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  • Thursday, May 27, 2010

    1. Shenton Safaris - Photographic Newsletter


    1.2. June 2008 issue

    It has to be said that blissful and wonderful as it is, life as a Mum is not shaping up

    quite as I had imagined on the ‘spare time’ front. When asked by many guests last year

    how I planned to combine my safari lifestyle with a new baby, I’d airily responded that

    semi-retirement from office life would give me SO much time to focus on my

    photography. I’d planned the long procrastinated move to RAW capture, and visualised

    the hours and hours I could while away sorting through a backlog of thousands of


    I imagine the parents among you are having a good chuckle – much as my guests did at

    the time - however I pointedly ignored them, keeping myself warmly wrapped in my

    illusions. Illusions I held right up until my precious bundle arrived in the bush. When

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  • the wheeze-honking of hippos failed to lull her into a magical state of repose I realised

    things might deviate somewhat from the plan.

    Given a game drive is about 4 hours - I have absolutely no chance of going on one at

    the moment. This means my photography has been limited to short visits out and about

    in our closed landcruiser. I've had to adapt my photographic style to shooting through

    the roof, whilst perched on the centre console and trying to dodge my lens around the

    wing mirrors of the car. Still beggers most definitely can’t be choosers. Whilst I may be

    missing the feeling of the wind whistling past me on the open vehicle it is heaven to get

    out and about.

    The source of my photographic discontent, the delightful Saphire India Shenton, graced

    us with her presence on the 4th of March this year and has continued to fill us with joy

    on a daily basis. Here are a couple of promised piccies: Saphire at 1 month and 3

    months respectively.

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  • My first drive of the season was a few days after camp opened. Derek came bursting in

    at the crack of dawn to tell us Wild Dogs had made a kill on Lion Plain. With Wild Dogs

    on offer one doesn't waste time; I grabbed Saphire, my cameras and we bundled into

    the car in our pyjamas.

    Within minutes we were bouncing over hippo and elephant ripped cotton soil, me trying

    to balance my huge lens on a sofa cushion I’d grabbed in lieu of a bean bag, and Derek

    holding Saphire whilst trying to keep the car steady. The dogs were in direct line with

    the early morning sun, far from ideal shooting conditions, but Wild dogs are Wild dogs

    and only a poor tradesman blames their tools (or so my father always used to tell me),

    so here are a selection of shots from that morning. I’m most pleased with the photos of

    the tawny eagle and the hooded vulture.

    We showed photos of the pack to the African Wild Dog Conservation research team and

    they have been identified as a new pack of 6 males and a pregnant female. Our guests

    saw them the next night kill a puku and then an impala, which they lost to a hyena.

    They were seen again the next morning before disappearing into the mist as Wild Dog

    tend to do. Hopefully they’ll be back soon.

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  • The majority of my pics these days are taken on transfer drives – the below were taken

    on a morning drive to Mwamba Bush Camp - I'd gone to check on the progress of camp


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  • This puku pair were very sweet – he ever so persistent and her ever so disinterested -

    all framed prettily by the flora of Lion Plain.

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  • A couple of days ago Derek pulled himself away from the million jobs of camp opening

    to take me on a morning drive. The light was terrible, so I wasn’t expecting much

    photographically. I was simply enjoying being out and about when we found a neck of

    Giraffe loping across the shelf at Acacia Loop. The light really was very flat so I was

    just watching the young males play around when a shaft of sunlight came down and hit

    them. Like a flash I’d handed Saphire over to Derek and was up through the roof. The

    light only lasted for about 2 minutes but what a magical, magical few moments.

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  • A little further along we found this old Kakuli drinking at an algae covered lagoon. Just

    beyond that we found a photographer friend of ours, so we stopped to have a chat and

    introduce him to Saphire. Out of the car we all popped. Whilst standing there – not

    100ms away - a huge male leopard came running across the little clearing behind

    us towards the river (and thankfully not towards us!). Agog the three of us (and one

    completely unaware, but thankfully momentarily quiet baby) watched this beautiful

    beast. Again I hastily handed over Saphire and managed to get off a few shots leaning

    on the bonnet of the car, when low and behold another leopard followed. A female.

    Figuring mating might be on the cards we hurried into our respective vehicles and

    followed in their wake.

    Derek has an uncanny ability to track leopards and he drove us down to a little inland

    road where we perched to wait. A fair amount of time passed. Convinced we had lost

    them for the day I settled in to feed the now heartily protesting Saphire. Not 5

    minutes later the female leopard came stalking on to the road in front of us. I didn’t

    manage to get through the roof with kit in time to get face shots, but I got enough to

    note that the female had a low swinging belly indicative of suckling a cub. How very

    strange that she was chasing the male!

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  • We followed them back to Accacia Loop and sat under the trees in the grove with the

    male in sight, but no sign of the female. We were still scanning around when there was

    a thud right next to the vehicle. She’d been up the tree directly above us – what a

    shame I didn’t see her – it would have made for some great shots through the roof of

    the car.

    We stayed with them for the next 15 minutes or so watching the very strange

    behaviour of this female. We initially thought she was defending her cub, but having

    pursued him so far we wondered if perhaps her cub had been killed and she was in


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  • Whilst we couldn't stick around, the female leopard was witnessed following the male

    for at least another four hours - extremely unusual for this most solitary of

    beasts. Nature always has something special with which to confound us. Whilst we can

    postulate and extrapolate until the cows come home, more often than not animal

    behaviour is a mystery that does not fit within our neat explanations.

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  • We’ve had phenomenal leopard sightings this season with leopard seemingly (and

    literally in this instance) falling from the treetops. There have also been several

    sightings of a couple of three month old cubs.

    Within a day or so of this strange morning our guests saw a 6 week old cub with this

    female leopard, it was wonderful to see the cub hadn't died as we suspected.

    By some miracle I have managed to cobble together the makings of an entire

    newsletter! However, given Saphire’s tendancy to complain vociferously the second I

    get near a computer coupled with my infrequent drives at the moment, I am thinking I

    will alter my format. I plan to open a newsletter with the first photos of each month,

    then do small updates within that - posting pics within the relevant newsletter month

    on a more regular basis. I will send you out the odd e-postcard to remind you to check

    in each month.

    Until next time

    1.3. Jules

    Previous Issues

    December 2007 Newsletter

    September 2007 Newsletter

    July 2007 Newlsetter

    February 2007 Newlsetter

    December 2006 Newsletter (July images)

    June 2006 Newsletter

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  • Leopard Interlude

    May 2006 Newsletter

    October 2005 Newsletter

    Rains 2006 Newsletter

    September 2005 Newsletter

    August 2005 Newsletter

    July 2005 Newsletter

    June 2005 Newsletter

    May 2005 Newsletter

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