shradha saburi pooja

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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    1. Light two lamps

    Light 2 lamps infront of Shirdi saibaba statue in your house of photo. Lighting lamps ( diya or atleast2 candles ) remembering shirdi sai is a great blessing.Please keep a big tray to light lamps so that

    you can be sure the lamps will glow without any danger even if you are busy with other works in

    house. The longer the lamps glow the better it is .Any day you wish to do holy bath for your shirdisaibaba statue with milk, water etc, you can do it before or after lighting lamps.Doing sacred holybath for sai is required only for sai devotees who has this habit .For others just lighting 2 lamps itself

    is a blessing.

    You can let the lamp glow atleast for 20 minutes everyday.Either in morning and evening or both the

    times. Please don't put off the lamp on your own with flowers etc. Let the lamp be put off naturallyafter the ghee or oil gets over.Sometimes even the wicks will burn which is good because in Sai's

    ways, its like burning your past sins. Some shirdi sai devotees living abroad worry to light lamp and

    go to office.Dont worry, its ok even if the lamp glows just for 20 minutes when you are home eitherin morning or evening or you can do it even late night. Our shirdi sai accepts pure devotion without

    any rules...You can light any lamp like silver,bronze or the beautiful lamps made of mud.

    2. Read the book Sai SatCharita - Life of shirdi sai baba

    Reading shirdi sai's stories and leela will help us understand sai's affectionate heart and increases our

    faith. Its good if you read any One chapter you wish , if not atleast read one paragraph in any

    chapter. The original Sai satcharita is written by Hamadpant in marathi and is translated in english



    by Zarine in the name "Sai Samartha Satcharita ".( Visit to read Satcharitha

    online in Malayalam, English & Tamil)

    If you still don't have interest in reading sai satcharita everyday, you can read Ramayan or BhagavatGita or try to assimilate the stories and leela you remember which happened during shirdi sai babas

    life time. Even if thats not possible try to say 108 names of Shirdi Sai baba

    3.Chanting shirdi sai's name

    Chant sai sai sai...sai sai sai...sai sai sai for 10 to 20 minutes

    or any of your favourite chanting given below or mantra,sloka you like of any God or Goddess

    "Aum Sai naathaaya namaha",

    "Aum sai sri sai jaya jaya sai"

    4.Offer Water to Sai

    You can offer milk, fruits or any food to sai but this pooja has no strict conditions.Just offer waterwith love to sai. Water is considered as "Living being " .Hence in hinduisim the priest sprinks sacred

    water on our face to get Gods blessings.

    5.Speak to shirdi sai baba in your mind

    After finishing above prayers in about 20 minutes or longer based on your time availability, Speak to

    Baba from bottom of your heart about your needs and problems.Shirdi Saibaba resides in yourheart .so in your mind express baba about your wishes, desires and problems. Ask him to bless you

    with what he thinks is good for you. If sai thinks your needs or desires will do good to you infuture,you will surely get hints from him to take proper decision..

    6. Two lamps you lit are two eyes of shirdi sai - Faith and patience :

    Finally, lets remember the Two lamps you lit signifies the only 2 things sai expects from us....

    SHRADHA ( faith ) and SABURI ( Patience )

    Look at the first lamp and think in your own words the following thought as a way of

    expressing your" Faith "

    Shirdi saibaba , please bless me with whole hearted devotion on you all life .I have whole hearted

    Faith on you and will hold on to your feets all life irrespective of any happenings.

    Look at the Second lamp and think in your own words the following thought as a way of

    expressing your" Patience "


    Shirdi Saibaba , please bless me to face life with total surrender in your feet and help me have

    patience untill you shower your rewards for my devotion. Say baba that "you know baba is blessing

    you everytime you do this pooja but baba acts as per the rules of your karma and Nature. So it willtake sometime for shirdi sai to bless you with rewards. Pray sai whole heartedly to give you patience

    and hold on to Shirdi sai's feet .

    Express that you are totally surrendering to him with body, mind and soul to Shirdi Sai and you are

    confident that someday surely sai will reward you with all peace and happiness in life protecting youand your family like a mother.

    Along with this pooja , do the regular pooja you used to do for God everyday.

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