shared socio-economic pathways extended for the baltic sea

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Shared socio-economic pathways extended for the Baltic Sea: exploringlong-term environmental problems

Marianne Zandersen1& Kari Hyytiäinen2

& H. E. Markus Meier3,4 & Maciej T. Tomczak5 & Barbara Bauer5 &

Päivi E. Haapasaari6,2 & Jørgen Eivind Olesen7& Bo G. Gustafsson5,8

& Jens Christian Refsgaard9& Erik Fridell10 &

Sampo Pihlainen2& Martin D. A. Le Tissier11 & Anna-Kaisa Kosenius2 & Detlef P. Van Vuuren12,13

Received: 16 April 2018 /Accepted: 3 December 2018 /Published online: 19 January 2019# The Author(s) 2019

AbstractLong-term scenario analyses can be powerful tools to explore plausible futures of human development under changing environ-mental, social, and economic conditions and to evaluate implications of different approaches to reduce pollution and resourceoveruse. Vulnerable ecosystems like the Baltic Sea in North-Eastern Europe tend to be under pressure from multiple, interactinganthropogenic drivers both related to the local scale (e.g. land use change) and the global scale (e.g. climate change). There iscurrently a lack of scenarios supporting policy-making that systematically explore how global and regional developments couldconcurrently impact the Baltic Sea region. Here, we present five narratives for future development in the Baltic Sea region,consistent with the global Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) developed for climate research. We focus on agriculture,wastewater treatment, fisheries, shipping, and atmospheric deposition, which all represent major pressures on the Baltic Sea.While we find strong links between the global pathways and regional pressures, we also conclude that each pathway may verywell be the host of different sectoral developments, which in turn may have different impacts on the ecosystem state. The extendedSSP narratives for the Baltic Sea region are intended as a description of sectoral developments at regional scale that enable detailedscenario analysis and discussions across different sectors and disciplines, but within a common context. In addition, the extendedSSPs can readily be combined with climate pathways for integrated scenario analysis of regional environmental problems.

Editor: Jamie Pittock.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article( contains supplementarymaterial, which is available to authorized users.

* Marianne

Kari Hyytiä

H. E. Markus

Maciej T.


Päivi E.

Jørgen Eivind

Bo G.

Jens Christian



Martin D. A. Le


Detlef P. Van

Extended author information available on the last page of the article

Regional Environmental Change (2019) 19:1073–1086

Keywords Scenarios . Environmental problems . Agriculture . Fisheries . Shipping .Wastewater treatment


Scenario analyses in support of environmental assessmentshave evolved rapidly over the past 20 years in response tothe challenges of sustainable development and the growingrecognition of the urgency to act now while planning actionsfor the medium to long-term despite uncertainties about futuredevelopments (Alcamo 2001; Moss et al. 2010; Shell 2013,2008). Scenario analysis can be a powerful approach to ex-plore plausible futures of human development under condi-tions of environmental, social, and economic change and un-certainty. In addition, it can help in learning and assessing howthe environment responds to human activities, to evaluate im-plications of different approaches to reduce pollution and re-source overuse, and to adapt to altered environmental condi-tions. This may be particularly important where vulnerableecosystems are at stake.

The Baltic Sea is such a fragile ecosystem, vulnerable dueto a combination of natural conditions (shallow and semi-enclosed) and multiple, interacting anthropogenic pressuresincluding the direct and indirect effects of climate change,eutrophication, pollution, overfishing, invasive species, ship-ping, and habitat destruction (BalticSTERN 2013). In addi-tion, the marine system is characterised by significant timelags due to repository capacity of nutrients and pollutants.These conditions and pressures have over many decades ledto levels of warming, nutrient pollution, and deoxygenationthat most other coastal areas around the world will experienceonly in the far future (Reusch et al. 2018). Despite the successof the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) since the 1990s to re-duce nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea (Gustafsson et al. 2012),the current loading (phosphorus (P) in particular) far exceedsthe targeted level (Helcom 2015).

The inertia in the Baltic marine system means that for so-ciety tomeet the maximum nutrient load targets, and graduallyto retain the good environmental status of the sea, it is essentialto consider long time horizons. It will therefore necessitate along-term planning that takes into account the complex inter-actions between human society, climate, and the marine envi-ronment under large uncertainties of how society and climatemay evolve in the long term.

Previous studies on key environmental problems of theBaltic Sea have incorporated downscaled impacts of climatechange on natural processes (BACC II Author Team 2015;Niiranen et al. 2013), but have so far made use of disparateassumptions of drivers and pressures without a comprehensiveand harmonised set of societal pathways to combine climateimpacts with direct societal pressures on the Baltic Sea ecosys-tem. Previous detailed assumptions on direct anthropogenic

changes in nutrient loading to the Baltic Sea (e.g. Omstedtet al. 2012; Gustafsson et al. 2011; Humborg et al. 2007;Wulff et al. 2007) were developed without considering differentpossible and internally consistent socioeconomic develop-ments. Also, they were not harmonised with greenhouse gasand aerosol emission scenarios.

To effectively alleviate multiple pressures on the Baltic Seaand adapt to changed environmental conditions, policy-makers and stakeholders in the boundary countries can benefitfrom a systematic exploration of plausible future drivers andpressures on the marine environment. A useful approach todeal with uncertainties about future developments in a highlycomplex system is the development and analysis of regionalscenarios. Also, the integrated assessment modelling commu-nity and other researchers focusing on the Baltic Sea environ-ment can benefit from a set of regional internally consistentnarratives that are aligned with global pathways for discussionand model-based assessments to explore future developmentsand challenges. This can be achieved by developing plausibleand internally consistent pathways for the economic sectorsand consumer segments that are responsible for the extractiveand polluting uses of the sea. As many interactions and feed-backs in socioecological systems, such as in the Baltic Searegion, play out over the temporal scale (i.e. past, present,and future context) and geographical scale (i.e. local, regional,and global scale), it is necessary to address such processesfrom a multi-scale perspective (Zurek and Henrichs 2007).For instance, the environmental performance of economic sec-tors in the Baltic Sea region such as those in charge of nutrientemissions (agriculture, wastewater treatment), fisheries (foodindustries, recreation) as well as marine traffic (tourism, trans-portation) are heavily driven by global drivers such as globalmarkets, technological development, consumption patterns,and birth rates. Combined with the inertia of the Baltic marinesystem and its vulnerability towards climate change, it is high-ly relevant to link to or nest regional Baltic environmentalscenarios within well-established global scenarios that applya long time horizon, such as the global Shared SocioeconomicPathways (SSPs) applied in the new scenario framework forclimate research.

The SSPs are an integral part of the new climate scenarioframework (Moss et al. 2010; O’Neill et al. 2017) aiming pri-marily to provide a basis for integrating research on climatechange mitigation and adaptation. However, the SSPs can alsobe applied to the analysis of broader sustainability developmentcontexts without necessarily referring to climate mitigation andadaptation challenges. This is because the socioeconomic chal-lenges to climate mitigation and adaptation are closely linked todifferent degrees of socioeconomic development and

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sustainability (O’Neill et al. 2017). In addition, the relativelybroad formulations of the global SSPs make them flexible toextend to different scales, sectors, and environmental problems(van Vuuren et al. 2014).

A body of literature has recently emerged that extendsglobal SSPs to sectors not explicitly included in the SSP nar-ratives. For example, SSPs have been extended to study futureland use and its consequences on food provision and green-house gas emissions (Popp et al. 2017; Riahi et al. 2017),water demand (Mouratiadou et al. 2016), energy supply andits emissions (Bauer et al. 2017), and air pollution (S. Raoet al. 2017). There are also emerging studies exploring morenarrowly specified economic sectors such as skipjack tunafishing (e.g. Dueri et al. 2016). Another important recent de-velopment is the extension of SSPs at finer spatial scales toallow for more local studies in climate research. This includesfor instance the extension of SSPs to the European scale (Koket al. 2018), to the scale of the Barents’ region (Nilsson et al.2017), to the U.S. Southwest focusing on agriculture, water,and energy sectors (Absar and Preston 2015), and to the scaleof West Africa focusing on the future of agriculture and foodsecurity (Palazzo et al. 2017).

Different concepts and methods exist with regard to ex-tending global narratives to regions and sectors relating tomulti-scale linkages, scenario development processes, andinternal consistency in storylines across scales. Zurek andHenrichs (2007) provide concepts for thinking about linkagesof scenario elements across geographical scales according tothe degree of interconnectedness and the type of scenariodevelopment process followed. Kok et al. (2018) proposesan operationalisation of one of these concepts—equivalentacross scales—applied to four SSPs at European scale, whereoutcomes were directly transferred between scales, whilstconsistent and where possible coherent with another set ofexisting socioeconomic scenarios for Europe.

Nilsson et al. (2017) proposes a scenario development pro-cess that combines a top-down approach, using the SSPframework as the boundary conditions for global change, withparticipatory bottom-up approaches to generate locally rele-vant scenarios for planning climate adaptation. The participa-tory bottom-up process identified and ranked locally relevantdrivers of change before nesting these within the global SSPnarratives based on workshop participants’ discussions ofhow local drivers could play out at regional level in differentfutures captured by the global SSPs. To ensure systematiclinking of qualitative elements of scenarios with internal con-sistency across scales, novel methods have been proposedsuch as the factor-actor-sector approach (Kok et al. 2006;Absar and Preston 2015) and the linked cross impact balancesanalysis (Schweizer and Kurniawan 2016). Internally validat-ing multi-scale scenarios can also rely on ‘soft links’, i.e.through the use of interpretive arguments of the degree oflinkages of scenario elements (Zurek and Henrichs 2007).

The objectives of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we aim topresent and evaluate a new method that operationalises thedevelopment of regional environmental scenarios that are co-herent with the global SSPs. Secondly, we present resultingregional storylines for the Baltic Sea region that can be used asa harmonised set of scenarios with enough sectoral detail toserve the purposes of studying plausible future trends of eu-trophication, fisheries, and marine traffic in the Baltic Sea foruse in further integrated assessments and cost-benefit analysis.

The article is organised as follows: “Methodology” sectiondescribes the chosen methodology for extending global SSPsto regional and sectoral level; “Background to the casestudy—the Baltic Sea Region” section provides the back-ground to the Baltic Sea case study; and “Results” sectionprovides the summary of Baltic Sea regional narratives bysectors with Supplementary Material 2 containing the full nar-rative description. Finally, “Discussion and Conclusions” sec-tion discusses the applicability and challenges of extendingglobal SSPs to specific regional sectors for integrated environ-mental assessments.


The SSP narratives have been designed to span different com-binations of future socioeconomic challenges that make miti-gation and adaptation to global climate change either hard oreasy (see Fig. 1) (O’Neill et al. 2014).

Figure 1 left hand side illustrates the challenge space be-tween mitigation and adaptation to climate change in a globalcontext (O’Neill et al. 2014). A similar outcome space can bedeveloped to span regional futures by replacing the axes withchallenges to mitigate and adapt to the specific regional prob-lems. The relative positions of the various SSPs in the newchallenge space is unique to the region and the particularproblems studied. Global SSP narratives that pose substantialchallenges to manage global climate change may cause onlysmall challenges to managing regional environmental prob-lems, and vice versa. Therefore, the SSP narratives need tobe re-interpreted in a regional context, since many regionalproblems such as eutrophication of semi-enclosed marineareas can be effectively mitigated by locally implementedmeasures.

Figure 1, right hand side illustrates the position of the SSPswith regard to Baltic Sea environmental problems. The place-ments are based on our initial assessment (see “Discussion andConclusions”) which also serves to illustrate that placement atdifferent scales does not have to be equal to the global positionwhen extending the SSPs for environmental change research.

We apply a combined top-down bottom-up approach toextending SSPs to the Baltic Sea for environmental changeanalysis. We extend the global SSP scenarios to the Baltic Searegion using the ‘soft’ linkage approach proposed by Zurek

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and Henrichs (2007) and make use of the DPSIR framework(Thomas 1995) to enable a systematic exploration of howcomplex interactions of multiple human drivers may impactthe Baltic Sea ecosystem in the medium and long term underchanging societal developments. The coupling of the regionalscenario development process follows a consecutive approach(Zurek and Henrichs 2007) that uses the existing global SSPscenarios as boundary conditions for developing extended re-gional SSPs for key sectors causing main impacts on theBaltic Sea condition. The identification and description ofregional drivers of change relevant to the Baltic Sea andhow these link with global scale drivers for the individualSSPs is based on a deliberative cross-disciplinary expertworkshop. Specifically, we ensured that the identification ofregional drivers was made dependent of the global narratives,while the co-construction of the narratives was coherentacross scales. The following section explains our approach.

Approach to extending global SSPs to regionalenvironmental change research

Addressing scale-consecutive scenario development processwith a soft linkage across scales

We chose a consecutive scenario development process (Zurekand Henrichs 2007) to achieve a high degree of linkage andconsistency across scales, where readily available global SPPscenarios and the supporting quantitative projections providethe boundary conditions for the Baltic Sea scale narratives (see“Causality of drivers and pressures” section).

We apply a ‘soft’ linkage approach between the global andregional scale (Zurek and Henrichs 2007) to allow for theextension to sectors and regulatory settings, which are notexplicitly described at global scale, but relevant for analysingbroader environmental change issues. The ‘soft’ linkage ap-proach between the global and the regional scale covers threedistinct degrees of linking scenario elements: consistent, co-herent, and comparable across scales. In a consistent way oflinking across scales, the ‘higher scale scenarios provide strictboundary conditions for lower scale scenarios’ (Zurek and

Henrichs 2007), meaning that the main assumptions ondrivers and scenario logics play out in similar ways at globaland regional scale. In a coherent linkage between scales, sce-nario logics are transferred from the global to the regionalscale. It explores what would happen at the regional scale ifdecision-makers use a similar logic or way of thinking as thatwhich plays out at the global level. In a comparable linkagebetween regional and global scales, the link between scales isvery loose with scenarios across scales connected mainly bythe issue they address and not strictly cohering with the sce-nario logics or main trends of the global scale scenario.

We chose the coherent approach as it allows to thinkthrough what implications global drivers and trends couldhave for sectors and activities that cause the main pressureson the Baltic Sea, but which are not explicitly included in theglobal SSPs. This would also allow for quite different scenariooutcomes at regional scale without jeopardising the underly-ing ideas about the future world given by the global SSPs.

Causality of drivers and pressures

We applied the DPSIR framework definition of drivers andpressures to enable a systematic exploration of how complexinteraction effects of multiple human pressures may impactthe Baltic Sea ecosystem in the medium and long term underchanging societal developments (Thomas 1995; Antunes andSantos 1999; Holman et al. 2005; Oesterwind et al. 2016). Wedistinguish between drivers given by the global SSPs (i.e.population and urbanisation trends, economy and lifestyle,international trade, technology development, policies and in-stitutions, environmental policies and regulation, land use andenergy production, described in Table ESM1) and drivers atthe regional level. Regional level drivers are further dividedinto primary and secondary. Primary regional drivers areregionalised/national versions of the global drivers and drivethe development of regional sectors (secondary regionaldrivers) such as fisheries and agriculture. The secondarydrivers (i.e. sectors/activities) directly cause pressures or statechanges on the Baltic Sea through extractive uses and emis-sions of pollutants that exceed the limits of the ecosystem.

Fig. 1 Socioeconomic challengesto combat global climate changeand regional environmentalproblems in the Baltic Sea(adapted from O’Neill et al.(2014) and initial assessment)

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First, prior to the scenario workshop, we scale globaldrivers to primary regional drivers. Global trends in terms ofeconomy and lifestyles, attitudes and values of society to-wards nature and natural resources, policies, and institutions,and the way in which society is generally organised are de-scribed by O’Neill et al. (2017) and for Europe by Kok et al.(2015). These trends influence how future societies will utiliseresources and services provided by the Baltic Sea as well asthe use of the marine environment as a recipient of pollution,e.g. through land use change and fisheries. Key quantifiedglobal drivers, at country or global levels, add to the basicelements of the SSPs. These include population and urbanisa-tion (Jiang and O’Neill 2017; Samir and Lutz 2017), econom-ic and technological development (Crespo 2017; Leimbachet al. 2017; Dellink et al. 2017), and level of international trade(O’Neill et al. 2017; Popp et al. 2017; van Vuuren and Carter2014). These basic elements have previously been analysed inintegrated assessment models for energy and land use impli-cations (Bauer et al. 2017), air pollution (S. Rao et al. 2017),and land use change based on population changes and demandfor food and non-food products (Popp et al. 2017). ESM1summarises the key global drivers of anthropogenic distur-bance affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem and the link-age to the region.

Second, we use a participatory approach to identify anddescribe regional (primary and secondary) drivers for majorpressures on the Baltic Sea and describe how global socioeco-nomic developments are likely to affect these (see “World cafédeliberation” section).

We operationalise this process through a cubic representa-tion of needed narrative elements, capturing both the multipleimpacts of global and regional primary drivers (SSPs) on anumber of regional sectors (secondary drivers) and multiplepressures of sectors on the marine environment (pressure/statechange—e.g. the 11 GES descriptors of the EU MarineStrategy Framework Directive1) (see Fig. 2). The top-downand bottom-up approach aims to populate the individual cells.

Process to extend global SSPs to regionalenvironmental change research

Process of co-creating extended SSPs for the Baltic Sea region

In order to elicit key regional storyline elements, a deliberativecross-disciplinary expert workshop was organised using theworld café format (Schieffer et al. 2004) to facilitate largegroup discussions and to link ideas within a larger group andaccess collective intelligence. The workshop was open to re-searchers working with the Baltic Sea region environment andother interested stakeholders, here defined as those involved

in the management of the ecosystem in the region. The work-shop was co-organised by the BONUS secretariat and theBONUS BALTICAPP project as a clustering activity andwas advertised through the BONUS secretariat’s web2 and alarge list of stakeholders including NGOs, think tanks, re-search financing organisations, and research networks in theBaltic Sea region and European level. It gathered 33 scientists,funding managers, and policy-makers over 2 days. Expertiserepresented in the group included agronomy, fishery, ship-ping, oceanography, hydrology, ecology, economics and so-cial science, climate change, global outlooks, and policy ad-vice in the fields of marine spatial planning, climate change,and policy integration.

To ensure a consecutive process of coupling scenarios atdifferent spatial scales, participants received prior to the work-shop a comprehensive background material, which was alsopresented at the beginning of the workshop. The backgroundmaterial is available from (Hyytiäinen et al. 2016). The work-shop started with presentations of the global SSPs and region-al quantifications of population, economic growth, land use,and urbanisation changes (IIASA draft SSP database3) to fa-miliarise participants with boundary conditions and the under-lying scenario framework. The workshop also included someexpert presentations on reflections of global outlooks and fu-ture climate projections for the Baltic Sea region taking aperspective of water quality and the marine food chain towiden the perspective of scenarios and their use for impactassessments. The world café approach where all the expertscontributed to the narratives of all three sectors (three circu-lating groups) also aimed at ensuring consistency internallyacross sectors and SSPs.


Fig. 2 Overarching structure capturing both the multiple impacts ofglobal and regional primary drivers (SSPs) on a number of sectors(secondary regional drivers), and multiple pressures of sectors on themarine environment (pressure/state change)

2 (version 1.1, 2016)

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World café deliberation

In order to steer the workshop process, participants were askedto consider and deliberate with regard to specific pressures/state changes, what future drivers may influence the Baltic Seaenvironment in the medium to long term horizon within eachof the global SSPs, and how are global socio-economic devel-opments likely to affect these?

The participants were divided in three interdisciplinarygroups and invited into a world café process that took placeboth days. Each group started discussion on one of threepredetermined pressures/state changes, facilitated by two re-searchers. For each of the pressure/state change themes, partic-ipants were asked to (i) identify and elaborate on main regionalprimary and secondary drivers of change and how these woulddiffer across the SSPs; (ii) discuss how numerical projections offuture developments in, e.g. economy and population wouldaffect these drivers; and (iii) agree on verbal elements in thestorylines relevant for the Baltic Sea region. After the first dis-cussion session, the group moved to another theme and contin-ued from where the previous group had stopped. After the thirddiscussion round, all groups had discussed the threepredetermined topics, and the facilitators put the discussiontogether and presented the ideas in plenary for informationand further discussion. The predetermined themes of pressuresor state changes were eutrophication, risks of marine traffic, andbiodiversity with emphasis on fish and fisheries. These wereselected based on the interests of participants and identified viaa questionnaire to all the ongoing BONUS projects during theplanning phase up to the workshop.

Drafting the extended Baltic Sea SSPs

The procedures, notes from the discussion groups, and a firstwrite up of the narratives were reported in the workshop reportby the researchers engaged in running the workshop(Hyytiäinen et al. 2016). Interested workshop participantswere invited to continue the efforts to craft and refine theextended SSP narratives in close collaboration with theBalticAPP research team.

First, we finalised the identification of linkages between pri-mary and secondary drivers. Policies and regulations play here akey role in shaping the footprint of sectors on the marine envi-ronment. Current environmental policies and regulations of rel-evance as primary regional drivers include the EU Directives:Water Framework Directive (WFD), Marine StrategyFramework Directive (MSFD), National Emissions CeilingDirective (NEC), Birds Directive, and Habitats Directive, andthe following EU and international programmes, policies, andagreements: the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), GothenburgProtocol on air pollution,4 the Common Fishing Policy (CFP),

the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the InternationalConvention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships(MARPOL), and the International Convention for the ControlandManagement of Ship’s BallastWater and Sediments (BWMConvention) regulating environmental aspects of shipping viathe International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Second, we formulated the causal linkages between sec-ondary drivers (sectors) and pressures/state changes of theBaltic Sea and, where relevant, took previous literature onenvironmental scenarios into account: Agriculture impactsthe Baltic Sea through leaching and runoff of N and P fromagricultural land and ammonia volatilisation from manuresand fertilisers, which is deposited on land and sea. Land use,cropping systems, livestock, and management practices di-rectly impact the level and location of nutrient loadings(Hashemi et al. 2016), which in turn reflect dietary choice,population, and trade flows in agricultural produce. ForEurope, Westhoek et al. (2014) investigated different scenar-ios of dietary changes and associated impacts on livestocks,agricultural land and emissions. Pressures from WWTPs isdirectly determined by the population numbers connected todifferent levels of treatments (from tertiary to primary), urban-isation, dietary choice and the level of treatment efficiency.WWTPs add to nutrient loading to the Baltic Sea. Previouswork has extended SSP1 and SSP3 to the sewage sector atglobal scale (Hofstra and Vermeulen 2016; van Puijenbroeket al. 2015). Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen oxides orig-inates from combustion processes from transport and energyproduction and emissions, and belong to the group of long-range transboundary air pollution substances regulated by theGothenburg Protocol. Ammonia emissions from agriculturalactivities have previously been described in four scenarios forthe twenty-first century based on the SRES scenarios(Bodirsky et al. 2012). These emissions are predominantlyregional and depend on the scale and location of livestockoperations and regulations to reduce ammonia volatilisation.Commercial fisheries (targeting mainly cod, sprat, herring,salmon, and flatfish) can pursue different strategies rangingfrom sustainable fisheries to maximising short-term economicgains and are organised from large-scale high-tech fishingvessels to traditional small-scale fishery. Fishing efforts affectthe balance and structure of fish stocks, which are key com-ponents of biodiversity in the Baltic Sea. Previous work hasanalysed outcomes of different fisheries strategies on globalskipjack tuna fisheries under one particular SSP (Dueri et al.2016). Regional integrated scenarios including a detailed anal-ysis of fisheries have been developed by Pinnegar et al.(2006), but these were not based on or linked to global narra-tives. Shipping impacts the sea through air pollution, oil spills(accidents or allowed), as a vector for invasive species (hulland ballast water), through emissions of sewage and waste,and with toxic substances from hull paint. The Baltic Seatoday is recognised by the IMO as a sensitive marine area4 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone

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and has more stringent limit values for air pollution; restric-tions on antifouling paint; a special status forbidding sewagewater emissions from passenger vessels in the future; andspecial equipment requirements for ships to reduce risks ofaccidents. Future shipping volumes and emissions have beenestimated by Smith et al. (2014).

Third, we refined and complemented the regional extendednarratives formulated during the world café process. Theworkshop deliberations provided identification of drivers aswell as directions and variations between SSPs with respect toprimary regional drivers and how these would translate intopressures from the secondary regional drivers (sectors).

Background to the case study—the Baltic Searegion

The Baltic Sea, situated in northern Europe, is a semi-enclosedsea with a catchment area four times larger than the surface ofthe Baltic Sea. Nine countries share the coastline,5 of whicheight are part of the European Union. Close to 85 millionpeople live within the catchment area in 14 countries(Nilsson et al. 2017) with two relatively distinct economicconditions: GDP per capita in the former Eastern bloc coun-tries is almost half of that in the four countries that have alonger tradition for liberal economies and democracy. Thecatchment area is characterised by the densely populated andindustrial south with agriculture as the dominating land coverin a temperate climate. In contrast, the north has a borealclimate and is overall rural with some agriculture but domi-nated by forests. Agriculture varies greatly across the BalticSea drainage basin in farm type, farm size, areal extent, andcrop and livestock intensity (Andersen et al. 2016).Agricultural production is intensive with both arable cropand livestock in Denmark, Germany, Southern Sweden, andparts of Southern Finland with agriculture accounting up to60% of the land area and farms typically larger than 100 ha,producing for the European and global markets. The agricul-tural production in Poland, Belarus, and the Baltic states is lessintensive, but typically with small farms less than 10 ha. Thesefarms mainly produce for the domestic markets. The northernparts of the drainage basin in Sweden, Finland, and Russiahave much less agriculture and the agricultural production islargely based on extensive grassland-based cattle and sheepfarming, often with dairy production, but mostly for the localmarkets. Gradients in the Baltic Sea also follows grossly thenorth–south axis: a strong salinity gradient from almost freshwater in the north to close to oceanic salinities at the North Seaborder cause a strong structural constrain on the ecology. Thegradient in anthropogenic pressures in combination with

hydrodynamic constrains results in a eutrophication gradient,where the northern parts are significantly less eutrophic thancentral and southern parts. Fishery is primarily focused in thesouthern part for cod and central and north parts for sprat andherring, partly because population distribution but partly alsobecause the commercially important stocks are restrained bythe hydrographic conditions.

The external nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea increased untilthe mid-1980s. Thereafter, both N and P loads to the sea havebeen in a declining trend. Increased environmental awarenesssince the 1970s motivated the design and adoption of effectivepolicies and consequent investments and technological devel-opment in treatment technologies in industrial outlets and mu-nicipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Some coun-tries (e.g. Finland, Denmark, and Sweden) improved the per-formance of their WWTPs already in the 1970s, 1980s, andearly 1990s, while other countries (e.g. Poland, the BalticStates, and Russia) upgraded their WWTPs later and manyof these countries still lag behind in their progress (Helcom2015, Eurostat 2018). Despite the advancements, the currentnutrient loads are still far too large: for example, N and P loadsto the major basin Baltic Proper need to be reduced by 13%and 50%, respectively, in order to reach the Baltic Sea ActionPlan targets jointly agreed by the HELCOM countries(Svendsen et al. 2015). Especially for P, significant legacyeffects in the catchment is expected between measures andeffect on diffuse loads to the sea (Mccrackin et al. 2018). Inaddition to delays in the catchment, the Baltic Sea is a slowcoastal system with i.a. a turn-over time of the total freshwatersupply of about 30 years (Stigebrandt and Gustafsson 2003),and a long-term repository capacity of nutrients of 10 to50 years (Gustafsson et al. 2017). Despite this, there are signsof improvement regionally in response to nutrient load reduc-tions (Andersen et al. 2017). Fish stocks are under pressurefrom eutrophication, but also strongly driven by fishery andinter-species population dynamics. Apart from the Kattegatarea where a regime shift was observed in the food web dueto nutrient reductions, no clear signs of improvements on fishstocks are observable in the Baltic Sea (Lindegren et al. 2012).

The Baltic Sea is also an area with very intense shippingactivities; it is a major export route for Russian oil productsand intense passenger traffic in addition to container, bulk, andgeneral cargo ships. Pressures include nutrient loads, mainlyfrom NOX emissions, copper and other substances from hullpaint, and in the future potentially substances emitted withscrubber water. In addition, there are risks associated withinternational shipping mainly in the form of accidents leadingto oil-spill and the introduction of alien species via ballastwater or hulls. Strict restrictions on discharge into the sea ofoil or oily mixtures, sewage from passenger ships, and gar-bage are in place today. Further, the Baltic Sea is a sulphuremission control area with stricter limits on the allowed fuelsulphur content than in other sea areas and stricter limits on

5 Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, andSweden.

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NOx emissions will be implemented for new ships from 2021(HELCOM 2018).


Lessons from the co-creation process

For the co-creation process, we targeted experts working onissues relating to the Baltic Sea environment and stakeholdersfrom the region and Europe engaged in the management ofmarine areas. Those interested were invited to continue afterthe workshop together with the organising research team torefine and craft the narratives. The workshop approach provedsuccessful, as it integrated knowledge from a ‘high-level’group of Baltic Sea experts and stakeholders representing dif-ferent scientific fields and sectors based on their long-termscientific work and expertise. The possibility to contribute tothe long-term writing process in addition to the 2-day work-shop improved the end-result, as there was a possibility toelaborate the issues and accumulate a large amount of knowl-edge to build the narratives. Three experienced scientists whoare experts in the respective fields of the group work facilitat-ed each of the three rotating groups, which also secured theinternal causal validity of links between drivers and effects/state change. The main building blocks were laid during thefirst round of deliberations in each of the three groups. Thislargely determined discussions and deliberations of the fol-lowing rotating groups. During the second round of delibera-tions, groups knew the process and could discuss the drivers-effect links on a new topic, but with the former topic in mind.By the third round, all participants had contributed, supple-mented, and commented on the narratives of all three themes.This was one way to make sure that the narratives were inter-nally consistent. For instance, that the narratives for maritimetraffic are consistent with the narrative for nutrient loading.

Narratives for the Baltic Sea region

The narratives focus on the primary and secondary regionaldrivers of three major pressures in the Baltic Sea: (i) Waterborne nutrient loads from agriculture and wastewater treat-ment plants (WWTPs), and atmospheric nitrogen (N) emis-sions from agriculture, transport, and industrial combustion;(ii) commercial fishing, and (iii) shipping. Table 1 summarisesthe regional narratives describing the different future develop-ments of how globally coherent, regional drivers of pressureson the Baltic Sea may develop by sector. The full narrative textis provided in ESM2, presented in a structure describing firstthe primary regional drivers (General social trends), followedby description of secondary regional drivers (nutrients fromagriculture, WWTPs and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen;shipping; and fishing).

Discussion and conclusions

New method to develop regional environmentalscenarios

This study provides one of the first regional studies that sys-tematically interprets the global SSPs for assessing complexregional environmental problems, where climate change isone of multiple pressures amongst others. The aim of theregional narratives has been to provide a consistent andlong-term context for communicating, debating, andanalysing a plausible range of long-term futures that will affectthe state of the Baltic Sea with different outcomes. The com-bination of top-down bottom-up approaches has recently beenapplied in extending global SSPs to local scale by (Nilssonet al. 2017) for climate adaptation research. In contrast to howthey used the SSPs in a participatory scenario process, weactively used the global SSPs and associated IIASA SSP da-tabase information to inform our expert/stakeholder group ofthe starting point for the regional scenarios. This top-downapproach of starting with the SSPs can have the drawback oflimiting the freedom of a participatory scenario process.Because our objective of developing the regional narrativesis for broader environmental change analysis, we introduced ahierarchy of regional drivers. Primary drivers relate to generalsocietal trends that are fully consistent with the global SSPdrivers and to a large extent provided by the IIASA SSP da-tabase at national or regional scale. Secondary drivers relate tohow these regional societal trends could play out in thesectors/activities that cause main pressures on the Baltic Seaenvironment. At this level of secondary drivers, the participa-tory scenario process had a larger degree of freedom.Following the proposal of Zurek and Henrichs (2007), thiscorresponds to the multi-scale linkage approach called coher-ent across scales. The world café set up with three rotatinggroups played a central role in ensuring consistency betweenscales and between sectors within each SSPs.

Regional conditions and sectoral activity levels maythus deviate from the global SSPs. An example is the re-gional rivalry pathway (SSP3). While at a global level,agricultural area would expand significantly due to loweragricultural productivity, strong population growth, andlimited agricultural trade flows (Popp et al. 2017); theBaltic Sea region could be self-sufficient with food andfodder and still reduce agricultural production because ofits current trade surplus in agricultural produce and astrong population decline in SSP3 for this region. The sub-sequent pressure from agriculture would reduce signifi-cantly and hence improve the environmental condition—at least when considering this sector separately (see Fig. 1).O’Neill et al. (2017) further reflect on the effectiveness ofusing global pathways as a basis for developing regionaltrends and argue that in the case of a weak connection

1080 M. Zandersen et al.

Table 1 Summary of regional narratives




Full implementation ofEU Directives; strongenvironmentalregulation; and dietchanges towards moreplant-based, localfood. Dense, rapidurbanisation

Partial implementation ofEU Directives; someimprovements inenvironmentalperformance; moderateurbanisation; and foodconsumption relativelystable

Break down of EU policyframework andHELCOM; nationalsubsidy schemessupport food andenergy security;reduced environmentalperformance; slowurbanisation; anddecreasing populationin the region

Partial implementation ofEU Directives; focuson local environmentnear high incomeareas; and demand byglobal elite increase formeat and dairy

Change in environmentalregulation towardsrelative targets; rapidtechnical developmentwith someenvironmentalimprovements;increased demand andexport of animalproducts; andexpansive, rapidurbanisation

Livestockproduc-tion andagri. landuse

Contraction Stable Contraction Expansion Expansion


Subsidies in place tocounter marketfailures and enhancemultiple ecosystemservices

Subsidies in place toenhance productivity;less focus onenvironmentalperformance

Break down of commonagricultural policy;focus onself-sufficiency

Sub-national agriculturalregulation

World market driven;focus on increasingproductivity


Smart agriculture;productivity increases;increased N and Pefficiencies; stronglivestock reduction;and decrease inexports and imports ofanimal relatedproducts

Larger units andincreasedindustrialisation andproduction efficiency;some efforts to increaseN and P efficiencies;increase in livestock;and increase in exportsand imports of animalrelated products

Focus on self-sufficiency;reduced N and Pefficiencies; ageing offarm equipment andlack of investments innew technologies; andfarm restructurationtowards larger andmore efficient units isreversed

Focus on highproductivity inlarge-scale farms;pockets of small-scalelow-productivefarming; reduced Nand P efficiencies; andincrease in exports ofanimal products.

Smart agriculture;productivity increases;reduced N and Pefficiencies; increase inproduction and exportof animal products; andincrease in imports offodder

Fish demand Mainly for localconsumption,moderate amounts foruse as fishmeal inlow-impactaquaculture locallyand for export

Amount of fish caught forhuman consumptionslightly decreases,amount for feedslightly increases. Fishused both within theregion and in globaltrade

Fish products tradedwithin ‘blocs’ only, ashuman food or as feedfor aquaculture. Ingeneral, decreaseddemand because offalling population.Lack of capital toinvest in aquaculturedevelopment

Mostly for aquaculture,both used locally andas export, some localconsumption

Almost exclusively asaquaculture feed, bothused locally and asexport


Sustainableecosystem-basedmanagement;small-scale fishingincreases

Sub-optimal managementwith very littleecosystemconsiderations

No coordination offishing activities; no oronly a small group ofcountries applyregulations; in case ofmilitary tensionsfishing stronglyreduced

Highly exploitative,reactive, andinconsistentmanagement; fishingceases when itbecomes unprofitableand quickly starts againas stocks recover;fishing pressureheterogeneous in spaceand time; and someillegal subsistencefishing by poor

Coordinated industrialexploitation focusingon short-term gains;regulations onlyenforced when targetedstocks close to collapse

Shipping Decrease;environmentally safershipping; increaserecreational sailingand transport; risk ofaccidents increases but

Increase; lenientregulations; increaserecreational sailing;and risk of accidentsincreases

Decrease; decrease intouristic transportation(ferries and cruises);low safety andenvironmental quality;and decrease in trade

Increase; partialimplementation only;no new environmentalregulations

Increase; Increase intouristic transportation;high safety but nofocus onenvironmentalperformance; and

Shared socio-economic pathways extended for the Baltic Sea: exploring long-term environmental problems 1081

between local impacts and global pathways, the global nar-ratives can be useful in deciding which local assumptionsto make.

SSP storylines for the Baltic Sea region

The global socioeconomic narratives are broad enough to al-low for multiple credible interpretations when extended atsmaller spatial scales or to specific sectors. For example, thefragmented world narrative (SSP3) leaves the composition ofthe blocs open (individual countries vs. groups of countries).In this paper, we interpret SSP3 such that several sub-regionalblocs in the Baltic Sea region are formed, for instance, withGermany striving for increased political integration with thefounding countries of the EU, the Nordic, and the Baltic coun-tries forming a loose coalition while Poland and Russia followtheir own agendas. Alternatively, an equally plausible inter-pretation could be that each of the countries focuses on do-mestic food and energy security, with little cooperation be-tween them. Such choices may lead to distinct and deviatingtrajectories, affecting agriculture, fisheries, and shipping, andsubsequently resulting environmental externalities.

Likewise, in the case of a sustainable future (SSP1), thelevel of pressures on the Baltic Sea could depend on the typeof agriculture in place. Our suggested narrative is based on apredominantly intensively managed (organic) agriculture on asmaller area, but could also be based on a high quality agro-ecological matrix within which fragments of high diversitynative vegetation can persist along with biodiversity friendlyagro-ecosystems (Perfecto and Vandermeer 2010). This typeof agriculture could also cater for a growing low-impact tour-ism. The inequality storyline (SSP4) also leaves interpretationopen in terms of how the commons are governed in the long

term. Would it be in the elite’s interest to protect or exploitcommon lands or a balance of the two? What would be thespatial implications of the elite investing in the environmentonly in their ‘own backyard’?

The direction of how sectors evolve within a storylinehas large implications for the scale and location of pres-sures on the Baltic Sea. Developing alternative storylineswithin one pathway can offer additional insights into thechallenge space. Also, details of how sectors across andwithin different countries in the Baltic Sea region developat different speeds or in different directions would be avaluable next step. The uncertainty space of these rathergenerally described qualitative SSP narratives and the ad-joining numerical projections determine the uncertaintyspace of regionally extended SPP narratives specified forthe main drivers of a regional sea (Kok et al. 2018).

The SSP challenge space illustrated in Fig. 1 is useful toinvestigate how easy or difficult societal futures may be interms of mitigating and adapting to environmental problemsin a given ecosystem. For the Baltic Sea, our initial assessmentplaces SSP1 and SSP5 in the same positions as the climatechallenge space. The focus on strong regional environmentalregulations combined with reduced agricultural land use, in-creased nutrient efficiencies, and sustainable fisheries in SSP1would lead to a reduced need to both mitigate and adapt toBaltic Sea environmental problems, while in SSP5, relaxingenvironmental regulations, increased shipping volumes,weakened nutrient efficiencies, and increased agricultural landuse as well as a profit maximising fisheries with little regard tomaintaining sustainable stocks and ecosystem health wouldlead to high challenges to mitigate associated marine environ-mental problems. Strong economic growth, rapid technologi-cal development, and significant investments in human capital

Table 1 (continued)



abated throughtechnologicaladvances; andstringent regulations

generally, but increasein fossil fuel trade

strong increase in tradeand risk of accidents,but largely abatedthrough technologicaladvances


Existing primary andsecondary wastewaterfacilities graduallyupdated to tertiary;improved treatment oftertiary plants;separate lines built forwastewater and stormwater runoff; andadvanced onsitetreatment morecommon in rural areas

New investment intreatment technologyand expansion ofsewage systems inmost denselypopulated areas.Advanced onsitetreatment remains rare

No investment to expandsewage system or toincrease advancedonsite treatment.Treatment level ofexisting plants decline

Densely populated andwealthy regions makeuse of improvedcleansing technology.Focus on investmentthat have fast andvisible impact onenvironmental quality

New facilities are builtand the sewagesystems are expandedto serve expandingurban areas. No activeeffort to improvetreatment level ofexisting plants

1082 M. Zandersen et al.

could, however, constrain the adaptation challenge to a rela-tively low level. SSP2, the baseline storyline, is situatedhigher up on the mitigation challenge scale compared to thegeneral challenge space due to current difficulties to reducepollution problems combined with a continued trend in onlypartially implemented environmental regulations, agricultureintensification, sub-optimal fisheries management, and a me-dium growth in shipping. SSP3 shows a mixed picture withreduced pressures from agriculture due to falling populationnumbers in the region and a collapse in international agricul-tural trade, but increasing loads from point sources, poor fish-eries management, and increasing risk from shipping despitean overall reduction in maritime traffic. For this reason, SSP3could reduce the mitigation challenge, but adaptation remainsdifficult due to reduced financial and human resources.Society in a SSP4 world could be faced with far higher chal-lenges to mitigate to marine environmental problems than inthe climate SSP challenge space, albeit not to the same extentas in SSP5. This would be caused by a strong industrialisationof agriculture and only partial implementation of nutrientmanagement schemes, industrial scale development of aqua-culture and exploitation of fish stocks, and point source pol-lution that is onlymanaged in wealthy areas. Adaptation to themarine environmental problems remains challenging for thelarge majority of the population.

Research perspectives

In research, the same set of extended regional scenarios can beused as a common context for consistently formulating andquantifying multiple drivers and modelling pressures on theBaltic Sea along several dimensions of human impacts,, agriculture, shipping, and wastewater treatment qual-ity. By harmonising the context of plausible futures, compa-rability across studies increase because of transparent and con-sistent causal links from regional primary drivers (lifestyle,population, economic development) to regional secondarydrivers and pressures. This has a potential to improve insightsfor researchers and improve communication with stakeholdersand decision-makers (Kriegler et al. 2012; Riahi et al. 2011;van Vuuren et al. 2014).

The regional extension of the global SSPs to specific sec-tors in a region can be used to study future challenges andoptions in mitigating existing environmental problems suchas eutrophication and overfishing as well as reducing the en-vironmental risks of marine traffic, either individually or incombination. For instance, the same scenario can be used as astarting point for quantifying (i) land use change and the sub-sequent pressure of N and P loads to the Baltic Sea; (ii) thelevel and extent of wastewater treatment plants and effects onloads to the Baltic Sea; (iii) the fishing efforts, the status oftarget species, and fishing fleet structure and modelling thesubsequent impacts on the wider marine food web; and (iv)

the change in shipping activities, security, and resultingchanges in risk profile. Through the use of harmonised socio-economic narratives, it is possible to assess the combinedeffect of multiple pressures on the Baltic Sea that are internallycongruent. Quantified drivers and pressures that are scenariobased can be used as input to integrated assessments to inves-tigate how changes may develop in, e.g. nutrient loads orfishing efforts, and subsequent responses in the ecosystem,combined with uncertainty about both future climate impactsand societal developments, and what policies, measures, andactions would be needed to obtain good environmental con-ditions. The regional extension of the global narratives pre-sented here is the first step in such a process.

Acknowledgements This work is the result of a collaboration betweenseveral BONUS projects: BALTICAPP, SOIL2SEA, SHEBA, andGOHERR supported by BONUS (Art 185), funded jointly by the EUand national funding agencies. BG and BB are employed by the BalticNest Institute, supported by the Swedish Agency for Marine and WaterManagement through their grant 1:11 - Measures for marine and waterenvironment. MTT is employed by the Baltic Sea Centre StockholmUniversity - Baltic Eye a strategic partnership between StockholmUniversity and the BalticSea2020 foundation.

We acknowledge the debates and input from workshop participantsduring the BONUS Pilot Workshop on Scenarios 4-5/4/2016.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons At t r ibut ion 4 .0 In te rna t ional License (h t tp : / /, which permits unrestricted use,distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a linkto the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to juris-dictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.


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Marianne Zandersen1& Kari Hyytiäinen2

& H. E. Markus Meier3,4 &Maciej T. Tomczak5 & Barbara Bauer5 &

Päivi E. Haapasaari6,2 & Jørgen Eivind Olesen7& Bo G. Gustafsson5,8

& Jens Christian Refsgaard9& Erik Fridell10 &

Sampo Pihlainen2&Martin D. A. Le Tissier11 & Anna-Kaisa Kosenius2 & Detlef P. Van Vuuren12,13

1 Department of Environmental Science, iClimate Interdiciplinary

Centre for Climate Change, Aarhus University, Frederiksborgvej

399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

2 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

3 Department of Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation, Leibniz

Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW),

Rostock, Germany

4 Research and Development Department, Swedish Meteorological

and Hydrological Institute, Norrköping, Sweden

5 Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

6 Marine Risk Governance Group, Ecosystems and Environment

Research Programme, Faculty of Biological and Environmental

Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

7 Department of Agoecology, iClimate Interdisciplinary Centre for

Climate Change, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark

8 Tvärminne Zoological Station, University of Helsinki,

Helsinki, Finland

9 Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS),

Copenhagen, Denmark

10 Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL),

Stockholm, Sweden

11 Future Earth Coasts, MaREI Centre, UCC, Cork, Ireland

12 Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development, Utrecht

University, Utrecht, Netherlands

13 PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The

Hague, Netherlands

1086 M. Zandersen et al.

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