sierra joint consortium march 6, 2015 ab 86 workgroups session

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Sierra Joint ConsortiumMarch 6, 2015

AB 86 Workgroups Session


Welcome AB 86 & Consortium Update

D. McKnight ASSET Mapping

M. Brockman Break Small Group Work Session

The SJC Steering Committee Adult Schools

Bill Bettencourt – Principal, Placer School for Adults

Mike Brockman – Counselor, Roseville Adult School

Joyce Lude – Principal, Roseville Adult School

Trisha Dellis – Assistant Superintendent, Nevada

Union Adult School

The SJC Steering CommitteeSierra Community College

Stephanie Ortiz – Executive Dean, Nevada

County Campus

Darlene Jackson – Associate Dean, Business

and Technology

The SJC Steering CommitteeAdministrative Support

Michelle Raymond – Placer School for Adults

Nicole Tomasello – Roseville Adult School

Diane McKnight – Project Coordinator

“It is the intent of the legislature to work toward developing common policies related to adult education affecting adult schools… and community colleges including policies on fees and funding levels.”

Assembly Bill 86 - Adult Education

1. Elementary and basic skills (high school

diploma or equivalency);

2. English as a Second Language (ESL) and

citizenship classes;

3. Programs for adults with disabilities;

4. Short-term CTE programs; and

5. Programs for apprentices.

Adult Education Consortiums shall provide:

1. Evaluate current level and types of services

2. Evaluate current needs

3. Integrate and create seamless transitions

4. Address gaps in services

5. Accelerate student progress toward goals

6. Collaborate on professional development

7. Leverage existing regional services

Regional Plan Objectives

Consortium Work To-Date

Final plan filed March 1, 2015

Based upon input from Fall 2014 workgroups

Three priorities (2015-16)1. ASSET mapping2. Assessment/placement alignment3. Curriculum alignment

Consortium Work To-Date

Sierra ASSETS =

A dult S tudent S upport, E ducation, & T rainingS ervices

Proposed 2015-16 budget of $500 million (to the system).

Maintenance of effort = $350 millionProgram growth = $150 Million

What’s New?

Seven member “allocation committee”

Assure funding aligns with the plan and plan objectives.

Community College  K-12 Districts Other adult education providers  Local workforce investment boards  County social services departments County probation  One public member with relevant expertise

What’s New?

It is the intent of the Sierra Joint Consortium to: leverage the strengths of members and

partners to deliver outstanding adult education programs and services

with seamless transitions into the workforce or postsecondary education.

Consortium Vision

Three Priorities: 2015-2016

ASSET Mapping

Assessment/Placement Alignment

Curriculum Alignment

What is ASSET Mapping?

ASSET Maps:1. Gather and share information about

regional resources available for adults seeking to advance their education and career training.

2. Lead to the creation of “flow charts” and “referral information sheets” that are

3. Shared electronically and updated regularly.

Web-Based “Resource Hubs”

Placer County Network of Care:

Nevada County 211:

Workgroup Agenda:9:15am – 11:15am

Welcome & Introductions

Directory Form Review & Creation

Discussion: How will this work to support “… seamless transitions into the workforce and postsecondary education”?

Next Steps: ASSET Mapping II, or Aligning Assessments


Diane McKnight


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