silence of the lambs analysis

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Analysis for my A2 Media coursework.


The use of colour on this poster creates a very pale looking face that does not look healthy or natural. This is conventional of the genre because it creates an uneasy feeling about the poster and can lead the audience to feel insecure because the woman’s face seems mysterious and cold as a result.

The insect covers the woman’s mouth and as a consequence, only increases the mystery about her. Furthermore, the insect appears to have a skull covering its head/upper body. Skulls are typically associated with danger and fear, which serves to heighten the sense of danger and fear that this poster creates, which is further conventional of the thriller genre.

There is further use of colour on this poster which further allows it to fulfil its objective of revealing very little about the film. Because of the black background, all that we can see on the poster is the face. Hence, any opportunity to discover anything about the film from setting is stymied by the lack of graphical background.

Credits are placed at the bottom in a colour that doesn’t stand out particularly well when looked at indirectly. This demonstrates a convention of the form, which is that credits are not as important to the poster. Nevertheless, they still appear in a lowercase sans serif font, which ensures that it stands out somewhat if someone should choose to read it.

A list of the main actors in the film is also included on the poster. This is a convention of the form and is important because it can help to sell a movie. If someone is a fan of a particular actor/actress then they might be persuaded to watch the film. Failure to disclose this information on a poster is hardly beneficial due to the fact that the audience has to do research themselves. Or, worse than that, they might be put of the film.

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