shine on, words & music by george t. goldthwaite … ––––– shine thro’ the years of...

Post on 27-May-2018






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For Educational Use Only Copyright 2011

Contributed to Maine Memory Network by Maine Historical Society(Sheet Music 22)MMN #42221

Date: 1914Description: Sheet music for “Shine On, Portland High”

Shine On, Portland High

Words & Music By

George T. Goldthwaite

Portland High School Portland, Maine [seal]

5 Published By Cressey & Allen, Portland -- Me. Stevens - P.M.S.14

Shine On, Portland High!

George T. GoldthwaitePiano

In the East the wa-ters play on the shores of Cas-co Bay, Wherein this cit-y by the sea, With its wealth of his-to-ry, Is

giant ships of commerce come and go––– In the West the mountains proud ReachingPortland High-to us a bea-con light ––– She is guiding steps of Youth In the

upward pierce the cloud; their summits always capped in Win-ter’s snow. –– Built up-paths of Right and Truth, And teaching them to love the Blue and White. ––– Bells of

Copyright 1914, by Cressey and Allen


on a point of land, Rich-ly blessed by Nature’s hand, Fair invic-to-ry have pealed For the teams she’s sent a-field, They were

beau - ty, with her wooded inlands nigh,__ Is our Portland_in her hour Leadingmen whose val-or fame can not de - ny;__And the scores of loy-al hearts, With the

on to fame and pow’r_And our own dear school, the Portland High. –––––spir-it she imparts, Sing the prais - es of the Portland High. –––––


Shine ev - er on, dear Port - land High! Shine like the stars of

Shine on, Portland High! 3

night! ––––– Shine thro’ the years of our hopes and fears,

Grow-ing the while more bright. ––––– Then when we’re old and

hoar - -y, Yes, when we’ve passed a - way, ––––––

Shine Portland High in thy glo - ry, For the Youth of a future day.–––

Shine on, Portland High! 3

Wea[Page Torn] Of The Blue

Chorus George T. Goldthwaite

Wearers of the Blue, We are proud of you,And ex-pect ev’ry man to do his part.___ To

win is the prize that be - fore you lies; So be brave and strong of heart.__

Harken to the call! Keep your eye son the ball! Let “onward” be your battle cry!___ And

fight with a might that will give us tonight A vic-tor-y for Portland High.__

Copyright, 1912, by George T. Goldthwaite COMPLETE COPIES AT ALL MUSIC STORES

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