shirley dixon trubutes from cabrini university...was the diva for all of us, and we all heard her...

Post on 06-Jan-2020






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Dr. Shirley Dixon





Member of the Board of Trustees

A W o m a n o f G r a c e

A woman of grace, charm, candor, tenacity, compassion and joie de vivre – that was our Shirley.

She embraced every day with gusto. A true educator at heart, she called forth excellence, justice and inclusion in her students and in all who were blessed to know her. She made friends wherever she went. And, how she loved Cabrini University! I am confident that Shirley and Mother Cabrini are comparing notes on “the education of the heart”. Her friendship was a precious gift. I miss her so very much. Rock on in heaven, Shirley! Nancy Gorevin Costello

I W i l l S o r e l y M i s s

Surely I will sorely miss my GOOD, DEAREST friend Shirley Anyone who knows me, knows that brevity is “Shirley” not my name. How then will I be able to summarize what has been a most defining and meaningful relation that has developed into far more than a friendship over the last few decades? Shirley and I often referred to ourselves as “Twins with different skins”. Shirley was the diva for all of us, and we all heard her song. We all know that she taught us diversity, but she also taught us about life—and how to be a GOOD person in all venues.

Shirley was a big part of our little retirement group who travelled together. Bourbon Street will never be the same as it was when we were there. Cruising with Shirley, rooming with Shirley and taking a rickshaw bicycle ride through Manhattan will always remain some of the bright spots in my life. . . . I can still hear her laughter through all those adventures!

Good, better, best, Shirley was so much better than the rest!

Thus, I conclude: Shirley thy name is: champion of all the important causes, thy name is leader, thy name is educator, thy name is righteousness, thy name is caring, thy name is “doctor” and thy name summons the face of charity! For surely, Shirley embodied all these characteristics. In essence: Shirley was a legend in her own time!

I ask myself, how can we live without Shirley? I suppose it will simply be that we know we will feel her aura flying over us, advising and comforting us forever!

Thank you G-d for the blessing of having known Shirley and the gift of so many shared memories. Goodbye, my dear, dear friend!

Carol Serotta December 3, 2019

M y H e a r t A c h e s

My heart aches, knowing that dear Shirley is no longer here. However, my memories of her and what she meant to me will always remain. She was such a loving friend. Her influence blessed The Children's School when it became more diverse. Most of all, I will remember her smile and the joy she brought. God bless her family.

E l l e n J a c k s o n R e t i r e d D i r e c t o r o f t h e C h i l d r e n ’ s S c h o o l ( o f C a b r i n i C o l l e g e )

O h H o w I ' l l M i s s H e r

Oh how I’ll miss her! I’ll miss her sense of humor, her style, the way she ended a phone call with “love ya.” I have such wonderful memories -- traveling with Shirley, lunches and dinners with her and the rest of her “Buds.” There is a big hole in our lives now that she’s gone.

D r . M a r i l y n J o h n s o n F a c u l t y F r i e n d

I t I s D i f f i c u l t T o A r t i c u l a t e

It is difficult to articulate my sadness on Shirley's sudden death! Words cannot capture her spirit nor plumb the depth of her loss to the Cabrini Community-- and her far wider circle.

She lived large--but took her exit quietly--prepared, no doubt, to make her grand entrance onto that celestial stage! Rest in peace, Diva!.

M a r g e R e h e r C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y P r o f e s s o r E m e r i t a

T h e r e A r e N o O t h e r W o r d s

There are no other words to say but thank you. Dr. Shirley Dixon welcomed me from day one to Cabrini University. Every time that I was with her, she was so genuinely supportive and interested in what I was doing. The loss of her energy, warmth, and support will be greatly missed by many people.

T h o m a s R C o n w a y , E d . D . C h a i r p e r s o n o f T e a c h e r E d u c a t i o n , C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y

S h i r l e y E m b o d i e d A l l o f t h e E x t r a o r d i n a r y E l e m e n t s

Shirley embodied all of the extraordinary elements of a Cabrini education. Her wisdom ran deep and her commitment to Cabrini students was incredible. What a legacy she was to our university and what an honor it was for all of us to know her, work with her and to call her a friend. When we talk about having an education of the heart, I will always think of Shirley having the biggest heart of us all!.

J e f f G i n g e r i c h F o r m e r f a c u l t y a n d P r o v o s t a t C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y a n d P r o v o s t , U n i v e r s i t y o f S c r a n t o n

A s A L e a d e r

As a leader, Shirley’s vision for preparing teachers for urban education, for creating classrooms as culturally responsive and for improving communities to meet the educational needs of students has led Cabrini University to establish the Center for Urban Education, Equity and Improvement.

From the classroom to the boardroom, we are grateful for Shirley’s dedication to Cabrini University and for her commitment to her colleagues, her students and her friends in the School of Education.

Shirley’s hallmark at Cabrini has been her key chains, which have symbolized her ability to unlock one’s potential to become an agent of change. And, in turn, Shirley has given us the keys to change. We are forever grateful for the way Dr. Shirley Dixon has changed our lives, our community, and our hearts.

~With love,

B e v B r y d e D e a n f o r t h e S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n , C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y

I n T i m e s o f P o l a r i z a t i o n

In times of polarization, Shirley was a force for unification. She gathered close to her a myriad of friends of all races, religions, and political persuasions. Her faith and optimism drew people to her.

She encouraged and supported her students, her friends and her family, and, in no uncertain terms, let them know when she believed them headed in the wrong direction.

Traveling with her was a delight. She was a fun loving friend, enjoying meeting new people and willing to try new things, new places, and, occasionally, new foods.

She was a force of nature accomplishing so much in what, for all of those close to her, was much too short a time. Adieu good friend.

R u b y R e m l e y

A L a s t i n g I m p r e s s i o n

Shirley is the kind of person that you meet just once but they will have a lasting impression on you. I was lucky enough to know Shirley for the past 23 years at Cabrini. She was a mentor, but most of all a cherished friend. Shirley was a support during hard times and celebrated during happy times. I am so glad I was recently able to spend valuable time with her. She will be missed. Sincerely,

M a r i a S m a l l A s s o c . D i r . o f S t u d e n t T e a c h i n g & C e r t i f i c a t i o n s a t C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y

W e R e m e m b e r S h i r l e y A s O u r F r i e n d

First and foremost we remember Shirley as our friend. We shared so many things together: funny stories, dinners, trips, retiree lunches. We could say so much about those wonderful times.

I like to remember Shirley the teacher. Shirley personally bridged a lot of gaps in our society and she helped me, and Cabrini, recognize those gaps. She knew the needs of our students of color and helped them -- and us -- build bridges of our own.

Shirley was continually teaching us, sometimes quietly and sometimes not so quietly, making us better and more just teachers. Since Shirley was my student for all three of her Cabrini degrees, I was especially fortunate. She taught me three times! Shirley Dixon was our social justice curriculum before it had a name.

S h a r o n S c h w a r z e P r o f e s s o r E m e r i t a , C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y

S h i r l e y H o l d s A S p e c i a l P l a c e

Shirley Dixon held a very special place in my heart like I know she did for so many others at Cabrini.

When I started at Cabrini 17 years ago, not only did I get to know Shirley but my entire family did as well. My husband Mike, my son Mikey and my daughter Julianna embraced Shirley but it was easy to do that because Shirley loved them. In fact, Shirley would joke about how lucky I was to have such a handsome husband—LOL—and beautiful children.

Shirley touched so many lives and that is a testament to her character and her sweet spirit and disposition. Cabrini will never be the same without Shirley. We will miss you Shirley.

C o l l e e n L e l l i , E d D A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r o f E d u c a t i o n

D o c t o r a n d D i v a

Doctor and Diva Shirley Dixon, my honest and wise colleague who told it like it was, with a smile, humor and grace, I will miss you. You were a mentor and educator to our students but also to us, your colleagues. Shirley, you reached out and helped to educate us on our blind spots and incomplete understandings of the world beyond our mostly white, suburban campus. Both through private conversations, college initiatives and the championing of urban education, you helped us see the complexities of race, class and privilege as Cabrini worked to gain a wider and more cosmopolitan conceptualization of diversity. You did it with a directness, generosity of spirit, and positivity that endeared you to everyone lucky enough to be touched by your energy and life force.

Importantly, and appropriately as the Diva, our Diva, Shirley you did everything well-dressed, amazingly coordinated and with a swagger that we envied and adored. You brought us into your celebrity world with Oprah, your extensive travels, and your adventures around the world and at your school in Africa. With your expansive personality you embraced life and, lucky for us, shared it. Thank you.

Shirley we appreciate that you stayed with and supported Cabrini faculty, brought us many gifts but most significantly, at least for me, you brought us Shirley, an irreplaceable deep energy force, the essence of life and a life well lived, a powerful and irreplaceable presence. I will miss you Shirley. Thank you for being in my life and sharing yours with us.

K a t h l e e n M c K i n l e y F a c u l t y F r i e n d

C o m m i t m e n t t o C h i l d r e n

Shirley is dearly remembered for her commitment to children particularly disadvantaged youth as far as Africa and Australia and as close as Philadelphia and Norristown.

Her dedication to the underserved was unending as she championed educational projects around the world. Her commitment to Education of the Heart here at home heightened the Cabrini University Faculty's sensitivity and awareness of difference. Her love of Cabrini will ensure an indelible mark in Cabrini's future.

We love you and will miss you..

E d n a B a r e n b a u m , F r i e n d a n d P r o f e s s o r E m e r i t a , P s y c h o l o g y , C a b r i n i U n i v e r s i t y

G o o d M e m o r i e s

I have many good memories of Shirley. We used to share complaints about the steps in Grace Hall. Whew!

Soon after she celebrated her 65th birthday Shirley shared that she did not feel like she was slowing down. She intended to live life to the fullest. Shirley, you never did slow down. From teaching remotely to Africa, to working with our students here at Cabrini, earning your doctoral degree and amazing all of us with your energy and dedication to the Mission of our University you were always an inspiration.

S u s a n J a c q u e s P i e r s o n , P h . D . A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r o f E d u c a t i o n

A S t a t e o f D i s b e l i e f

I heard the very sad news and am still in a state of disbelief.

Shirley sat next to me at Candi Sicoli’s celebration less than three weeks ago. She looked so well and was full of life. All we did was laugh and share stories. I opened a note from her only this Wednesday evening. We knew all her health issues and recent hospitalizations but her stylish looks, humor and devotion to students belied her increasingly serious condition.

Dr. Shirley will always be “our Diva”. She is and will be sorely missed. But Her absolutely Unique personality and the causes she championed will always remain vividly alive in our hearts.

My special condolences to you Carol (Serotta) and your Retirees Travel Contingent and all of her Cabrini friends and students .

Thank you, Shirley, for enriching our lives! Well done!

L o v e , M a r y A n n B i l l e r - F i s c h e t t i

A C o l l e a g u e a n d F r i e n d

Shirley was a graduate student in my educational research course some years ago. I recognized then what a wonderful person she was. Following that time, we became a colleague and friends. Cabrini University has been so fortunate to have Shirley's wisdom and guidance over these many years. Her compassion, motivation and moral compass have inspired us all to do more to help those affected by social injustice. Her love of education and determination to make sure students of color had equal opportunities in life were so in keeping with the spirit and values of Saint Frances Cabrini. We mourn the loss of our friend and colleague.

A n t h o n y T o m a s c o C o l l e a g u e a n d F r i e n d

K i n s h i p a s T e a c h e r - S c h o l a r s

I will always remember Shirley fondly for her warm smile and sharp wit. I had the opportunity to experience her smile and wit through the many connections we shared. Most notably, Shirley and I were professional colleagues at Cabrini, and also doctoral students together at Widener University. We shared a special kinship as teacher-scholars in the trenches; teaching by day, researching and studying by night. Our entire Cabrini community has suffered a great loss with Shirley's passing. If there can be any beauty despite this deep and profound loss, it is that Shirley's legacy at Cabrini stretches far and wide. Gone but never forgotten because of her meaningful impact on our lives.

With sincere sympathy,

D a w n F r a n c i s

A G r a c e f u l F o r c e o f L o v e

Shirley Dixon was a graceful force of love, passion, wisdom and service everywhere she went and with everyone she met. Just as she was meant to positively change the lives of so many, she was also meant to be at Cabrini, and to personify what living the Cabrini identity can mean.

She was a woman who reflected Mother Cabrini's favorite scripture passage, Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." As her faith guided and strengthened her, she humbly affected and empowered others.

We have been truly blessed as a community across generations, around the world, on campus, in countless classrooms, and at the many tables of conversation Shirley shared. You never wanted a meal to end when Shirley was with you at the table! We will remember the impact she had in the enormity of her many accomplishments, the joy of her smile, and in the smallest, countless details of her presence.

Thank you, Shirley, for opening so many minds and hearts, and for living love and loving life with us!

R o b i n L a r k i n s , C l a s s o f 1 9 8 5

K i n d , T h o u g h t f u l , A c c o m p l i s h e d

Our dearest Shirley will be very, very missed. Shirley was kind, thoughtful, accomplished and a sweetheart to the fullest extent.

Over the years, Shirley and I had a lot of laughs. We also shared tears, too, on occasion. One could talk to Shirley about any and everything. She was never judgmental. Shirley was always there for you.

Earlier this Fall, Shirley invited Nancy Costello and me to visit her at her home and tour her West Philadelphia neighborhood. It was very enlightening. We shared childhood, young adult and family reminiscences ending with a wonderful lunch at the 48th Street Grille. Best afternoon ever.

On Thanksgiving morning Shirley texted Thanksgiving blessings to my family and me; mentioning getting together soon. That’s our Shirley! Until we meet again my dear friend....

N a n c y H u t c h i s o n

T h e W o r l d I s M o r e E m p t y

The world feels more empty today. We miss Shirley so much, but we know that her force for good will continue through everyone she touched.

Shirley accepted all of us as individual, worthwhile people and expected us to do the same for everyone else.

She was a kind, nurturing, funny, glamorous, generous, partying, learned, well-travelled, thoughtful, accomplished, honorable and good person. She will forever be our Cabrini Diva Sage.

C a t h y Y u n g m a n n C o l l e a g u e a n d F r i e n d

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