sign of the times: workplace mindfulness as an empty signifier

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Submitted on 18 Dec 2018

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Sign of the times: Workplace mindfulness as an emptysignifier

Gazi Islam, Marie Holm, Mira Karjalainen

To cite this version:Gazi Islam, Marie Holm, Mira Karjalainen. Sign of the times: Workplace mindfulness as an emptysignifier. Organization, SAGE Publications, In press. �halshs-01958800�

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 1


Sign of the Times: Workplace Mindfulness as an Empty Signifier

Islam, G., Holm, M. & Karjalainen, M. (2018). Sign of the times: Workplace mindfulness as

an empty signifier. Organization, onlinefirst.


The rapid emergence of mindfulness programs within organizational settings reflects an

amalgam of humanistic, spiritual, and managerial perspectives. While impact studies have

focused on effects of mindfulness programs on employees, how such programs are

implemented by trainers, managers, and employees and how the mindfulness concept operates

within organizations are not well understood. In this study, we draw upon Laclau’s notion of

the ‘empty signifier’ to argue that mindfulness programs work to encode oppositional

organizational elements, drawing on competing discourses that shape, in practice, how

mindfulness evolves within organizations. Through an empirical qualitative study of

organizational mindfulness practitioners, we show how practitioners leverage heterogeneous

meanings to represent oppositions within organizations, and that in the course of mindfulness

programs, these oppositions are framed to align with dominant managerial perspectives. We

discuss the ramifications of these findings to understanding the uses of mindfulness for

ideological purposes while speculating on the emancipatory possibilities of mindfulness as a

solidaristic and collective practice.

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“..he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and

regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun”

Marx, 1844/1977:64

“It doesn’t stop, so I have to, in order to gain some sense of peace and keep on track”

Paul, interviewee.

Contemporary analyses of work note a resurgence of humanistic and spiritual aspects

of work, such as authenticity (Fleming, 2009), self-expression (Boltanksi & Chiapello, 2005)

and fun at work (Jenkins & Delbridge, 2013). Interrogating the ideological uses of humanistic

claims, this literature explores forms of workplace ‘enchantment’ (e.g. Ogden, 2016;

Endrissat, Islam & Noppeney, 2015), where humanistic and spiritual values exist in a tense, if

ultimately complicit, relationship with the demand for rational efficiency. These analyses all

explore the relation of worker self-realization to managerial control and instrumental motives

of economic productivity. As the opening quotes illustrates, humanism’s critique may be

neutralized by what Virno (2004) termed the “communism of capitalism”, where the “sense of

peace” is appropriated towards the demands of productive work.

These emerging perspectives explore workplace experiences in their relation to self-

expression, and, at times, workplace critique; less frequently, they include explorations of

emergent, ‘new age’ workplace spirituality practices (Zaidman Goldstein-Gidoni, &

Nehemya, 2009; Bell, 2008). Among the latter, a notable example is the ‘mindfulness’

movement as a managerial phenomenon (e.g., Sutcliffe, Vogus & Dane, 2016; Purser &

Millio, 2015; Good et al, 2016; Shapiro, Wang & Peltason, 2013). Mindfulness, drawing on

Buddhist thought (Purser & Milillo, 2015), has been framed for business settings in a series of

books, new managerial techniques, and consultancy approaches (Wilson, 2014), leading to a

heterogenous concept with diverse conceptual applications (Sutcliffe et al, 2016; Purser &

Milillo, 2015). A literature has emerged within positive organizational scholarship evaluating

mindfulness effects on worker well-being (cf. Good et al, 2016). However, research has only

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recently begun to qualitatively examine the processes by which Buddhist-inspired notions of

meditation have fused with managerial practice in a marriage that seems, at first glance,

counter-intuitive (Goldman-Schuyler, Skjei, Sanzgiri & Koskela,, 2017; see also Stanley,

2012; Purser & Milillo, 2015).

The mindfulness movement, focusing on workplace well-being and new ways of

thinking about workplace subjectivity (e.g. Payne, 2016), shares concerns with recent

literature emphasizing the roles of reflexivity and self-expression in characterizing

contemporary work (e.g. Cederström & Spicer, 2009; Fleming, 2009). Drawing close to

perspectives exploring spiritual and humanistic values at work (Ogden, 2016; Endrissat et al,

2015), mindfulness emphasizes both transcendental notions of awareness, meditation and

spirituality while ‘secularizing’ these into biological, behavioral and neuropsychological

processes (Williams & Kabat-Zinn, 2013; Stanley, 2012; Langer, 1989). The resultingly

diverse interpretations of the mindfulness concept (Sharf, 2014; Williams & Kabat-Zinn,

2013) create a field in which alternative and sometimes opposing camps may struggle over

the meanings and applications of the term.

In this paper, we argue that this diversity of opposing meanings in practice allows

corporate mindfulness to be read as an “empty signifier”, defined by Laclau (1996: 36) as a

“signifier without a signified”. This paradoxical definition, according to Laclau, articulates

the problem of how polyvalent concepts gain “temporary signifieds” (Laclau, 1996: 35),

through discursive struggles in which actors engage in competing hegemonic projects over

which particular meanings will come to stand for the whole (Laclau, 1977). Organizational

scholars have begun to acknowledge the centrality of empty signifiers across organizational

contexts, and to explore their implications for management concepts (e.g. O’Doherty, 2015;

Kelly, 2013; Kenny & Scriver, 2012; Campbell & Spicer, 2005). According to Kenny &

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Scriver (2012:617), to understand the operation of empty signifiers, “it is necessary to

investigate how the articulation of this signifier takes place in particular empirical contexts”.

Following this logic, the current paper explores how, in the design and practice of

mindfulness programs, mindfulness becomes a locus for heterogeneous significations around

what mindfulness is, how it should be enacted, and what are its effects. Empirically analyzing

participants in mindfulness consulting programs, including mindfulness teachers/consultants,

organizational clients, including HR and operating managers, and employee participants, we

track how the concept is framed for engagement with corporate stakeholders, and how it is

implemented among employees. We discuss the results in terms of how the mindfulness

concept reflects and moderates oppositions through which certain meanings are promoted and

others excluded. Mindfulness as an empty signifier, we argue, provides a resource to navigate

these oppositions, favoring one side of a given opposition while leaving open spaces for

diverse interpretations and practices by participants.

Mindfulness as a Management Concept

Mindfulness as an organizational concept brings together loosely-related traditions

associated with mindfulness scholarship and practice (e.g. Williams & Kabat-Zinn, 2013).

Mindfulness has been studied under a diversity of definitions (e.g. Good et al, 2016), and has

been re-defined as it has travelled through popular culture and corporate settings (Wilson,

2014). Particularly notable is the rapid growth of mindfulness studies outside of Buddhist

literature (Valerio, 2016), within the organizational literature. For instance, collective forms

of mindfulness have largely left behind discussions of spirituality to focus on organizational

resilience (Sutcliffe et al, 2016; Good et al, 2015; Shapiro et al, 2013), and while more

individual perspectives define mindfulness as a form of “awareness” (Brown & Ryan, 2003).

For instance, many authors in the organizational literature claim Buddhist connections

to mindfulness (e.g. Good et al, 2016; Dane, 2011), yet this link often appears as a brief

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historical note, after which the psychological or organizational impacts are explored. Other

literature focuses more centrally on Buddhist traditions (e.g. Purser & Milillo, 2015), focusing

on the interactive dynamics of mindful apprenticeship (Brummans, 2014) or the relational

aspects of coming to conscious awareness through mindful relating (Stanley, 2012).

Despite the purported historical and conceptual link to Buddhism, the spiritual

tradition of mindfulness in some studies is replaced by a focus on neuropsychological

processes, (Pineau, Glass & Kaufman, 2014), making a claim for a scientifically legitimate

and empirically validated mindfulness concept. In parallel, mindful approaches to

management invoke a continuity with humanistic managerial traditions emphasizing core

values of well-being (cf. Purser et al, 2016), and positive organizational scholarship

approaches (Dutton & Glynn, 2008).

Adding to the conceptual looseness of mindfulness is its reiteration across levels of

analysis, with mindfulness studied as both an individual characteristic and a group-level

process (e.g. Sutcliffe et al, 2016). Further, mindfulness has been conceptualized alternatively

as a stable disposition or personality trait, a transient state of being, and a set of practices that

lead to either a stable trait or state of awareness (Black, 2009). In practice, mindfulness

programs vary greatly across workplaces, with little research exploring the diversity of

programs or their differential effects or underlying mechanisms (Reb & Atkins, 2013; Ng &

Purser, 2016). More recently, critical works have appeared, claiming the concept is primarily

a tool of managerial ideology, depoliticizing and individualizing organizational life (cf. Purser

et al, 2016; Cederström & Spicer, 2015; Stanley, 2012). In short, a profusion of analytical

lenses and implementations characterize mindfulness in management.

Because of this definitional, cultural and historical heterogeneity, mindfulness may be

a paradigm case for the fusion of spiritual, psychological and managerial concepts into a

multi-purpose approach to individual and collective well-being, a “cipher” for diverse

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meanings, as described by Bodhi, (2011). This heterogeneity has been noted as a difficulty in

measuring mindfulness as articulated in quantitatively-oriented approaches (Good et al,

2016). As an empty signifier, however, it is precisely the heterogeneity of meanings that

allows it to operate as an organizing tool, to encapsulate organizational meanings that can be

gathered together under the umbrella term “mindfulness”, allowing oppositional meanings to

be gathered together under a common rubric. As we will argue below, this aspect of empty

signifiers allows dominant managerial interpretations to occlude alternative interpretations of

mindfulness, providing a mechanism where non-managerial discourses can be appropriated

and co-opted.

The Varieties of Mindfulness and the Empty Signifier

The constitutive impossibility of society can only represent itself through the

production of empty signifiers (Laclau, 1996: 44)

Some concepts function organizationally not because of their clarity of reference, but

specifically because of their ability to provide a space around which possible meanings can be

juxtaposed (O’Doherty, 2015; Kelly, 2013; Barley & Knight, 1992). The interpretive

openness of such concepts is useful in creating equivalences among disparate ideas within an

organization (Kelly, 2013). As Abdallah and Langley (2014) demonstrate, differences in

interpretation can give rise to discursive conflicts, leading to confusion about the meaning of

an organizational strategy or practice, or to discursive ‘closure’, where one, usually dominant

interpretation is imposed at the expense of others.

Laclau (e.g. 1996), in the “empty signifier” concept, examines discursive terms that are

not simply ambiguous in the sense of not fully determined, nor equivocal, in the sense of

having several uses. Rather, empty signifiers signal an impossibility of signification as such.

This impossibility, according to Laclau (1996), results from a society’s attempt to represent

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its own limits (Lacau, 1996), trying to express itself as a holistic system while remaining

bound by the parameters of its own symbolic structure. The structural impossibility of

representing the limits and exclusions of a system lead to a “dislocation” (Laclau, 1990), by

which a signifier without a fixed meaning creates a space around which discursive formations

are grounded (O’Doherty, 2015), where meanings are negotiated (Kelly, 2013) and where

hegemonic and emancipatory projects can be articulated (Mandiola, 2010). To illustrate,

Kelly (2013) describes how the signifier “leadership” can be used to negotiate whose

interpretations are acceptable, while Mandiola argues that critical management studies (CMS)

has become an empty signifier in which certain critical projects (those of the Anglo-Saxon

world) have been recognized as universal at the expense of others (those of Latin America).

Empty signifiers are inherently political, in that they open up spaces for diverse and

oppositional meanings, even as they attempt to capture the wholeness of the organization in

its “absent communitarian fullness” (Laclau, 1996: 43). The emphasis on wholeness denies

the splits and tensions that are constitutive of social orders, and for this reason, Laclau

describes empty signifiers as the condition of “hegemony”, where the signifier tries to

represent “the pure cancellation of all differences” (Laclau, 1996: 38). The shifting uses of

empty signifiers reflect competing hegemonic projects (Laclau, 1977; see also Maielli, 2015),

what Gramsci (1991) referred to as “hegemonic contests”, over signification, in which a

signifier can stand for different or opposing visions of society. Organizational scholars

drawing on symbolic perspectives have long held that cultural contradictions become

represented through dominant symbols which contain and foreclose oppositions (e.g. Barley

& Knight, 1992) obscuring internal differences and codifying contradictions so as to make

conflict appear as consensus. Drawing on Laclau’s approach, however, recent theorizing

draws out discursive and political implications of this idea for understanding how

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management concepts function ideologically (e.g. O’Doherty, 2015; Kelly, 2013; Kenny &

Scriver, 2012; Mandiola, 2013; Jones & Spicer, 2005).

We argue that the mindfulness concept may be read as an empty signifier in its ability

to encode and contain wider social contradictions and oppositions. First, as seen above,

mindfulness is notoriously difficult to define, even among experts (Dane, 2011),

demonstrating a conceptual slipperiness than can support different practices across settings.

Contemporary applications of mindfulness have been described by Buddhist scholars as “a

cipher into which one can read virtually anything” (Bodhi, 2011, in Purser, Burke & Forbes,

2016: v). Walsh (2016) suggests that mindfulness has no object and can take any form,

consistent with the notion of an empty signifier. Wallis (2016: 500) characterizes mindfulness

as “an ideologically encoded signifier”, suggesting a relation between mindfulness and

hegemonic discourse. Second, the multi-faceted background of the mindfulness concept

mixes domains of spirituality, meditation, neuroscience, and business, implying a conceptual

agility between the material and the spiritual. Third, mindfulness functions descriptively as a

form of subjective consciousness and attention, yet also has a strong normative component in

claiming to ‘enhance’ individual success and well-being (Purser, 2015, Brown & Ryan,

2003), a claim that can be leveraged for diverse ends.

All of these aspects of mindfulness suggest considerable conceptual slipperiness,

making mindfulness attractive to diverse constituencies precisely because of its ability to hold

together oppositional meanings. It also implies that, as they become implemented within

corporate settings, discursive struggles over mindfulness either maintain the openness of

signification or establish particular meanings as emblematic of the whole (Laclau, 1996).

Establishing meanings as emblematic serves to impose interpretive frames that highlight

dominant managerial concerns (e.g. performance-enhancing effects, individual

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competitiveness). Sidelined in this process are alternative visions of mindfulness, that attempt

to re-frame or problematize dominant interpretations, or maintain the openness of the term.

The emergence of mindfulness as a management concept is rife with the kinds of

discursive struggles described above, where diverse, loosely related, or even opposing

interpretations coexist. Recent literature examines the social, historical and political roots of a

variety of ‘positive’ approaches to management (e.g. Du Gay & Morgan, 2013; Fleming,

2009). However, the ways that spiritual discourses interact with positive and humanistic

approaches within managerial paradigms remains largely unexplored (for notable exceptions,

see Zaidman et al, 2009; Bell & Taylor, 2003). Even less understood are the micro practices

by which such concepts take meaning for organizational members in empirical settings. Such

approaches are required, however, if mindfulness is seen not as a fixed concept to be applied,

but as an emergent and hybrid concept resulting from interactions between mindfulness

experts and organizational participants.

Methodologically, examining how such a concept develops in practices involves “the

precise weighting of emics and etics in the final reckoning, what is crucial is to preserve the

creative epistemic tension between them” (Sutcliffe, 2003: 16). Rather than imposing a pre-

set definition of mindfulness, we begin with the presumption of heterogeneity, and examine

how meanings are attributed in practice by participants, requiring qualitative research to

examine how the concept is constituted in situ. As described above, the concept of empty

signifier allows us to theorize this heterogeneity in terms of how mindfulness inhabits spaces

for diverse and oppositional meanings (Laclau, 1996). The heterogeneity of the concept

becomes the source for insights, and the focus moves to the interplay of different conceptions.

The lack of qualitative studies in extant mindfulness literature makes it difficult to understand

mindfulness, as a social phenomenon, beyond its current treatments as either a spiritual or a

neuropsychological phenomenon.

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Thus, our research question asks how diverse significations of mindfulness are

integrated, negotiated and enacted within organizational settings. Specifically, how do

mindfulness interventions creatively mold the concept to different environmental pressures,

gaining adherence from management and influencing participants’ meaning-making

activities? In posing this question, we do not assume that actors successfully manage the

definitions of mindfulness at will, or even that their attempts are deliberate. Yet applying the

concept among plural conceptions and organizational constraints makes the mindfulness itself

a locus for tension that merits empirical study.

Empirical Research Setting

To address our research question, we engaged with applied corporate mindfulness

programs to understand how these programs unfold within organizational contexts. We used

qualitative methods to understand the social processes and relationships during the programs’

implementation, and to go beyond scale-based measurement to explore lived experiences of

participants (Silverman, 2013). Edmondson and McManus (2007) suggest that qualitative

approaches are ideal where construct specification is ambiguous or multiple meanings

proliferate, which is often the case in emerging literature streams.

Data Collection and Analysis

To collect our data, contacts known to the researchers who teach, participate in, or

arrange formal corporate mindfulness programs were invited by email for their program to be

included in the research project. Our respondents were in several countries, including France,

Denmark, Norway and the U.K. Particpants were recruited from professional groups and

online networks known by the second author in her capacity as a former mindfulness

consultant. Further contacts were recruited from mindfulness community sites on social media

and from related conferences and events. Interviewees included consultants offering corporate

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mindfulness programs, instructors teaching these programs within companies, HR or

management implementing programs, and employee participants (in some cases these

categories overlapped, with organizers taking part as participants).

The data for the current study included five mindfulness program training groups, one

standardized (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction; MBSR) and four adapted (tailor-made).

We focused on implementation, conception and process, as well as feedback from organizers

and participants. All participants took part voluntarily in the mindfulness program, and were

guaranteed privacy and anonymity; in the current paper, pseudonyms are used throughout.

Our final data set includes interviews and observations throughout the programs, documents

such as texts (brochures, feedback forms, etc) and other artefacts (mindfulness recordings,

details and content of intranet sites). Table 1 provides program details.


Table 1 about here


A total of 32 interviews, each lasting 30–60 minutes, were conducted, involving consultants

and trainers in mindfulness programs, between February and June 2015. Because our focus

was not on a single organization’s dynamics, but on the entry of mindfulness in corporate

settings more generally, five consultancies were drawn upon for the interviews; all of them

had in common the focus on mindfulness implementation. Interviewees were French (12),

Norwegian (7), Danish (4) and British (9); interviews were conducted in the native language

of the research participants when possible, otherwise in English. With the Norwegian, Danish

and French interviews, some back-and-forth between languages occurred (interviewer is

trilingual Norwegian/French/English). Where applicable, interviews were translated into

English. The term “mindfulness”, often a neologism imported from English, was also used to

translate the French terms “pleine conscience” (full consciousness), and Norwegian/Danish

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terms “nærvær” (presence), bevisst nærvær (conscious presence) and oppmerksomt nærvær

(attentive presence).

During interviews and sampling, the second author’s familiarity with the profession

led to a more open sense of rapport; however, to avoid potential conflicts, no information was

asked regarding specific company or program names and all of the programs were kept

anonymous. In terms of our own position, our questions were oriented toward the different

meanings of mindfulness rather than either a critical or an advocacy position per se.

Participants were asked about the nature and aspects of the program (MBSR or otherwise),

and how they position themselves within the spectrum of mindfulness programs. Questions

also involved the individual and group focus of their programs, and how it integrates with

other parts of their life. We asked what mindfulness meant to them, and the specificities of

conducting/participating in mindfulness in a corporate setting. The goal of this orientation

was not to incite a critical attitude but to create a space where tensions felt by participants

could be articulated without pressure. To reinforce this attitude, we focused more on the

process by which the programs unfolded, rather than whether the programs “worked”.

In terms of data analysis, to balance etic and emic perspectives, we combined an

iterative approach drawn from grounded theory (Charmaz, 2006), with a focus on critically

analyzing respondents discourse as a form of organizational practice (e.g. Bhaskar & Laclau,

2002), with a view to understanding the operation of mindfulness as an empty signifier. Using

an iterative approach, moving between emerging codes and data (Charmaz, 2006), we began

with a more general interest in the heterogeneity of the mindfulness concept, asking how

individuals understood the concepts and goals of the program. Our focus soon shifted to the

particular issues around which interpretive divergences seemed to occur. Rather than

categories or themes per se, this analysis suggested salient oppositions, in which respondents

noted points of tension or problematics that became flashpoints for interpretive work by

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participants. These oppositions do not describe an “essence” or “true” mindfulness, but a

discursive polarity around which mindfulness is framed by participants. The first of these

involved how participants imagined the programs as consultants, clients and participants

discussed the aims and implementation of the intervention. The second involves the strategies

of resolution of tensions as the program was enacted, through making sense of what was

being done and why. These two moments overlap, as program conception and execution

phases were fluid and fed back into each other in an on-going co-construction; however,

discussing them in turn helps understand their mutual relation.

To explore the emerging intelligibility of mindfulness, we coded the multiple

conceptions of mindfulness as they were discursively and practically deployed by informants,

yet attending to the occlusions and elisions involved in everyday speech (Wodak, 2004). This

treatment of discourse is consistent with our understanding of mindfulness in the “constitution

of social relations and a meaningful way of life” (Contu, 2013: 293). Thus, our coding

integrated elements of discourse analysis that have been associated with Laclau (Andersen,

2003; see also Kenny & Scriver, 2012), focusing on how meanings of mindfulness were

constituted through “logics of equivalence and difference” (Kenny & Scriver, 2012: 620)

through which mindfulness was made intelligible by participants.

This focus resulted in pairs of oppositions related to how the programs aims were

imagined, revolving around performance and well-being, on the one hand, and human capital

investment versus employee cost, on the other. Next, we examined how participants

discursively resolved apparent oppositions, specifying three distinct loci of oppositions;

contemplation as compared to action, deceleration and withdrawal as compared to

acceleration and productivity, and collective solidarity as compared with individual and

interpersonal dynamics. In each case, the latter term tended to subsume and englobe the

former, consistent with Laclau’s (1996) discussion of the hegemonic subsumption of

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differences by empty signifiers. These oppositions pertain to an overarching concern with

making mindfulness amenable to prevailing hegemonic norms, as we discuss below. Thus, we

focus alternatively on how actors imagine the programs within the context of the

organizations (as performance versus well-being enhancing, and as a human capital

investment versus an employee benefit) and in its enactment implementation (examining

issues of contemplation versus action, withdrawal versus proactivity, and individuality versus

collectivity). Figure 1 shows our first-order codes, theoretical categories and aggregate

theoretical dimensions, while Table 2 presents illustrative examples from the data.


Figure 1 about here



Table 2 about here


Imagining Mindfulness

In initiating and implementing mindfulness programs, the mindfulness practitioners

faced choices about how to understand, discuss and practice mindfulness in the corporate

setting. Should the program be considered primarily a stress-reduction technique? A spiritual

practice? An employee benefit? Interviewees articulated a series of oppositions revolving

around how programs are designed and pitched, sometimes identifying navigating oppositions

as a feature of mindfulness itself. Rather than emphasize clarity and precision of definition,

interviewees often explained that things “are not that simple”, and that mindfulness strove to

hold together commonly separated terms.

Valerie, the creator and teacher of the tailored program of Vivien Consulting,

underlined how maintaining space for interpretative leeway was essential to the program:

“I designed the course as a combination of these exercises, physical and mental... I

want them to explore what it signifies for them, but I guide too. I don’t tell them what

to think, it is a discovery for them. At times I explain it as a way of living.”

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 15

Mindfulness as “a way of living” that cannot be specified but only indirectly indicated

through a series of constitutive oppositions (physical/mental, discovery/guide) which it

englobes is emblematic of an empty signifier. We take these oppositions as culturally

embedded rather than universal, so that, for example, the physical/mental distinction cited

here would mark a particular cultural opposition. Typically in the mindfulness discourse, a

binary is reframed as a holism or unity (here, “a way of living”). A participant in this

program, Alexis, a technician within the Paris headquarters of IT firm Tandem, expressed that

the apparently contradictory aspects of the program allowed him to suspend judgment about

the “trendiness” of mindfulness and become more “zen”, waiting to experience the program

on his own terms:

“My motivation for taking part was to experience for myself what mindfulness was

about. I’d heard about it, it’s becoming quite trendy, we’re later in adopting this than

the Anglo-Saxon world, but it’s growing, I think, yoga and things like that too...

Others, like me, didn’t really know what to expect, and were open to finding out what

transformations might take place… We are okay with not knowing how the course will

change us, but at the same time, I think it makes me more zen, and more able to enjoy

what I’m doing.”

Here, “zen” is framed precisely as the result of “not knowing”, a not knowing attached to a

hope of being transformative. The “not knowing” is framed as functional and promotive of

well-being (“enjoy what I am doing”). As detailed below, the pressure for economic

performance, and the simultaneous demand for a well-lived life, became intertwined within

the program, as did the idea of mindfulness as an employee benefit, and an investment in the

organizational culture, as elaborated below.

Performance vis-a-vis Well-Being

The programs were often described simultaneously as attempts to improve well-being,

independently of economic considerations, and to improve employee productivity and

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performance. Motivations varied among interviewees, who discursively reconciled these two

objectives in a variety of ways:

First, we noted discourse around well-being as an antecedent of higher productivity.

Johan, a head consultant at Clausen Consulting with a background in both business and

meditation, had marketed and arranged their adapted mindfulness program in a prominent

firm in Copenhagen. According to Johan,

“while my background and intentions of introducing mindfulness have to do with well-

being and self-fulfillment, the business case has to be linked with productivity for us to

gain access. I’m at ease with this though, as I don’t think we’re selling out the concept

of mindfulness, rather it allows us to have benefit [through implementation]”

The business case for mindfulness hinges productivity on participants’ increased well-being,

allowing them to be more efficient and dedicated to their work. Beyond offering a

standardized course such as MBSR (cf. Kabat-Zinn, 2011), Clausen Consulting tailored

programs to highlight the well-being-productivity link, including specific techniques around

task efficiency and multitasking and thus translating “difference” into “equivalence” (Laclau,

1996). Others understood the relation between well-being and performance as inherently

linked, as Andra, a mindfulness teacher from Thomas Consulting, describes of program

participants (accounting firm employees in London):

“I see mindfulness as bringing an alignment between personal and professional

aspects of their lives that allows the participants to have optimal well-being, which is

what I feel is the natural state of being…a return to the fullness of themselves, and this

transition is accompanied by better results in their work, as a sort of by-product of

feeling better and being more satisfied with themselves, both in their lives at work, and

overall. My focus is their happiness, but I understand that the company wants to see

improvements, and there generally is a marked improvement, from feedback I’ve

heard and seen.”

Here, similarly, the “fullness” of mindfulness reflects the pairing of optimal well-being and

performance, which is seen as a “by-product”. The terms natural-fullness-happiness are

mirrored with optimal-by-product-improvements. Yet the “optimality” terms were the ones

that characterized “alignment” between the listed oppositions. Acknowledging that the

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company favors one side of this opposition, the trainer reaffirms that no tension exists, since

both aspects are linked. The hegemonic term is reinforced as it subsumes the opposition (e.g. I

want happiness, but the company wants improvements, and there have been improvements).

Other trainers and participants struggled with the idea of practicing mindfulness as an

efficiency tool, but felt that efficiency claims were instrumental to justify the time dedicated

to the course. As put by David, an experienced accountant within the firm who participated in

Thomas Consulting’s program:

“I have my family to think of, and with my wife at home caring for our three children,

spending this time on top of all the time I’m away working has got to mean that it

brings a better situation for us. It’s been necessary for me, though, at the same time,

because I was quite impatient and stressed before, which hurt my sales, not to mention

my family! So going early once a week for this mindfulness course has provided an

escape, or rather, a way, to not be so worn out, to take care of myself better. And I do

find my work goes better too, as I’m more satisfied with my life overall.”

Once again, beginning with a distinction between work and personal life, David notes that

both are affected by stress, such that despite mindfulness taking time away from his family

(notably, his work time remains unaffected), it improves his “life overall”. The family

appears, but in a discursive elision (“not to mention my family!”). “Life overall” provides a

closure and unity to the difference presented previously. As such examples show, mindfulness

holds together oppositions in diverse ways, with the common goal of explaining or justifying

the program.

Second, the previous link was often reversed, such that improved performance leads to

employee satisfaction. Mindfulness was touted to lengthen concentration spans and improve

awareness, increasing work engagement and employee enjoyment. A mid-level strategic

manager, Tove, at the telecommunications firm that had hired Austad Consulting, expressed

the following:

“I see how they are working better, both by themselves, and when they do teamwork,

this has gotten better too since we started the program. They seem to understand our

clients better, and to understand each other better. Maybe they see things more clearly

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 18

now because of the mindfulness exercises, I don’t know, what I do know is that we as a

company are going on a good path, which makes me pleased. But, what means

actually more, is that they see this and are pleased about it.”

Similarly to the earlier examples, mindfulness is positioned ambivalently (“maybe..the

mindfulness exercises, I don’t know”) at the crux of an opposition (performance and

pleasure), whose terms are aligned in the process. The aspect of hegemonic control is also

hinted through the appropriation of the first person to describe the company (“we as a

company”) with the third person reserved for employees (“they are working better”, “they

seem to understand”, “they see things more clearly”, “they see this and are pleased”).

Third, programs often stressed that well-being required moving “beyond” economistic

thinking. A recurrent theme urged the adoption of alternative ways of doing business,

involving humanistic practices and social responsibility. Tove, a manager participating in

Austad Consulting’s adapted mindfulness program, explains:

“It is a must that we, and others, adopt a long-term perspective, and consider not only

ourselves but also how we impact society. We’ve moved towards including more in our

reporting than simply financial aspects..It has to do with taking responsibility for what

we do, and thinking of others, plus the environment. Mindfulness is part of allowing us

to keep in this way of thinking. Traditionally, it’s going walking in nature that does

that for us, but here in the office, these practices are much more practical, you see!”

Here, mindfulness sits among a plethora of oppositions (long-term/short-term,

individual/society, financial/social, environmental, nature/office), such that mindfulness is

able to bring together the oppositions in our “way of thinking”. As in the other examples,

these oppositions are ultimately subsumed under a single term of the binary, which stands for

both of the oppositions (“but here in the office, these practices are much more practical, you

see!”). The “practice” that adds a surplus to itself (“much more practical”) echoes this logic of

the part that takes the place of the whole.

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 19

Many of our respondents were cognizant of the urge to change business-as-usual, and

found in mindfulness a mechanism that might effect such a change. According to Christophe,

a manager of a team of technicians taking part in Vivien Consulting’s mindfulness program:

“I think the problem is that people keep doing things in the same way as always. It’s

difficult for them to change, or maybe they don’t want to, and so, well, mindfulness

cracks that open, but gently, so that people realize that the old model doesn’t fit


The role of mindfulness as a control mechanism was barely veiled (“mindfulness cracks that

open, but gently”), yet antagonisms were elided with discourses of holism. Few discussed the

possible incompatibilities between economic efficiency and well-being, and the discourse

largely focused on how both were mutually reinforcing.

Human Capital Investment versus Employee Fringe Benefit Cost

In terms of program conception, the intervention’s economic relation to the company

was often described as an investment in people, using a “training” logic that mindfulness

meditation would result in human capital payoffs. On the other hand, mindfulness training

was also seen as a benefit to workers, and a company cost. The investment/cost opposition

was expressed in concerns about measurement, resources, and the goals of business as

broadly social versus purely profit-based. Below, we outline these elements as they appeared

in the data. As in the above case, opposing terms were held together, evaded, or blurred

through interpretive maneuvers as described below.

Clarity versus Ambiguity

Intervention costs were carefully monitored by programs sponsors, as described by

respondents, a fact which implied clarity of measurement and outcomes. The exigence of

clarity led consultants to attempt impact measurement through statistics, “scientific” proofs of

effectiveness, or projected returns. At the same time, the consultants emphasized openness

and flexibility as core aspects of the programs, with the impossibility of specifying each

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 20

member’s “journey” in advance. Illustrating the discrepancy between quantifiable outcomes

and consultants’ attempts to evade constraints, Bruno, a co-partner of Vivian Consulting


“Our clients expect us to deliver results that we can measure and prove. That won’t go

away, as far as I can see, as it’s the core of our business to have visible impact and it

justifies the hours we invoice them for… As we support our consultants, we agreed.

It’s taking place within a company that we’ve done business with for strategy, and this

is more of an experiment, I would say. They’re open to it, though we won’t be able to

provide a report of what changes were made, like we would typically do”.

Referring to the same example, the teacher, Valerie, a former ‘traditional’ consultant, recently

transitioning to mindfulness consulting after having worked as a yoga teacher, noted how

mindfulness was exceptional in its tolerance of ambiguity regarding costs and outcomes, as

compared with more mainstream consulting projects:

“This is really not typical for the work that we do the rest of the time in companies.

They are more flexible with it (trying mindfulness) perhaps from having had

measurable results from previous strategy consulting projects we’ve done with them,

so they put their faith in the unknown, I would say.”

In Valerie’s statement there is the claim that business logics may, at least momentarily,

fade into the background during the implementation of the mindfulness program, which was

described as a sort of special case which escaped being tracked and quantified. Respondents

expressed a sense of freedom and satisfaction at this space of autonomy offered by their

companies, although some managers remained confused as to the purpose of the program and

doubted its value compared to fitness and other wellness activities. For instance, Todd, a

manager in charge of Clausen Consulting’s program at Noros, described a “kind of blind faith

in mindfulness”, a lack of clarity that could lead to skepticism, but in fact was accepted as an

inherent part of the program. In the end, the “magic” was something he was prepared to


“How can I know that it’s really useful? You know, I fear it’s just become a trend,

something people think has magic but is actually really basic. Isn’t this stuff

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 21

(mindfulness exercises) we already do? I don’t fully get it, to be honest. But again, blind

faith. We will see!”

In the above examples, the need for clarity in benefits (“measurable results”) is weighed

against the diffuse employee benefit of “sitting and counting their breathing”, presumably

less measurable than fitness programs or going for a walk. “Thinking” is “magic”, but

“reality” is “basic”; the opposition is resolved in terms of clarity. Although uncertainty was

allowed and sometimes embraced, respondents concurred that ultimately, results would

have to be evidenced, and the doubt or “flexibility” was a provisional concession to such

programs. This duality is succinctly expressed in the oxymoron, “blind faith. We will see!”

Expansive versus Focused Business Ideal

Related to measurement clarity, expansiveness characterizes whether interventions are

conceived narrowly to target workplace satisfaction, or whether more general themes (e.g.

financial, social, personal) would be imagined within the programs. Consultants reported that

their clients on the “business” side demanded a narrower purview, while many consultants

embraced broader definitions of mindfulness. Within Thomas Consulting, Shirley, a

mindfulness teacher and author, was adamant in her position that

“We must remain true to the origins of mindfulness. When companies become too

calculative of how mindfulness can serve their financial goals, I hesitate to even do

business with them, because the purpose of what I’m doing is lost. It’s disheartening,

because if they could only take a wider perspective on what mindfulness is, they could

shift to seeing it as a precious and wise life philosophy, rather than only in light of

what it can offer them. Ironically, mindfulness has a lot to offer, but it must come as a

sort of gift, or blessing, to have any value.”

This view contrasts a view of mindfulness with “origins” in a broad-based “life

philosophy”, while attempts to define it narrowly in economic terms reflects a corrupted

version of mindfulness. Yet, in an “ironic” twist, mindfulness is claimed to lead to economic

benefits if such a holistic vision is embraced; in Laclau’s (1996) terms, the total conception of

the unity of the oppositions establishes the hegemonic status of the signifier. As an empty

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 22

signifier, the financial fails to retain the “precious” aspect of the “gift”, which ironically

would bring economic value. By contrast, clients of the same program took a business focus,

while recognizing the ambiguity of the mindfulness concept. Rob, a financial controller

within Ace Accounting, the client of this consultancy, describes this as follows:

“I’m still figuring out what mindfulness is all about and how it can fit into our

business model.. I’m open-minded, and I had the opportunity to implement this

program, to see how it can meet our needs. While personally I support the program

whole-heartedly, I’ll have to find some way to prove that the program works if we are

to continue with it onwards. It’s just the reality.”

Rob reigns in expansive and evasive conceptions of mindfulness. In positioning the “reality”

of business logics as hegemonic, he suggests that whatever the expansive ambitions of

mindfulness, it must be subsumed within the current operations (“fit into our business

model”). In the above two examples, we see competing hegemonic projects (cf. Maielli,

2015; Laclau, 1977) in that each terms strives to englobe the other in a totality of business and

well-being in which each is respectively privileged over the other.

Enacting Mindfulness

As described above, imagining the mindfulness programs involved smoothing over

oppositions such that mindfulness held together opposing terms within its scope, appearing as

a solution to divisions among the terms. Such an operation, characteristic of the hegemonic

character of empty signifiers in Laclau (1996), suggested mindfulness’ cooptation by a

business rationale, but other verbatim (e.g. Shirley, above) suggested that such cooptation was

not complete, and mindfulness practitioners were also eager to offer alternative “wider

perspectives”. Enacting mindfulness during the programs, moreover, involved working

among oppositions, in which a dominant term often (but not always) came to represent the


From Contemplation to Action

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 23

A persistent tension within the programs involved whether mindfulness was seen as a

practice of contemplation and reflection versus a productive work practice. Respondents

reported both contemplative (i.e. awareness, deep thought, and meditation) and active (fluid

practice, no hesitation, stress-free execution) aspects of mindfulness; yet, they described how,

as they continued the workshops, action became predominant as a sign of mindfulness,

standing in for mindfulness as a whole.

At the Vivien Consulting intervention, for instance, emphasis was placed on

incorporating mindfulness practices into daily life, as the instructor Valerie notes:

“I encourage them to cultivate a mindful attitude, for the contemplative practices to

imbue each moment in their day, from waiting in line at the grocery store to being with

their family at home, as well at work. This is because mindfulness, for me, is a way of

life. We can bring this forward more with certain techniques, but ultimately it’s about

being present in every moment.”

Her views are synchronized with the idea of mindfulness as an attitude, poised

ambiguously with regard to contemplation and action, while the contemplative side “imbues”

quotidian practices, both at work and outside. Mindfulness is positioned as “techniques, but

ultimately about being present”, technique not able to foreclose or subsume the “ultimate”

unity being proffered. As it is taken up by participants, however, the message takes a turn to

action, as Paul, for instance, notes in relating mindfulness to his ability to cope as an IT


“I, like the others in our group, have kept my motivation in participating, even though

my days are otherwise hectic and non-stop, or rather I should say, because my days

are always like that. It doesn’t stop, so I have to, in order to gain some sense of peace

and keep on track... And as things are so often last-minute, and I can’t change that, I

can only change myself, so that’s what I’m doing, so that I can better cope with what I

have to somehow do.”

Paul notes the accelerated pace of work life, the intractability of change, and the need to

submit to gain “peace” (“it doesn’t stop, so I have to”). Paul characterizes mindfulness as

something that allows him to cope with job demands, and the sense of peace is linked to the

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 24

work-related capabilities thereby gained. While both action and contemplation appear in the

quote, unlike the trainer, the participant aligns the motivation to participate with the

possibility of coping with job demands.

Similarly, dissatisfaction among participants was linked to the perceived inaction

associated with meditation. Lisa, a secretary participating in the Thomas Consulting program,

wavers in her commitment to the program, finding contemplation “boring”:

“I’ve been meaning for a long time to be more attentive to myself, to nourish myself, to

find really a way to be happy… But you know, I kind of feel frustrated, not to mention

bored, during the sessions. I’d rather be interacting with people and doing things, to

change my way of doing things.”

The lack of action strikes Lisa as boring, contrasting with the goal of self-nourishment,

linked to changing practices. Notably, Lisa describes how the lack of collective action during

the sessions contributes to her frustration, where “interacting with people” is notably absent

from the program, a point to be taken up below. In short, while techniques of slowing down

were seen as necessary, these were often considered preparatory to active engagement and


From Withdrawal to Proactivity

Related to the contemplation/action dimension, mindfulness programs juxtaposed

withdrawing from the world, sometimes described as a hermit retreating to a cave, and

proactive organizational engagement and affective investment in the environment. During

coding we separated the two oppositions, perceiving a distinction between discourse referring

to orientation to the world (withdrawal/proactivity, describing retreat versus engagement)

versus modality of engagement (contemplation/action, describing mental versus material

forms of engagement). Throughout the workshops, mindfulness was described as both a

transcendental ‘withdrawal’ from the anxiety-ridden preoccupation with details to a higher

state of peace, and also a proactive engagement with and attention to worldly details.

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 25

Proactivity, rather than withdrawal, became the hegemonic term, coming to represent

mindfulness as such.

Within Sirius, the French firm implementing Santos’ MBSR program, HR director

Emmanuelle details how mindfulness was implemented. Participants struggled to find the

right fit, settling on an approach geared towards “energy”:

“Mindfulness seems to be a good fit, in that its secular approach makes it an

acceptable way for the employees to notice and acknowledge what arises within them.

They give themselves this time to be free of all concerns, simply to be, which sounds so

simple, but we rarely seem to do that these days. And when they go back to their desks

afterwards I would say they have new energy, they are at their best, and they are

inclined to be like this through their day.”

Withdrawal (“free of all concerns”) and proactivity (“go back to their desks

afterward”) are set up sequentially, but ultimately the former is put at the service of the latter.

The idea became widespread throughout the programs that the calm demeanor of the

mindfulness practitioner would translate into an attentive and ready attitude by the worker.

During our discussion with Harald, a Klartel customer service agent in the Austad

mindfulness program, this coupling became evident:

“I like the silence, the stillness, the time just to be alone with my thoughts. Then

through the day, remembering and keeping this makes my work peaceful too. So

yes, it affects how I do things, and I’m more inclined to be attentive and involved

when I’m in this state, because I care about what happens.”

This complementarity was affirmed by those who saw the withdrawal of meditation and

proactivity of work as mutually reinforcing. Sylvia, an equipment engineer at Sirius, explains

this relation as a cycle of connection/disconnection allowing her to “manage”:

“I gain a fresh perspective from the training. Like, I’m up in the clouds during it

[training], kind of dreamy, and then I can attack what needs to be done during my

day. Kind of like unplugging and then reconnecting in a new way. I don’t know if

it’s like that for others, however for me it allows me to manage, to engage with

others, even when it’s difficult and stressful, without shutting down.”

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 26

The “dreamy” withdrawn aspect is at first contrasted to the “plugged in” character of work,

but rather than challenge or resist being plugged in, the withdrawal permits greater force in

the subsequent “attack”.

From the Collective to the Individual

Given recent critiques of mindfulness programs as individualizing, solipsistic or de-

politicizing (Cederström & Spicer, 2015; Stanley, 2012), we were attentive to how individual

and collective aspects of mindfulness were felt by participants. Both aspects were present, and

we noted that while practiced in groups, the activities were often solitary in nature.

Participants described mindfulness alternatively as a collective, relational connection

and as a sense of individual spiritual transcendence. As Monica, a support staff worker at

Tandem participating in Vivien Consulting’s program, put it, “Mindfulness makes me step

outside of myself. I’m still me, but it’s like I can watch myself, having a big picture

perspective. Ultimately, I make better decisions from this higher self. I’d even say I feel

inspired from it, like connecting to the universe”

The transcendence theme had both individualistic and collectivistic variants. As

Monica continued, “It’s built friendships in our group, from the course, we talk about how we

practice mindfulness on our own, what works”. Not constitutive of mindfulness as such, these

social consequences contrast to the essential “mindfulness on our own”, where individuality

emerges as the privileged term of the opposition. The locus of unity, “connecting to the

universe”, refers to individual connections, and not a wider social connection. Where the

collective is emphasized, further, it usually appeared in terms of proximal team collaboration

and not wider collective solidarity or systemic change. Returning to Austad Consulting’s

program in Oslo, participants commented on collaboration and mindfulness, as Astrid, a

computer technician, explained:

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 27

“I’ve experienced profound changes in myself, I would say, through the year of the

course…it’s something that has stayed with me, has expanded over time. It has

brought a bigger picture of existence to my life, and my relationships have deepened. I

listen more carefully to others, and they in turn are more kind and patient with me. I

feel we understand each other more than before. This has meant that projects with

colleagues advance more smoothly, especially together with others from the program,

because we’re on the same page.”

Astrid’s focus on personal transformation is primary, but spills over to her interactions

with her team, which are “in turn” transformed after an initial gesture by Astrid, and

ultimately is expressed in the completion of successful work projects, with members who are

“on the same page”. The collective appears, but as a set of emotionally laden personal

relationships and not as a social institution or organizational system. Ingvild, the program’s

teacher and course designer goes on to comment, “Ideally my desire is that we can make a

positive difference in society, but, we must, as you know, start with ourselves”, reinforcing the

dominance of the individual term which englobes the collective within its purview.

Participants’ discourses closely mirrored this structure, emphasizing both community

and individuality, but prioritizing the latter as a primary term, and the former as a side-effect

naturally occurring when we “start with ourselves”. Sarah, a manager participating in Thomas

Consulting’s program, dismissed the idea of collective change, but still found great value in

the program:

“It changes who I am, and I like this new version of myself! It makes me realize things

that I wouldn’t otherwise have done, kind of like opening up a portal of creativity. And

in my work team, this helps us…some of the others in my group participate in it, so we

have a similar way of thinking from it. But does it change the way our company does

things? I doubt it. But that’s ok for us (my team).”

Sarah cites mindfulness as helping the work team by unlocking individual creativity - while

somehow creating “a similar way of thinking” - but notes that such collective benefits had

limited effects on business-as-usual. The collective is included as an after effect of individual

realization, but with limited scope.

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 28

In the above examples, collective and individual terms co-exist, but in an asymmetrical

relationship. As this asymmetry becomes more extreme, one can observe a subsumption of

social or political concern through the radicalization of individual peace-seeking, consistent

with concerns brought up in recent critiques (Davies, 2015; Cederström & Spicer, 2015).

Anna, a customer service manager taking part in Austad Consulting’s program, described the

inner peace involved in mindfulness as not only deeply individual, but explicitly anti-political

in its insistence on disengagement:

“For me, mindfulness is a mode of sailing through life. Whatever happens, it doesn’t

bother me. I just keep this perspective, sometimes just by breathing, it brings me back,

and I have peace, I feel love. I don’t condone when people do wrong, I notice it but I

don’t react it to, I simply am there in my space, calm and patient. Others then have no

fuel for their fire from me, they may be angry but they don’t bother being angry at me

because it melts into this mindfulness that I have.”

Constitutive Oppositions: Constructing Mindfulness in Practice

The diverse oppositions found in the conception and enactment of the program framed

mindfulness according to a dominant term as described above. Figure 2 illustrates how these

“hegemonic contests” (Gramsci, 1991) involve these dominant terms reinforcing one another

in an ongoing framing process.


Figure 2 about here


As seen in Figure 2, dominant terms emphasizing performance and return on investment in

the conception of the mindfulness intervention align with enactment aspects reflecting action

over contemplation, proactivity over withdrawal, and individuality over collectivity. At each

locus of opposition, one term comes to stand for the whole; multiple oppositions co-exist as

programs are conceived and enacted. We do not conceive of the arrows between the

oppositions as a causal relation, but note the coherence across these dominant terms as

reflecting a more “business-oriented” logic. Likewise, the enactment of mindfulness as

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 29

practice-oriented, proactive, and individual feeds back into an on-going construction of

mindfulness programs as good investments and as performance-based. Theoretically, drawing

the link between struggles at the level of the signifier and wider hegemonic projects implies

that the different oppositions would be related in a wider framework of emergent meanings.

Figure 2 does not draw this wider “macro” picture but does point to how a more global

theorization of hegemonic contests could be modeled, as an interplay between series of

semiotic oppositions.


Based on our analysis, we observed how mindfulness interventions served to create

equivalence out of differences and juxtapose opposing significations under the broad purview

of mindful presence. Participants recognized potential tensions while diffusing these tensions

through ordering them to subsume differences under an equivalence. Consistent with

treatments of empty signifiers elsewhere (e.g. O’Doherty, 2015; Kenny & Scriver, 2012;

Laclau, 1996), mindfulness simultaneously encoded individual and collective, professional

and personal, contemplation and action; yet as the programs were implemented, oppositions

were resolved such that one term was privileged over the other. The pliability of the

programs’ treatments of mindfulness, as suggested above, served to group oppositions in

ways that were consistent with organizational goals such as performance or measurability.

That the unifying discourse of mindfulness allowed reframing oppositions in ways that

benefitted organizations suggests that the empty signifier concept can help to ground recent

calls for a critical approach to mindfulness (cf. Purser et al, 2016), but is also relevant more

generally to humanistic managerial approaches, which may stress holism or unity as a goal for

well-being. The mindfulness concept was claimed, in a first moment, to unify work and life,

personal and professional, in a sense of wholeness associated with well-being and happiness.

In a second moment, this sense of wholeness could then be mobilized to meet organizational

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 30

objectives, which required interpretive work to give to the diffuse concept a grounding in a

particular meaning, one able to support organizational productivity. While the vita

contemplativa of reflection, mediation and inwardness was integral to the holistic ethos of

mindfulness, the vita activa of engagement, flow and ease of performance was equally part of

the holism. Thus, it was possible to characterize contemplation as a precursor or condition of

action, to work harder without being overwhelmed, to give full attention to work. Further, the

sense of ownership and inwardness of mindfulness provided an individualizing impetus,

diverting systemic critique so as to “start with ourselves”. Ironically, contemporary

mindfulness draws upon foundational critiques of the instrumentalizing tendencies of modern

life (Pursur & Millilo, 2015; Wilson, 2014), but this systemic critique, in turning inward, may

lose traction by seeking inner peace in the midst of an intractable organizational world.

Echoing Paul’s observations above, “it doesn’t stop, so I have to”.

The current paper, by tracing mindfulness empirically through its moments of contact

with business organizations, contributes to understanding the mindfulness concept in its

sociological and relational context (Stanley, 2012). While several critical perspectives on

mindfulness have recently appeared (cf. Purser et al, 2016; Cederström & Spicer, 2015;

Stanley, 2012), the current study both adds empirical substance to these critiques and gives

them theoretical form by framing them as hegemonic contests (Gramsci, 1991) over

signification. This framing more broadly contributes to the question of how well-being and

spirituality movements deal with the challenges of organizational implementation (cf.

Cederström & Spicer, 2015; Davies, 2015; Zaidman et al, 2009; Bell & Taylor, 2003). Such

movements must negotiate a ‘place at the bargaining table’ to enter organizational settings,

and the compromises involved in implementation may reconfigure how mindfulness operates.

Second, by understanding such reconfigurations through the lens of empty signifiers, we

contribute to emerging scholarship on the politics of signification in organization settings (e.g.

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 31

O’Doherty, 2015; Kelly, 2013; Kenny & Scriver, 2012), specifically, about how multiple

meanings are elicited, maintained or subverted as empty signifiers are deployed within

organizational programs. These meanings, expressed in a myriad of oppositions (i.e passive

and active, mind and body, and the like), are in a second moment occulted to privilege those

meanings consistent with business practice. Finally, we contribute to understanding to what

extent alternatives to traditional business offer the ‘emancipatory’ potential that they claim,

versus losing their critical edge and becoming coopted by the exigencies of management.

Together, these contributions address the extent to which mindfulness and similar kinds of

programs carry the capacity to transform individuals and collectives in positive ways, and

what obstacles arise during their evolution, interpretation and implementation. We elaborate

on these contributions below.

Empty Signifiers in Organizational Scholarship

Organizational scholars have recently explored how the emptiness of signifiers serves to

hegemonically “dominate the field of discursivity” (Kenny & Scriver, 2012: 624; see also

O’Doherty, 2015; Kelly, 2013). As some organizational scholars note (Safri, 2014), by

establishing “chains of equivalence” (Laclau, 1996), mobilizations gain momentum by

drawing together disperse ideas around a common movement; in parallel, the navigation of

meanings made possible by empty signifiers creates opportunities for the exercise of power

and domination (Kelly, 2013). As Kelly (2013) argues, studying empty signifiers in

organizations involves asking which interpretations become the dominant ones in practice,

and Kenny & Scriver (2012) reinforce this through their call to look to domains of empirical

practice to understand the use of empty signifiers. While Kenny & Scriver (2012: 628) note

that hegemony occurs through a “discursive arrangement of signifiers already imbued with

affective meaning”, our study contributes to this discussion by showing how this “already

imbued” comes about through a hegemonic contest for signification around an empty

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 32

signifier. Applying this analytical frame to mindfulness is appropriate since transformations in

the meanings and practices of mindfulness arise as the concept emerges from a complex

mixture of diverse influences (Sutcliffe et al, 2016; Williams & Kabat-Zinn, 2013), leading to

a plethora of possible interpretations.

Analyzing how empty signifiers are deployed in practice allows scholars to explore

how the semiotic “stability” of organizational initiatives becomes an area for appropriation,

and how the play between different organizational ideologies takes place within the semiotic

properties of a concept as it diffuses among members. This turn from the “effectiveness” of

interventions to the ideological stakes of their appropriation is a way to move beyond debates

around if and how interventions “work”. Rather, scholarship can examine how interventions

become sites for ideological contestation that may be hidden in the movement of signs

between organizational members.

Mindfulness, Critique and Cooptation

The previous point examines the ideological contestation embedded in the frictions of

application and the conceptual heterogeneity of mindfulness. Acknowledging this aspect

gives rise to deeper question about its relation to systemic critique and its potential

emancipatory role in organizations. Scholars in organizational theory have stressed the

liberating potential of mindfulness (e.g. Barry & Meisiek, 2010; Weick & Putnam, 2006),

while others have critiqued the ideological complicity of new age movements within an ethic

of neoliberalism (e.g. Toraldo & Islam, in press; Cederström & Spicer, 2015; Stanley, 2012;

Zaidman et al, 2009; Bell & Taylor, 2003). Critics claim that systemic domination is obscured

by a patina of ‘wellness’ to ideologically justify dehumanizing practices. However, the

overextension of such critiques may overlook the critical potentials of humanistic and

spiritual movements, their historical emergence from discontent with the world and their

emphasis on radical transformation (Purser & Millilo, 2015). This critical potential is

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 33

challenged as movements are converted into business training programs, passing through the

ideological sieve of their management clients (Wilson, 2014). However, the very fact that

such programs have emerged, and that their members engage in discursive work to make

sense of them suggests looking beyond a purely skeptical view. Rather, critical and complicit

tendencies likely mingle in the diverse moments of these interventions, opening windows for

re-signification each time members engage in a brainstorming session, a breathing exercise, or

a group activity. In short, while the cooptation of oppositions by a hegemonic term seems to

foreclose on emancipatory openings, the fact that oppositions remain empirically visible in

participant experiences raises the prospect that such closure is unstable. Thus, while

maintaining a critical regard, dismissing the emancipatory potential of such activities too soon

may alienate alternative framings of mindfulness that can contest dominant meanings.

Alternate Mindsets in Practice

Mindfulness is one example among a range of ‘alternate’ mindsets and practices, from

meditation and yoga to spirituality movements, that have come under critical scrutiny in

recent years (e.g. Davies, 2015; Zaidman et al, 2009; Bell & Taylor, 2003). Despite their

distinct histories, such movements share the idea of moving beyond ‘business as usual’ to

attain personal, social or spiritual goals. In the case of mindfulness, these goals may be

conceived as related to Buddhist notions of transcendence or social change through right

action (e.g. King, 2016; Purser & Milillo, 2015), but our point has been that such the

heterogeneous interpretations of such interventions are always discursively constituted and

situated within contests for meaning on the ground. Regardless of their “true” message, to be

effective they must gain a foothold in organizations through workshops, trainings or programs

hosted by firms, begging the question of how organizations accept, pressure, or reframe

movements to meet business purposes (Stanley, 2012). Thus, despite their emancipatory

potential, the threat of cooptation and the instrumentalization of wellness ideas to uphold

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 34

neoliberal ideologies remains a pressing question (Cederström & Spicer, 2015). By focusing

on the qualitative engagement with mindfulness in practice, we explore the compromises and

strategic moves that may occur as alternate mindsets make inroads into organizations whose

normative foundations may not always be hospitable to such movements.

Directions for Future Research

Despite the above contributions, several areas for future research remain. First, our

convenience sampling method (cf. Auerbach & Silverstein, 1989) draws upon professional

mindfulness networks that are not necessarily representative of corporate mindfulness

programs as a whole. Further, while our data allowed us to analytically separate how

programs were imagined and enacted, we did not have the granularity needed to examine

different positions within the program, and to track the micro-political struggles, for example,

between clients, managers, and workers. Both of these points characterize our approach as

seeking initial insights that can later be dissected based on contextual conditions. As empirical

qualitative examinations of mindfulness are novel and little research currently exists, this

approach seemed appropriate as a stimulus and a call for a research agenda, to establish key

issues, considerations and deliberations across various actors. Follow-up studies should focus

both on broad based surveys of the mindfulness field and on in-depth case studies or

ethnographies to gain deeper insight into the micro-interactional processes described here.

Further, in terms of our conceptual framework (Figure 2), our results focused on the

oppositions themselves, while the feedback relations are our theorization to make sense of the

process by which these co-occur; taken together, the coherence across the dominant terms

with market-friendly framings suggests some kind of process of alignment which we

theorized as a feedback loop. However, to empirically strengthen this view, longitudinal

process data would be useful to trace how different oppositional pairs feed into each other in a

wider hegemonic project.

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 35

Regarding the individual versus collective aspects of mindfulness, this pair emerged

inductively as one sub-dimension of the current study, but has important implications for

understanding mindfulness as a social phenomenon. Particularly in the wake of critiques of

corporate mindfulness as individualistic (Purser & Milillo, 2015; Stanley, 2012), the question

of whether mindfulness supports collective solidarity is closely related to their potential as

emancipatory projects (Purser & Mililo, 2015). Yet, as practiced within the context of a neo-

liberalism and profit-based organizations, how could such forms of solidarity be constructed?

Collective mindfulness has been considered an emergent and “fragile” achievement of

interaction (Sutcliffe et al, 2016: 16), and as a communicative “invocation” describing a

phenomenological connection between individuals (Brummans, 2014), but how fragile

collective ties are established and survive in the face of productivity pressures requires closer

study. Moreover, this “fragile achievement” must be problematized as being fragile, in part,

because of economic and political forces standing in the way of more progressive forms of

solidarity. Only by empirically exploring the variety of ways that mindfulness escape the

“material-individualist mindset” (Dyck & Shroeder, 2005) can one assess the potential for

mindfulness to build solidarity within or over-against a neo-liberal background. While this

question is beyond our scope, it is a pressing issue for future research.

Thus, by examining mindfulness in practice, we hope to point directions and build

momentum for a wider critical appraisal of mindfulness programs (Stanley, 2012). Our

approach, by examining how as an empty signifier, mindfulness becomes configured to

support dominant meanings, opens possibilities for an ideological interpretation of

mindfulness as a project for subsuming opposing voices into a hegemonic discourse

(Endrissat et al, 2015). Yet, we stop short of developing such a critique fully, with the idea

that empirical work should lay the foundation for a critical sociology of mindfulness. Critical

research, rather than assuming such ideological functions, should begin with empirical

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 36

explorations of mindfulness in practice, ideally drawing its critical import from the voices of

organizational members (Boltanski, 2011). The current study does not focus largely on

bottom-up critiques, but identifies themes around which such critiques might be explored,

laying groundwork for future research.

In sum, the current study provides an initial step towards understanding how a

prominent humanistic/spiritual movement develops within organizational settings. Engaging

with how mindfulness negotiates with, resists, or conforms to dominant business norms

provides a microcosm for understanding wider questions of the relations between

management concepts and practices, and how attempts to transform organizations are built,

subverted, and enacted in practice.


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Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 42

Table 1: Mindfulness Program Descriptions



Host company Program


Duration Additional



of Part-





Sirius (medical





8 weeks; 1.5 hour


Intranet site,






(Paris, France)


(IT services)




14 weeks; 1.5 hour

weekly sessions






(Oslo, Norway)






1 year: 1 day intro,

14 x 3 hour session

each 3rd week








Noros (post-



Adapted 4 months, with

introduction, 12

weekly sessions,

weekend retreat



and handouts




(London, UK)




Adapted 8 x 45 minute

sessions weekly



with daily




Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 43

Table 2. Examples of the Aggregate Theoretical Dimensions





Illustrative Data: Interview Extracts



Performance/ Well



“We work in a high-stress environment, so it’s very important that our people are at their best. We need to be sure that we’re taking care of

them in all possible ways, and this goes beyond just the work setting, as other parts of their life matter too..We want to provide the best possible

situation for them, such as having training about mindfulness, and our facilities for fitness, and flexible work plans.”

So now that I think about it, I guess that’s good anyways for my company, and for now I’m enjoying my work, so will continue with it, and the

mindfulness stuff too, I have their recordings that I listen to in the mornings on the way to work cause the course is finished for now.’(David ,


We are still somewhat climbing out of the financial crisis here in France, and we need to keep making new ways of doing things, so that we

don’t have the same problems again, and encourage others to do so also. I’m not saying that we no longer care about profits, we do, it’s just

that it’s not profit at any cost. I see things differently, and mindfulness is integral to that.’ (Christophe, participant)


Clarity versus Ambiguity

‘We know that mindfulness has been proven to have many benefits. We don’t measure anything specifically but I am confident that the

investment in the MBSR programs benefit us. Even if during the course someone decides that they want to make changes to their job or, as has

happened, request to change to a different role, or even consider leaving the company, we think ultimately what they are gaining from the

program is good for the company overall.’ (Emilie, HR director)

The company is okay, at least for now, with the vagueness of what mindfulness seems to them, because they know me and trust me. I hope that

doesn’t change, that the managers don’t start demanding results from it, because even if there are good results, I fear it will take away from

what I’m offering them.’(Valerie, mindfulness consultant)

Expansive versus Focused

I don’t appreciate when people are interested to pursue mindfulness when they aren’t cognizant of its contemplative origins. They’re turning it

into McMindfulness and I don’t want to be a part of that.’(Shirley, mindfulness teacher)

Thomas Consulting tailored it according to the typical work hours and demands that our people face. It was unrealistic to have a silent retreat,

though some employees wanted that too, but as others were hesitant to spend the weekend or days off work for this, we settled for a weekly

program. (Rob, client)

Workplace Mindfulness Initiatives 44










I give them short voice recorded mindfulness exercises that I made, and I suggest them to prioritize practicing even for a couple minutes rather

than trying to do a whole lot and not ending up doing any at all. I prefer that it’s something that’s part of their life, not something separate.’

(Valerie, mindfulness consultant)

While I know mindfulness is much more, for me it’s at very least a tool to keep focused on one thing at a time, to really do each thing, rather

than feeling overwhelmed with all the things I have in front of me to do (Paul, participant)


So it has a domino effect. This sort of energizes the company, and there’s a waitlist already for the next program that will start in

September.’(Emmanuelle, participant)

Ultimately it brings me reassurance as I feel accompanied in my search, in the sessions, and I’m prepared to deal with my life so that I truly

address and move past these problems.’ (Amandine, participant)

I hear feedback from the participants that the feel motivated and inspired, to create new initiatives, to clean up our ways of doing things,

anticipating what needs to be done. I don’t know quite how this happens, the course does not address this, however maybe they return to being

themselves through paying attention to their breathing, by being mindful. (Tyson, HR)


‘We talk about being mindful at work. We practice mindfulness individually but I guess talking about it makes us have a common

understanding of what it is and how to do it. Every so often then when someone overhears like in the cafeteria they are generally interested,

drawn in to join, as much for the sense of community and friendship I think as for what it can bring for them personally. One idea we’ve had is

to make mindfulness part of the company value statement or to draw up a report about it, to share more broadly about it.’ (Todd, participant)

‘I think of mindfulness like fitness, it’s part of my routine that makes me a better person. I feel more creative, more tuned in and more relaxed

because of it. Having the sessions together in a group is great, because it keeps me disciplined and it brings trust between us. It makes us more

cohesive, we work better together, and understand each other without having to explain. (Anders, participant)

“Just as my colleagues are also my friends, there is this family sense too within all of the company... It’s part of our culture, and mindfulness

fits in very well to that. For me it means being attentive, to myself and to others. . I know that the others see me as more than an employee, they

see me as just a person, as I am. And that’s what matters to me. It keeps me at ease.” (Stian, participant)

Sign of the Times


Figure 1. Overview of data analysis

Contemplation/ action

Clarity vs Ambiguity

-Mindfulness as difficult to measure

-Mindfulness as having clear impacts

Open Coding – Member Practices/Interviews

Theoretical Oppositions

Locus of Intervention


Performance/ Well-Being

Human Capital Investment/ Employee Cost

Expansive versus focused

- Mindfulness as life versus work

-Mindfulness as a fusion of work and life

Withdrawal/ productivity

-“Inner” versus “outer” focus - Mindfulness as personal and intimate - Mindfulness as looking inside oneself - Mindfulness as shared/other focused

-Mindfulness as increasing openness - Finding self-esteem at work - Mindfulness as allowing to face ones’ problems

-Managing daily activities through mindfulness - Mindfulness as more than just reflection -Increased endurance through mindfulness

- Mindfulness as performance enhancing - Mindfulness as “win-win” - Performance as an unexpected side effect

- Mindfulness as irrelevant to profit

Sign of the Times












Imagining Mindfulness

Oppositions Enacting Mindfulness


Enactments feed back into program

design and ongoing construction of

Mindfulness construct

Figure 2. Conceptual Illustration of Oppositions in Mindfulness Interventions

top related