull. This re4uirement also applies to the roc+abutments.

    0. The foundation of the dam should be safe from slidin#

    especially in the case of ravity dam.

    3. The roc+ used for the foundation should be of oneeoloic classification to avoid variations in the values

    of modulus of elasticity.

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    5. The foundation and the reservoir wall should be watertiht.

    6. The roc+ at the site should be resistant to solution#

    erosion# decomposition and other detriment effects ofwettin and dryin free$in and thawin.

    7. The reservoir drainae area includin roc+s andoverburden should be resistant to erosion and therefore

    not li+ely to contribute such heavy silt loads to thereservoir.

    8. The eoloy and toporaphic conditions should permitfavourably for the location of spillways and diversiontunnel# power house and outlet conduits.

    9. The location of construction materials particularlyconcrete areate should be with in an economically

    :ustified distances.

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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    Function Example


    Hydroelectric poweris a major source of electricity in the world. manycountries have rivers with adequate water flow, that can be dammed for powergeneration purposes. For eg, the taipuon the Paran! "iverin #outh $mericagenerates %& '(and supplied )*+ of the energy consumed by Paraguayand-+ of that consumed by ra/ilas of --0.

    #tabili/e waterflow 1 irrigation

    2ams are often used to control and stabili/e water flow, for agriculturalpurposes and irrigation. 3hey can help to stabili/e or restore the water levelsof inland la4es and seas. 3hey store water for drin4ing and other direct humanneeds,

    Flood prevention 2ams are created for flood control.


    2ams 6often called dy4es or levees7 are used to prevent ingress of water to anarea that would otherwise be submerged, allowing its reclamation for humanuse.

    (ater diversion 2ams are used for the purpose of diversion.

    &UN%T-;NS ;& DA(S
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    %,ASS-&-%AT-;N 1T

  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    . ST;RA'! DA( ;R -(P;UND-N' DA(

    -t is constructed to create a reservoir to storewater durin periods when there is hue flow

    in the river 1in e"cess of demand2 for

    utilisation later durin periods of low flow

    1demand e"ceeds flow in the river2.

    *ater stored in the reservoir is used for

    irriation# power eneration# water supplyetc. By suitable operation# it can also serve

    as a detention dam.

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    /. D!T!NT-;N DA(

    -t is primarily constructed to temporarily

    detain all or part of the flood water in a river

    and to radually release the stored water

    later at controlled rates so that the entirereion on the downstream side of the dam is

    protected from possible damae due to


    -t may also be used as a storae dam.

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    0. D-=!RS-;N DA(

    -t is constructed to divert part of or all

    the water from a river into a conduit or

    a channel.

    &or divertin water from a river into an

    irriation canal# mostly a diversion weiris constructed across the river.

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    3. %;&&!R DA(

    -t is a temporary dam constructed toe"clude water from a specific area. -t is

    constructed on the u>s side of the site

    where a dam is to be constructed sothat the site is dry.

    -n this case# it behaves li+e a diversion


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    5. D!BR-S DA(

    It is constructed to catch and retain debris flowing in a


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    BAS!D ;N ?

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    . ;=!R&,;* DA( ;R ;=!R&A,, DA(

    -t is constructed with a crest to permit overflow

    of surplus water that cannot be retained in the


    'enerally dams are not desined as overflow

    dams for its entire lenth.

    Diversion weirs of small heiht may be

    desined to permit overflow over its entire


  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    /. N;N@;=!R&,;* DA(

    -t is constructed such that water is not

    allowed to overflow over its crest.

    -n most cases# dams are so desined that part

    of its lenth is desined as an overflow dam1this part is called the spillway2 while the rest

    of its lenth is desined as a non@overflow


    -n some cases# these two sections are not


  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    BAS!D ;N (AT!R-A, ;&


    . R-'-D DA( /. N;N@R-'-D DA( 1!(BAN(!NT DA(S2

    . R-'-D DA(

    -t is constructed with riid material such as stone#

    masonry# concrete# steel# or timber.

    Steel dams 1steel plates supported on inclinedstruts2 and timber dams 1wooden plan+s supported

    on a wooden framewor+2 are constructed only for

    small heihts 1rarely2.

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    /. N;N@R-'-D DA( 1!(BAN(!NT DA(S2

    -t is constructed with non@riid material such as earth#

    tailins# roc+fill etc.

    !arthen dam ravel# sand# silt# clay etc

    Tailins dam waste or refuse obtained from mines

    Roc+fill dam roc+ material supportin a water tiht

    material on the u>s face

    Roc+fill composite dam Roc+fill on the d>s side and

    earth fill on the u>s side

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    !arthen dams are provided with a stone

    masonry or concrete overflow 1spillway2

    section. Such dams are called compositedams.

    -n some cases# part of the lenth of the damis constructed as earth dam and the rest

    1e"cludin the spillway2 as a masonry dam.

    Such dams are called masonry cum earthen


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    'RA=-T< DA(


    !(BAN(!NT DA(

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    'RA=-T< DA(

    -t is a masonry or concrete dam which

    resists the forces actin on it by itsown weiht. -ts c>s is appro"imately

    trianular in shape.

    Straiht ravity dam A ravity dam

    that is straiht in plan.

    %urved ravity plan A ravity dam

    that is curved in plan.

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    %urved ravity dam 1Arch ravity dam2

    -t resists the forces actin on it by

    combined ravity action 1its own weiht2and arch action.

    Solid ravity dam -ts body consists of a

    solid mass of masonry or concrete ?ollow ravity dam -t has hollow

    spaces within its body.

    (ost ravity dams are straiht solidravity dams.

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    %oncrete 'ravity Dams

    *eiht holds dam in place

    ,ots of concrete 1e"pensive2

    These dams are heavy and massive

    wall@li+e structures of concrete in

    which the whole weiht acts vertically


  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    As the entire load is transmitted on the small

    area of foundation# such dams are constructed

    where roc+s are competent and stable.

    Bha+ra Dam is the highest Concrete Gravity dam in Asia

    and the second highest in the world.

    Bha+ra Damis across river utle! in "imachal #radesh

    $he construction of this pro!ect was started in the year

    %&'( and was completed in %&)* .

    It is +', ft. high above the deepest foundation as straight

    concrete dam being more than three times the height of

    -utab Minar.

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    ,enth at top 58.6m 17CC feet2 width at

    base 9C.5m 16/5 feet2# and at the top is

    9.3m 10C feet2

    Bha+ra Dam is the hihest %oncrete 'ravity

    dam in Asia and Second ?ihest in the world.

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    /. AR%? DA(

    -t is a curved masonry or concrete dam# conve"

    upstream# which resists the forces actin on it by

    arch action.

    The only arch dam in -ndia -du++i dam 1double

    curvature in plan2 concrete arch dam

    Arch Dams

    Arch shape ives strenth

    ,ess material 1cheaper2 Narrow sites

    Need stron abutments

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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    These type of dams are concrete or masonrydams which are curved or conve" upstream inplan

    This shape helps to transmit the ma:or part ofthe water load to the abutments

    Arch dams are built across narrow# deep riverores# but now in recent years they havebeen considered even for little wider valleys.

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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    0 BUTTR!SS DA(

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    0. BUTTR!SS DA(

    -t consists of water retainin slopin membrane or dec+on the u>s which is supported by a series of buttresses.These buttresses are in the form of e4ually spacedtrianular masonry or reinforced concrete walls orcounterforts.

    The slopin membrane is usually a reinforced concreteslab. -n some cases# the u>s slab is replaced by multiplearches supported on buttresses 1multiple arch buttressdam2 or by flarin the u>s ede of the buttresses to span

    the distance between the buttresses 1bul+head buttressdam or massive head buttress dam2. -n eneral# thestructural behaviour of a buttress dam is similar to thatof a ravity dam.

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    Buttress Dam -s a ravity damreinforced by structural supports

    Buttress a support that transmits aforce from a roof or wall to another

    supportin structure

    This type of structure can be

    considered even if the foundationroc+s are little wea+er.

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    Buttress Dams

    ace is held up by a series of supports

    lat or curved face

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    . !(BAN(!NT DA(

    -t is a non@riid dam which resists the forces actinon it by its shear strenth and to some e"tent alsoby its own weiht 1ravity2.

    -ts structural behaviour is in many ways different

    from that of a ravity dam.

    !arth or roc+

    *eiht resists flow of water

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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    !arth Dams

    They are trape$oidal in shape.

    !arth dams are constructed where the foundation orthe underlyin material or roc+s are wea+ to supportthe masonry dam or where the suitable competent

    roc+s are at reater depth.

    !arthen dams are relatively smaller in heiht andbroad at the base.

    They are mainly built with clay# sand and ravel#hence they are also +nown as !arth fill dam or Roc+fill dam

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  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    Classification of /ams

    Based on Si$e

    Based on function

    Based on material used

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    %lassification based on Si$e

    Small Dam 1EC m hih2

    (edium si$e Dam 1C /5 m hih2

    ,are Dam 1F/5 m hih2 (a:or Dam 1F5C m hih2

  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    Classification based on #urpose

    ?ydro@electric dam

    -rriation dam

    *ater supply dam for city for the purposes of drin+in

    water# recreation# naviation thro canals# industrial use.

    &lood %ontrol

    ?abitat dam for fishes ) wild life

    !ffluent containin dams from industry# mine# factory


    (ulti@purpose dam

  • 7/24/2019 Site Selection for Dams & Reservoirs (Original)


    Classification based on Material of construction

    (asonry Dam

    %oncrete Dam

    Timber Dam

    Steel Dam

    !arth Dam

    Roc+fill Dam %omposite Dam

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    %lassification based on action

    'ravity Dam

    Arch Dam

    Saddle Dam

    %hec+ Dam

    Diversion Dam

    ;verflow Dam


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    'ravity Dam Timber Dam

    Steel DamSan ,uis Dam near ,os Bonos#

    %alifornia an !mban+ment


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    ?oover Arch Dam

    Power eneration Plant


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    Steel Dam

    Timber Dam

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    Arch Dam

    Solid 'ravity Dam

    Roc+fill Dam

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    %ombined !arth ) Roc+fill Dam

    !arth Dam

    DA( S-T!S ;& S;(! -ND-AN DA(S

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    DA( S-T!S ;& S;(! -ND-AN DA(S

    Bha+rananal DamG It is situtated in the gorge of

    utle! River where roc0s consist of alternating bands of lightred clays and fairly hard1 thic0 bedded sandstones with a

    steep down stream dip1 varying between +,C2(,C with the


    ?ira+ud DamG $he dam is situated across theMahanadi river. $he foundation of roc0s consists of Granitewith schistose bands1 Granitic gneisses1 shales and


    Beas DamG $he foundation roc0s at the 5eas dam siteconsists alternate layers of sandstones and shales of siwali0

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    Naar:unasaar DamG $he roc0 types e6posedin and around the dam site are the granite gneisses of

    the peninsular gneissic comple6 and the 4uart3ites andshales belonging srisailam stage of cuddapah system.

    Srisailam DamG $he main roc0 types are 4uart3iteboulders1 sand intermi6ed with clay.

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    Real 7ife

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    ympathi3e with the audience8s situation if appropriate

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