shotbreakdown vfx pg1 - dominika ·...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy26. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse27. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse29. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse31. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy26. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse27. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse29. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse31. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy26. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse27. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse29. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse31. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR


1. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up matte paintings of the snow covered mountains, setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- extensive testing of Motion Blur slices for highly reflective area for the sun. Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

2. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG environment including ship, fishnets and ocean. Numerous testing for correct refraction/reflection of ocean, fishnet and skydome. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders on ship and fishnets. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

3. Happy Feet Lighting of CG environment including fishnets and ocean. Testing shaders and workflow for squirming fish in fishnets. Participated in helping lookdev test textures and shaders fishnets especially in regards to reflection of fish behind the netting. Performed multiple rendering tests for fishnets and corresponding render problems. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra- compositing in Icy.

4. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

5. Happy Feet Lighting of full CG enivornment including setting up world dome, lighting and troubleshooting ocean including all reflections and refractions of penguin and world, Lighting, lookdev and rendering ocean- Lighting of distant ships on horizon. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra - compositing in Icy.

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

6. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and exploding pieces of metal and glass. Helped troubleshoot glass shader and corresponding compositing problems with translucency and reflection. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

7. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and shattered metal structure. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

8. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination, flying hot dog stand, all pieces of hot dog and bun, random metal bits and motorcycle. Integration with environment was done through animation and flickering of fire lighting and use of environment maps. Troubleshooting with shadows from all flying objects. Rough compositing RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

9. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and Hulk hand. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

10. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Testing of development of workflow to use animated environment maps to create realistic flicker of fire. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

11. The Incredible Hulk Lightand rendering of Abomination and motorcycle. Developed strategy to create light workflow for police carlight which was used throughout the show. Integration of elements a mixture of enivornment map illumination as well as animated light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy



12. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of large and small rock pieces and the Hulk. Helped develop and troubleshoot lookdev for rocks. Integration of elements within the environment involved animation of flicker of light. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

13. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk and Abomination. Created two separate lighting rigs and environments to better integrate the characters. Special rig for for cop car. Rough compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

14. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of cop car and Hulk. Developed workflow for correctly showing animated reflections of fire in car window. Developed system to create flashing cop car light through use of shaders and animation in 2d which was ported into other shots- Created animated front car lights. Troubleshooting and helping with different glass components- Integration of Hulk with both light rig and environment. Developed unique Contact Shadow workflow to sell Hulk ripping car apart. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

15. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Hulk, cop car and shattered glass pieces. Helped in troubleshooting lookdev of glass shader. Developed correct usage of reflections and translucence for glass pieces. Animated enivornment and camera rigs for all lighting on Hulk and glass. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

16. The Incredible Hulk Lighting and rendering of Abomination. Use of environment mapping and light rig to show the change in lighting as he runs towards camera. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse and Icy

17. The Land of the Lost In charge of rig for environment mapping and matte paintings facing this direction. Worked on updating the matte paintings and mapping them on geometry then creating and exporting of environment rig to be added and used by sequence lighters in shots on this entire sequence. Matte paintings included all foliage, mountains, sky, and background structures. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


18. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

19. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

20. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shots. Additional lookdev work on patching stone floor. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

21. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and matte paintings for background. Patching of stone floor through lookdev. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

22. The Land of the Lost Update of environment rig and work per previous shot. Additional lighting work on midground building and vines. Rough Compositing. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

23. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Large amount of workflow troubleshooting and render troubleshooting for indirect illumination of mapped rocks. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy


24. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

25. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Rough Compositing bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

26. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

27. The Land of the Lost Environmental lighting, mapping of matte paintings onto geometry, indirect illumination workflow, correct shadowing onto mapped geometry and rendering for all rock elements. Mapped matte painting of foliage as well. Troubleshooting same like previous shot. Rough Compositing. bringing in all rendered rock elements and fine tuning. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Paint, Icy

28. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of Balloon Dog and chattering teeth sculpture. Reworked metal shader to reflect both environment as well as itself specially in the connections of legs and neck. Chattering teeth sculpture had numerous materials including wood, several types of metal, cloth, embossing on the books, paper. Reworked and created shaders for all materials. Worked closely with texture artists to create multilayered displacement, reflection, color, specular maps. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

29. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of birdcage. Created shader to both incorporate the dark steel look as well as the golden rubbed off metal. Worked closely with texture artists to create mattes to control both materials as well as specular and reflective qualities. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

30. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

31. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Look development of HERO golden tablet. Reworked existing metal shader to incorporate all needed properties. Extensive testing and troubleshooting for noise and render artifacts in engraved areas. Worked very closely with texture artists to facilitate both a render approach as well as a mapping approach to the chatter problem. Multilayered complex shader created with numerous maps and mattes controlling reflective, refractive, specular, displacement as well as glow and color properties. Worked closely with scene lighters to further test difficult shots that incorporate the tablet coming to “life” RH proprietary software: Lighthouse

32. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

33. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg element of jacket into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy



34. Night at the Musem: Battle of the Smithsonian Compositor- created rotos and fixed trouble areas including mouth, eyes, and neck; reworked back window, painted out skin coming from corners of the mouth; lighting/rendering and compositing cg elements of jacket and eyes into shot; matched grain and color correction to rest of sequence. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

35. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

36. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

37. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Troubleshooting and working closely with lookdev artist for helping get polar bears looking correct. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

38. Evan Almighty Lighting and first pass compositing of hero and massive animals. Created contact shadows as well as cast shadows to integrate into frame. Created gobo’s and animated shadows to integrate birds flying into the darkness of the arc. RH proprietary software: Lighthouse, Icy

39. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy


40. Superman Returns Lighting/lookdev of crystals, ocean refraction and underside of boat. Rough compositing. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

41. Superman Returns Lighting, reworking lookdev of Crystals, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Mapped reflections on front plane window. Shot became benchmark look for rest of sequence from that angle. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

42. Superman Returns Lighting, mapping of foam, froth and swirl elements on ocean and crystals. Worked on a small team to create the look- reflection-refraction-displacement maps- color and specular for the ocean. Animated light rig for lightening. Houdini Master with Mantra, Icy

43. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of Aslan. Rough compositing. Testing blur numbers to help with shadows of his mane to help sell the sunset look. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy

44. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Changed massive members to help sell the look RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

45. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lighting and rendering of hero warriors and massive armies. Rough compositing. Main Ogre- helped better the metal lookdev through reflection color and work on his weapon as well as on his armor. Worked on Goblin shader numbers to help with skin translucence since this was the closest he came to camera. RH proprietary: Lighthouse, Icy, Massive

46. Herbie: Fully Loaded CG headlights (eyes) Created all necessary textures (incl animation of textures) and last 40% of lookdev as well as lighting and rendering. Textures created in photoshop. Maya/Pixar Renderman MTOR

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