sims 2 randomness 02

Post on 14-Jan-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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The Sims 2…Utter Randomness

Episode 2

“I look very pretty tonight”

“And I'll rip apart anyone that disagrees with the way I look!”


“Forty-five.”“Hmmm, do I have forty-five?”

“I wonder if I have forty-five on my bingo cube.”

“Hee hee, I have forty-five right here.”“No fair, you're cheating!”

“Is it me or is this one of the first times a sim story actually has one of these bingo games actually in use. I mean, don't simmers just hate this object?”

“I can't find words on this cube.”“Yea, where are the words?”

“Only numbers on mine.”

“Uh guys, I didn't call a number yet.”

“I'm gonna beat you at this”“Oh no you're not.”

“Oh yes I am!”

“I'm gonna get you good.”

“Woah woah woah!”

“Oh noes!”

“Whoot! I win!”

“And welcome one and all to the annual build a car competition. We have four lovely teams competing today, all working on the same model of car: the only model allowed!”

Team one has some very lovely duo ladies, one with a certain pattern on her pants. They are working just as diligently as the other teams.”

“Oh ho, but it looks like they're having trouble with their engine.”

“Looks like team two is run into some problems. What is that guy doing?”“Uh, what am I supposed to do again?”“You're supposed to be refurbishing the body, Derp!”“Oh yea, right.”

Skin color four seems to be the dominant trait in team number three and they are chipping away at that car. Or shall I say working away.”

“Team four is also composed of two ladies, but more culturally, uh, different.”“How in SimCity am I supposed to know how to fix an engine?”“I dunno, just whack away at it with a wrench and hope for the best?”

“That's right folks, thrilling entertainment at it's finest. These four teams will be working around the clock until they finish with these cars so we can auction them off to the highest bidder. Or just hock them in build/buy modes.”

“Uh oh, looks like team three is having engine trouble.”

“So what seems to be the trouble, sir?”“Gosh darn thingie just don't want to be no cooperatin. Con found it!”

“Oh ho, looks like team one has a reason to celebrate.”“Whoo hoo, we're gonna finish first!”

“Or maybe not.”

“And it looks like engine smoke hits team two just as well.”

“Alright folks, as you can see, team three has just upgraded the style on their car. The body is much more refined.”

“And looks like team one is close behind.”

“Alright folks, it certainly looks like everyone is now on even ground. Now it's just a matter of time before those engines get straightened out and the bodies are finished and ready for a coat of paint.”

“And it looks like our teams have attracted the attention of the local judges.”“How ya doin?”“Could you leave me alone? I'm tryin ta work here.”

“Looks like you're working hard at it. Don't mess up.”“Well, gee thanks for the concern. Now go bother the other teams.”

“Team four is now facing engine smoke as the judges take a look at the other vehicles. And who let a zombie on the competition grounds? Or is that another judge? Who knows folks. Who truly knows?”

“Well lookie here, people. Looks like team one finished their engine already. Now it's just time to finish that body work up.”

“Don't look now, but team three is on equal footing. What diligent work!”

“Tell me, how do you do it?”“I read it in the manual. Herp a derp!”

“The judges are still running inspections, but it also looks like teams two and four are suffering engine failure once again. Will these kids ever learn not to mess with the wrong stuff?”

“Hey, announcer guy! I just finished my engine. Cool huh?”“Not really. Especially since you're now in third place as far as I'm concerned.”

“That's right folks, three teams are finished with their engines. All we're waiting for now is team four to catch up and them car bodies to be finished up.”

“Hey look, we finally finished.”“Well good for you. Now get in line!”

“Well look here ladies and gents, team three is actually in the lead. Their car body is finished and just waiting for that coat of paint. Get to work you two and you'll be winners in no time.”

“I finished with the body.”“Well that's swell. Now start painting!”“Ok.”

“Hey look, announcer guy: we've finished our car body too.”

“And so it would seem that team four is also caught up. Let's see who actually finishes the paint job first though. It can be a tight race folks!”

“Paint, you competitors! Paint faster! You're very existence as sims depends on it!”

“And is it any surprise folks? Team three takes the gold!”

“Amazingly enough, team four ties out with team one despite the head start steam one had.”

“And of no surprise, taking home the bronze and in last place, the sickly green car that represents team two.”

“Oh Jennifer. I'm so happy that we're finally alone and we can spend quality time with each other. I can't tell you how much I love you.”“Oh, don't worry about it, Abigale. I know how much you love me because I love you just as much if not more.”“No I love you even more than that.”“Oh no, I love you more!”

“Listen, girls. I don't mean to intrude on you're love situation but are you two gonna keep arguing over who loves who more or are you gonna move on to the good stuff?”

“By the way, mind if I jump in on the action too?”“No!”

The End

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