simon morrell

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"A Dragon on the Door"



Simon Morrell Marketing Pack


“Simon is class....he is a warrior” Geoff Thompson.

About Simon Morrell Simon Morrell spent most of his life suffering from anxiety. As a child and into early adulthood, he was the victim of bullying which escalated into unprovoked violent assaults. This led to Simon developing agoraphobia, panic attacks and a nervous breakdown. Simon turned to martial arts and Karate for solace and it was here that he found his path in life. Although Simon has had more than his fair share of adversity he has remained an optimist and used his life experience to empower others through his writing and teaching. Simon has written for major publications; inspiring many people to success. He is an authority on Fear Control, and, as well as running his own martial arts academy in North Wales, shares his experiences, stories, thoughts and advice through the pages of his ever growing volume of books. His most recent book A Dragon the Door, a tale of bouncers working in the pubs and clubs of North Wales is now available from Amazon and Blue Porch Publishing and will soon be available in Waterstones across the UK when Simon embarks on a national book signing tour. Simon’s autobiography ‘From Bullied To Black Belt’ is to be made into a feature film and will highlight Simon’s life growing up on the North Wales coast, his battle with anxiety and finding his confidence through martial arts. As well as an author and motivational speaker, Simon is a successful martial artist and his qualifications include a 4th Dan Black Belt at Practical Karate and Kick-Boxing, a Qualified Wrestling Coach (BAWA), a registered Senior Self-Protection Instructor with The British Combat Association, a member of the American Karate Association and a National Competitor. He has recently been awarded his 5th Dan Black Belt by WUMA President, Master Richard Hopkins. The award came after 30 years of training by Simon and it was said by Master Hopkins to be thoroughly deserved after so many years of hard work. He has attended and successfully completed training in Close Protection, Surveillance and Close Quarter Combat and is the Chief Instructor of The Welsh Practical Karate & Mixed Martial Arts Association. He is also a member of The Global Network of Professional Reality Based Fighting Instructors. His Black Belts were awarded after tests under some of the world’s leading Martial Artists, including Alfie Lewis, Geoff Thompson and Peter Consterdine. Today, he teaches his findings at his own centre in North Wales, the Fight Fortress. where most of his students come to Simon because they have struggled with fear control and know Simon can identify with them and provide them with the skills to change their life.

Press Release for A Dragon on the Door

September 2010

Simon’s tales of North Wales’ doormen

“The perception of north Wales' nightclub bouncers should be changed, says trainer and leading martial art expert Simon Morrell. Despite their tough exterior, they're ordinary people with emotions and fears” says Simon who has been interviewing men and women on the doors of clubs along the north Wales coast in “A Dragon on the Door”, his recently published book. Simon Morrell, who is a chief instructor for the Welsh Combat Karate and Kick Boxing Association said “ With over 30 years of martial arts experience, I have encountered a number of door men and women who have taken their skills from the gyms and dojo into the world of the nightclub and the pub door.” He continued “A Dragon on the Door describes the very best and worst of human nature. Nowhere does this occur more than within today’s drink-fuelled leisure society and whilst there are other books that detail the life of doormen across the UK, this is a unique insight into the world of North Wales’ club and pub life through the eyes of door staff in the region.” Simon, 44 , who runs the Martial Arts Academy, The Fight Fortress in St Asaph has dedicated “A Dragon on the Door” to Danny Patient, a Colwyn Bay doorman who died of cancer in 2003. Simon says “When I first met Danny, I was struck immediately by his quiet, softly spoken voice and demeanor and was surprised to learn he was the British Kick Boxing Champion. He’d always wanted to be a doorman and was a true, gentle giant.” Danny is one of many of the larger than life characters found in Simon’s book and others include Russ Williams, a former Wrexham doorman and world champion Thai and kick boxing champion between 1986 and 1999 and Karen Sharman who worked in the nightclubs of Rhyl and Colwyn Bay. Copies of “A Dragon on the Door is available from Waterstones, Wrexham or For more information or to arrange an interview with Simon Morrell contact Wendy Paintsil @67 Communications 01978 290590

Hilarious but true tales from the bouncers of North Wales’ bars and clubs. “Having read a multitude of books about the working life of the security personnel that stand on the doors of our licensed premises. I noticed that there was nothing written about the North Wales Coast. Given that it is a melting pot of locals, both townies and farmers, and holiday makers I thought that such a varied clientele may well pose a few problems, issues and other such skullduggery for our Bouncers. “I was right. They also provided laughs, tears, fears and stories of love (for some) and you will learn

how World Champion Kick-Boxers, Security Chiefs, a Husband and Wife team and many others in their roles as 'bouncers' get to grips with the darker side of society.”

“A brilliant book, cracking read and one I will treasure!”

Richard 'Deadly Dicker' Hopkins WUMA President

Simon Morrell’s Books From Bullied to Blackbelt (2010)

A true story of a victim of fear, violent assault, panic attacks and the fight back! From Bullied to Black belt is a triumphant and true story of one man’s battle and journey through life. It tells of Simon Morrell's childhood growing up on the North Wales coast and his early adult years when he suffered mercilessly at the hands of bullies and became the victim of violent assaults. He became agoraphobic and experienced terrifying panic attacks. In a desperate effort to save himself, he found salvation in Martial Arts and the love of his wife, Julie.

His remarkable story concludes with a dreadful confrontational period with a gang of vicious drug dealers threatening Simon and his family. Simon recounts how he had to reach deep inside himself and find the courage to battle the dealers and emerge triumphant.


‘Offers hope to anyone who is being held back by insecurity and fear’

‘This book provides hope, honesty and information that could prove life

saving to anyone wise enough to read. Geoff Thompson, Author; Watch My Back and BAFTA Winner.

Dipping your Toes in the Water (2010)

A selection of true tales, to help you overcome your fear, anxieties and the obstacles life throws at us. Now you can live a triumphant life. “Book after book promised to banish anxiety forever. To release me from the fear. To free me forever and make me never afraid again. I chased this ever disappearing horizon and hoped that when I caught it I would be able to don a Superman suit and never be scared again. I was barking up the wrong tree.” “We all get the same number of days in the week. We can spend them worrying about the dreaded

disaster that never quite appears to happen or we can spend them living our life how we choose.” “You can get busy living or you can get busy worrying. It’s up to you.”

“At last...a self-help book that was easy to understand and really helped!'

Victoria Ward, Youth Leader.

Coming in Spring 2011

Just an Everyday Warrior

The sequel to From Bullied To Black Belt ‘Just an Everyday Warrior’ the long awaited sequel to Simon's first book, takes up from where ''From Bullied To Black Belt' left off. After years of suffering from panic attacks, agoraphobia and fear, Simon thought he had conquered all his demons, and became a successful Martial Artist and businessman. Things seemed to be going well for him, until a series of events led to disastrous consequences and saw Simon almost lose everything he had fought so hard for, and almost cost him his life. 'Warrior' tells the story of how faced threats from hard core gangsters, alleged members of the I.R.A. and how so called friends and family deserted him when he needed them the most. Plagued with self-doubt and his ability to come back from adversity, Simon’s health and finances started to sink fast. As he did, his own self-doubt was accompanied by the doubts of others. Whilst some took pleasure in his near downfall, others took pity. Some even questioned if he would survive this time. Could Simon again overcome the bitch that is adversity. Through all this, at the back of Simon's mind was not 'if'' he could come back, but 'when' he would come back. Simon tells of his drive to, not just survive his troubles, but to excel: leaving his doubters with open mouths, shaking heads and a grudging admiration. “A lot of people have asked me how I became what I am. How certain things in my life formed me. What events took place in my life to lead me to write this, the sequel to “From Bullied To Black Belt”. “Hopefully there are answers here, even though some of them are raw. See me as you wish. I am seen as a father, I am seen as a fighter. I have been called weak, I have been called a warrior. Perhaps I am, and have, been both. All is in the eye of the beholder. I’ll leave you to judge. Enjoy your read.” Simon Morrell

'Archetypical Rocky Balboa!'' (West Coast Seattle Publishing)

Press Coverage

“Simon is in a class all of his own” Jonathan E Kiser. Director Integrated Combatives USA

'Bouncers cast in wrong light', says author Simon Morrell

From bullying victim to blackbelt... Simon Morrell now trains door staff

The perception of north Wales' nightclub bouncers should be changed, says trainer and

leading martial art expert Simon Morrell.

Despite their tough exterior, they're ordinary people with emotions and fears, says

Simon who has been interviewing men and women on the doors of clubs along the north

Wales coast.

"Very few said they did it because they thought it was cool or prestigious," said Simon

who teaches door staff among his martial arts classes in St Asaph, Denbighshire.

"Most of the doorman and woman have taken to the

door because they are good at combat sports or

martial arts.

"But a lot of them have stood on the door because

they are afraid.

"They went on the door, some to make money, but

most of them to overcome their fear of violence or

violent encounters."

Simon, who has just published a book, A Dragon on the Door, recounting stories from

bouncers at clubs and pubs in north Wales, began training in martial arts himself after

years of being a victim of bullying whilst a child.

"I was terrified of everything," he said. "Luckily, someone saw something in me and now

I've been asked to teach my findings around the world," says Simon, who wrote his first

book about his experiences, From Bullied to Black Belt.

Now, he's a chief instructor for the Welsh Combat Karate and Kick Boxing Association.

He says working the doors in north Wales is different from big cities.

"It's a real melting pot," he says. "There are the farmers, locals, and then the

holidaymakers from Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham.

"The summer period is more volatile when the holidaymakers are out, compared with

the winter period.

"I think it is a clash of cultures which makes it different from your basic city nightclub,"

said Simon, a father of three.

The summer period is more

volatile here when the

holidaymakers are out,

compared with the winter


Simon Morrell


The highs and lows of a bouncer’s day – Rhyl Journal - 28 July 2010

FEAR Copy of Simon’s article for Martial Arts Illustrated News I have plenty to be afraid of. My schooldays were dogged by bullies who threatened me with knives, spat at me and beat me up. My traumatic adolescence led into my adult years where I became anxious and agoraphobic; staying indoors and shrinking into my comfort zone. Through research and support, I began to conquer my fear of the outside world and embarked upon a martial arts journey. As my confidence developed, fear was brought on by the thought of and taking part in tough gradings, hard courses, full contact sparring with professional boxers, grappling with European champions. I began teaching at seminars, opened my own gym and became confident and available for everyone to see and/or take on. Applying for membership as an instructor to possibly the most prestigious self-defence association in the world, with some of the world’s top instructors at the helm. Worrying that they wouldn’t accept me, and then feeling fear when they did. Now I would have to prove that I could instruct and would have to travel away to train under some of the best instructors in the world. Outside the ’controlled’ environment, fear was brought on by dealing with and defeating a drug dealer and his company of friends, after a dispute lasting over two years. The drug dealings were his not mine. My dispute was unconnected to his activities. Threats were made by him; his threats were overcome by me. Face offs were instigated by him and those same face-offs were won by me, by controlling fear, not showing fear, but instilling fear in him and his gang. It was a very scary time for me, I do not wish to sound clever about this. But any chink in their armour, I would expose and play on it. With great difficulty at first, I was able to disguise my many weaknesses and fears. After two and a half years of minor altercations and veiled threats on their part, a full-scale showdown became inevitable.

They came mob-handed to my house: seven to my two. My two being me and my wife. My fear was at an all time high, and all my training in controlling it was ready to leave me. I couldn’t afford to let this happen. This was my house with two young children inside. Standing my ground, being aggressive and more threatening to them, it was apparent that not one of them had what it takes to be first. Their safety in numbers philosophy back-fired when they all realised that they couldn’t rely on each other for back up and that I appeared not be bothered by them (nothing was further from the truth) When push came to shove none of them would meet my challenge. They went away with their tail between their legs. The outcome of this conflict was the group fell out with each other, the main dealer was left to face up to me on his own, causing him in the end to leave the area, moving to the other side of the country, leaving no forwarding address.

The show-downs were not won by not feeling fear. This can never happen. Once it is accepted that fear is present in every confrontation, the easier it is to start learning to control fear. The goal of this story is not to try to impress you by bravado. There wasn’t one time when I didn’t want the conflict to end, not one day when I didn’t wake up scared. It is to show you that if you can steel yourself, hide your fear, unavoidable conflict can be won. If I can do it anyone can. I have learnt other ‘live’ confrontation/fear management through dealing with ex-employees, who left the job under bad terms, making threats against me and my family. Once again face to face situations were resolved by controlling fear, and not allowing opponents to gain the upper hand. Instead, I took the initiative, letting them know that any threats would be met. This usually resulted in a back down from said people.

Even the business of teaching/training self-protection in a small town results in threats and noise being made by local so called ‘hardmen’. By letting them know I was willing to meet with them, and accept any challenge they cared to throw, resulted in yet another back down, with apologies sent. With a healthy respect for fear, but not allowing it to dominate you, coupled with the correct hard training, confrontation can be won. Not won easily, it is never easy, but won non-the-less. The situations you create to better yourself: opening your own business, starting a martial art, learning to grapple or spar etc. will create a feeling of fear. You will tell yourself you are not good enough to do this or that. You are wrong. You are good enough. If you are willing to try, to dare to step that bit further, to work the extra hour, train that bit harder and generally put yourself out there, then the rewards are yours. There will be failing points, points when it takes everything you have to keep trying, but dare to be better, you have already passed more tests than most people will ever bother taking. The result of my fear and my willingness to try to control it has lead me to being a 3rd Dan black belt with the most respected association around. I own my own full-time gym and dojo teaching people how to defend themselves, compete, spar, wrestle but most of all to over-ride their fears. I have been lucky enough to make some great friends and more and more I am being asked to teach my findings to a more widespread audience than the two students I started with at a community centre some years ago. I have taught men women and children, police officers, professional boxers, wrestlers, doormen and security personnel.

Likewise I have been taught, and continue to be taught, by some of the leading instructors in the world, including martial artists, boxers, doormen and bodyguards. Every time I do so, I feel fear. Every time. If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right.


Press Enquiries/Agent: Wendy Paintsil, @67 Communications 0044 (0)1978 290590 0044 (0)750 699 1376 For Bookings/Classes: Simon Morrell 0044 (0)750 687 2439 Publisher Simon Morrell’s Fight Fortress Fight Fortress High Street, George's Yard, St. Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0RF 0044 (0)750 687 2439 Classes “Pink Gloves” Women only non-contact Kick Boxercise “Kick-Start” Karate for 4-7 year olds “Success For Life” Martial Arts for 6-12 year olds “The Winning Edge” Teenage Mixed Martial Arts for 13-16 year olds “Adult MMA” Mixed Martial Arts for adults

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