sick (draft)

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Sick (Draft)


    Martin was sick, well Martin was always sick, but this was worse than normal. His head

    ached all the way to his teeth, and he was so hot he could hardly stand to be touching his

    sheets. His fever had climbed from Friday evening all through the weekend until he was

    practically burning through his sheets on Monday when his roommate got up for class. He

    wanted to move, if he could just get to the shower and sit under the water it might help. He

    tried and tried to get his body to move but it refused to budge.

    Marty you look like shit man. Drink this, dont dehydrate while Im gone. His

    roommate Jack fished one of his sports drinks out of the fridge and set it on the floor next to his

    bed. He intended to wave in acknowledgement but he couldnt tell if he actually did. Martin

    didnt actually want liquid, he wanted food, he was starving, hungrier than he could handle. He

    just couldnt find the will to ask Jack for something solid. Later (how much later he wasnt sure)

    he tried to open the bottle Jack had left for him, but he had trouble closing his hands around it

    and gripping the lid tight enough. In the end he gave up and passed back out.

    Day 6

    Martin woke up ridiculously sore, even though all he had done was sleep. There was

    absolutely no reason for him to feel that bad. He ruled out another ulcer, that wouldnt have

    knocked him out. Besides if it was, he thought, it would have perforated by now and he would

    be dead. He wondered if it was the cheeseburger he had the day before he got sick. Food

    poisoning looked like the most likely culprit, it was probably undercooked or something.

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    By Wednesday he was feeling about as bad as an average bad day so he went back to

    class. A student tripped on the way to one of the desks in front of him spilling their water

    bottle. He knew he should get up to help them; he just wasnt sure if he would be able to bend

    down, or get back up when they were done. Oblivious to most everything around him, he was

    startled by a voice.

    Hi Martin, you feeling better? It was Jacks girlfriend looking at him with a dramatic

    worried expression. He and Jack called the expression Cadyface and Martin always worried he

    was going to slip and use it to her face one day. She had a good sense of humor though, so

    Martin figured shed laugh.

    Hi Cady, yeah thanks. It was the worst fever Ive ever had. Jack took some kind of care

    of me, made sure I drank something at least. I owe him one.

    You can take care of him if he gets it then, I dont want to get whatever it was. She


    I think it might have been food poisoning, but fair enough.

    Day 13

    One week later whatever Martin had had seemed to be making its way around campus

    with a vengeance. There was email after email, from professors, housing administration, the

    health office, the dean, the chancellor, this was turning out to be serious. It wasnt that

    cheeseburger after all.

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    Goddamit Marty, Ive got a fever! Jack greeted him as soon as he opened the door

    without looking away from Skyrim.

    You and everybody else, you could have gotten it from anyone.

    But I shared the most air with you douche bag. He said with a smile.

    Martin hoped Jack didnt get sicker than he did, whatever it was awful and Jack was a

    decent guy, even if he did still call him Marty.

    Day 17

    Im starving. Do you want to go get something? It was maybe the fifth time in two

    days Jack asked him about getting food. Martin remembered that hunger. The fever was so

    fierce; he probably needed more calories to deal with it.

    Im not really hungry...

    Marty are you ever hungry, thats irrelevant. Now, food, want some? Jack continued.

    You gone to the health room yet?

    Nah man, its just the same thing everybody else has. It took you a few days to get over

    it, Ill be fine. He said cracking open another Gatorade, his face deeply flushed under the eyes.

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    Day 18

    Jacks fever had risen a few degrees; he had eaten all of his snacks and had even snuck

    some of Martins. The lines in the dining hall were twice as long as normal and the foodservice

    staff was having trouble keeping up with the demand. He waited a half an hour for three

    chicken nuggets, part of a scoop of mashed potatoes and a roll. Then he had trouble picking out

    a place to sit, he didnt know anyone in the hall and he wasnt too good with strangers. He

    wound up sitting at the table with the wiggly leg in the far corner; it wasnt like he was going to

    be there for long. All around him students looked either listless or totally wired all of them were

    feverish; some of them with sweat stains forming in their clothing. The atmosphere was

    unappetizing, but Martins stomach wasnt really in it anyway.

    Day 19

    In the morning, there were news articles on every other facebook wall about a massive

    recall of ground beef. He clicked on the one from a reputable paper instead of the four gossip

    blog links around it. The article went on to detail the symptoms of an illness that seemed to

    come from the tainted beef. Fever, sweating and confusion were the symptoms so far, but it

    warned of worsening symptoms. Nothing seemed to be able to stop the sickness. Food

    poisoning. He knew it was the burger all along. He wondered how many other people got sick.

    It must have been a lot, if the university was anything to go by. That afternoon the dining hall

    was not offering any meat products until the scare was over.

    By that morning Jack began to forget things, passwords, what day of the week it was,

    those kinds of things. Little stuff, but it all added up. Martin could not walk down the hallway

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    without passing some confused looking student staring at a map or reading the hallway signs.

    Once his class was even interrupted by a student realizing they were in the wrong room. Martin

    wondered if it was dedication or insanity that keep students going to their classes.

    He came back from classes to find Jack had gotten worse.

    Marni shit, Im like shit. Do I have any he trailed off. It was day nine of his illness and

    Jack couldnt remember Martins name.

    Snacks? No, you asked me that already, 10 minutes ago.

    Okay sorryMorty, Mary, Im so, Im soFUCK Martin, I cant remember anything.

    Martin swore Jack was starting to cry, but he didnt press the issue. Instead he brought Jack a

    bag of Cheetos from his cabinet and opened it for him. He wolfed them down with a grateful

    look for Martin. He could not even begin to figure out what was wrong with Jack. He was

    getting so much sicker than he ever did. Martin hoped it wasnt some brain-eating virus, it

    couldnt be, he reasoned with himself. He had gotten better. He watched his friend fumble with

    the Cheeto bag and he wished there was something else he could do.

    Another 20 minutes later Jack was starting at him intently, when he got Martins

    attention he pointed at him and groped for a name in his mind.

    No, Jack you cant have any more of my snacks. Martin beat him to the punch.

    Worst little brother ever. Jack waved him off.

    What? Im not your brother man. I dont think youre okay anymore Jack. We should

    take you to the hospital.

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    Ill be fine, besides no ensure.


    Yeah, what did I say?


    Oh. Martin stared at Jack for a minute or two; Jack did not return the attention. He

    wanted to take Jack in, but he had been watching the news and they said there wasnt anything

    the hospitals could do.

    Day 20

    Jack fell off the bunk ladder and had trouble turning the handle at the sink when he was

    done in the bathroom. It took him a few minutes to calm down enough to be able to wash his

    hands. Martin was finding it hard to keep his cool. Students all around him were getting worse

    and worse, only a very small handful seemed unaffected and even then they wouldnt really

    interact with anyone. Even more frightening were the fights breaking out around campus,

    vicious ones over the littlest things. Once he wandered way off the sidewalk to get away from a

    pair of guys who were engaged in what could have been a drunken brawl. They threw vicious

    but uncoordinated punches; their inability to control their own bodies properly only fueled

    their rage. They cursed and spat, shouted obscenities, they would have killed each other if only

    they could get their limbs to work. One of them seemed to be drooling, or was it sweat? Martin

    wasnt about to get close enough to find out. He decided to just keep moving quietly, eyes

    trained on the sidewalk.

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    Martin was never the most social of creatures, and when classes were cancelled he was

    glad to have almost no reasons to leave the dorm. Many students were going home, but Martin

    would be alone there too. A small part of him was grateful there wasnt really anybody around

    to miss him.

    Day 22

    Cady came by and when Martin answered the door Jack grunted and shook his head a

    bag of chips falling out of his hand. Martin slid out the door to talk to her in the hallway. He

    wondered why Cady wasnt sick, he didnt think she was a vegetarian; then again he didnt

    remember seeing her eat a lot of red meat.

    I think we should take him to the hospital. She didnt even say hello and she wouldnt

    meet Martins eyes.

    He felt so bad for her. Jack was dumb as a rock and as coordinated as a drunken lemur.

    What was he going to tell her?

    Ive been watching the news, there is nothing they can do about this epidemic. They

    have had to start turning people away, theyre just too overwhelmed. He tried to calm her

    down but it just seemed to make her more upset.

    Jennie down the hall from me had to move out because Alyson was getting aggressive.

    Now nobody has seen Alyson for two days and I dont want that to happen to Jack. She started

    to raise her voice.

    Well be fine, Ive had it already and so far Jack is just uncoordinated a little delirious.

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    I know, but can I see him? She looked at the floor between them.

    Hes out cold. He lied, feeling like a jerk. He had been telling her Jack was better off

    than he really was all along. He wasnt even sure Jack would remember her anyway.

    Okay, Ill try again tomorrow. They stood in the hall outside the door for a few more

    moments, neither one with any idea of what to do, until Martin spoke broke the tension.

    Do you want me to walk you back?

    No, thanks. No thank you. Ill be fine. She stood there for another moment before her

    breath caught in a hiccupy sob and she caught Martin in a hug. He had much more of an idea of

    what to do with a very sick roommate than his crying girlfriend. He wrapped an arm around her

    shoulders anyway. He couldnt blame her for wanting contact.

    Day 23

    Jack did not get out of bed, and campus was closed in a state of quarantine. Martin

    couldnt stay in the room with him any longer, Jacks breathing heavy and thick in the bed

    above his; he had to get out. He had no idea where to go, so he just went for a walk. Students

    had gone home in droves and while the housing stayed open to accommodate those who

    needed it they were mostly on their own. Campus now reminded him of some T.S Eliot poem.

    Trash, abandoned backpacks, cars parked in strange places, puddles of blood? It was a desolate,

    and too quiet. There was stillness from more than just the lack of sounds it was a feeling. There

    was no birdsong, no whoosh of air conditioners, no smell of French fries outside the Caf. Now

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    that he thought of it the clock in the tower had not gone off in days. The heartbeat of students

    in and out of the buildings had stopped and the campus passed on.

    Near one of the science buildings he came upon a student slumped motionless against a

    tree.Alyson? As he approached to see if she was okay a squirrel had the misfortune of getting a

    little too close. She came to life grabbing at it clumsily and then finally caught it by the tail. It

    latched onto her arm and as far as Martin could tell it was biting her but she didnt seem to

    care. She grabbed around its face and pried it from her forearm, a bit of her skin coming off in

    its teeth. She sobbed then, a dry heavy noise. The squirrel was growling, muffled by her hand.

    Then she gave another sob, and bit into its side. Martin choked on a breath.

    Alyson, what are you? His voice barely above a whisper, he didnt want to interrupt

    her lest he become a target. The squirrel stopped struggling as she took another bite. Martin

    turned to run. He tried to get into an academic building, any building at all, but they were all

    locked. He decided then that Jack was better than outside.

    Day 24

    Martin came home from another walk and was about to push his code in the door when

    he heard screaming from inside. He fumbled the numbers quickly into the pad and shoved the

    door open. Jack was pinning Cady to the bed straddling her trying to hold her wrists down. Jack

    looked up at him, startled, his mouth bloody. Cady struggled beneath him. What is Jack

    ohmygod, just like the squirrel.

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    Martin! Her eyes were wide, her shoulder bloody. Jack slurred something that was

    probably his name, and climbed off Cady. He stumbled towards Martin.

    Maaariin, surry I cnnt, surry. He drooled blood and spit. Surry, Mmm surryy. He

    made noise that ascended from a gurgle to a growl of rage. Martin backed up as far as he could

    get, back to the door as Jack jerked forwards.

    Stp meee Maaarin, pleeez. He begged even as he tried to bite him. Stop you? How? In a

    moment of unexpected clarity Martin quickly pushed Jack into their tiny bathroom. Cady was

    beside him suddenly with a desk chair beside her. They propped it against the door and stared

    at each other Cady pressing opposite hand to her bloody shoulder. Hospital. Hospital now.

    Thank god for mental autopilot, just pack a bag Martin. He snapped into action, scrambling for

    his backpack dumping its contents on the floor. He knocked his pill bottles from his dresser into

    the bag and shoved clothing on top of them.

    Martin what?

    Im not staying here with him Cady, Im packing a bag, taking you to the hospital then

    Im going to find somewhere else to stay. We can go to my house 10 minutes away from the

    hospital. Is that okay? My parents arent home but well besafer than here. I think.

    Yes, yes. Its not bleeding heavy, it doesnt hurt. It was more shock.

    Youre probably still on an adrenaline high. It will you suck when you come back

    down. He snatched his phone charger and shoved that in the bag too.

    Kaaadtie surry, hunngry so hungry, pleez, luuv yoo.

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    Next to him Cady began to cry.

    Martin closed his eyes and tried to collect his thoughts but he used up anything

    coherent in the actions before. His head swirled and something in his gut clenched.

    Although the building was quiet, they passed more than a few wobbly students once

    they got outside. While some got close they seemed largely uninterested in the pair. They

    seemed almost repelled by Cady despite her bleeding shoulder. They would get close, and lean

    in, then make some sort of noise and wander away. One of them a girl Martin recognized from

    one of his history classes recognized him too.

    Yoou. Hiii youuu. Did wee haaave notes? Yesterdaaay? Her head was tilted far to the

    side and she had trouble keeping her tongue in her mouth.

    No, um, we didnt have class. So you didnt miss anything. Really.

    Okaaay. Is youur friend huuurt? She got closer to Cady and leaned into her shoulder

    before quickly backing away, growling in the back of her throat.

    We have to go now, okay? Bye. See you in class? He put his arm around Cady to steer

    her away from the sick girl. This thing is so spooky, what is it doing to these people?

    At the ER Martin sat and waited while Cady filled out her paperwork. It was easy to see

    the whole room from his corner chair. The waiting room was filled with people. A lot of them

    were like that girl in the parking lot. Unsteady in speech and motion. Most of them were there

    with another person. They were being systematically examined and turned away by nurses

    right there in the waiting room. Ive never seen anything like it.

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    Enough people were injured or bleeding to give the room a coppery smell, and

    something else, something acrid Martin couldnt place. It was nauseating on top of the anxiety

    already leaking from the patients. One man had his hand wrapped tightly in a towel, and the

    man next to him was fussing over him and fidgeting in his seat. The injured man looked

    uncomfortable, he began to unwrap the towel. When he finally got to his hand Martin could

    see a large wound where his pinky used to be. Next to him Cady almost gagged. The man flexed

    his fingers and winced. The other man scolded him telling him to put pressure back on it. The

    inured man was calm despite his obvious discomfort. He had been graced with some weird

    serenity, no doubt from shock and adrenaline. Maybe he had just given in to the despair of the

    situation and found some sick peace with it all. Martin hurt jus to look at him, goose bumps

    rose along his arms.

    Two frightened looking children were coloring at a low table across from him. The older

    of the two was slowly dragging a thick crayon across the coloring sheet, not even looking at the

    page. He just moved the crayon in one big line, not even leaving a mark.The younger one was

    head down scribbling furiously in the lines of what looked like a farm scene. He would grope for

    a new crayon, refusing to lift his head.The woman sitting near them, he assumed she was their

    mother, was talking rapidly in Spanish on her cell phone. Her voice was thin and she rubbed her

    temples or watched the boys as she talked. Martin hated hospitals more than anything, he

    always felt so bad for everybody. This situation was no exception.

    There was a sudden wave of noise from the direction of the automatic doors. A man

    ran through them, shouting at everyone to get out of the way. Behind him another man

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    entered carrying a woman. She was sobbing hard, wailing loud enough to be heard above the

    noise. Her shoulder and arm were flayed from the bone. It waved limply as the man carrying

    her tried to figure out what to do with her, the other man continued to shout. The nurses

    rushed over and swarmed around them to herd the three back behind the emergency room


    The older child had begun to cry, almost before the first man entered. It was almost like

    he knew what was going to happen. He just dropped the crayon and cried. The noise around

    them was amped up. All nervous talking, anything so people didnt have to acknowledge what

    just happened.

    Ill be right back Cady got up to take her information back to the woman behind the

    counter. She checked it over, and then disappeared behind a partition wall.

    Cady came back to sit next to him. She pressed the clean gauze they gave her against

    her shoulder and leaned her head against him for just a second. The receptionist returned and

    scanned the room, her eyes catching Martins. He wasnt sure what to do about it, so he looked

    back.Shes not unattractive;he thought, she would be nicer if she smiled. Instead she grimaced

    as she sat in the rolling chair, breaking eye contact for just a moment. It resumed as she tucked

    a curly blond lock behind her ear. The way she stared at him felt intrusive. Martin tried to

    imagine what was going on in her mind. Did she think he bit Cady? Did she hate him just for

    bringing her here, adding to her workload? No, there was nothing spiteful in it. Instead some

    weird intimacy, like she would rather be warm in his lap instead of her crooked rolling chair.

    Martin shifted, he was pretty sure this was not the time or place for that kind of thing.He

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    wanted to say something anything to Cady to shake the feeling but he couldnt get anything

    out. Instead he sighed and looked away.

    Martin wanted to go back with Cady when they called her name, but they made him

    stay in the waiting room. He sat back in his seat in the corner, and retreated into his own head.

    He would take Cady to his house, secure things as best they could and then get in touch with his

    parents. He wasnt paying attention to how long Cady had been, but she reappeared some time

    later sterilized stitched and bandaged.

    Can I put this in your bag? She was holding out a sheet of paper with instructions on it.

    Yeah, you okay. He took it from her, folded it once and put it in one of the outer

    pockets. She nodded. Okay, were going to go to my house. Its not far from here, and I think it

    should be safer than going back to campus, or do you have any family we should go to? My

    parents wontbe home.

    No theyre out of state. We can go to your place. I dont want to go back to campus

    either. She shivered slightly and rubbed her forearms.

    Ready? He looked from her to the automatic doors.


    The parking lot had turned to chaos in the time they were inside. A few police officers

    were attempting to regulate all the traffic from both vehicles and pedestrians. The pair

    cautiously made their way to the back of the lot. Behind them there was a squeal of tires and a

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    loud crunch. Two cars had collided in the main entrance to the lot. The officers swarmed the

    scene in seconds.

    Looks like it might be a while before we can get out. Cadys tone was flat. They were

    almost to Martins car when there was another shriek from behind them. The girl from behind

    the counter was coming towards them; two really sick looking people were chasing her, and

    they were gaining fast.

    Martin, we have to help her! Cady took off towards them; Martin had to take a second

    to catch up. Cady ran straight for the attackers but when she got close enough Martin could see

    her realize she had no idea what to do. He was torn between going to help her, and going for

    the girl. When the girl collapsed his choice was made for him.

    I gotcha He gripped her hands to pull her up,and then her forearm for more support.

    She made a pained noise.

    Did they bite you? He looked her over frantically gripping her other arm in his search.

    No, no too tight on my arms. Let go. She nearly bared her teeth at him so he dropped

    his grip and put his hands up in surrender.

    Oh! Cady! Martin rushed towards her, but she actually seemed to have everything

    under control. The sick people had little interest in her. They would head towards her and when

    they got right up to her they would suddenly give up and back off.

    I think Im okay, can you get her to the car? I can stay behind you guys and make sure

    they dont attack or anything.

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    Yeah were one row over. He called to her. Can you make it that far?

    Im fine. As far as Martin could tell she wasnt, but he was not going to fight her on it.

    Do you have somewhere to go? he asked her once they were all in the car safely. The

    smell from the waiting room had followed them. Martin tried to ignore the acid smell that was

    filling the car but it was making his eyes water.

    Ah, shit. She breathed rubbing her face in her hands. My apartment is on Halloway.

    The Pleasant View complex. She added, louder this time. So that is where they headed.

    I can make it. She glared at Martin when he t ried to help her out of the car.

    Look we just want to make sure you make it all the way there safely okay. Just let us do

    that, please? it was Cady who got her to at least allow them to walk her to her door.

    No, you know, Maggies is closer by one floor. I can go to her place, it will be better.

    She was breathing hard after the first flight of stairs. Maggies room was two doors down and

    she answered her knocking almost immediately.

    Laurel, are you okay? Come in; sit down. You too please. Maggie was heavy set but

    spry and Martin would guess in her 60s. She retrieved her glasses from the top of her head and

    put them on proper. Quickly please, Ive been keeping up with the news. Laurel that hospital

    of yours is a mess. She continued to talk as she led them inside. Sit anywhere. Laurel settled

    in one of the armchairs, while Martin and Cady perched on the couch. Maggie brought Laurel a

    glass of water, then turned to study the other two. Martin was glad her gaze was more curious

    than critical. Friends of yours Laurel?

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    No. she said after a gulp of water I was loosing it at work, so they told me to go

    home, when I left out the employee door I was attacked. They helped and brought me back

    here. She rubbed her wrist and the palm of her hand with her thumb as she talked.

    Thank you. Maggie smiled at them. its all we can do, look after one another. Cady

    returned the smile, Martin dragged his eyes from the place on the wall where they had been

    fixed and hesitantly turned up a corner of his mouth. Oh honey, youre bleeding again. Here let

    me help. Maggies smile thinned when she saw the trickle of blood appearing from under the

    gauze on Cadys shoulder. She led Cady down the small hallway to the bathroom.

    Martin looked at Laurel. No she wasnt unattractive. She had a heart shaped face and a

    little birthmark that reminded him of Marilyn Monroes. He guessed her hair was naturally that

    shade of honey gold. She looked up from her glass and caught him, she didnt look angry, just

    tired. She didnt return the stare this time. She did sigh once, heavily and Martin thought she

    was going to speak, but she decided against it. Cady and Maggie returned a few moments later.

    Will you be alright to go? Maggie asked.

    Yeah, thanks. It was nice meeting you. Ever gracious Cady got another smile.

    Thank you again for helping Laurel, shes grateful too Im sure. Shes just a little

    stubborn sometimes. Maggie dropped her voice and leaned in for the last part. Oh? there

    was a sheet of paper on the door when Maggie opened it. She took it down to look at it.

    Curfew? 6:30? Are they serious? She gave them a remarkably teenage expression. How nice

    of them to let us know after the fact. It was already 6:45. Well theyllhave to let you out. You

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    dont even live here. She led them downstairs towards the doors. Laurel didnt follow. There

    was a man there, waiting, arms crossed. Jerry, whats this? Maggie waved the paper in front

    of him.

    City mandated Dr. Gutierrez sorry. He rubbed the bridge of his nose apologetically. I

    didnt get the notice until 10 minutes ago either, but the cop who came by was real serious

    about it. Hes in the parking lot now. So were stuck in here, Im sorry.

    What about them? They were just dropping off Laurel?

    My instructions were to not let anybody out after 6:30, but I could let them in until 8

    this first day. I guess so everybody can get home. They can try if they want, but the officer said

    theyre not going to go easy on people. Its hell on Earth out there. As they talked somebody

    approached the building. Martin watched her through the glass panel beside the door. She

    staggered dramatically, one leg seemed stiff like almost like they couldnt unlock her knee.

    Maggie and the landlord were too busy arguing to notice and Cadys gaze was far away. As they

    got closer he could hear her talking.

    I caan seee youu. Let me inn. Let meeeiinnn.

    Um. Martin interjected.

    Who is that? Maggie pointed when Jerry didnt react to Martin.

    I dont know. Looks like it could be 4C, but shes too short. I dont think she lives here

    at all.

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    I cansee youin there, Let meeeaainn. She was close enough to put her hands on the

    window now.

    Um, Im sorry mam this is a private apartment complex, residents only please. The

    landlords voice was calm, but his eyes were wide.

    LET ME IN! She shouted, her voice jagged and demanding. Spit hit the window and she

    left a dirty smear when she slammed her hands on the glass. Cady jumped, startled out of

    wherever her mind had been.

    Shit. Jerry said quietly. Shit. You guys arent going out there.

    No, no they can stay with me. Neither Jerry nor Maggie looked at them, their

    attention on the madwoman continuing to rage outside. Maggie lead them back upstairs, Laurel

    was waiting at the top. Im going to pull out the sofa for them, you can stay down here tonight

    if you want to. Is anyone hungry?

    Maggie made them spaghetti, a tense silence joining them at the table. Martin was too

    anxious to eat, but he had enough to not seem ungrateful. Maggie asked about Cadys

    shoulder and the two told her in brief about Jack and getting to the hospital. After dinner he

    helped Maggie fold out the sofa bed. Martin sat on the end of the bed and Maggie turned on

    the news. Laurel sat a little farther from Martin. Cady stretched out on one side of the bed and

    was asleep almost instantly despite the relatively early hour.

    The news was the same everywhere. There was some food borne illness spreading

    rapidly throughout the nation. It came from beef tainted by something scientists had never

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    seen before. It bore resemblance to a variant of CJD or CreutzfeldtJakob Disease, but it was

    faster and much more aggressive than the standard mutation. Police and health officials were

    urging people to avoid contact with anyone displaying symptoms of the disease. They were

    currently unsure how the disease continued to spread now that the beef had been recalled.

    Anyone with a high fever, sweating, increased appetite, loss of muscle control, dementia, or

    extreme aggression should be avoided. Attacks committed by people displaying the symptoms

    were on a dramatic rise. There was a series of clips of other news reports. Police tape and the

    flash of emergency vehicle lights in every one. Local news covered the car accident at the

    hospital, the curfew and the mayors plans for the city.

    As everyone decided to turn in Laurel began to wring her hands again.

    Can I stay? she asked Maggie quietly.

    I have no problem with it. I dont have much more space though. It was true; most of

    her living room space was taken up by the bed. The armchair looked comfortably plush but

    neither woman seemed to consider it an option.

    I can sleep in the chair? Martin offered.

    Would you? Thank you Martin. Maggie looked relieved. Laurel slid in next to Cady

    whose cheeks were clearly beginning to flush. Maggie said goodnight to everyone and Martin

    turned out off the lamp.

    Day 25

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    Cady was the first one awake the next morning. She was pulling at the front of her t-

    shirt trying to fan herself when Martin opened his eyes.

    Is it warm in here? Or was it just the blankets? She whispered to Martin.

    Must have been the blankets. He offered. Laurel was still asleep breathing quietly next

    to Cady. Martin refused to entertain the possibility that Cady was getting a fever.

    Laurel woke shortly after the two of them. She sat up; one of her joints popping loudly

    in the process, she winced. The three of them sat in silence after that. Cady kept looking at the

    kitchen sink. Martin had a feeling Laurel knew where the cups were, but she wasnt going to be

    too hospitable about it if asked. Cady would just have to wait for Maggie.

    Luckily for her she didnt have long to wait. Maggie broke the awkward silence a minute

    or two later.

    Good morning, did everybody sleep okay? Her voice was bright, Martin envied her

    ability to at least appear as a morning person. Does anyone want coffee? I was going to make

    myself a cup. Laurel nodded.

    Um could I just have some water? Cady asked.

    Sure no problem at all. Maggie poured some for her from a pitcher in the fridge. She

    drank half of it almost immediately. My appointments for the day cancelled, so I have nothing

    to do. If you two dont feel safe leaving youre welcome tostay until you do. She offered.

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    Thanks, I think well try in a little while though. The last thing Martin wanted to do was

    impose. A thought struck him suddenly. Cady can I just have sip of your water?

    You could have. She held up her empty glass apologetically.

    Here Martin. Maggie took Cadys glass, refilled it and brought Martin one of his own.

    He fished around in his backpack for his meds. He downed three in a swallow and tucked the

    container back in the pocket. He drank a little more water and shifted in the chair. Laurel joined

    Maggie in the little kitchen. The two of them had a quiet conversation. Maggie brushed the

    stray curl out of Laurels face and gave her a little smile. Laurel almost returned it as she tuned

    to head towards the door. She opened it intending to head to her own apartment, but there

    was a woman on the other side. A sick one, her eyes were wide and unfocused. Her legs didnt

    seem to be able to support her weight so she wavered where she stood. She moved her mouth,

    miming words, nothing came out but a thin river of drool turning red where it passed over the

    cut on her mouth. No, not a cut really, it was more like a chunk had been taken out of her

    bottom lip. Martin could see a flash of teeth through the wound as she tried to speak. She

    raised an arm, her hand was contorted painfully, the other grasped repeatedly at her own pant

    leg. She leaned in towards Laurel her lips pulling back in an aggressive sneer. Laurel tried to

    push the door closed again but the woman was in the way. Cady had moved well behind Martin

    and Maggie had started to move towards the door. All three were now motionless.

    Lady, ah? She waved her hand dismissively, but the woman did not back off. Laurel

    opened the door dramatically and gave the woman a condescending glare as she went to close

    it again. This time the door connected with her shoulder. It wasnt hard enough to hurt, nor did

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    Laurel mean to hut her, but the woman went off. She squealed and snapped her teeth. She

    tried to grab for Laurel but she couldnt get her hands to cooperate. This only made her angrier;

    she pushed the door back against Laurel and stumbled in to the room. Once inside she seemed

    to forget all about Laurel, instead she tired to get to Cady on the bed.

    Cady gasped, and pulled her knees up to her chest, but she didnt move off the

    mattress. The woman could not lift or bend her legs properly to get up onto the bed. She

    continued to growl and whine as she worked herself up just trying to complete the simple


    Cady. Maggie gave a harsh whisper. The injured girl climbed slowly off the bed and

    joined Maggie who had moved back towards the kitchen area.

    Laurel had her back pressed to the wall next to the door. She was not watching the

    intruder however; her eyes were locked on Martins with a frightened pleading look that did

    not seem to come naturally to her. Martin could do nothing but look back. If either of them

    moved the woman was sure to spot them again. They would rather have her raging at the bed

    than going after anyone. Laurels eyes darted from Martins her attention was caught by

    something behind him. He turned to see what it was. Maggie waved a frying pan then brought

    her finger to her lips and pointed at the door. Martin nodded in response and slowly picked up

    his backpack. Laurel was inching towards the exit, when she was well enough behind the

    woman she darted into the hallway. Martin waited until Cady and Maggie were closer to him

    before trying for the door.

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    Sammy its just me. Just me. Sammy? Oh no. they could hear Laurel in the hallway her

    voice reaching towards desperation. For the first time Maggie looked panicked. They couldnt

    move any faster for fear of alerting the woman, but there was clearly trouble in the hallway

    with Laurel. She stopped them for a moment with her hand out behind her. She closed her

    eyes, took a deep breath then dashed towards the door. As she passed the woman she gave her

    a two handed shove towards the bed. The sick woman tipped and fell face first onto the

    mattress. Her growling got louder but she could not lift herself up again. Cady and Martin were

    now free to follow Maggie into the hall. Sammy turned out to be a child of maybe eight he

    looked to be in better condition than the woman in the apartment, but not by much.

    Who are you? he kept asking. His voice was low and slurred. Who are you? Wheres

    mom? He grasped loosely at he hem of his shirt.

    Sammy Its me Maggie, why dont you go home, okay? Your mom is there, Im sure. Im

    sure your mom is there. She was holding the frying pan behind her back; he was only a child.

    Mom? Daaad? Where m I? he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. Whore

    you? He took a few steps closer, favoring one leg. Mom? Im hungry. He stumbled and

    knocked into the wall. His body jerked, his head hung back. His face contorted, tongue falling

    from the corner of his mouth. His hands seized into claws. Why? Why? He gurgled, tears

    running from the corners of his eyes, a wet patch forming in the front of his pants. It was as if

    contact with the wall knocked something vital loose. He struggled to push himself away from it.

    Mom! he sobbed.

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    Without taking here eyes from Sammy, Maggie quietly ushered the other three towards

    the stairs. Cady was paper white, even her cheeks had lost their flush. She leaned into Martin;

    he could feel her shaking. Laurels face was set in a fabricated neutral. She appeared too calm,

    too focused on her breathing. Martin swore he could see her heart beating through her shirt.

    Martin himself was nearly dizzy with fear.

    The four of them did not encounter another person until they got outside. There were

    two of them, sick and aggressive. One of them was carrying something long and white Martin

    hoped was not a bone. The other was trying to take whatever it was away. They circled one

    another shouting unintelligibly, it might have been mistaken for a lovers quarrel under other


    Although they looked terrible the fighting pair were still pretty steady on their feet. There was

    no safe place to stop and discuss how to work around them so the group forged slowly ahead.

    Martin wondered how much of their senses were still in tact. Surely they had to be able to see

    and hear on some level, or else how would they get around? But now really wasn't the time to

    be worrying about things like that, they just had to get to his car.

    They almost made it. They had been too busy focusing on the fight that continued on

    behind them to notice the third person leaning against a nearby car. It noticed them as they

    went by. It righted itself with some effort, but once it was on its feet it was steady enough to

    pursue them. He got much too close for comfort before stumbling and growling in frustration.

    Cady was the fastest to turn, she shrieked and darted forward half tugging Martin with her. The

    sound and motion drew the attention of the fighters. At first they were still. The sorter one

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    swayed slightly before giving a dog-like shake and stumbling towards them. The taller man

    seemed to bunch up like a cartoon character hitting pavement before surging forward. He was

    fast, dangerously fast, and they had no choice but to run.

    Things were worse outside of the parking lot. Dumb with fear, people seemed to be caught

    between evacuating and shutting themselves inside, but the sidewalks were clear enough of

    pedestrians that the group did not have to push past anyone as they ran. Maggie had a better

    lead over the other three and tried the handle of the nearest business. It was locked. The

    person chasing them was still in pursuit, but they had gained enough of a lead to try a second

    door. It opened pushing in. Martin was the first to slam his back against the door, as much to

    hold it closed as to support himself. He was not made for running. Cady leaned beside him

    against the frame.

    The jingling of the chime on the door summoned a sturdy looking man from somewhere in the

    back. A sturdy looking man with a backpack and a shotgun.

    "Can I help you?" He didn't raise the weapon but he did not move to hide it either. By that time

    the thing that was chasing them had caught up and was throwing itself against the door trying

    to get in. "Oh." he nodded. "Hold on. Can someone give me a hand?" Maggie followed him a

    little further into the store. Martin watched them go, they appeared to be in some kind of

    pawnshop or thrift store. The small windows in front and the Plexiglas door providing the only

    light into the space. The logo on the back wall confirmed his guess; a banner reading "King

    Pawn" was hung above the counter. It was silent aside from the man wailing against the door.

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    He was almost forming words.

    "Ininin letmin." he repeated.

    Maggie and the man returned a few minutes later carrying a wooden table between them. They

    propped it against the door.

    "How long have you been running?" he asked after they were sure it was secure.

    "Only since the Pleasant View Complex two blocks over." Cady offered.

    "Do you know where you're going?"


    "I have a storage unit a half hour out, it's not a perfect idea but it's the best one we had. We

    have food and we stopped for weapons." He looked them over for a moment. "You can come

    along, but we might not all fit in the truck." he finally decided.

    Martin was not sure who the other person or people was in the "we" the man mentioned but

    he sincerely hoped it turned out to be something real and not something in his head. He was

    tall with a bruisers frame, age had softened it but none of them would be any match for him

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    should things get ugly.


    "It's alright Hannah. They're okay."

    Hannah was startling at first glance, so opposite her father. She was willowy and pale with long

    dark hair and bangs across her forehead. She almost reminded Martin of Wednesday Addams.

    There was the same kind of spooky wise-beyond-her-years quality about the girl despite the

    fact that she could be no more than 16.

    "Hi." She greeted them from a little behind her father. "I'm Hannah."

    "I'm Maggie, and this is Laurel, Cady and Martin."

    "Rex." the man offered. "And welcome to King Pawn." He gestured to the store around

    them. "I recommend finding something sturdy to bring along. It's on the house." His expression

    was still grim, but his stance relaxed as he tried to smooth down the salt and pepper cowlick at

    his right temple. Is anyone comfortable with firearms? I have a pair of handguns? Nobody

    volunteered. Im going to bring them anyway.

    Martin wandered the store it was clean but the caramel paint on the walls gave

    everything a dusty vintage feel. The thing at the door had given up or something else had

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    happened because it was no longer pounding at the door. The quiet was perhaps more

    frightening. It reminded Martin of winter nights when the snow seemed to absorb the sound

    and leave everything in an eerie state of soundlessness.

    I recommend the pseudo sport section in the back corner. There is a signed bat on the

    wall, which really doesnt mean anything anymore does it? Rex informed no one in particular

    from the counter. He was checking the state of the handguns he mentioned earlier

    Dad says its one of the most valuable things in the store. But I dont really know

    anything about the player. Hannah said from behind him.

    Its okay I dont either. He said as he took it off the display shelf. She smiled a little.

    What are you going to take? Her smile vanished.

    I probably shouldnt take anything. I dont think I could swing anything if I tried, and

    dad doesnt want me to use the guns. There was a quiver in her voice as she fiddled with a

    baseball glove on a nearby shelf.

    Its okay, there are more of us now, safety in numbers right? He rested the bat on his


    Yeah, I just wish I could help.

    I know what you mean.

    Is your friend okay? Cady right? She doesnt really seem okay. She changed the


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    I think so, weve had a really long week. She was bitten, her boyfriend, we took her to

    the hospital and thats where we met Laurel and then Maggie, Martin wasnt sure how much

    he should share, she was only a kid.

    Oh. Sorry to hear that. No wonder she looks so tired. Hannah nodded. She can rest

    when we get to the storage unit. I think we might still have a mattress in there. Or the heirloom

    chase lounge She offered with air quotations. Martin liked her already.

    Is everyone set? Rex called out again. The six of them regrouped at the counter.

    Laurel was shrugging on the shoulder harness for the handguns. It surprised Martin a little, but

    if push came to shove she did seem like the most likely candidate if it came to shooting

    someone. Maggie had a little shovel from a set of fireplace pokers. Hannah went for the

    backpack despite the look Rex gave her.

    I want to help. Its not heavy.

    Alright. He let her take it from the counter. Now stay close when we get out back. I

    pulled the truck up as far as I could but we still have to get into it. It might be a tight fit, so dont

    think you can be picky. He addressed them all. Try not to use too many bullets if you cant get

    a clean shot. I dont have too many of those left. He warned Laurel. She looked simultaneously

    offended and horrified but nodded anyway. They made their way through the small back room

    and kitchenette before reaching the back door. Rex held up a hand, the other on the doorknob.

    He eased it open. The back yard space was clear and, they hustled out to the pickup. It was

    tight, but Hannah fit between Cady and Laurel in the back seat. Martin was pressed against the

    door, but they were all in.

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    Buckle up everybody. This is going to take a while.

    Rex took the side streets and they were able to go for blocks without seeing a single car,

    then suddenly, a twisted pile of metal and rubber in the middle of a suburban intersection. It

    seemed as though a single vehicle had stopped in the center of the road and was all but

    compacted by an SUV and a second car. Martin didnt want to think too hard about the slick

    dark pools that had formed around the wreck, especially when the drivers were nowhere in

    sight. Rex maneuvered them back down the road and turned around in an available driveway.

    The drive continued, tense but uneventful, until a few blocks over. Out of nowhere a car

    rocketed out of the alleyway and collided with the bed of the pickup. The back of the truck was

    slammed into a parked car nearby and still the other driver had his foot on the gas.

    Hannah? Rex shouted above the growl of the car. Laurel made an awful noise in



    Im fine, Maggie Im fine. It just hurts.

    Im okay daddy, dont worry.

    Everyone else? He fought withthe airbag and seatbelt to turn around.

    Were okay. I think. Martin, are we okay? There is glass everywhere. Cady blinked


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    The impact had taken out the window next to Martin, and although he had turned away

    from the explosion of glass, he had still taken the brunt of it. The side of his face was scraped

    and bloody. He wiped a hand across his cheek.

    Im not sure. he held out his bloody hand. Outside the car had stopped moving.

    Ill check everyone over, we just have to get out of the car. Laurel gritted out.

    Not if we dont know whats wrong with the other driver. You stay in here. All of you

    He added when he saw Maggie reaching for the door handle. Ill be right back.

    Martin, turn to look at me. He did as Laurel asked. Farther. She leaned in a little

    over Hannah.

    The damage looks mostly superficial, but well have to check it over for debris. Cady.

    Whats your major and minor?

    Business and Athletic Management?

    Martin, is she right?


    Okay. Well be fine for now. Does anyone have a flashlight?

    Outside the truck they could hear Rex trying to engage the other driver.

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    Hey. Hey. Are you okay? There was no answer. Martin thought Rex might then have

    tapped on the glass. Whoa, easy pal. Hey can you hear me? Are you alright? You hit us awful

    hard. There was nothing, and then Rex returned to the truck.

    I think hes hurt, but I know for sure hes sick like the rest of them. There is nothing we

    can do for him either way, but it is safe to get out of the truck. Maggie got out first to help


    Look, since were on foot now, and have no idea how long this is going to take, we

    should probably take care of any injuries right now before they can get worse. Laurel was

    gripping her side and supporting herself on Maggie.

    There is a um Rex gestured. Its just

    Did you hit your head?

    No! But there is a

    Walgreens? Hannah offered.

    Yes! Walgreens, a few blocks from here. Hannah you can get us there for now right?

    Of course.

    I hope its open. Maggie sighed.

    It was, but it was largely abandoned. There were cars in the parking lot but nobody

    inside from what they could tell.

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    You, tweezers, gauze, antiseptic. Laurel was on Martin the minute they got inside.

    Im going to find a flashlight. After gathering supplies Martin found her checking Cady for a

    concussion. There is no trauma, but something isnt right. Go find something to drink,

    something with electrolytes. Then somewhere to sit down. She directed Cady. Sit. She told

    him, and Martin was not about to challenge her. Hold still.

    Laurel I dont want you to push yourself too hard, you know its only going to get worse

    if you do. Maggie had joined them in the back of the store.

    Im okay, really. She didnt look away from her task but her voice had softened. It

    hurts a lot less now, Ill just have bruises.

    Youll tell me if youre tired right? Nobody will think less of you.

    Ill be fine Maggie, I will. Can you find Rex for me, I want to check him too.

    Ill see what I can do. Maggie left the two of them alone again.

    You have a lot of cuts but none of them are too deep, youre lucky. She sounded tense

    but her hands were gentle as she checked his wounds. Lean forward, I cant tell if you have

    anything on the back of your head if youre like this. She combed tentatively through the hair,

    pausing once or twice to remove a bit of glass or debris.

    I know its not a concussion. Just a little fog, Im fine. Rex didnt sound too pleased

    about having Laurel look him over, if Martin didnt had to guess hed say he sounded almost


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    Its better to be safe than sorry. Maggie gave him a sympathetic shrug.

    Yeah, youre fine. She nodded.

    I know, and what makes you an expert?

    I was a nurse in that ER before I worked the desk, I think I know what Im doing.

    Rex gave a begrudging sigh and turned briefly to look at Hannah.

    This will be a long trip if theyre going to be like that the whole time, Martin thought to

    himself, but at least they seemed to be a competent group of people.

    Look, as long as were here and nobody else is, we might as well stock up.


    I know Hannah, but this is about survival now. The rules are different even if I have

    broken them all already

    He does have a point. Cady gestured with a half empty plastic drink bottle. Its not

    like were looting or anything. Hannah gave a small nod her eyes to the floor.

    Dont worry Pumpkin, Im not going back. Alright everyone, find some sort of bag and

    fill it with as much of whatever youll need as you can carry.

    Wait, everyone should get something specific to pack. Food, water, first aid, other

    supplies. Laurel had to disagree.

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    Thats no good, if we get separated or loose one of the bags we loose all of those

    supplies with it. Maggie cut in before Rex had a chance to respond. We should just make sure

    all the bags are as evenly packed as possible.

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