simatic vs 110 vision sensor image processing without the ... · simatic vs 110 vision sensor image...

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SIMATIC VS 110 Vision SensorImage processing without the needfor specialist knowledge


SIMATIC VS 110 – intelligence inside:“Teaching” instead of programming

Visual inspection –the complete overview inany position

SIMATIC VS 110 checks that theobject is of the right type, that itis aligned correctly for infeed andthat it is undamaged.

The new SIMATIC VS 110 is perfectfor retrofitting existing machineswith flexible visual inspection. Thisenables faults to be detected atan early stage in batch productionand prevents any future sourcesof error resulting from an increas-ing number of new types.

Machine builders can useSIMATIC VS 110 to ensure thequality of parts produced by themachine and to enable a conveyorsystem to be used for several dif-ferent types of parts.

“All you need is included”

SIMATIC VS 110 is supplied as acomplete package. Everythingthat you need for your image pro-cessing solution is already in-cluded in the scope of supply.You will find a:

• Sensor head (camera) with apre-adjusted lens

• Processing unit

• Infrared lighting unit (back-lighting)

• Plug-in cables

• Easily understandabledocumentation on CD includingset-up software

Teaching instead ofprogramming

You certainly don’t have to be anexpert in image processing to im-plement a machine vision solutionwith SIMATIC VS 110. There is noneed to program SIMATIC VS 110,it is simply “trained”. You teach itits processing task simply by show-ing it a “Good” part.

This means that you can generatethis image processing solutionyourself, even if you have no orlittle prior knowledge of imageprocessing.

“Start-up” in the twinklingof an eye

Installation, start-up and operationof SIMATIC VS 110 are so simplethat special courses are not neces-sary. For fine adjustment, you canconnect a standard PC to SIMATICVS 110. Using the set-up software,you can then check immediatelyfrom “live images” whether thesensor head and lighting unit arecorrectly mounted and that thetest object is correctly recognized.Thereafter the PC is no longernecessary, the device does therest on its own.

Learning by doing – this is exactly what the new image processing sensor SIMATIC VS 110 does: because

SIMATIC VS 110 is “taught” instead of being programmed. It proves its worth in the visual inspection of small parts

being fed into assembling robots and in many other conveyor-type applications, because the intelligent

SIMATIC VS 110 is specially designed for outline recognition.

Lighting unit (infrared, backlighting)

Sensor head(camera)

Remote controlvia any PLC

Processing unit

Conveyor mediumwith test objects

SIMATIC VS 110 Vision Sensor –how it works

On the conveyor, the sensor headand the lighting unit are mountedopposite each other. SIMATICVS 110 checks the part using atechnique similar to a light bar-rier in backlit mode as a shadowimage. This ensures that any sur-face structures on the test objectdo not interfere with the test re-sult. The infrared lighting alsoensures that SIMATIC VS 110 is notaffected by daylight variations.

The sensor head and lighting unitcan also be mounted in movingsystems, because they are small insize and the connecting cables aresuitable for trailing. The processingunit with an integrated display andoperator keys can be installed atan easily accessible location forergonomic operation.

SIMATIC VS 110 can also be remote-controlled using a programmablecontroller – even for teaching newtest objects!

Test activation – known as trigger-ing – can be performed in one oftwo ways: either externally, by alight barrier; or automatically, withSIMATIC VS 110 detecting objectsin its range of vision and then ana-lyzing them.

Digital interfaces to the I/O

One of the three signals OK_A,OK_B or NOK is output as a testresult. Signals OK_A and OK_Ballow correct objects to be de-tected in both of their preferredviews and, if necessary, they canbe manipulated accordingly(e.g. rotated).

The NOK signal allows faulty parts(deformed or of the wrong type)to be rejected. SIMATIC VS 110 isalso equipped with digital inter-faces for connecting to any typeof programmable controller orpneumatic valve. The response ofthe three quality outputs can beadapted to the plant with regardto pulse duration and distance tothe sensor head.

Data to be checked from up to 15different parts are stored in non-volatile memory in the processingunit of the SIMATIC VS 110. Theactual type to be tested is selectedeither manually using the operatorkeys or automatically by a PLC viaremote control. In this case, thereis no need for user intervention atthe device on-site, so the infeedequipment can be changed overfor different batches and types ina second. There is no retoolingwork, such as that necessary formechanical baffle plates.

Flexible in use

When you use the SIMATIC VS 110Vision Sensor, you are not boundto a specific type of conveyor, youhave all the flexibility you needfor your task and requirements.SIMATIC VS 110 cooperates withvibrating conveyors (spiral andlinear systems), conveyor belts andwork holder carousels just as wellas with gripper units and manyother devices. SIMATIC VS 110 isalso flexible with regard to theformat of the test objects: the twovariants offered process parts sizesranging from 4 x 4 x 1 mm to 59 x45 x 20 mm.

SIMATIC VS 110 is an extremelypowerful Vision Sensor with a fastprocessing technique for highinspection rates. Depending onthe size of the parts, it achievesmore than 25 processings persecond at transport speeds of upto 15 m/min. It goes withoutsaying that the industry-compatibleVS 110 meets the SIMATIC qualitystandard and is a component partof Totally Integrated Automation.

Contour comparison –Three outline-inspection tasks in a single step

In the outline inspection, the con-tour of the test object is comparedwith the taught “Good” part. Forsimple conveyors, a stand-alonesolution can be implemented with-out the need for an additional PLC.

Clear separation ofwheat from the chaff

With SIMATIC VS 110 you can per-form three different outline inspec-tion tasks in a single test step:

• “Correct test object”: type recognition to prevent mixing with different parts

• “Correctly aligned test object”: the tested component is fed in from the side, is not rotated andcan be processed immediately

• “Faulty test object”: defects weredetected in the shadow image of the part as compared with the taught part; it is therefore mis-shaped

For this purpose, the contours ofthe trained “Good” part are com-pared with the currently presentedpart and the differences are deter-mined (which may only be partiallydetectable).

Which types of conveyorcan be used?

Various different infeed systemscan be used with SIMATIC VS 110,for example

• Vibrating conveyors (spiraland linear systems, chutes ...)

• Conveyor belts

• Workholder carousels

• Gripper units (pick-and-placerobots)

Taught “Good”test object (OK_A)

Recognized “Bad”test object (NOK)

Which test objectscan be inspected usingSIMATIC VS 110?

The features relevant for inspec-tion or for distinguishing the typemust be clearly recognizable inthe contour of the test object.SIMATIC VS 110 does not respondto disturbing surface effects onthe object and is therefore unaf-fected by batch-specific variationsin material.

Two sensor head variants are avail-able to suit different sizes of parts:

The size of the test objects mustremain within these limits to en-sure stable operation of the imageprocessing with SIMATIC VS 110.

It must be the case that each testobject can only pass by the sensorhead in either one or only a fewdistinctive views. The ideal testobjects are bolts or screws thathave rotational symmetry abouttheir transport axis. But also in thecase of injection-molded or metalcomponents, SIMATIC VS 110produces accurate test resultsas well.

7 to 59 mm x 7 to 45 mm x 1 to 20 mm(width x height x depth)4 to 35 mm x 4 to 25 mm x 1 to 10 mm(width x height x depth).

Do you have different imageprocessing tasks?

If you have applications that aremore complex than those thatare within the scope of SIMATICVS 110, we recommend theSIMATIC VS 710 Vision Sensor.This image processing system is asmart camera with an integratedprocess-ing computer, PROFIBUSinterface and convenient config-uration software. It can be con-figured for all types of demandingimage processing and measur-ing tasks.

To request further information onSIMATIC VS 710, please completethe form on the back page.

The test object can either be com-pletely analyzed (when it is com-pletely visible in the field of visionof the sensor head) or only onedetail (when only this detail is inthe field of vision).Typical examples of this are:

• Screws, bolts: type recognition(e.g. different lengths), threadpresent/missing, machined/unmachined, …

• Injection-molded components:test object correctly formed, correctly aligned for infeed, ...

• Pharmaceutical products:tablets correctly formed/broken, ...

• Confectionery: sweets correctlyformed/mis-shaped, chocolatescorrectly formed/broken, ...

What test results doesSIMATIC VS 110 supply?

You can teach the test object in itspreferred inclination A (e.g. 0°) aswell as in its second preferred incli-nation B (e.g. rotated by 180°).One of the two outputs OK_A orOK_B is then activated in accor-dance with the inclination recog-nized. This can be used to controlsubsequent manipulation (e.g. ro-tation) or sorting. In the caseof defective or incorrect parts, theNOK output is activated.

Where do the “Bad” parts go?

SIMATIC VS 110 can directly acti-vate pneumatic valves or miniaturerelays for ejecting or rotating thetest objects.

The time response of the threequality outputs OK_A, OK_B andNOK is adjustable with regard topulse duration and distance to thesensor head. The device is ruggedand reliable in operation; an in-correctly aligned or defective partcan always be manipulated at thecorrect point in the process. Thismeans that a stand-alone solutioncan be implemented for simpleconveyor systems without theneed for an additional PLC but withmaximum reliability. This can bedemonstrated by means of twoexamples:

• Used on a vibrating container: misaligned parts are blown backinto the container during infeedwhich gives them a second chance to pass the quality test

• Used on a gripper unit: thegripper puts down wrong ordefective parts as NOK parts sothat they do not enter theassembly process

Parts can be ejected by variousdifferent types of equipment:

• Blast nozzle

• Pneumatic cylinder

• Magnet

• Downstream PLC with separateejection control

Faulty test object(bolt too short)Output NOK

Rotated “Good” testobject in Position BOutput OK_B

Taught test objectin Position AOutput OK_A

Recognized “Bad”test object (NOK)

Taught “Good”test object (OK_A)

Workholder system with PLC-controlled ejection route

Lighting unit

Sensor head

Ejection route

Correct partin incorrect position –

fed in again

Conveyor belt with blast nozzles

Blast nozzlePosition B

Position B

Correct partin incorrect position –

fed in again

Blast nozzleNOK


Incorrect part –is ejected

Lighting unit

Sensor head

Conveyor belt with ejectors

Lighting unit Ejector Type A

Ejector Type B

Recognition and storage of 2 different “Good” typesSensor head

Type A Type B


Typical applications with SIMATIC VS 110 –in different types of infeed equipmentSIMATIC VS 110 fulfills every wishwhen it comes to flexibility. Thefollowing typical application ex-amples show how it keeps an eyeon the test objects while materialis being fed into the assembly ma-chines.

Applications with autotriggering

Frequent application areas for autotriggering are conveyor belts andvibrating conveyors with an almostcontinuous material flow. It is notnecessary in this case to mount anadditional initiator for triggeringSIMATIC VS 110 because the de-vice can detect a new part autono-mously. Blast nozzles, pneumaticcylinders and magnets subse-quently manipulate the parts.

Applications with externaltriggering

External triggering by means of alight barrier or PLC is largely usedin pulsed infeed equipment thatis fitted with grippers, handlingrobots or workholder carousels.The processing results are thenused by the PLC in further process-ing, for placing the parts in loca-tions specially reserved for rejectsand for counting objects.

Well-proven in practice –SIMATIC VS 110 in operationat the Rhein-Nadel company

The following example concernsan application in an infeed unitof the Rhein-Nadel AutomationGmbH, comprising a vibrationconveyor and a conveyor belt.

From a vibrating container con-veyor, bolt-type objects are aimedat a continuously running conveyorbelt. Directly in front of the outletof the container conveyor, theSIMATIC VS 110 Vision Sensorchecks whether the transportedparts are of the required type,whether they are correctly alignedfor infeed and whether they areundamaged.

Correct parts that are reversed areblown back into the container bymeans of a blast nozzle and aresubject to the inspection procedureagain. Faulty parts, e.g. incorrectlyaligned or damaged parts, areblown out into a special containeras soon as they come out of thecontainer conveyor. Finally only thecorrect parts enter the downstreammachine for assembly.

Easy to use thanks to Plug & Play –Image processing without the need for special skills

With SIMATIC VS 110, you can startprocessing images immediately.The individual components ofSIMATIC VS 110 have been spe-cially selected for outline inspectionand for perfect mutual interaction.There is therefore no need for youto spend time selecting the indi-vidual components – you will findthe right, fully adjusted lens andeverything else in the completepackage.

SIMATIC VS 110 –image processing made easy

The installation instructions ex-plain clearly and accurately howyou must mount the sensor headand the lighting. For initial instal-lation only, we recommend that aPC is used for precise alignment ofthe sensor head and lighting. Buta PC is no longer required when itcomes to teaching your SIMATICVS 110 “Good” components.

And this is how easy it is to startup your SIMATIC VS 110:

• The first step is to mount and wire up the sensor head, pro-cessing unit and lighting unit according to the supplied instal-lation instructions.

• Then start the set-up software for SIMATIC VS 110 on a stan-dard PC with a Windows operat-ing system and connect the PCto the processing unit.

• Now you can accurately align the sensor head and the lightingunit with the conveyor for boththe smallest and largest test ob-jects. The set-up software givesyou the support you need to achieve stable test results laterduring normal operation.

• Then permanently fix the sensorhead and lighting unit by one of the many easy fixing tech-niques.

• Now disconnect the connectionto the PC.

• If necessary, create and test theinterface to a higher-level PLC.

• Now all you have to do is teachyour range of parts.

And that’s it! Your Vision SensorSIMATIC VS 110 is ready for oper-ation.

Teach-in is performed directly onthe processing unit or, in the caseof remote teach-in, via a PLC.All the inputs are entered on theprocessing unit with six com-mand elements without theneed for a PC. The operator isguided step-by-step on the inte-grated LCD screen in English, foreasy comprehension worldwide.

Step 1: Processing unitin “Teach-in” mode

Step 2: Selection of the newpattern (type) 1 to 15 on theprocessing unit.

Step 3: Teaching the “back-ground”; automatic specificationof the processing range andexclusion of the fixed installa-tions, such as the front edge ofthe infeed system from furtherprocessing. There is no needto halt the conveyor for this pur-pose!


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“Training on the job” –teaching a new part

SIMATIC VS 110 is not pro-grammed. It learns its inspectiontask by being presented with thepart to be inspected in one ortwo views. All data for the test forup to 15 different parts are storedin non-volatile memory in theprocessing unit of SIMATICVS 110. The test object is selectedmanually using the commandelements or automatically by thePLC via the digital inputs.

Step 5: If required, you can nowteach the part to be inspectedin view B.

Step 7: Set the processing unitto “RUN” – and finished!

Your SIMATIC VS 110 VisionSensor is now ready for the firstinspection!

Step 6: Automatic detectionof the switching threshold(“Quality”) and any “heightsupplement” (apparent variationsin height of the parts due tovibrations in the conveyor pro-cess) by observing a preselect-able number of parts during theconveying process.



steps of teach-in:

Remote teach-in using a PLC isperformed by means of a userprogram executing on the PLC(preferably in the form of a se-quencer) that automatically exe-cutes the above steps. A new typecan be taught during normal man-ufacturing.

Step 4: Teaching the part to beinspected in view A: present the“Good” component in view Aand operate the input key on thedisplay as prompted. The con-veyor can also continue to oper-ate during this procedure.

Watch out for the camera!SIMATIC VS 110 has got it all!

Sensor head (“camera”):

• CCD chip 640 x 480 square pixels

• Digital image data transmissionbetween sensor head andprocessing unit (sensingsynchronized with pixels)

• Sampling rate of 58 images/second

• Extruded aluminum housing, black anodized, for mountingat any angle

• Image data transmission cable (suitable for trailing) for plug-ging into rear, 2.5 m long

• IP 65 degree of protection

• Dimensions42 mm x 42 mm x 100 mm (height x width x depth)

• Two variants are available withfully adjusted lenses (no addi-tional adjustment is necessaryduring start-up!)

Lighting unit:

• Strobe lighting specially de-signed for SIMATIC VS 110,implemented as backlighting

• Means of lighting: infrared LEDs

• Power supply cable (suitable fortrailing) for plugging in to sidepanel, 2.5 m long (power is sup-plied from processing unit)

• Dimensions: 155.5 mm x130 mm x approx. 39 mm,IP 40 degree of protection

• Wide range of fixing possibilities

Power supply24 V DC

Connection forsensor head

Connectionfor lighting

Digital link

RS 232 interfaceSensor head to IP 65with integrated, perma-nently calibrated optics

KeysLCD screen

– For test objects of size7 to 59 mm x 7 to 45 mm x 1 to 20 mm(width x height x depth, in each case minimum to maximum)

– For test objects of size4 to 35 mm x 4 to 25 mm x 1 to 10 mm(width x height x depth, in each case minimum to maximum)

Processing unit:

• Integrated strobe control andpower supply for the lighting unit

• Triggering– External, e.g. by means of light barrier or– Automatic, in free-wheeling, monitoring operation

• Up to 15 different types of testobjects can be stored in non-volatile memory in the process-ing unit and can be selectedmanually or automatically via digital inputs, for example, by aPLC

• Intelligent learning of new types

• Parts flowrate of 5 to 25(maximum to minimum partsize) per second, max. permissi-ble parts speed of 250 mm/s

• Infeed direction of the testobjects from left to right orvice-versa (for automatictriggering) or as required(for external triggering)

• Three quality statements are possible:– OK_A (good part in view A)– OK_B (good part in view B)– NOK (wrong or damaged part or good part in invalid view)

• Permissible height offset can beset for test objects

• Rugged plastic housing, easy fixing on-site

• LCD screen (4 lines of 10 charac-ters) and six keys for operator control

• Interfaces:– 8 x digital IN 24 V DC, of which

one trigger input BERO Type II– 6 x digital OUT 24 V DC

(of which 3 suitable for directswitching of pneumaticvalves)

– Comprehensive remote con-trol via a separate PLC is pos-sible including enable/inhibitfor manual input

– Digital image data interface for connection of the sensor head

– Interface for connection of thelighting unit (power supply, strobe control)

– Serial interface RS 232 for con-nection of a standard PC to display the sensor imageduring set-up

• All cables are plug-in

• IP 40 degree of protection, suit-able for installation outside a control cabinet

• Power supply24 V DC, 2.5 A

• Dimensions:170 mm x 140 mm x 76 mm

• Wide range of fixing possibilities

General information:

• Approvals: CE, UL, CSA, FM

• Operating temperature0 to 50 °C fan-free

Lighting unitimplemented asbacklighting






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SIMATIC VS 110Vision Sensor.Ordering data

Description is a registered trademark of Siemens.Other designations used in this publication may betrademarks whose use by third parties for their ownpurposes could violate the rights of the owners.© Siemens AG 2002 • Subject to change without prior notice





Postal code/City

Your SIMATIC Machine Vision Partner

Fax form to 00 800/74 62 84 27Infoservice AD/Z886 E


Complete package for outline inspection tasks, comprising:• Infrared backlighting to the IP 40 degree of protection,

including plug-in cable, 2.5 m long• VS 110 processing unit to the IP 40 degree of protection• Power supply cable, 10 m long• Digital communication cable, 10 m long, for connecting

the processing unit to a PLC• Documentation package, comprising the Getting Started

instructions, a CD of the complete documentation andthe set-up software (for use on a PC)

• Sensor head to the IP 65 degree of protection including2.5-m plug-in cable, for infrared operation

– For object sizes from7 to 59 mm x 7 to 45 mm x 1 to 20 mmOrder No.: 6GF1 011-1AA

– For object sizesfrom 4 to 35 mm x 4 to 25 mm x 1 to 10 mmOrder No.: 6GF1 012-1AA

Serial communication cable

For connecting a PC to the SIMATIC VS 110 processing unit,5 m long (only necessary for initial start-up)Order No.: 6ES7 901-1BF00-0XA0



Please send me more information aboutSIMATIC VS 110.

I am also interested in the Vision SensorSIMATIC VS 710, the intelligent camera onPROFIBUS. Please send me the brochure.


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