sistah's cafe/refreshing

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Women's Ministry




SC a Fresh Anointing on Women’s Ministry

Introducing “Refreshing God’s Woman”


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Dear Beloved Readers,

“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps

burning, 36 like servants waiting for their master

to return from a wedding banquet, so that when

he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. 37It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he

will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.” Luke


Whether you are called to the neighbor next door or to the one across the ocean, our first call is to

be ready for His coming, then having served along the way.

Within each of us, there are gifts and talents; we all have been given an assignment to carry out.

While there’s time let’s work! Let’s be about doing the good he put in; he desires it from us.

I give thanks for the opportunities that he gives me to serve, although serving is not always an easy

task. Well, don’t feel bad, there were others just like you that God called beyond their known ability. Moses

and Jeremiah are two I can think of for sure. They looked to their own inability when God was looking at His

created ability in them. Joyce Meyer says, “Do it afraid.” And I say, “Stop making excuse just do it,” the

master is soon to return. Do you want Him to find you ready with fruit in your baskets? Yes, I am sure you do;

having done the works of Christ it will also stand the fire. “The true character of everyone’s work will become

manifest. For the day of Christ will disclose it, because that day is soon to come upon us clothed in fire, and as for the quality of every one's work-- the fire is the thing which will test it.” 1Cor. 3:13

We often stand behind the doors of fear and allow it to keep us from walking through the door which

holds our greatest victory or blessings ahead. When God calls, he already knows who he is calling and

everything else there is to know about those so called inabilities, also known as “can’t”. Don’t you believe His

word in you? “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”? Ok good, no more excuses. It can work

in you, he wills to work through you.

As I look to Him more (spending time with him read, pray and give thanks) I find my servant’s attitude

refreshed. Time with Him is precious. He is calling us. to come into the green pastors of His word to drink so

that he can change our daily lives. May we serve at our best and be ready for Him to return finding us in no

delay to immediately open the door when he calls.

Something to remember in his service, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in

humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of

the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4NIV) Give your all in service unto the Lord, always. Imagine this, He also looks to

recline us at the table and serve us as we have been faithful; not trying to wrap my mind around him an idea

of him serving for he has already humble and gave greatly himself. The Holy Spirit prompts me, this is honor.

He will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them; he will

honor our service unto the Lord. As I write I am humbled immensely.

This encourages me and lets me know further of his love but greater of the attitude of a servant I must

take on in my life daily, I honor Him in total obedience and willingness to serve him with all my heart.

I urge you; use what you have in the time that we have remaining, be a blessing in every way that God

would lead you. “Do not envy others and their callings.” Do only what God has for you. We are serving

together for the same goal. There are so many more lives that are assigned to you that your have not yet

touched. This is a time! There are open doors. We must step over the threshold of where God is calling.

Be the blessing to those who are waiting on you. Truly I tell you, look ahead, he will dress himself to

serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them….”

….Until he comes be dressed, waiting, serving others. ~SubiSubiSubiSubi~

Great Treasures

I looked through the window

Waiting to be edified and recognized

That they have some value

Longing to be used,

But hopelessly they sit

Warming the pews,


…Their treasures remained stored inside

Hidden in vessels

They are…

… Great treasures Great treasures Great treasures Great treasures denied.

I looked through the window

Of an old house

I saw shelves filled with precious bottles, baskets, and bowls,

They were all cherished by someone once,

Now sitting upon a shelf as if they

Have no value, just old.

Oh Lord! I thought,

Like these precious items

There are many precious gifts sitting upon the pews,

Filled with valuable treasures

…Their treasures remained stored inside


by Sharon D. Holliday

© 2011 (revised by Photo: Rev. Debbie Howard

I saw shelves filled with precious bottles, baskets, and bowls,

They were all cherished by someone once,

There are many precious gifts sitting upon the pews,

by Sharon D. Holliday aka (Subi)

author SDH)

Photo: Rev. Debbie Howard

It’s Your Business


Sistah’s Café is a Christian Good News Newsletter/Fellowship and Outreach

Our mission is to share the good new

newsletter, outreach and fellowship it is our purpose to fulfill this mission and bring support to

ministries in our community, and help bring patrons to our Christian business owners.

Sistah’s Café is a ministry tool with a fresh anointing to do women’s ministry more effectively.

Our Sistah’s Café is a fellowship that body builds relations


Our ads are donation based and although we believe no gift is too small we m

donated rate to make this available to you and your patrons. Typically ad cost is expensive plus a

set-up fee. We do not charge a set


VM/Fax 206.888.4642

You may also be a sponsor: send any about (no gift is too small) to

Sistah’s Café

P.O. Box 13093. Durham, NC 27709

Thank you for your support

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is a Christian Good News Newsletter/Fellowship and Outreach

Our mission is to share the good news of the gospel as commission in Mark 15:15-19. Through our

newsletter, outreach and fellowship it is our purpose to fulfill this mission and bring support to

ministries in our community, and help bring patrons to our Christian business owners.

is a ministry tool with a fresh anointing to do women’s ministry more effectively.

Our Sistah’s Café is a fellowship that body builds relations

Our ads are donation based and although we believe no gift is too small we must set

this available to you and your patrons. Typically ad cost is expensive plus a

up fee. We do not charge a set-up fee and our donation suggested rates are affordable. email:

: send any about (no gift is too small) to:

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We create a variety of beautiful and delicious gourmet desserts. We

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es it’s more than beautiful, it’s delicious!

the hand cake was crafted for cried with joy, amazement and thanksgiving.”

surprise. I know she can do anything she set her mind to but to do

ng for me, “her mother” was extra special. The shoe tag was my very own

signature; what more can I say. SDH.”.

19. Through our

newsletter, outreach and fellowship it is our purpose to fulfill this mission and bring support to

ministries in our community, and help bring patrons to our Christian business owners.

is a ministry tool with a fresh anointing to do women’s ministry more effectively.

set a standard

this available to you and your patrons. Typically ad cost is expensive plus a

up fee and our donation suggested rates are affordable.

We create a variety of beautiful and delicious gourmet desserts. We

Let us be a part of your special event; whatever the

h our creative edible work of

was crafted for cried with joy, amazement and thanksgiving.”

know she can do anything she set her mind to but to do

ng for me, “her mother” was extra special. The shoe tag was my very own

Tentatively Meeting Schedule: Saturday,

November 5, 2011 11-2pm

Inspirational Ground Coffee House

1921 West Cumberland StreetDunn, NC 28334-4513 (910) 230-0126

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Register for the 2011

Christian Prophetic Poet's & Writer's Retreat:

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Contact Rev. Howard for purchase

Story by: Rev. Deborah Howard


Introductory MeetingIntroductory MeetingIntroductory MeetingIntroductory Meeting

in Dunn, NC

Dunn Area! We are interesting in seeing life at its best

everyday in each of you. Every day at work, home,

other times is a time to enjoy your life. We are

interesting and being a refreshing part of your life. So

please join us.

Our first meeting will serve as an introductory

meeting. Although we want to bring something to both

the men and women in your area; right now we are

calling on the Women to get us off to a running start.

Each one of you has something to bring to the table of

life so let’s come together and make it happen.

I look forward to coming to Dunn to fellowship with

the women of Dunn and surrounding areas. I recently

spent a few days around town and as I do when I drop

in I observed and talked to people I know and those I

don’t. I have even talked to some of the youth. I re-

discovered, people need people (everywhere) and

most of all people are looking for what we all are

meant to have authentic loving relationship with one

another and with God. I believe in the message and

I’m ready to share it with you is “Refreshing”.

Every Day is New!

A New Start 2011 1Corinthians 5:17

Have you ever thought about your life and wished so

many times that you could go back and change some things in

your life? Of course, you have. I certainly have, and I know I am

not alone. Well, one day I found out that I could begin again;

although my life has a history and maybe still someone in my

life hasn't forgiven me for something I did or said, I know we

can never return to a physical infancy, but we can start over at

the point of a decision.

You can begin again, right now where you are. I was

given an opportunity to do just that. That opportunity changed

my life forever. It didn’t make me perfect nor did it shield me

from future mistakes or wrong choices, but it has made my life

new, with continued growth, I know my life will continue to be

better outwardly.

Let me tell you what it did:

It gave me a new start in life, and all things for me became new.

It gave me protection from the past failure; I don’t have to live

in that.

It gave me power and authority to reign in life.

It gave me access to a better life than I could ever plan for


It transformed me into the person I was created to be.

It started me on the path that was preordained and destined for


It gave me a ministry, a way to serve, help/reach out to others

and let them know that they can have this new life too.

The best thing about it, it wasn’t hard. It was a decision. Now

let me explain new, (kainos) meaning unused, as a new kind. I

am saying I am unused, fresh, as a new kind, a new person

spiritually. Old things have passed, and all things have become


You must be wondering, “How did I get this new start?” I can’t

wait to tell you.

I heard the knock at the door of my heart. You see, beginning

again starts with God; only he can give you the fresh start you

are looking for, and only he can set you free from everything.

that has held you captive from being the best you that he

created. Only He can make you fresh as a new kind. Jesus

said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears

my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will

sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20 KJV

It’s a decision only requires one thing for the full benefits of

what you receive, like a baby grows and produces after asking

Jesus into your life it grows through proper nurturing.

Keep in Mind: The baggage one has the tendency

to drag around in their mind, and heart is part of the

old life.

When my mind tries to take me back for all the

wrong reasons, the greater one inside of me reminds

me that it under the blood that washed every sin, right

every wrong, and restored my very being.

15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live

for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised


16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of

view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no

longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has

come: the old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from

God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us

the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the

world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against

them. And he has committed to us the message of

reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as

though God were making his appeal through us. We implore

you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him

who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might

become the righteousness of God. (1Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

Whether you need to repent for the first time or re-

examine and re-dedicate your life to God, you can have a

new start in life, now is the time♥

Excerpt from Refreshing God’s Woman Magazine: a Sistah’s Café publication. Introducing

Refreshing God’s

Woman Ministry

God Did It! Let’s Give Him Glory!

Revelation 12:11

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by

the word of their testimony!

Let’s call this testimony “Putting God’s reputation on the line!” This is the season to

keep your focus on God above all things. Now is the time to bank on His reputation and

not yours or any other man.

I as write, I am in the midst of active faith and harvesting what faith, thanksgiving and

total surrender will do. I have a mixture of things going on in my own life, nevertheless; I

will not give up or stop moving forth. I am sure you can hear my determination.

I thought I would be sharing this as someone else’s testimony but God revealed this as

my own message of being a part of the works that He desires to do at the obedience of

his people. The phone rang. My eldest child was calling, on the other end was an

unexpected sound in her voice, sobbing. It was a cry that no mother wants to hear from

her child. The words broke through the tears and emotions, “My friend is very sick.”

She shares some quick and important details of the circumstance. I knew right away it

was very serious. My child is a very good RN, so I knew she was at an awareness level

that became a challenge to her as a line of attack on the mind from the adversary. “My

immediate response was he will not die!” Putting God Word and reputation on the line,

faith was cased without doubt. I knew there were two lives on the line. Her friend and

hers; the mother in me loves them both and wanted both their lives in the place of

righteousness in Christ. Her friend wasn’t saved. Her knowing this she knew he wasn’t

ready to enter eternality. I could not imagine her living with that thought. My husband

and I agreed at this called, and due to the worst of this condition that we would go over

with her and laid hands on this child, pray the prayer of faith. I know that there were

many prayers going forth during the time of his arrival to the hospital ‘til now. This day

the events of his life were changing. We arrived, family and friends had been called.

Their hearts were heavy while confidence in my heart was rising as we greeted them.

My daughter had worked there and requested permission for us to go in. So time was

permitted, we went in prayed and left. As I walked down the halls my heart was filled

with assurance as my mind was recalling God’s reputation. (We are call to follow Jesus,

1John 2:6, “walk as he walked”. He was “anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power” and “went

about doing good”) (Acts 10:38 NASB).The report began to change little by little. Our

daughter would commune with an attending nurse, which was a Christian friend of

theirs. She prayed over him too ministering in thanksgiving the word to that body.

The day we went in order to pray, all his organs were failing. Having to be in the

presence of that situation before, I refused to believe something less for him/for them.

Prior to my birthday, September 1st, I was going to a bible study, and my child drives up

and out steps a young man walking with this multiple expression on his face. My heart

danced, and I gave thanks once again with a big hug. I asked, “Are you giving God the

glory for this, are you saved?” He said, “yes.” I gave thanks for them both. God gets

the glory for being able to be put His reputation on the line every time! They live to be a

testimony of Him in the earth greater. My testimony is I’m putting God on the line in all

situations every time! ♥

Triangle Christian Center 11100 Fellowship Drive

Raleigh, NC 27617

Sunday Service 10:30am; Wednesday Service 7:00pm

I believer this church is a harbinger church , a church that is an reaching out to the End time

Harvest. Come be a part!

Sistah’s Café Helping Hands Email:

Helping Hands

There is fine young man living through some of the hardest circumstances in Jinja Uganda…God reach across the ocean to touch the heart of a mother touches his life with God’s love.

Beyond the Art, the Writer, is the young man who God has created to live out what He purposed!

You can also help! Contact us.

Ibanda G. Roland is a very talented and admiral young man. There is so much beyond his art (talents), that only God could be glorified. His heart is big and filled with the desire to please God. His life has been

challenging, but his love for God and faith spurs him in the most difficult circumstances to fulfill his destiny. Read his story, talk to him, and ask God what part can you do to see what God has purposed

him to be manifest. You are in for a blessing, if you take the time to know him and help.

~Sharon Holliday~

Woman of God and Author

AKA Subi. 2009

For More information about Roland, his art and writing, please visit

Sistah’s Café Helping Hands is using our resources to reach others on behalf of I.G.Roland and has made a list of things to aid him in

reaching his dream to fulfill what God has for him. Look for his work in Sistah’s Café .

If you desire to help this family, please contact me for more information and support. ♥

Submissions: Is God calling you to publish, share your testimony? Does He desire you to publish writings? We

are accepting testimonies for publication. Original Work: We are accepting photos and articles that are sound biblically

and encouraging. All work must be original of the one submitting. You are not paid for your submissions and must

complete the require information. Contact us today for upcoming newsletter and magazine publications. Ghostwriting:

Do you have messages that God has given you. Do you need someone to write it, put in a book? Contact us. 206.888.4246

Disclaimer: Sistah’s Café is a Christian Newsletter produced in every way to encourage you and to provide timely and accurate information; therefore, we shall have

no liability to any person or entity with respect to liability, loss, or damage, caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this

newsletter. This publication is intended to provide generalized information only and not to render professional or legal advice.

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