shereen talha tansu problems in led cs

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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By Tansu, Shereen & Talha

Improving The Quality Of Life In LEDC’s

What is Quality of life?

Quality of life is the happiness, well being, and satisfaction of a person. Among many factors that influence quality of life of a persons family, income and access to services.

usually changes from time to time, place to place and from one person to another. In geography we compare places and will study how quality of life varies within countries e.g. urban n rural and between cities or countries e.g. London and Rio de Janeiro.

Where is Rio de Janeiro?

Rio de Janeiro is situated around the huge natural harbour of Guanabara Bay in south-east Brazil. Even though it has been replaced as the countries capital its still known as one of the worlds mega cities. Like most cities Rio has two sides: the beaches of Capacabana backed by luxury housing, then the problems of rapid urban growth e.g. The favelas

the favelas is an residential area of more than 60 or more families living in an accommodation that lack basic services, (no running water, sewerage or electricity). Favelas are constructed by any material available – wood , corrugated iron)

Most favelas are built on slopping hill sides. This brings many problems such as how you get work and what you do in case of accidents. People living near the hill top have to carry everything they need including their water and food several times a day, due to the fact there aren’t any pipe systems around these areas.

Many people see crime as a main problem. a lot of violence drugs and crime go on there and people don’t feel safe living there.

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