shar riz har

Post on 11-Dec-2015






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3.5 Dungeon Sharrizar



The Laboratory of Sharrizhar-

Deep in an old, underground labyrinth lies the buried ruin, Sharrizhar- so named for its ancient Mind Flayer founder and fabled psion. This is his burial tomb and former laboratory. He had made it back home after a botched mind-swap with a rival. he was half dead, in his rival’s body and barely escaped with his life. However, he could not make it to the stones in time. His enemies had ransacked the lab in his absence and broken the soul shaper. only part of it remained. the other two were taken to opposite corners of the lands for security. Now, the laboratory is home to something else… A mind flayer rogue has set up camp here. He has heard the rumors, and believes that somewhere in the dungeon is a relic of great power that he can sell to his people. Current Random Seed: 822910886 Outside the temple- A young black dragon has come, in search of the relic piece that he thinks can give him power. he is cocky and believes the party is no threat. Asks them to do his bidding and retrieve the relic for a “due reward”. Bart the Black Dragon, Very young (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 5 Always Chaotic Evil Small Dragon ([Water]) Init +4 (+0 dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

AC 17 FF 17 Touch 11 (+1 size, +6 natural) HD: 9 HP: 67 (9d12+9) Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +6

Speed 60 ft., fly 100 ft. (average), swim 60 ft. Base Atk +9 Grp +6 Attack: Bite +11 1d6+1 Full Attack: Bite +11 1d6+1, 2 Claws +6 1d4+0 Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 13(+1) Dex 10(+0) Con 13(+1) Int 8(-1) Wis 11(+0) Cha 8(-1) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1

Total Feats: 4 Feats: Alertness, Hover, Improved Initiative

Skill Points: 60 Skills: Concentration +6, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +5, Hide +5, Intimidate +4, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Search+4, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Swim +6, Use Magic Device +4

Blindsense(Ex): 60 ft. Darkvision(Ex): 120 ft. immunity to acid(Ex): immunity to sleep and paralysis(Ex): keen senses(Ex): water breathing(Ex): Breath Weapon(Su): Reflex save DC 15(+4 HD, +0 Racial, +1 Con, +0 Feat) 40 ft. Line of acid - 4d4 damage


Room #1: The grand entryway to Sharrizhar’s palace. Decorated in bas relief of tentacled horrors attacking humanoids.

● Door (east, 8 from north): (concealed) false wall, free ● Door (west, 7 from north): wooden, simple, stuck, side-sliding ● Door (east, 4 from north): wooden, good, free, Poison Wall Spikes ● CR 5; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Atk +16 melee (1d8+4 plus poison, spike); multiple targets (closest target in each of two adjacent

5-ft. squares); poison (Medium monstrous spider venom, DC 12 Fortitude save resists, 1d4 Str/1d4 Str); Search DC17; Disable Device DC 21. Market Price: 12,650 gp.

● Door (west, 4 from north): wooden, good, locked, trapped [trap: poison gas trap (CR10) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 2 from north): (concealed) wooden, simple, free, behind tapestry ● Door (north, 1 from west): (concealed) wooden, simple, stuck, behind tapestry ● Empty

Room #2: Beds- here are the slave quarters- old and rotted out bedrolls, full of mites. Attracted by the refuse is a large centipede. ● Door (east, 4 from north): iron, locked ● Door (east, 2 from north): stone, stuck ● Door (west, 1 from north): wooden, strong, locked ● Door (south, 4 from west): iron, locked, trapped [trap: spell (Geas/Quest) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 2 from west): iron, stuck ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, good, free ● Monsters

○ Spellwarped Celestial Monstrous Centipede, Large CR 3 ○ Usually Neutral Evil Large Aberration ○ Init +2 (+2 dex) ○ ○ AC 17 FF 14 Touch 12 ○ (-1 size, +3 Dex , +5 natural) ○ HD: 4 ○ HP: 18 (4d8+0) ○ Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +1 ○ ○ Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft. ○ Base Atk +3 Grp +8 ○ Attack: Bite +4 1d8+1 ○ Full Attack: Bite +4 1d8+1 ○ Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares) ○ ○ Abilities Str 13(+1) Dex 15(+2) Con 10(+0) Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 2(-4) ○ Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1 ○ ○ Total Feats: 0 + 1Bonus feat

○ Feats: Weapon FinesseB

○ ○ Darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. ○ vermin traits(Ex): ○ Damage Reduction(Su): 5/magic ○ Cold Resistance(Ex): 5 ○ Fire Resistance(Ex): 5 ○ Spell Resistance(Ex): 15 ○ Smite Evil(Su): 1/day a celestial creature can smite an evil foe and add additional 4(1/HD) damage to the attack. If the smite is used

against a foe that is not good it adds no additional damage but the smite is still used for the day. ○ Spell Absorption(Su): Whenever a spell fails to penetrate a spellwarped creature's spell resistance, the creature gains one of the following

benefits, chosen at the time that the spell resolves. ○ Might: The spellwarped creature gains +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute. ○ Agility: The spellwarped creature gains +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute. ○ Endurance: The spellwarped creature gains +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute. ○ Life: The spellwarped creature gains temporary hit points equal to 5X the level of the failed spell. ○ Speed: The spellwarped creature's base speed increases by a number of feat equal to 5X the level of the failed spell. ○ Resistance: The spellwarped creature gains resistance 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) ○

● Treasure 40 gold coins (40 gp) Room #3: The Boiler room- A web of copper and brass pipes here, leading to a huge central Boliler (powered by a hiding Thoqqua)


● Door (east, 5 from north): wooden, good, locked, up-sliding ● Door (east, 2 from north): iron, locked, trapped [tDoorknob Smeared with Contact Poison ● CR 5; mechanical; touch trigger (attached); manual reset; poison (nitharit, DC 13 Fortitude save resists, 0/3d6 Con); Search DC 25; Disable Device

DC 19. Market Price: 9,650 gp.)] ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 2 from west): wooden, good, stuck ● Door (north, 1 from west): (concealed) false wall, free

Large Flame-Spawned Thoqqua (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 5 Usually Neutral Large Fire Elemental Init +1 (+1 dex)

AC 21 FF 20 Touch 10 (-1 size, +1 Dex , +11 natural) HD: 7 HP: 38 (7d8+7) Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +3

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 20 ft. Base Atk +5 Grp +11 Attack: Slam +6 1d8+3 Full Attack: Slam +6 1d8+3 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 15(+2) Dex 13(+1) Con 13(+1) Int 6(-2) Wis 12(+1) Cha 10(+0) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1

Total Feats: 3 Feats: Alertness, Track

Skill Points: 10 Skills: Climb +6, Concentration +3, Jump +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Survival +4, Swim +6

Heat(Ex): Merely touching or being touched by a thoqqua automatically deals 2d6 fire damage. Burn(Ex): Reflex save DC 14(+3 HD, +0 Racial, +1 Con, +0 Feat) This creature deals 1d8 fire damage with any natural attack. Those hit must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame. Creatures hitting a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage the same as if being hit by the burning creature as above. Darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. elemental traits(Ex): immunity to fire(Ex): tremorsense(Ex): 60 ft. vulnerability to cold(Ex): Damage Reduction(Su): 5/magic Fiery Aura(Ex): Fortitude save DC 14(+3 HD, +0 Racial, +1 Con, +0 Feat) Anyone within 5 feet of a creature with fiery aura must succeed on a Fortitude save or take heat damage each round from the intense heat. The amount of damage equals the fire damage dealt by the creature's natural attack.


Room #4: A game lounge, twisted to mind-flayer preferences. Taxidermied humanoid heads line the walls, and have fallen into disrepair. A once fine roper skin rug lies in tatters on the floor. Most of the furniture is broken in a heap of refuse. Mold has begun to grow from the refuse heap, and the fireplace here has been in disuse for some time.

● Door (east, 3 from north): wooden, strong, free ● Door (south, 2 from west): wooden, strong, free, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (60 ft. deep) (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (north, 1 from west): wooden, simple, free, side-sliding ● Monsters

Monstrous Centipede, Large (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 1 x 3 Always Neutral Large Vermin Init +2 (+2 dex)

AC 14 FF 12 Touch 11 (-1 size, +2 Dex , +3 natural) HD: 5 HP: 22 (5d8+0) Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +1

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft. Base Atk +3 Grp +8 Attack: Bite +4 1d8+1 Full Attack: Bite +4 1d8+1 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 13(+1) Dex 15(+2) Con 10(+0) Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 2(-4) Stat Points Gained From Advancement:1

Total Feats: 0 + 1Bonus feat

Feats: Weapon FinesseB

Darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. vermin traits(Ex):

Fungus, Shrieker CR 1 x 3 Always Neutral Medium Plant Init +0 (+0 dex)

AC 8 FF 8 Touch 5 (-5 Dex, +3 natural) HD: 3 HP: 16 (3d8+3) Fort +4 Ref +1 Will -3

Speed 0ft Base Atk +2 Grp +2 Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str -- Dex -- Con 13(+1) Int -- Wis 2(-4) Cha 1(-5)

Shriek(Ex): Movement or a light source within 10 feet of a shrieker causes the fungus to emit a piercing sound that lasts for 1d3 rounds. The sound attracts nearby creatures that are disposed to investigate it. Some creatures that live near shriekers come to learn that the fungus's noise means there is food nearby.

Advancement [3-3(Medium)]

● Hidden Treasure (Search DC 24)

○ 17,000 silver coins (1700 gp) ○ gemstone - deep blue spinel (800 gp) ○ gemstone - banded eye agate (11 gp) ○ gemstone - lapis lazuli (7 gp)


Room #5: Sharrizhar was a devoutly religious thing, and this must have been his shrine to an unspeakable god. A large altar and shrine stand as the central focus here. Hewn in black stone, the shrine is a grotesque squid-like humanoid shape. Dessicated strips of flesh lay on the altar. If the altar or shrine are touched, a flesh golem is summoned.

● Door (west, 6 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (west, 4 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (east, 2 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (west, 2 from north): (secret) down-sliding, pressure-plate trigger ● Door (north, 6 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 5 from west): (secret) side-sliding, magic word trigger ● Door (north, 3 from west): iron, stuck

Golem, Flesh CR 7 Always Neutral Large Construct Init -1 (-1 dex)

AC 18 FF 18 Touch 8 (-1 size, -1 Dex , +10 natural) HD: 10 HP: 85 (10d10+30) Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +3

Speed 30ft Base Atk +7 Grp +16 Attack: Slam +11 2d8+5 Full Attack: 2 Slam +11 2d8+5 Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-lightight vision

Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares)

Abilities Str 21(+5) Dex 9(-1) Con -- Int -- Wis 11(+0) Cha 1(-5)

Berserk (Ex): When a flesh golem enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free and the golem goes berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. The golem’s creator, if within 60 feet, can try to regain control by speaking firmly and persuasively to the golem, which requires a DC 19 Charisma check. It takes 1 minute of inactivity by the golem to reset the golem’s berserk chance to 0%. Immunity to Magic(Ex): A flesh golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below. A magical attack that deals cold or fire damage slows a flesh golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw. A magical attack that deals electricity damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a flesh golem hit by a lightning bolt heals 3 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 11 points of damage. A flesh golem golem gets no saving throw against attacks that deal electricity damage.


Room #6: The “nursery” where Sharizzar would keep young humanoids for slaves and food. ● Door (east, 7 from north): (concealed) wooden, good, stuck, behind rubbish, trapped [trap: floor transforms into acid (CR6) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (east, 1 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 5 from west): wooden, simple, free ● Door (south, 3 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Door (north, 3 from west): wooden, good, locked, trapped [trap: electrified floor (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 1 from west): iron, stuck ● Monsters

Medium Choker (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 4 x2 Usually Chaotic Evil Medium Aberration Init +6 (+2 dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

AC 15 FF 14 Touch 11 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) HD: 7 HP: 38 (7d8+7) Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +6

Speed 20ft, Climb 10ft Base Atk +5 Grp +8 Attack: Tentacle +8 1d4+3 Grapple Attack: Constrict +8 1d4+3 Full Attack: 2 Tentacle +8 1d4+3 Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 16(+3) Dex 14(+2) Con 13(+1) Int 4(-3) Wis 13(+1) Cha 7(-2) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1

Total Feats: 3 + 1Bonus feat

Feats: Improved InitiativeB, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy

Skill Points: 10 Skills: Climb +13, Concentration +2, Jump +5, Spot +6, Swim +5

Darkvision(Su): 60ft Quickness (Su): Although not particularly dexterous, a choker is supernaturally quick. It can take an extra standard action or move action during its turn each round. Improved Grab(Ex): To use this ability, a choker must hit a Large or smaller opponent with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. Chokers receive a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks, which is already included in the statistics block.

Advancement [4-6(Small), 7-12(Medium)]

Treasure ○ 16,800 copper coins (168 gp) ○ potion: levitate (300 gp)

● Features ○ sack ○ mirror ○ tub ○ manger ○


Room #7: The testing area. As Sharrizhar was experimenting with life and death, with altering the flesh, he had to try many experiments. Here is where he would unleash his test subjects to see how the fare in “practical” situations. Basically it is a barren, battle scarred stone blocked room. THereare only the barred exits, and two large, cages on the north and south ends of the room. There are piles of bones in each of the cages. [one holds a monsterous centipede, the other holds a grey render zombie (which will only attack once the cages are opened.]

● Door (east, 11 from north): (concealed) stone, locked, behind tapestry ● Door (west, 11 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (west, 9 from north): iron, stuck ● Door (east, 7 from north): stone, locked ● Door (west, 7 from north): (concealed) false wall, free ● Door (east, 5 from north): wooden, simple, free, magically reinforced ● Door (west, 5 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (west, 3 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (east, 1 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 7 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (north, 7 from west): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (south, 1 from west): wooden, good, free ● Door (north, 1 from west): (concealed) wooden, simple, free, behind tapestry

○ Gargantuan Monstrous Centipede, Medium (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 6 ○ Always Neutral Gargantuan Vermin ○ Init +2 (+2 dex) ○ AC 17 FF 17 Touch 6 ○ (-4 size, +11 natural) ○ HD: 13 ○ HP: 58 (13d8+0) ○ Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +4 ○ Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 40 ft. ○ Base Atk +9 Grp +20 ○ Attack: Bite +7 3d6-1 ○ Full Attack: Bite +7 3d6-1 ○ Space 20 ft. (4 squares) Reach 15 ft. (3 squares) ○ Abilities Str 9(-1) Dex 15(+2) Con 10(+0) Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 2(-4) ○ Total Feats: 0 + 1Bonus feat

○ Feats: Weapon FinesseB

○ Darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. ○ vermin traits(Ex):

Gray Render Zombie CR 6 Always Neutral Evil Large Undead Init -1 (-1 dex)

AC 16 FF 16 Touch 8 (-1 size, -1 Dex , +8 natural) HD: 20 HP: 130 (20d12+0) Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +12

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares; can't run) Base Atk +10 Grp +21 Attack: Bite +16 2d6+7 Full Attack: Bite +16 2d6+7 Full Attack: slam +16 1d8+10 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares)

Abilities Str 25(+7) Dex 8(-1) Con -- Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 1(-5)

Single actions only(Ex): damage reduction(Ex): 5/slashing darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. undead traits(Ex):

● Treasure ○ 5,500 silver coins (550 gp)


Room #8: The zoo. This is where Sharrizhar kept his test subjects prior to sending them off to the test lab. Large cages line the walls, 5 along both the east and western side. He would also keep his prisoners here, if they were not fit for slaves. Bones and debris fill the cages. In the southeast corner is a red half-dragon minotaur zombie, laying inactive, until his cage is opened.

● Door (west, 10 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (west, 6 from north): stone, stuck ● Door (west, 4 from north): wooden, good, stuck ● Door (east, 3 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (west, 2 from north): (concealed) false wall, free ● Door (north, 3 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Monsters

○ Red Half-Dragon Minotaur Zombie CR 6 ○ Always Neutral Evil Large Undead ○ Init -1 (-1 dex) ○ ○ AC 20 FF 20 Touch 8 ○ (-1 size, -1 Dex , +12 natural) ○ HD: 12 ○ HP: 78 (12d12+0) ○ Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +8 ○ ○ Speed 30 ft. (6 squares; can't run) ○ Base Atk +6 Grp +15 ○ Attack: Greataxe +10 3d6+7 ○ Full Attack: Greataxe +10 3d6+7 ○ Full Attack: gore +10 1d8+5 ○ Full Attack: slam +10 1d8+5 ○ Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares) ○ ○ Abilities Str 21(+5) Dex 8(-1) Con -- Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 1(-5) ○ ○ Single actions only(Ex): ○ damage reduction(Ex): 5/slashing ○ darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. ○ undead traits(Ex): ○ Low-light Vision(Ex): ○ Breath Weapon 30ft cone of fire(Su): Reflex save DC 16(+6 HD, +0 Racial, +0 Con, +0 Feat) reduces damage by half. ○ A half-dragon's breath weapon deals 6d8 damage ○ ○ Treasure ○ 200 gold coins (200 gp) ○ scroll (arcane) ○ - summon swarm (l2, cl3) (150 gp)

Room #9: garbage day! a trash midden here is now occupied by two carrion crawlers!

● Door (east, 8 from north): wooden, strong, free, trapped [trap: spell (Tasha's Hideous Laughter) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (east, 4 from north): wooden, strong, locked ● Door (east, 1 from north): (concealed) wooden, strong, stuck, behind tapestry ● Door (west, 1 from north): (concealed) wooden, simple, stuck, behind rubbish ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, good, free ● Door (south, 2 from west): wooden, strong, locked ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Monsters

○ x2 carrion crawlers MM1


Room #10: The chopping block. This room was a gigantic operating table for the Mind flayer. His last test subject is still shackled on the slab here. A gargantuan troglodyte zombie is laid out on the table. If the party has made any noise or had any battles nearby, it has roused from its torpor and has snapped the shackles, waiting for battle.

● Door (west, 10 from north): (concealed) false wall, free ● Door (east, 9 from north): wooden, simple, locked, trapped [trap: spell (Summon Monster VIII) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 6 from north): wooden, strong, locked, trapped [trap: spell (Eyebite) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 4 from north): iron, stuck ● Door (east, 3 from north): wooden, good, stuck, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (60 ft. deep) (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (north, 7 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Door (south, 5 from west): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 1 from west): wooden, good, free ● Monsters

Gargantuan Troglodyte Zombie (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 7 Always Neutral Evil Gargantuan Undead Init -2 (-2 dex)

AC 19 FF 19 Touch 2 (-4 size, -4 Dex , +17 natural) HD: 19 HP: 123 (19d12+0) Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +11

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares; can't run) Base Atk +9 Grp +22 Attack: Greatclub +6 4d8+1 Full Attack: bite +6 2d6+1 Full Attack: slam +6 3d6+1 Full Attack: javelin +3 3d6+1 Space 20 ft. (4 squares) Reach 15 ft. (3 squares)

Abilities Str 12(+1) Dex 7(-2) Con -- Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 1(-5) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 3

Single actions only(Ex): damage reduction(Ex): 5/slashing darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. undead traits(Ex):

○ ● Treasure

○ 320 gold coins (320 gp)


Room #11: Caved in reading room, cracked open to the outside. Just beyond the crags that create the front of the lab entrance is a caved in room. Here, amongst the rubble of a once fine library, a pixie rogue has set up camp. His name is Beefcake, and he is trying to get a good amount of treasure from would-be adventurers and monsters here, so that he can help his struggling pixie camp deeper in the mountains. He will attempt to hide, but if confronted, he will take a defensive attitude. He is not evil.

● Door (east, 1 from north): wooden, simple, stuck, down-sliding ● Door (west, 1 from north): (concealed) wooden, strong, free, behind rubbish, trapped [trap: pit trap (100 ft. deep) (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 4 from west): iron, stuck ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck, trapped [trap: air sucked out of room (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, good, free ● Door (south, 1 from west): iron, locked

Beefcake, Pixie, Rogue 7 CR 7 Always Neutral Good Small Fey Init +6 (+6 dex)

AC 18 FF 12 Touch 17 (+1 size, +6 Dex , +1 natural) HD: 8 HP: 35 (1d6+1, 7d6+7) Fort +3 Ref +13 Will +5

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) Base Atk +5 Grp -1 Attack: Short sword +12 1d4-2 Full Attack: Short sword +12 1d4-2 Full Attack: +1 shortbow +13 1d4 Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 6(-2) Dex 23(+6) Con 13(+1) Int 20(+5) Wis 12(+1) Cha 18(+4) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 2

Total Feats: 3 + 1Bonus feat

Feats: DodgeB, Weapon Finesse, Point blank shot,Rapid Shot

Skill Points: 135 Skills: Appraise +9, Balance +10, Bluff +8, Climb +2, Concentration +5, Craft(Weaponsmithing) +9, Decipher Script +9,Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +9, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +10, Forgery +9, Gather Information +8, Hide +10,Intimidate +8, Jump +2, Knowledge(Local) +9, Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +10, Perform(Comedy, Dance)+8, Profession +5, Ride +10, Search +9, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +5, Swim +2, Tumble +10, Use Magic Device +8, Use Rope +10

Spell-like abilities(Sp): Fortitude save DC 14(+0 Spell Level, +4 Cha) Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-lesser confusion (), dancing lights, detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect law, detect thoughts (), dispel magic, entangle (), permanent image (; visual and auditory elements only), polymorph (self only). Caster level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.One pixie in ten can use irresistible dance (caster level 8th) once per day. Special arrows(Ex): Will save DC 16(+0 HD, +2 Racial, +4 Cha, +0 Feat) Pixies sometimes employ arrows that deal no damage but can erase memory or put a creature to sleep.Memory Loss: An opponent struck by this arrow must succeed on a Will save or lose all memory. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. The subject retains skills, languages, and class abilities but forgets everything else until he or she receives a heal spell or memory restoration with limited wish, wish, or miracle.Sleep: Any opponent struck by this arrow, regardless of Hit Dice, must succeed on a Fortitude save or be affected as though by a sleep spell. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Damage reduction(Ex): 10/cold iron Greater Invisibility (Su): A pixie remains invisible even when it attacks. This ability is constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action. low-light vision(Ex): spell resistance(Ex): 15 Trap Sense(Ex): Evasion(Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion. Uncanny Dodge(Ex): Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. Sneak Attack(Ex): 4d6 damage while sneak attacking.


Room #12: Alchemy Garden. This was once an impressive alchemy garden, with long soil beds and heavy clay pots. Now the soil has lain fallow for centuries and any plants are just dessicated remnants. The whole room is covered in overgrown but dead plant husks. What hides amongst the brambles ?

● Door (west, 9 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (east, 8 from north): wooden, strong, stuck, trapped [trap: floor transforms into acid (CR6) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 7 from north): stone, free ● Door (west, 5 from north): stone, free ● Door (west, 3 from north): stone, stuck, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (100 ft. deep) (CR6) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (east, 1 from north): wooden, good, locked ● Door (west, 1 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 1 from west): wooden, good, stuck ● Monsters

Large Flame-Spawned Skum (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 4 Usually Lawful Evil Large Fire Elemental Init +1 (+1 dex)

AC 16 FF 15 Touch 10 (-1 size, +1 Dex , +6 natural) HD: 5 HP: 27 (5d8+5) Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +4

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 40 ft. Base Atk +3 Grp +11 Attack: Bite +6 3d6+4 Full Attack: Bite +6 3d6+4, 2 claws +1 1d6+2 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 19(+4) Dex 13(+1) Con 13(+1) Int 10(+0) Wis 10(+0) Cha 6(-2) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1

Total Feats: 2 Feats: Alertness

Skill Points: 16 Skills: Climb +8, Concentration +3, Hide +4, Jump +8, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Swim +11

Darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. amphibious(Ex): Damage Reduction(Su): 5/magic Immunity to Fire(Ex): Immunity to Fire Vulnerability to Cold(Ex): Creatures vulnerable to cold take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from cold, regardless of whether the saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure. Burn(Ex): Reflex save DC 13(+2 HD, +0 Racial, +1 Con, +0 Feat) This creature deals 1d8 fire damage with any natural attack. Those hit must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame. Creatures hitting a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage the same as if being hit by the burning creature as above. Fiery Aura(Ex): Fortitude save DC 13(+2 HD, +0 Racial, +1 Con, +0 Feat) Anyone within 5 feet of a creature with fiery aura must succeed on a Fortitude save or take heat damage each round from the intense heat. The amount of damage equals the fire damage dealt by the creature's natural attack.

Medium Choker (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 4 Usually Chaotic Evil Medium Aberration Init +6 (+2 dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

AC 15 FF 14 Touch 11 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) HD: 7 HP: 38 (7d8+7) Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +6

Speed 20ft, Climb 10ft Base Atk +5 Grp +8 Attack: Tentacle +8 1d4+3 Grapple Attack: Constrict +8 1d4+3 Full Attack: 2 Tentacle +8 1d4+3 Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 16(+3) Dex 14(+2) Con 13(+1) Int 4(-3) Wis 13(+1) Cha 7(-2) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1

Total Feats: 3 + 1Bonus feat

Feats: Improved InitiativeB, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy

Skill Points: 10 Skills: Climb +13, Concentration +2, Jump +5, Sense Motive +6, Swim +5

Darkvision(Su): 60ft Quickness (Su): Although not particularly dexterous, a choker is supernaturally quick. It can take an extra standard action or move action during its turn each round. Improved Grab(Ex): To use this ability, a choker must hit a Large or smaller opponent with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. Chokers receive a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks, which is already included in the statistics block.

Advancement [4-6(Small), 7-12(Medium)] COIN 763 gold coins (763 gp) SCROLL arcane (50 gp) Feather Fall (l1, cl1) Grease (l1, cl1) WONDROUS ITEM bag of tricks (gray) (900 gp)


Room #13: The pools/bathroom- murky tubs ● Door (east, 2 from north): iron, locked ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (north, 4 from west): (concealed) iron, locked, behind rubbish ● Door (south, 3 from west): wooden, simple, free, trapped [trap: electrified floor (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)]

Requested EL: 6, Actual Total CR: 6.0

Minotaur Zombie CR 4 Always Neutral Evil Large Undead Init -1 (-1 dex)

AC 16 FF 16 Touch 8 (-1 size, -1 Dex , +8 natural) HD: 12 HP: 78 (12d12+0) Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +8

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares; can't run) Base Atk +6 Grp +15 Attack: Greataxe +10 3d6+7 Full Attack: Greataxe +10 3d6+7 Full Attack: gore +10 1d8+5 Full Attack: slam +10 1d8+5 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares)

Abilities Str 21(+5) Dex 8(-1) Con -- Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 1(-5)

Single actions only(Ex): damage reduction(Ex): 5/slashing darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. undead traits(Ex):

Advancement [12-12(Large)]

Minotaur Zombie CR 4 Always Neutral Evil Large Undead Init -1 (-1 dex)

AC 16 FF 16 Touch 8 (-1 size, -1 Dex , +8 natural) HD: 12 HP: 78 (12d12+0) Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +8

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares; can't run) Base Atk +6 Grp +15 Attack: Greataxe +10 3d6+7 Full Attack: Greataxe +10 3d6+7 Full Attack: gore +10 1d8+5 Full Attack: slam +10 1d8+5 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 10

ft. (2 squares)

Abilities Str 21(+5) Dex 8(-1) Con -- Int -- Wis 10(+0) Cha 1(-5)

Single actions only(Ex): damage reduction(Ex): 5/slashing darkvision(Ex): 60 ft. undead traits(Ex):

Advancement [12-12(Large)]

○ ● Treasure

○ 1,200 gold coins (1200 gp) ○ potion: hiding (150 gp) ○ wand of darkness (8 charges) (4500 gp) ○ sovereign glue (2400 gp) ○ +1 light crossbow (2335 gp) ○ potion: speak with animals (300 gp)


Room #14: The Gallery - Sharrizhar was a self proclaimed intellectual, and had an appreciation for fine “art”. This is his gallery. A series of 12 paintings line the walls, each depicting a stranger and more grotesque scene of mind flayers preying and feeding upon humanoid brains. The centerpiece is a large marble statue of an elder brain. Thankfully, it is not an actual elder brain. There is a small hidden cache of items hidden in the statue that Sharrizhar would use to entertain or dismember his “guests”, or stash away their belongings.

● Door (east, 10 from north): stone, locked ● Door (west, 8 from north): stone, free ● Door (east, 6 from north): wooden, good, free, down-sliding ● Door (east, 2 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, simple, locked, up-sliding ● Door (south, 6 from west): (secret) rotating wall, gesture trigger ● Door (south, 2 from west): stone, locked, trapped [trap Fusillade of SpearsCR 6; mechanical; proximity trigger; repair reset; Atk +21 ranged (1d8,

spear); multiple targets (1d6 spears per target in a 10 ft.-by-10-ft. area); Search DC 26; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 31,200 gp. ● Door (north, 1 from west): wooden, good, free ● Hidden Treasure (Search DC 24)

○ 60 platinum coins (600 gp) ○ 400 gold coins (400 gp) ○ Piercer cloak M118 ○ mysterious key shaped like a brain.(x3 needed to get into main lab.)

Room #15: The Hub- this room was an end-point for various teleportation devices that the illithid had scattered accross the lands. The floor has 5 blue-purple discs on the ground. Each one was connected to another starting teleportation slab. They do not send things out, and are meand for a quick influx of fresh meat for the mad mindflayer. Before the party can investigate, they must contend with a little problem that teleported here from one of the other slabs.

● Door (west, 8 from north): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (east, 5 from north): wooden, strong, stuck, side-sliding, trapped [trap: flooding room trap (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 4 from north): wooden, good, free, trapped [trap: globe of cold (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (north, 5 from west): wooden, strong, free, trapped [trap: spell (Summon Monster III) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Monsters

Spellwarped Hydra, 7-headed CR 7 Usually Neutral Evil Huge Aberration Init +1 (+1 dex)

AC 20 FF 18 Touch 10 (-2 size, +2 Dex , +10 natural) HD: 7 HP: 69 (7d10+38) Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +4

Speed 20ft, swim 20ft Base Atk +7 Grp +19 Attack: 7 Bites +10 1d10+4 Full Attack: 7 Bites +10 1d10+4 Space 15 ft. (3 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares)

Abilities Str 19(+4) Dex 12(+1) Con 20(+5) Int 2(-4) Wis 10(+0) Cha 9(-1)

Total Feats: 3 + 1Bonus feat

Feats: Combat ReflexesB, Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Bite)

Skill Points: 10 Skills: Appraise -2, Balance +2, Climb +6, Concentration +7, Craft(All) -2, Decipher Script -2, Disable Device -2, Escape Artist +2, Forgery -2, Hide +2, Jump +6, Knowledge(Arcana) -2, Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) -2,Knowledge(Dungeoneering) -2, Knowledge(Geography) -2, Knowledge(History) -2, Knowledge(Local) -2,Knowledge(Nature) -2, Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty) -2, Knowledge(Religion) -2, Knowledge(The Planes) -2, Move Silently +2, Open Lock +2, Ride +2, Search -2, Sleight of Hand +2, Spellcraft -2, Spot +5, Swim +6, Tumble +2, Use Rope +2

Darkvision(Ex): 60ft Scent(Ex): Scent lets a creature detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Fast Healing(Ex): 17 Spell Absorption(Su): Whenever a spell fails to penetrate a spellwarped creature's spell resistance, the creature gains one of the following benefits, chosen at the time that the spell resolves.


Might: The spellwarped creature gains +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute. Agility: The spellwarped creature gains +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute. Endurance: The spellwarped creature gains +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute. Life: The spellwarped creature gains temporary hit points equal to 5X the level of the failed spell. Speed: The spellwarped creature's base speed increases by a number of feat equal to 5X the level of the failed spell. Resistance: The spellwarped creature gains resistance 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). Spell Resistance(Ex): 18

● Treasure (in a pouch on the ground, dropped by the hapless adventurer that came here with the hydra) ○ 80 gold coins (80 gp) ○ gemstone - onyx (50 gp)

Room #16: The Recycling bin- In this room are various wooden, stone, and clay things that were once affixed to metal. Like sword handles, armor decorations, etc. In a stone grate on the floor is a large rust monster, that was used to discard unwanted metals. It is hungry. It cannot reach the party, but there is a large lever at the edge of the grate that will slide it open when used. It will only attack anything that comes down into the darkness, and it is beneath a protective lip out of sight until you get down there.

● Door (east, 3 from north): (concealed) wooden, simple, free, behind tapestry ● Door (west, 3 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (east, 1 from north): wooden, good, stuck ● Door (west, 1 from north): wooden, simple, locked, up-sliding, trapped [trap: spell (Fear) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 1 from west): wooden, simple, free ● Large Rust Monster (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 6 ● Always Neutral Large Aberration ● Init +3 (+3 dex) ● ● AC 18 FF 16 Touch 11 ● (-1 size, +2 Dex , +7 natural) ● HD: 15 ● HP: 82 (15d8+15) ● Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +10 ● ● Speed 40ft ● Base Atk +11 Grp +15 ● Attack: Antennae touch +10 ● Full Attack: Antennae touch +10 , Bite +5 1d4+0 ● Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares) ● ● Abilities Str 10(+0) Dex 17(+3) Con 13(+1) Int 2(-4) Wis 13(+1) Cha 8(-1) ● Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 2 ● ● Skill Points: 18 ● Skills: Climb +4, Concentration +3, Jump +4, Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim +4 ● ● Rust(Ex): Reflex save DC 22(+7 HD, +4 Racial, +1 Con, +0 Feat) avoids ● Rust ● ● Advancement [6-8(Medium), 9-15(Large)] ●


Room #17: The Shaper- This room is very plain. It is a packed dirt floor with a 40 foot crystal circle in the center. There is an empty wooden bucket. At the northern end of the room, 20 feet up, is a balcony(climb DC 25). Atop the balcony is a pedestal with 5 stones. When pressed, the stones will temporarily change the size of any creature/s in the circle (Sharrizhar had a potion to make this effect permanent, otherwise it lasts 1d6 hours). The stones from left to right are small, medium, large, huge, and gargantuan. Shabazz’s lackey, the gnome, had led his donkey here, and tampered with the stones. There was a bucket of potion left on the ground. when the donkey grew, he left and locked the door, hoping to never return.

● Door (east, 14 from north): stone, stuck, up-sliding ● Door (west, 14 from north): wooden, good, stuck ● Door (east, 12 from north): wooden, good, locked ● Door (east, 10 from north): (concealed) wooden, good, locked, behind rubbish, trapped [trap: spell (Temporal Stasis) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 9 from north): wooden, strong, free ● Door (east, 8 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (east, 6 from north): wooden, simple, locked, trapped [trap: air sucked out of room (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (east, 2 from north): wooden, strong, free ● Door (south, 8 from west): (concealed) wooden, simple, locked, behind rubbish ● Door (north, 8 from west): wooden, good, locked, trapped [trap: falling block trap (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 3 from west): stone, locked ● Monsters

Gargantuan Donkey (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 7 Always Neutral Gargantuan Animal Init -1 (-1 dex) AC 16 FF 16 Touch 5 (-4 size, -1 Dex , +11 natural) HD: 14 HP: 161 (14d8+98) Fort +16 Ref +8 Will +4 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Base Atk +10 Grp +34 Attack: Bite +18 1d6+12 Full Attack: Bite +18 1d6+12 Space 20 ft. (4 squares) Reach 15 ft. (3 squares) Abilities Str 34(+12) Dex 9(-1) Con 24(+7) Int 2(-4) Wis 11(+0) Cha 4(-3) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 3 Total Feats: 5 Feats: Endurance, Endurance Skill Points: 17 Skills: Balance +4, Listen +5, Spot +5 Low-light vision(Ex): Scent(Ex):

○ Treasure ○ 560 gold coins (560 gp)

Room #18: The Fountain- a huge black fountain is here, full of stagnant water. The fountain is shaped

● Door (west, 9 from north): iron, stuck ● Door (west, 6 from north): stone, free ● Door (east, 3 from north): wooden, good, locked ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (north, 5 from west): wooden, simple, free ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 2 from west): wooden, good, locked ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, simple, free ● Hidden Treasure (Search DC 24) (the fountain has a hiddend cache. Once located, opening the chest sets off the trap)

○ 100 gold coins (100 gp) ○ gemstone - alexandrite (300 gp) ○ gemstone - pink pearl (130 gp) ○ gemstone - red-brown spinel (90 gp) ○ gemstone - obsidian (8 gp) ○ potion: lesser restoration (300 gp)

● Trap ○ flooding room trap (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)


Room #19: The reflecting pools. There is a lont reflecting pools here, with a crystaline chandelier carved to appear as a tentacled face. [there is a huge squid hiding in the pools, pcs must make an 18 spot check to see it] at the bottom of the pools is treasure, if they can reach it.

● Door (east, 6 from north): wooden, good, locked, trapped [trap: flooding room trap (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 6 from north): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (north, 3 from west): stone, locked ● Door (south, 2 from west): iron, stuck

Dire Squid (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 8 Always Neutral Gargantuan Dire Animal ([Aquatic]) Init +2 (+2 dex) AC 22 FF 20 Touch 8 (-4 size, +2 Dex , +14 natural) HD: 11 HP: 126 (11d8+77) Fort +14 Ref +9 Will +8 Speed Swim 60 ft. (12 squares) Base Atk +8 Grp +36 Attack: Arm +20 Full Attack: Arms +20 , bite +15 1d6+8 Space 20 ft. (4 squares) Reach 15 ft. (3 squares) Abilities Str 42(+16) Dex 15(+2) Con 25(+7) Int 1(-5) Wis 12(+1) Cha 2(-4) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 2 Total Feats: 4 Feats: Alertness, Endurance Skill Points: 14 Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +20 Improved grab(Ex): Ink cloud(Ex): jet(Ex): low-light vision(Ex):

Treasure- 4,250 silver coins (425 gp) ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp) Wand of Invisibility (l2, cl3) (15 charges) (450 gp) Gary, the +1 Scimitar (14,330 gp) Int: 18 (4) Wis: 13 (1) Cha: 12 (1) Ego: 17 Communication: speech and telepathy Reading: all languages, and can read magic Alignment: neutral good Languages: common terran druidic dwarven elven Skills: listen +10 'deathwatch' continually active 'zone of truth' (3 per day) deeper darkness (1 per day) 'gust of wind (3 per day) Development- Gary, the scimitar knows that the party will need the 3 brain keys to get into the central lab, and knows about the relic. He once belonged to a man named Chuck the Infuriable, who lead the raid five hundred years ago to slay the mind flayer. His master was slain by the squid, and he has laid here since. If asked, he can tell them the true nature of the relic, which will of course, raise questions for Cutter.


Room #20: Sharrizhar’s quarters- This was once a regal and pristine sleeping chamber. A large bed-slab dominates the northwestern corner. All of the remaining fabrics are tattered and worthless, rotted with the ages. A tall and wide writing desk occupies the western wall. Tattered and indecipherable writings are strewn about. [the desk has a hidden drawer, search DC 24, with a brain key] There is also a wardrobe here, that when opened unleashes a surprise...

● Door (east, 10 from north): (concealed) wooden, strong, stuck, behind rubbish ● Door (east, 8 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (east, 6 from north): stone, locked, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (100 ft. deep) (CR6) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (east, 4 from north): iron, locked ● Door (east, 2 from north): (secret) down-sliding, pressure-plate trigger ● Door (west, 1 from north): stone, stuck, up-sliding ● Door (south, 6 from west): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (north, 6 from west): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 3 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Monsters

Raggamoffyn,_Common Medium Construct Hit Dice: 3d10+20 (36 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (clumsy) AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4 Attack: Slam +4 melee Full Attack: Slam +4 melee Damage: Slam 1d6+3 Space: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Qualities: Construct traits Special Attacks: Control host, improved grab, suffocate, wrap Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 17 Skills: Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Feats: Dodge; Stealthy Climate/Terrain: Any Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3-4) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral


● Treasure ○ 30,000 copper coins (300 gp) ○ gemstone - deep green spinel (90 gp) ○ gemstone - hematite (8 gp)

Room #21:the supply room- This room was overlooked in the initial raid. At first glance it looks like a normal supply room, with rotted linens and moldy mop buckets. A futher search could reveal something more...a search check [dc30] will reveal a Burning veil M211.

● Door (east, 2 from north): stone, locked ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 3 from west): (concealed) illusory wall ● Door (north, 1 from west): wooden, simple, locked

Room #22: The Riddle - ? There is a statue here of a face on a box. The face has it’s lips pursed. on the opposite side from the face is a riddle written in common- Multiplies; but never breeds, Uses air; but never breathes.

Consumes much; will never eat, Often measured by its heat. The answer is fire. The PCs need to put the twine in the statue, and light it on fire. The box will open to reveal a brain key.

● Door (east, 10 from north): iron, stuck ● Door (west, 10 from north): wooden, strong, free, trapped [trap: electrified floor (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (east, 6 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (west, 6 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (east, 4 from north): wooden, strong, stuck, trapped [trap: air sucked out of room (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 4 from north): wooden, simple, free, magically reinforced ● Door (east, 2 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, good, free, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (60 ft. deep) (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, simple, free ● Door (south, 1 from west): wooden, good, locked, down-sliding


Room #23: The mysterious twine chest. The chest is not trapped. the twine is non-magical. This room is a decoy. ● Door (east, 8 from north): iron, free ● Door (west, 8 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (east, 6 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (east, 4 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (east, 2 from north): stone, free, trapped [trap: spell (Hold Monster) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 2 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, good, stuck

Room #24: The lackey - the stone room- all of the mind-flayer’s stone furnishings were done here with a slave that could summon rock. The rubble and remains are worthless.

● Door (west, 4 from north): (secret) rotating wall, push-brick trigger ● Door (east, 3 from north): stone, locked ● Door (north, 2 from west): iron, locked ● Door (south, 1 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Monsters

○ Laucivis, White Half-Dragon Gnome, Cleric 2, Wizard 1 CR 5 ○ Usually Neutral Good Small Dragon ○ Init -1 (-1 dex) ○ ○ AC 14 FF 14 Touch 10 ○ (+1 size, -1 Dex , +4 natural) ○ HD: 3 ○ HP: 23 (2d8+8, 1d4+4) ○ Fort +7 Ref -1 Will +6 ○ ○ Speed 20ft ○ Base Atk +1 Grp +2 ○ Attack: Longsword +7 1d6+5 (19-20/x2) ○ Attack: Short bow +1 1d4+0 ○ Full Attack: Longsword +7 1d6+5 (19-20/x2) ○ Full Attack: Short bow +1 1d4+0 ○ Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares) ○ ○ Abilities Str 20(+5) Dex 8(-1) Con 19(+4) Int 12(+1) Wis 13(+1) Cha 14(+2) ○ ○ Skill Points: 9 ○ Skills: Concentration +5, Craft(Armorsmithing) +2, Craft(Alchemy) +3, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +3, Heal +2, Hide+0,

Knowledge(Nature) +2, Knowledge(Religion) +2, Listen +4 ○ ○ Lowlight vision(Ex): 60ft ○ Resistance to Illusion(Ex): +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions. ○ Racial Enemy Attack Bonus(Ex): +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins, and

bugbears) ○ Racial Enemy Dodge Bonus(Ex): +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants). ○ Speak With Animals(Sp): As the spell but burrowing mammals only, duration 1 minute ○ Dancing Lights(Sp): As the spell. Caster Level 1. ○ Ghost Sound(Sp): Will save DC 12(+0 Spell Level, +2 Cha) ○ As the spell. Caster Level 1. ○ Prestidigitation(Sp): As the spell. Caster Level 1. ○ Darkvision(Su): 60ft ○ Low-light Vision(Ex): ○ Breath Weapon 30ft cone of cold(Su): Reflex save DC 14(+0 HD, +0 Racial, +4 Con, +0 Feat) reduces damage by half. ○ A half-dragon's breath weapon deals 6d8 damage ○

● Treasure ○ 240 gold coins (240 gp) ○ gemstone - lapis lazuli (10 gp)


Room #25: The Laboratory and the Relic (big boss fight) Shabazz is here, in the ancient laboratory. The whole place has been smashed up, and none of the remaining equipment looks useable. He is no fool, and will seek to escape with his life. He knows that if the party has made it this far, they have gotten past his minions and the dungeon traps. He does not want to fight. He can get another relic. If trapped, he will fight, but only if talking or bribing his way out are not viable. Once he is dealt with the party is free to find the remaining portion of the relic. It is a 3 foot tall stone pedistal with a recess for a sphere. Shabazz has piece number one. The other two are not here, Cutter will know where the other two are.

● Door (west, 11 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (east, 9 from north): wooden, good, stuck ● Door (west, 8 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (east, 6 from north): stone, stuck ● Door (west, 5 from north): (secret) rotating wall, magic word trigger ● Door (east, 1 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (west, 1 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 6 from west): wooden, strong, stuck, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (60 ft. deep) (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (north, 6 from west): wooden, strong, free ● Door (north, 4 from west): stone, locked ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, good, stuck ● Features

○ claw marks ○ bones (humanoid) ○ equipment (usable) ○ loom ○ oven


Room #26: The garbage dump- this is where the mind flayers put their garbage, but after years of neglect, the garbage disposal has gotten out of hand...

● Door (west, 8 from north): wooden, good, stuck ● Door (east, 6 from north): (concealed) illusory wall ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (north, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 2 from west): stone, free, trapped [trap: electrified floor (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)]

Huge Gelatinous Cube (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 6 Always Neutral Huge Ooze Init -5 (-5 dex)

AC 6 FF 6 Touch 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex , +3 natural) HD: 13 HP: 175 (13d10+104) Fort +12 Ref -1 Will -1

Speed 15ft Base Atk +9 Grp +17 Attack: Slam +7 1d8+0 Full Attack: Slam +7 1d8+0 Space 15 ft. (3 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares)

Abilities Str 10(+0) Dex 1(-5) Con 26(+8) Int -- Wis 1(-5) Cha 1(-5) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 2

Engulf(Ex): Reflex save DC 17(+6 HD, +1 Racial, +0 Str, +0 Feat) avoids Although it moves slowly, a gelatinous cube can simply mow down Large or smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent's choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube's paralysis and acid, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. Paralysis(Ex): Fortitude save DC 24(+6 HD, +0 Racial, +8 Con, +0 Feat) avoids A gelatinous cube secretes an anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cube's melee or engulf attack can be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent. Transparent(Ex): Gelatinous cubes are hard to see, even under ideal conditions, and it takes a DC 15 Spot check to notice one. Creatures who fail to notice a cube and walk into it are automatically engulfed.

● Treasure 1200 gold coins (1200 gp); Holy water (4) (100 gp) Room #27: a bored dragon. Munchie, the wyrmling blue dragon, is waiting for his master to get the relic, and sits here playing solitaire.

● Door (east, 13 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (east, 10 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (west, 9 from north): wooden, strong, free, up-sliding ● Door (east, 8 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (west, 6 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (east, 5 from north): wooden, strong, stuck ● Door (west, 4 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (east, 2 from north): stone, locked, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (60 ft. deep) (CR4) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 2 from north): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 6 from west): wooden, simple, stuck, trapped [trap: spell (Reduce) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (north, 5 from west): wooden, simple, locked ● Door (south, 4 from west): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (south, 1 from west): stone, stuck


Red Dragon, Wyrmling, Druid 1 CR 5 Always Chaotic Evil Medium Dragon ([Fire]) Init +3 (-1 dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

AC 15 FF 15 Touch 9 (-1 Dex, +6 natural) HD: 8 HP: 73 (7d12+21, 1d8+3) Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +9

Speed 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) Base Atk +7 Grp +11 Attack: Bite +11 1d8+4 Full Attack: Bite +11 1d8+4, 2 Claws +6 1d6+2, 2 Wings +6 1d4+2 Space 5 ft. (1 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares)

Abilities Str 18(+4) Dex 8(-1) Con 17(+3) Int 10(+0) Wis 15(+2) Cha 14(+2) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1

Total Feats: 3 Feats: Alertness, Hover, Improved Initiative

Skill Points: 64 Skills: Appraise +2, Bluff +4, Concentration +5, Craft(Bowmaking, Weaponsmithing) +2, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist+1, Handle Animal +4, Heal +4, Intimidate

+4, Jump +6, Knowledge(Nature) +2, Listen +4, Profession +4, Ride +1,Search +2, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +2, Spot +4, Survival +4, Swim +6, Use Magic Device +4

Blindsense(Ex): 60 ft. darkvision(Ex): 120 ft. immunity to fire(Ex): immunity to sleep and paralysis(Ex): keen senses(Ex): vulnerability to cold(Ex): Breath Weapon(Su): Reflex save DC 16(+3 HD, +0 Racial, +3 Con, +0 Feat) 30 ft. Cone of fire - 2d10 damage

● Features ○ scattered stones ○ foodstuffs (spoiled) ○ cards (playing cards) ○ pillar ○ shrine


Room #28: Mini Boss- Barry. This room is a broken astronomy sphere, an attempt to create a large scale model of the heavens. Many of the gears have fallen, and only a central pillar remains. The hill giant lackey has been posted here to make sure that no one disturbs Shabazz. If there was combat in adjacent rooms he has readied a greatclub attack for the first thing to enter any door besides the one leading to the lab.

● Door (east, 13 from north): wooden, strong, free, trapped [trap: spell (Binding) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (west, 12 from north): (concealed) false wall, free ● Door (east, 11 from north): (secret) passwall, gesture trigger ● Door (east, 9 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (east, 7 from north): wooden, simple, stuck ● Door (west, 5 from north): wooden, simple, free ● Door (east, 3 from north): wooden, good, free ● Door (west, 1 from north): iron, stuck ● Door (south, 8 from west): stone, stuck ● Door (north, 8 from west): wooden, strong, locked, up-sliding ● Door (south, 5 from west): iron, free, trapped [trap: flooding room trap (CR5) (Find/Disable DC 24)] ● Door (north, 2 from west): wooden, good, locked ● Monsters

Barry, the Hill Giant (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 8 Often Chaotic Evil Large Giant Init -1 (-1 dex) AC 17 FF 17 Touch 8 (-1 size, -1 Dex , +9 natural) HD: 16 HP: 136 (16d8+64) Fort +14 Ref +4 Will +5 Speed 40ft Base Atk +12 Grp +23 Attack: Great Club +18 2d8+10 Attack: Slam +18 1d4+7 Attack: Rock +10 2d6+7 Full Attack: Great Club +18/+13/+8 2d8+10 Full Attack: 2 Slams +18 1d4+7 Full Attack: Rock +10 2d6+7 Space 10 ft. (2 squares) Reach 5 ft. (1 squares) Abilities Str 25(+7) Dex 8(-1) Con 19(+4) Int 6(-2) Wis 10(+0) Cha 7(-2) Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 1 Total Feats: 6 Skill Points: 19 Skills: Spot +9 Rock Throwing(Ex): The range increment is 120ft for a hill giant's thrown rocks Rock Catching(Su): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt. Low-light vision(Ex): Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-light vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.

● Treasure ○ 100 gold coins (100 gp) ○ +1 light-emitting greatsword (2350 gp)


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