similar poster

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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Similar Posters

Evening Standard Newspaper Poster

I would like my poster to look similar to this poster and the reasons why can be seen below:

The blue boxes to frame the text and the images which makes the reader focus in on the poster itself.

The colour palette has been used to make certain parts stand out, which I like as it helps the target audience identify which newspaper it is for as it uses house colours.

I also like how this poster focuses on one subject which will interest the target audience.

This poster is advertising the ES Magazine to draw readers into buying their product, which I like and may add to my poster.

The logo is used to again promote the poster/newspaper.

The image draws the readers in, however it doesn’t take up the space too, so in that it doesn’t look cramped.

Evening Standard Newspaper Poster continued…

The image also gives connotations of cheekiness/happiness, which has helped me deduce what works well and how my poster should be put across to my target audience and how it should be ordered.

I would like my poster to look similar to this poster and the reasons why can be seen below:

The text stands out as they use different colours and font types, which I want to implement into my product, however I believe that my style of font may need to differ from the one featured in the poster as it will be targeted at a different target audience compared to the Evening Standard. However that being said, the Evening Standard is a newspaper which is mostly focused in one location; London, which I also want to recreate for my local area.

I also like how it has a little sort of tag line at the bottom of the poster which makes the readers look at the positives of what the newspaper gives them.

Evening Standard Newspaper Poster continued…

From this poster I also like how it uses only a few words but is able to get a message through to the readers and is something I would want to imitate in my newspaper poster. I also like how it uses simple bright colours to intrigue the reader into looking, if not buying the product.

I also like the use of this shot type as it draws the reader in, as they have used a medium shot so that you are able to see the expression as well as body language of the model, which I like and may imitate in my poster. However I don’t like how they have got a table to the left of her as it gives nothing to the poster and connotates no real message and so for my poster I will try to add a background which corresponds with the rest of the poster.

I also like how it uses the image to emphasize what is being said in the poster, but also how it allows the reader to visualize who the newspaper is talking about. I also like how the clothing gives the same connotations as the whole poster; happy.

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