sherlock a fist full of bullets

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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SHERLOCK"A Fist Full of Bullets"byJulius Harper, Jr.STARKNIGHT PRODUCTIONSTEASEREXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTA crowd of angry young protestors stands outside of the flat. Dozens of helmeted constables try to contain the fray as a gaggle of spectators and news reporters press inward.Its raining.JOHN WATSON walks out of the front door, handcuffed and escorted by two large constables. LESTRADE is behind him.Flashing bulbs. Shouting reporters. Flying bottles. Chaos.JOHN tries to hide his face as the police pull him away.ANGRY CROWDBUTCHER! BUTCHER! BUTCHER!SHERLOCK HOLMES darts out into the rain and catches INSPECTOR LESTRADE. The crowd around them is whipped into such a frenzy that the police are having trouble holding everyone back.SHERLOCKJust give me more time!LESTRADEIts over Sherlock. Now if you dont stop Ill have you charged with Obstruction.A brick flies and shatters on the street, drawing the attention of the constables.CONSTABLEMove aside! Move aside!JOHN looks up and notices someone in the crowd rushing toward him, but his arms are bound by the two distracted constables.JOHNNo! Wait!The figure LUNGES through the confusion and THRUSTS A BLADE square into his midsection! JOHNs eyes widen in utter shock.MAN IN CROWDOh my God! Oh my God!SHERLOCKJOHN!TITLES.ACT IINT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYCHYRON: 16 Hours Earlier.Early dawn. JOHN lays in bed, awake. He looks aside at the alarm clock on the night stand, just before it goes off.CUT TO:JOHN humming a tune as he briskly shaves in the bathroom.Singing to himself in the steaming shower.Plucking the grays from his hair -- humming still.He stares into the mirror, debating silently with himself before putting on cologne. He smooths down his leather jacket, rolls up the cuffs of his jeans, turns up his collar and sucks in his gut. He nods resolutely and smiles at himself. Then...JOHNI look ridiculous!INT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYJOHN hurries down the steps before spotting MRS. HUDSON standing and yawning outside his living room. She quickly tightens her robe and smooths her hair when she sees him -- a fairly futile gesture because she doesnt have her wig on.MRS. HUDSONWell dear! Um, arent you up early?JOHN freezes.JOHNWhat? Oh, no! Not really...She does her best to put on a smile, but shes mortified. She beats a hasty retreat for the kitchen and mumbles to herself.MRS. HUDSONWhere is your coffee machine?JOHN tiptoes to the bottom of the stairs and follows her.JOHNAh, second cabinet over. I think.2.MRS. HUDSONIts just that mine is broken. I was hoping I could make use of yours without... disturbing anyone.MRS. HUDSON finds the coffee machine and reaches for it. JOHN steps over and grabs the machine for her. He frowns at it.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Dont tell me yours is broken too!JOHNNo, its just... Sherlock, you know, experiments and all...MRS. HUDSON sets the machine on the counter and looks inside: sure enough there are THREE TOES in the coffee filter! She stares at the ghoulish sight a moment... and then laughs.MRS. HUDSONWell I do like my coffee with a bit of a kick...JOHN takes the machine and rolls his eyes. He washes and disinfects it in the sink before handing it back to her.JOHNHere. Well I dont want to be late.MRS. HUDSONOh, for your interview? This early?JOHN looks at her impatiently.JOHNNot quite. Ive got some chores out by Westfield.MRS. HUDSON nods and smiles at him. JOHN leaves. She ambles over to the counter and peeks out through the kitchen window, watching JOHN flag down a taxi. He quickly gets inside.As the cab drives away, MRS. HUDSON narrows her eyes a bit.MRS. HUDSONWell thats peculiar...EXT. TRENDY ORGANIC CAFE - DAYJOHN pays his cabbie and steps up onto the curb. The place is crawling with snappily dressed twentysomethings in skinny jeans and trilby hats, wearing scarves, beards or bow ties.3.JOHN shakes his head and smirks, before giving his own wardrobe a judging glance. He spots a young man leaning on a light pole and offers him cash for his thick-rimmed glasses.INT. TRENDY ORGANIC CAFE - DAYAs he walks, JOHN pokes his finger through the frames and realizes that they have no lenses. His scoff is interrupted when his eyes fall onto HALEY HUNTER: young, busty and gorgeous. Shes got colorful tattoos on her arms and wears a distractingly low-cut shirt with a picture of a T-Rex on it. JOHN puts on the empty frames as she scampers over and greets him with an overly enthusiastic hug.HALEYHeyyy, so good to see you again!JOHNMe too. Er -- I mean... hi!She beams wide at him and JOHN smiles back, smitten.HALEYI had no idea you were into organic, free range, fair trade food. This is perfect!JOHNYes, well. You know me, I like a good trade, right?CUT TO:Separate checks.JOHN and HALEY avoid eye-contact as a cab stops by the curb. HALEY takes a step toward it, and then stops and turns back.HALEYIm sorry. How about we split a cab and call it water under the bridge?JOHN throws his frames in a trash bin and walks to the cab.INT. HALEYS EAST LONDON FLAT - DAYJOHN and HALEY walk down a hall in her flat. She opens a door and motions for him to go in. JOHN pokes his head inside.JOHNUm. Wheres the studio? I thought you said you had a home studio...HALEY briskly walks through the door... into her bedroom.4.HALEYThis is it, silly.She straightens her comforter and switches on a chain of Christmas lights strewn across the pillows at the head of her bed. JOHN looks at himself in a mirror above her headboard.HALEY motions him toward her.HALEY (CONTD)Well, come on in.JOHNIm not -- sure?HALEYIts fine!HALEY grabs a lapel mic and hands it to him. She takes his arm, pulls him inside and sits him on the foot of her bed.JOHN looks around the room: the walls are covered with snappy pop art, inspirational quotes and Hello Kitty posters.A bright light clicks on and JOHN shields his eyes.HALEY (CONTD)Sorry about that...HALEY tilts the studio light up into a reflective umbrella, and then takes a seat at her nearby desk. She types away at her laptop, next to a webcam mounted on a tripod. A small green light clicks on atop the camera and she smiles at JOHN.HALEY (CONTD)All set!JOHNWonderful.HALEY tousles her hair and adjusts her top before taking a seat in a leather chair near JOHN. She looks across the room at the camera and her demeanor suddenly changes.HALEYHey guys, its Comet-Kitty! Guess what! I have a little surprise for you all. Youre gonna LOVE this!JOHN looks bewildered as her bubbliness goes into overdrive.5.HALEY (CONTD)This is -- famous blogger slash investigator slash doctor -- John Watson. Rowr, right? SAY HI JOHN!JOHN just stares at her awhile before glancing at the camera.JOHNCheers.HALEYLike I said last week, this show will be a bit different... I brought John to discuss what weve all been tweeting about lately... what happened to Julia Stoner from Wedding Hacker and MaddyBrackenstal from Cooking Snob.HALEY leans forward, her eyes fixed on the unseen audience.HALEY (CONTD)Its been weeks, but the police seem to have nothing to say about these murders!She turns suddenly to look at JOHN.HALEY (CONTD)I know Scotland Yard has asked Sherlock Holmes for help. John, I was hoping you might be able to tell us how the investigation is going... any new leads on the YouTube Butcher?JOHN blinks.JOHNYouTube Butcher?HALEYThats what theyre calling him.JOHNWho?She motions vaguely at the camera.HALEYWell, the Internet.JOHN shifts uncomfortably in his chair, glancing awkwardly at the camera and then back at HALEY.6.JOHNUmm. Well. Im not sure whom I should -- uh... ?HALEYTo the camera, John.He nods and turns toward the camera. When he speaks, his tone gets a bit rigid and mechanical.JOHNOkay. Well, ah, I think thats going a bit far. Hmm. Two deaths does not a serial killer make.HALEY frowns at him.HALEYBut... youve seen how hes posted video of their bodies on the web?JOHN looks down for a moment and painfully rubs his forehead.JOHNAh... err yes. Its possible were dealing with a copycat. And, umm, if it is, then sensationalizing it with a snappy nickname could... well, make things worse, frankly.She quirks an annoyed eyebrow at him and pauses.HALEYForgive me -- that sounds like a fancy bunch of rubbish from someone whos made no progress on the case.JOHNSorry?JOHN shakes his head, as if woozy, and rubs his temple.HALEYHow long has it been? Three weeks? And you dont even have a suspect?JOHNJust hold on! Damn this headache!JOHN closes his eyes for a moment and takes a breath.HALEYNow that you mention it... I have a bit of one too...7.JOHNListen here. You cant -- you cant just...His speech begins to slur.JOHN (CONTD)Actually -- have you um -- uhh -- have you got any parace -- paracetamm...JOHN tries to stand but his legs betray him. He tumbles to the floor, gasping in a flop sweat, and the world grows dark.FADE TO BLACK.INT. HALEYS EAST LONDON FLAT - DAYJOHN gasps awake and clutches his head in pain.JOHNUrrghhh...When he gathers himself enough to open his eyes, the world around him is a blur. He fumbles around until his hand finds the side of the bed and he pushes himself slowly to his feet.JOHN (CONTD)What -- what happened?No answer.POV JOHN blinks and turns aside as his eyes struggle to focus on the blurry shape of HALEY sprawled on the bed, unmoving.JOHN (CONTD)Haley?JOHN leans over and his vision slowly clears. The bed is covered in broken mirror glass, and HALEYs throat is slit.JOHN (CONTD)Oh my Jesus!A thick pool of blood has collected around her neck, soaking deep into the bed sheets. JOHN futilely checks her pulse.JOHN (CONTD)Oh God no...JOHN grimaces and closes his eyes. After a moment he looks at his palms, soaked with the wine-like color of her blood.8.He slumps back onto the bed, taking a deep breath. He glances around the room: the bed is messed, posters have been torn off the wall, and the large mirror above her bed is broken.JOHN (CONTD)What happened here?Sirens howl in the distance.JOHN slides off the bed and pushes aside the drapes to see a line of police cruisers speeding toward the building. He glances at the desk and sees the webcam mounted on the tripod: the green recording light is still on.The cruisers squeal to a halt outside and a flood of police constables rush into the door downstairs.JOHN checks his pockets, grabs his cell and dials. It rings.JOHN (CONTD)Come on Sherlock, answer...It rings again as the sounds of boots stomp up the stairs.JOHN (CONTD)Pick up the damned -- !SHERLOCK (V.O.)Hello?JOHNSherlock!INT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYSHERLOCK dressed in a bathrobe in the kitchen, looking in dismay at the coffee filter: theres only coffee in it.SHERLOCKThis really isnt a good time, John. Mrs. Hudson fouled up another one of my projects. Honestly, who does this kind of thing?INT. HALEYS EAST LONDON FLAT - DAYThree loud THUDS sound against the door to HALEYs flat.CONSTABLE (O.S.)CITY POLICE!JOHNThis is a bit more pressing...9.SHERLOCK (V.O.)What was that?JOHNNothing. Listen, I need your help.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYSHERLOCK is hunched over the sink washing the coffee machine.SHERLOCKIm a bit busy...JOHN (V.O.)Damn it, be serious!INT. HALEYS EAST LONDON FLAT - DAYSHERLOCK (V.O.)I am being serious, John. Youre just boring me.Another, louder, series of pounds on the door.CONSTABLE (O.S.)OPEN UP IN THERE!JOHNTrust me, this wont bore you. Ive got a case for you, Sherlock.The door to HALEYs flat BURSTS OPEN and the police rush down the hall toward the bedroom.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYSHERLOCK turns off the faucet and sets the machine down.SHERLOCKOh really? Whos the client?INT. HALEYS EAST LONDON FLAT - DAYThe bedroom door FLIES OPEN and five constables flood inside. JOHN raises his hands high as the officers approach him.JOHNMe.10.ACT IIINT. HALEYS EAST LONDON FLAT - DAYPolice everywhere. A red-haired FORENSIC TECHNICIAN with classic male-pattern baldness examines the body while two huge officers keep watch over JOHN in a far corner.JOHN cranes his head to look over the shoulders of the two guards. His eyes catch HALEYs beautiful face as the body bag closes. He frowns and looks down at the floor.CONSTABLENo signs of forced entry before we broke in. Old man in the next flat said he heard screaming and a struggle fore he called us.Several pairs of eyes in the room glance sideways at JOHN.LESTRADE (O.S.)Thank you, constable. You can go.Detective Inspector GREG LESTRADE sighs as the constables leave. The FORENSIC TECHNICIAN approaches with a glass shard.TECHNICIANFingerprints were rubbed off the murder weapon. No use to us.LESTRADE looks at JOHN just as SHERLOCK bursts into the room.SHERLOCKGOOD MORNING, GENTS!JOHNSherlock!JOHN perks up as soon as he hears his voice, but the two guards push back to keep him from approaching his friend.SHERLOCKWhats all this?LESTRADE quickly approaches SHERLOCK, trying to shoo him out.LESTRADEWe should discuss this outside...But SHERLOCK pays him no mind. Instead, he pushes past LESTRADE and the TECHNICIAN and unzips HALEYs body bag.TECHNICIANWhat do you think youre -- ?!11.SHERLOCKDeep slice to the internal jugular vein and the common carotid artery. Not the best way to start the day.The TECHNICIAN fumes, but LESTRADE waves him off.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Uncanny...LESTRADE takes a step forward, looking at the body.LESTRADEHmm?SHERLOCKI merely suspected, but this confirms it!LESTRADEConfirms what?SHERLOCK folds his arms and nods to himself.SHERLOCKYes, Im certain of it.LESTRADESherlock!He suddenly looks up at LESTRADE.SHERLOCKHmm?LESTRADECare to clue the rest of us in?A beat.SHERLOCKOh, right! In the other two murders I noted a consistency in the manner of the cut to the jugular vein: in each case just deep enough to sever the necessary blood vessels...LESTRADEAlright, and?SHERLOCK looks surprised.12.SHERLOCKThe same pattern is here, Lestrade! That means theres one killer, and he is both precise and consistent: someone with an expert knowledge of human anatomy and skill enough to exploit it. Like, say... a doctor!SHERLOCK turns and points to JOHN in an overly-dramatic way.SHERLOCK (CONTD)My God, John! Did you do it?JOHN glares at him.JOHNNot helping!SHERLOCK skulks over to him and looks past the guards.SHERLOCKSorry, John. Youre right. Its absurd. You wouldnt be capable of it. Youre not clever enough...JOHN nods his head.JOHNSee? Thats -- hold on, what?SHERLOCK turns and paces the room.SHERLOCKIgnoring that, you lack the constitution to follow through with such an act even if you wanted to.JOHNWell, thats a little extreme...SHERLOCKAnd youre a pathological truth-teller. I doubt youd be able to fib your way out of a parking ticket, let alone a murder!JOHNNow wait just a bloody minute!LESTRADE steps up to SHERLOCK.13.LESTRADEIm inclined to agree. But this looks bad. If it wasnt Watson, then whom? The flat was locked.SHERLOCK focuses his eyes intensely on LESTRADE. JOHN leans forward again, looking between the shoulders of the two officers keeping him held in the corner. A beat.SHERLOCKI havent the foggiest.SHERLOCK tilts his head in the direction of the webcam.SHERLOCK (CONTD)At the risk of asking the obvious, have you checked the video camera?LESTRADE frowns at him.LESTRADEIts password-protected. We were going to wait until digital forensics got here to unlock it.SHERLOCK is already in the chair. He cracks his knuckles.SHERLOCKHacking pass codes is a hobby of mine. Ask BigJohnny27 over there...JOHN rolls his eyes.SHERLOCK glances around, spying clues in the bedroom around him. Images swim across the screen as SHERLOCKs mind works like a search engine: first, the Hello Kitty posters.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Hmm, perhaps some variation of...SHERLOCK types a password. Buzzer! Another one. Buzzer!He focuses on the inspirational quotes on the walls.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Whitman. American poet. Born 1819.More typing. More buzzing.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Birthday? Does she have any pets?TECHNICIANHer ID says April 1989.14.More combinations, more buzzing. SHERLOCK grinds his teeth. LESTRADE and the TECHNICIAN exchange glances. JOHN sighs.SHERLOCKPerhaps an alphanumeric combination involving her mothers maiden name...The TECHNICIAN steps forward.TECHNICIANMay I try something?SHERLOCK stands and the TECHNICIAN takes his seat. He types and the computer chimes brightly. SHERLOCKs eyebrows raise.SHERLOCKHonestly. What person sets their password as password ?The TECHNICIAN smiles wryly. SHERLOCKs eyebrow twitches.TECHNICIANIts best not to expect much from these faux-celebrity types...SHERLOCK and LESTRADE lean in. JOHN looks over the shoulders of the guards. The TECHNICIAN clicks on an active web browser, playing back the video:HALEY (V.O.)Forgive me -- that sounds like a fancy bunch of rubbish from someone whos made no progress on the case.JOHN (V.O.)Sorry?On the screen, JOHN shakes his head and rubs his temple.HALEY (V.O.)How long has it been? Three weeks? And you dont even have a suspect?JOHN (V.O.)Just hold on!The video cuts to a black screen: NO VIDEO DATA PRESENT.LESTRADEWhat happened?SHERLOCKPart of the files been deleted...15.Suddenly the video resumes and JOHN is laying beside the bed, partially off frame. HALEY is sprawled out on the bed, her room destroyed, her mirror shattered and her throat cut.JOHN gasps awake and clutches his head in pain.JOHN (V.O.)Urrghhh...He finds the side of the bed and he pushes himself up.JOHN (V.O.)What -- what happened? Haley? Oh my Jesus!JOHN checks her pulse.JOHN(V.O.)Oh God no...LESTRADE hits the spacebar and pauses the video. Hushed murmurs echo through the room. JOHNs eyes are wide.LESTRADEThats enough.TECHNICIANDetective Inspector. This video isnt a local file. Its been posted to the net.LESTRADEWhat?TECHNICIANYes, sir. Over 61,000 views so far. Quite the audience...LESTRADEPull it.SHERLOCKWouldnt be any use. By now its likely been ripped and re-uploaded by a dozen other people. You wont be able to remove them all.LESTRADE angrily steps forward, pointing at the screen.LESTRADETRY.He takes a breath and looks over at JOHN, frowning.16.LESTRADE (CONTD)Were going to have to take him into custody...The officers holding JOHN in the corner grab his arms and move to cuff him. JOHN looks desperately at SHERLOCK, who just stands there -- seemingly lost for a moment. Until...SHERLOCKSTOP!The room pauses at the thunder of his voice. All eyes turn toward him. SHERLOCK glares at LESTRADE.SHERLOCK (CONTD)This is patently ridiculous. You still havent a shred a factual evidence linking John to the crime!LESTRADESherlock, the video --SHERLOCKIs incomplete and circumstantial. Plus, it has the added benefit of making no sense: if John is the killer... if he truly did it, then why would he post himself online?LESTRADE glances aside and frowns -- he has no answer.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Exactly. I can promise you Lestrade -- I will devote my full deductive capacity to following the evidence, wherever it leads. But not if you put John in irons without proof.Slowly, LESTRADE nods. He leans aside toward the TECHNICIAN.LESTRADEHave digital forensics see if the deleted portion can be recovered.He turns back to SHERLOCK.LESTRADE (CONTD)Every policy Im supposed to adhere to says I should put him in jail. But for your sake, Ill delay that, on two conditions...SHERLOCKName them.17.LESTRADEI want a DNA swab. Non-negotiable. And he must agree to stay in town.SHERLOCKRight, then. Easy enough.LESTRADE motions toward the two officers.LESTRADELet Doctor Watson go.The officers react with shocked expressions.TECHNICIANDetective Inspector, this is -- !LESTRADEYou heard me. But I want a swab on Watson before he leaves.The guards move aside incredulously as the TECHNICIAN retrieves his bag and pulls out a DNA sample kit. He glares at JOHN as he sets it on the desk and pulls out a swab.TECHNICIANOpen your mouth, sir.INT. LANDLORDS OFFICE BELOW HALEYS FLAT - DAYJOHN and SHERLOCK hurry down the stairs, past the landlords office: theres a man inside, looking up at them with baggy, bloodshot eyes. SHERLOCK glances at him and notices that the MASTER KEY BOX is slightly ajar.JOHNThank you. For what you did.SHERLOCKDont thank me yet, John. We still have to find whoever did this...INT. LONDON TAXI - DAYThe pair sit silently in the back of a black cab. SHERLOCK looks aside, as if to say something, then decides against it.JOHNIm fine, thanks.JOHN rubs his knee idly.SHERLOCKHave you got cash?18.JOHNYes, here.JOHN reaches into his pocket and hands SHERLOCK some money. JOHN (CONTD)Is that enough?SHERLOCKYes. John.JOHN glances aside at SHERLOCK.JOHNHmm?SHERLOCKAs you are the primary suspect right now... it would be wise for you to stay in the flat. Keep a low profile.SHERLOCK hands the cabbie the cash as the taxi stops.But theres a crowd of 15 people outside their flat: a motley group of youths, many of them dressed in dark clothes with face scarves, or Guy Fawkes masks and hoodies.JOHNLow profile. That sounds sensible.SHERLOCKProblem.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYBoth JOHN and SHERLOCK get out of the taxi. It quickly speeds away, leaving them on the opposite sidewalk from their flat.As SHERLOCK steps off the curb, one of the youths sees him. He signals the others, and soon the entire group is watching. SHERLOCK keeps walking, JOHN a few weary steps behind.JOHNIs this a good idea?SHERLOCKNope.One of the group, a tall, obese CREEPY WOMAN with stringy brown hair and a grey hoodie reaches slowly into her pocket.JOHNSherlock!19.SHERLOCKIts alright...The woman pulls out a cell phone and points it at them. The others in the group follow suit, recording them as they walk.JOHNThis is weird, right?SHERLOCKQuite.SHERLOCK keeps his pace and makes eye contact with the CREEPY WOMAN, staring her down as he approaches the door. She pulls off her hoodie, revealing a twisted grimace on her face.They keep walking... at the last possible moment she steps aside and the crowd parts, letting them approach the door.SHERLOCK opens the door and JOHN scurries inside.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYSHERLOCK closes the door and JOHN locks all the dead bolts into place. He looks up at SHERLOCK and shakes his head.JOHNI thought we were done for. I truly did. The way you stared them down --SHERLOCK takes off his jacket and hangs it in the closet.SHERLOCKSimple animal psychology, John. Just like staring down a wild lion.JOHN shakes his head.JOHNAnd when did you stare down a lion?SHERLOCKClearly youve never seen Mrs. Hudson before her morning coffee...JOHN makes his way up the stairs, but stops halfway when he spots the BARREL OF A SHOTGUN poking out around a corner.JOHNGUN!JOHN DIVES DOWN THE STEPS and hides behind the banister. SHERLOCK looks at him curiously and shakes his head. MRS. HUDSON coyly pokes her head out from around the corner.20.MRS. HUDSONOh! Sorry... sorry, John!JOHN looks up at her incredulously.JOHNMrs. Hudson... why do you have a shotgun?SHERLOCKShe keeps it in the broom closet. After the riots one cant be too careful...MRS. HUDSON hurries down the stairs.MRS. HUDSONOh dear, are you alright? It looks like you took quite a tumble...JOHN stands to his feet and stretches his leg.JOHNIm fine.MRS. HUDSONIm relieved you boys are back. Those hooligans have been loitering outside for hours! Do you know whats it all about?JOHN frowns and turns away, quickly scaling the stairs.JOHNAsk Sherlock...He rounds the corner and goes to his room, shutting the door. MRS. HUDSON raises her eyebrows and looks at SHERLOCK.MRS. HUDSONHes a bit mardy today, hmm?SHERLOCKA bit?MRS. HUDSONSherlock, whats really going on? Its all over the telly... theYouTube Butcher? People are talking...SHERLOCKWhat are they saying?21.MRS. HUDSON frowns and leans into him, unintentionally bringing the barrel of the shotgun closer to his chest. SHERLOCK gently pushes it aside and looks down at her.MRS. HUDSONThat John is tied up in some mess about a murder. What do you know?SHERLOCK frowns and looks up the stairs in the direction where JOHN went. After a moment he meets her gaze again.SHERLOCKNot much, Mrs. Hudson. Not very much at all, Im afraid.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - DAYSHERLOCK and MRS. HUDSON sit in the living room, a beautiful tea set on a small coffee table between them. SHERLOCK pours her a cup of tea and MRS. HUDSON picks it up and sips it.MRS. HUDSONLovely cup of tea, Sherlock. Im surprised there are no toes in it.SHERLOCK gives her a knowing smirk. As MRS. HUDSON sets her cup down, he sees the warm liquid quake subtly in her hand.SHERLOCKMrs. Hudson...MRS. HUDSONYes, dear?SHERLOCKAre you nervous?She looks up at him.MRS. HUDSONIm just tired.SHERLOCK pours himself a cup of tea and takes a sip before setting it back down on the table. He looks up at her again.SHERLOCKVery few people can successfully lie to me, Mrs. Hudson.She frowns at him and looks at the window, slightly cracked.MRS. HUDSONSuppose theyre still out there?22.SHERLOCKTheres normally traffic on Baker street at this time. I havent heard a vehicle in over 20 minutes, which means theyre probably blocking the street.SHERLOCK stands and grabs his violin. He plays a few notes from the last movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik, by Mozart. MRS. HUDSONs eyes alight as she sips her tea and watches.He walks over to a night stand, stops, and grabs a pistol. Now, MRS. HUDSONs eyes widen a bit.MRS. HUDSONWhat are you doing?Wordlessly, SHERLOCK puts the gun in his pants pocket and returns to playing his violin. MRS. HUDSON eyes him as he crosses the room again and looks out the window.Sure enough, theres a crowd of 50 people milling about outside. A few of them are carrying signs reading HANG THE YOUTUBE BUTCHER and COMET-KITTY 4-EVA! SHERLOCK frowns.SHERLOCKDont these people have anything better to do with their time?MRS. HUDSON finally stands, putting her hands on her hips.MRS. HUDSONSherlock, whats the gun for?SHERLOCK smirks at her, playing a few more notes.SHERLOCKFun, of course.He spins on his heel, grabs the window and throws it open.MRS. HUDSONThere's an east wind, Sherlock. Shut the window!A few people on the street below look up. SHERLOCK returns to playing and soon draws the attention of the entire crowd.The distant sun sets, casting the twisting spires and cloudy skies of London in brilliant pink and purple hues. SHERLOCK plays the rest of the song. On the street below, the crowd stands transfixed until he reaches the final three notes...23.But instead of playing those concluding keys, SHERLOCK pulls out the pistol and FIRES THREE SHOTS high into the air!The crowd screams and scatters like rats as the sun vanishes over the horizon. SHERLOCK smirks and shuts the window. He turns back to find a horrified MRS. HUDSON staring at him.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)WHAT DID YOU DO?SHERLOCKDont you just love how that movement ends with a bang?MRS. HUDSONStop being cute, Sherlock!SHERLOCKImpossible.Exasperated, she sits back onto the couch. SHERLOCK eyes her.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Are you ready to talk about whats really bothering you?MRS. HUDSONFine. Fine. I see its useless to try and keep things from you...MRS. HUDSON looks up at him with a frown.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Its John of course.She grabs her tea and glances down into it: still shaking.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)This morning... he was up much earlier than usual. Dressed a bit odd, pep in his step. He bolted out of here in quite a hurry, said he was running errands at Westfield...SHERLOCK puts the gun back in the drawer.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Problem is... when he left here he headed east, not west. He lied. And now... theres all this talk...Tears start to form in her eyes.24.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Talk of murder and such. And I say to myself -- I say -- John couldnt have anything to do with it, could he?She looks at SHERLOCK desperately as those tears break free.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Could he?SHERLOCK holds her gaze for a long while, then looks away. MRS. HUDSON looks back down at her cup.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)You have to figure this out straightaway, Sherlock. Youre the only one that can do it...She sets down her tea and glares at him.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)So stop fiddling around and fix it!SHERLOCK glances at the violin still in his hand, and sets it down. He plods over and rests his hand on her arm.SHERLOCKI will, Mrs. Hudson. I promise.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - JOHNS ROOM - NIGHTJOHN sits alone at his bedroom desk. Only the soft blue glow of his laptop screen illuminates his face in the darkness.Hes engrossed in a web page on the British Army Registry: an old case-file from the War in Afghanistan.The door cracks open and a sliver of light enters the room. JOHN looks up as the door swings fully open and SHERLOCK steps inside. He shuts the door behind him and clicks the lights on. JOHN squints and shuts his laptop.JOHNSherlock, theres this thing that people do. Its called knocking...SHERLOCKBit young for you, wasnt she? What -- 22 years old? 24 tops. You dog.JOHN looks at him, confused.25.JOHNWhat are you on about?SHERLOCKMust I spell it out?JOHNI think so, because I have no ideawhat youre talking about. Even more so than usual...A pause.SHERLOCKYou brought this on yourself, John.SHERLOCK focuses in on JOHN, scanning for details.SHERLOCK (CONTD)First the clothes: youre nominally a fancy dresser, but the upturned collar today was a dead giveaway that you were on a date.JOHN sits up.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Leaving early: I know for a fact that your web interview wasnt until nine this morning, but you were out of the flat by seven.JOHNHow do you know my schedule? Thats personal!SHERLOCKCome now, BigJohnny27 -- that was just one account. I know about the others...JOHNThis is insane...SHERLOCKJust confess John. Ive heard its good for the soul.JOHN stands and heads toward the door, but SHERLOCK steps back and blocks him from escaping. JOHN fumes at him.JOHNGet out of my way!26.SHERLOCKNot until were finished.JOHNOh, we are beyond finished!SHERLOCK holds fast.SHERLOCKThe clothes, the timing, the calendar. Not to mention that last time I checked, Westfield mall was indeed west of here. But you took a cab heading east this morning. JOHNMrs. Hudson...SHERLOCKI smell the lies on your breath...JOHN backs up and breathes on his palm to check his breath.JOHNWhat do you -- ?SHERLOCKYouve got cabbage-breath, John!JOHNI do?SHERLOCKKale releases sulfur and mustard compounds when cooked, leaving a persistent cabbage-like smell after consuming it. Kale. Youre not much of a health-nut, but Im willing to bet a quick web search would show Haley was very much the organic type. You wanted to impress her.SHERLOCK takes a step forward toward JOHN.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Dilated pupils, sweaty brow, flushed complexion. But I neednt rely on any of those signs because youre such a terrible liar! So once again John, I ask: dont you think she was a bit young?JOHN frowns at him, annoyed.27.JOHNDamn. Im not that old, you know!SHERLOCKDid she fancy you?JOHNWell, I thought as much. Turned out I may have been a bit optimistic. She was just gorgeous, and... God, you are like a human lie detector!SHERLOCKYou flatter me. So, what happened?JOHN returns to his chair by the computer and sighs.JOHNI really dont know. I mean, we were talking about the murders... we got into a bit of a tiff and... well, you saw the video.SHERLOCKThere were pieces missing.JOHNRight. It started with a headache. Middle of the chat, it came on strong. Suddenly my whole skull is pounding, I get dizzy and pass out.SHERLOCKDrugs perhaps. Did you drink anything, or find any needle marks?JOHNNo and no. When I came to... she was dead. Throat slit. Awful mess.SHERLOCKTheres got to be more to it.JOHN looks at him helplessly.SHERLOCK (CONTD)You dont remember anything else?JOHNNo, thats all.28.SHERLOCKThen why were you looking up a post-traumatic stress disorder file on the army registry when I walked in?JOHN pauses for a long moment, then looks away.JOHNSpying on me again?SHERLOCKNo John, Im a speed-reader. Theres a difference. Who is Sebastian Moran anyway?JOHN sighs and re-opens his laptop. He clicks around a few times and brings up the file of a British Army Lieutenant, pictured smiling next to two other uniformed men.JOHNI served with him. His unit returned from a bloody battle in Helmand Province... everyone just seemed happy to be back in friendly territory. A day after -- he put a bullet in his Majors brain.JOHN turns back to look at SHERLOCK.JOHN (CONTD)I signed the death certificate. Also patched up Moran after the other officers were done with him. You know the strangest thing? He said he had no memory of it. Just blacked out. Poof.SHERLOCKAnd did you believe him?JOHNI dont know. But since this morning, I cant stop thinking about it. The police said there were no signs of forced entry. And you did say it would take a doctorto cut someone like that.SHERLOCK waves away the notion.SHERLOCKYoure being ridiculous.29.JOHNAm I?SHERLOCKYes. PTSD? Ive seen you shrug off bullets like morning toast and don an explosive vest without a sweat. I doubt an obnoxious girl could put you over the top...JOHN frowns and takes a moment. When he looks back up at SHERLOCK, theres a subtle fear in his eyes.JOHNUm. Its not all, Sherlock.SHERLOCKBeg your pardon?JOHN rubs his knee unconsciously.JOHNI... actually havent told you everything.He shakes his head, looking away.JOHN (CONTD)There are... images... in my head. Fragments with no context. I remember a struggle. And -- a woman screaming. Screaming for her life.SHERLOCKs expression darkens as JOHN explains himself.Finally, JOHN looks back up at him, shaken.JOHN (CONTD)So explain that one to me, hmm? Use your brilliantly amazing deductive mind to tell me: if Im innocent... why do I have those memories?SHERLOCK just stares at his friend, unnerved and uncertain.30.ACT IIIEXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTThe crowd has returned -- and in greater numbers: they march and chant rowdily, waving signs under the cloudy night sky.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - SHERLOCKS ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCKs eyes scan through columns of words on his computer screen: YouTube comments. He clicks through them, one by one, scrolling so fast its hard to believe hes reading them all.A knock on the door. SHERLOCK doesnt look up. Too focused. The door opens and MRS. HUDSON walks in, worry on her face.MRS. HUDSONTheyre back. And more! Theres maybe a hundred of them, now!SHERLOCKStep on an ant-hill...MRS. HUDSON glances at his bedrooms open window: the crowd below can be heard distantly. She looks back at SHERLOCK.MRS. HUDSONWhat are you doing?SHERLOCK clicks the mouse, loading another page. One of HALEYs YouTube videos starts to play before he pauses it, scrolls down, and starts going through more comments.SHERLOCKResearch.MRS. HUDSON ties her robe and walks over, leaning in to look.MRS. HUDSONThat girl from the Internet, is it? Does this have to do with John?SHERLOCKTangentially. Im cross-referencing user profiles from people who have posted on Haleys video blog. Looking for patterns.She looks at him, bewildered.MRS. HUDSONThats... good? Is it?SHERLOCK doesnt respond. MRS. HUDSON doesnt get the hint.31.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)So -- what have you found?SHERLOCK finally stops. He takes a breath and turns to her.SHERLOCKWell, Mrs. Hudson, everyone here is apparently a Tourrets-strickenchauvinist with the grammatical skill of an eight-year-old.MRS. HUDSONYes, dear. The web is filled with wankers. I could have told you that...MRS. HUDSON smiles wryly and looks at the window again.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)You should shut this, Sherlock, before you catch cold!She walks to the window and SHERLOCK returns to reading.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Theres a storm coming, I think.She looks down at the crowd, shuts the window and leaves.SHERLOCK focuses in on a particular comment: u dont hav 2 reply or owt but i wna say i totally luv u.His eyebrow twitches as he glances at the screen name of the person who posted: HollaUKgrrrl247.SHERLOCKHolla... UK... girl -- wait...A furious bout of clicking as he scrolls back through several pages: HollaUKgrrrl247 has commented on every video.SHERLOCK (CONTD)(reading)Why... dont you... respond?Another click.SHERLOCK (CONTD)(reading)Write back... you stupid slag... I love you... so much...One more click.32.SHERLOCK (CONTD)(reading)I hate you... die in a fire...SHERLOCK selects her user name and a page loads: plastered across the top are the words I LUV U HALEY-KITTY and a picture of the CREEPY WOMAN that SHERLOCK faced outside.His eyes widen and he stands, heading to the window. He throws it open and looks down to the crowd below. But instead of spotting the CREEPY WOMAN, he notices a caravan of police cruisers turning onto BAKER street, followed by news vans.SHERLOCK frowns.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTThe line of vehicles draws the attention of the crowd. A grimacing LESTRADE gets out, followed by several helmeted constables. They trudge toward the flat as it starts to rain.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTA fist pounds on the door downstairs. MRS. HUDSON peeks out from upstairs as SHERLOCK hurries down the steps to the door.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSHERLOCKs POV through the fish-eye lens: seeing the police.SHERLOCK (O.S.)Who is it?LESTRADE pounds on the door again.LESTRADEOpen up in there, Sherlock.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSHERLOCKIf its Jehovah's Witnesses again, I have a hound...EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSHERLOCKs POV through the fish-eye lens: the crowd presses in on LESTRADE and a group of news cameras forms a semi-circle behind him. He glares into the peep-hole.LESTRADEDamn it, open the door!33.SHERLOCK (O.S.)Actually its good youre here. Id like to report an unlawful assembly outside my flat!LESTRADEBloody hell...LESTRADE throws up his arms and looks to the crowd. He leans up against the door and lowers his voice, speaking calmly.LESTRADE (CONTD)Sherlock, listen to me. I dont want to have to say this outside.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSHERLOCKSay what? You can say whatever you need from out there.MRS. HUDSON leaves her room, watching SHERLOCK intently.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET -- NIGHTThe rain continues to fall, soaking through LESTRADEs hair and dripping off his nose. He sighs with finality.LESTRADEAlright then. Were here to take John Watson into custody...LESTRADE pauses, not wanting to say the next thing:LESTRADE (CONTD)... DNA results came back from the rape kit. We got a positive match for his fluids on the girl.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSHERLOCKs eyes widen. MRS. HUDSON covers her mouth in shock.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTMembers of the crowd trade glances as the news reporters and cameras press in again. Flashing bulbs. Shouting reporters. The police push them back, but the crowd revolts, throwing bottles and cans. LESTRADE turns back toward the door.LESTRADEYou have to let us in...34.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTNeither SHERLOCK nor MRS. HUDSON move for a long beat.SHERLOCKThere must be some mistake...MRS. HUDSON takes a breath and starts walking down the steps.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTThe crowd is getting more unruly and LESTRADE loses patience.LESTRADEDamn it, Sherlock! If you dont open this door, so help me I will take a battering ram to it!INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSlowly, inexorably, MRS. HUDSON reaches the bottom step. Almost in slow motion, she reaches out and puts her hand on SHERLOCKs. He turns to look her in the eyes.SHERLOCKMrs. Hudson -- !She holds his gaze for a long moment before reaching past him and unbolting the door. One-by-one, the locks disengage...The door opens. They both look out at the crowd and lights.LESTRADE steps in and looks at MRS. HUDSON seriously.LESTRADEIm sorry.CUT TO:Boots thundering up the steps: four constables rush upstairs!INT. 221B BAKER STREET - JOHNS ROOM - NIGHTJOHN lays on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He doesnt move as the door BURSTS OPEN and the constables rush inside. They grab his arms, bind his hands and roughly haul him out.INT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTLESTRADE looks up as the officers bring him down. JOHN just looks at the ground. LESTRADE motions for them to take JOHN outside, but SHERLOCK blocks their path, fire in his eyes.JOHN finally looks up.35.JOHNSherlock, stop. Please...SHERLOCK ignores him, glaring daggers at LESTRADE.SHERLOCKHe didnt do it, Lestrade!LESTRADEWhats your evidence?SHERLOCK(earnestly)I found comments on the Internet.LESTRADEWeb posts are your evidence? Are you serious?SHERLOCKAs usual, you dont understand!LESTRADEStop! Sherlock! Youve got yourself all twisted up in knots trying to ignore whats plainly obvious. You swore to me that youd follow the evidence wherever it led...SHERLOCK clenches his jaw.LESTRADE (CONTD)Now you have to keep your promise.SHERLOCK stares at LESTRADE for a long while.Finally, he takes a breath and steps aside.LESTRADE waves the officers on and they push past SHERLOCK, taking JOHN out toward the waiting throng of spectators.EXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTJOHN tries to hide his face as the police pull him away. The rain falls, the cameras flash and the crowd chants:ANGRY CROWDBUTCHER! BUTCHER! BUTCHER!In the middle of the roiling crowd, the CREEPY WOMAN stands motionless, watching JOHN with a deathly stare.36.ACT IVEXT. 221B BAKER STREET - NIGHTSHERLOCK darts out into the rain after LESTRADE as the constables move JOHN toward one of the police cars. The crowd around them is getting whipped into such a frenzy that the police are having trouble holding everyone back.SHERLOCKJust give me more time!LESTRADEIts over Sherlock. Now if you dont stop Ill have you charged with Obstruction.CUT TO:The CREEPY WOMAN stands at a pinch-point in the crowd, where officers are trying to clear the way to the police cruisers. A brick flies and shatters on the street, drawing the attention of the constables.But her eyes never lose focus on JOHN...She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a switchblade.CONSTABLEMove aside! Move aside!She starts walking toward JOHN, slow at first, then running.JOHN looks up and notices the woman rushing toward him, but his arms are bound by the two distracted constables.JOHNNo! Wait!She doesnt. The woman LUNGES FORWARD through the confusion and THRUSTS the switchblade square into his midsection!JOHNs eyes widen as the blade slides easily in.MAN IN CROWDOh my God! Oh my God!JOHN staggers backwards as the police pull him away. The bloody knife slips out. He swallows, disoriented as some of the other constables tackle the CREEPY WOMAN to the ground.JOHN stumbles onto his side, cold rain pattering his face. SHERLOCK and LESTRADE run over to him and crouch down.37.LESTRADEWHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?But the world is already starting to fade for JOHN: voices around him turn muffled as everything grows dark and cold. He vaguely makes out SHERLOCKs face as he kneels above him.SHERLOCKJohn. John? JOHN!FADE TO WHITE.EXT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTA taxi pulls up outside New Scotland Yard. SHERLOCK exits and runs up the rainy steps, past a concrete barrier and inside.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTThree security officers meet him when he comes in. They stop him at a metal detector in the foyer of the building.SHERLOCKWhere have you taken him?SECURITY OFFICERIm sorry?SHERLOCKWHERE IS HE?In the background, the TECHNICIAN that SHERLOCK met back at HALEYS FLAT is walking by. SHERLOCK spots him.SHERLOCK (CONTD)YOU!The man stops and looks up, surprised.SHERLOCK (CONTD)St. Barts said he had been transferred here. Is that true?The TECHNICIAN waves the guards off and they let SHERLOCK in.TECHNICIANYes, it is. For security.SHERLOCKWhat is his condition?TECHNICIANHell live, I suspect.38.SHERLOCK nods briefly, relieved.SHERLOCKAnd what of the young woman?TECHNICIANHmm?SHERLOCKThe bitch who stabbed him.The TECHNICIAN looks at him blankly.TECHNICIANShes in custody.SHERLOCKI wish to interview her. Shes now my primary suspect in the murders.His blank stare turns to incredulousness. He shakes his head.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Maybe it fell beneath the notice of your fellow so-called investigators but a cursory search of comments on Haleys YouTube revealed that this woman was obsessed with her!TECHNICIANOh really?SHERLOCKYes. And given the sloppy detective work this case has been subject to, I have questions about the polices DNA testing methods as well!The bemused smile on the TECHNICIANS face twists to a frown.TECHNICIANIm afraid the only person whos obsessed here is you. You should know that the woman had an alibi: she was in Bristol, visiting her parents at the time of the murder.SHERLOCKWell thats easily --39.TECHNICIANAnd the DNA work is solid. Ive not wasted 12 years slaving anonymously in forensics to have my expertise questioned by some cocky amateur!The TECHNICIAN reaches into his pocket, retrieving his phone.TECHNICIAN (CONTD)I was taking this to Inspector Lestrade, but since youre here... allow me to enlighten you.He brings up the VOICE RECORDER app on his phone. It plays:The muffled sounds of a struggle, a woman gasping.HALEY (V.O.)No, please no! Stop! Oh God please!More struggling.HALEY (V.O.)JOHN!Grunting. A male voice. Clearly JOHNs. HALEY screams...... and then silence. The TECHNICIAN stops the audio clip.TECHNICIANYou see, Mr. Holmes: when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains -- however unpleasant it is to you -- must be the truth.SHERLOCK stares at the TECHNICIAN, searching his eyes.LESTRADE spots them from across the way and approaches.LESTRADEListen Sherlock... Im sorry...But SHERLOCK ignores him, just staring at the TECHNICIAN.LESTRADE (CONTD)The lawyers are climbing over each other to defend him. What with all the press, hell be well represented. But the evidence...SHERLOCK snorts and finally turns aside to acknowledge him.40.SHERLOCKSorry. I just cant -- I cant keep a straight face through it, no...LESTRADE raises a brow. SHERLOCK laughs at him. LESTRADE and the TECHNICIAN exchange weary glances.SHERLOCK (CONTD)I have to admit as dull as you both are, at least youre entertaining!LESTRADEWhat are you on about?A dark grin twists SHERLOCKs lips.SHERLOCKYou dont see it. You really dont, do you? Its right in front of you!LESTRADE and the TECHNICIAN only give him blank stares.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Well, let me spell it out, then.He steps forward, looking LESTRADE right in the face.SHERLOCK (CONTD)It was me all along.LESTRADESorry?SHERLOCKI was in Haleys flat that morning. I deleted the video and uploaded the clips. I broke into forensics and switched the DNA samples to implicate John. All me.LESTRADEYoure talking nonsense!SHERLOCKNo, Lestrade. Your brain just hasnt caught up yet. Give it a moment, then youll see. I did it. I killed her. I am the Butcher.41.ACT VINT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCK sits alone with his palms flat on a table in a police interview room; fluorescent lights flicker above him. He looks up at them briefly, then to a camera on the ceiling.The door opens and MRS. HUDSON appears, her eyes soaked.MRS. HUDSONSherlock!She rushes over to him.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)I spoke to John...SHERLOCK looks up at her.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)He looks ghastly, Sherlock. This is all my fault!Tears begin to run down her cheek. SHERLOCK takes her hand.SHERLOCKNo, Mrs. Hudson.MRS. HUDSONIts true! Its true! I opened... I opened the door...SHERLOCK stands and embraces her as she sobs into his arm.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)Im so sorry...SHERLOCKShhh...He looks down at her.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Its alright. Its alright.She looks up at him, mascara streaking down her cheeks.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Mrs. Hudson -- I need you to do me a small favor...42.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTLESTRADE strides past several steel doors in a hallway before reaching the interview room. He turns and goes inside.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCK and MRS. HUDSON are seated inside, across from each other. MRS. HUDSONs eyes are dry. They both look up at him.LESTRADEYou.LESTRADE points accusingly at SHERLOCK.LESTRADE (CONTD)Out. Now.SHERLOCK looks puzzled, but doesnt move.LESTRADE (CONTD)I said get out. Theres not a bit of evidence to back up your story. And... I heard the voice-clip.SHERLOCKVoice evidence can be faked.LESTRADEFaked by whom? I refuse to believe even you could be so devious.SHERLOCK raises his eyebrows, surprised.SHERLOCKWhat? I certainly could be so devious!LESTRADEStop wasting my time, Sherlock! I want you and Mrs. Hudson to leave.MRS. HUDSON clutches her purse and heads to the door. But SHERLOCK stays put. LESTRADE grimaces at him.LESTRADE (CONTD)If you prefer, Ill have two constables come in here to --SHERLOCKIll take a polygraph.LESTRADEYoure not a suspect!43.SHERLOCKAfraid Im telling the truth?LESTRADEI just want you out of here!SHERLOCKThan give me the test. If Im lying, then Im out of your hair. But if Im telling the truth...LESTRADE grinds his teeth.LESTRADEWhatever it takes to get you gone!INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTLESTRADE turns and walks up the hallway, opening another steel door to a CCTV control center. The TECHNICIAN looks up at LESTRADE from a TV showing SHERLOCKs interview room.LESTRADEGo get the poly.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTThe TECHNICIAN grumbles as he walks down the corridor, holding the polygraph: little more than a glorified iPad with two adhesive heartbeat sensors sticking out of the side.He passes by MRS. HUDSON, sitting quietly in the hallway.LESTRADE is standing, holding the door to the room open.LESTRADEHere he comes.SHERLOCK coughs three times and suddenly MRS. HUDSON stands. She SCREAMS at the TECHNICIAN, who physically jumps back!MRS. HUDSONNo! My two boys! My two poor boys!The sobbing begins: fresh tears stream down her cheeks as she grabs the TECHNICIAN and pushes him into the interview room.MRS. HUDSON (CONTD)This isnt right! It isnt right!LESTRADE moves toward her.LESTRADEMrs. Hudson! Let him go!44.As he pries the TECHNICIAN free, SHERLOCK grabs his gun.LESTRADE (CONTD)What -- ?!INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCK slams the door and jams it with a chair! He whirls around and points LESTRADEs pistol at the TECHNICIAN.SHERLOCKSit.He glances through the glass portal in the door and catches eyes with MRS. HUDSON. She winks at him. SHERLOCK winks back.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTAn alarm bell rings. Dozens of armed constables flood the hallway and flank either side of the door. A few men lead MRS. HUDSON away as the police lock down the whole area.LESTRADEStop! Stand down! Stand down!The constables give him surprised looks.LESTRADE (CONTD)Damn it, let me talk to him...LESTRADE stands and approaches the door.LESTRADE (CONTD)Sherlock!INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTThe TECHNICIAN sits at the table as SHERLOCK holds the gun.LESTRADE (O.S.)Sherlock what the hell are you doing?SHERLOCKKeeping my promise.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTOutside, LESTRADE trades glances with the men around him.LESTRADEYouve got to stand down...45.SHERLOCK (O.S.)Give me three minutes, Lestrade.LESTRADESherlock -- !One of the constables leans in toward LESTRADE.CONSTABLEMy men are confident we can take him, Detective Inspector.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCKThree minutes. Please, Greg.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTLESTRADE looks at the man seriously. He turns to the door.LESTRADEThree minutes, Sherlock.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTInside, SHERLOCK nods and waves the gun at the TECHNICIAN.SHERLOCKPut the polygraph on.The TECHNICIAN balks. SHERLOCK steps closer.SHERLOCK (CONTD)I should remind you Ive taken approximately zero classes on firearm safety, so... accidents...The man relents and puts on the equipment. The device chimes after processing for a moment: AUTO-CALIBRATION COMPLETE.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Very good. Now, youve been buzzing around this case quite a lot havent you? Crime scene. DNA. Even a bit of IT work, as it were...TECHNICIANWhats your point?SHERLOCKYouve had every opportunity to tamper with the evidence used to implicate John.46.SHERLOCK steps away and puts the gun behind his back.SHERLOCK (CONTD)As a forensic technician, you know the effects of, say, carbon monoxide. Odorless, colorless. The right dose causes headaches, black outs, memory loss, hallucinations...The TECHNICIAN keeps his eyes on SHERLOCK but doesnt speak.SHERLOCK (CONTD)You stole the master key from the landlord. Based on the bags under his eyes Id wager he was fast asleep when you arrived. You rigged the furnace when John and Haley were at breakfast. Once they both succumbed to the gas, you slit her throat, deleted the incriminating video and uploaded an edited version to the web. Elegant.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTLESTRADE furrows his brow, listening intently.SHERLOCK (O.S.)But when Lestrade didnt arrest John on the spot, you arranged to swap the DNA evidence. Resourceful.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCK paces the room.SHERLOCKA perfect set of circumstances for a serial killer! But you only need to be moderately clever when you can get into the evidence locker.TECHNICIANThis is ridiculous!SHERLOCK takes a seat in the chair across from him and crosses his legs. He drapes the gun over his lap and thinks.SHERLOCKBut whats the motive?He stares at the TECHNICIAN for awhile.47.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Ah yes, what did you say? Wasted 12 years slaving anonymously in forensics? Not a stunning claim of job satisfaction...TECHNICIANWhat of it? Plenty of people hate their work.SHERLOCK sets the gun on the table and clasps his hands.SHERLOCKNot like you. Youre talented. With those steady hands of yours you could have been a doctor...The TECHNICIAN moves his hands under the table.SHERLOCK (CONTD)You crave validation, but nobody has ever recognized your skill. So imagine you, watching people fawn over these faux celebrities. And for what? What talent do they have?TECHNICIANNone. Nothing.SHERLOCKRight. Theyre trash. They sicken you. Thats why you didnt kill John. He doesnt represent what you loathe...SHERLOCK frowns, genuinely sympathetic.SHERLOCK (CONTD)You poor man. Genius struggling in the darkness. Unacknowledged. You know -- it strikes me -- I dont even know your name...The TECHNICIAN grimaces.TECHNICIANIts Raymond Darby.SHERLOCKPoor Raymond. You never got your audience. Until now, that is.SHERLOCK stands with his palms on the table.48.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Heres your opportunity to take the credit. Not just in an anonymous video... but by name. Mr. Darby, are you, in fact, the Butcher?The TECHNICIAN and SHERLOCK stare at each other for a beat.TECHNICIANNo.SHERLOCKs eyes flicker to the polygraph as it processes. It chimes as the result comes back: NO SIGNS OF DECEPTION.SHERLOCK looks up at the man, pure surprise on his face.TECHNICIAN (CONTD)See? Look at the machine. Itll tell you, Ive never hurt anyone.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTAll the air has been sucked out of the hallway. LESTRADE hangs his head and curses silently to himself. He turns to meet the hard gaze of the CONSTABLE and nods slowly.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHTSHERLOCK watches the man sharply, his mind processing at a thousand miles an hour. He squints his eyes slightly.SHERLOCKTell me again.The TECHNICIAN frowns and shakes his head.TECHNICIANIt wasnt me.The polygraph chimes again: NO SIGNS OF DECEPTION.SHERLOCKImpossible...Someone KICKS THE DOOR OPEN and armed constables flood in!CONSTABLEDONT MOVE!They grab SHERLOCK and shove his face down into the table. SHERLOCK drops the gun and it falls to the floor. But as the police hold him down, his eyes stay locked on the TECHNICIAN.49.SHERLOCKDilated pupils... flushed complexion... I dont understand!The TECHNICIAN pulls off the sensors and crouches to retrieve the gun. SHERLOCK struggles as the police try to cuff him. The TECHNICIAN makes eye contact with SHERLOCK and smirks. As he leaves the room, SHERLOCKs eyes fall to the polygraph.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Wait...SHERLOCK pulls one of his hands free. He grabs the polygraph, but two of the largest constables start pulling him back.SHERLOCK (CONTD)NO! STOP!SHERLOCK stretches enough to press one of the sticky sensors against his wrist. He quickly rolls it, the other sticky sensor clinging to the other side. The two constables HEAVE him back, bringing the polygraph with him. SHERLOCK shouts:SHERLOCK (CONTD)MY NAME IS BENIHANA CUMBERLAND!The device chimes with the result: NO SIGNS OF DECEPTION.LESTRADE enters the room, looking up at SHERLOCK.LESTRADESherlock, I --SHERLOCKIts fake! Its fake, Lestrade! Look! My name is Sherlock Holmes!The polygraph chimes again: SIGNS OF DECEPTION DETECTED.SHERLOCK (CONTD)The inputs are reversed!CUT TO:INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTA dozen feet down the hallway, the TECHNICIAN suddenly runs! SHERLOCK sprints out of the room, one of his hands still cuffed, followed by the gaggle of constables and LESTRADE.The TECHNICIAN turns a corner, but every route is guarded. He doubles back down the hallway, swipes his security card on one of the holding rooms, and dashes inside.50.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - SUSPECT HOLDING ROOM - NIGHTJOHN lays sleeping on a hospital bed, handcuffed to the rail.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - NIGHTSHERLOCK is the first to reach the door. An officer opens it.INT. NEW SCOTLAND YARD - SUSPECT HOLDING ROOM - NIGHTThe door FLIES open! The TECHNICIAN holds LESTRADEs gun on JOHN, a desperate look in his eyes. JOHN is wide awake, now.JOHNWhats happening, Sherlock?TECHNICIANYoure a damned good detective, Ill give you that, Mr. Holmes.SHERLOCKYoure a passable criminal, Mr. -- sorry what was your name again?The TECHNICIAN glowers at him.SHERLOCK (CONTD)You knew full well I didnt commit the murder, so you inverted the polygraph: if I lied and said I did it, it would agree. If I told the truth and denied it, it would call me a liar. It worked just a well for you, in reverse.TECHNICIANI walk out of here or he dies.SHERLOCK frowns.SHERLOCKIts a shame, really. You were so close to being clever...The TECHNICIAN presses the gun tighter against JOHNs head.TECHNICIANMake a choice, Sherlock.SHERLOCKGo ahead and shoot him.JOHNWhat? Hold on a minute!51.SHERLOCK takes a step toward the man.SHERLOCKPull. The. Trigger.The TECHNICIAN looks surprised... then frowns.TECHNICIANHis blood is on your hands...JOHNWAIT! NO!The TECHNICIAN squeezes the trigger and the hammer clicks! JOHN shouts in abject terror and squeezes his eyes shut.But no bullets come out of the gun. Click. Click. Nothing.SHERLOCK reaches into one of his pockets and retrieves a fist full of bullets. He gives the TECHNICIAN a knowing smile.SHERLOCKSomething missing?JOHNOh my God!The officers tackle the TECHNICIAN face-first to the ground. JOHN looks at SHERLOCK and struggles to catch his breath.EXT. TRENDY ORGANIC CAFE - DAYJOHN and SHERLOCK sit outside, observing the colorful crowd of young people as they sip mimosas over breakfast. SHERLOCK spies a young man wearing a pair of thick-rimmed glasses.SHERLOCKI could probably sport those...JOHNTrust me, they wont suit you.SHERLOCK chuckles and sips his drink. JOHN frowns.JOHN (CONTD)Sherlock. Theres just one thing.SHERLOCKHmm?JOHNThe memories. The voice recording. How did he fake them?52.SHERLOCK nods and sets down his drink.SHERLOCKHe didnt. Theyre real, John.JOHN stares at him, at a loss.SHERLOCK (CONTD)If I had to guess, Id say you woke up midway through the attack. The sounds on the tape were you trying to help, before you succumbed to the gas again.JOHN looks down at his food for a moment, picking at it.SHERLOCK (CONTD)Sadly, given the nature of carbon monoxide memory loss you may never know for certain.JOHN nods to himself and gulps down his mimosa.JOHNFine, then. One last thing.SHERLOCK stops, his drink halfway lifted to his lips.JOHN (CONTD)What if I actually had done it? Would you still have... ?SHERLOCK smiles, particularly amused by that notion.SHERLOCKMy dear John, for at least half the time, I was convinced that you did!JOHN gives him a shocked expression as a WAITER walks up.WAITERAnother mimosa for you?JOHN looks up at the WAITER and nods.JOHNYes. Two, in fact. Thanks.53.

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