silicone sock

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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The Silicone Sock – an innovation for diabetes?

Let’s start with the patient. According to the ministry of defence if

you have an amputation due to vascular circumstances then you

expected life span is reduced. Amputation in many cases leads to


For the patient I am sure you would understand our summary when

we talk about how difficult this is for the everyday patient of


After ulceration, the amputation and after care costs are £118 million which on the average of 6000

amputees a year (due to diabetes) is £19,666. (Diabetes UK)

With the effects it has on patients and also the costs, we tested a possible solution…






NHS Cost of Amputation for Diabetic Type 2 Patients (Lower Estimates)

Primary, Community andOutpatient Care

Accident and Emergency

Inpatient Care - Ulceration

Inpatient Care - Amputation

Post-amputation care

4D scanning of the foot

Silicone Sock and Foam

With an Orthotist, Orthopaedic Consultant and us the manufacturer we created a product now called the Silicone Sock…

We tested this on what you would call “last

chance” patients before amputation.

The results prevented amputation in every

test case.

We believe that all orthotists and diabetic

clinicians must consider trying this product for

their patients because of the solutions it


We have also manufactured for part amputated patients

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