shopping habits_level 3. how can tv advertisements influence our shopping habits? who are most...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Shopping Habits_level 3

How can TV advertisements influence our shopping habits?

Who are most easily influenced, men, women or children?

Can advertisements help you make up your mind before buying something?

What do you think?

What do these words mean?


brand loyal



knowing the names of companies and the products they sell

always buying a product with the same name, made by the same company

aware of popular brands and wanting to buy particular brands rather than others

brand-aware brand loyalbrand-conscious


knowing the names of companies and the products they sell

always buying a product with the same name, made by the same company

aware of popular brands and wanting to buy particular brands rather than others


brand loyalbrand-conscious


knowing the names of companies and the products they sell

always buying a product with the same name, made by the same company

aware of popular brands and wanting to buy particular brands rather than others


brand loyal



knowing the names of companies and the products they sell

always buying a product with the same name, made by the same company

aware of popular brands and wanting to buy particular brands rather than others


brand loyal


Would you describe

yourself as ...


brand loyal?


Let’s talk

What advantages and problems might each of these types of customer have?

1 - Take a look at each situation and describe

what is going on.

1 - Take a look at each situation and describe

what is going on.

2 – How do you think people usually feel

in these situations?

1 - Take a look at each situation and describe

what is going on.

2 – How do you think people usually feel

in these situations?

3 – What would you do if you were in their


How many credit cards should a person have?Can too many credit cards get you into debt?What do you think of credit card interest rates?

How often do you go to restaurants?How expensive is eating out in your area?Have you ever been surprised by the bill?Do you tip waiters?

Do you usually find everything you need in your local supermarkets?Do you think comparing prices in different supermarkets can help save money?What do you think of shopping online for food?

What advice would you give to somebody in debt?How can we save money at home?Do you ever plan your weekly/monthly budget?

End of activity.

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