sirisena’s “my-three-pala-naya” (cbk, ranil, and himself) has no future.odt

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Sirisenas My-three-pala-naya (CBK, Ranil, and himself) has no future

H.L.D Mahindapala-Thursday, November 27, 2014Chandrika Kumaratunga, Ranil Wickremesinghe, Maithripala SirisenaDaily News Online : Sri Lanka's National NewsThe politics of Maithripala Sirisena is bizarre, to say the least. He leaves the Rajapaksa regime because he was not given the premiership and his answer to his own problem is to abolish the presidency and appoint Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Prime Minister, empowered with executive powers of the presidency.Where does this leave Sirisena? At the end of 100 days, when he hopes to complete his demolition job, he will be left with nothing -- neither the Presidency nor the Premiership. When he finishes his job of abolishing the Presidency and handing over executive power to Wickremesinghe (within 100 days, he says!) he will be creating only a My-three-pala-naya of Wickremesinghe, CBK and himself, the non-entity in the troika. In the current context it is difficult to find three more monumental losers than this trio.Vindictive politicsSirisenas My-three-pala-naya indicates that he is a follower and not a leader. He has neither the vision nor the capacity to provide a viable alternative that is better than a refined status quo. Who else but a nave political puppet would fall for a plan which will cut off the branch he holds and destroy the branch on which he proposes to stand? (Al-lapu ath-thath naha, paya gahapu ath-thath naha.) Where is his place in the new hierarchy of the proposed My-three-pala-naya?Those with eyes to see will agree that there isnt a greater folly than getting trapped in the doomed politics of Ranil-Chandrika combo. They plotted in 2010 to pick Sarath Fonseka a good General fallen among fools to pit him against Mahinda Rajapaksa. Reason: these two failures knew that they had no chance of winning against Mahinda. So they picked Fonseka who had Buddhist and nationalistic credentials to contest Mahinda. Everyone knows the results.Now this combo is back again recycling their vindictive politics to get even with Mahinda. Having made use of Fonseka they dumped him like a hot potato because he is no longer marketable as a winner. So they baited Sirisena promising money to finance his campaign, cross-overs to demoralize the government, organizational support in the electorates and the backing of a motley of odd-bods, including TNAs Sampanthan and JHU. (TamilNet (24/11) reported that CBK had secret talks to cut a deal with Sampanthan.)Of course, TNA and JHU are strange bed-fellows. They make the bizarre politics of My-3-pala-naya weird and unworkable. To begin with, if JHU is preparing to go to bed with TNA in the My-three-pala-naya then they must be having a perverse craving to get some masochistic kicks out of sleeping with porcupines. They might want to sleep with their backs turned to the TNA but that where the pricks will hit them. Bringing in Sampanthan and it will be only on secret deals with TNA will definitely take the nation back to the failed CBK-Ranil politics again.More importantly, the anti-national actions of Wickremesinghe and Chandrika point to the fact that they have been the best conduits of the West. So when Sirisena aligns himself with these anti-national forces, who have sold the nation down the river, he is signaling that he will reverse the post-Nandikadal gains and go back to the time when Erik Solheim and Prabhakaran dictated terms to the beleaguered nation. In his My-three-pala-naya he not only plans to commit hara-kiri but also push Prabhakarans cyanide pill down the throat of the nation.Of course, he is due to announce the details of his plans sooner or later all of which will be proposed, drafted and written by CBK and Ranil. He will be merely the mouth-piece selected to parrot the words fed to him by CBK and Ranil for the simple reason that he has never shown the leadership qualities of thinking on his own two feet. He is no visionary leader who can carve out a new path to the future. So far he has shown only signs of going back to the failed past.However, his qualities can be tested on the way he proposes to deal with the following issues:1. What will be his stand on the 13th Amendment?2. Will he go with Ranil and CBK plan of implementing 13+ sponsored by India and the West?3. Will he agree to withdraw the forces from the north to satisfy the demands of TNA in exchange for their votes?4. At a time when USA continues to increase its global bases 900 and counting will he cut down the naval bases in the north to appease TNA?5. Will he introduce cuts into the forces defending the territorial integrity and security of the nation?6. Will he give in to the land policy of TNA to keep the north and the east exclusively for the Tamils, which may include issuing visas under a revised P-TOMS plan of Chandrika?7. After the Harvard University awarded him a Health Leadership Award has Michele Sisson used him as the head of the secret anti-national leadership campaign backed by the other two pro-American losers?8. Does his My-three-pala-naya include throwing principles of law and order into the dustbin in order to protect his son Gamaralage Daham the next time he runs amok in a drunken rage, assaulting even Police officers appointed by the state to maintain law, order and even sons of senior police officers?9. Will he care to develop a new education program in geography to teach his new political partners in the UNP the difference and the distance between Medawachchiya his political patch -- and Kilinochchiya?10. Since he claims to be the man who plans to introduce purity into the administration will he begin by investigating the $300 million given to Ravi Karunanayake by the pro-Tiger billionaire in USA, Rajaratnam now serving a jail term in USA for insider trading?11. Will Sirisena, under the influence of his main backers, CBK and Ranil, initiate a policy of deviating from the independent foreign policy of Mahinda Rajapaksa and go with CBKs French connections and Ranils IDU dominated by anti-Sri Lankan David Cameron?12. What place will be left open for him in the post-election phase in which he proposes to abolish the presidency and appoint the well-known failed leader in Sri Lankan history to run the country?13. How does he propose to implement the promises he is giving the voters when he has already promised to hand over executive power to the biggest political flop in Sri Lankan history?14. How does he propose to protect the territorial integrity when he hands over his executive powers to the man who sold the nation to Prabhakaran?15. Will he revive the P (pacha)-TONS plans to hand over the North and the East for ten years for the Koti pups in the TNA to run the two regions with the compliments of his two main backers, CBK and Wickremesinghe?16. Considering the anti-national political players behind Sirisena isnt he the next biggest threat to the unity, national identity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka?These are only a few selected questions that he must answer when he goes before the nation to get the votes. Many more are bound to be raised once he reveals the details of his manifesto. These preliminary questions reveal that not only the Gamarala under his roof but even his political associates, like CBK and Wickremesinghe, are a serious threat to the future of the nation that is now settled on a course, with all its faults, heading towards a future, with a clearly defined path to progress, national identity, national security, territorial integrity.Executive powersSirisenas proposed My-three-pala-naya presents a serious threat to the future of the nation. If executive powers are handed over to Wickremesinghe there is no guarantee that he will not move heaven and earth to reverse the gains achieved by the Security Forces. He has intransigently pursued an anti-Sri Lankan policy, kow-towing to David Cameron and the West. His ambition is to gain a place in history by rewriting and reversing the history achieved by the self-sacrificing forces that fought Prabhakaran and his best buddy, Wickremesinghe, to the bitter end. Wickremesinghe and his henchaiyas havent yet apologized to the nation for ridiculing our heroic forces and selling the nation to Prabhakaran.Clearly, in the coming election the question that the nation will face is this: did our heroic soldiers who were ridiculed by the UNP sacrifice their lives for Wickremesinghe to undo their achievements and hand over the territory liberated by them to the enemies of the nation?Sirisena is on record saying that he will hand over his executive powers to Wickremesinghe. How can Sirisena then control him and prevent the nation from being hijacked and taken back to the time when Wickremesinghe handed over the north and the east on a plate to Prabhakaran? Wickremesinghe is led by David Cameron and not by Sirisena. Wickremesinghe will have no compunction in giving Sirisena the karapincha treatment. He will drop Sirisena like the way Chandrika dropped him, when he was bending into two before Bush in the White House.But where will the Machiavellian manipulations at the top leave the people at the bottom?Posted byThavam

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