
Post on 02-Apr-2016






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For the record kickstarting our interview series>>


Life @ NITK Through the eyes of a raindrop>>



After a successful promo

edition, we present you the

second edition of Shoutbox – ‘a

magpaper’ to bring you the

latest happenings in and around

NITK. Before we begin, we

would like to thank all our

readers for the success of our

first edition. When you're

reading this, you're probably

strolling under an umbrella

gandering intently at your

smartphone or sitting in front of

a "smart" device in your room

because it is too teeming to go

outside. Yes, it is monsoon

season and that is the theme of

our magazine for this edition.

Celebrating the 68th anniversary

of Indian Independence, we start

with an article in Hindi - a

sequel to the one in our promo

edition . In the subsequent

articles, we attempt to display

the grumbles and exuberance of

NITKians. This edition also

marks the start of Loud Speaker,

the paper part of the magpaper

to report the news in and around

NITK along with an interview

with a personality in college.

We would like to dedicate this

article to Shashank Srivastav,

BTech(Civil), Batch of 2013

who was unfortunately claimed

by the sea last semester.


abhilash akash amrit

anjana akshay

bhaskar gagan

harshith kishan

madhusudhan nithin

parameshwar rishyashring

sanjay sarthak

saurabh shravya

shubham tejdeep

ujwal varsha

vishwas vishakha

yashas yuvraj

प्रस्तुत लखे हमारी खले-श ृंखला की दूसरी ककश्त ह-ै

ह ां-तोह भ ई स हब--कुछ समय के लिए अपन 'प्र इम फोकस' 'इांडिय -इांग्िेंि' के बीच खेि ज ने व िी क्रिकेट

सीरीस को हट कर कुछ ज़रूरी चीज़े ज नने में िग त ेहै.

तो आइए शरुुवत करत ेहै.

ज़र एक नज़र तो ि िी ज ए की आख़िर हम रे देश में क्रिकेट चित कैस ेहै..?

आख़िर बीसीसीआई क म कैसे करती है..?

क्य यह सही मनेै में हम री र ष्ट्रीय टीम है..?

म न की इस टीम को अांतरर ष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भ रत क प्रतततनधित्व करने की अनमुतत दी है , ह ि ांक्रक यह टीम परूी तरह से एक़ तनजी सोस यटी (भ रतीय क्रिकेट कां रोि बोिड) बीसीसीआई द्व र चि ई ज ती है.

बीसीसीआई जजसे ज नक र 'बेहद जजद्दी' बिु त े है, अभी भी कें द्रीय खेि मांत्र िय से जुड़ने के लिए मन कर रह है ह ि की उसक दतयत्व इसके ववपरीत है.

ह ि ही में उसने वह एक तनजी सांस्थ होने के मदु् दे को आग े (सचून क अधिक र अधितनयम)

आरटीआई के तहत आने से इनक र क्रकय है.

क्रफिह ि कोई क़ ननू य कोई र स्त नहीां की जजसके तहेत सरक र बीसीसीय ई के म मिो में बबन रोक टोक हस्तक्षेप कर सके. (बज य यह भी बीसीसीआई के म मि ेमें छोटी से छोटी ज ांच शरुू करने के लिए भी सरक री ज च सांस्थ को मद्र स उच्च न्य य िय की एक ववशषे अनमुतत की आवश्यकत होगी.)

अांत यह है की स म न्य िोग बीसीसीय ई एक नीज़ी सांस्थ होने के क रण उसके क मक ज में प रदशडकत की कोई उम्मदे नही रख सकत.े ह ि ही में स मने आए 'आईपीअि' स्पॉट क्रफजक्सांग के म मिो ने इस सांभ वन को जस्थर रूप से स्थ वपत कर ददय है.

आईपीअि के इस मौसम को छोड़ दे तो अन्य मौसमो क ह ि कुछ ऐस रह थ - क फी कम कपड़ो में अत्यांत रोचक और सभ्य सांस्कृतत जजसे तन ांदनीय कहे ऐसी म दक अद ए पशे करने व िी धचयर िीिसड , बड़ ेबड़ ेउद्योगपततयो क त त , नेत ओां, अलभनेतयो और अन्य 'सेिेबिटी' से िेस-- देर र त तक की प दटडयों, नश ेक 'ह ई फ ई' ब ज र इत्य दद. एक प्रक र से मेग 'इवेंट' की जस्थतत प्र प्त होती थी.

ज नकरो के आरोप रहे है की चयन सलमतत भी बोिड के आक ओां की पसांद के सदस्यों के श लमि हैं .

ShoutBox 01

बोिड के अध्यक्ष तो म नो 'अमर' ही हो. उन्हे उनके पद से हट न ेकी प्रक्रिय क फी जदटि स बबत होती है क्रफर च हे उनके अपने द म द पर मॅच क्रफजक्सांग के भ री आरोप क्यो न हो.

व स्तववक रूप से बोिड पर र जनेत ओ क हुकुम चिने िग है. क्रिकेट खेि को सपने में न खेि सके-

ऐसे िोग बोिड के अध्यक्ष के रूप में ववर जे है.

कें दद्रय कृवष मांत्री रह चुके शरद पव र क तो अनोख वविम है. वे एक ही समय 'कृवष प्रि न' भ रत वषड के कृवष मांत्री और आईसीसी के अध्यक्ष के पद को सांभ ि रहे थे. ऐस करत ेसमय कृवष मांत्री क अमलू्य समय और ध्य न ववचलित न हुव हो यह असांभव है.

जगमोहन ि िलमय , एन श्रीतनव सन और अन्य िोगो की द स्त न भी कुछ अिग नही. इन सब क एक सम न लसद्ि ांत है-पसै प नी की तरह है-और बीसीसीय ई में उस प नी क कुव है .

सब लमिकर खखछो!

मेरे समझ में तो यह नही आत की जजस टीम को हम ददि से सर हत े है--उस े हुांसे इसतरह क्यो तोड़ ज त है ?

हम श न से 'इांडिय -इांडिय ' जब धचल्ि त े है...तब हम इस मह न देश की र ष रीय क्रिकेट टीम को हवषडत करन च हत ेहै...क्रकसी 'बीसीसीय ई' नमक तनजी सांस्थ के तनजी टीम को नही. इस खेि पर हमने खचड की हुई प ई प ई पर देश क अधिक र होन च दहए...क्रकसी तनजी सांस्थ क नही. क्यो न क्रिकेट में जो पसै हम देशप्रेम के न म पर य अपने तनजी मनोरांजन के लिए खचड ंांकरत ेहै-उस ेसरक र देश की वदृ्धि के लिए इस्तमे ि करे ?

क्यो न बीसीसीय ई के मनम नी क मक ज को िग म िग कर एक तरह क लशष्ट्ट च र ि य ज ए ?

क्रिकेट पर हम रे इस बेिुन्द प्य र क बखूबी से फ यद हम दसूरे खेिो की भ रत में जस्थतत सिु रने के लिए इस्तमे ि करे ?

मैं म नत हू की ऐस न करके हम ेअांिेरे में रखकर हम रे भ वन ओ के आि र पर स्वयांपतूत ड क िरोहर खड़ करन न लसफड िोक है...बजल्क र ष्ट्रद्रोह भी है.

आज एक शपथ िेत.े

हम री भ वन ए जुड़ ेइस खिे को सही म यने में हम आज़ द करके रहेंगे.

स थ ही में देश को अन्य खेिो को भी प्रोत्स दहत करके ववश्व की एक खेि-मह शजक्त के अपने नये अवत र क आग ज़ करके रहेंग.े

क्य आप इसलिए प्रततबध्ह है ?


(पेशकश- श उट-बॉक्स टीम)

02 ShoutBox

NITK, the premier college for students who succeeded in JEE main/flunked in

JEE Advanced, is a hub brimming with “cool nerds”, swimming in the ocean of

knowledge. Oops! I mean H2O.

Yuvraj Singh

I came to NITK in the fall of 2013, though it wasn’t as much of a fall as a

downpour. For some unknown reasons, the skies are very generous here in

Mangalore. God works in mysterious ways, they say. Indeed why god would

leave agri-regions dry and flood cities is a mystery to me! Anyway, the

torrential monsoon here does make life a rough sea. Those delicious snacks that

one’s mother packs for the semester turn soggy; clothes don’t dry giving further

motivation to the students to not bathe and plans to hang out get ruined.

Oh, that’s not all the water we have here. Why, NITK is the only college in

India with a so-called “private” beach. Actually speaking it’s just a strip of sand



Yes, we all have been told

that the earth is three

quarters water, but one only

realizes this after joining

NITK. College life here is

indeed a drenching


beyond which lies the sea, which you certainly don’t want to go in. It’s the sea

of despair, with uncertain tidal patterns and a dark history of fatalities.

Well, if NITK beach isn’t the fun hotspot you’re looking for, don't worry. There

is a horde of beaches here; Panambur, Ullal, Malpe…the list just goes on. To

take a rest from the usual CGPA race that goes on in the college, NITKians

often plan trips to these sands.

Where else did I… ah! The AF trip to Coorg! Believe me, this is the place to be.

Lying in a mountainous terrain, this place is no stranger to water bodies. Five

awesome waterfalls adorn the place. I remember touching a rainbow in the Abbi

falls during the trip (yeah, it was freaking awesome!)

College life in NITK can be a slippery experience. There is water everywhere!

Even semesters are a whole different story, but I’ll just let the mystery unfold

for the freshers.But you will always need your most precious possession

“umbrella”, be it odd sem (torrential rain)or even sem (scorching heat).

Oh wait, I’m feeling thirsty. Let’s go get some aech-oh-aech! Pushes the tap on

the cooler. Oh yeah, I forgot! The only place in here where you won’t find




(DISCLAIMER: This magpaper is

aiming for a U rating and therefore stop

hoping for dirty stuff, you pervert!)

You can never be completely dry in

NITK. At any point of time, you are

either wet because you forgot your

(most stolen gadget) umbrella in the

room during monsoon or because of the

water-spraying kind of drizzle that no

anti-rain material can protect you from

or because you’covered head to toe in

stinky salt water due to excessive

perspiration. And of course, there’s our

awesome beach!

Here we present to you, the fluids of


Unfortunately water-boarding stupid

idiotic people is illegal, else it might

have topped this list

The “Potable” water: There was once a thirsty crow that

found very little water at the bottom of

a narrow pot that it couldn’t reach and

therefore used the Archimedes

principle to throw stones into it and

drank it.

And then it died of E-Coli infection

In NITK, we need to fill water from

the filters every five minutes to battle

dehydration. But before that one needs

to check whether the filter is really

connected to the cooler or whether the

cooler is the home to any pest. Though

the college management makes a

sincere effort to fight against this,

Mother Nature being a female canine

always wins against the careless man.



Fluids in nitk The horned sage

Messy liquids: Water is abundant, water is cheap and

water is fit for human consumption. So,

sometimes the mess serves us a lot of

water in different colours and call it

fancy names like dal and rasam. Yes,

sometimes it might taste good, but

when you see the mess guy pour a

gallon of water into the dal during the

middle of lunch and not even bother to

stir it completely, you never trust your

tongue again. I stopped commenting on

my mother’s food after that.

Sweat: Yes, NITK is stressful (you’re

competing against the top creamy layer

of the country, duh!) and Surathkal is

extremely hot. Anything you do makes

you more salt-water filled than the

rocks on the beach. But when it is

because of frustrating reasons like

having to haul you behind with eight

humungous bags up six floors at the

beginning of the semester because the

“branded” lifts don’t work after two

months of holidays, or when water

supply stops form 6 to 9 in the morning

making you rely on a few drops of

scented alcohol to cover the stench of

yesterday’s toil, you really feel the

need to cover all skin pores with super


Even Fogg use karne se farak nahi

padta hai!

Rain: Imagining Surathkal without rain is like

imagining the place where Gollum

threw the one ring at the end of LOTR.

Rain is what brings us hope during

every even semester that “Achche din

aa rahe hai” during odd semester.

Though it presents the threat of water-

borne infections and fever, it also

leaves guys scrambling; searching for

dark jackets hoping for an Aashiqui-2


Sun raha hai na tu,

Bheeg raha hoon main!



Beach in the college is the only thing

why I came to this college leaving all

the comforts of home. One look at the

sea sitting on the beach of NITK would

calm anyone’s mind. Beach of NITK is

like the F5 button of Internet Explorer;


Beach refreshes you faster than

Internet explorer opens.

On a serious note, the sea is very

dangerous; therefore it is not advisable

to get into the water .

Some liquids are necessary, some are

loathsome (gases are fluids too, but the

stench of week-long unwashed “wash”-

rooms of boys hostel is too disgusting

to write about), some are just too

frustrating; but they sure are


Damn it you single extra drop of

Acid!! That’s why I dumped

chemistry after 12th


The fluids in NITK,

weaving themselves

into every part of our

day, truly define life

here in college.




We’ve all learnt about the usual way of how a rain drop is formed; evaporation and

condensation. Let’s look at a “fun” way about the life of a rain drop, from the perspective

of a rain drop.


Sanjay Holla

"I am a mixture of water and polluted air. I could feel myself being formed into the world

dominated by humans of which I knew nothing about. I was as excited as a NITKian

coming back to college after a long vacation. I could see other members of the drop

species being formed alongside me. It was then that I could feel the air turning pink, it

smelled like summer. That was the first time I saw her, being shaped next to me (and yes,

there are genders in rain drops too). I could see that she was made out of water and rose

fragrance. I was nervous to talk to her.

I steeled myself and said, ’Hey! I’m Kai. And you are?’

She replied,” I am Paanee. Where are we?”

“We’re in NITK. That’s what it says on the board which I can see on top of that

building”, I said pointing to a long building with a board on top.

“It’s the main building. And this is a college for humans”

I turned around to see a bunch of rain drops of various shapes and sizes. An old looking

drop was the one who spoke.

“I’m Varuna. I know that because I’ve been formed for some time and I also carry

memories of my previous experiences here. It’s a rare thing to happen but not unheard of.

Only a few gifted ones can do so.”

As he said that, I saw images flashing in front of my eyes. I might have looked faint

because Paanee asked, “Are you alright? You don’t look so good.”

I was happy that she was concerned for me. But before I could answer, I felt a heavy

blow on my head. I looked back to see a buffed up rain drop. I realised that he was trying

to impress Paanee (who wouldn't kill for her merest glance) by showing his so-called



male dominance. “Hey! I’m Avinash. You should stop hanging out with these losers

and join us instead”, he said to Paanee, pointing towards himself and his gang of 4

similar looking drops.

She looked nervous and scared. I couldn’t bear to see her like that. I steeled myself,

stood up to him and said, “Stop bothering her. Pick someone your own size.”

Avinash snickered and said, “Or else what?”

I looked back at Varuna for support. He nodded. I turned back to Avinash and said, “Or

else you’ll have to deal with us”, pointing towards Varuna and the other drops of various

shapes who were now gathered around the wise old Varuna. We were quite a number;

they were just 4 scared bullies now.

Avinash looked around and summoned his friends for support. They looked around and

realized that they were no match for us. Slowly, they backed away. Avinash went red in

the face, turned towards me and said 'it’s not over yet, kid!’ Just then, a strong gust of

wind caught him and he was carried away from us.

Paanee looked at me and said, “That was very brave of you. I can’t thank you enough.”

I was exhilarated. Before I could

reply, another strong windswept us

away from the main building and

towards a cluster of huge coloured

towers (aka mega towers). As we

approached the towers, the wind

brought with it a pungent odour. It

was only later that we realised that it’s

the nasty smell of the unclean

bathrooms. And the droplets formed

near the towers were misshapen and

ugly, owing to the “clean” water of the

“clean” water coolers in the towers.

I caught myself staring at Paanee. I knocked myself back to my senses and looked at the

others. Everyone except the old drop was gawking at the various buildings. One of the

buildings caught my attention.

“What is that building?”Paanee asked Varuna, motioning towards the same building that

had caught my attention.

“That’s the place where many humans eat. I think it’s called the mega mess”, said

Varuna. He continued, “In my previous experience here, I saw many people sprinting

towards bathrooms after eating there. I wonder why.”

I glanced again at Paanee, she was just breath taking. God! I wanted to get close to her,

talk to her, and hold her hands (rain drops version of hands). As I moved towards her,


another strong wind blew in our direction. I realised that it was going to separate her

from the rest of us. I saw the terror in her eyes when it dawned upon her. I made a grab

for her hands and barely caught them as she was getting blown away. We somehow held

on and in that moment, I felt an indescribable connection towards her. From the

expression on her face, I could tell that she felt the same way. Both of us awkwardly

looked away and re-joined the others.

Time passed but I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I acknowledged the fact that I had to

confess my feelings towards her. For some strange reason, I felt that we were moving

faster. I brushed the thought aside and once again made my way towards her. This time

she saw me coming and I think she was expectant too. The all-knowing Varuna

encouraged me. I finally faced her. I could feel the tension in the air.

I said, “Um, I wanted to say something.”

She just nodded. I continued, “I, um, I think I love…”

And that was when it happened. She landed on a black surface with a pointy end

(umbrella for us humans) and splattered into a thousand pieces. She... She was gone. I

couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked around to see that the other droplets were also falling

to their doom. I was terrified and a wave of emotions, rushed over me - none of them

good. I just realized that Paanee was gone... forever. I turned to Varuna for some

explanation. But what I saw was Varuna falling to his death on the road mixed with the

mud. I realised that the strange feeling I had, was us falling faster towards our doom. This

was the fate of every rain drop. I slowly looked down and my life just flashed before my

eyes - just as I described.

I see the place where I am going soon. I am falling faster and faster towards it. I think I

feel tears (if rain drops can cry) trickling down my cheek. The dull gray suddenly turns

black. My vision is failing me. The world around me is blacking out. I...' SPLAT!!!

PS: Don’t feel too sad. Kai can still remember his past memories and his feelings towards

Paanee. Damn! That’s worse.


Monsoon & I Anjana Thimmaiah One does not simply say that there are only two seasons at NITK - summer and

monsoon. Gone are the days when we as kids learnt of spring, summer, monsoon,

autumn and winter as the seasons of the year.

Being born in one of the monsoon

months, the rain has always been a

deterrent to my birthday plans, so

naturally I’d grown to hate the rains.

Besides no one would want to wake up

on a cloudy, damp morning and leave for

classes, it being a herculean task to pay

attention to the professors when the

weather makes you lethargic. But for the

people of NITK, monsoons are a respite from the sultry and blistering heat of

summer. The irritability of the monsoons becomes acceptable as a trade-off with


To be more general, the odds of the seasons exist throughout the year and the fact

that most of us use umbrellas all year long seconds it. It’s just how we choose to

adapt. Of course, the monsoons back home were memorable to me as a kid. Be it

sailing paper boats in the puddle or even coming home to a nice hot water shower

and slipping into snuggly clothes, alongside reading a novel by my lamp with a

steaming cup of coffee and watching the torrents outside; are a few magical

moments that I’d love to relive. Having moved into hostel, it’s certain that all of us

have been deprived of these little ways in which we’d enjoy the season. Even those

who otherwise have fun getting drenched in the rain would think twice here,

because of having to do their own laundry and to face the bane of moist, smelly

clothes that don’t dry that easily.



Let’s get a little technical here. If any of you take time to go through the weather

forecast column of the newspapers, you would find the relative humidity to be well

above eighty most of the times and it occasionally spikes up to ninety percent as

well, and this saturation of air with vapours, represses the ability to throw out that

extra sweat or maybe moisture from your clothes, which makes it terribly uneasy.

All the more, newspapers aren’t delivered timely on most days because of the rain.

. Most of us here are cut off from the outer world quite literally. I’d like to say

NITK is a world within the world, without the world. The television rooms also are

monopolised most of the time and the only things that air are the serials on zee.

Blame the bad network in my room, my dongle has to battle it out to fetch that

strand of the signal.

So basically being at NITK in the midst of heavy rains and equipped with many

excuses to stay cut-off from the beep of your phones is such a blissful getaway.

Another spectacle during the rains that we all must witness here is the lightning.

It’s so powerful and intense as though ripping the sky apart and making its way to

the ground it could easily make your rooms light up for a split-second. I once

found my torch, which I’d been groping around for, in the darkness of my room

because of this flash bomb in the sky. I half thought somebody walked past the

corridor with an emergency lamp!

Of course the most irritating thing here is to have the taps in one’s washrooms run

dry while there is a heavy downpour outside. I’m sure this has been enlightening in

its own way because I realized the worth of every drop that went down the drain

unutilized. Everyone talks about rainwater harvesting but you feel that they’re just

talking nonsense until you find yourself in a situation like this.

Irrespective of how much I groaned about such things initially, it was only much

later I realized there’s ways to go girl! Nothing happens without a reason.


all this is good

But where’s the “paper” in

magpaper? Ohh yeah! Presenting


This year, after a lot of debate and discussion, club recruitments for the Technical clubs:

ISTE, IEEE, IE and CSI are finally happening. Starting with the pre-recruitment talks on

19th and 20th August, Tuesday and Wednesday, the interviews/tests for recruitments into

the Technical clubs of NITK would start on

25TH August, 2014. This also marks the time

when the second years call and perpetually

pester any and every third/ final year they

know, demanding some news and insights to

get a shortcut into these clubs. The clubs, on

the other hand, assure that the recruitment

procedure would be very transparent and very

fair this time. We wish luck to all candidates

and may the most deserving ones get into their favourite clubs. This year, some of the

clubs have made sure that all applicants who submit their resume get at least one round of

interviews to give everyone an equal chance.


What? Elections? Now? In the beginning

of the semester? We just got rid of the

tension of the April elections and we

needed three months of summer at home

for that, say the third and final years. But,

these elections are for Reading Room and

Recreation Committee which is

responsible for the Sports activities in

college and of course, Crrescendo.


Some sources say that along with the

student council, the college

administration is planning to have one

more council for the welfare of the

students in the hostel, which we would

like to call the Hostel Council. Each wing

would have a representative, headed by

one for each floor perhaps and then a

representative for each block and then…

Well, you get the point. The first question

that our editors asked was: “If we’re

living two/three in a room, do we have a

room representative?” But the more

important question that the readers must

ask is “Do we finally get to bypass the

bureaucracy of the hostel offices and

bring upon a change for the better?”


houtbox – a Magpaper is by the students, for the students. For our first

interview in the interview series, we thought we would start with a very

accomplished student in NITK, one who has truly lived college life as it

should be – learn a lot but enjoy life to its fullest. Oshim Jain, a final year in

Department of ECE, one of the toppers of his branch (his minimum SGPA was 9.6 in

Year I), Chief Technical Coordinator of ISTE , a convenor of Technites and a DAAD

scholar i.e. he did his research intern at Technical University Of Braunschweig in

IDAMC Integrated Dependable Architecture for Many Cores (IDAMC)

SB: How did your German Safari begin?

OJ: My fifth semester was a tough time for

me. I hadn't received internship in any

company. Dejected, I was mailing my resume

and Statement of Purpose to professors of

German Varsities. One of them finally

agreed. And then it all began-with the

completion of some hectic formalities in

DAAD office and finally a flight to the New

World! You may want to know the complete

procedure; a session will soon be conducted

by us in the college to cover the detailed

procedure for applying for a DAAD/

MITACS program.

SB: A choice between roaming in an exotic

continent and a very interesting research

topic in a prestigious institute there. Did

you have to give up one to explore the


OJ: It was not a tight schedule. German

Universities are quite flexible. While working

on a research project- you can report to the

lab anytime, work for any amount of time;all

with no dress code, no

formalities and no hierarchy. The best part

is you can take a break whenever you want

to! But, when you work-you have to work

seriously, they want perfection. Indian

engineering is basically a course in

‘JUGAAD’, which is never an option there.

Germans follow strict five-days-a-week

culture .Working was strictly banned during

weekends (they were meant only to have


SB: As a guy from MP, Surathkal which

is just down south must seem very

different. In a completely new country

there, how was your experience?

OJ: It’s a totally different culture. People are

quite friendly. It is regarded as the safest

country in Europe and I testify to the same. I

already mentioned the


RECORD with Oshim Jain



flexibility of the working atmosphere.

Germans love celebrating. For any and

every small reason they go out and

celebrate! And beer is the most essential

ingredient of all celebration! (You enter a

party, you hear “Beer”; it is not a word, it’s

a question and the answer is always

YES!")Crime rates are very low- the

German Police used just 80 bullets for the

whole year of 2013-14. Veggies, like me,

face a tough time-and will have to cook for

themselves. Everything is more organized

there. I travelled a lot using their cheap, yet

fast and efficient transport facilities -

visiting many new places, meeting many

new people.

SB: Let’s move closer back home. Here,

your pointer is a legendary one, 9.7 to be

exact; yet people say they hardly find you

studying. What is the secret behind this


OJ: (Laughs...!)I have very good friends.

Usually, the day before my exam I go to

them and they tell me everything that is

important. Plus, most things are logical in

ECE, and yeah, the professors are very


SB: Now that you’re in your final year,

you must have seen a lot in in the college,

must have made great friends, have had

exhilarating moments with them. Overall,

how was your experience in college?

OJ: In one word-Great. During my first

year I actually studied a lot. I had very few

friends then and all I did was to continue the

12th standard’s josh in studies.

In my second year, I was introduced to

ISTE and Technites. Till then, I had very

little knowledge about my branch. It was the

first time I heard about microcontrollers like

arduino. It was a very good stage for me to

showcase my talents. I have always had a

liking for DIY projects. Back then ISTE did

very little on electronics. Backed by my

convener, I began such projects in ISTE.

Then came TECHNITES! It was just

amazing. I got to know so many things that

time, a deep insight into the bowels of

electronics. I just realized we actually do

cool stuff in college!

My third year was a similar story; ISTE and

Technites had evolved into a family for me.

We recruited some more deserving and

knowledgeable people and then developed

the club to what it is today."

SB: Last question, what plans do you

have for the future? Do you have

anything to say to our readers?

OJ: It is placement time ("CS students are

nailing it, leaving us behind!"). But, I want

to work in a core company. I don’t want to

do higher studies, but I have to see where it

all goes. For the readers, all I have to say is

that you only live college life once – enjoy

it to its fullest but make sure that you take

back something knowledgeable when you





NITK to host first NIT Conclave,bringing all NITs under one umbrella

Report – Team Shoutbox

NIT Conclave is an annual gathering of students from all NITs. This is hosted on the moving torch pattern

and each year an NIT organizes the event. It is a student initiative and organized by students with the help

of the notable alumni. Every year, an agenda is decided on which a group of students from each NIT

presents its' views and hence a comprehensive deliberation takes place. After which a resolution is made

on which collective work is undertaken throughout the year.

As a matter of pride- NITK, Surathkal is going to host

the first NIT-CONCLAVE. It will be scheduled

around the end of this month-August 2014.The topic

for this year's conclave is 'Stress Management'.

Prominent NIT alumni will deliver guest lectures

thereby providing students a great opportunity for

interaction with these esteemed personalities.

Bridge NIT is one more such effort to develop a great

NIT-ecosystem. It’s basically an online forum of

NITians; where all type of information related to NITs

and NITians is accessible. It basically aims at

strengthen the network among NITians. You can get in touch with many influential alumni who can help

you in getting intern or even settling you in professional environment.

IT’S $HOWTIME Every college student has certain expectations; light academics, loads of masti with millions of

friends, and ahh! The last one -a nice placement to make it all count. With one obvious caution - none

of these expectations can be assured!

At NITK, the placement season has begun. It will continue almost for entire year. During this initial

period campus is mostly visited by major IT firms and some core companies for circuit branches.

Likes of Microsoft, Texas Instruments, Nvidia, Adobe, Goldman Sachs, Code-Nation, Intuit, Bajaj

Auto, HUL, Qualcomm, Sandisk, Myntra have already visited the

campus. So far the season is advancing on a positive note. Some

highlights are-Microsoft (3), Goldman Sachs(2), Code Nation(3), Bajaj

Auto(3), Intuit(5), Citrix R&D, Myntra, HUL and Nvidia(4 each) and


The Pre Placement Offer (PPO) trend has also made its presence feel

this year.

Software major Samsung R&D and Intuit India offered PPO to sixteen

and six of their interns respectively, Goldman Sachs too retained 5 of

its interns as employees while TI and Adobe offered the same to two

interns each. Other firms offering PPO include Flipkart, Citi Corp, Arc

Embedded etc.

Possibility of getting a PPO establishes a good amount of importance of landing in a good internship.

Some companies do visit the campus to hire third year students as interns for the next summer. This

year Microsoft took three students as interns while Amazon India and DE Shaw hired nine and two

students respectively as interns.

Many more private firms and PSU companies are expected to visit the campus in coming period.

(For further updates stay tuned!)




Here at home, we have a movie that is very aptly titled – KICK. They just forgot

the subtitle – to your face. Kick is a perfect example that Indian audiences are so

used to Salman Khan’s nonsensical and mindless romantic-comedy-action movies

that are twice remade from other languages that this one was surprisingly well

received by audiences.

HOLLYWOOD A very similar trend is observed 2000 miles away in LA. In the early 1980s

Arnold Schwarzenegger brought a legendary warrior called Conan to life with his

steel like robotic monotonic expression. Aptly nick-named the Rock, Dwayne

Johnson has thought the same technique would work trying to pull off

HERCULES with exactly one expression- looking like a Rock. When

Hollywood tries to portray people of all ethnicity as white Americans, they got

Dwayne Johnson to play a legendary “Greek” warrior! Perhaps The Rock’s bulky

body, his roguish charm and scenes grandly staged by the director Brett Ratner

got the movie its share of positive reviews.

For the female audience, LUCY is a perfect example of how sometimes the silliness of

the movie may actually be the only reason for its positive reviews. For the guys who

want to watch this movie just for Scarlett Johansson, Don Jon is a much better



It is rarely the case where a movie can bring all the feelings of its

parent novel. And when the book is as depressingly awesome as

‘THE FAULT IN OUR STARS’ by John Green which can even

make Chuck Norris curl up in his bed and cry after reading it, it is

difficult to make a movie that matches the book. However, the

director and the actors of ‘The fault in our stars’ have done a

wonderful job and yes, the movie does make your lips curl up in a

smile and your eyes water at the same time.

Chetan Bhagat is proving to be a true engineer and is still

continuing his obsession of naming his novels with a number.

However, having run out of prominent integers perhaps, he has

moved on to fractions. ‘1/2 GIRLFIREND’ has people around India

awaiting expectantly, and when the paper-back is available for pre-

order at just INR 169 (Free delivery) at Flipkart, this book may

break all records and also melt our minds with the typical CB

nonsense plots.


The most effective form of mass communication is movies, and here we hope to bring you

some insights to some of the movies that hit the theatres this week.


College Life (a photo comic)

Life changes a lot when we move from home to

hostel. Here are 4 things that change considerably!

Think you can write?

Or draw?

Or capture stunning snaps?

Then contact us!



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