shirvani 2012 goals accomplishments

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    May 6, 2013

    Dear President Espegard and Board Members:

    In September 2012, at the Boards request, I identified for your consideration and approval four

    goals which I set forth as my objectives for the academic year. Permit me now to provide youwith my accomplishments to date in each of these areas.

    1. Design, develop, and obtain approval by the SBHE of the Pathways to Student Success Planfor the University System.

    As you know, I considerPathways to be my signature statement of educational reform for

    public higher education in North Dakota. Drawn from best practices around the country, itrepresents an effort to raise standards across P-16. Built around five foundation blocks which

    I designated as access, quality, affordability, learning, and accountability, the conceptincludes a North Dakota High School to College Success Report that provides meaningful

    dialog across secondary and post-secondary education to ensure the vertical alignment ofcurriculum, standards, and outcomes; expanded aid for adult learners and low- and middle-

    income students; substantive improvements in the preparation, delivery, and pricing of dual-credit courses; system-wide consistency in the ratios used for in-state and out-of-state tuition;

    the mission-driven transfer of all remedial/developmental coursework to the two-yearcolleges; combining, where appropriate, tuition and non-mandatory fees for greater

    transparency in determining educational costs; greater regulatory control over the use ofundergraduate tuition-waivers; the establishment of a high school core capped at fifteen

    courses; a criteria-based admission standards for each of the Carnegie-classified universities;and the introduction of an Internet-based index score (180, 190, 210), known as the

    Calculator, for high school students to monitor their progress toward admission. Followingyour approval of thePathways concept, I and members of my staff proceeded to

    communicate with constituencies within and outside the university, sharing the concept,seeking and listening to comments, negotiating where needed, and revising policies and

    procedures as elements ofPathways moved into implementation. Numerous meetingsoccurred at the vice chancellor level as well as at the cabinet level to work out differences,

    make accommodations and exceptions where necessary, and arrive at a consensus on aproper timetable for implementation. Included for your review is thePathways concept

    (Appendix A) andPathways Decision Points and Timeline (Appendix B).

    2. Prepare and justify the staffing needs required by the University System Office to perform itsrequired functions.

    As all members of the Board can appreciate, this goal has been a challenge from the very

    start. Despite very clear evidence of the lack of a unified system, and reinforced mostrecently by the State Auditors February 4, 2013Performance Audit Report, the simple

    magnitude of what has been shown to be needed has caused considerable backlash from themedia as well as from campus leadership and individual legislators. As a Monday-morning

    quarterback, I can now question the tactic we used to convey the magnitude of our personnelneeds. Although our request was justifiable in terms of workforce needs and most assuredly

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    considered conservative when compared to similar university systems, it probably came offas too much, too soon. Nevertheless, with your support, we moved forward with a robust

    plan that garnered initial recognition in the Governors proposed budget, which supportedseven of the thirty requested positions. Since then, the number has devolved into a political

    football. If we succeed in obtaining even half of the request, I will consider this a successful

    effort and one which will set us on a path to demonstrate the systems capability and justify arequest for the balance of the positions during the next legislative session. Included for yourreview is the position request that was shared with the legislature (Appendix C).

    3. Prepare for discussion and approval by the SBHE a set of policies and procedures that betterreflect the intent of the Board with respect to the role and responsibilities of the chancellor.Example policies and procedures will include:

    a. Evaluation of presidentsb. Searches for presidentsc. Procedures for the selection of a presidentd.

    Committees of the SBHEe. Chancellors and presidents authorities and responsibilities

    Following your guidance and encouragement, I proceeded early in my tenure to introduce

    several new and revised policies using best practices as our preferred approach. As you canjudge from the following list of policies, the policies were broad-based and extensive,

    dealing with personnel, committee structure, presidential searches, performance evaluations,authority and responsibilities, compensation, audit functions, posthumous degrees, and

    program articulation.

    September 5, 2012- 302.10 Executive Committee (new)

    - 302.11 Academic Affairs Committee (new)- 302.12 Audit Committee (new)

    - 330 Policy Introduction, Amendment, Passage (revised)- 601.1 Presidential Search and Screening Committee (revised)

    - 604.1 Performance Evaluations: Presidents (revised)- 604.2 Performance Evaluations: Chancellor (revised)

    September 26, 2012

    - 100.6 Authority and Responsibility of the SBHE (revised)- 304.1 Chancellor/Commissioner of Higher Education Authority and

    Responsibilities (revised)- 305.1 College and University Presidents' Authority and Responsibilities

    (revised)- 403.5 Secondary-Postsecondary Articulation Agreements; Dual Credit

    Postsecondary Enrollment Options (revised)- 404.1 Delivery Formal Approval for Credit Activities (revised)

    - 430.3 Posthumous Degrees (new)- 608.2 NDUS Employees - Non-renewal and Dismissals (revised)

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    - 705.1 Executive Compensation (revised)- 802.8 Internal Audit Functions (revised)

    None of these changes was achieved without considerable discussion. Nevertheless, we were

    able to reach consensus on all matters with the exception of the two which dealt with the

    roles and responsibilities of the presidents (604.1 and 305.1). There I met with considerableopposition from the presidents even though the changes were based on best practices.Subsequent to hearing their complaints the General Counsel and I met with them at three

    cabinet meetings and worked through their issues. The final copy, which is based onconsensus, is enclosed and will be presented at the May 9 SBHE meeting for approval.

    (Attached are the two revised policies (Appendix D and E)

    4. Build a positive relationship with the North Dakota Legislature.Building positive and lasting relationshipswhether with individuals, private/public entities,or governmentsrequire a broad-based approach that includes trust, respect, straight-talk,

    and patience. I have devoted myself to advocating tirelessly for transformation of highereducation in our state, for improved graduation and retention rates and for better

    accountability while communicating the vision of how we can lift the quality of ourinstitutions for the benefit of our students and North Dakota. In doing so, I believe I raised

    awareness throughout the state and influenced some key stakeholders during the process,which I believe was instrumental in securing the unprecedented higher education budget that

    was passed last week. Achieving this has involved all of the following:

    a. Opinion pieces in newspapers across the state (Appendix F)b. Interviews with newspaper editors (Appendix G)c. Radio interviews (Appendix H)d. Presentations to students and faculty (Appendix I)e. Presentations to K-12 superintendents, principals, counselors, and teachers (Appendix


    f. Presentations to outside clubs and organizations (Appendix K)g. Social interactions and meetings with legislators (Appendix L)h. Testimonies before committees (Appendix M)

    Not counted in this litany of meetings, presentations, interviews, opinion pieces, and informalnetworking have been the hundreds of phone and conference calls, e-mails, and conversations

    between me and private individuals and public officials across the state.

    Despite your guidance and my best intentions, you and I both know that almost a third of these

    communications have been reactive rather than proactive due to multiple rumors, accusations,

    insinuations, complaints, and charges intended to question system authority and oversight;

    immobilize the implementation ofPathways;suggest Board violations of the open meetings law;

    accuse me of bullying and intimidation; and raise questions regarding SBHEs legislative

    authority. I am dismayed and disappointed in this outcome particularly since it has devolved into

    the politics of personalism which has taken a toll on both my wife and me. Together we have

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    faced a persistent pattern of harassment and humiliation attributed as misdeeds on our part for

    failing to understand and appreciate the North Dakota culture.

    Notwithstanding these dysfunctional behaviors, I stand proud of my accomplishments. Despite

    the negativity that has transpired in the media, the legislature has recommended an

    unprecedented infusion of new monies for the University System. The most critical component

    of this budget approval process was based on the support of a legislative leadership group who

    had been the harshest critics of higher education and university system in at least the past decade.

    Without their support, the results would have been much different. It is evident from reading the

    bills particulars that the clear intent of the Legislature is to ensure that the NDUS becomes a

    unified system and not just a shell of good intentions. This has been the principal message I have

    been communicating over and over again these past ten months through numerous interviews

    and opinion pieces. With an 11.9% permanent base funding increase; a $44.4 million one-time

    increase; a $129 million increase in major capital projects; a $9.9 million permanent base

    funding increase for the System Office; $50.4 million in one-time net changes; a 4% averagesalary increase for the first year of the biennium and 3% for the second year; and 1% employee

    and employer retirement contribution during the first year of the biennium, the Legislatures

    response to my efforts is unmistakable. This is a turnaround of epic proportions for which I am

    greatly pleased and deeply appreciative.

    But the work has only just begun for both of us. As stewards of this important new investment in

    the states future, our obligationyours and mineis now to ensure that we spend these monies

    prudently and with wisdom; that educational and workforce opportunities are made available to

    all our citizens; and that the improved quality and reputation of our graduates can and shall be

    measurably demonstrated in the years ahead (Appendix N).

    Change is never easy and those who work to raise the bar for students, faculty, and leadership are

    much needed if we are to compete in this global economy. With your support, we have together

    made sizable steps toward goals that have long-term benefits for the state and its people.

    Remember, however, this is only year one. Many more years remain if we are to succeed in

    realizing our goals. Competitiveness in the world today demands much from each of us. It

    requires higher standards, ever-expanding learning outcomes, greater efficiencies, life-long

    learning, assessment, and accountability at all levels.

    As we end the academic year and look ahead to the next, I would like to offer the following goalsfor your consideration:

    1. Continued implementation of the Pathways to Student Success concept.2. Work with the presidents to plan and develop a set of campus specific accountability

    measures for retention and graduation as well as for the reduction ofremedial/development coursework.

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    3. Prior to utilizing the Legislatures generous infusion of additional FTE to support a moreunified system, I intend to undertake a thorough study of the System Office, followed by

    the appropriate reorganization of roles and functions to improve overall systemefficiency.

    4. Inasmuch as communication is the key to effective governance, my overarching goal andobjective will be to improve this aspect of my responsibilities and obligations to the state,its citizens, and the academic communities of the eleven public colleges and universities.

    I cannot end this letter without expressing my deepest appreciation for the Boards support, yourendorsement of the changes that I have brought to you for approval, your encouragement amid

    cries of complaint, and your obvious dedication to the values we together hold dear.


    H.A. Shirvani, Ph.D.


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    August&14&Grand&Forks&Editorial&& August&14&Fargo&Forum& November&29&Ryan&Johnson&& December&12&Ryan&Johnson& April&24&Ryan&Johnson& There&are&many&other&unplanned&calls&or&emails&by&the&reporters&which&were&





    August&15&Joel&Heitkamp& August&22&Scott&Hennen&Show& September&7&Christopher&Gabriel& October&3&Chris&Berg& December&12&Chris&Berg& December&13&Scott&Hennen& January&1&Christopher&Gabriel& January&14&Chris&Berg& January&16&Scott&Hennen& January&18&Scot&Hennen& February&4&Scott&Hennen/Joel&Heitkamp& February&6&Joel&Heitkamp/Scott&Hennen& February&7&Chris&Berg& February&11&Chris&Gabriel& February&20&Dale&Wetzel& February&25&Dale&Wetzel& March&2&Dale&Wetzel& March&4&Christopher&Gabriel& April&1&Dale&Wetzel& April&9&Chris&Berg&



    September&11&Meeting&with&Council&of&College&Faculties&&Conference&Call& September&21&Meeting&with&NDSA&&Valley&City& December&8&Meeting&with&UND&Staff&Senate&&Grand&Forks&

    January&25&Meeting&with&NDSA&&Bismarck& February&14&Meeting&with&NDSA&&Bismarck& April&9&Meeting&with&Council&of&College&Faculties&&Conference&Call& April&26&Meeting&with&NDSA&President&and&3&Executive&Officers&Y&Bismarck&




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    October&25&Richardton&Taylor&HS& November&16&Washburn&HS& November&16&Minot&HS& November&27&Meet&with&GF&Principals,&Superintendent&and&few&other&administrative&officials&&Grand&Forks&

    February&8&Flasher&HS& February&8&Elgin&HS&



    September&13&ND&Vision&20/20&Y&Bismarck& September&14&Minot&Board&of&Regents&&Minot& October&3&Bismarck&Rotary&&Bismarck& October&4&ND&Chamber&of&Commerce&Y&Bismarck& October&10&Joint&Commission&on&Admission&Meeting&&Bismarck& October&11&NDUS&Arts&&Humanities&Summit&&Valley&City& October&17&Grand&Forks&Lions&Club&&Grand&Forks& October&23&Succeed&20/20&Hess&Grant&&Bismarck& October&24&Devils&Lake&Chamber&of&Commerce&&Devils&Lake& November&27&Grand&Forks&Rotary&Meeting&&Grand&Forks& November&28&VFW&of&Bismarck&Y&Bismarck& January&9&North&Dakota&Association&of&Tribes&Y&Bismarck& February&5&ND&Chamber&Y&Business&Days&at&the&Legislature&Y&Bismarck& March&8&Meeting&with&GF&Officials&&Y&Bismarck& March&12&Succeed&2020&Vision&&Dickinson& April&4&Grand&Forks&Region&EDC&&Grand&Forks&&

    Social*Interactions*and*meetings*with*legislators*(Appendix*L)* July&30&Y31&Interim&Higher&Education&Committee&&Williston& August&22&Meeting&with&Senator&Rich&Wardner&Y&Bismarck& August&24&Meeting&with&Representative&Scott&Louser&&Bismarck& August&28&Meeting&with&Senator&Kresbach&and&other&legislators&&Minot& September&4&Meeting&with&Legislators&Schaible,&Donald&G.;&Rohr,&Karen&M.;&Christmann,&Randel&D.;&Kreidt,&Gary&L.;&Heller,&Brenda&A.;&Schmidt,&James&&





    September&27&Interim&Higher&Education&Meeting&&Bismarck& October&12&Meeting&with&Representative&Kreun&and&other&legislators&&Grand&Forks&

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    October&16&Interim&Higher&Education&Meeting&&Bismarck& October&22&Meeting&with&Rep&Skarphol&&Williston& October&25&Meeting&with&Rep&Kempenich&and&other&legislators&&Dickinson& November&11&Meeting&with&Senator&Holmberg&&Bismarck& December&3&Reception&for&Legislators&(hosted&by&UND)&&Bismarck& December&9&Meeting&with&Rep&Grande&&Bismarck& January&14&Higher&Education&Dinner&&Governors&Residence&&Bismarck& January&16&Meeting&with&Senator&Wardner&&Bismarck& February&6&MHEC&Commissioners&Dinner&&Bismarck& February&5&Meeting&with&Senator&Robinson&&Bismarck& February&5&Meeting&with&Senator&Wardner&&Bismarck& February&4&Meeting&with&Representative&Rosco&Streyle&&Bismarck& January&28&Meeting&with&Representative&Delzer&&Bismarck&

    February&20&Meeting&with&Senator&Joel&Miller&&Bismarck& February&28&Meeting&with&Representative&Dosch& April&17&Meeting&with&Senator&Robinson& April&18&Meeting&with&Representative&Heller&and&Skarphol& April&18&Meeting&with&Senator&Wardner& Many&other&formal&meetings&with&legislators&


















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  • 7/30/2019 Shirvani 2012 Goals Accomplishments




    Subject: Higher'Education'Budget

    Date: Friday,'May'3,'2013'3:44:52'PM'Central'Daylight'Time

    From: Chancellor'H.A.'Shirvani

    To: ham.shirvani@NDUS.EDU

    A message from NDUS CHANCELLOR

    Dear Colleagues:

    I am pleased to report that the legislative conference committees have passed an unprecedented budget that supportshigher education and recognizes your dedication to our students. We are extremely grateful that they listenedattentively and carefully considered all the information we provided as they made their decisions.

    In particular, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the members of the SB2003 Conference Committee:Senators Holmberg, Krebsbach and Robinson and Representatives Skarphol, Martinson and Williams; and SB2200Conference Committee members: Senators Flakoll, Holmberg and Heckaman and Representatives Skarphol, Doschand Williams.

    I won't say the journey was easy, but I will say that I am proud of the destination we have reached. In a nutshell, we

    have been granted the following funding:

    NDUS (excluding NDSU Ag Research and Extension) 13-15 general fund appropriation increase/decrease

    compared to 11-13 adjusted base appropriation

    Permanent base funding increase $72.4 million 11.9%

    One-time increase $44.4 million

    Major capital projects $129 million

    Capital Projects

    2013-15 176,423,263 (including the $10M deferred maintenance pool and $5,483,413 capital contingency pool)

    2011-13 47,136,000

    Increase 129,287,26

    System Office

    Permanent Base funding net changes $9.9 million

    One-Time net changes $50.4 million

    Employee Compensation

    4 percent average salary increases for the first year of the biennium and 3 percent for the second year.

    1 percent employee and employer retirement contribution increases during the first year of the biennium only.

    We now have a solid foundation upon which we will build one of the best education systems in the country. Thankyou for your support and all that you do for our students.



  • 7/30/2019 Shirvani 2012 Goals Accomplishments


    H.A. Shirvani, Ph.D.ChancellorNorth Dakota University System

    600 E Boulevard Ave, Dept 215Bismarck ND 58505-0230

    Ph: 701.328.2974 Fax: 701.328.2961Email:


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